Gwynedd Square Home and School Association Membership Meeting May 26, 2009 I.

Gwynedd Square Home and School Association
Membership Meeting
May 26, 2009
Call to Order
The May 26, 2009 Gwynedd Square Home and School Association Membership Meeting was called to order by
Kate Thorson at 7:06pm in the library.
President’s Welcome and Appreciation
Kate Thorson thanked Brenda Dougherty and Mindy Haggerty for their work on the Talent Show. She also
thanked Karen Ann Dunne and Lisa Nattrass for their work on the Hospitality Committee. Then she thanked
Sharon Patterson, Debbie Rosenblatt, and Lisa Overbeck for their work on Teacher Appreciation Week.
Principal’s Report
Mrs. Justice thanked the board for all they have done during the year. She also thanked all the volunteers for
their help on Olympic Day and Mrs. Buckner for all her hard work, which made Olympic Day such a wonderful
a. She also mentioned the following upcoming events:
1. June 15th at 9:30 and 1:30 will be the awards assemblies, which everyone is welcome to attend. The
teachers will let parents know if their students have received an award.
2. June 5th is the 6th grade party.
3. June 5th is also the School Picnic.
4. Class parties will be held on the last day of school, June 16th.
b. Mrs. Justice then shared the following items that will be discussed at the Principal’s Meeting:
1. Start and end times for the school day may be changed next year to increase instruction time and get
our school day length closer to other elementary schools.
2. Having specials scheduled on a day 1-day 5 schedule vs. a Monday thru Friday schedule.
3. Moving to trimesters, which would allow more time to teach between assessments, and 2
conferences per year.
4. Considering a flexible conference schedule which would include evening hours.
5. Piloting Response to Intervention periods each day, where enrichment or remediation could be
provided, will begin in the spring for grades K-2 to start and more information about the program
will be provided by the District.
c. Mrs. Justice requested that she be more involved in the yearbook next year and that the Teacher
Luncheon be held on the last teacher day.
d. She also mentioned that the Young Author’s Conference will be held at Gwynedd Square next year and
she hopes that many people will be interested in volunteering to help with this special event.
Treasurer’s Report
Anna Wright went over the following items on the Financial Report:
a. She received the money from the district that was left over this year at the end of the Young Authors
Conference, since the Young Authors Conference will be held at Gwynedd Square next year. Anna,
Debbie Rosenblatt and Cathy DeSonier are all helping Mrs. Buzzard and asked that anyone interested in
helping in any way (since there are many small, individual jobs that people may sign up for), please
contact them. Anna also shared that it is a great event and she encouraged 4th graders to participate.
b. Over 300 yearbooks have been sold, and 400 were purchased so another e-mail will go out to let
families know that they can still purchase yearbooks.
c. All of the field trips have been paid for and some of the 6th grade party items.
d. There is currently $1300 left in excess funds and that amount will increase since the Cash Back
Programs and Art Fundraiser did so well this year.
e. Nicole Putnam suggested forming a committee to fundraise for specific items for the school, that were
requested by the staff and chosen by membership.
President’s Report
a. Kate Thorson presented the 2009-2010 Budget and membership was asked to vote on its approval, after
explaining the following:
1. The field trip budget was increased by 10%, so $600 was taken from mini grants, since not all
teachers were using them, and now Mrs. Justice will handle distribution.
2. Teacher Appreciation Week will now be Staff Appreciation Week, with the exception of the
Custodial Staff who will continue to be recognized with a dinner in the evening, so that the night
shift may participate.
3. After some discussion the $110 for secretaries and nurses days was moved to $100 for RIF and $10
to Staff Appreciation.
4. The budget was then approved by membership.
Kate also thanked Anna Wright and Christie Clemens for their years of service on the Home and School
Executive Board.
Christie Clemens then went over the nominations for the 2009-2010 Home and School Executive Board
and membership was asked to vote:
1. Co-President Sherri Helt
2. Co-President Kate Thorson
3. Vice President-Ways and Means Nicole Daly
4. Vice President-Social Events Kristen Pawling
5. Treasurer Dona Dyer
6. Co-Treasurer Tina Dentner
7. Corresponding Secretary Judy Hamilton
8. Recording Secretary Sandy Brace
9. Membership approved the Board as nominated.
Christie mentioned that some class parties still needed volunteers and shared that the following Chair
positions were still open:
1. Pottery Night
2. Science Night
3. Winter Fest Dinner
4. Winter Fest Vendor Tables
5. Winter Fest Secret Shop
6. Coordinating Council Rep
7. Bulletin Board
8. Decorating
9. Gardening
10. Grant Writing
11. Hospitality
12. Lost and Found
13. Newsletter
14. School Sign
15. Webmaster
16. Book Fair and water ice, dessert social
17. Candy/Pizza Sale
18. Cash Back Program Grocery
19. Cash Back Program Target
20. Kid’s Art Fundraiser
21. Kid’s Stuff Books Fundraiser
Mrs. Justice also asked for volunteers that would be interested in the correlate team that helps choose the
school assemblies and a Home and School Correlate Rep.
Sherri Helt shared the Coordinating Council report from Karen Ann Dunne:
1. Next year elementary schools may start at 9am and end at 3:35pm.
2. Also report cards may be issued in trimesters and teachers may offer evening conference hours.
3. Doreen McKay is the new Coordinating Council President.
4. 2009-2010 school year will run from September 8th to June 19th.
Prizes were given and the meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.
Gwynedd Square Home and School Association
Membership Meeting
April 28, 2009
I. Call to Order
Kate Thorson called to order the April 28, 2009 Gwynedd Square Home and School Association Membership Meeting at
7:12 pm in the library. But the evening began at 6:30 with a Volunteer Appreciation gathering. Mrs. Mattes, Ms.
Gramlich, Mrs. Sell, Mrs. Vaszily, Ms. Riley, and Mrs. Justice along with the Home and School Board hosted and served
hor oeuvres and dessert to thank our volunteers for a wonderful school year.
