Document 14129604

justice for many Americans. By making
its work available to all participants
in legal decision-making processes,
the LLT Lab aims to increase the
transparency, accuracy, efficiency, and
accessibility of such decision making.
Legal Reasoning and the Need
for Empirical Research
Law is a pragmatic profession. Judges
and regulators always balance two
different types of objectives: the
epistemic objective of producing
findings of fact that are as accurate
as possible and warranted by the
evidence available, and non-epistemic
objectives such as procedural fairness to
parties, administrative efficiency, and
specific substantive objectives (such as
protecting public health from unsafe
food). In addition, judges and regulators
must make important decisions in real
time, based on incomplete evidence.
The reasoning structures they employ
have evolved to serve this pragmatic
orientation. Legal reasoning tends
to be dynamic and probabilistic in
nature, efficiently arriving at plausible
conclusions, but those conclusions are
subject to revision if new evidence
arises or old evidence needs reanalysis.
These characteristics make legal
reasoning a leading example of what
logicians call “default reasoning.”
The pragmatic nature of legal reasoning
requires empirical research into how
such competing values are being
balanced in different legal contexts.
Trying to solve legal problems under
the rule of law creates reasoning
patterns that are effective in solving
such problems. Each particular area of
law evolves new concepts and modes of
reasoning tailored to achieving its own
balance of objectives. Only empirical
research into the reasoning of actual
decisions can discover what factfinders
in different areas find plausible, and
how those factfinders evaluate nonexpert and expert evidence to reach
their conclusions or findings.
Aspects of a New Research
The LLT Lab: Scientific Research
at Hofstra Law School
Vern R. Walker, Professor of Law and Director of the Research Laboratory for Law, Logic and Technology, Hofstra Law School
ofstra Law School has
created a new kind of
research institution:
a research laboratory
for law modeled on
research laboratories in the sciences.
The Research Laboratory for Law,
Logic and Technology (LLT Lab)
conducts empirical research on the
reasoning in legal decisions that
connects the evidence in the case to
the findings of fact (usually called
“fact-finding”). In conducting this
research, the LLT Lab operates out of a
theoretical framework, formulates and
tests hypotheses, and disseminates its
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work products for replication and use
by others. This innovative and unique
program employs a team approach
to data generation and analysis, and
integrates research with legal education.
The goal is not only improving legal
research and education, but also having
an impact on legal decision making
in society. Many important aspects
of life depend upon accuracy and
fairness in decision making – such
as legal decisions about employment,
housing, education, immigration,
disability, and health care benefits.
Decisions in these areas by courts
or administrative agencies have two
components: deciding what the legal
rules are (conclusions of law), and
deciding whether those rules apply in
a particular case (fact-finding). Factfinding is critical but under-studied.
Justice and the rule of law require that
findings of fact be based reasonably
and transparently on the evidence, that
similar cases be decided similarly,
and that outcomes be reasonably
predictable. At the same time, an
increased complexity in legal rules
and evidence (including expert and
scientific evidence) has increased
societal costs and has limited access to
Figure 1. Part of the vaccine rule tree, showing three sub-issues for proving causation
and the logical connectives AND, OR and UNLESS.
Just as science laboratories
generate data by classifying
and measuring real-world
objects or events, the LLT Lab
generates data by modeling
the logical structure of the
reasoning recorded in legal
decisions. Such “logic models,”
which capture the essential
inference structure of the
factfinder’s reasoning, have two
major components: the legal
rules applicable to all similar
cases, and the evidentiary
reasoning applying those rules
to the particular case. First, lab
researchers create “rule trees”
constructed out of propositions
and logical connectives, as
models of the legal rules
governing the decision-making
process. These rule trees
are inverted, with the (root)
proposition to be proved at the
top, and branches extending
downward containing the
propositions needed to prove
the immediately higher
proposition. A complete rule
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tree identifies all the issues of fact in
the case, and all the acceptable lines of
proof for the ultimate issue.
For example, a major research project in
the LLT Lab studies proof of causation
in vaccine cases – that is, how to prove
whether or not a vaccination caused
a patient’s later injury or medical
condition. Such difficult issues are
decided by “special masters” within
the United States Court of Federal
Claims in Washington, D.C. Figure
1 shows part of the lab’s rule tree for
compensation claims in vaccine cases.
