March 31, 2016 Docket No. RP16-476 Docket No. RP16-625

Northern Natural Gas Company
P.O. Box 3330
Omaha, NE 68103-0330
402 398-7200
March 31, 2016
Docket No. RP16-476
NAESB Version 3.0 and Order No. 809 Compliance Filing
Docket No. RP16-625
Housekeeping Filing Related to NAESB Version 3.0 Compliance Filing
Docket No. RP16-476 – NAESB Version 3.0 and Order No. 809 Compliance Filing:
On February 1, 2016, Northern Natural Gas Company filed in Docket No. RP16-476-000
tariff records to reflect revisions to comply with the requirements established in Order Nos.
587-W and 809 issued in Docket Nos. RM96-1-038 and RM14-2-003, and RM14-2-000,
respectively. On March 29, 2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission accepted the
revised tariff records noted below to become effective April 1, 2016. A copy of the letter
order is attached.
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 Tariff Records
Effective April 1, 2016
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 201
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 201A
First Revised Sheet No. 212
Second Revised Sheet No. 216
Third Revised Sheet No. 257
Second Revised Sheet No. 258
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 259
Second Revised Sheet No. 260
First Revised Sheet No. 270
Fifth Revised Sheet No. 277
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 278
Third Revised Sheet No. 279
Third Revised Sheet No. 280
Third Revised Sheet No. 287
Eighth Revised Sheet No. 287A
Third Revised Sheet No. 289A
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 289B
First Revised Sheet No. 289C
Original Sheet No. 289D
First Revised Sheet No. 291A
The above tariff records are to be inserted into your copy of Northern Natural Gas Company’s
FERC Gas Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1.
March 31, 2016
Page 2 of 2
Docket No. RP16-625 – Housekeeping Filing Related to NAESB Version 3.0
Compliance Filing:
On February 23, 2016, Northern Natural Gas Company filed in Docket No. RP16-625-000 a
tariff record to remove the DRN column in the pro forma Preferred Deferred Delivery
Service Agreement. On March 30, 2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
accepted the revised tariff record noted below to become effective April 1, 2016. A copy of
the letter order is attached.
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 Tariff
Record Effective April 1, 2016
First Revised Sheet No. 444
The above tariff record is to be inserted into your copy of Northern Natural Gas Company’s
FERC Gas Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1.
Northern Natural Gas Company’s FERC Gas Tariff Sixth Revised Volume No. 1 is available
on the Internet at Tariff and this letter is available electronically at Letter. If you have any
questions, please contact me at (402) 398-7695 or at
/s/ Pam Lewis
Pam Lewis
Rates and Tariffs
154 FERC ¶ 61,250
Before Commissioners: Norman C. Bay, Chairman;
Cheryl A. LaFleur, Tony Clark,
and Colette D. Honorable.
Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company
Docket Nos.
Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP
Trunkline Gas Company, LLC
Golden Triangle Storage, Inc.
Granite State Gas Transmission, Inc.
Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC
Kinetica Energy Express, LLC
Monroe Gas Storage Company, LLC
Perryville Gas Storage LLC
Cadeville Gas Storage LLC
Vector Pipeline L.P.
Garden Banks Gas Pipeline, LLC
Mississippi Canyon Gas Pipeline, L.L.C.
Nautilus Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
Paiute Pipeline Company
Cameron Interstate Pipeline, LLC
LA Storage, LLC
Mississippi Hub, LLC
Southwest Gas Storage Company
Sea Robin Pipeline Company, LLC
Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.
Clear Creek Storage Company, L.L.C.
Honeoye Storage Corporation
Fayetteville Express Pipeline LLC
Leaf River Energy Center LLC
ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC
Golden Pass Pipeline LLC
Sierrita Gas Pipeline LLC
Ruby Pipeline, L.L.C.
TransColorado Gas Transmission Company LLC
Cheyenne Plains Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C.
Young Gas Storage Company, Ltd.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Mojave Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
Equitrans, L.P.
Dominion Carolina Gas Transmission, LLC
ANR Pipeline Company
Midwestern Gas Transmission Company
Great Lakes Gas Transmission Limited
Viking Gas Transmission Company
Rager Mountain Storage Company LLC
TC Offshore LLC
Guardian Pipeline, L.L.C.
OkTex Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
Lake Charles LNG Company, LLC
Portland Natural Gas Transmission System
Gulf States Transmission LLC
Destin Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
High Island Offshore System, L.L.C.
ANR Storage Company
Questar Southern Trails Pipeline Company
Northern Natural Gas Company
Questar Overthrust Pipeline Company
Questar Pipeline Company
White River Hub, LLC
Stingray Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
Bison Pipeline LLC
North Baja Pipeline, LLC
Panther Interstate Pipeline Energy, LLC
Northern Border Pipeline Company
Blue Lake Gas Storage Company
Gas Transmission Northwest LLC
Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company
Bobcat Gas Storage
East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC
Egan Hub Storage, LLC
Ozark Gas Transmission, L.L.C.
USG Pipeline Company, LLC
Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C.
American Midstream (AlaTenn), LLC
American Midstream (Midla), LLC
Bluewater Gas Storage, LLC
MarkWest New Mexico, L.L.C.
High Point Gas Transmission, LLC
MarkWest Pioneer, L.L.C.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Kern River Gas Transmission Company
Pine Prairie Energy Center, LLC
Portland General Electric Company
KPC Pipeline, LLC
NGO Transmission, Inc.
Ryckman Creek Resources, LLC
Texas Eastern Transmission, LP
B-R Pipeline Company
Southeast Supply Header, LLC
WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.
Steckman Ridge, LP
Big Sandy Pipeline, LLC
El Paso Natural Gas Company, L.L.C.
Empire Pipeline, Inc.
Colorado Interstate Gas Company, L.L.C.
DBM Pipeline, LLC
National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation
Black Hills Shoshone Pipeline, LLC
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC
SG Resources Mississippi, L.L.C.
Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC
Crossroads Pipeline Company
Gulf Crossing Pipeline Company LLC
Boardwalk Storage Company, LLC
Hardy Storage Company, LLC
Black Marlin Pipeline Company
Discovery Gas Transmission LLC
Alliance Pipeline L.P.
Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP
Texas Gas Transmission, LLC
Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC
Southern LNG Company, L.L.C.
KO Transmission Company
Elba Express Company, L.L.C.
National Grid LNG, LLC
Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C.
Rendezvous Pipeline Company, LLC
Dominion Transmission, Inc.
Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Trans-Union Interstate Pipeline, L.P.
PGPipeline LLC
Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC
Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C.
Millennium Pipeline Company, LLC
Central Kentucky Transmission Company
Arlington Storage Company, LLC
Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC
Freebird Gas Storage, L.L.C.
Caledonia Energy Partners, L.L.C.
Stagecoach Pipeline & Storage Company LLC
Horizon Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline LLC
Midcontinent Express Pipeline LLC
Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C.
Pine Needle LNG Company, LLC
Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC
Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC
Total Peaking Services, L.L.C.
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C.
Kinder Morgan Illinois Pipeline LLC
Enable Gas Transmission, LLC
Cheniere Creole Trail Pipeline, L.P.
Enable Mississippi River Transmission, LLC
Sabine Pipe Line LLC
Chandeleur Pipe Line, LLC
Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P.
Venice Gathering System, L.L.C.
Cimarron River Pipeline, LLC
Northwest Pipeline LLC
Dauphin Island Gathering Partners
WestGas InterState, Inc.
Tallgrass Interstate Gas Transmission, LLC
Rockies Express Pipeline LLC
Trailblazer Pipeline Company LLC
East Cheyenne Gas Storage, LLC
Wyckoff Gas Storage Company, LLC
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
(Issued March 29, 2016)
The above-captioned natural gas pipelines each submitted a tariff filing to
comply with the requirements established in Order Nos. 587-W 1 and 809 2 issued in
Docket Nos. RM96-1-038 and RM14-2-003, and RM14-2-000, respectively. The
proposed tariff provisions implement the North American Energy Standards Board
(NAESB) Wholesale Gas Quadrant’s (WGQ) revised business practice standards the
Commission incorporated by reference in those rules. As discussed below, the tariff
records are accepted, to become effective as proposed, 3 subject to further review and
conditions, as discussed in the body of this order. 4
Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines;
Coordination of the Scheduling Processes of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines and
Public Utilities, Order No. 587-W, 80 Fed. Reg. 67,302 (Nov. 2, 2015), FERC Stats.
& Regs. ¶ 31,373 (2015) (Order No. 587-W).
Coordination of the Scheduling Processes of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines
and Public Utilities, Order No. 809, 80 Fed. Reg. 23,198 (Apr. 24, 2015), FERC Stats.
& Regs. ¶ 31,368 (2015) (Order No. 809).
All of the filers, with one exception, filed tariff records with a requested effective
date of April 1, 2016. The exception was Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc.
(Southern Star) which, in Docket No. RP16-439-000, filed revised tariff records (listed in
its transmittal letter as Appendix B) to be effective for just one day (March 31, 2016), to
be replaced the following day with revised tariff records (listed in its transmittal letter as
Appendix B-1) to be effective starting on April 1, 2016. Southern Star based this filing
on its understanding of the Commission’s clarifying order in Docket No. RM14-2-002,
issued by the Commission on July 31, 2015. Coordination of the Scheduling Processes
of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines and Public Utilities, 152 FERC ¶ 61,095, at PP 11-12
(2015) (clarifying the timing of implementation of the new day-ahead nomination
timelines for the Timely and Evening nomination cycles and capacity release timelines
for pipelines, and how the pipelines should transition from two to three intraday
nomination cycles). In this order, we will accept the effective date(s) requested by each
applicant for its respective tariff revisions.
Appendix A to this order summarizes the compliance obligations of each of the
filing interstate natural gas pipelines. For questions on compliance obligations you may
contact: Oscar F. Santillana, (202) 502-6392,
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
On April 16, 2015, the Commission issued Order No. 809, a final rule amending
the Commission’s regulations to incorporate by reference standards developed and filed
by NAESB relating to the scheduling of transportation service on interstate natural gas
pipelines to better coordinate the scheduling practices of the wholesale natural gas and
electric industries, as well as to provide additional scheduling flexibility to all shippers on
interstate natural gas pipelines. In Order No. 809, the Commission revised the
nationwide Timely Nomination Cycle nomination deadline for scheduling natural gas
transportation from 11:30 a.m. Central Clock Time (CCT) to 1:00 p.m. CCT and revised
the intraday nomination timeline, to include adding an additional intraday scheduling
opportunity during the gas operating day (Gas Day). The Commission required interstate
natural gas pipelines to comply with the revised NAESB standards incorporated in that
rule beginning on April 1, 2016. 5 In addition, the Commission required pipelines to file
tariff records to reflect the changed standards by February 1, 2016. 6
On October 16, 2015, the Commission issued Order No. 587-W, a final rule
amending its regulations to incorporate by reference the latest version (Version 3.0) of
seven business practice standards adopted by the WGQ of NAESB applicable to
interstate natural gas pipelines. These updated business practice standards contain and
supplement the revisions to the NAESB scheduling standards previously accepted by the
Commission in Order No. 809 as part of the Commission’s efforts to harmonize gaselectric scheduling coordination. In addition, the updated standards revise the codes used
to identify receipt and delivery locations in the “Index of Customers.” Further, for
consistency with the revisions to the Index of Customers, the Commission amended its
regulations by making conforming changes to the regulations on interstate natural gas
pipeline filings and postings. These changes are required to be implemented on
April 1, 2016, and the Commission required interstate natural gas pipelines to file tariff
records to reflect the changed standards by February 1, 2016. These implementation
dates were picked to coincide with the previously established implementation dates set
in Order No. 809 to allow pipelines to make only a single tariff filing covering both
Order Nos. 809 and 587-W.
Each of the above-captioned interstate natural gas pipelines filed tariff records to
adopt Version 3.0 of the NAESB WGQ Standards.
Order No. 809, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,368 at P 168.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Notice of Filings
Notice of these filings was issued, with interventions and protests due as provided
in the Commission’s Rules. Pursuant to Rule 214 (18 C.F.R. § 385.214 (2015)), all
timely filed motions to intervene and any motions to intervene out-of-time filed before
the issuance date of this order are granted. Granting late intervention at this stage of the
proceedings will not disrupt the proceedings or place additional burdens on existing
parties. Protests were filed in Docket Nos. RP16-598-000 and RP16-599-000 pertaining
to Rockies Express Pipeline LLC’s (Rockies Express) and Trailblazer Pipeline Company
LLC’s (Trailblazer) compliance filings. 7
Waiver Requests
In Order No. 587-V, the Commission set out the principles it would apply
generally to waiver requests. 8 In general, the Commission found that all waivers and
extensions of time will be granted only in reference to the individual set of NAESB
standards being adopted (in this case the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards). The
Commission determined pipelines will need to seek renewal of any such waivers or
extensions for each version of the standards the Commission adopts. The Commission
also ruled that waivers or extensions of time will not be granted for standards that merely
describe the process by which a pipeline must perform a business function, if it performs
that function, and where the standard does not require the pipeline to perform the
business function. In such a case, as long as the pipeline does not perform the business
function, it does not trigger a requirement to comply with the standard and hence no
waiver or extension of time is required. 9
See infra P 49.
Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines, Order No.
587-V, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,332, at PP 38-39 (2012) (Order No. 587-V).
Order No. 587-V, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,332 at P 38(2) (noting that the
Commission has denied waivers of NAESB’s gas-electric operational communications
standards requested by pipelines on the grounds that their systems do not connect to
power plants); Trans-Union Interstate Pipeline L.P., 141 FERC ¶ 61,167, at P 18 (2012)
(Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-V).
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
A number of pipelines sought waiver of the requirements of Order No. 587-W, or
extensions of time in which to comply with that order. These requests are discussed
below. Any waivers or extensions of time granted herein are limited to the NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 Standards promulgated by Order No. 587-W.
Waivers of Gas Quality Posting Requirements
Waivers Granted
Five pipelines, B-R Pipeline Company (B-R), Total Peaking Services, L.L.C.
(Total Peaking), USG Pipeline Company, LLC (USG Pipeline), KPC Pipeline, LLC
(KPC), and NGO Transmission, Inc. (NGO Transmission), which only have one source
of gas or one customer, request continuation of previously granted waivers of the NAESB
WGQ gas quality posting requirements. In support of their request, these pipelines state
that the Commission has previously granted them waiver of the NAESB WGQ gas
quality posting related Standards. 10 The Commission finds it appropriate to grant the
requested waivers because these pipelines typically have one source of gas, one
customer, 11 and do not separately measure gas quality. 12 However, the referenced
pipelines must comply with the gas quality reporting Standards if, in the future, they
decide to separately measure gas quality.
Another four pipelines, DBM Pipeline, LLC (DBM Pipeline), Rendezvous
Pipeline Company, LLC (Rendezvous), Black Hills Shoshone Pipeline, LLC (Shoshone
Pipeline), and Portland General Electric Company (PGE), which do not separately
measure gas quality, also request continuation of previously granted waivers of the
NAESB WGQ gas quality posting requirements. 13 In support of their request, these
See Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-V, 141 FERC ¶ 61,167
at P 6; Total Peaking Services, L.L.C., 138 FERC ¶ 61,098 (2012); Standards for
Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines, 133 FERC ¶ 61,096, at PP 6-9
(2010) (October 28, 2010 Order On Filings In Compliance with Order No. 587-U).
USG Pipeline asserts that while USG Pipeline now has two customers (i.e., one
is an affiliate), USG Pipeline’s two shippers can and should get gas quality information
from its one source of gas (i.e., the upstream pipeline).
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 4.3.23 (as it relates to gas quality posting),
and 4.3.89 through 4.3.93.
DBM Pipeline, LLC (DBM Pipeline), Rendezvous Pipeline Company, LLC
(Rendezvous), Black Hills Shoshone Pipeline, LLC (Shoshone Pipeline), Portland
General Electric Company (PGE).
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
pipelines state that the Commission has previously granted them waiver of the NAESB
WGQ gas quality posting related Standards. 14 The Commission finds it appropriate to
grant waivers for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 4.3.23 (as it relates to gas quality
posting), and 4.3.89 through 4.3.93, as requested, because these pipelines typically do not
separately measure gas quality. However, the pipelines must comply with the gas quality
reporting Standards if, in the future, they decide to separately measure gas quality.
MarkWest New Mexico, L.L.C. (MarkWest New Mexico) and MarkWest Pioneer,
L.L.C. (MarkWest Pioneer) request continuation of previously granted waivers of
NAESB WGQ Standards 4.3.23 (as it relates to gas quality posting), 4.3.89 through
4.3.93, and 4.3.95 due to the small size and configuration of their pipelines. The
Commission finds it appropriate to grant the referenced pipelines the requested waivers
for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 4.3.23 (as it relates to gas quality posting),
4.3.89 through 4.3.93, and 4.3.95, 15 because these pipelines typically only have one
customer, have a limited scope of operations, and do not separately measure gas quality.
However, the referenced pipelines must comply with the gas quality reporting Standards
if, in the future, they decide to separately measure gas quality.
National Grid LNG, L.P. (NG LNG) requests continuation of previously granted
waiver of NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.23 (as it relates to gas quality posting) given its
unique operational and market circumstances. NG LNG explains that it operates an LNG
storage facility which is not physically connected to the interstate pipeline grid. Given
NG LNG’s operational and market circumstances, the Commission finds that granting
waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 4.3.23 (as it relates to gas quality posting)
is appropriate.
Waivers Rejected
Four pipelines, USG Pipeline, DBM Pipeline, Rendezvous, and NGO
Transmission, request waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 4.3.95. The
Commission will deny the requested waivers of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standard 4.3.95 because the Standard is conditional and does not apply unless the
pipeline performs the business function. NAESB Standard 4.3.95 requires a pipeline to
measure or calculate hydrocarbon liquid dropout from one of two prescribed methods if
its tariff contains gas quality provisions pertaining to the measurement of hydrocarbon
DBM Pipeline, LLC, 152 FERC ¶ 62,056 (2015); Rendezvous Gas Services,
L.L.C., 112 FERC ¶ 61,141, at P 49 (2005) (Rendezvous).
The tariffs of MarkWest New Mexico and MarkWest Pioneer contain gas
quality provisions pertaining to the measurement of hydrogen sulfide levels in the gas.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 10 -
liquid dropout. In support of their requests, the pipelines stated that their tariffs do not
contain such provisions. Thus, in each case the pipeline complies with the NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standard 4.3.95. These pipelines must make a compliance filing within
20 days of the date of issuance of this order to include NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.95 in
their respective tariffs.