II. President’s Welcome and Appreciation
Kate began the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking the chairs of recent events. She thanked Kristina Huzar and
Connie Murphy for a successful and well attended Game Night AND Joe Rosenblatt, Debbie Rosenblatt, and Dennis
Wendt for a fun and well organized Science Night. Both had great feedback from the attendees. The Minutes from the
March Meeting were also approved as submitted by Deb Rosenblatt and Barb Bezar.
III. Principal’s Report
Mrs. Justice began by welcoming everyone and thanking all of our volunteers for all their help this past year.
A. She reminded us that next year Gwynedd Square is hosting the Young Author’s Conference and that Mary Ann
Buzzard is looking for volunteers and is in the process of finding a host author.
B. She then shared the following upcoming events:
• 5/1 – School Store
• 5/2 – Student Council Car Wash – 10-2 pm
• 5/4 – 5/8 – Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
• 5/4 – 24 Club – 8:15 am
• 5/5 – 5 gr. field trip
• 5/5 – Community Reading Day – 2 gr.
• 5/6 – National Nurse’s Day
• 5/6 – 4 gr. field trip
• 5/6 – GS Art Show – 6 pm
• 5/6 – GS Chorus & GS/Ing. Orchestra – 7 pm
• 5/7 – Orchestra/Chorus assembly – 9:30 am
• 5/7 – 24 Club Competition at Walton Farm – 4 pm
• 5/8 – 3 gr. field trip
• 5/8 – Mother’s Day Breakfast – 8 am
• 5/11 – 24 Club – 8:15 am
• 5/12 – Kg. Open House – 10 am
• 5/12 – 6 gr. field trip
• 5/13 – Talent Show rehearsal – 3:50 pm
• 5/14 – Kg. & 2 gr. field trips
• 5/14 – Market Day – 5 pm
• 5/15 – Early Dismissal – 12:30 pm
• 5/15 – Talent Show – 7 pm
• 5/19 – Staff Inservice – No School
• 5/20 – Custodian Appreciation Day
• 5/20 – Suzuki Concert @ Inglewood – 7 pm
• 5/22 – Olympic Day
• 5/25 – Memorial Day – No School
• 5/26 – 1 gr. field trip
• 5/26 – H&S Mtg. 7 pm
• 5/29 – RIF Day – 1 gr.
• 6/4 – PA Day in 4 gr.
• 6/5 – School-wide Picnic
• 6/8 – Olympic Day rain date
• 6/11 – Market Day – 5 pm
• 6/12 – 6 gr. Party
• 6/15 – End of Year Assembly – 9:30 am & 1:30 pm
• 6/16 – Student last day – Early Dismissal - 12:30 pm
C. Mrs. Justice also stated she is going to see about advertising the kindergarten open house on North Penn TV.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
Christie Clemens reviewed the Treasurer’s Report by highlighting the following items:
A. Box Tops closes April $1641 exceeding the budget for a total of $3640.71.
B. Display my Art was a big success bringing in $2940.55 ($2341 above budget)
C. Most fundraisers are now closed.
D. Still have $3321.18 in EXCESS FUNDS.
The Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted by Dona Dyer and Judy Hamilton.
V. President’s Report
A. Kate Thorson began by bringing the excess funds requests to a vote, as follows:
1. Flashlights for First Grade Team - $119.00 with shipping
2. Single Sided mobile rack for drying projects – Mrs. Mascaro - $464.43 w/o shipping
3. Wall Rack – Mrs. Mascaro - $184.00 w/o shipping
4. DVD’s – Mrs. Mascaro - $86.85
5. Microphone – Mrs. Justice for the cafeteria/gym - $561.20
6. Excess Funds Total Now - $1905.70
B. Kristen Pawling presented the Social Calendar for the 200/2010 School year pointing out several changes: 2
book fairs next year instead of 1 & we MAY alternate the Talent Show with Game Night with Game Night
next year/perhaps Talent Night the following. Game Night appeals to the K-3 crowd while the Talent Night
seems to appeal to the upper grades. IF we have chairs for both – then may hold both next year. Also
discussed moving Talent Night to a winter month in the future versus May. Further discussion to take place
after the May 15th Talent Show. Mrs. Justice has requested additional parent and teacher supervision
especially in bathrooms and lobby areas.
• We will do a Movie Night next year – Mary Jo Dooling suggested we have the student body vote on the
movie with help from Student Council. Also suggested we turn it into a used book drive for charity.
• Voted on Social Calendar for 2009/2010 School Year – Vote was Unanimous.
C. Nicole Daly reviewed the Fundraising plan for next year:
• We did get permission to do an “a-thon”: if we wish.
• We will not be doing Market Day for the 09/10 school year.
• We will add a Book Fair in the spring.
• May add a Pizza Sale – perhaps around the Super Bowl or maybe a Candy Sale around Easter.
• Keeping: Kid stuff, Winter Fest (perhaps move from Friday eve to Saturday morning), Display My Art,
Box Tops, Supermarkets, and Gift Cards.
• It was suggested that when we sell NON FUNDRAISING items such as Spirit Wear – we clearly note it
on the Order Forms.
• We voted unanimously in favor of the proposed fundraising plan.
D. Kate and Sherri discussed this weeks Teacher Appreciation Week with much thanks to Sharon Patterson and
Debbie Rosenblatt and the entire committee for the additions this year – such as the Teacher Notes, the Sports
Theme and all the wonderful donations.
E. Kate discussed the Sheila Bonitz Community Service projects and how Sheila and several families brought
plants to Gwynedd Square Nursing Home. Thank you Sheila.
F. There will be a Blood Drive on April 29th from 2-7pm for staff, parents and the community.
G. Our next Home and School Meeting is on May 26th. We will vote on the budget and Officers for Next Year.
Send in your nomination forms to Dona Dyer and Christie Clemens by April 30th. There are two vacant
positions for certain.
H. May 20th’s Back Pack Wednesday will include the names of the Nominees for Office. A form listing
2009/2010 events will go home looking for Chairpersons for next year. No names will be included as ALL
events are open/no chairs have been filled.