The top proposition of the entire tree is
the ultimate issue the petitioner must
prove – namely, that the petitioner is
entitled to compensation. At the bottom
of the diagram is a three-part test
for proving causation. The petitioner
filing the claim must prove: (1) that a
“medical theory causally connect[s]”
the vaccination and the injury; (2)
that a “logical sequence of cause and
effect” shows that the vaccination “was
the reason for” the injury; and (3) that
a “proximate temporal relationship”
exists between the vaccination and
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Second, in modeling the evidentiary
reasoning in a particular case, LLT
Lab researchers attach the findings of
fact to the issues identified by the rule
tree, and then create logic models of the
reasoning supporting those findings.
Thus, the logic model for an entire case
includes the generic rule tree with the
reasoning of the particular factfinder
attached. For example, Figure 2 is a
picture of a computer screen showing
some of the modeled reasoning from
the vaccine decision Casey v. Secretary
of Health and Human Services, Case
No. 97-612V (December 12, 2005).
The special master found that there
was indeed an adequate medical
theory of causation, and supported that
conclusion by two alternative lines of
reasoning based on two causal pathways
(direct viral infection and immunemediated inflammatory response).
In modeling this reasoning, LLT
Lab researchers used the plausibility
connective “MAX.” This connective
assigns to the conclusion the highest
degree of plausibility assigned to any
one of the supporting lines of reasoning.
On a color computer display or a
page printed in color, the round icon
before each sentence in the model has
a color that indicates the plausibility
value assigned to the assertion. In the
complete case model, each of these
two alternative lines of reasoning also
contains further reasoning, which
proves each of these two conclusions.
The LLT Lab uses special software
called Legal Apprentice™ (a product of
Apprentice Systems, Inc.) to create its
logic models. The software keeps track
of the logic, and propagates plausibility
values and truth values up the tree,
from individual items of evidence to the
ultimate conclusion. The software also
creates HTML documents of the logic
models, as well as files of the models
formatted in XML (a standard format
used in Internet-based programs).
As with any scientific research, the
next phase in the LLT Lab is to analyze
patterns and trends within the data
collected. After a lab project (such as
the Vaccine-Injury Project, illustrated
in Figure 2) selects a sample of
decisions to study and generates models
for the reasoning in those decisions,
lab researchers identify, abstract and
formalize the inference patterns that
re-occur within those decisions. The
LLT Lab is especially interested in
discovering “plausibility schemas,”
which are patterns of reasoning
that warrant default inferences to
presumptively true conclusions. The
research tries to identify which patterns
the factfinders consider persuasive
or not, and why. Because complete
evidence is almost never available, this
usually means developing “theories of
uncertainty” – explanations about what
evidence is missing, what uncertainty
(potential for error) is inherent in
drawing the conclusion, and how
it could be reasonable to draw the
conclusion even without the missing
The mission of the LLT Lab is not
merely to study fact-finding using
scientific methods, but also to improve
actual decision making in society. The
lab uses its website to make publicly
available its database of logic models
of decisions. Lab researchers also post
commentary on those decisions in the
form of blogs, as well as articles about
patterns and trends they discover across
multiple cases, and about broad aspects
of the reasoning they study. A priority
Figure 2.
Illustration of a
portion of the
logic model for
the Casey decision
using the Legal
the injury. (The quotations are from
the lead case of Althen v. Secretary of
Health and Human Services, 418 F.3d
1274, 1278 (Fed. Cir. 2005).) Figure 1
also shows three logical connectives
used in constructing rule trees: “AND”
(all connected conditions must be
true in order to prove the conclusion);
“OR” (at least one connected condition
must be true); and “UNLESS” (if the
defeating condition is true, then the
conclusion is false, even if the other
conditions are true).
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is developing and providing
useful tools that will assist
parties, attorneys and decision
makers in reaching accurate
decisions more efficiently.