Eight pipelines 16 request waiver of NAESB WGQ Standards 4.3.96 through
4.3.98. The Commission will deny the requested waivers of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standards 4.3.96 through 4.3.98 because the Standards are conditional and do not apply
unless the pipeline actually performs the business function. NAESB Version 3.0
Standard 4.3.96 requires pipelines to provide hourly gas quality information “to the
extent that the pipeline is required to do so in its tariff or general terms and conditions, a
settlement agreement, or by order of an applicable regulatory authority.” Further,
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 4.3.97 and 4.3.98 specify how the data for Standard
4.3.96 should be provided. Because the pipelines state that their respective tariffs do not
require them to provide hourly gas quality information, 17 they do not require a waiver of
NAESB WGQ Standards 4.3.96 through 4.3.98. The pipelines will be in compliance
with the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 4.3.96 through 4.3.98 by simply including
the referenced Standards in their tariff. Accordingly, these pipelines must each make a
compliance filing within 20 days of the date of issuance of this order to include these
Standards in their respective tariffs.
Waivers of Pooling Standards
Eight pipelines 18 request continuation of their respective waivers of the NAESB
WGQ Standards governing pooling. The pipelines state that the Commission has granted
such waivers in the past, 19 and that, given the nature of their respective pipeline systems
DBM Pipeline, Rendezvous, USG Pipeline, MarkWest New Mexico, MarkWest
Pioneer, B-R, KPC, and NGO Transmission.
B-R asserts that data regarding the gas quality are available to its customer and
any future customer from the only upstream transporter which delivers gas into B-R.
Young Gas Storage Company, Ltd. (Young Gas), Blue Lake Gas Storage
Company (Blue Lake) ANR Storage Company (ANR Storage), Panther Interstate
Pipeline Energy L.L.C (Panther), Trans-Union Interstate Pipeline, L.P. (Trans-Union),
NG LNG, PGPipeline, LLC (PGPipeline), and WestGas Interstate, Inc. (WestGas).
Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-V, 141 FERC ¶ 61,167
at P 16; Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines,
133 FERC ¶ 61,185 (2010) (November 30, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 11 -
they do not have the ability to provide pooling services. 20 We deny the requested waivers
of the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards relating to pooling. 21 In support of their
waiver requests these pipelines explain that it is currently not feasible for them to provide
pooling services. However, these Standards only apply in situations where it is feasible
for a pipeline to provide pooling services. Thus, we find no need to grant the requested
waivers and find that the proffered explanations do not support our issuance of the
requested waivers. If at some point it becomes feasible for them to provide pooling
services, the referenced pipelines’ customers could potentially request such pooling
services on their systems in the future. Thus, the Commission finds that granting an
extension of time to comply with the NAESB WGQ Standards relating to pooling is
appropriate. Thus, the Commission will grant the referenced pipelines an extension of
time until 180 days following their receipt of a request from a Part 284 customer before
they must commence compliance with the Version 3.0 Standards relating to pooling.
Accordingly, the referenced pipelines are directed to file revised tariff records within
20 days from the date of issuance of this order to change the reference from waiver to
extension of time for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.17, 1.3.18, and 3.3.6 in
the section titled "Standards for which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have
been granted." The referenced pipelines must comply with the pooling Standards if, in
the future, they have the ability to provide pooling services.
Waivers of Gas/Electric Operational Communications
Two pipelines, NG LNG and Rendezvous, request continuation of their respective
waivers of the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards applicable to gas/electric operational
communications. Specifically, NG LNG requests waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standards 0.3.11 through 0.3.15 and Rendezvous requests waiver of NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standard In support of their requests, the referenced pipelines state
that the Commission has previously granted waiver of the NAESB WGQ Standards
adopted by the Commission in Order No. 698 22 governing the Standards for operational
with Order No. 587-U); October 28, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance with Order
No. 587-U, 133 FERC ¶ 61,096 at P 11.
Pooling is: (1) the aggregation of gas from multiple physical and/or logical
points to a single physical or logical point, and/or (2) the dis-aggregation of gas from a
single physical or logical point to multiple physical and/or logical points.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.17, 1.3.18, and 3.3.6.
October 28, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-U,
133 FERC ¶ 61,096; November 30, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance with
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 12 -
communications between pipelines and gas fired generators. The pipelines assert that
they continue to operate in the same manner as before and, therefore, continuation of the
prior waivers should be granted. 23
The Commission will deny NG LNG’s requested waivers of NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.11 through 0.3.13 because the Standards are conditional
and do not apply unless the pipeline performs the business function. NAESB WGQ
Standards 0.3.11 through 0.3.13 require power plant gas coordinators and pipelines to
establish procedures to communicate material changes in circumstances that may impact
hourly flow rates and require a pipeline to attempt to accommodate such changes
consistent with a pipeline’s tariff. In support of the request, NG LNG stated that NG
LNG’s system does not connect with any power plants. Because the Standards apply, by
definition, only in the case where power plants are connected, we find no reason to
grant a waiver of the Standards. NG LNG is required to make a compliance filing within
20 days of the date of issuance of this order to include the Standards in its tariff.
Further, the Commission will deny the requests for waiver of NAESB WGQ
Standards 0.3.14 and 0.3.15. NAESB WGQ Standard 0.3.14 requires pipelines to
provide notification of operational flow orders and other critical notices to Balancing
Authorities, Reliability Coordinators, and Power Plant Gas Coordinators. Similarly,
NAESB WGQ Standard 0.3.15 requires Balancing Authorities and Reliability
Coordinators to establish written operational communication procedures with the pipeline
to be used during extreme conditions. Even without directly connected generators,
pipelines need to provide balancing authorities and electric utilities with relevant
information as to conditions that might affect their electrical systems. The pipelines are
required to provide such information only when the balancing authority or electric utility
requests it.
Order No. 587-U, 133 FERC ¶ 61,185; Standards for Business Practices for Interstate
Natural Gas Pipelines; Standards for Business Practices for Public Utilities, Order
No. 698, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,251, order on clarification and reh’g, Order
No. 698-A, 121 FERC ¶ 61,264 (2007).
B-R Pipeline Co., 128 FERC ¶ 61,126, at P 9 (2009) (B-R).
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 13 -
Reliance on natural gas as a fuel for electric generation has steadily increased in
recent years. 24 This trend is expected to continue, resulting in greater interdependence
between the natural gas and electric industries. 25 Several events over the last few years,
such as the Southwest Cold Weather Event 26 and the extreme and sustained cold weather
events in the eastern U.S. in January 2014, 27 show the crucial interrelationship between
natural gas pipelines and electric transmission operators and underscore the need for
improvements in the coordination of wholesale natural gas and electric markets.
Establishing such communication protocols is therefore important in any case in which a
pipeline’s practices may affect the electric grid. Accordingly, NG LNG and Rendezvous
See, e.g., U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook
2014 with projections to 2040 at Figure 31 (April 2015) (Annual Energy Outlook 2015);
North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 2014 Long-Term Reliability Assessment
(November 2014) at 19.
See, e.g., Annual Energy Outlook 2015 at 24 (which stated from 2000 to 2012,
electricity generation from natural gas-fired plants more than doubled as natural gas
prices fell to relatively low levels. In the longer term, natural gas fuels more than 60
percent of the new generation needed from 2025 to 2040. Natural gas’ share of U.S.
electricity generation is projected to increase from 27 percent in 2013 to 31 percent in
2040); ICF Assessment of New England’s Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity to Satisfy Short
and Near-Term Electric Generation Needs: Phase II Final Report (November 20, 2014);
North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 2014 Long-Term Reliability Assessment
(November 2014) at 13.
See FERC/NERC, Report on Outages and Curtailments during the Southwest
Cold Weather Event of February 1-5, 2011 (2011), available at
The widespread and record low temperatures during January 2014 resulted
in coincident record peak demand for natural gas throughout the Midwest, Northeast,
Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast regions leading to constrained pipeline capacity and high
natural gas prices. In addition, in February 2014, arctic temperatures limited the
availability of natural gas to supply New Mexico and Southern California leading the
California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO) to issue a system alert and
a request for consumers to reduce power demand around the system. CAISO invoked
increasingly stringent measures throughout the day to move generation off natural gas,
reduce demand, and maintain sufficient supply to meet firm load. See FERC Staff
Presentation “Recent Weather Impacts on the Bulk Power System” January 16, 2014,
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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are required to make a compliance filing within 20 days of the date of issuance of this
order to include these Standards in their tariffs.
Waivers of Interstate Pipeline Standards of Conduct Reporting
Four pipelines, B-R, USG Pipeline, Honeoye Storage Corporation (Honeoye), and
NG LNG, request limited waivers of the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 4.3.23
regarding the Standards of Conduct reporting requirements. In support of their requests,
the pipelines state that the Commission has previously granted a partial waiver of the
affiliate Standards. 28 Further, each of the pipelines states that it has posted on its website
affiliate-related information required by Order No. 2004 and the revised Standards of
Conduct requirements in Order No. 717. 29 In addition, the pipelines contend that Order
No. 717 continued the existing partial waivers of the Standards of Conduct. 30 For good
cause shown, the Commission grants these pipelines a partial waiver of NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standard 4.3.23 to the extent it is consistent with the prior waivers granted
with respect to Order No. 717.
Waiver of the Nomination and Capacity Release Timelines
Panther states that, as a small two segment, onshore, offshore pipeline with no
firm customers, it was granted limited waivers of standard and intra-day timelines and
timelines for notification and processing of released capacity. 31 Panther states that its
estimated peak day capacity is 81,555 Mcf per day. Panther explains that it provides
interruptible transportation service to a very small number of customers. Panther asserts
Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-V, 141 FERC ¶ 61,167 at
P 21; Honeoye Storage Corp., 129 FERC ¶ 61,054, at P 6 (2009).
Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers, Order No. 717, FERC Stats.
& Regs. ¶ 31,280 (2008), order on reh’g and clarification, Order No. 717-A, FERC
Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,297, order on reh’g, Order No. 717-B, 129 FERC ¶ 61,123 (2009),
order on reh’g, Order No. 717-C, 131 FERC ¶ 61,045 (2010), order on reh’g, Order
No. 717-D, 135 FERC ¶ 61,017 (2011).
Order No. 717, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,280 at P 31 (“[e]xisting waivers
relating to the Standards shall continue in full force and effect.”); Id. P 32 (“[a]ny entity
that has already received a … partial waiver [of the Standards of Conduct] may continue
to rely upon it.”).
Panther Interstate Pipeline Energy, LLC, 105 FERC ¶ 61,383 (2003) (Panther).
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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that it has not provided any firm transportation service since it began operations in 2003.
Panther notes that the absence of firm transportation service means that there is unlikely
to be any capacity release on its system.
The Commission recognizes that in the past it has granted Panther a limited waiver
of the interactive web site components of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.2.
However Standard 1.3.2 does not specifically require the use of an interactive web site
for nominations and we therefore reject this request for waiver. We are granting Panther
a waiver of the 1.4.z standards with respect to the data sets governing nominations, which
covers the interactive web site requirements.
Further, the Commission will deny the requested waiver of NAESB WGQ Version
3.0 Standard 5.3.2. NAESB WGQ Standard 5.3.2 governs the timeline for the processing
of biddable and non-biddable firm capacity releases. In support of the request, Panther
explains that it has not provided any firm transportation service since it began operations
in 2003. Panther clarifies that, although firm transportation service would be offered
under its Rate Schedule FT, none of its customers intend to subscribe for firm
transportation service. Panther notes that the absence of firm transportation service
means that there is unlikely to be any capacity release on its system. Panther states that,
if there were capacity release on its system in the future, it would be done manually or
through methods other than via an interactive website. Because the Standard applies, by
definition, only in the case of firm capacity releases, we find no reason to grant a waiver
of the Standard. As such, Panther has not supported its request for waiver to comply.
Nevertheless, because firm transportation service would be offered under Panther’s Rate
Schedule FT, Panther’s customers could potentially request capacity release on Panther’s
system with respect to that service in the future. Thus, the Commission finds that
granting an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 5.3.2
is appropriate. The Commission will grant Panther an extension of time until 90 days
following its receipt of a request from a Part 284 customer until it must commence
compliance with the Version 3.0 capacity release Standard 5.3.2. Accordingly, Panther is
directed to file revised tariff records within 20 days from the date of issuance of this
order to change the reference from waiver to extension of time for NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standard 5.3.2 in the section titled "Standards for which Waiver of Extension
of Time to Comply have been granted." Panther must comply with the capacity release
Standard if, in the future, it provides firm transportation service.
NG LNG requests waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.2(i-vi)
governing standard and intra-day timelines with respect to trucking operations and vapor
deliveries by displacement. NG LNG states that the Commission has previously granted
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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it such a waiver, 32 and that it continues to operate on the same basis on which the prior
waiver was granted. 33 For good cause shown, the Commission grants NG LNG a
continuation of its waiver of the NAESB WGQ Standards governing standard and intraday timelines concerning trucking operations and vapor deliveries by displacement, until
such time as NG LNG becomes integrated with the interstate pipeline grid.
NG LNG further requests continuation of a waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standard 5.3.2 governing the timeline for the processing of biddable and non-biddable
capacity releases. NG LNG states that the Commission has previously granted NG LNG
such waiver, 34 and that it continues to operate in the same manner. 35 We deny the request
for waiver. NG LNG offers firm LNG storage service under Rate Schedule FST-LG and
should provide for capacity release with respect to that service. As such, NG LNG has
not supported its request for waiver to comply. Nevertheless, the Commission finds that
granting an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 5.3.2
is appropriate. The Commission will grant NG LNG an extension of time until a Part 284
customer requests NG LNG to commence compliance with the Version 3.0 capacity
release Standard 5.3.2. Accordingly, NG LNG is directed to file revised tariff
records within 20 days from the date of issuance of this order to change the reference
from waiver to extension of time for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 5.3.2 in the
section titled "Standards for which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have been
NG LNG states that the Commission previously granted waiver of the
nomination Standards to its predecessor company, Algonquin LNG, Inc.
Algonquin LNG, Inc., 86 FERC ¶ 61,285 (1999) (concluding that the NAESB
nominations Standards are not applicable to liquefied natural gas (LNG) being
transported by truck, since those standards are intended to standardize nominations and
scheduling across the interstate pipeline grid); Algonquin LNG, Inc., 83 FERC ¶ 61,133,
at 61,601 (1998) (where the Commission granted waiver of the nomination standards
based on Algonquin’s assertion that such intra-day nominations are not possible for
deliveries of LNG by truck to storage or from storage to trucks, since the LNG trucking
load and unloading facilities can only accommodate two trucks per day).
NG LNG states that the Commission previously granted waiver of the NAESB
WGQ Standard governing the timeline for the processing of biddable and non-biddable
capacity releases to its predecessor, Algonquin LNG, Inc.
Algonquin LNG, Inc., 99 FERC ¶ 61,342, at 62,463 (2002) (explaining that the
timeline for the processing of released capacity is also covered by a waiver, since the
Commission has previously granted [NG LNG] waiver of the nomination requirements
until such time as [NG LNG] becomes integrated with the interstate pipeline grid).
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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granted." NG LNG must comply with the capacity release Standard if, in the future, the
LNG storage facility becomes physically connected to the interstate pipeline grid and
provides firm transportation service.
Waiver of the EDI Data Sets, EDM Standards, and “Customer
Activities” Website Requirements
In Order No. 587-V, the Commission explained its policy towards requests for
waivers or extensions of time of the Standards related to using the Internet to conduct
business transactions 36 and the Standards requiring pipelines to use Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI). 37 These electronic requirements fall into three categories:
1) The requirement to conduct business over the Internet.
The Commission stated that the requirement to conduct
business over the Internet will be evaluated based on a
pipeline’s individual circumstances, such as the size of the
pipeline, the number of shippers, its ability to provide
electronic services, the demand for such services, and
alternative means by which the pipeline conducts the business
2) The requirement to post information on an Internet site.
The Commission found that it will rarely grant waivers or
extensions of time to comply with the posting requirements
because posting of this information is required by the
Commission’s regulations and the cost of maintaining and
posting information on an Internet website is not great even
for smaller pipelines.
3) The requirement to support Electronic Data Interchange
(EDI). The Commission stated it will evaluate waivers or
extensions of time to comply with the EDI requirements
based on a pipeline’s individual circumstances, such as the
size of the pipeline, the number of shippers, its ability to
provide electronic services, the demand for such services, and
alternative means by which the pipeline conducts the business
EDM standards relate to the use of the internet for pertinent business practice
and electronic communications.
EDI standards require pipelines to maintain and operate an interactive web-site.
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practice. For smaller pipelines, the Commission generally
grants waivers of the EDI Standards when such pipelines
have shown that complying with such Standards would prove
unduly burdensome.
KO Transmission Company (KOT) requests continuation of its waiver of the
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 EDI datasets, Electronic Delivery Mechanism (EDM)
Standards, and the “Customer Activities” section of its website. KOT states that it owns
a percentage of the facilities operated by Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (Columbia
Gas) and that NAESB WGQ Standards related to the operational responsibilities and
activities carried out by Columbia Gas have been assumed as waived for KOT. KOT
further states that those NAESB standards are listed on Columbia Gas’ Navigates website
under the heading “Customer Activities,” and KOT does not maintain a Customer
Activities section on its own website. KOT explains that the implementation of the EDI,
EDM related standards (i.e., installation of the computer hardware and software
necessary to conduct all of the contemplated transactions via the Internet) would be
prohibitively expensive given KOT’s small size and limited income stream. KOT asserts
that the Commission has previously granted KOT a waiver of the NAESB WGQ
Standards relating to EDI datasets, EDM Standards and the “Customer Activities” section
of its website. 38 For good cause shown, the Commission grants KOT continuation of its
requested waivers. 39
Panther requests continuation of its waiver of the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standards related to EDI datasets, EDM Standards, and the “Customer Activities” section
of its website. Panther states that as a small, two-segment pipeline with no firm
customers it was granted limited waivers of EDI datasets, EDM Standards, and
Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-V, 141 FERC ¶ 61,167 at
P 26; KO Transmission Co., 148 FERC ¶ 61,165 (2014).
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.27 through 0.3.29, 1.3.3, 1.3.23,
1.3.36, 1.3.37, 1.3.45, 1.3.48, 1.3.53, 1.3.55, 1.3.56, 1.3.58, 1.3.62, 1.3.79, 1.3.81, 2.3.21,
2.3.32, 2.3.51 through 2.3.53, 2.3.66, 3.3.22 through 3.3.24, 4.3.1 through 4.3.3, 4.3.27,
4.3.28, 4.3.42 through 4.3.49, 4.3.52 through 4.3.55, 4.3.57, 4.3.58, 4.3.60 through
4.3.62, 4.3.66, 4.3.67, 4.3.69, 4.3.75, 4.3.78 through 4.3.85, 4.3.87, 4.3.100, 4.3.101,
5.3.10, 5.3.11, 5.3.13, 5.3.14, 5.3.32, 5.3.34, 5.3.40, 5.3.41, 5.3.42, 5.3.48, 5.3.72, 10.3.1,
10.3.3 through 10.3.12, and 10.3.14 through 10.3.27.
