parkside Church THE GOSPEL CHANGES EVERY TH I NG WH Y ATL ANTA? THE I NFLUENCE 2ND THE INFLUENCE 1. Rapidly growing national impact. 2. Home to sixteen Fortune 500 companies, Atlanta has the third highest concentration of Fortune 500 MORE THAN companies in the US. 3. 4. 16 The tenth largest metro area economy. FASTEST GROWING FOREIGN A hub for industries of transportation, technology, manufacturing, health, and automotives. BORN POPULATION IN THE US. 8 MILLION BY 2040 100 5. TOBudding film and television industry. HOME Fortune 500 companies, Atlantamecca. has the third 6. Sporting SPORTING HOME OF THE highest concentration of Fortune MECCA 7. Home of the world’s busiest airport. WORLD’S BUSIEST 500 companies in the US. MORE THAN 8. Home to over 30 colleges and universities, and languages was namedspoken the #1 Best for College Grads AIRPORT. by Forbes. in theCity area. 9. forThe secondof fastest growing foreign born population in the US. A hub industries transportation, technology, manufacturing, and automotives. 10. More health, than 100 languages spoken in the area. 10 RAPIDLY GROWING NATIONAL IMPACT. 11. Atlanta is projected to grow to more than 8 million people by 2040. LARGEST METRO HOME TO MORE THAN 30 colleges and AREA ECONOMY. universities, and was named the #1 Best City for College Grads by Forbes. TH BUDDING FILM AND TELEVISION INDUSTRY. THE NEED A common misconception about this highly influential city is that there is no need for new churches, but this could not be further from the truth. Though there may seem to be a church on every corner, the truth is there is little gospel presence. It is estimated that 92% of one million people living inside the I-285 perimeter (the urban core) have no inclination toward church. The city of Atlanta is a juxtaposition of wealth and success set alongside violence, drugs, human trafficking, and poverty. Specifically, the east Atlanta area has been historically known as a dangerous and undesirable area. In recent years, this area has seen a wave of new life and is now one of the most up-and-coming areas of Atlanta with young families and young professionals moving in by the droves. As it currently stands, east Atlanta has “everything” anyone could desire, except a strong church presence. Those moving into this area have a deep desire for community but have never experienced the true community of the family of God. A S TR ATEGIC LOC ATION FOR RE ACHING COLLEGE S TUDENT S N OTA B LE CO LLEG E S/U N I VE R S ITI E S W ITH I N 3 M I LE S FRO M TA RG ET A R E A G EO RG I A S TATE U N I VE R S IT Y G EO RG I A I N S TITUTE O F TECH N O LO GY B EUL A H H E I G HT S U N I VE R S IT Y 1 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S OUR CONTE X T WH Y GLENWO O D PAR K? With intentions to land in a Western city, Kimmie and I halfheartedly visited urban Atlanta in March 2015 and have not been the same since. The Lord has put on our hearts an unmistakable desire and a clear vision to plant Parkside Church in the up-and-coming area of East Atlanta. With our heart to reach the neighborhoods and communities of East Atlanta, it has become clear that the most strategic way in which to do that would be to move our family to Glenwood Park and to see the church planted there. When Jim Haskell (NAMB, SEND City Missionary of Atlanta) came to Atlanta and assumed responsibility of being the lead coordinator for church planting in Atlanta nearly six years ago, he deemed Glenwood Park as being one of the top three most strategic areas of all of metro Atlanta. Until recently, they had not found the right fit for a planter to move into this area. According to Haskell, making it in this area requires the combination of a high-capacity leader and the support of a great church. In August we were approved by NAMB to enter into its program to plant in Glenwood Park, and NAMB believes they have found the right situation for a church to now be planted in this thriving area. Historically, East Atlanta was a tough part of town. Facing the difficulties of urbanization, most churches fled the area for suburban destinations outside of the perimeter. In the last several years, however, East Atlanta has experienced a major revitalization. It is now considered one of the most exciting areas of Atlanta, and a premier choice for young families and business professionals, but the church is still sorely missing. In a 5-mile radius from Glenwood Park, there are nearly 325,000 people and hardly a single church. All people are important and need the gospel, but our research also indicates that many of the young “millennials” in this area (nearly 40% of the total population) will turn out to be the future leaders and influencers of Atlanta. This research is only confirmed when looking at the affluence present, along with the proximity to the capital and to downtown. As an additional layer, Glenwood Park has proved to be the hub area and destination of choice for many of East Atlanta. We believe that if we plant