I. Mrs. Justice stated that next year’s chair MUST have Mrs. Justice’s yearbook approval prior to sending it to
J. Gift Card prizes were drawn for Volunteer Appreciation and gift bags given and the meeting was adjourned at
Gwynedd Square Home and School Association
Membership Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2009
Call to order
Kate Thorson called the March 24, 2009 Gwynedd Square Home and School Association Membership Meeting
to order at 7:07pm in the library.
President’s Welcome and Appreciation
Kate thanked Debbie Rosenblatt, Sandy Brace and Mrs. Mascaro for their work on the Kid’s Art Fundraiser.
Principal’s Report
Mrs. Justice shared the following upcoming events at Gwynedd Square:
a. Make up for Pssa’s is this week,
b. April 1st will be the assembly with author Rafe Martin,
c. April 3rd Student Council will sponsor a Phillies Spirit Day for $1 per student,
d. April 3rd the 3rd marking period ends,
e. April 4th is the Young Author’s Conference,
f. 24 Club has begun their morning meetings as they prepare for the competition at Walton Farm
Elementary in May,
g. April 8th Dr. Sullivan will come to Gwynedd Square to talk to the 6th graders,
h. April 9-14th is the Spring Holiday,
i. April 16th is the Special Olympics at the High School,
j. April 16th from 7-8pm the Home and School Correlate will host a parent forum,
k. April 17th is Breakfast with Dad,
l. April 18th is the International Festival at the High School, Gwynedd Square will have a display table,
which will have a piece from each grade level displayed by Mrs. Mascaro,
m. April 21st is the Reading Olympics,
n. April 22nd is the Gwynedd Square select chorus and jazz band concert at 7pm,
o. April 23rd report cards will be sent home,
p. April 23rd is the Magical Songwriter Assembly,
q. April 24th is Game Night,
r. April 27th the 4th grade will begin their Science Pssa’s,
s. April 28th at 9:30am is the band concert at Englewood,
t. April 29th is an early dismissal and a blood drive at Gwynedd Square,
u. April 29th is the Spring Fling Book Fair with the Gwynedd Square Chorus at Barnes and Noble, where
students will be reading poetry,
v. April 30th is the Band and Chorus Concert at Englewood at 7pm,
w. May 8th is the Mother’s Day Breakfast,
Treasurer’s Report
Anna Wright highlighted the following items:
a. There were several deposits including the Kid’s Art checks and Phantoms checks which will be paid out
to the vendors, and there was also a check from Target which put us over budget.
b. Checks were written for the Assembly on the April 23rd, Mrs. Cooper used her mini grant money to buy
Language Arts supplies and Scholastic Magazine, rally towels were purchased for the Phantoms game,
Mad Science was paid for Science Night, and the 6th grade party deposit was made.
c. Revenue from the Art Fundraiser has put us close to budget and we still have the Bulb Sale, School
Store, and Market Day revenue.
d. There was no activity in the Excess Funds Account this month, so we still have $3000 over the $5000
carry over amount.
President’s Report
a. Sandy Friday shared that we could use a rep for Coordinating Council which is an umbrella group of all
the parent groups that meets once a month to share ideas. The rep, or ideally 2 reps so each rep could go
every other month, attends the meeting and gives an update at the Home and School Meeting.
b. Kristen Pawling shared the proposed Calendar of Events for next year and went over the survey results.
A suggestion was made to look into having a Movie Night Fundraiser where we could possibly split the
profit with the movie theater. The Calendar of Events will be voted on at the next Home and School
c. Debbie Rosenblatt shared that Science Night will be March 31st. Peco, North Wales Water Authority,
and the North Wales Elementary School Robotics Club will have demonstrations, there will be hands on
experiments, and a live show at 7:45pm, in addition to the student projects.
d. Phantoms Night is March 28th and Barb Bezar shared that 400 tickets had been sold.
e. Sharon Patterson updated us on the Community Service projects:
1. April 18th committee members and their children and any GS students and their parents who would
like to attend, are going to Gwynedd Square Nursing Home to visit and deliver spring flowers and
student made cards.
2. More information will be coming about the Moms to Moms Gift Baskets
3. Thank yous were received for the cell phones and pencils that were donated.
4. Mrs. Justice thanked everyone for the food donations and shared that 14 boxes of food was collected
and packed by students and parents.
5. Recycling options are being looked into for next year.
6. A suggestion was made to consider helping Manna on Main Street’s program of preparing meals for
25 people.
7. Someone also suggested partnering with the scouts for a project.
f. Debbie Rosenblatt thanked Mrs. Mascaro for all her help with the Kid’s Art Fundraiser and mentioned
that Mrs. Mascaro could use volunteers to prepare for the upcoming Art Show. A suggestion was made
that perhaps we should see if there is anything that she needs that we could get her with some of the
excess funds, and Mrs. Justice said she would mention it to her.
g. Nicole Daly invited anyone who had ideas to share to come to the Fundraising Committee Meeting on
March 30th or send your ideas to her. She also mentioned that Bulb Sale orders are due on April 1st.
h. Sherri Helt shared that the Red Cross Blood Drive would be held at Gwynedd Square from 2-8pm on
April 29th and is open to parents, staff and the public. 16 people have signed up and 40 are needed.
Sherri will send out an e-mail link to the registration site.
i. Sharon Patterson updated us on the Teacher Appreciation Week plans:
1. Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4-8th.
2. This year we are trying to involve the parents and students as much as possible, and flyers will be
sent home which will include many ways that families can participate.
3. Lisa Overbeck and Sheila Bonitz have gotten a lot of donations for the raffles, Mrs. Justice has
provided a “Stress Reliever” for Friday and Iron Hill Brewery is helping with the lunch on Monday.
j. Next month’s meeting will begin at 6:30pm with a volunteer appreciation and will include a vote on the
Calendar of Events and the Fundraising Plan.
k. The meeting was adjourned and prizes were given at 8:12pm.