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Interactive website requirements 40 For good cause shown, the Commission grants
Panther continuation of its requested waivers. 41
WestGas requests continuation of its waiver of the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 EDI
datasets, EDM Standards, and the “Customer Activities” section of its website. In
support of its request, WestGas asserts that the Commission has consistently granted
waivers of the NAESB Standards due to WestGas’s operational and market
circumstances. 42 WestGas explains that its system consists of an 11-mile long pipeline
with one receipt and two delivery points. WestGas notes that it only has two firm
shippers and its net operating income for 2014 was only $49,913, with total operating
revenues of $185,398. WestGas further asserts that it has never received a request from
any shipper for capacity release. For good cause shown, the Commission grants WestGas
continuation of its requested waivers. 43
Panther, 105 FERC ¶ 61,383.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.23 through 0.3.29, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.8,
1.3.9, 1.3.11, 1.3.13, 1.3.22(ii)-(iv), 1.3.23, 1.3.27, 1.3.32, 1.3.33, 1.3.36 through 1.3.46,
1.3.48, 1.3.51, 1.3.53, 1.3.55, 1.3.56, 1.3.58, 1.3.62, 1.3.72, 1.3.74, 1.3.75, 1.3.79, 1.3.81,
1.4.1 through 1.4.7, 2.3.1, 2.3.6, 2.3.25, 2.3.32, 2.3.40 through 2.3.44, 2.3.66, 2.4.1
through 2.4.11, 3.3.5, 3.3.14, 3.3.23, 3.3.24, 3.3.26, 3.4.1 through 3.4.4, 4.3.1 through
4.3.3, 4.3.16 through 4.3.18, 4.3.20, 4.3.22 through 4.3.28, 4.3.30 through 4.3.36, 4.3.38,
4.3.40 through 4.3.50, 4.3.52 through 4.3.55, 4.3.57, 4.3.58, 4.3.60 through 4.3.62, 4.3.66
through 4.3.69, 4.3.72, 4.3.75, 4.3.78 through 4.3.87, 4.3.89 through 4.3.102, 5.3.10
through 5.3.12, 5.3.18, 5.3.20, 5.3.31 through 5.3.42, 5.3.73, 5.4.14 through 5.4.17,
5.4.20 through 5.4.22, 10.3.1, 10.3.3 through 10.3.12, and 10.3.14 through 10.3.27.
Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-V, 141 FERC ¶ 61,167;
WestGas InterState, Inc., 99 FERC ¶ 61,206 (2002) (where the Commission granted
partial waiver of Standards, but required the pipeline to comply with the Commission’s
communications and reporting requirements through means that do not require an
interactive website or adoption of EDI datasets, EDM Standards (e.g., by posting
information on the pipeline’s Informational Posting website, e-mail, phone, or fax)).
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.18, 0.3.20 through 0.3.23, 0.3.25
through 0.3.29, 1.3.48, 1.3.53, 1.3.55, 1.3.56, 1.3.58, 1.3.62, 1.3.81, 2.3.32, 2.3.40,
2.3.66, 3.3.23 through 3.3.24, 4.3.1 through 4.3.3, 4.3.22, 4.3.24 through 4.3.28, 4.3.31
through 4.3.36, 4.3.38, 4.3.40 through 4.3.50, 4.3.52 through 4.3.55, 4.3.57, 4.3.58,
4.3.60 through 4.3.62, 4.3.66 through 4.3.69, 4.3.72, 4.3.75, 4.3.78 through 4.3.85,
4.3.100, 4.3.103 through 4.3.105, 5.3.10, 5.3.11, 5.3.13, 5.3.14, 5.3.34, 5.3.41, 5.3.42,
5.3.48, 5.3.72, 5.3.73, 5.4.23, 10.3.6, 10.3.12, 10.3.16, and 10.3.18.
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Total Peaking requests continuation of its waiver of the NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 EDI datasets, EDM Standards, and the “Customer Activities” section of its
website. In support of its request, Total Peaking asserts that the Commission has
consistently granted waivers of the NAESB Standards due to Total Peaking’s operational
and market circumstances. 44 Total Peaking explains that its system consists of an LNG
storage tank whose working storage capacity is approximately 1.2 Bcf. Total Peaking
explains that it is located behind a local distribution company’s city gate and can only
physically receive gas either by tank or truck from its interconnection with the local
distribution company. For good cause shown, the Commission grants Total Peaking a
continuation of its requested waivers. 45
Waivers of Index-Based Capacity Release Standards
Eight pipelines 46 request waiver of the Version 3.0 Standards dealing with indexbased capacity release. These Standards provide additional flexibility to shippers and
create a uniform method that enables releasing and replacement shippers to use thirdparty rate indices to create rate formulas for capacity releases that will better reflect the
value of capacity. 47 These Standards also reflect a reasonable compromise for dealing
with copyright issues that arise in using copyrighted gas indices to set prices, ensuring
that shippers have a reasonable choice of available indices to use while equitably
spreading the costs entailed by the use of such indices among the pipelines and shippers.
November 30, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-U,
133 FERC ¶ 61,185 at P 36.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.22, 1.3.48, 1.3.51, 1.3.53, 1.3.55,
1.3.56, 1.3.58, 1.3.62, 1.3.79, 4.3.66 through 4.3.69, 4.3.94, 4.3.99 through 4.3.102,
5.3.31 through 5.3.33, 5.3.38, 5.3.70 through 5.3.72, 5.4.14 through 5.4.17, 10.3.1, 10.3.3
through 10.3.12, and 10.3.14 through 10.3.27.
Dominion Carolina Gas Transmission, LLC (DCGT), Panther, Trans-Union,
Total Peaking, USG Pipeline, PGPipeline, PGE, and Ryckman Creek Resources, LLC
See Standards for Business Practices for Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines,
Order No. 587-U, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,307 at P 11.
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Generally, the Commission received waiver requests for the index-based capacity
release in two components: requests for waiver of the EDI and Internet requirements; 48
and requests for waiver of the requirement to support gas-indices. 49 The pipelines
requesting waiver assert there are no representative index references for their pipeline,
and that shippers are unlikely to request such releases.
Waivers of Requirement to Support Index Based
Capacity Releases
Eight pipelines 50 request a continuation of their waiver of NAESB WGQ Version
3.0 Standard 5.3.65, which is a business practice standard that requires a pipeline to
support indexed based releases. The requesting pipelines assert that that there are no
representative indexed references for their respective pipelines, and that shippers are
unlikely to request such releases. Consistent with the Commission’s prior rulings, 51 and
the requesting pipelines’ contention that there are no representative index references for
the respective pipeline system, and that shippers are unlikely to request such releases, the
Commission grants USG Pipeline, Panther, Trans-Union, PGPipeline, 52 Total Peaking,
B-R, PGE, 53 and Ryckman 54 a continuation of their requested waiver of NAESB WGQ
DCGT and Total Peaking requested waiver of the EDI and Internet requirements
for the index-based capacity release NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 5.4.20, and
5.4.24 through 5.4.27.
USG Pipeline, Panther, Trans-Union, PGPipeline, Total Peaking, PGE, and
Ryckman request waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 5.3.65.
USG Pipeline, Panther, Trans-Union, PGPipeline, Total Peaking, B-R, PGE,
and Ryckman.
See November 30, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-U,
133 FERC ¶ 61,185 at P 25; MoGas Pipeline LLC, 133 FERC ¶ 61,035, at PP 8-10
PGPipeline is also granted a continuation of its requested waiver of NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 5.3.62 through 5.3.64, and 5.3.66 through 5.3.69 and their
requirement to support at least two non-public price index references until a releasing
shipper presents an index-based capacity release.
PGE is also granted a continuation of its requested waiver of NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standards 5.3.62 through 5.3.69 and their requirement to support at least two
non-public price index references until a releasing shipper presents an index-based
capacity release.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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Version 3.0 Standard 5.3.65 and its requirement to support at least two non-public price
index references until a releasing shipper presents an index-based capacity release. We
find it reasonable in these circumstances to not require the requesting pipelines to acquire
and pay for the licenses necessary to support indices at this time. However, the pipelines
will be required to support an index-based release when requested by a releasing shipper.
In supporting such a release, the pipeline will need to pay whatever licensing costs are
necessary to cover its processing of the release. 55
Waivers Limited to Electronic Standards
The Commission finds it appropriate to grant DCGT a limited waiver of the
electronic requirements of the NAESB WGQ index-based capacity release standards. We
grant a limited waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 standards 5.4.20, and 5.4.24 through
5.4.27 of the EDI and Internet requirements based on the administrative burden and costs
for DCGT, and the low probability of a releasing shipper on the requesting pipeline’s
system requesting to utilize index-based pricing. 56 However, to the extent DCGT
requests waiver of NAESB’s business practice standards for index-based capacity
release, DCGT has not supported such a request. Therefore, we deny waiver of
NAESB’s business practices for index-based capacity releases.
The Commission finds it appropriate to grant Total Peaking a limited waiver of the
electronic requirements of the NAESB WGQ index-based capacity release standards. We
grant a limited waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 standards 5.4.20, and 5.4.24 through
5.4.27 of the EDI and Internet requirements based on the administrative burden and costs
for Total Peaking, and the low probability of a releasing shipper on the requesting
pipeline’s system requesting to utilize index-based pricing. 57 However, to the extent
Ryckman is also granted a continuation of its requested waiver of NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 5.3.62 through 5.3.64, and 5.3.66 through 5.3.69 and their
requirement to support at least two non-public price index references until a releasing
shipper presents an index-based capacity release.
The requesting pipelines will not have to support more than two indices at any
time, because any subsequent releasing shippers will be able to avail themselves of the
index or indices currently supported by the requesting pipelines.
November 30, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-U, 133
FERC ¶ 61,185 at P 25; Carolina Gas Transmission Corp., 131 FERC ¶ 61,211, at P 4
November 30, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-U,
133 FERC ¶ 61,185 at P 25.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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Total Peaking requests waiver of NAESB’s business practice standards for index-based
capacity release, Total Peaking has not supported such a request. Therefore, we deny
waiver of NAESB’s business practices for index-based capacity releases.
Waivers Regarding Redirection of Scheduled Quantities
Two pipelines, NG LNG and PGPipeline, request waiver of NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.80 stating that, given the nature of their respective pipeline
systems they cannot offer options to redirect scheduled quantities beyond constraint
points, because they have only one delivery point. The Commission will deny the
requested waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.80 because the Standard is
conditional and does not apply unless the pipeline performs the business
function. NAESB WGQ Standard 1.3.80 only requires a pipeline to support the ability to
redirect scheduled quantities to other receipt points upstream of a constraint point or
delivery points downstream of a constraint point. Because the pipelines have no delivery
points downstream of their single delivery point, they cannot violate the Standard. By
including this Standard in their tariff, the pipelines will have to provide for redirected
quantities if they add receipt and delivery points. Therefore, we will require these
pipelines to make a compliance filing within 20 days of the date of issuance of this order
to include NAESB WGQ Standard 1.3.80 in their respective tariffs.
Waiver of Closing Measurement Timeline
USG Pipeline requests a continuation of its waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standard 2.3.7, which provides that “[t]he cutoff for the closing of measurement is 5
business days after business month.” USG Pipeline states that it is a small pipeline with
two customers and does not deliver to any other pipeline. USG Pipeline contends that it
may not receive a closeout of upstream measurements until the 5th business day after the
end of the month, because it relies on its upstream pipeline (i.e., East Tennessee Natural
Gas) for measurements of gas delivered into USG Pipeline. Therefore, USG Pipeline
asserts that it needs additional time to process that information to close out measurements
to its customer(s). Specifically, USG Pipeline requests that it be permitted to maintain its
current tariff language, which would allow USG Pipeline to close out measurements to its
customer(s) up to three business days after it receives a closeout of an upstream
pipeline’s measurements. The Commission grants USG Pipeline a continuation of its
requested waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 2.3.7. This will afford USG
Pipeline additional time to process the information to close out measurements to its
Dominion Transmission Inc. (Dominion) requests a continuation of its limited
waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 2.3.7 and 2.3.11 with respect to all
Appalachian receipt points upstream of the Appalachian Aggregation Points. In support
of its request, Dominion notes that the limited waiver was granted to its predecessor,
CNG Transmission Corporation, based on the representation that nearly 10,000 small
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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quantity receipt points upstream of the aggregation points are measured manually using
paper charts, and that collection and review of such charts within five business days after
the close of the business month is not feasible. 58 Dominion explains that its measurement
process still requires manual review of the chart measurement data from the numerous
receipt points upstream of the Appalachian Aggregation Points. For good cause shown,
the Commission grants Dominion a continuation of its limited waiver of NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standards 2.3.7 and 2.3.11 as it pertains to the receipt points upstream of the
Appalachian Aggregation Points.
PGPipeline requests an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ Version
3.0 Standard 2.3.7, which provides that “[t]he cutoff for the closing of measurement is 5
business days after business month.” PGPipeline states that it is a small pipeline with one
customer. While PGPipeline believes such extension of time to comply is justified, it has
failed to explain whether it relies on other pipelines for measurements of gas delivered
into PGPipeline and thus needs additional time to process that information to close out
measurements to its customer. Further, PGPipeline’s tariff provides that the cutoff for
the closing of measurement to its customer is 5 business days after the business month.
Specifically, GT&C Section 7.3 of PGPipeline’s tariff provides that “[t]he cutoff for the
closing of measurement is five (5) business days after the business month.” In these
circumstances, we find that PGPipeline has not justified its request for continuation of an
extension of time of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 2.3.7 and require PGPipeline to
file revised tariff records within 20 days from the date of issuance of this order to
incorporate the Standard in its tariff.
Waiver of Bumping Affecting Multiple Pipelines
Texas Gas Transmission, LLC (Texas Gas) and Gulf South Pipeline, L.P. request a
continuation of their limited waivers of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.39,
which provides that “[b]umping that affects transactions on multiple Transportation
Service Providers should occur at grid-wide synchronization times only.” Both pipelines
state that the Commission accepted their tariff filings to establish Enhanced Nominations
Service (ENS) for firm shippers. Under these services, firm shippers have the right to
bump interruptible service during additional nomination cycles occurring at times other
than the pipeline’s standard nomination cycles. 59 The pipelines argue that a limited
waiver of Standard 1.3.39 is required to allow bumping to occur during its additional
CNG Transmission Corp., 78 FERC ¶ 61,131 (1997).
Texas Gas notes that its service does not permit bumping after ENS Additional
Nomination Cycle No. 5. See Texas Gas Transmission, LLC, 138 FERC ¶ 61,176, at P 3
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nomination cycles. The Commission grants Texas Gas and Gulf South a continuation of
their requested limited waivers of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.39. This will
afford the pipelines’ ENS customers the additional opportunities to utilize such capacity
included in this firm service.
ANR Pipeline Company (ANR) requests a continuation of its limited waiver of
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.39. ANR states that GT&C Section 6.6.1
provides for seven total nomination cycles, with bumping allowed in the standard
NAESB Evening, Intraday 1, and Intraday 2 nomination cycles, and limited bumping by
Rate Schedule Firm Transportation Service (FTS)-3 shippers 60 in the standard NAESB
Intraday 3 nomination cycle and additional non-standard Morning and Last Intraday
nomination cycles. ANR asserts that ANR’s two additional non-standard nomination
cycles are limited to receipt and delivery points located in ANR’s Northern Segment, and
were approved by the Commission as part of ANR’s Order No. 637 compliance filing on
December 20, 2001. 61 ANR argues that a limited waiver of Standard 1.3.39 is required to
allow limited bumping by Rate Schedule FTS-3 to occur during its additional nonstandard Morning and Last Intraday nomination cycles. In support of its request, ANR
asserts that the Commission has consistently granted limited waivers of NAESB WGQ
Standard 1.3.39. 62 For good cause shown, the Commission grants ANR a continuation of
its requested limited waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.39 as it pertains
to its additional non-standard nomination cycles. This will afford ANR’s Rate Schedule
FTS-3 customers the additional opportunities to utilize such capacity included in this firm
Rate Schedule FTS-3, targeted primarily for electric generation providers,
provides variable hourly flow rights, short notice commencement and shut-down service,
and flexibility to manage variances between receipts and deliveries.
ANR Pipeline Co., 97 FERC ¶ 61,323 (2001); order on rehearing and
compliance, 104 FERC ¶ 61,320 (2003); ANR Pipeline Co., Docket No. RP00-332-008
(March 25, 2004) (delegated letter order).
Gulf South Pipeline Co. LP, 141 FERC ¶ 61,262 (2012) (where the Commission
required Gulf South, in its order approving Gulf South’s ENS service with eight
additional nomination cycles, to update its NAESB standards to reflect the waiver of the
NAESB Standard 1.3.39). Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-V, 141
FERC ¶ 61,167 at P 41 (where the Commission granted waiver of NAESB WGQ
Standard 1.3.39 to allow firm shippers the right to bump at times other than the standard
nomination cycles).
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Waiver of D-U-N-S Identification Number Requirements
Northern Natural Gas Company (Northern), Rendezvous, and Portland General
Electric Company (PGE) request a continuation of their waiver of NAESB WGQ Version
3.0 Standard 0.3.2, which pertains to use of proprietary entity codes when the D-U-N-S®
Number is not available. The pipelines explain that they use the Tax Identification (Tax
ID) number provided by the Shipper in the Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.’s D-U-N-S
identification numbers for shippers (D-U-N-S® Number) field when the D-U-N-S®
Number is not available. The pipelines request a waiver of Standard 0.3.2 to continue to
use the shipper-provided Tax ID number if the shipper does not have a D-U-N-S®
number. For good cause shown, the Commission will grant Northern, Rendezvous, and
PGE a continuation of their requested waiver of NAESB WGQ Standard 0.3.2.
Waiver of Bumping During the Intraday 3 Nomination Cycle
ANR requests a continuation of its limited waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standard 1.3.2(v), limited only to that portion of the standard which states that bumping
is not allowed during the Intraday 3 Nomination Cycle. ANR states that a limited waiver
will allow Rate Schedule FTS-3 shippers to bump interruptible service in the Intraday 3
nomination cycle. ANR states that the remainder of ANR’s Intraday 3 nomination cycle
provision adheres to the timeline and notice requirements set forth in NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.2(v). In support of its request, ANR asserts that the
Commission has granted a limited waiver of NAESB WGQ Standard 1.3.2(v). 63 For
good cause shown, the Commission grants ANR a continuation of its requested limited
waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.2(v) as it pertains to its FTS-3 service.
This will afford ANR’s FTS-3 customers the additional opportunities to utilize such
capacity included in this firm service.