The LLT Lab’s systematic
focus on description and
critique of reasoning and its
mission to improve actual
decision making in society,
together with its organizational
structure, enable an integration
of research, education and
practice. Faculty and students
work in teams – reviewing
each other’s logic models
for decisions, orienting and
training new researchers in
the LLT Lab’s methodology,
writing commentary on cases
and topics through blog entries
and articles, and brainstorming
about hypotheses to test
and the patterns discovered
in decisions. Research,
education and practice are
three dimensions of the same
core activity. Conducting the
research is simultaneously
training in logic skills and
education in reasoning, while
the research products are
useful tools in legal practice.
Professor Walker and Professor Giovanni
Comandé, director of the International and
Comparative Law Research Laboratory
(Lider-Lab), standing on the steps of the
courthouse in Pisa.
Finally, the LLT Lab’s
research methodology is designed to
be collaborative not only within the
lab itself, but also with other research
laboratories. Because the methodology
is logic-based, it is possible to compare
rule trees and evidentiary reasoning
across different areas of law, across
different legal systems, and across
time. And because the methodology is
standardized, it can be used to produce
comparable data (models) in multiple
labs. For example, the lab currently
has a joint research project with the
International and Comparative Law
Research Laboratory (Lider-Lab) of
the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in
Pisa, Italy. Together, the two labs are
conducting comparative investigations
of medical malpractice decisions in
the United States and Italy, looking for
similarities and dissimilarities in the
rule systems and proof patterns. Using
a single modeling framework allows the
two labs to create logic models that can
be compared directly to each other.
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Hypotheses at the Cutting Edge
True to its roots in scientific method,
the LLT Lab formulates and tests
hypotheses about both its legal subject
matter and its own methodology. For
example, one objective of the lab is to
refine its protocols for generating the
logic models for legal decisions, and
to test the reliability of those protocols
and the validity of the resulting models.
Scientific “reliability” here means
the degree of variability in modeling
when different researchers model the
same decision, and scientific “validity”
means the degree to which a model
accurately captures the reasoning
reported by the factfinder. It is a
working hypothesis of the lab that it
can develop protocols that will reliably
produce acceptably accurate models
for legal decisions written by a variety
of authors in a natural language such
as English. Such protocols provide
orientation materials for training new
lab researchers, as well as general
educational materials for training
students in logic skills. Such protocols
may also make it possible to automate
parts of the modeling process by
developing computer software.
An example of a substantive hypothesis
about the law involves the influence
of legal policy on fact-finding. The
hypothesis being tested in the LLT
Lab’s vaccine project is that the special
masters who act as factfinders have
developed default inference patterns
peculiar to this area of law, in which
the presumptive warrant is furnished
in critical part by social policies. The
lab is investigating the extent to which
those policies guide decisions about
how much evidence is sufficient to
establish an issue of fact, when residual
uncertainty is acceptable, and when
burdens of proof shift among the
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parties. Gathering data about whether
and how this actually occurs may lead
to a normative critique of the extent to
which it should occur.
A third example of a testable hypothesis
involves the dynamics within factfinding processes. The hypothesis is
that certain fact-finding structures
are more likely to develop “soft rules”
of inference. Soft rules are general
patterns of default reasoning that have
become “safe havens” of inference
because a reviewing authority (such
as an appellate court) has decided that
a particular finding is a reasonable
inference from particular evidence.
The hypothesis is that in an area of
complex cases (such as the vaccine
compensation cases), with a small
number of repeat factfinders (the
special masters), and documentation of
the supervisory decision once it occurs
(the court judgments), at least some
patterns determined by authority to be
reasonable would become “safe havens”
for factfinders who do not wish to be
reversed and who have an incentive
to be efficient in deciding cases.
Such patterns might become de facto
default rules of inference in evidence
assessment, and carry over from case to
case. They are not rules of law, but “soft
rules” of practice. The extent of such a
phenomenon might have implications
not only for increased efficiency in factfinding, but also for decreased fairness
to parties in later cases.