Gwynedd Square Home and School Association
Membership Meeting
February 24, 2009
I. Call to Order
Kate Thorson called to order the February 24, 2009 Gwynedd Square Home and School Association
Membership Meeting at 7:00pm in the Library.
II. President’s Appreciation
Kate began the meeting by thanking Dona Dyer for her help with the online survey. She also thanked the
chairs for Family Fun Night: Chris Kohler, Donna Gallagher, Lisa Nattrass, Jackie Martin-Trautz, Carol
Ricci, and Susan Pisut.
III. Guest Speaker
Representatives from Market Day came to share their fundraising catalogs for a potential Fall Fundraiser.
Their catalog items and magazines provide a 50% profit for Gwynedd Square. Extra percentage points can
be earned with early signing and using their monthly food program. They also provide incentives for the
children and offer an extra 1% of your total monthly food sales if you have two sales events, totaling over
$4000, in addition to the Fall Fundraiser. Examples of these events would be a coffee and prebaked bread
sale, cookie dough sale, Unos program and Market Day Gourmet.
IV. Principal’s Report
A. Mrs. Justice shared that 3rd through 6th graders are actively involved in preparing for PSSA’s.
B. Gwynedd Square will be continuing their involvement with Panna, which is now called NRG
Balance Zone.
C. Friday, March 6th will be a Yo Jo Assembly. Parents are welcome to attend 3rd-6th graders will have
their PSSA themed assembly from 1-1:50pm, and grades K-2 will attend their assemblies at 2:20pm.
D. Rafe Martin will be our Author in Residence on April 1st. He will be reading to the children and
will be available to sign books. Book orders will go home before his visit. Mrs. Justice thanked
Home and School for making this event possible.
E. She also encouraged all students to participate in the Book Bug Program, and write a book that will
be in the library to share with Gwynedd Square students until the author leaves at the end of 6th
grade, when he or she will be able to take their book home.
F. Mrs. Justice mentioned the We Love Beauty Basket that she is putting together to support the North
Penn Education Foundation. She has asked Home and School and the faculty to donate items for the
basket, including donations from area businesses. She will provide a letter of explanation that can be
given to the business owners. Since the foundation has provided so many grants to Gwynedd
Square, Mrs. Justice would like to help support them with this basket.
G. Mrs. Justice thanked everyone for the overwhelming support for the family affected by the fire.
H. Mr. Miller is working on getting a Brass Quintet from the Philadelphia Orchestra to come to
Gwynedd Square for an assembly. This would be a very rare and special event for Gwynedd Square.
I. She reminded us that the Pawprints portion of the Newsletter would provide information about all
the grades and what they are currently working on.
J. Mrs. Justice also mentioned Student Council’s interest in selling Gwynedd Square water bottles.
V. Treasurer’s Report
A. Anna Wright shared that the balance for the assembly was paid, as were all the approved excess
funds expenditures, except the library books. Ms. Collins is waiting for the AR Book surveys to be
returned before she chooses the books to be purchased. Family Fun Night, Young Authors, and
Prime Time Reading expenses have also been paid.
B. A lot of revenue has already been received, including a deposit for Genuardi’s, which is doing well.
We are still waiting for the Original Works Art Fundraiser and the Bulb Sale for revenue for this
year. Box Tops is at $3600 which is over budget and Super Markets and Target are doing well.
C. There are still a lot of expenses, but hopefully they will come in close to budget, without surprises.
D. Anna put the $900 for the library purchases on the excess funds sheet even thought it hasn’t been
spent yet, because they are funds that have already been approved for expenditure.
VI. President’s Report
A. Ken Bezar updated us on the Phantoms game where the Gwynedd Square chorus will sing the
National Anthem. Ticket sales are already over the required 250, and Ken believes all the tickets
have not yet been purchased. All the chorus members attending will receive a Phantoms t-shirt, 4
children will get to sit behind the bench and someone will get a ride on the Zambonie. With every
ticket purchased a free ticket to attend another game before the end of the season (April 10th) will be
received. Ken is getting Gwynedd Square rally towels made and asked that anyone celebrating a
birthday let Ken know and he will get their name on the board.
B. Sherri Helt shared Sandy Friday’s Coordinating Council update:
1. Oak Park Elementary hosted and shared a slide show of recent events at their school.
2. Bob Gilmer is presenting a great program on NPTV, which is now available on demand on the
3. There will be a free workshop with ideas for recruiting and maintaining volunteers on March 23rd
from 6:30-9pm at the ESC.
4. Sandy asks that anyone interested in Coordinating Council consider becoming a rep, which
involves attending a meeting once a month, currently the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
C. Sherri then mentioned the online survey that she, Kristen and Dona are working on to obtain
feedback about social events and fundraising. A hard copy of the survey will also be sent home in
backpacks. Everyone is encouraged to send in their ideas, and the results will be shared with
membership at a future meeting.
D. Sherri also shared that Science Night will include a demonstration from Mad Science, hands on
activities and student projects. Registration forms for student projects will be accepted after
February 27th.
E. Sherri updated us on the community service projects. 1100 pencils were collected and 35 cell
phones were donated to Laurel House with our Pencell Drive. The food drive coupled with Family
Fun Night also did very well and the food will be sorted and distributed on Friday. Sheila wanted to
say thank you for everyone’s support.
F. Sandy Brace mentioned that the Original Works art fundraiser would be sending home packets and
artwork on Monday, March 2nd. Mrs. Mascaro has requested that all artwork be returned to school,
even if you are not making a purchase, so that the artwork can be considered for the art show. Please
send us feedback about the fundraiser to
G. Donna McDonnel brought in choices of Spirit Wear for membership to vote on. We chose the items
of clothing, their color and the design that will be printed on the clothing. The company she chose
has no set up fee or delivery costs, and will deliver our order in 2 weeks or less. The question was
also raised as to whether or not we want to look into having a Spirit Wear sale in the fall as well,
especially with our new families in mind.