Waiver of Standard 2.3.31
El Paso Natural Gas Company, L.L.C. (EPNG) requests a continuation of its
limited waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 2.3.31, which provides that “[n]o
imbalance penalty should be imposed when a prior period adjustment applied to the
See ANR Pipeline Co., 145 FERC ¶ 61,089 (2013) (where the Commission
accepted the referenced tariff record to implement a requested waiver of NAESB WGQ
Version 2.0 Standard 1.3.2(iv)). In NAESB Version 2.0, Standard 1.3.2(iv), the
Intraday 2 nomination cycle, represented the final standard nomination cycle. ANR is
requesting a continuation of the existing waiver granted for the final standard nomination
cycle of the Gas Day, now the Intraday 3 nomination cycle, or Standard 1.3.2(v), which
has been added as a new standard nomination cycle as part of the Version 3.0 Standards.
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current period causes or increases a current month penalty.” EPNG states that, in lieu of
following this standard, EPNG implemented Prior Period Measurement Adjustment
provisions to apply to the current period. In support of its request, EPNG asserts that the
Commission has previously accepted monthly imbalance settlement provisions. 64 For
good cause shown, the Commission grants EPNG a continuation of its requested limited
waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 2.3.31.
Waiver of Standard 2.3.64
EPNG requests a continuation of its limited waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standard 2.3.64, which provides that “[u]nder normal operating conditions, at a location
which is covered by an [Operational Balancing Agreement (OBA)], 65 the scheduled
quantity should be the allocated quantity.” In support of its request, EPNG asserts that
the Commission has previously accepted the exclusion of NAESB WGQ Standard 2.3.64
as part of a simplification initiative. 66 In lieu of this standard, GT&C Sections 10.5 and
10.6 of EPNG’s tariff provide that the allocation of quantities shall be governed by the
pre-determined allocation methods set forth in EPNG’s tariff or by an applicable OBA.
For good cause shown, the Commission grants EPNG a continuation of its requested
limited waiver of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 2.364.
Variances on Nomination Deadlines and Adjustments
Eight pipelines 67 request a continuation of their variances pertaining to NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.2, for a 15 minute extension of the deadlines for
nominations leaving the control of the nominating party, and for receipt of nominations
by transporter. The pipelines also request this variance for the new Intraday 3
nomination cycle. Generally, the referenced pipelines state that the Commission has
previously granted an extension of the nomination cycle deadlines, and that they continue
See El Paso Natural Gas Co., 119 FERC ¶ 61,275 (2007).
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 2.2.1, provides that “[a]n OBA is a contract
between two parties which specifies the procedures to manage operating variances at an
See El Paso Natural Gas Co., Docket No. RP07-708-000 (Oct. 25, 2007)
(delegated letter order).
Sierrita Gas Pipeline LLC, Ruby Pipeline, L.L.C., Cheyenne Plains Gas Pipeline
Company, L.L.C., Young Gas, Mojave Pipeline Company, L.L.C., Wyoming Interstate
Company, L.L.C., Colorado Interstate Gas Company, L.L.C., and EPNG.
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to operate on the same basis on which the variance previously was granted. 68 For good
cause shown, the Commission grants the referenced pipelines an extension of this
EPNG requests a continuation of its variance pertaining to NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.6, for automatic Hourly Entitlement Enhancement Nomination
(HEEN) adjustments. NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.6 provides that
“[n]ominations received after nomination deadline should be scheduled after the
nominations received before the nomination deadline.” EPNG states that this variance
gives EPNG the option to adjust a HEEN nomination after the nomination deadline to
match a corresponding opposite change to a shipper’s flowing gas nomination. EPNG
states that it has previously been granted this variance, and that it continues to operate on
the same basis on which the variance previously was granted. 69 For good cause shown,
the Commission grants EPNG an extension of this variance.
Extensions of Time
Limited Extensions of Time to Implement Certain Requirements
High Point Gas Transmission, LLC, American
Midstream (Midla), LLC, American Midstream
(AlaTenn), LLC
Three pipelines, High Point Gas Transmission, LLC, American Midstream
(Midla), LLC, and American Midstream (AlaTenn), LLC, request an extension of time
until September 1, 2017 to implement certain NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 standards. 70
The pipelines assert that they expect to be fully compliant with the provisions of Order
No. 809 and the Version 3.0 standards related to proprietary location codes on April 1,
2016 by installing either a patch to their current software or a manual posting process as
needed. However, the pipelines contend that, to become fully compliant with all of the
See, e.g., Sierrita Gas Pipeline, LLC, 147 FERC ¶ 61,192, at P 61 (2014) (where
the Commission granted the requested variance, because other deadlines in each cycle,
such as receipt of confirmation from the downstream operator or the effective flow times
of scheduled quantities remained as set forth in NAESB WGQ Standard 1.3.2).
El Paso Natural Gas Co., Docket No. RP08-538-000 (Sept. 26, 2008)
(delegated letter order).
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards: 0.3.18, 0.3.27, 1.3.73, 2.3.66, 2.4.4,
2.4.9, 2.4.10, 3.3.22, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 4.3.23, 4.3.101, 5.4.16, 5.4.20, 5.4.21, and 5.4.22.
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Version 3.0 Standards, they require an extension of time until September 1, 2017 to
complete a software upgrade.
The Commission has reviewed the pipelines’ request for an extension of time and
finds that their request is adequately supported. The pipelines state that they have
developed a work around to serve their customers and ensure that they will be compliant
with Order No. 809 and the Version 3.0 standards related to proprietary location codes by
April 1, 2016, and therefore, we find that granting the requested extension of time to
implement the requirements for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.18, 0.3.27,
1.3.73, 2.3.66, 2.4.4, 2.4.9, 2.4.10, 3.3.22, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 4.3.23 (as it relates to gas quality
posting), 4.3.101, 5.4.16, 5.4.20, 5.4.21, and 5.4.22 until September 1, 2017 will not
affect a business functionality or adversely impact their customers. Further, the extension
of time will help ensure that the software upgrade can be completed by September 1,
2017. 71
Trailblazer Pipeline Company LLC, Rockies Express
Pipeline LLC, Tallgrass Interstate Gas Transmission,
Trailblazer Pipeline Company LLC (Trailblazer), Rockies Express Pipeline LLC
(Rockies Express), and Tallgrass Interstate Gas Transmission, LLC (TIGT) each filed a
request for an extension of time until August 31, 2016 to implement certain NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 Standards. 72 The pipelines state that Tallgrass 73 - their parent
company - is implementing its CONNECT pipeline management system in a standalone
software environment that is static and based on the previously applicable NAESB
standards. Thus, the pipelines assert that they are unable to avail themselves of the
current version of the vendor’s software that includes changes to satisfy the NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 requirements. The pipelines further state that Tallgrass has instructed
the vendor to prepare interim software patches that will ensure that the pipelines can
See Equitrans L.P., 153 FERC ¶ 61,320, at P 9 (2015) (Equitrans) (where the
Commission granted the requested extension of time of standards not related to
nomination deadline changes and proprietary location codes until September 30, 2017, in
light of a contemplated software upgrade).
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.23, 0.4.2, 0.4.3, 0.4.4, 1.4.1 through
1.4.7, 2.4.1, 2.4.3 through 2.4.5, 3.4.1 through 3.4.4, 5.3.2, 5.3.44, 5.4.16, 5.4.17, 5.4.20,
5.4.21, 5.4.22, 5.4.24, 5.4.25, and 5.4.26.
Tallgrass Energy Partners, LP and its affiliate Tallgrass Development, LP
(together, “Tallgrass”) own and operate Trailblazer, Rockies Express, and TIGT.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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satisfy NAESB Version 3.0 as soon as practical. The pipelines believe that the software
patches necessary to bring CONNECT into compliance with NAESB Version 3.0 will be
developed, tested, and implemented by August 31, 2016.
Indicated Shippers 74 filed protests of Trailblazer’s and Rockies Express’s requests
for an extension of time until August 31, 2016 to implement NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standards 5.3.2 and 5.3.44. Indicated Shippers argue that the Commission should not
permit a delayed implementation of such capacity release and recall timelines, because of
the broad effect such a delayed implementation would have on the natural gas industry.
Specifically, Indicated Shipper argue that to the extent Trailblazer and Rockies Express
were permitted to delay implementation of the scheduling standards, shippers on multiple
pipelines in multiple markets would be adversely affected, because Trailblazer and
Rockies Express would not be operating under the same timelines as other interconnected
pipelines. Indicated Shippers further assert that delayed implementation would affect the
ability of other pipelines to schedule nominated volumes during the revised standard
nomination timelines. Therefore, Indicated Shippers request that the Commission require
Trailblazer and Rockies Express to implement all nomination and scheduling timelines
by April 1, 2016.
Trailblazer, Rockies Express, and TIGT filed an amendment to clarify that
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 5.3.2 and 5.3.44 will be implemented on their
systems effective as of April 1, 2016. Accordingly, the pipelines revised their request for
an extension of time to implement certain NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards. 75
The Commission has reviewed Trailblazer’s, Rockies Express’s, and TIGT’s
requests for an extension of time and finds that the pipelines have provided good cause
for the Commission to grant their requests for time extensions. The referenced pipelines
are requesting an extension of time only to accommodate delays in establishing their
electronic processing systems. The referenced pipelines state that they have developed a
work-around to serve their customers and ensure that they will be compliant with the
Indicated Shippers in Docket No. RP16-598-000 (Rockies Express) includes
Anadarko Energy Services Company, BP Energy Company (BP), Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
(Chevron), ConocoPhillips Company, and Shell Energy North America (US), L.P.
Indicated Shippers in Docket No. RP16-599-000 (Trailblazer) adds Cross Timbers
Energy Services Inc. and WPX Energy Marketing, LLC and does not include BP or
Chevron. The arguments advanced in both cases are the same, however.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.23, 0.4.2, 0.4.3, 0.4.4, 1.4.1 through
1.4.7, 2.4.1, 2.4.3 through 2.4.5, 3.4.1 through 3.4.4, 5.4.16, 5.4.17, 5.4.20, 5.4.21, 5.4.22,
5.4.24, 5.4.25, and 5.4.26.
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revisions to the NAESB business practice standards accepted by the Commission in
Order Nos. 587-W and 809 by April 1, 2016. Accordingly as itemized below, we will
grant Trailblazer’s, Rockies Express’s, and TIGT’s requests for an extension of time
relating to electronic processing. However, as discussed below, we clarify the scope for
the extension we are granting as to the posting of proprietary location codes.
Specifically, we will grant Trailblazer’s, Rockies Express’s, and TIGT’s requested
extension of time to implement the requirements for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standards 1.4.2, 1.4.7, 2.4.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 5.4.16, 5.4.17, 5.4.20, 5.4.21, and
5.4.22 until August 31, 2016, because these standards relate to electronic processing, and
do not affect a business functionality or adversely impact the referenced pipelines’
customers. This extension of time will help ensure that the software upgrade can be
completed by August 31, 2016.
Further, we will grant Trailblazer’s, Rockies Express’s, and TIGT’s requested
extension of time to implement the requirements for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standards 0.3.23, 0.4.2, 0.4.3, 0.4.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.3, 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 2.4.1, 2.4.3, 2.4.5,
5.4.24, 5.4.25, and 5.4.26 as they apply to electronic processes, because the referenced
pipelines have developed a work-around to service their customers and ensure timely
compliance with the business practice standards adopted in Order No. 809. However, the
Commission clarifies that this extension of time does not apply to the requirements set
forth in Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.23, 0.4.2, 0.4.3, 0.4.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.3, 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6,
2.4.1, 2.4.3, 2.4.5, 5.4.24, 5.4.25, and 5.4.26 related to the posting of information on
proprietary location codes on the referenced pipelines’ Internet website.
In Equitrans L.P., the Commission denied the requested extension for the Version
3.0 Standards as they relate to the posting of proprietary location codes on a pipeline's
website. 76 The Commission explained that compliance with the requirements set forth in
those standards as they apply to the posting on a pipeline's Internet website of proprietary
location codes does not require an interstate pipeline to incur substantial additional
software upgrade costs. 77 The Commission further explained that requiring interstate
pipelines to post information regarding proprietary codes on the pipelines’ Internet
website by April, 1, 2016 enables the Commission and customers to continue to identify
Equitrans L.P., 153 FERC ¶ 61,320, at PP 9-11 (2015).
Id. P 11.
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active interconnection points referenced in the Index of Customers through the website
postings thereafter. 78
Accordingly, the Commission will require Trailblazer, Rockies Express, and TIGT
to file revised tariff records within 20 days of the date of issuance of this order
incorporating the 15 NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards identified above related to
posting of proprietary location codes on a pipeline's Internet website, with an
implementation date of April 1, 2016, as set forth in Order No. 587-W.
Extensions of Time to Implement Electronic Data Interchange,
Electronic Delivery Mechanism, and Internet Electronic
Transport Requirements
Sixty-one pipelines request an extension of time to implement NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standards relating to various EDI, EDM, and Internet Electronic Transport
(IET) requirements until such time as the pipelines are requested by a Part 284, open
access customer to provide such electronic data services. 79 Generally, the referenced
Id. (citing Order No. 587-W, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,373 at P 41) where the
Commission explained that when pipelines make their Form No. 549-B (Index of
Customers) filing for the second quarter of 2016 and thereafter they should do so using
the new location names and codes for all active points.
Trans-Union, USG Pipeline, B-R, Gulf Crossing Pipeline Company LLC (Gulf
Crossing), Boardwalk Storage Company, LLC (Boardwalk Storage), Northern, DCGT,
Gulf South, Kern River Gas Transmission Company (Kern River), Shoshone Pipeline,
Texas Gas, Pine Needle LNG Company, LLC (Pine Needle), Transcontinental Gas Pipe
Line Company, LLC (Transco), Chandeleur Pipe Line, LLC (Chandeleur), Sabine Pipe
Line LLC (Sabine), Golden Triangle Storage, Inc. (GTS), Southern Star, Bobcat Gas
Storage (Bobcat), East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC (East Tennessee), Egan Hub
Storage, LLC (Egan Hub), Questar Southern Trails Pipeline Company (Southern Trails),
Leaf River Energy Center LLC (Leaf River), Questar Overthrust Pipeline Company
(Overthrust), Stingray Pipeline Company, L.L.C. (Stingray), Questar Pipeline Company
(Questar Pipeline), White River Hub, LLC (White River), Ozark Gas Transmission,
L.L.C. (Ozark), East Cheyenne Gas Storage, LLC (East Cheyenne), Steckman Ridge, LP
(Steckman), Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C. (Saltville), Bluewater Gas Storage,
LLC (Bluewater), MarkWest Pioneer, SG Resources Mississippi, L.L.C. (SG Resources),
Big Sandy Pipeline, LLC (Big Sandy), Cimarron River Pipeline, LLC (Cimarron),
Dauphin Island Gathering Partners (Dauphin Island), WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.
(WBI Energy), Northwest Pipeline LLC (Northwest), Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC
(Algonquin), Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. (Tennessee), Maritimes &
Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. (Maritimes), Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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pipelines state that the Commission has previously granted an extension of time to
comply with these Standards, and that they continue to operate on the same basis that the
Commission relied on when it previously granted extensions for compliance with these
Standards. 80 For good cause shown, the Commission grants the referenced interstate
(Gulfstream), Southeast Supply Header, LLC (SESH), Texas Eastern Transmission, LP
(Texas Eastern), Pine Prairie Energy Center, LLC (Pine Prairie), Iroquois Gas
Transmission System, L.P. (Iroquois), PGE, KPC, NGO Transmission, Ryckman,
Wyckoff Gas Storage Company, LLC (Wyckoff), Garden Banks Gas Pipeline, LLC
(Garden Banks), Mississippi Canyon Gas Pipeline, L.L.C. (Mississippi Canyon), Nautilus
Pipeline Company, L.L.C. (Nautilus), PGPipeline, DBM Pipeline, Rendezvous,
MarkWest New Mexico, Total Peaking, WestGas, and NG LNG.
See Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-V, 141 FERC ¶ 61,167
at P 50; November 30, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance with Order No. 587-U, 133
FERC ¶ 61,185 at P 29; October 28, 2010 Order on Filings in Compliance with Order
No. 587-U, 133 FERC ¶ 61,096 at P 36; DBM Pipeline, LLC, 152 FERC ¶ 62,056;
Boardwalk Storage Co., LLC, Docket No. RP13-527, et al. (May 16, 2013) (delegated
letter order); Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., L.L.C., Docket Nos. RP13-60-000 and RP1360-001 (Nov. 29, 2012) (delegated letter order); Ozark Gas Transmission, L.L.C, Docket
No. RP12-1097-000 (Nov. 29, 2012) (delegated letter order); Iroquois Gas Transmission
System, L.P., Docket No. RP13-35-000 (Nov. 29, 2012) (delegated letter order); Portland
General Electric Co., Docket No. RP12-1121-000 (Nov. 29, 2012) (delegated letter
order); Big Sandy Pipeline, LLC, Docket No. RP12-1066-000 (Nov. 28, 2012) (delegated
letter order) (where the Commission denied waiver, but granted an extension of time to
implement standard 0.4.1, because the standard does not require the pipeline to perform
the business function); Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C., Docket No. RP13-50-000
(Nov. 19, 2012) (delegated letter order); Kern River Gas Transmission Co., Docket No.
RP12-1114-000 (Nov. 16, 2012) (delegated letter order); MarkWest New Mexico, L.L.C.,
Docket No. RP13-27-000 (Nov. 9, 2012) (delegated letter order); MarkWest Pioneer,
L.L.C., Docket No. RP13-29-000 (Nov. 9, 2012) (delegated letter order); Cimarron River
Pipeline, LLC, Docket No. RP13-52-000 (Nov. 9, 2012) (delegated letter order);
Southeast Supply Header, LLC, Docket No. RP13-51-000 (Nov. 6, 2012) (delegated letter
order); Sabine Pipe Line LLC, Docket No. RP10-1403-002 (Oct. 23, 2012) (delegated
letter order); Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC, Docket No. RP12-1063-000 (Oct. 22,
2012) (delegated letter order); Chandeleur Pipe Line Co., Docket No. RP11-2399-001
(Oct. 12, 2012) (delegated letter order); Ryckman Creek Resources, LLC, 136 FERC
¶ 61,061, at P 74 (2011); East Cheyenne Gas Storage, LLC, 132 FERC ¶ 61,097, at P 53
(2010); Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc., 133 FERC ¶ 61,047, at P 3 (2010);
T.W. Phillips Pipeline Corp., 126 FERC ¶ 62,132 (2009) (T.W. Phillips); Wyckoff Gas
Storage Co., LLC, 127 FERC ¶ 61,058, at P 7 (2009); SG Resources Mississippi, L.L.C.,
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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natural gas pipelines an extension of time 81 to comply with EDI, EDM, and IET
transactions, as requested. 82 The extensions of time are limited to the NAESB WGQ
122 FERC ¶ 61,180, at P 7 (2008); Carolina Gas Transmission Corp., Notice of
Extension of Time, Docket No. CP06-71-003 (Oct. 13, 2006); Rendezvous, 112 FERC
¶ 61,141 at P 49.
