India Modern History Review Sheet India Under British Rule Identify/Define: British East India Co. Monopoly pp. 193-198 Sepoy Zaminder System Sepoy Rebellion Cause(s) of the Rebellion • Effect(s) of the Rebellion What changes in South Asia helped the British conquer India? Village Life Before British Rule During British Rule Other Changes Britain Made in India Indian National Congress Muslim League Identify Goals 1 Road to Freedom Identify/Define: pp. 201-204 Satyagraha Ahimsa Civil disobedience Salt March Amritsar Massacre Muhammad Ali Jinnah Jawaharlal Nehru • What type of family did Gandhi grow up in? Where did he study and what for? • What object was used to symbolize Gandhi’s efforts? • How does Gandhi die? Who was responsible? Goals • Mohandas Gandhi Methods Reasons Methods Worked India gained it’s independence in 1947. Why were the British willing to leave India? 2 Goals • Mohandas Gandhi Methods Reasons Methods Worked Why were the British willing to leave India? Political Challenges Identify/Define: Sikh pp. 205-209 Indira Gandhi Rajiv Gandhi Parliamentary democracy Coalition • What type of government does India have? • How has religion created divisions and bonds in the Indian government? • What are some of the goals of Nehru? Economic Development Identify/Define: Green Revolution Tenant farmer Land reform pp. 209-213 • What is the chief goal of Nehru’s economic planning? • How do natural resources help India industrialize? 3 Three programs to help farmers 1) irrigation – 2) Green Revolution – 3) land reform – How economic development effects the environment Changing Patterns of Life Identify/Define: Cottage industry Infant mortality pp. 214-217 • How has the government emphasized education and how has this emphasis caused problems? • Where do most people live in India: cities, villages or towns? Effect of modernization on Indian families Regional and Global Issues pp. 223-227 Why are India and Pakistan fighting over Kashmir? How did the Cold War affect India & Pakistan? • • 4 Looking to the Future pp. 227-232 Modernization in South Asia Benefits Problems How does rapid population growth contribute to scarcity? Why are cities in South Asia growing rapidly? What are two effects rapid population growth in South Asia? 1) 2) 5