H. Nicole Daly shared that we are looking for people who are interested in being on the fundraising
committee. There will be a couple meetings beginning in March, so that we can have a fundraising
plan for next year ready to share at the April meeting. Please contact Nicole if you are interested.
I. Two volunteer needs were shared: a co-chair for Olympic Day, which is being chaired by Dianne
Kistler, and a volunteer to help Ms. Gramlich once a week.
J. On April 29th there will be a Red Cross Blood Drive at Gwynedd Square. It is an early dismissal so
the blood drive will be open to the public. There is online sign up and we need to have 30-40 people
sign up.
K. The next Home and School Meeting will be on March 24th.
L. Prizes were awarded and the meeting was adjourned at 8pm.
Gwynedd Square Home and School Association
Membership Meeting
January 27, 2009
I. Call to Order
Kate Thorson called to order the January 27, 2009 Gwynedd Square Home and School Association Membership
Meeting at 7:03pm in the library.
II. President’s Welcome and Appreciation
Kate began the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking the chairs of recent events. She thanked Barb and
Ken Bezar and Debbie Rosenblatt for their work on the Winter Fest, and she thanked Ken Bezar for his work on
Family Fitness Night at the YMCA. The Minutes from the November Meeting were also approved as submitted
by Sheila Bonitz and Tina Dentner.
III. Principal’s Report
Mrs. Justice began by welcoming everyone and thanking Ken Bezar and Mrs. Buckner for a wonderful Family
Fitness Night. She then shared the following items:
A. The 6th grade teachers, Mrs. Justice, Penndale’s Principal and the guidance councilors are working
together and meeting to help the 6th graders make a smooth transition to 7th grade next year.
B. February 5th will be Prime Time Reading for K-3.
C. February 9th report cards will be issued.
D. February 9th-20th will be the 5th grade Writing Pssa’s.
E. February 10th and 11th will be half days for parent-teacher conferences, and Mrs. Justice reminded us
that parents are welcome to request conferences at any time.
F. February 12th is Market Day.
G. February 13th and 16th there is no school for the President’s Day holiday.
H. February 18th will be the dental exams.
I. February 20th is Family Fun Night.
J. February 26th is the planned date for the Prime Time Reading 4th-6th grade.
K. March 16th to March 27th are the Pssa’s for grades 3-6.
L. Gwynedd Square is currently 90% Proficient in Reading, 91% in Writing and 97% in Math. Mrs.
Justice shared that there is an Opportunity to Learn Club at Gwynedd Square, which is funded by the
school’s intervention funds, and offers free tutoring to students who need extra help. She also
mentioned that she is grateful to the teachers who have volunteered to do the tutoring in this program.
M. A writing consultant came in and worked with the teachers and students on poetry.
N. The 5th grade Dare graduation will be on January 29th.
O. The 5th graders also had someone come in to work on writing with them.
P. Mrs. Justice went to the Coordinating Council reception and thanked Mrs. Friday for her work on
Coordinating Council.
Q. Gwynedd Square will be one of four pilot schools for the Response to Intervention Program next year.
R. Mrs. Justice went to the Home and School Presidents meeting, where they discussed Gwynedd Square
possibly being a pilot school for the Olweus anti-bullying program.
S. January 30th is the Road to Freedom Assembly, and parents are welcome to attend. Mrs. Justice thanked
Home and School for the assembly.
T. Mrs. Justice mentioned meeting with the Merck Institute for Science Education and Dona Dyer offered
to be a liaison between the teachers and MISE, so they could more easily take advantage of the
programs that MISE has to offer.
IV. Guest Speaker
Ceri Collins, our librarian, began by thanking us for having her and took a minute to introduce herself. She
handed out a pamphlet that will be sent out in a future Backpack Wednesday, which included information on the
A. Our school’s card catalog, Destiny, and how you can reach it from home,
B. Access PA, which families can use for research,
C. World Book Online, which can also be used for student research.
She showed us how to use these resources, and shared what she has been working on in the library.
V. Treasurer’s Report
Anna Wright went over the Treasurer’s Report by mentioning the following items:
Box Tops is doing very well with a $2600 deposited and another check coming in April.
Road to Freedom Assembly has been paid for.
The items approved for purchase from the Excess funds have been paid for.
More Mini Grants were paid and the items purchase by the teachers can be found on the Treasurer’s
Anna pointed out that most of the revenue has already been raised and most of the expenses still need to be paid,
as is to be expected. Since Winter Fest and the Cash Back Programs are doing well, we will be taking requests
for funds again. Several of which will be voted on tonight. The Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted
by Debbie Rosenblatt and Michelle O’ Brian.
VI. President’s Report
A. Kate Thorson began by bringing the excess funds requests to a vote, as follows:
1. A new Geobee Plaque for $153.66 was approved,
2. $300 to pay for the refreshments at the DARE graduation was approved,
3. $900 for books and AR Tests for the library was approved,
4. An easel for Mrs. B-Schmidt’s classroom for $259.56 was also approved,
5. $295 was requested for a Prime Time Reading Presenter. There was a question as to how much
of the Prime Time Reading budget had already been used, so membership agreed to let the
Board approve the amount that was actually needed after all the information was obtained.
B. Mrs. Justice shared that she would work on a drive to get student input on the choice of AR Books
to be added to the library. A suggestion was made to also get parent input in the process. Then it
was also suggested that perhaps the teachers should review the AR system to see if it is
accomplishing what it was set up to accomplish.
C. Sherri Helt shared that Family Fun Night will be held on February 20th. There will be a Moon
Bounce, food vendors, and the cake walk, which will begin at 7:30 in the 1st grade centrum, and will
include new or gently used books as well as baked goods this year. Volunteers are still needed, so
please contact Donna Gallagher if you are interested in helping.
D. Sheila Bonitz told us that the community outreach committee met and came up with the following
1. A “Pencell” Drive, which would collect pencils to be sent to the school we support in
Mississippi that was hit by hurricane Katrina, and collect cell phones to be donated to the
Laurel House, a shelter for abused women and children. Phone accessories, like chargers,
are also needed.