Gulf Crossing, Boardwalk Storage, Northern, DCGT, Gulf South, Kern River,
Shoshone Pipeline, Texas Gas, Pine Needle, Transco, Chandeleur, and Sabine are granted
an extension of time until 60 days after they receive a request from a customer to utilize
such standards and datasets. GTS, Southern Star, Bobcat, East Tennessee, Egan Hub,
Southern Trails, Leaf River, Overthrust, Stingray, Questar Pipeline, White River, Ozark,
East Cheyenne, Steckman, Saltville, Bluewater, MarkWest Pioneer, SG Resources, Big
Sandy, Cimarron, Dauphin Island, WBI Energy, Northwest, Algonquin, Tennessee,
Maritimes, Gulfstream, SESH, Texas Eastern, Pine Prairie, Iroquois, PGE, KPC, NGO
Transmission, Ryckman, and Wyckoff are granted an extension of time until 90 days
after they receive a request from a customer to implement the requested standards.
Nautilus, Garden Banks, and Mississippi Canyon are granted an extension of time until
120 days after they receive a request from a customer to implement the requested
standards. PGPipeline is granted an extension of time until 150 days after they receive a
request from a customer to use the NAESB dataset that PGPipeline does not currently
support. DBM Pipeline, Rendezvous, MarkWest New Mexico, Total Peaking, and
WestGas are granted an extension of time until 180 days after they receive a request from
a customer to implement the requested standards. NG LNG is granted an extension of
time until the LNG storage facility becomes physically connected to the interstate
pipeline grid.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.1, 0.3.22, 0.3.23, 0.3.25 through
0.3.29, 0.4.1 through 0.4.4, 1.3.2(i-v) (as it relates to DCGT’s EDI requests and
transactions), 1.3.3, 1.3.9, 1.3.11, 1.3.13, 1.3.23 through 1.3.25, 1.3.27, 1.3.36 through
1.3.38, 1.3.44 through 1.3.46, 1.3.48, 1.3.53, 1.3.55, 1.3.56, 1.3.58, 1.3.62, 1.3.65, 1.3.70,
1.3.72 through 1.3.75, 1.3.79, 1.3.81, 1.4.1 through 1.4.7, 2.3.1, 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.3.11,
2.3.13, 2.3.14, 2.3.21, 2.3.25, 2.3.32, 2.3.40 through 2.3.44, 2.3.46 (as it relates to
WestGas’ Customer Activities section of its website), 2.3.51 through 2.3.53, 2.3.65,
2.3.66, 2.4.1 through 2.4.11, 2.4.17, 2.4.18, 3.3.3 through 3.3.5, 3.3.7, 3.3.8, 3.3.10
through 3.3.13, 3.3.22 through 3.3.24, 3.4.1 through 3.4.4, 4.3.1 through 4.3.3, 4.3.16,
4.3.17, 4.3.18, 4.3.20, 4.3.22, 4.3.24 through 4.3.28, 4.3.30 through 4.3.36, 4.3.38, 4.3.40
through 4.3.50, 4.3.52 through 4.3.55, 4.3.57, 4.3.58, 4.3.60 through 4.3.62, 4.3.66
through 4.3.69, 4.3.72, 4.3.75, 4.3.78 through 4.3.87, 4.3.90, 4.3.94, 4.3.99 through
4.3.105, 5.3.10 through 5.3.14, 5.3.26, 5.3.31 through 5.3.42, 5.3.48, 5.3.50, 5.3.54,
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 35 -
Version 3.0 Standards promulgated by Order No. 587-W, 83 and will be in effect until a
Part 284 customer requests the referenced pipeline to offer transactions or data via its
web-site. Further, the referenced pipelines must be fully compliant with the provisions of
Order No. 809 (e.g., relating to revised nomination and scheduling timelines), 84 and the
Version 3.0 Standards as it relates to proprietary location codes 85 by April 1, 2016.
PGPipeline requests continuation of its extension of time to implement certain
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards relating to various EDI, EDM, and IET
requirements until such time as PGPipeline is requested by a Part 284, open access
customer to provide such electronic data services. In support of its request, PGPipeline
asserts that as a small, eight-mile pipeline system with only one customer and one receipt
point and one delivery point it was granted extensions of time of EDI and EDM
Standards, and Interactive website requirements. 86 For good cause shown, the
Commission grants PGPipeline continuation of its requested extensions of time. 87
However, the Commission will deny PGPipeline’s request for extension of time to
comply with NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.5. Standard 1.3.5 provides that
“[a]ll nominations should include shipper defined begin dates and end dates. All
nominations excluding intraday nominations should have roll-over options. Specifically,
shippers should have the ability to nominate for several days, months, or years, provided
5.3.70 through 5.3.72, 5.4.14 through 5.4.17, 5.4.20 through 5.4.27, 10.3.1, 10.3.3
through 10.3.12, and 10.3.14 through 10.3.27.
See B-R, 128 FERC ¶ 61,126 at P 6, (each time the Commission adopts new
versions of the standards, pipelines must request a waiver of the new standards).
See Equitrans, 153 FERC ¶ 61,320 (granting extension of time of the electronic
standards in Version 3.0 standards, because pipeline had developed a work-around to
ensure timely compliance with the business practice standards of Order No. 809).
Id. PP 9-13 (“Compliance with the Version 3.0 Standards requiring interstate
pipelines to post on their Internet websites information on the proprietary location codes
does not require an interstate pipeline to incur substantial additional software upgrade
costs.”); see also Venice Gathering System, L.L.C., 153 FERC ¶ 61,321, at PP 10-11
(2015) (discussing the importance of ensuring a coordinated scheduling timeline across
the pipeline grid).
T.W. Phillips, 126 FERC ¶ 62,132.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.20, 1.3.21, and 3.3.15.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 36 -
the nomination begin and end dates are within the term of shipper's contract. NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.5 does not appear to require the provision of data using
EDI/EDM, and Interactive website requirements. Nevertheless, to the extent the standard
is related to EDI/EDM, the standard includes business practices that may be implemented
without the use of EDI/EDM. As such, PGPipeline has not supported its request for
extension of time to comply. Accordingly, PGPipeline is directed to file revised tariff
records within 20 days from the date of issuance of this order to remove NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.5 from the section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted,” and include NAESB WGQ Version
3.0 Standard 1.3.5 in its tariff. This finding is without prejudice to PGPipeline coming
back with a revised extension request that provides more support for its request. Such a
request should detail exactly what provisions would require more time to comply, along
with a description of any obstacles it sees to compliance and the timeline for resolving
these issues.
Extensions of Time to Comply with NAESB WGQ Principles
In Order No. 587-R, the Commission made it optional for pipelines to adopt
NAESB Principles. 88 Thus, Leaf River’s request for an extension of time of NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 EDI Related Principles 4.1.27, and 4.1.32 through 4.1.39 is moot.
Further, DBM Pipeline’s, MarkWest New Mexico’s, MarkWest Pioneer’s, and KPC’s
requests for an extension of time of the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 EDM and IET Related
Principles 89 are also moot. In addition, Total Peaking’s request for an extension of time
of the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 EDM Related Principles 90 is rendered moot.
See Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines, Order
No. 587-R, FERC Stats. & Regs ¶ 31,141 (2003); Discovery Gas Transmission LLC,
138 FERC ¶ 61,089, at P 18 (2012).
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 EDM Related Principles: 4.1.2 through 4.1.4, 4.1.6,
4.1.7, 4.1.10, 4.1.12, 4.1.13, 4.1.15 through 4.1.24, 4.1.26 through 4.1.30, and 4.1.32
through 4.1.40; NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 IET Related Principles: 10.1.1 through
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 EDM Related Principles: 4.1.2 through 4.1.4, 4.1.6,
4.1.7, 4.1.10, 4.1.12, 4.1.13, 4.1.15 through 4.1.24, 4.1.26 through 4.1.30, and 4.1.32
through 4.1.40.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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Extensions of Time to Comply with NAESB WGQ Definitions
Five pipelines, Leaf River, Bluewater, SG Resources, Pine Prairie, and Wyckoff,
request an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Definitions 0.2.5,
4.2.11, 4.2.20, and 5.2.2 for a period of 90 days following the receipt of a request by a
shipper. Further, Cimarron and Dauphin Island request an extension of time to comply
with NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Definitions 10.2.35 and 10.2.36. In addition, TransUnion requests an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Definition 0.2.5 until such time as Trans-Union receives a request for such services.
Lastly, NG LNG requests an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ Version
3.0 Definitions 1.2.8 through 1.2.19, 2.2.2 through 2.2.5, and 10.2.1 through 10.2.38. In
support of their requests, the referenced pipelines assert that the Standards pertain to EDI,
EDM, and IET processing requirements.
The Commission will deny the requests for extensions of time to comply with
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Definitions. The NAESB WGQ Definitions specify and
elucidate specific terms of generally applicable business functions and do not require a
natural gas pipeline to perform any action or incur expense to comply. As such, the
pipelines have not supported their requests for an extension of time to comply with these
Standards. Accordingly, the referenced pipelines are directed to file revised tariff records
within 20 days from the date of issuance of this order to remove the references to NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 Definitions from the section entitled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted,” and include those Standards in their
respective tariffs.
Request to Revise Nominations in Additional Nomination Cycle
Tennessee proposes to modify its tariff to allow shippers requesting a change in
nominations in the last hourly nomination cycle to submit a change by 8:00 a.m. CCT,
rather than an hour in advance as is currently required by its tariff. Specifically,
Tennessee’s proposed tariff modification to GT&C Article IV, Section 2(e) (Sheet
No. 313A) provides in relevant part that “[f]or the 8:00 a.m. CCT hourly nomination
cycle, Shipper may change its nomination no later than 8:00 a.m. CCT to be effective at
8:00 a.m. CCT.” Tennessee states that its proposal will provide shippers with additional
The National Grid Gas Delivery Companies 91 filed comments in support of
Tennessee’s compliance filing. The National Grid Gas Delivery Companies state that
The Brooklyn Union Gas Company d/b/a National Grid NY (National Grid
NY); KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid; Boston Gas Company,
Colonial Gas Company, collectively d/b/a National Grid; Niagara Mohawk Power
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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this modification is being proposed at the suggestion and encouragement of multiple
customers, including the National Grid Gas Delivery Companies, and would provide all
shippers on Tennessee’s system the ability and flexibility to submit nominations closer to
the end of the Gas Day, thus providing shippers with a better opportunity to align their
nominations to their actual use. The National Grid Gas Delivery Companies assert that
Tennessee’s proposal is consistent with the Commission’s objectives of better
coordinating the scheduling of wholesale natural gas and electricity markets and
providing additional scheduling flexibility to shippers on interstate gas pipelines.
We find that this request goes beyond the scope of a compliance filing as directed
by the Commission in Order Nos. 587-W and 809. If Tennessee wishes to include such
language in its tariff, it may file an application for approval to do so pursuant to section 4
of the Natural Gas Act. 92 We reject its request for approval for this proposed change
concerning the timeline for submitting a change in nomination in the last hourly
nomination cycle as part of its compliance filing and we will reject Tennessee Gas
Pipeline Company, L.L.C., FERC NGA Gas Tariff, TGP Tariffs, Sheet No. 313A,
0.0.0. Accordingly, Tennessee is directed to file a revised tariff record within 20 days
from the date of issuance of this order to remove its proposed tariff modification that was
Requests for Extensions of Title Transfer Tracking
USG Pipeline requests an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 title transfer tracking related Standards. In support of its request, USG
Pipeline explains that it is a small, two-customer pipeline and the burden of compliance
would be substantial and would greatly exceed the benefits that might allegedly accrue.
B-R requests an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 title
transfer tracking related Standards. In support of its request, B-R explains that it only
serves a single, affiliated customer that B-R asserts has a Part 157 agreement and that, at
this time, it does not serve, nor has it ever served, any customers under its Part 284 tariff.
Black Marlin Pipeline Company (Black Marlin) also requests an extension of time
to comply with NAESB WGQ title transfer tracking related Standards and waiver of the
EDI/ EDM related Standards. In support of its request, Black Marlin explains that it is a
Corporation d/b/a National Grid; and The Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a National
Grid, all subsidiaries of National Grid USA, Inc. (collectively the “National Grid Gas
Delivery Companies”).
15 U.S.C. 717c.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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small pipeline and continues to experience limited volumes. Black Marlin notes that
average daily deliveries for the past year were about 675 dekatherms per day. Black
Marlin explains that because of the low production volume, it cannot physically deliver
gas on a continuous daily basis because the internal pressure of its system is not sufficient
to push gas through the delivery meter on a continuous basis and return reliable
measurement. Black Marlin asserts that, with its operational challenges, it cannot
provide firm transportation service on its system or interruptible transportation service
pursuant to the Commission’s directives in Part 284 of its regulations.
Black Marlin further states that its internally developed interactive website
software (i.e., GASKIT) is not fully NAESB compliant but would be costly to upgrade.
Black Marlin asserts that GASKIT is sufficiently robust and user-friendly so that
customers are able to transact their transportation business as needed.
Discovery Gas Transmission LLC (Discovery) requests limited waivers to comply
with NAESB WGQ title transfer tracking related Standards and the EDI/ EDM related
Standards. In support of its request, Discovery explains that it is a small pipeline with a
design capacity of 600 million cubic feet and has six delivery points within a small
geographical footprint. Discovery notes that it has approximately 30 active shippers
transporting gas at any given time.
Discovery states that with one exception, transportation on the Discovery system
is rendered under Discovery’s FT-2 Rate Schedule or IT Rate Schedule. Discovery
explains that the FT-2 Rate Schedule allows a shipper to receive firm service at a usagebased rate if production is committed to Discovery for transportation for the life of the
lease. Discovery asserts that because the shipper pays a usage-based rate, capacity
release is not available.
Discovery further asserts that price formation does not occur on Discovery’s
system, because the commingled gas stream is not fungible with pipeline-quality gas
typically found in onshore interstate pipelines, and no customer conducts multiple
transactions or trades throughout the entirety of Discovery’s pipeline system.
Discovery states that its internally developed interactive website software (i.e.,
GASKIT) is not fully NAESB compliant but would be costly to upgrade. Discovery
asserts that GASKIT is sufficiently robust and user-friendly so that customers are able to
transact their transportation business as needed.
NG LNG requests an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ title
transfer tracking related Standards given its unique operational and market
circumstances. In support of its request, NG LNG explains that it operates an LNG
storage facility which is not physically connected to the interstate pipeline grid.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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Commission Finding
Given USG Pipeline’s operational, customer and market circumstances, the
Commission finds that granting an extension of time to comply with the NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 title transfer tracking related Standards is appropriate. The Commission will
grant USG Pipeline its requested extension of time to implement such Standards until
such time as it receives a request from a Part 284 customer to implement the NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 title transfer tracking related Standards. 93
Given B-R’s operational, customer and market circumstances, the Commission
finds that granting an extension of time to comply with the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
title transfer tracking related Standards is appropriate. The Commission will grant B-R
an extension of time to implement such Standards until such time as it receives a request
from a Part 284 customer to implement the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 title transfer
tracking related Standards. 94
Given Black Marlin’s operational, customer, and market circumstances and the
information presented, the Commission finds that granting an extension of time to
comply with the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 title transfer tracking related Standards is
appropriate. The Commission will grant Black Marlin an extension of time to implement
such Standards until 90 days after it receives a request from a Part 284 customer to
implement the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 title transfer tracking related Standards. 95
Further, the Commission finds that granting waiver of the electronic components of the
Interactive/Internet website requirements is appropriate. 96
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.64 through 1.3.77.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.64, 1.3.66 through 1.3.69, 1.3.71,
1.3.76, and 1.3.77.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.17, 1.3.18, 1.3.64 through 1.3.74,
1.3.76, and 1.3.77.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.4.1 through 0.4.4, 1.3.48, 1.3.53, 1.3.55,
1.3.56, 1.3.58, 1.3.62, 1.3.79, 1.3.81, 1.4.1 through 1.4.7, 2.3.32, 2.3.51 through 2.3.53,
2.3.65, 2.3.66, 2.4.1 through 2.4.11, 2.4.17, 2.4.18, 3.4.1 through 3.4.4, 4.3.42 through
4.3.50, 4.3.52 through 4.3.55, 4.3.57, 4.3.58, 4.3.60 through 4.3.62, 4.3.66 through
4.3.69, 4.3.72, 4.3.75, 4.3.78 through 4.3.87, 4.3.105, 5.3.42, 5.3.72, 5.4.14 through
5.4.17, and 5.4.20 through 5.4.27.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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Given Discovery’s operational, customer, and market circumstances and the
information presented, the Commission finds that granting an extension of time to
comply with the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 title transfer tracking related Standards is
appropriate. The Commission will grant Discovery an extension of time to implement
such Standards until 90 days after it receives a request from a Part 284 customer to
implement the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 title transfer tracking related Standards. 97
Further, for good cause shown, the Commission grants Discovery its requested waiver of
the electronic components of the Interactive/Internet website requirements. 98
Given NG LNG’s operational and market circumstances, the Commission finds
that granting an extension of time to comply with the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 title
transfer tracking related Standards is appropriate. The Commission will grant NG LNG
an extension of time to implement such Standards until the LNG storage facility becomes
physically connected to the interstate pipeline grid. 99
Other Waivers and Extensions of Time Based on Market and
Operational Circumstances
PGPipeline requests an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.6, which provides that “[n]ominations received after nomination
deadline should be scheduled after the nominations received before the nomination
deadline.” In support of its request, PGPipeline explains that it is a small, one-customer
pipeline and that the burden of compliance would be substantial. PGPipeline further
states that it has previously been granted this extension of time, and that it continues to
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.17, 1.3.18, 1.3.64 through 1.3.74,
1.3.76, and 1.3.77.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 0.3.23, 0.3.26, 0.3.28, 0.4.1 through 0.4.4,
1.3.48, 1.3.53, 1.3.55, 1.3.56, 1.3.58, 1.3.62, 1.3.79, 1.3.81, 1.4.1 through 1.4.7, 2.3.32,
2.3.51 through 2.3.53, 2.3.65, 2.3.66, 2.4.1 through 2.4.11, 2.4.17, 2.4.18, 3.4.1 through
3.4.4, 4.3.42 through 4.3.50, 4.3.52 through 4.3.55, 4.3.57, 4.3.58, 4.3.60 through 4.3.62,
4.3.66 through 4.3.69, 4.3.72, 4.3.75, 4.3.78 through 4.3.87, 4.3.105, 5.3.42, 5.3.72,
5.4.14 through 5.4.17, and 5.4.20 through 5.4.27.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.64, 1.3.66 through 1.3.69, 1.3.71,
1.3.72, and 1.3.74 through 1.3.77.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 42 -
operate on the same basis on which the extension of time was granted. 100 Given
PGPipeline’s operational, customer and market circumstances, the Commission finds that
granting it an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard 1.3.6
is appropriate. Thus, the Commission will grant PGPipeline an extension of time to
implement such Standard until such time as it receives a request from a Part 284
customer to implement the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard.