Parkside Church there, we will be able to have a much wider reach and stronger pull to the residents of the East Atlanta neighborhoods. During one of our vision trips to Atlanta we had a conversation with an area property manager. Hearing about our heart to start a new church in the area she said, “We have everything anyone could want here, but the only thing I could think of that we don’t have is a church.” As this area continues to grow, with more construction currently underway, this will only confirm Glenwood Park as one of Atlanta’s most premier anchor communities. It has become clear through much prayer that we must plant here! 2 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S WE ARE PARK SIDE MISSION S TATEMENT PAR K SI DE CHURCH E XI S T S TO MAK E HE ALTH Y DI SCI PLES WH O DECL AR E AN D D I SPL AY THE I NFI N ITE VALUE OF J ESUS FO R THE CIT Y OF ATL ANTA , FO R THE GLO RY OF GO D. 3 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S CORE VALUES W E W I LL SEEK TO FULFI LL OU R M I SS I O N BY E N SU R I N G E VE RY M E M B E R O F PA R K S I D E CH U RCH I S M O B I LI Z E D TO LI VE O UT O U R TH R EE CO R E VALU E S O F G OSPEL , CO M M U N IT Y, A N D M I SS I O N . W E W I LL D I LI G E NTLY L A B O R A N D PR AY TO G ETH E R FO R TH E SE VALUE S FO R TH E CIT Y O F ATL A NTA , A N D FO R TH E G LO RY O F G O D. 1.GOSPEL The gospel is God’s declaration to all humanity of His Lordship and limitless love. He loves to the extent that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to redeem and restore imperfect people back into right relationship with Him, to be His sons and daughters. God accomplishes this work, making us His children, through the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The gospel produces gratitude in us because we realize that our salvation could only come by sheer, free grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus, not through our own efforts and works. This is the gospel, and the gospel changes absolutely everything. It changes the way we love, give, serve, speak, work, think, and view others. Therefore, the gospel will be the motivation for everything we do as a church. In the Bible, God has communicated to us clearly and powerfully about Himself and the gospel. In order to grow in our love and appreciation for God and the gospel we will saturate everything we do in knowing God through His Word. Through our daily attention to God’s Word we will demonstrate our dependence on the gospel’s relevance and power for all of life. As we are being changed by the gospel in all of life we will glorify God as the supreme treasure and hope of our lives, for the city of Atlanta, and for the nations. 2 .COM MUN IT Y Since the gospel changes our hearts and identities, we are free to become people who have truly authentic, honest, transparent, and loving relationships. Simply put, the gospel creates a new kind of community. This kind of community demonstrates the power and beauty of the gospel, because it is no longer bound by common relational barriers; rather, strong, family relationships are forged among people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and ethnicities. As a church, we desire to see every member of Parkside committed to community life by investing in one another and also joining together to reach our neighbors, friends, and coworkers. We, like the early church, will express community by gathering together for corporate worship and in smaller groups throughout the week. Our prayer is that we will be a vibrant and visible expression of God’s love for the city of Atlanta, for the glory of God. 3.M I SSI ON God has always been a sending God. Just as God is on mission to redeem worshipers from all nations, He also sends us into our social networks, neighborhoods, and workplaces to declare and display the gospel. Practically, each member of Parkside Church is a missionary into these places for the good of the city and for the glory of God. As a church we are on mission together to see people changed, communities transformed and churches planted in Atlanta and beyond for the glory of King Jesus. 4 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S LE ADERSHIP CH R I S TIAN WH ITE Christian was born in Fulton County and raised in Hampton, GA. As a proud Georgia native, he grew up loving the Atlanta Braves, Falcons, and going to Georgia Tech baseball games as a kid. Christian and his beautiful wife, Kimmie, have an interesting story. Knowing each other in high school, Kimmie played a major role in bringing Christian to faith in Christ. Just a few months into his new faith, Christian convinced Kimmie to go on a date with him. Exactly four years later to the day, they became married and have been happily married for 5-½ years now. Christian and Kimmie have two incredible girls together, Charlieanne (01/12/2012) and Madeline (08/01/2014). Christian loves being with people, especially his family. He believes his family will play a key role