2. A Food Drive, which will start at Family Fun Night and run till the following Friday, and
will be used to benefit local families in need.
3. Moms to Moms Mother’s Day Baskets for the mothers at Laurel House. Items for the
baskets can be sent in May 4th-8th, and then they will be assembled with the help of
Student Council.
4. Gwynedd Square Nursing Home would be visited by students and parents to bring a
flower and a card made by students at Gwynedd Square to be given to each resident.
5. Sheila also shared that she is looking into ways to recycle, an issue that is a high priority
to Student Council. She is looking into CapriSun collection as an option, which raise 2
cents for each pouch.
E. Debbie Rosenblatt told us that the Original Works Fundraiser Flyer would be coming home this
week. This fundraiser allows us to purchase items with our children’s artwork on it. It provides us
with a profit of 33% of sales. Dona Dyer will put a link to the Original Works website on our
website. Debbie also shared how very helpful Mrs. Mascaro has been and how excited the kids are
about this project.
F. There will be a Blood Drive on April 30th from 2-7pm for staff and parents only. 50 donors are
needed, so please sign up if you are available.
G. Our next Home and School Meeting is on February 24th.
H. Prizes were given and the meeting was adjourned at 8:38pm.
Gwynedd Square Home and School Association
Membership Meeting Minutes
November 25, 2008
I.Call to Order
Kate Thorson called to order the November 25, 2008 Gwynedd Square Home and School
Association Membership Meeting at 7:05pm in the library.
II.President’s Welcome, Introductions and Appreciation
Kate welcomed everyone and thanked the following chairs: Cathy DeSonier for Kidstuff, Dona
Dyer for Cherrydale, Linda James and Susan Pisut for the Book Fair, Sharon Brenflect and
Maryann Kelly for the Ice Cream Social, and Karen Ann Dunne and Lisa Natrass for the
American Education breakfast. Their time and effort is truly appreciated.
III.Principal’s Report
Mrs. Justice thanked the Home and School Association for the donation to the families in need at
Gwynedd Square. The staff , student council, and Kiwanas will also be helping, and there will
be a giving tree in the lobby.
She also shared the following:
A. the 4th grade PSSA’s have been mailed for Science, and the 6th grade did very well on
their pre-assessment for computer skills,
B. the Holiday Concert will be December 17th in the evening,
C. the band will play background music at the Winter Festival,
D. December 22nd during the day, the orchestra, band and chorus will present a concert, and
families are welcome to attend,
E. DARE Graduation for the 5th graders will be held on January 29th,
F. January 30th is the Road to Freedom Assembly,
G. the last week in December the Upper Gwynedd Police Department will give Mrs. Justice
a commendation for her work on the Safe School Initiative,
H. student council with Mrs. Kett and Mrs. Cooper have a student menu committee , which
meets bi monthly with nutrition services to give input on the menu and do taste tests;
they will also be designing a Gwynedd Square sandwich that will be available for all the
I. the playground needs to be repaved, and one of the correlate teams suggested looking
into “Peaceful Playgrounds” before it was repaved, so the games could be mapped out
before the repaving is done.
IV.Guest Speaker
Dottie Irvin was ill and was unable to attend the meeting, however, she sent the answers to the
questions she was asked as follows:
A. Chick-fil-a cannot be substituted for Dominos day due to their use of peanut oil.
B. Dottie did not know why the school does not recycle plastic, but the cafeteria will
do it if the school is doing it. Mrs. Justice asked the District why we don’t recycle
plastic and they will get back to her.
C. The cafeteria uses sporks, since they cannot use reusable silverware and they
cannot order forks and spoons everyday. They do provide knives and forks when
D. Dottie answered that there is not time to do hand sanitizing before lunch,
however, Mrs. Justice said that most teachers have the children use the bathrooms
before lunch. Also the school does have a Hand Washing Program, which teaches
the children the correct way to wash their hands.
E. Food Service is not in charge of the school bucks website, so Dottie cannot have
the site notify parents when accounts are low. However, parents at the meeting
felt there was an option on the website that could be selected so you can be
notified if your account is low.
V.Treasurer’s Report
A. Anna Wright shared that it had been a busy month with field trip deposits and the excess
funds approved.
B. The headphones have been received in bags, so the funds for bags will be used to
purchase bins to keep the headphones in.
C. The white boards and kidney tables have also been received.
D. On the Revenue Page, Anna mentioned the following items:
a. There will still be some more revenue coming in for Kidstuff, usually $600,
b. The Book Fair is almost $300 over budget,
c. The Gift Card Program is over budget and everyone is encouraged to continue
buying gift cards,
d. The Election Day sale brought in $146 and 15 Genuardi’s sign ups,
e. It was not a payment month for the supermarkets,
f. Pictures also came in over budget at $2900,
g. The School Store is going well and was at the Block Party and will be at Winter
E. Expenses are still low, because it is the beginning of the year.
a. Field trip deposits have been made
b. The printers and projectors have been ordered, but the invoices have not been
received yet.
F. Anna shared that we will be waiting to see how the fundraisers go before looking into
other requests for funds from Home and School.
G. The Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted by Ken Bezar and Deb Rosenblatt.
VI.President’s Report
A. Ken Bezar shared that Jan 23rd will be fitness night. Lansdale YMCA will be joining us
to run a couple of events, including Zumba. The rowing machines will be back this year.
Ken and Mrs. Buckner are working on a GS Healthy Cookbook idea and may ask each
person attending to bring a recipe. They are also looking into doing a second Fitness
Night at the Lansdale YMCA. Volunteers are still needed for January 23rd, so please
contact Ken if you are interested in helping.
B. At the March 28th Phantoms game, the Gwynedd Square Chorus will be singing the
National Anthem. Ticket to the game will be sold as a fundraiser for $15 to everyone
who would like to attend.