PGPipeline further requests an extension of time to comply with NAESB WGQ
Standards 3.3.17, 3.3.18, and 3.3.19. The Commission will deny the requested
extensions of time of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 3.3.17, 3.3.18, and 3.3.19
because the Standards are conditional and do not apply unless the pipeline actually
performs the business function. NAESB Version 3.0 Standard 3.3.17 requires remittance
detail to be provided within two business days of the payment due date when payment is
made by electronic funds transfer; otherwise, if payment differs from invoiced amount,
remittance detail should be provided with the payment. Further, NAESB WGQ Version
3.0 Standards 3.3.18 and 3.3.19 specify the data that should be provided for Standard
3.3.17. Thus, PGPipeline does not require an extension of time of NAESB WGQ
Standards 3.3.17 through 3.3.19. PGPipeline complies with the NAESB WGQ Version
3.0 Standards 3.3.17 through 3.3.19 by simply including the referenced Standards in its
tariff. Accordingly, PGPipeline must make a compliance filing within 20 days of the date
of issuance of this order to include these Standards in its tariff.
National Grid LNG, L.P.
NG LNG requests continuation of waivers of various NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standards, given its unique operational and market circumstances. 101 NG LNG explains
that it operates an LNG storage facility and is not physically connected to the interstate
pipeline grid. Further, NG LNG asserts that the Commission has previously granted NG
LNG numerous waivers from complying with the NAESB WGQ Standards. 102 Given
T.W. Phillips, 126 FERC ¶ 62,132 (previous owner of PGPipeline).
NG LNG requests waiver of NAESB WGQ Standards related to electronic
communications, scheduling equality, flexible points, and segmentation.
NG LNG states that the Commission previously granted waiver of the
nomination Standards to its predecessor company, Algonquin LNG. See Algonquin LNG,
Inc., 86 FERC ¶ 61,285 (concluding that the NAESB nominations Standards are not
applicable to LNG being transported by truck, because those Standards are intended to
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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NG LNG’s operational and market circumstances, the Commission finds that granting
waiver of the requested NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards is appropriate. 103
Portland General Electric Company
PGE requests continuation of extension of time of various NAESB WGQ Version
3.0 Standards, given its unique operational and market circumstances. PGE explains that
it owns a percentage of a 17 mile long interstate pipeline system extending from a point
near Kelso, Washington to a terminus point near Port Westward, Oregon. Further, PGE
asserts that the Commission has previously granted PGE numerous extensions of time to
comply with the NAESB WGQ Standards. Given PGE’s operational and market
circumstances, the Commission finds that granting the requested extension of time of the
specified NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards is appropriate. 104
Venice Gathering System, L.L.C.
Venice Gathering System, L.L.C. (Venice) requests an extension of time to
comply with certain NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 capacity release related Standards. In
support of its request, Venice explains that it is a small pipeline with declining
throughput, has no shippers taking service that are eligible for capacity release under Rate
Schedule FTS-1, and it does not anticipate receiving any requests for capacity release in
the future. Venice clarifies that, although it offers capacity release for shippers under
Rate Schedule FTS-1, there are no current shippers who are interested in service under
the rate schedule for which the pipeline performs the business function. Venice states
that it has developed a work around to serve its customers and ensure that it will be
compliant with the revisions to the NAESB business practice standards accepted by the
standardize nominations and scheduling across the interstate pipeline grid); Algonquin
LNG, Inc., 83 FERC ¶ 61,133 at 61,601 (granting waiver of the nomination Standards
based on Algonquin’s assertion that such intra-day nominations are not possible for
deliveries of LNG by truck to storage or from storage to trucks, because the LNG
trucking load and unloading facilities can only accommodate two trucks per day).
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.22, 1.3.24, 1.3.25, 1.3.27, 1.3.32,
1.3.35 through 1.3.46, 1.3.48, 1.3.51, 1.3.53, 1.3.55, 1.3.56, 1.3.58, 1.3.62, 2.3.1 through
2.3.6, 2.3.8, 2.3.10 through 2.3.23, 2.3.25, 2.3.27 through 2.3.31, 2.3.40 through 2.3.48,
2.3.50 through 2.3.64, 3.3.22 through 3.3.24, 3.3.26, 4.3.22, 4.3.23, 4.3.25, 5.3.20
through 5.3.22, 5.3.24, 5.3.31 through 5.3.42, 5.3.44 through 5.3.46, 5.3.48, 5.3.50,
5.3.54, and 5.4.24 through 5.4.27.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 2.3.54 through 2.3.64.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 44 -
Commission in Order Nos. 587-W and 809 by April 1, 2016. Given Venice’s
operational, customer and market circumstances, the Commission finds that granting an
extension of time to comply with the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 capacity release related
Standards is appropriate. The Commission will grant Venice an extension of time until
60 days following its receipt of a request from a Part 284 customer until it must
commence compliance with the Version 3.0 capacity release standards. 105
Compliance Filing Deficiencies
Pipelines identified as having failed to comply with various aspects of the
standards or whose waiver or extension of time request were denied are directed to file
revised tariff records within 20 days from the date of issuance of this order. To help
assist the pipelines, in Appendix A we have summarized the compliance obligations of all
the pipelines subject to this order. 106
The Commission orders:
(A) All the tariff records filed by the interstate natural gas pipelines listed in the
caption of this order are accepted to be effective as proposed, subject to the applicable
conditions discussed in the body of this order and summarized in Appendix A to this
(B) Extensions of time and/or waivers are granted in some instances and denied
in others, as discussed in the body of this order and the extensions of time and/or waivers
granted herein are limited to the NAESB WGQ’s Version 3.0 Standards promulgated by
Order No. 587-W. Those natural gas pipelines whose waiver and extensions of time
requests are denied in this order are directed to update their tariffs within 20 days from
the date of issuance of this order to reinstate all waivers and extensions denied.
NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 5.3.2, 5.3.44, 5.3.45, 5.3.48, 5.3.49,
5.3.53, 5.3.54, 5.3.56, 5.3.73, 5.4.14 through 5.4.17, 5.4.20, and 5.4.23 through 5.4.27.
See supra n.4.
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(C) Consistent with the directives in this order, any pipeline subject to a
directive to make a compliance filing must make that compliance filing within 20 days
from the date of issuance of this order to revise its tariff to comply with this order.
By the Commission.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 46 Appendix A
Summary of Compliance Obligations
Company Name
Compliance Obligation
East Tennessee Natural
Gas, LLC
Remove Standard 6.3.3
Nautilus Pipeline
Company, L.L.C.
(1) Remove Standard: 4.3.5; (2) Remove Standards:
2.4.12, and 2.4.14 through 2.4.16 from section titled
“Standards for which Waiver or Extension of Time to
Comply have been granted:;” (3) Remove Standard:
1.3.2(vi) from the section titled “Standards
Incorporated by Reference:” and include the text of the
Golden Triangle
Storage, Inc.
(1) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
[*]; (2) Remove Standard 5.3.73 from section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:,” because the
text of the Standard is included in GT&C section 4.15
Panhandle Eastern
Pipe Line Company,
Include the text of the day-ahead Evening Nomination
Cycle in Standard 1.3.2 under the section titled “Next
Day Service” in GT&C section 8.2(a)
Trunkline Gas
Company, LLC
Include the text of the day-ahead Evening Nomination
Cycle in Standard 1.3.2 under the section titled “Next
Day Service” in GT&C section 3.1(B)
LA Storage, LLC
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i-v) to
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (2) Indicate adoption of Standard 1.3.2(i-vi)
under the tariff record titled “Section 5.8, GTC Nominations and Scheduling” in Section 5.24, GTC NAESB; (3) Include the text of revised Standard 5.3.2;
(4) Change the reference from Section 8.37 to 5.24 in
Section 5.24, GTC - NAESB; (5) Either incorporate
Standard 0.4.4 by reference or include the text of the
Standard; (6) Remove Standard 4.3.5
Mississippi Canyon
Gas Pipeline, L.L.C.
(1) Remove Standard 5.3.73 from section titled
"Standards Incorporated by Reference," because the
text of the Standard is included in GT&C section 19.8;
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(2) Remove Standards: 2.4.12, 2.4.14, 2.4.15, and
2.4.16 from section titled "Standards for which Waiver
or Extension of Time to Comply have been granted”
Garden Banks Gas
Pipeline, LLC
(1) Remove Standard 5.3.73 from section titled
"Standards Incorporated by Reference," because the
text of the Standard is included in GT&C section 19.8;
(2) Remove Standards: 2.4.12, 2.4.14, 2.4.15, and
2.4.16 from section titled "Standards for which Waiver
or Extension of Time to Comply have been granted”
Cameron Interstate
Pipeline, LLC
(1) Indicate adoption of Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) under the
tariff record titled “Section 8.5, GTC – Nomination
Procedure;” (2) Change the reference from Standard
1.3.2(i-v) to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled
“Standards not Incorporated by Reference and their
Location in Tariff:;” (3) Either incorporate Standard
0.4.4 by reference or include the text of the Standard;
(4) Remove Standard 4.3.5; (5) Include the text of
Standard 5.3.2
Rager Mountain
Storage Company LLC
(1) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:;” (2) Include
the text of Standard 1.3.2(vi)
Florida Gas
Company, LLC
Remove Standard 4.3.5
Granite State Gas
Transmission, Inc.
(1) Change the reference from 12:30 P.M. to 12:00
P.M. in GT&C section 6.26.8(b)(16) to comply with
Standard 5.3.2; (2) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from
section titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
(3) Remove Standard 4.3.5
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i-v) to
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (2) Revise the Timely Nomination Cycle
response times; (3) Revise the text of the Evening
Nomination Cycle to provide that scheduled quantities
should be effective at the start of the next Gas Day;
(4) Revise the Intraday 3 Nomination Cycle Quick
Response time; (5) Indicate adoption of Standard 1.3.2
under the tariff record titled “Nominations/Scheduling,
Mississippi Hub, LLC
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Compliance Obligation
Section 6.8. GTC – Nominations and Scheduling;”
(6) Include the text of Standard 1.3.2(vi); (7) Include
the text of revised Standard 5.3.2; (8) Either
incorporate Standard 0.4.4 by reference or include the
text of the Standard; (9) Remove Standard 4.3.5
Southwest Gas Storage
Include the text of the day-ahead Evening Nomination
Cycle in Standard 1.3.2 under the section titled “Next
Day Service” in GT&C section 3.1(C)
Sea Robin Pipeline
Company, LLC
(1) Remove the reference to GT&C section 4.2 for
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi); (2) Change the reference from
GT&C section 6.7(b) to GT&C section 6.7(c) for
Standard 2.3.41; (3) Include an asterisk [*] for
Standard 1.3.33
Southern Star Central
Gas Pipeline, Inc.
Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:”
Cadeville Gas Storage
(1) Remove Standards: 1.3.2 and 5.3.2 from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
(2) Remove Standard 4.3.5; (3) Include the text of
Standard 1.3.2(vi); (4) Indicate adoption of Standards
revised by Minor Corrections MC15003, MC15004,
MC15005, MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an
asterisk [*]; (5) Include a section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:” in GT&C Section 6.24
Monroe Gas Storage
Company, LLC
(1) Remove Standards: 1.3.2 and 5.3.2 from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference;”
(2) Remove Standard: 4.3.5; (3) Include the text of
Standard 1.3.2(vi); (4) Indicate adoption of Standards
revised by Minor Corrections MC15003, MC15004,
MC15005, MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an
asterisk [*]; (5) Include a section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:” in Section 6.16, GTC – NAESB Standards
Perryville Gas Storage
(1) Remove Standards: 1.3.2 and 5.3.2 from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference;”
(2) Remove Standard: 4.3.5; (3) Include the text of
Standard 1.3.2(vi); (4) Indicate adoption of Standards
revised by Minor Corrections MC15003, MC15004,
MC15005, MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an
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Compliance Obligation
asterisk [*]; (5) Include a section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:” in GT&C Section 6.24
Kinetica Energy
Express, LLC
Remove Standard 5.3.73 from section titled "Standards
Incorporated by Reference," because the text of the
Standard is included in GT&C section 17.9
Bison Pipeline LLC
Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
Egan Hub Storage,
(1) Change the reference from Standard 5.3.7 to
Standard 5.3.8 (GT&C section 4.1(g) 4.13(g)) in the
section titled “Standards not Incorporated by Reference
and their Location in Tariff:;” (2) Remove Standard
High Island Offshore
System, L.L.C.
(1) Remove Standard 4.3.39; (2) Add an asterisk [*] to
Standard 0.4.1; (3) Include Standard 1.3.2(vi) in the
section titled “Standards not Incorporated by Reference
and their Location in Tariff;” (4) Include text of
Standard 1.3.2(iv) providing notice to bumped parties;
(5) Remove text from Standard 1.3.2(v) providing
scheduled quantities to bumped parties; (6) Change the
reference from Intraday 1 to Intraday 3 in the text of
Standard 1.3.2(v)
Gulf States
Transmission LLC
(1) Either incorporate Standard 2.3.3 by reference or
include the text of the Standard in GT&C section
9.3(d)., Nomination and Scheduling of Services;
(2) Indicate adoption of Standard 1.3.19 under tariff
provision 9.1(c) in GT&C Section 21., Business
Practices Standards; (3) Indicate adoption of Standard
5.3.55 under tariff provision 15.5(f) in GT&C Section
21., Business Practices Standards
Questar Southern
Trails Pipeline
(1) Remove Standards: 2.4.12 through 2.4.16 from
section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:;”
(2) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 to
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;”(3) Change the reference from GT&C section
14.5, Imbalance Payback Option to GT&C section
14.5, Nomination Standards and Requirements for
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
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Compliance Obligation
Standard 1.3.33*
Honeoye Storage
(1) Remove Standard: 5.3.44 from the section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:” (2) Revise the
text of Standard 5.3.44 in GT&C section 7.1. Biddable
Capacity Releases; (3) Remove Standard: 1.3.2(vi)
from the section titled “Standards Incorporated by
Reference:” (4) Remove Standard: 4.3.5 and 4.3.29;
(5) Include an asterisk [*] for Standards 5.3.56 and
Golden Pass Pipeline
(1) Include the revised text of Standard 1.3.2(vi) in
GT&C-Nominations, 6.5.1; (2) Change the reference
from Standard 1.3.2(i-v) to 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section
titled “Standards not Incorporated by Reference and
their Location in Tariff:;”(3) Remove Standard
1.3.2(vi) from section titled “Standards Incorporated by
Reference:;” (4) Remove Standard: 1.1.7
Blue Lake Gas Storage
(1) Remove Standard 5.3.73 from section titled
"Standards Incorporated by Reference," because the
text of the Standard is included in GT&C section – Posting Offers to Purchase Released
Capacity; (2) Change the reference from waiver to
extension of time for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standards 1.3.17, 1.3.18, and 3.3.6 in the section titled
"Standards for which Waiver or Extension of Time to
Comply have been granted."
Destin Pipeline
Company, L.L.C.
(1) Remove the reference to Standard 0.3.16 from
section titled “Gas/Electric Operational
Communications;” (2) Include an asterisk [*] for
Standards 0.4.1, 0.4.2, and 0.4.4; (3) Change the
reference for Standard 0.4.3 from section titled
“Storage Information” to section titled “Operating
Capacity and Unsubscribed;”(4) Include the text of
Standard 1.3.2(vi) in GT&C Nominations; (5) Change
the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i-v) to 1.3.2(i-vi) in
the section titled “Standards not Incorporated by
Reference and their Location in Tariff:;”(6) Remove
Standards: 1.3.2(vi) and 5.3.44 from section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:;” (7) Remove
Standard: 4.3.5; (8) Include the text of the Evening
Nomination Cycle in Standard 1.3.2(ii) providing
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Compliance Obligation
notice to bumped parties in GT&C Section 12.
Nominations; (9) Revise the text of Standard 5.3.44 for
the Intraday 3 Recall Notification in GT&C Section
18.3(b)(3)(vi). Capacity Release
Equitrans, L.P.
Revise the text of Standard 5.3.44 addressing an
Intraday 3 Recall Notification in GT&C Capacity
Release – Posting and Bidding Requirements, 6.22.7
Dominion Carolina
Gas Transmission,
(1) Remove Standard: 1.3.2(vi) from section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference;” (2) Indicate
adoption of Standards revised by Minor Corrections
MC15003, MC15004, MC15005, MC15009 and
MC15012 all marked with an asterisk [*]
Questar Overthrust
Pipeline Company
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 to
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (2) Remove Standards: 2.4.12 through 2.4.16
from section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:”
Lake Charles LNG
Company, LLC
Include the text of the day-ahead Evening Nomination
Cycle in Standard 1.3.2 under the section titled “Next
Day Service” in GT&C section 3.3(B)
Boardwalk Storage
Company, LLC
(1) Remove Standard: 4.3.73; (2) Include an asterisk
[*] for Standard 1.3.9; (3) Remove language of
Standard 5.3.27 in Section 6.8, GT&C – Capacity
(1) Include the text of the Intraday 3 Nomination Cycle
for Standard 1.3.2(v) in GT&C section 6.2; (2) Revise
the text of Standard 1.3.2(vi) in GT&C section 6.2; (3)
Remove Standards: 2.4.12, and 2.4.14 through 2.4.16
from section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:”
Stingray Pipeline
Company, L.L.C.
Southern Natural Gas
Company, L.L.C.
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i-v) to
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff;” (2) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section
titled “NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards,
Definitions, and Data Sets Incorporated by
Reference:;” (3) Remove Standards: 4.3.4 and 10.3.2
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Young Gas Storage
Company, Ltd.
(1) Either incorporate Standards 1.2.2, 1.2.4, 1.3.3,
1.3.11, 1.3.19, 1.3.23, 1.3.29, 1.3.31, 1.3.33, 2.3.3,
2.3.7, 2.3.9, 2.3.10, 2.3.13, 2.3.14, 2.3.18, 2.3.21,
2.3.26, 2.3.31, 3.3.15, 3.3.17, and 5.2.4 by reference or
include the text of the Standards; (2) Change the
reference from waiver to extension of time for NAESB
WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.17, 1.3.18, and 3.3.6
in the section titled "Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted."
Mojave Pipeline
Company, L.L.C.
