Chapter 11: Introduction to Genetics 11-1 The Work of Mendel


Chapter 11: Introduction to Genetics

11-1 The Work of Mendel

What does every living thing inherit from their parents?

Genetics – __________________________________________________

Look around at your classmates and make a list of some of the traits that are inherited. _______________________________________________


What did Mendel already knew …

Each flower produces ____________ and _____________

Cross fertilization (sexual) – ___________________________________

Self-pollination (asexual) – ____________________________________

• Mendel’s pea plants were __________________________

– A tall plant with green seeds would produce a ____________________________

Genes, Alleles and Dominance

Trait – _____________________________________________________

– Mendel studied 7 different pea plant traits

• What are some examples? _________________________________________

Genes, Alleles and Dominance

____________ – the chemical factors that determine traits (the segment of DNA) ex. pea plant: height

_______________ – different forms of a gene from each parent ex. pea plants: tall and short (T or t)

Principle of Dominance

Principle of dominance: ______________________________________


Dominant allele – ____________________________________________

– Capital letter (T=tall)

Recessive allele – ____________________________________________


Lower case letter (t=short)

Heterozygous – _____________________________________________

______________________ for that trait

Ex: Tt

Homozygous – ______________________________________________


____________________ for a particular trait

Ex: TT or tt

Phenotype – __________________________

Ex: ____________________________________

Genotype – ___________________________

Ex: _____________________________________

Tall plants have the same ______________ (tall), but not the same

________________ (TT or Tt)

Why are TT and Tt genotypes for tallness, but tt is not???

11-2 Probability and Punnett Squares

• Mendel realized…the principles of ______________ could be used to explain the results of genetic crosses.

Genetics and Probability

Probability – ________________________________________________

• Ex: probability of flipping a coin to heads = ½ or _____%

• Probability of head 3 times in a row = ½ x ½ x ½ = _____

The ________ the number or trials, the closer to the expected ratio

_______ outcomes do not affect _______ outcomes

Alleles segregate randomly (like a coin)

Principle of Segregation

Segregation = _____________________

The alleles for tall vs. short separate during the formation of __________________ – sex cells

Each gamete carries


The Two-factor Cross: F1

____ alleles (2 genes) at the same time

Provides the __________ plants (F2 generation)

• Crossed a homozygous ________ (round yellow peas) with a homozygous________ (wrinkled, green peas)

11.3 Beyond Dominant and Recessive - Other Patterns of Inheritance

Genes can act in various ways

Dominant vs. Recessive – ____________________________________

Incomplete Dominance

Definition : _____________________________________________________

Ex: flowers – white x red flowers = _________ flowers


Definition: _______________________________________________________

Ex: chicken feather – black and white alleles = __________________________

Colors don’t _________ like incomplete dominance

Multiple Alleles

Definition: __________________


(more than 2 alleles exist in a population not an individual)

Ex: rabbit’s coat color

Ex: human’s _______________

Polygenic Traits

Definition: _______________________________________________

Ex: fruit fly red eyes -


Diff. combo of genes produce different eye colors

Ex: Human _______ color – more than 4 different genes

Human ________ – more than 50 genes

11.3 Genetics and the Environment

Genes provide a plan for development, but how the plan unfolds also depends on the environment:


Butterflies have different wing colors depending on ___________



Hydrangea flowers are different colors depending on __________
