Topic: China’s International Relations

Topic: China’s International Relations
Soviet Union
A. the USSR helped the ___________________ fight against the ________________
B. Once China was _________________________, they helped China grow
Based on what we have learned previously, why would the Soviet Union want to help
C. Mao & _________________ disagreed about Communism; tensions between two
countries increased.
D. Tensions also increased because they were fighting for ____________________ &
__________________________ in Asia
E. 1990s ______________________ of USSR caused China _____________________
about losing only other large Communist nation as an ally.
Developing Nations
A. China supported _________________ & __________________ in these countries.
B. China sent money & technology hoping that they would become ______________
Hong Kong
A. Hong Kong became a ___________________ colony in the Treaty of Nanjing at
the end of the ___________________ _________________.
Hong Kong (continued)
B. The island was returned to ____________________ control in 1997.
C. Under the British, Hong Kong was ____________________ - China promised that
they would allow Hong Kong to maintain capitalist for _____________ years
D. China believes that its ______________________ will become as strong as Hong
Kong; then the border between the two will be ____________________.
Based on what we have learned about China’s economy, do you think China’s economy
will ever become as strong as Hong Kong’s? Why or why not?
A. For centuries China & Japan have fought ____________________ each other
B. Japan took advantage of China’s _____________ ____________ & invaded China;
Japan occupied China through _________________ _____________ __________
C. Today, Japan and China are __________________________ friendly. China gains
technology and Japan gains a market for its products.
A. Vietnam was conquered by China during China’s ____________________ eras
B. A ________________________ movement began in Northern Vietnam which
sparked the ___________________ ___________. China supported the North
Vietnamese because they were trying to establish a Communist government.
C. China briefly invaded Vietnam in 1979, but withdrew shortly afterward
A. After the Communists ______________ the civil war in China, the Nationalists
had to ____________ the country. They went to ___________________ (Taiwan)
& took over the island nation.
B. China considers Taiwan to be __________________ of China. Periodically, China
proves this by _____________________________ to attack
C. _____________ & _________________________ helped Taiwan create a strong
manufacturing economy becoming a large _________________ partner of the US
D. The US will _____________________ Taiwan from Chinese invasion. However,
the US does this on ___________________ _________________ that Taiwan will
eventually become part of China again
United States
A. The U.S. would like China to have a more open & ____________________ society
B. The U.S. has a trade _____________________ with China (buys more than it sells)
C. China is the __________________ __________________ ___________________
of U.S. debt, with more than $__________ ____________________in bills, notes
and bonds.
Source of Cartoon on Following Page:
Cartoons such as this tend to overestimate the amount of U.S. debt held by China.
Copyright © 2009 Creators Syndicate
(Continue on to Other Side)
How Much U.S. Debt Does China Really Own?
1. What historical symbol do you recognize in the cartoon?
2. What are two reasons why the man standing on the wall saying, “I understand it’s so
big you can see it from space?”
3. Does the cartoonist have a positive or negative perspective about the U.S.’ debt?
Explain your answer.