C. Barb Bezar shared that this year the Secret Shop will be held in the 2nd grade centrum.
Also at the Winter Fest there will be crafts from 10 cents to a dollar, basket raffle, vendor
tables, food from Boston Style, Chick-fil-A, and Dunkin Doughnuts and a Student
Council cookie decorating fundraiser.
D. Sherri Helt shared the Coordinating Council update:
a. There will be a new home for the North Wales Library at 322 S. Pennsylvania
Avenue in North Wales,
b. Linda Abram NPSD’s Family and Community Involvement Specialist spoke,
c. We were reminded that donations can be made to the North Penn Education
Foundation in honor of your child’s teacher,
d. NPSEC has a speaker series coming up, which everyone is welcome to attend,
and there is information on,
e. York Avenue Elementary shared that they are having a clothing drive fundraiser,
where they are paid by the pound for clothes.
Rose Freece gave us an update on the School Board Meeting:
a. The GS request for funds from Home and School was approved,
b. Construction projects at schools in the District were discussed,
c. It was also mentioned that North Penn was able to secure lower interest rates.
Due to the fact that Kulp Elementary is under renovation, The Young Authors
Conference will be held here next year.
Sheila Bonitz shared her ideas about some community service projects that she would
like to work on with the students and Student Council. She welcomes ideas and would
like to do things that help others, but do not necessarily cost a lot.
a. Continue to help Gulf Port Elementary School, perhaps with a pencil drive in
b. Recycling and Earth Day type activities.
c. Helping Manna or other local groups.
d. Mrs. Justice suggested partnering with a nursing home.
Names were drawn for prizes and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.
Gwynedd Square Home and School Association
Membership Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2008
I.Call to Order
Kate Thorson called to order the October 28, 2008 Gwynedd Square Home and School
Association Membership Meeting at 7:05pm in the library.
II.President’s Welcome and Appreciation
Kate began the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking the following chairs:
Judy Hamilton and Debbie Rosenblatt for their work on the Welcome Back Block Party,
Anna Wright for organizing Pottery Night and Donna Gallagher for organizing the
school pictures.
III.Principal’s Report
Mrs. Justice shared the following items:
A. The Parent Resource Center has added $500 worth of additional materials for
parents to check out. Mrs. Justice encouraged parents to take advantage of the
resources available to them in the library.
B. She also told us that Mrs. Hunter received the Verizon grant, which is designated
for her classroom, but could also benefit the school.
C. Mrs. Justice told us that the Red Cross spoke to the principals to see if Home and
Schools would like to have family blood drives at their schools. There would
need to be a school and a Home and School Rep for this project.
IV.Guest Speaker
Courtney Grove from WISE SNAC, which is The Wellness Initiative for the School
Environment: Smart Nutrition and Activity Collaborative, joined us to share ideas and
resources to assist in promoting healthy school and home environments. She began by
thanking us for inviting her to our meeting and then passed out folders with information
on resources that parents can use to look for information. Wise Snac’s goal is to
encourage consistent health and fitness goals through out the community in schools and
homes. Wise Snac is interested in providing resources for parents and families to use
when trying to improve their health and fitness. Surveys and focus groups have
provided information and Wise Snac is working to meet the needs expressed by
students, parents and faculty. Some schools have formed Parent Help Councils and
Courtney asked anyone interested in getting more information about these Councils or
anything else related to Wise Snac to please contact her. She also asked us to share any
relevant events at Gwynedd Square with her, such as Family Fitness Night.
V.Teacher’s Report
A. The Teacher’s Report covering each class’s activities can be found on the Home
and School Website.
B. We were joined by Mr. Brun and Mrs. Sell who generously shared their time
with us and demonstrated the Smart Board in Mrs. Sell’s classroom.
VI.Treasurer’s Report
Anna Wright went over the financial reports with membership and mentioned that there
had been a lot of revenue activity due to the Kidstuff and Cherrydale fundraisers. The
Kidstuff account shows half of the sales amount, which is what Home and School
earned. The Cherrydale account shows all the money that Anna has collected, and
Home and School will earn half of the sales amount. She also mentioned that Market
Day and the Cash Back Programs are continuing to do well. Since it is still early in the
year there have not been many expenses paid out yet. Anna explained the Excess Cash
Balance, and she told us that the Reading and Writing Stations and the tables, which
were approved for purchase by membership at the last meeting, have been received.
The Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted by Tina Dentner and Debbie
VII.President’s Report
A. Barb Bezar joined us to speak about Winter Fest, and she shared that the vendor
letter was already out and we currently have 6 vendors. Classroom Theme
Basket information will be coming out soon, and donations will be due in on
November 21st, so that the baskets can be put together on the Sunday of
Thanksgiving weekend (more volunteers are needed). This year students will be
able to pre-purchase tickets at a discount, 50 tickets will be $20. The Secret
Shop will be in the centrum this year, and the band will play background music.
B. At November’s meeting Dottie Irvin from Food Services will be speaking about
school lunches and answering pre submitted questions.
C. Anna explained the requests for funds, which were then voted on:
a. 700 headphones were requested by the Tech Department for a total cost of
$1063.18. This request was approved.
b. 100 white boards were requested by the first grade for $398.70. This
request was approved.
c. A popcorn machine was requested for Home and School use at events for
$349.90. This request was approved.
D. Linda James shared that volunteers were still needed to help with the Book Fair,
which will be in the second grade centrum during the week and will be moved to
the gym for Friday night. This year we are hoping to collect $1 per child which
will be split between the classroom teachers and the library. Anyone interested
in chairing the Book Fair next year can contact Linda with questions.
E. Sharon Patterson and Tina Dentner will sell pretzels during Election Day and
Tina will also advertise Cash Back to the community.
F. A co-chair for the Welcome Committee and the Kids Art Fundraiser were
requested and anyone interested should contact Debbie Rosenblatt.
G. Names were drawn for Cherrydale prizes and the meeting was adjourned at
Gwynedd Square Home and School Association
Membership Meeting
September 16, 2008
I.Call to Order
Kate Thorson called to order the September 16,2008 Gwynedd Square Home and School
Association Membership Meeting at 7:13pm, after a Meet and Greet in the library.
