University of South Carolina TRIO Programs
1400 Wheat Street
Tel 803/777-5125
Fax 803/777-7380
FY 2015
The Advisory Board for the USC TRIO Programs is to provide TRIO faculty
and staff with important connections within the Richland County community
and on the USC campus.
Welcome and Overview of Meeting _________________________________________________ 1
Role of the Advisory Board ............................................................................................................................. 1
Introductions ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Recognition of Retiring Members ................................................................................................................... 2
Program Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 3
The Opportunity Scholars Program ........................................................................................................... 3
The Gamecock Guarantee ............................................................................................................................ 3
Educational Talent Search............................................................................................................................ 3
Educational Opportunity Center ................................................................................................................ 3
Upward Bound Program ............................................................................................................................. 4
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program ............................................................... 4
Welcome and Overview of Meeting
To advise the director on matters relating to programs and program operations.
To provide the staff with feedback on community needs.
To assist the director with program evaluation activities.
To provide advice to the staff on meeting the needs of TRIO-eligible clients.
To provide the programs with a higher profile in the education community.
To provide contacts for program and resource development.
To provide feedback on possible new activities and directions for the programs.
To assist the staff in attracting resources for program development.
To attend program functions to support the achievement of participants.
USC TRIO Advisory Board Members
The Honorable Melinda Anderson
9504 Highgate Road
Columbia, SC 29223
Ms. Henrietta Baskins
Community Relations Council
PO Box 7277
Columbia SC 29201
Rev. Aaron R. E. Bishop
Grace Christian Church
5010 Monticello Road
Columbia, SC 29203
Mr. James T. McLawhorn, Executive Director
Columbia Urban League
1400 Barnwell Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Ms. Shirley Mills-Bannister
USC Office of the President
USC Campus Mail
Ms. Julie Morris, Director
USC Undergraduate Research
USC Campus Mail
Ms. Deborah Boone, PASS Project
Richland One McKinney-Vento Coordinator
1310 Lyon Street
Columbia, SC 29204
Dr. Tiffany Richardson, Esq.
General Counsel and Director of Policy and Legal Services
South Carolina School Boards Association
111 Research Drive
Columbia, SC 29203
Mr. Steve Knight, Administrator
Midlands Workforce Development Board
100 Executive Center, Suite 218
Columbia, SC 29210
The Honorable Dr. Jasper Salmond, (Ret.)
Richland School District One School Board
1616 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Mr. Baron Davis, Assistant Superintendent
Richland School District Two
6831 Brookfield Road
Columbia, SC 29206
Mr. Gilbert Walker, Executive Director
Columbia Housing Authority
1917 Harden Street
Columbia, SC 29204
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USC TRIO Advisory Board Members
Mr. Joey Derrick, Director
USC Student Financial Aid & Scholarships
USC Campus Mail
Judge Mildred Weathers-McDuffie
PO Box 50474
Columbia, SC 29250
Dr. John Dozier
USC Office of Diversity and Inclusion
USC Campus Mail
Dr. Craig Witherspoon, Superintendent
Richland School District One
1616 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Dr. Dorothy Gallman, Director of Guidance
Richland School District One
621 Bluff Road
Columbia, SC 29201
Dr. Karen Woodfaulk, Director of Student Services
SC Commission on Higher Education
1333 Main Street, Suite 200
Columbia, SC 29201
Mr. Bobby Gist
USC Equal Opportunity Programs
USC Campus Mail
Mr. Scott Verzyl,
USC Associate Vice-President for Enrollment Manager
USC Campus Mail
Dr. Jamil Khan, Engineering Department Chair
University of South Carolina
300 Main Street, Room #A-218
Dr. Elliott Vittes
Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer
Palmetto College
1600 Hampton Street Ste. 404
Columbia SC 29208
Dr. Nichole Knutson, Director
USC Retention Services
USC Campus Mail
Ms. Kimberly Butler-Willis- A graduate of the University of South Carolina receiving her bachelor’s
and master’s in Public Health, Ms. Butler-Willis has a long history with TRIO Programs as a student in
the USC Opportunity Scholars Program. She currently works as the Director of the Ryan White HIV
Clinic at Roper St. Francis Hospital.
Dr. Roosevelt Garrick – Dr. Garrick is the Chief Human Resources Officer for Richland School District
Two. He joined Richland District Two in 1979 as a teacher and coach at Spring Valley high School. He is
completing his 35th year in the Northeast Richland County school district. He received his bachelor’s
degree in Education from SC State University and a master’s in Educational Administration from the
University of South Carolina.
Ms. Violette Hunter – Ms. Hunter is a recent retiree from the University of South Carolina where she
served for over 30 years with the TRIO Programs. Ms. Hunter earned her bachelor’s from USC and
worked most recently as Coordinator of the Educational Opportunity Center and established that
program as a principal service for adults seeking to earn entry into postsecondary education.
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The Opportunity Scholars Program
The Opportunity Scholars Program (OSP) has a forty-three-year history that includes cooperative
arrangements with the Admissions and Financial Aid offices, state financial support for faculty and
activities, partnerships with various academic departments and student services offices, and targeted
scholarship opportunities for its participants. The structure of the program allows TRIO-eligible
freshmen to initiate their college experience within an intentional learning community. Consisting of
general education courses, high-impact services, cultural enrichment, and academic guidance by a
team of instructors and counselors, the OSP provides a small college environment specifically tailored
to the needs of first-generation college students.
The Gamecock Guarantee
The University of South Carolina’s Gamecock Guarantee is a need-based financial aid award that
provides support to qualified students accepted for enrollment at the University’s Columbia
campus. The award provides a minimum grant of $2,500 and the promise that, if this amount and the
total of other grants and scholarships in the student’s financial aid package do not meet the cost of
Undergraduate tuition and technology fees, the Gamecock Guarantee will increase its support to cover
the difference. The University initiated the Gamecock Guarantee in the fall of 2008 to expand access to
the University by South Carolina residents with high financial need.
Educational Talent Search
The Educational Talent Search Program serves students from eighth grade through college enrollment.
Talent Search College Advisors work with students and their parents to encourage them to consider
college, to ensure that they are enrolled in college preparatory high school courses, and to assist them
in completing admissions and financial aid applications. The Program works with six high schools
and six middle schools in Richland County. It serves over 900 students each year with grade specific
services that help them prepare for college. Students also participate in services and activities
designed to encourage their interest in higher education, including cultural enrichment activities,
college visits, and etiquette training for 8th grade students.
Educational Opportunity Center
The University of South Carolina’s Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) is a guidance and
information service for adults who wish to re-enter the educational system to complete secondary
school requirements and pursue college degrees. The EOC serves at least 1,600 adults each year by
collaborating with other agencies and organizations that serve poor and working class adults and families. At least two-thirds of all participants must be both low-income and potential first-generation
college students. The goal of the project is to increase the college attendance rates among TRIO-eligible
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Upward Bound Program
USC has sponsored Upward Bound since 1966. The program provides intensive academic and
personal support designed to motivate and prepare eligible students for college. Upward Bound
serves at least 110 students from four high schools in Richland School District One. The Upward
Bound project seeks to accomplish its goal in large part by helping students to take advantage of the
education provided by each high school. A Memorandum of Understanding establishes a cooperative
working relationship with target schools.
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program
The Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program provides research opportunities and
other program services that help prepare TRIO-eligible students for doctoral studies. The goal of the
Program is to increase the number of Ph.D. recipients among TRIO-eligible students. USC selects 27
students each year for participation in the program. Students enroll during the spring, participate in a
summer research activities, and, during the academic year, continue research projects and complete
requirements for graduate school enrollment.
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