Expected Impact of the LLT Lab
The LLT Lab’s approach to research and
education has considerable potential as
a paradigm. With respect to benefits
to society generally, the goal is to
produce databases of logic models for
legal decisions in important social areas
(such as vaccine-injury compensation),
together with libraries of reasoning
patterns that may be useful across many
areas of law. By making this research
publicly available to all participants in
the legal process, the LLT Lab’s work
should increase the transparency and
predictability of future decisions, and
help ensure that similar cases will be
decided similarly. Accuracy should
increase as fact-finding reasoning is
scrutinized. Moreover, decision-making
processes should become more efficient
because all participants will be able
to better organize their evidence and
better assess the settlement value of
their cases. Finally, justice should
increase because information and
insights generated by the LLT Lab will
be accessible to parties that could not
otherwise afford such expensive and
challenging research. These benefits
to society (increased transparency,
predictability, accuracy, efficiency, and
access to justice) should be achievable
in many areas of the law, as work at the
LLT Lab and other legal research labs
areas where documented decision
making is available.
The LLT Lab’s databases and pattern
libraries should also provide valuable
resources for research in related fields
outside the law. The lab’s modeling
protocols and databases of analyzed
legal decisions should provide resources
for formal and informal logic theory,
as well as for natural-language
research in linguistics (especially
semantics). Moreover, the LLT Lab’s
work should expand the empirical basis
for research on artificial intelligence
and law, particularly in the area of
evidentiary reasoning, and the lab’s
modeling protocols should assist
artificial-intelligence researchers in
automating the extraction of reasoning
from natural-language documents. The
subtleties of legal reasoning are difficult
for non-lawyers to study, but the LLT
Lab’s methodology makes legal logic
more accessible to non-lawyers.
With regard to the impact on
education, the LLT Lab provides a
unique paradigm for legal education
and for higher education generally.
The same techniques developed for
analyzing the reasoning of a factfinder
will be useful in training students in
logic and argumentation skills. The
database of modeled cases provides
numerous examples of evidentiary
reasoning for students to study.
Through the use of a team approach to
research, the LLT Lab demonstrates
how students can acquire logic
skills in a research laboratory, while
simultaneously producing important
databases and tools for society. As a
result, the education process, in both
law and elsewhere, might become more
effective pedagogically, more engaging
to students, and more productive for
Professor Vern Walker holds a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Notre Dame, with
specialization in knowledge theory, artificial intelligence, deductive and inductive logic, and the
conceptual foundations and methodologies of the sciences. His doctoral dissertation was on
the perception of objects by biological and mechanical systems. He taught philosophy for four
years at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, including courses in logic, philosophy of
science, ethics and bioethics.
He earned the J.D. at Yale Law School, where he was also an editor of the Yale Law Journal.
With respect to impact on research,
the LLT Lab demonstrates how to
apply scientific methods of modeling
and measurement to legal reasoning,
and especially to the reasoning of
factfinders in actual cases. The
research develops libraries of
plausibility schemas, or normative
patterns of default reasoning, and
tests important hypotheses about the
structure and dynamics of fact-finding.
Moreover, the LLT Lab shows how
the model of a research laboratory in
the sciences can be applied in a legal
setting, so that teams of students and
faculty, employing tested methods
of data gathering and analysis, can
produce research that is valuable to
society. This work can also provide
a paradigm for research in non-legal
Prior to joining the Hofstra Law School faculty, Professor Walker was a partner in the
Washington, D.C., law firm of Swidler & Berlin. His practice included representation before
state and federal administrative agencies and before courts on judicial review of agency
Vern Walker
actions. His administrative practice focused primarily on issues concerning public health, safety,
and the environment. He also represented clients in civil litigation alleging products liability and toxic torts. While in law
practice, he worked extensively with expert witnesses and scientific evidence, and he co-authored the book Product Risk
Reduction in the Chemical Industry.
At Hofstra, Professor Walker teaches courses in scientific evidence, torts, administrative law, administrative health law,
and European Union law, and he is director of the Research Laboratory for Law, Logic and Technology. He is on the
editorial board of the journal Law, Probability and Risk, as well as the editorial review board for the International Journal of
Agent Technologies and Systems. He is a past president of the Risk Assessment and Policy Association. He has been a
consultant to both private and governmental institutions in both the United States and Europe.
Professor Walker has published extensively on the logic of legal reasoning and fact-finding, the design of fact-finding
processes, and the use of scientific evidence in legal proceedings. His writings also explore the substantive topics of risk
assessment, risk management, and scientific uncertainty. In addition, he designs computer software for capturing legal
knowledge and modeling legal reasoning, and he explores ways to use logical analysis and artificial intelligence in his
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