Either incorporate Standards 1.3.1, 1.3.8, 1.3.17,
3.3.15, 5.3.5 and 5.3.8 by reference or include the text
of the Standards
Questar Pipeline
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 to
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (2) Remove Standards: 2.4.12 through 2.4.16
from section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:”
White River Hub, LLC
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 to
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (2) Remove Standards: 2.4.12 through 2.4.16
from section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:”
Northern Natural Gas
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 to
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Empire Pipeline, Inc.
Remove Standard: 4.3.5
Columbia Gulf
Transmission, LLC
(1) Remove Standard 2.3.49; (2) Change the reference
for Standards 1.2.3, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, and 1.3.3 in the
section titled “Standards not Incorporated by Reference
and their Location in this Tariff;” (3) Include Standard
1.3.2(vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in this
Tariff;” (4) Either incorporate Standards 0.3.3 through
0.3.10, 1.3.1, 1.3.28, and 1.3.51 by reference or include
the text of the Standards
Hardy Storage
(1) Remove Standard 2.3.49; (2) Include an asterisk [*]
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Compliance Obligation
Company, LLC
for Standards 2.4.1, 2.4.3 through 2.4.5, 3.4.1, 5.3.56,
5.4.16, 5.4.20 through 5.4.22, 5.4.24, and 5.4.26;
(3) Add Standard 1.3.2(vi) to the section titled
“Standards not Incorporated by Reference and their
Location in this Tariff.”
Crossroads Pipeline
(1) Remove Standard 2.3.49; (2) Add Standard
1.3.2(vi) to the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in this
Dominion Cove Point
(1) Revise the text of Standard 5.3.2 addressing nonbiddable releases in Record No. 40.11.2, Section
10.b.2.iii; (2) Include an asterisk [*] for Standard 0.4.1
Sierrita Gas Pipeline
Either incorporate Standard 1.3.19 by reference or
include the text of the Standard
Ozark Gas
Transmission, L.L.C.
Remove Standard 6.3.3
Alliance Pipeline L.P.
(1) Remove Standard: 1.3.2(vi) from the section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:;” (2) Either
incorporate Standard 0.3.21 by reference or include the
text of the Standard; (3) Revise the text of NAESB’s
copyright procedure in GT&C section 40.1
Transmission, Inc.
Revise the text of Standard 5.3.2 addressing nonbiddable releases in GT&C Section 23.2(B)(4) Capacity Release – Bidding Procedures
USG Pipeline
Company, LLC
(1) Remove Standards 4.3.95 through 4.3.98 from
section titled “Standards for which a waiver has been
granted:;” (2) Remove Standards 4.3.5, 5.3.13 (Version
1.9), and 5.3.14 (Version 1.9)
East Cheyenne Gas
Storage, LLC
(1) Remove Standards 4.3.5 and 4.3.29; (2) Change the
reference for Standard 1.3.6 from GT&C 7.2(c) to
GT&C 7.2(d) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
(1) Remove Standard: 5.3.44 from the section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:;” (2) Revise the
text of Standard 5.3.44 in GT&C section 20.5(f) –
Rights and Obligations of Releasing Shipper;
DBM Pipeline, LLC
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Compliance Obligation
(3) Remove Standards: 4.3.95 through 4.3.98 from
section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:;”(4)
Include Standards 4.3.95 through 4.3.98 in tariff.
Rendezvous Pipeline
Company, LLC
(1) Remove Standard: 1.3.52 and 4.3.5; (2) Remove
Standards: 0.3.14, and 4.3.95 through 4.3.98 from
section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been
granted:;”(3) Include Standards 0.3.14, and 4.3.95
through 4.3.98 in tariff; (4) Remove GT&C section
17.1(b)(vii); (5) Change the reference from Standard
1.3.2(i-v) to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled
“Standards not Incorporated by Reference and their
Location in Tariff;” (6) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi)
from section titled “Standards Incorporated by
Reference:;” (7) Include an asterisk [*] for Standards:
0.4.2, 0.4.4, 1.3.1, 1.3.5, 1.3.8, 1.3.9, 1.3.11 and 1.3.33
in section titled “Standards Incorporated by
Steckman Ridge, LP
(1) Remove Standard 6.3.3; (2) Change the reference
from “Flowing Gas Related Standards” to “Capacity
Release Related Standards” for Standards 5.4.17 and
5.4.23 in the section titled “Standards for which Waiver
or Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:”
Panther Interstate
Pipeline Energy, LLC
(1) Indicate adoption of NAESB WGQ Version 3.0,
and the standards revised by Minor Corrections
MC15003, MC15004, MC15005, MC15009 and
MC15012 all marked with an asterisk [*]; (2) Remove
Principles (Optional): 1.1.7, 1.1.18, 4.1.2 through
4.1.4, 4.1.6, 4.1.7, 4.1.10, 4.1.12, 4.1.13, 4.1.15 through
4.1.24, 4.1.26 through 4.1.30, 4.1.32 through 4.1.40,
5.1.1, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, and 10.1.1 through 10.1.10 from
section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:;”
(3) Remove Standards: 2.4.12 through 2.4.16, 4.3.5
from section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted;”
(4) Remove Standard 1.3.2 from section titled
“Standards for which Waiver or Extension of Time to
Comply have been granted;” (5) Include the text of
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Compliance Obligation
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi); (6) Include Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in
the section entitled “Standards not Incorporated by
Reference and their Location in the Tariff; (7) Change
the reference from waiver to extension of time for
Standard 5.3.2 in section titled “Standards for which
Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have been
granted;” (8) Change the reference from waiver to
extension of time for Standards 1.3.17, 1.3.18, and
3.3.6 in the section titled "Standards for which Waiver
or Extension of Time to Comply have been granted.”
Saltville Gas Storage
Company L.L.C.
Remove Standard 6.3.3
Leaf River Energy
Center LLC
Remove Definitions 0.2.5, 4.2.11, 4.2.20, and 5.2.2
from the section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted.”
Bluewater Gas
Storage, LLC
Remove Definitions 0.2.5, 4.2.11, 4.2.20, and 5.2.2
from the section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted.”
Kern River Gas
Remove Standards: 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.12, 1.2.13,
1.2.14, 1.2.15, 1.3.22, 2.3.14, 3.2.1, 3.3.19, 5.2.3,
5.3.4, 5.3.13, 5.3.15 and 5.3.44 from section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:”
(1) Remove Principles: 4.1.2 through 4.1.4, 4.1.6,
4.1.7, 4.1.10, 4.1.12, 4.1.13, 4.1.15 through 4.1.24,
4.1.26 through 4.1.30, 4.1.32 through 4.1.40, and
10.1.1 through 10.1.10 from section titled “Standards
for which an Extension of Time to Comply has been
granted:;” (2) Remove Standards 4.3.96 through 4.3.98
from section titled “Standards for which an Extension
of Time to Comply has been granted:”
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i-v) to
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (2) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:”
(1) Remove Standards: 0.3.19, 1.3.47, 1.3.49, 1.3.50,
1.3.54, 1.3.57, 1.3.59, 1.3.61, 2.3.33, 2.3.34, 2.3.35,
3.3.1, 4.3.5, 4.3.29, 4.3.56, 4.3.59, 4.3.73, 4.3.74, and
MarkWest New
Mexico, L.L.C.
High Point Gas
Transmission, LLC
American Midstream
(AlaTenn), LLC
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Compliance Obligation
4.3.76; (2) Remove the reference to Standard 0.3.28 in
the section titled “Gas/Electric Operational
Communications;” (3) Change the reference from
Standard 12.15 to Standard 1.2.15; (4) Change the
reference from Standard 1.3.2 to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in
the section titled “Standards not Incorporated by
Reference and their Location in Tariff:”
MarkWest Pioneer,
American Midstream
(Midla), LLC
(1) Remove Principles: 4.1.2 through 4.1.4, 4.1.6,
4.1.7, 4.1.10, 4.1.12, 4.1.13, 4.1.15 through 4.1.24,
4.1.26 through 4.1.30, 4.1.32 through 4.1.40, and
10.1.1 through 10.1.10 from section titled “Standards
for which an Extension of Time to Comply has been
granted:;” (2) Remove Standards 4.3.96 through 4.3.98
from section titled “Standards for which an Extension
of Time to Comply has been granted:”
(1) Remove Standards: 0.3.19, 1.3.47, 1.3.49, 1.3.50,
1.3.54, 1.3.57, 1.3.59, 1.3.61, 2.3.33, 2.3.34, 2.3.35,
3.3.1, 4.3.5, 4.3.29, 4.3.56, 4.3.59, 4.3.73, 4.3.74, and
4.3.76; (2) Remove asterisk [*] for Standards: 0.4.3;
(3) Change the reference from Standard 12.15 to
Standard 1.2.15; (4) Change the reference from
Standard 1.3.2 to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section
titled “Standards not Incorporated by Reference and
their Location in Tariff:;” (5) Remove Standard: 1.3.31
from section titled “Standards Incorporated by
Reference:;” (6) Either incorporate Standard 3.3.18 by
reference or include the text of the Standard
Black Hills Shoshone
Pipeline, LLC
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 (i-v) to
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (2) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
(3) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
[*]; (4) Remove Standards: 4.3.65 and 4.3.70 from
section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:”
Total Peaking
Services, L.L.C.
(1) Remove Standards: 1.3.47, 1.3.49, 1.3.50, 1.3.52,
1.3.54, 1.3.57, 1.3.59, 1.3.60, 1.3.61, 1.3.63, 2.3.33,
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Compliance Obligation
2.3.34, 2.3.35, 2.4.12 through 2.4.16, 3.3.1, 4.1.2
through 4.1.17, 4.1.10, 4.1.12, 4.1.13, 4.1.15 through
4.1.24, 4.1.26 through 4.1.30, 4.1.32 through 4.1.40,
4.3.4, 4.3.51, 4.3.56, 4.3.59, 4.3.73, 4.3.74, 4.3.76,
4.3.65, 5.3.61, 10.3.2, and 10.3.13, from section titled
“Standards for which Waiver or Extension of Time to
Comply has been granted;” (2) Remove Standards:
1.3.48, 1.3.51, 1.3.53, 1.3.55, 1.3.56, 1.3.58, and 1.3.62
from section titled “Standards Incorporated by
SG Resources
Mississippi, L.L.C.
Remove Definitions 0.2.5, 4.2.11, 4.2.20, and 5.2.2
from the section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted.”
(1) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Correction MC15005 marked with an asterisk [*];
(2) Remove Standards: 2.3.33, 2.3.34, 2.3.35, 4.3.5,
4.3.29, 4.3.39, 4.3.51, 4.3.56, 4.3.59, 4.3.65, 4.3.73,
4.3.74, and 4.3.76, (3) Either incorporate Standards:
0.3.26, 0.3.27, 0.3.28, 1.3.3, 1.3.81, 2.3.66, 4.3.103,
4.3.104, and 4.3.105 by reference or include the text of
the Standard
National Fuel Gas
Supply Corporation
(1) Remove the asterisk [*] from Standard 5.3.36; (2)
Remove Standard 4.3.5.
Big Sandy Pipeline,
Remove Standard: 6.3.3
Cimarron River
Pipeline, LLC
(1) Remove the asterisk [*] from Standard 5.3.36;
(2) Add asterisk [*] to Standard 5.3.56; (3) Remove
Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section titled “Standards
Incorporated by Reference:;” (4) Change the reference
from Standard 1.3.2(i) – (v) to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in
the section titled “Standards not Incorporated by
Reference and their Location in Tariff:;” (5) In section
titled “Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism
Standards,” move Standards 4.2.11, 4.2.12, and 4.2.18
through 4.2.20 from the subsection titled “Standards”
to the subsection titled “Definitions;” (6) Remove
Definitions 10.2.35 and 10.2.36 from the section titled
“Standards for which Waiver or Extension of Time to
Comply have been granted:;”(7) Either incorporate
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Company Name
- 58 -
Compliance Obligation
Definitions 10.2.35 and 10.2.36 by reference or include
the text of the Definitions
Natural Gas Pipeline
Company of America
Cheniere Creole Trail
Pipeline, L.P.
Dauphin Island
Gathering Partners
WBI Energy
Transmission, Inc.
Kinder Morgan Illinois
Pipeline LLC
Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
(1) Remove Standard: 1.3.2(vi) from section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:;” (2) Change
the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i)–(v) to Standard
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (3) Remove Standards: 4.3.5 and 6.3.3;
(4) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
(1) Remove Standard 2.3.34; (2) Remove Standard
1.3.2(vi) from section titled “Standards Incorporated
by Reference:;” (2) Change the reference from
Standard 1.3.2(i)–(v) to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the
section titled “Standards not Incorporated by Reference
and their Location in Tariff:;” (3) Remove Definitions
10.2.35 and 10.2.36 from the section titled “Standards
for which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply
have been granted:;”(4) Either incorporate Definitions
10.2.35 and 10.2.36 by reference or include the text of
the Definitions
(1) Remove Standard: 4.3.5; (2) Remove Standard:
1.3.2(vi) from the section titled “Standards
Incorporated by Reference:” and include the text of the
Standard; (3) Change the reference from Standard
1.3.2(i)–(v) to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled
“Standards not Incorporated by Reference and their
Location in Tariff:”
Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 59 -
Company Name
Compliance Obligation
Eastern Shore Natural
Gas Company
(1) Include an asterisk [*] for Standards 0.4.1, 0.4.2,
0.4.4, 1.1.15, 1.3.1, 1.4.1 through 1.4.7, 2.4.1, 2.4.3
through 2.4.5, 3.4.1, 5.4.16, 5.4.20 through 5.4.22,
5.4.24 and 5.4.26; (2) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from
section titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
(3) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i)–(v) to
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (4) Either incorporate Standards 3.3.17
through 3.3.19 by reference or include the text of the
Northwest Pipeline
(1) Remove asterisk [*] from Standard 1.3.15;
(2) Remove Standards: 2.4.12, 2.4.13, 2.4.14, 2.4.15,
and 2.4.16 from section titled "Standards for which
Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have been
granted:;” (3) Include the text of Standard 1.3.2(vi);
(4) Either incorporate Standards by reference or include
the text of the Standards; (5) Remove Standards 2.4.12
through 2.4.16, and 5.3.37 from the section titled
“Standards not Incorporated by Reference and their
Location in Tariff:;” (6) Accurately reflect adoption of
Standards revised by Minor Corrections MC15003,
MC15004, MC15005, MC15009 and MC15012 all
marked with an asterisk [*]; (7) Revise the sheet
references for Standards 5.3.13, 5.3.14, and 5.3.26 in
the section titled “Standards not Incorporated by
Reference and their Location in Tariff:”
Algonquin Gas
Transmission, LLC
Remove Standard 6.3.3
National Grid LNG,
(1) Remove Standards 0.3.11 through 0.3.15, and
1.3.80 from the section titled “Standards for which
Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have been
granted:;”(2) Either incorporate Standards 0.3.11
through 0.3.15, and 1.3.80 by reference or include the
text of the Standards; (3) Remove Definitions 1.2.8
through 1.2.19, 2.2.2 through 2.2.5, and 10.2.1 through
10.2.38 from the section titled “Standards for which
Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have been
granted;” (4) Either incorporate Definitions 1.2.8
through 1.2.19, 2.2.2 through 2.2.5, and 10.2.1 through
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Company Name
- 60 -
Compliance Obligation
10.2.38 by reference or include the text of the
Definitions; (5) Remove Standards: 3.3.20 and 4.3.5;
(6) Either incorporate Standards 4.3.104 and 4.3.105 by
reference or include the text of the Standards;
(7) Change the reference from waiver to extension of
time for Standard 5.3.2 in section titled “Standards for
which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have
been granted;” (8) Change the reference from waiver to
extension of time for Standards 1.3.17, 1.3.18, and
3.3.6 in the section titled "Standards for which Waiver
or Extension of Time to Comply have been granted.”
Southern LNG
Company, L.L.C.
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i)–(v) to
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (2) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
(3) Remove Standard 10.3.2
Elba Express
Company, L.L.C.
(1) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i-v) to
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (2) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
(3) Remove Standard: 4.3.4 and 10.3.2
Tres Palacios Gas
Storage LLC
Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 to Standard
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
KO Transmission
(1) Remove Standard 5.3.73 from section titled
"Standards Incorporated by Reference:," because the
text of the Standard is included in GT&C section
4.2(d); (2) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 to
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Trans-Union Interstate
Pipeline, L.P.
(1) Either incorporate Standards: 0.4.4* and 1.3.81 by
reference or include the text of the Standards;
(2) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section titled
“Standards Incorporated by Reference:;” (3) Remove
Standards 3.3.20; (4) Include an asterisk [*] for
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Company Name
- 61 -
Compliance Obligation
Standard 5.3.56; (5) Remove asterisk [*] from Standard
1.3.6; (6) Either incorporate Standard 2.3.9 by
reference or include the text of the Standard;
(7) Include Standards: 0.3.23, 0.3.25, 0.3.29, 1.3.81,
and 2.3.66 in section titled “Standards for which
Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have been
granted:;” (8) Either incorporate Definition 0.2.5 by
reference or include the text of the Definition; (9)
Remove Standard 5.3.73 from section titled "Standards
Incorporated by Reference:," because the text of the
Standard is included in GT&C section 26.5(n); (10)
Change the reference from waiver to extension of time
for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.17,
1.3.18, and 3.3.6 in the section titled "Standards for
which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have
been granted."
PGPipeline LLC
(1) Remove Standards: 1.3.5, 1.3.52 ,1.3.80, 2.3.7, and
3.3.17 through 3.3.19 from section titled “Standards for
which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have
been granted:;” (2) Either incorporate Standards: 1.3.5,
1.3.80, 2.3.7, and 3.3.17 through 3.3.19 by reference or
include the text of the Standards; (3) Change the
reference from Standard 1.3.2 (i-v) to Standard 1.3.2(ivi) in the section titled “Standards not Incorporated by
Reference and their Location in Tariff:;”
(4) Incorporate Standards 0.3.23 through 0.3.29 and
0.4.4 under “Location Data Download:;” (5) Indicate
adoption of Standards revised by Minor Corrections
MC15003, MC15004, MC15005, MC15009 and
MC15012 all marked with an asterisk [*]; (6) Remove
Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section titled “Standards
Incorporated by Reference:;” (7) Remove Standard
4.3.5; (8) Change the reference for Standard 0.4.1 from
TWP to PGPipeline in the section titled “Standards for
which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have
been granted;” (9) Change the reference from waiver to
extension of time for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0
Standards 1.3.17, 1.3.18, and 3.3.6 in the section titled
"Standards for which Waiver or Extension of Time to
Comply have been granted.”