in the way he does ministry in Atlanta. Christian will serve as the Lead Planter and Pastor. Christian recently transitioned from the business world, where he was a Director of Account Management. His experience has given him a unique gift and burden for reaching business professionals. M I N I S T RY E X PER I EN CE Christian has served in student ministry, college ministry, and community group ministry. In college he served as the chaplain to the school’s baseball team and also as the President of Baptist Collegiate Ministries. He currently serves as a church planting intern to the Lead Pastor of Open Door Church in Raleigh, NC. E D U C AT I O N M.Div. SEBTS, 2015 B.A. Christian Studies, Truett-McConnell College, 2010 5 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S WESLE Y PR I CE Wesley was born in Fulton County and raised in Marietta, GA. He is proud of his Georgia roots, though he pledges no allegiance to Atlanta sports teams, because they constantly disappointed him in his childhood. He left his heart and family in Georgia in 2001 and moved to Wake Forest, NC to attend seminary. That’s when he met Angey and found the greatest blessing of his life short of salvation. He and Angey were married in 2004 and, about 6 years later, had Cullen (1/15/2011), and, a little later on, Lincoln (12/4/2013). The Prices love to serve in worship together, really like good food, and really, really like good coffee. M I N I S T RY E X PER I EN CE Wesley has served in different capacities at Open Door Church since 2004­—from overseeing communications and computer technology to managing audio, visual, and lighting. Currently, Wesley oversees the worship ministry, where he has served with Angey and an incredible worship team for the past 6 years. E D U C AT I O N Th.M. Biblical Theology, SEBTS, 2007 M.A. Intercultural Studies, SEBTS, 2003 B.A. English Literature, Kennesaw State University, 2000 WE AR E CO M M IT TED TO THE PH ILOSO PH Y OF TE AM I N CHURCH PL ANTI NG . ALO NG WITH THE PR I CE’S AN D THE WH ITE’S, WE HAVE ADDITI O NAL K E Y FAM ILIES WHO HAVE ALR E ADY CO M M IT TED TO GO I NG AN D B E I NG A PAR T OF PAR K SI DE CHURCH I N THE CIT Y OF ATL ANTA . WE HAVE B EEN HUM B LED BY THE E XCITEMENT AND I NTER ES T OF OTHER S I N OUR J OUR NE Y OF PL ANTI NG I N ATL ANTA . 6 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S 1 TIMELINE W I NTE R 12 /15 – 3/16 • Develop a prayer team • Continue to build core team and meet regularly • Create strategic plan for disciple-making • Launch • Host interest meetings • Legalize church documents and solidify incorporation status • Begin fundraising • Work to form strategic partnerships with churches • Lead vision tours with partnering churches and potential ministry partners 2 SPR I N G/SU M M E R 4/16 – 8/16 • Move team to target area • Network with other ATL church planters and pastors • Begin Community Groups • Attend city and neighborhood events • Create awareness of Parkside Church • Disciple new believers • Identify mercy ministries to serve alongside • Secure funding • Secure a meeting location • Conduct first membership meeting • Work with mission teams from supporting churches 3 FALL / W I NTE R 9/16 – 2 /17 • Launch first worship service • Meet for corporate worship each Sunday • Follow up with visitors to each service • Catalyze intentional service outreaches to the community • Launch new Community Groups • Establish and conduct membership classes • Begin formal Community Group leader training • Continue mercy ministry efforts in the city • Establish children’s ministry 7 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S 4 SPR I N G/SU M M E R 3/17- 8/17 • Establish other age-specific ministries • Add discipleship classes • Plan for future church planting opportunities and partnerships • Cultivate NA and international missions partnerships FUTURE • Establish internship program for future church leaders and missionaries • Establish consistent national and international mission trips • Identify leaders and areas for future church plants • Commission national and international missionaries • Establish outreach ministry to moms • Reach self-supporting status • Add elders and staff on as-needed basis • Work toward disciple-making plans to reach business professionals BUDGET ADMINISTRATION......................................................................................................................... $4,600.00 OUTREACH...................................................................................................................................