II.President’s Welcome and Introductions
Kate began the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking them for coming out to the first
Home and School Meeting of the school year. Then she asked the Executive Board to introduce
III.Principal’s Report
Mrs. Justice began by welcoming everyone and thanking them for coming.
A. She shared that there were 72 new students, not including the Kindergarten students,
and then mentioned that class sizes were reduced before the start of school with the
addition of a new Kindergarten and First Grade teacher.
B. Mrs. Justice congratulated both students and teachers on their achievement of the
highest mean scores in the District for reading, writing and math on the PSSA’s.
C. Mrs. Justice shared that the following events are coming up in September and
a. Back to School Night is Thursday, September 18th,
b. Picture Day is Wednesday, September 17th,
c. The Welcome Back Block Party will be September 26th,
d. Principal Story Night at Barnes and Noble will be October 16th, and
attendance earns students a No Homework Pass.
D. Mrs. Justice told us how very important communication is and reminded us that the
best way to communicate quickly with your child’s teacher is with a note or phone
call. She also shared with us that there will be no emergency forms sent home in the
elementary schools, so if you have any changes in your contact information, please
notify the school.
IV.Teacher’s Report
A. The Teacher’s Report covering each class’s activities can be found on the Home and
School Website.
B. We were joined by our new Guidance Councilor, Kristin Vaszily. She shared that she
wanted to come to our Home and School meeting to introduce herself and tell us a little
about what she does at Gwynedd Square.
C. She told us that she has gotten to meet the new students and is looking forward to
meeting more of the students in class as she begins her guidance lessons. She is also
available to help with conflict resolution and she enjoys meeting with various small
D. If you have any questions or concerns, she encourages you to contact her.
V.Treasurer’s Report
A. Anna Wright began by explaining the reports for the benefit of the new families:
a. The Treasurer’s Report shows the activity for the month,
b. Year to Date Revenue shows the budgeted amounts to be raised and the amounts
that have come in so far,
c. The Year to Date Expenses shows the budgeted amount, which was voted on by
membership at the end of the year, and what has gone out so far,
d. The Excess Funds page shows what we have carried over from previous years,
and includes a $5000 buffer in case of failed fundraisers during the year and for
outlays at the beginning of the year, which occur before fundraising begins. A
form for requesting funds will be handed out to teachers, so that they can let
Home and School know what needs they have.
B. Any questions can be e-mailed to Anna or the Home and School e-mail address: .
VI.President’s Report
A. Kate introduced Nicole Daly, our VP of Fundraising, who shared that we are selling
Macy’s coupons for $5, which is total profit for Gwynedd Square and entitles shoppers
to 20% off their purchases at Macy’s on Saturday October 20th. Nicole then introduced
the following Fundraising Chairs, who shared a little about our Fundraising Programs:
a. Christie Clemens encouraged everyone to try our new Simplified Scrip Program.
You simply go to the website and order the gift cards that you need and they are
shipped to your home for a small shipping fee (under a dollar), and a percentage
of the purchase price goes to Gwynedd Square. She recommended buying cards
for places you shop regularly like Acme, Applebees and Dunkin Doughnuts, and
consider buying holiday gifts and teacher gifts. Christie also mentioned buying
Barnes and Noble gift cards to use at Principal Story Night on October 16th, and if
you are going to eat at Applebees that night you could also buy a gift card for that.
If you have any questions, please contact Christie Clemens.
b. Tina Dentner reminded everyone to send in their Acme receipts with their
children or drop them in the box in the lobby, and to renew their Genuardi’s cards
(new families can get the form and input the info. online). If you shop at Giant,
you can buy gift cards from Simplified Scrip to earn money for Gwynedd Square
when you shop there. Tina also encouraged everyone to open a Target Visa,
which will give a percent of purchases to Gwynedd Square.
c. Nicole Putnam shared how well Box Tops did last year with 140 families
participating and raised $3100 for Gwynedd Square. She reminded us to sign up
our Weis card online to get extra Box Tops. Nicole also encouraged everyone to
shop online through the Box Tops Marketplace to earn more for Gwynedd
Square. She asked everyone to send in their Box Tops and mentioned a
promotion which will double all Box Tops sent in by the end of October. Please
keep your eyes open for special deals Nicole will share through e-mails.
d. Dona Dyer also joined us to let us know about our Fall Fundraiser, which will run
from October 6th to October 20th. She brought in samples from Cherrydale and
mentioned that there will be sales incentives, including a prize for all children
who sell at least one item. Sherri also reminded everyone that this is our largest
fundraiser of the year and we receive 50% of the purchase price for Gwynedd
e. Kidstuff books will be coming home soon, and this is another fundraiser which
earns Gwynedd Square 50% of the purchase price.
B. Membership voted on the following requests for funds:
a. Technology requests for 2 printers and a projector, totaling $1,101.37, which was
b. Two kidney shaped tables to be used by the Reading Department, totaling
$407.24 plus shipping, which was approved,
c. Four Work Station Easels totaling $839.87 plus shipping, which was approved.
d. This decreased the excess funds by approximately $2300. Forms will be sent out
to the teachers to see what other items they are in need of. Mrs. Justice thanked
membership on behalf of herself and the teachers.
Kate asked everyone to send in their forms for the Welcome Back Block Party to help
plan for quantities of food and crafts. The Welcome Back Block Party will be held on
September 26th at 6pm.
Sherri shared with membership the Chair positions that were still open, and mentioned
that there are binders with information from past Chairs about how to run the events and
a Chairpersons meeting that will be held on October 6th.
Kate went over the dates of all the events during the year for the new families.
We were reminded that event and fundraising information are on the website and if you
need to contact Dona Dyer, our webmaster, her e-mail address is on the website, or you
can reach her through the Home and School e-mail address.
The meeting was adjourned after announcements were made and prizes were given out
at 8:23pm.
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