$12,000.00 DISCIPLESHIP................................................................................................................................ $11,500.00 FACILITIES.................................................................................................................................... $32,000.00 EQUIPMENT................................................................................................................................... $5,500.00 LEADERSHIP............................................................................................................................... $110,000.00 TOTAL PROJECTED 1ST YEAR BUDGET........................................................................... $175,600.00 8 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S ENDORSEMENT S DR . DAN N Y AK I N , PR ESI DENT SOUTHE A S TER N BAP TI S T THEOLOG I C AL SEM I NARY Christian White is a wonderful young man in whom I have the greatest confidence. His passion for Christ, the gospel, the Word, and the Church are immediately evident upon meeting him. I love his heart and vision for reaching the underserved in Atlanta. I am in his corner 100% and believe God is going to do tremendous things through Christian for His glory. DR . TI M DOWDY, LE AD PA S TO R E AGLE’S L ANDI NG FI R S T BAP TI S T CHURCH I have seen the amazing story of God’s work in Christian’s life since he was a high school student. It has been a blessing to watch what Paul taught in Philippians 1:6 bear fruit in Christian’s life. As his home church we are excited about the next step in his journey of faith. Christian is fully committed to leading the way to plant Parkside Church in an urban Atlanta neighborhood called Glenwood Park. I am confident that God will use him for a great gospel work and our church family is thrilled to partner with him and his family in this new church for the glory of God! DR . DWAY NE M ILI O N I , LE AD PA S TO R O PEN DO O R CHURCH We are excited to send Christian White and Parkside Church into the heart of Atlanta’s new urbanism. The need for the gospel is great and the potential for Kingdom influence is amazing. Z ACH NEL SO N , E XECUTIVE DI R EC TO R THE PILL AR NET WO R K I have been blessed to observe the life and doctrine of Christian and Kimmie over the past four years as they have humbly submitted themselves to their local church. Christian has demonstrated giftedness in teaching, preaching, leadership, evangelism, hospitality, and discipleship. I’m thankful for the investment they have made at Open Door and I look forward to seeing how God will use them to plant Parkside Church in Atlanta. The Pillar Network is extremely excited to have Parkside as a future partnering church. 9 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S THE NEED:B ECOME A S TR ATEGIC PAR TNER We are a SBC church plant, partnering with the North American Mission Board and the Pillar Network. We are being sent out and commissioned by two of our strategic partnering churches, Open Door Church in Raleigh, NC and Eagle’s Landing First Baptist Church in McDonough, GA. While these two great churches are making significant investments in our mission, the reality is that we need everyone on board to see Parkside Church planted for the city of Atlanta, for the glory of God. CONNECT Do you know someone who lives in the city of Atlanta that would benefit from being a part of Parkside Church? As our team members are seeking full-time employment, maybe you know someone that can connect us with meaningful employment opportunities in the city. Email me at and simply put “Let Me Connect You” in the subject line! PRAY This journey was birthed out of an intense season of prayer. Prayer continues to sustain us and allows us to see God at work. You can join in as a prayer partner and receive periodic updates by email. Email and simply put “Prayer Team” in the subject line! GIVE Our financial partners are a significant component of our support team. Our sending churches are committed to us financially over the next several years. We are excited to partner with churches and individuals preferably on a monthly basis. To discuss partnering financially with Parkside Church, email Christian at or phone at 404-408-0228. GO Join our team for one of the most exciting journeys of your life as we see God move greatly together. Several families will move to Atlanta and make Parkside their new church home, and we look forward to seeing how the Lord will call people to serve with us. Email and simply put “Interested In Joining Parkside” in the subject line! 10 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S HELP US PL ANT! GIVING BY CHECK? All gifts are tax-deductible. Checks and gifts should be made out to “The Pillar Network” and mailed to: The Pillar Network 9801 Durant Road Raleigh, NC 27614 *Please designate the gift to “Parkside Church” on the memo line of the check or on a separate note. GIVING ONLINE? Go to Click “Give” (top right). Scroll down to “Please click here to give now.” Existing users can log in and new users can create a new login. To give one time, select “Quick Give,” and you will not need to create a login. Designate your one-time donation or recurring donations to “Parkside Church.” 11 | PA R K S I D E C H U R C H P R O S P E C T U S parkside Church CONTAC T US Twitter: @parksideatl Facebook: Parkside Church ATL Website: 404-408-0228