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 62 -
Company Name
Compliance Obligation
Transwestern Pipeline
Company, LLC
(1) Change the reference from GT&C section 22.2(A)
to GT&C section 22.2 for Standard 1.3.31; (2) Change
the reference from GT&C section 22.5(A) to GT&C
section 22.6 for Standard 1.3.32; (3) Change the
reference from GT&C section 22.5(E) to GT&C
22.6(E) for Standard 1.3.39; (4) Change the reference
from GT&C section 15.1 to GT&C section 1 for
Standard 2.2.1
Trailblazer Pipeline
Company LLC
(1) Remove Standards 0.3.19, 1.3.63, 2.4.12 through
2.4.16, 4.3.5, 4.3.29, 4.3.37, 4.3.39, 4.3.51, 4.3.56,
4.3.59, 4.3.73, and 4.3.74; (2) Remove one of the
references to Standard 4.3.38 in the section titled
“Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism Related
Standards;” (3) In the section titled “Flowing Gas
Related Standards,” move Standards 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and
2.3.4 from the subsection titled “Definitions” to the one
titled “Standards;” (4) Include an asterisk [*] for
Standards 1.3.9 and 1.3.33; (5) Change the reference
from Standard 1.3.2 (i-v) to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the
section titled “Standards not Incorporated by Reference
and their Location in Tariff:;” (6) Remove Standard
1.3.2(vi) from section titled “Standards Incorporated by
Reference:;” (7) Either incorporate Standards: 2.3.50
through 2.3.65 by reference or include the text of the
Standards; (8) Either incorporate Standards: 0.3.23 and
0.4.4* by reference or include the text of the Standards
Maritimes & Northeast
Pipeline, L.L.C.
(1) Remove Standard 6.3.3; (2) Either incorporate
Standard 5.3.11 by reference or include the text of the
Millennium Pipeline
Company, LLC
(1) Revise the text of Standard 5.3.2 addressing
biddable releases (more than 1 year), and non-biddable
releases in Section 14.1(c) – Capacity Release
Timeline; (2) Include an asterisk [*] for Standard 0.4.2;
(3) Either incorporate Standards: 0.2.5 and 5.3.49 by
reference or include the text of the Standards; (4)
Remove Standards: 2.3.49 and 4.3.5
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
- 63 -
Company Name
Compliance Obligation
Central Kentucky
(1) Include an asterisk [*] for Standards 1.3.1, 1.3.9,
1.3.11, and 1.3.33; (2) Change the reference from
Standard 1.3.2 (i-v) to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the
section titled “Standards not Incorporated by Reference
and their Location in Tariff:”
Arlington Storage
Company, LLC
Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 to Standard
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Freebird Gas Storage,
(1) Either incorporate Standards: 1.3.1, 1.3.5, 1.3.6,
1.3.9, 1.3.11, 1.3.13, 1.3.21, 1.3.26, 1.3.33, 3.2.1, and
3.3.17 by reference or include the text of the Standards;
(2) Include an asterisk [*] for Standards: 0.4.2, 1.3.1,
1.3.5, 1.3.9, 1.3.11, and 1.3.33
Caledonia Energy
Partners, L.L.C.
(1) Either incorporate Standards: 1.3.1, 1.3.5, 1.3.6,
1.3.9, 1.3.11, 1.3.13, 1.3.21, 1.3.26, 1.3.33, 3.2.1,
3.3.17, 5.3.53, and 5.3.54 by reference or include the
text of the Standards; (2) Include an asterisk [*] for
Standard:0.4.2; (3) Remove the asterisk [*] from
Standard 2.4.2
Pine Needle LNG
Company, LLC
(1) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
[*]; (2) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i-v)
to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards
not Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (3) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
(4) Remove Standard 6.3.3
Remove Standard 6.3.3
Gulfstream Natural
Gas System, L.L.C.
Transcontinental Gas
Pipe Line Company,
(1) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
[*]; (2) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2(i-v)
to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards
not Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (3) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Company Name
- 64 -
Compliance Obligation
(4) Remove Standard 6.3.3
Southeast Supply
Header, LLC
Texas Eastern
Transmission, LP
Remove Standard 6.3.3
Enable Mississippi
River Transmission,
(1) Either incorporate Standards: 0.3.3, 0.3.4, 0.3.5,
0.3.6, 0.3.7, 0.3.8, 0.3.9, and 0.3.10 by reference or
include the text of the Standards; (2) Revise the text of
the Timely Recall Notification and Early Evening
Recall Notification to conform to revised Standard
5.3.44 in Sheet No. 228, Capacity Release, GT&C
section 14(A)(B)
Pine Prairie Energy
Center, LLC
Remove Definitions 0.2.5, 4.2.11, 4.2.20, and 5.2.2
from the section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted.”
Rockies Express
Pipeline LLC
(1) Remove Standards 0.3.19, 1.3.63, 2.3.33, 2.3.34,
2.3.35, 2.4.12 through 2.4.16, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.3.5, 4.3.29,
4.3.39, 4.3.51, 4.3.56, 4.3.59, 4.3.65, 4.3.73, 4.3.74,
5.3.27; (2) Include an asterisk [*] for Standards 1.3.9
and 1.3.33; (3) Change the reference from Standard
1.3.2 (i-v) to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled
“Standards not Incorporated by Reference and their
Location in Tariff:;” (4) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi)
from section titled “Standards Incorporated by
Reference:;” (5) Either incorporate Standards: 0.3.23
and 0.4.4* by reference or include the text of the
Standards; (6) Either incorporate Standards: 1.2.4,
2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, and 3.2.1 by reference or include the
text of the Standard; (7) Include the numerical
reference in the section titled “Standards Incorporated
by Reference:”
Iroquois Gas
Transmission System,
Include an asterisk [*] for Standards 1.3.5 and 5.3.56
B-R Pipeline Company
(1) Remove Standards: 3.3.1, 4.3.5; (2) Remove
Standard 4.3.23 from the section titled “Standards for
which an Extension of Time has been granted; ” (3)
Remove Standards 4.3.96 through 4.3.98 from section
titled “Standards for which a Waiver has been
Remove Standard 6.3.3
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Company Name
- 65 -
Compliance Obligation
granted:;” (4) Either incorporate Standards: 4.3.96
through 4.3.98 by reference or include the text of the
Portland General
Electric Company
(1) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Correction MC15005 marked with an asterisk [*]; (2)
Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 (i-v) to
Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (3) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
(4) Remove reference to WGQ Recommendations:
R02002, R02002-2; (5) Remove Standards: 3.3.1,
4.3.5, 4.3.29, and 4.3.76
Chandeleur Pipe Line,
(1) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
[*]; (2) Remove Standards 4.3.5 and 4.3.29
Sabine Pipe Line LLC
(1) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
[*]; (2) Remove Standards 4.3.5 and 4.3.29
Tallgrass Interstate
Gas Transmission,
(1) Remove Standards 0.3.19, 1.3.63, 2.3.33, 2.3.34,
2.3.35, 2.4.12 through 2.4.16, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.3.5, 4.3.29,
4.3.39, 4.3.51, 4.3.56, 4.3.59, 4.3.65, 4.3.73, 4.3.74,
5.3.27; (2) Include an asterisk [*] for Standards 1.3.9
and 1.3.33; (3) Change the reference from Standard
1.3.2 (i-v) to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled
“Standards not Incorporated by Reference and their
Location in Tariff:;” (4) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi)
from section titled “Standards Incorporated by
Reference:;” (5) Either incorporate Standards: 0.3.23
and 0.4.4* by reference or include the text of the
Standards; (6) Include the numerical reference in the
section titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:”
KPC Pipeline, LLC
(1) Remove Principles: 4.1.2 through 4.1.4, 4.1.6,
4.1.7, 4.1.10, 4.1.12, 4.1.13, 4.1.15 through 4.1.24,
4.1.26 through 4.1.30, 4.1.32 through 4.1.40, and
10.1.1 through 10.1.10 from section titled “Standards
for which an Extension of Time to Comply has been
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Company Name
- 66 -
Compliance Obligation
granted:;” (2) Remove Standards 4.3.96 through 4.3.98
from section titled “Standards for which an Extension
of Time to Comply has been granted:”
NGO Transmission,
(1) Remove Standards 4.3.95 through 4.3.98 from
section titled “Standards for which an Extension of
Time to Comply has been granted:;” (2) Either
incorporate Standards: 4.3.95 through 4.3.98 by
reference or include the text of the Standards
Ryckman Creek
Resources, LLC
(1) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
[*]; (2) Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 (i-v)
to Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards
not Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Tariff:;” (3) Remove Standard 1.3.2(vi) from section
titled “Standards Incorporated by Reference:;”
(4) Remove Standards: 4.3.5, 5.3.30, 5.3.61; (5) Move
Standard 0.4.4 under the section titled “Location Data
Download:; (6) Remove Standards: 4.3.52, 4.3.55,
4.3.80, 4.3.81, 4.3.82, 4.3.83, 4.3.84, 5.3.62, 5.3.63,
5.3.64, 5.3.65, 5.3.66, 5.3.67, 5.3.68, 5.3.69, 5.3.70,
5.3.71, 5.3.72, 5.4.24, 5.4.25, 5.4.26, 5.4.27, 10.3.11,
10.3.14, and 10.3.15 from section titled “Standards
Incorporated by Reference:;” (7) Include the text of
Standard 1.3.2(vi) in GT&C Section 6.7 – Nominations
and Scheduling
WestGas InterState,
(1) Revise the text of the Intraday 1 Nomination Cycle;
(2) Indicate adoption of Standard 1.3.2(i-vi) under the
tariff record titled “Part 2 Section 3, Shipper Noms and
Request for Capacity;” (3) Revise the text of Standard
3.2.1; (4) Either incorporate Standard: 0.3.24 by
reference or include the text of the Standard;
(5) Remove the asterisk [*] from Standard 1.3.22;
(6) Change the reference from waiver to extension of
time for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.17,
1.3.18, and 3.3.6 in the section titled "Standards for
which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have
been granted."
Stagecoach Pipeline &
Storage Company LLC
Change the reference from Standard 1.3.2 to Standard
1.3.2(i-vi) in the section titled “Standards not
Docket No. RP10-1083-008, et al.
Company Name
- 67 -
Compliance Obligation
Incorporated by Reference and their Location in
Horizon Pipeline
Company, L.L.C.
(1) Revise the text of the Intraday 3 Nomination Cycle
in GT&C Section 7.2(e) – Standard Nomination
Cycles; (2) Indicate adoption of Standards revised by
Minor Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
Kinder Morgan
Louisiana Pipeline
Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
Midcontinent Express
Pipeline LLC
Indicate adoption of Standards revised by Minor
Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005,
MC15009 and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk
Wyckoff Gas Storage
Company, LLC
Remove Definitions 0.2.5, 4.2.11, 4.2.20, and 5.2.2
from the section titled “Standards for which Waiver or
Extension of Time to Comply have been granted.”
Tennessee Gas
Pipeline Company,
Remove proposed tariff modification to Tennessee Gas
Pipeline Company, L.L.C., FERC NGA Gas Tariff,
TGP Tariffs, Sheet No. 313A, 0.0.0 that was rejected.
ANR Storage
Change the reference from waiver to extension of time
for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standards 1.3.17,
1.3.18, and 3.3.6 in the section titled "Standards for
which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have
been granted."
Tariff record(s) to be inserted into your copy of
Northern Natural Gas Company’s FERC Gas Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 201
Third Revised Sheet No. 201
o Timely Nomination Cycle
o Evening Nomination Cycle
o Intraday 1 Nomination Cycle
o Intraday 2 Nomination Cycle
o Intraday 3 Nomination Cycle
o Standing Nominations
o Auto-balancing
o Pooling
o Intraday Nominations
o Scheduling
o Curtailment
o Carlton Resolution
1. Allocation Of Sourcing Requirements At Carlton
2. Buyout
3. Surcharge
4. Flow Orders
5. Carlton Resolution Obligation (Company Listing)
6. Carlton Volumes Subject To Flow Obligations
7. Sourcers With Option To Buyout
o Other Flow Orders
o OBA General Terms And Conditions
o Single Shipper
o Multiple Shippers
o GS-T Receiving Party Shipper(s)
o Multiple Service Agreements Under Any Rate Schedule
o End-user(s) on Downstream Systems
o Third Party Storage Shipper(s)
o Other Flowing Gas Allocations
o Definitions
o Dollar Valuation
o Determination Of Monthly Index Prices (MIPs)
1. Method Used To Determine Monthly Index Prices
2. Market Area MIP
3. Field Area MIP
4. Gulf Coast MIP
o Tiering Of MIPs
o Applicability Of MIPs
o Resolution Of Imbalances
1. Monthly Imbalance Trading
2. Monthly Cash-out/in
3. Monthly Imbalance To Storage
4. In-Kind Resolution
5. Blackout
o Imbalances Related To Pipeline Operational Activity
o Prior Period Adjustments
o Imbalance Statements
o Imbalance Value Reconciliation
o Imbalance Trading
o Trade Groups
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 201A
Third Revised Sheet No. 201A
General Terms & Conditions
o Gas Quality Specifications
o Processing
1. Processing Plants (Shippers With Processing
2. Processing Plants (Shippers Without Processing
o Creditworthiness Requirements
o Security Requirements
1. Firm Service Agreements
2. Interruptible Service Agreements
o Release Options
1. Level I - Permanent Release Of Firm Capacity
2. Level II - Temporary Release Of Firm Capacity
With No Recall
3. Level III - Temporary Release Of Firm Capacity
With Recall
4. Levels II and III - Releases For One Calendar
Month Or Less
o Offers To Release
o Revocation Of Offer To Release
o Open Season
o Bids
o Determination And Posting Of Best Offer Awarding Capacity
o Posting Of Completed Release Transactions
o Re-Release
o Liability Of Releasing Shipper On A Temporary Basis
o Rates
1. Commodity Charge
2. Demand Credit
3. Marketing Fee
4. Maximum One-Part Rate
5. Maximum Two-Part Rate
o Billing
o Termination Of Contract
1. For Non-Payment
2. Due To Lack Of Credit Worthiness
o Tiers
o Buy-Sell Arrangements
o Recall Of Released Capacity
1. Timely Recall Notification
2. Early Evening Recall Notification
3. Evening Recall Notification
4. Intraday 1 Recall Notification
5. Intraday 2 Recall Notification
6. Intraday 3 Recall Notification
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
First Revised Sheet No. 212
Original Sheet No. 212
Measuring Equipment Out of Repair. If, for any reason, any measuring equipment
is out of service or out of repair so that the quantity of gas delivered is not
correctly indicated by the reading thereof, the gas delivered during such period
shall be estimated by the parties on the basis of the best data available using
the first of the following methods which is feasible:
By using the registration of any check measuring equipment installed and
accurately registering; or
By correcting the error if the percentage of error is ascertainable by
calibration, test or mathematical calculations; or
By estimating the quantity of delivery by deliveries during a preceding
period under similar conditions when the meter was registering accurately.
Adjustment of Inaccuracies. If any meter is found to be inoperative or
inaccurate, it shall be adjusted to register correctly. The amount of error
shall be determined by the most accurate method found feasible, and, if the
error shall have resulted in an error of more than two percent (2%) in the
measurement of gas delivered, then the calculated deliveries of gas through such
meter shall be accurately adjusted to compensate for such error. Such adjustment
shall be made for such period of inaccuracy as may be definitely known, or if
not known, then for one-half the period since the date of the last meter test.
Measurement data corrections must be processed within six (6) months of the
production month with a three (3) month rebuttal period. This time limitation
will not apply in the case of deliberate omission or misrepresentation or mutual
mistake of fact. Also, the parties' other statutory or contractual rights shall
not otherwise be diminished by this provision. Mutual agreement between parties,
legal decisions, and regulatory guidance may be necessary to determine if the
event qualifies for an extension of the above time periods. A meter adjustment
or correction becomes a prior period adjustment after the fifth business day
following the production month. Any measurement prior period adjustments are
taken back to the production month.
Natural gas delivered by Northern to a Shipper shall be merchantable natural gas. Upon
request, Northern will offer to negotiate with a Delivery Point Operator, on a not
unduly discriminatory basis, how Northern will manage the quality of gas delivered to
the Delivery Point Operator. The quality of gas delivered to other Shippers on the
pipeline will not be degraded by the negotiation of gas quality management at delivery
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Second Revised Sheet No. 216
First Revised Sheet No. 216
Prior period adjustment time limits will be 6 months from the date of the initial
transportation invoice and 7 months from date of initial sales invoice with a 3-month
rebuttal period, excluding government-required rate changes. This provision shall not
apply in the case of deliberate omission or misrepresentation or mutual mistake of fact.
Parties' other statutory or contractual rights shall not otherwise be diminished by this
provision. Mutual agreement between parties, legal decisions, and regulatory guidance
may be necessary to determine if the event qualifies for an extension of the above time
Should Shipper fail to pay part or all of the amount of any billing for services
rendered or for any other charges hereunder, Northern may impose interest at the then
effective Refund Interest Rate pursuant to the Commission's Regulations, from the due
date until date of payment. If such failure to pay continues, Northern, in addition to
any other remedy it may have, may suspend or terminate service hereunder after
implementing a notification procedure in accordance with Section 16 of the General Terms
and Conditions.
If the invoice is in dispute, Shipper shall pay the portion not in dispute and provide
documentation identifying the basis for the dispute, and at any time thereafter within
twenty (20) days of a demand made by Northern for the balance furnishes a good and
sufficient surety bond in amount and with sureties satisfactory to Northern, conditioned
upon the payment of any amounts ultimately found due upon such billing after a final
determination, which may be reached either by agreement or judicial or administrative
proceeding, as the case may be, then Northern shall not be entitled to suspend or
terminate service pursuant to this provision as a result of said dispute unless and
until default is made in the conditions of such bond.
For the purposes of billing, a Point of Delivery in a specific service agreement may be
defined as a group of physical delivery points to the same, or affiliated, LDCs in the
Market Area or Argus Zone in the Field Area, including municipally owned/cooperative
distribution companies, where such delivery points are located in a single Operational
For purposes of this Section 9, "Affiliated" LDCs are local distribution companies,
including municipalities, (1) which are divisions of the same corporation, (2) have a
common parent company which owns 100% of the voting stock of the LDCs (either directly
or through another wholly owned subsidiary), (3) wherein one LDC owns 100% of the voting
stock of the other company(ies) (either directly or through another wholly owned
subsidiary), or (4) which are organized as a gas purchasing authority or similarlystructured group, subject to Northern's reasonable approval.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Third Revised Sheet No. 257
Second Revised Sheet No. 257
Northern will support the following standard nomination cycles (all times are CCT pursuant
to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.3.17):
The Timely Nomination Cycle
On the day prior to gas flow:
1:00 p.m. Nominations leave control of the Service Requester (SR);
1:15 p.m. Nominations are received by Northern (including from Title Transfer
Tracking Service Providers (TTTSPs));
1:30 p.m. Northern sends the Quick Response to the SR;
4:30 p.m. Northern receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties;
5:00 p.m. SR and Point Operator receive scheduled quantities from Northern.
Scheduled quantities resulting from Timely Nominations should be effective at the start
of the next Gas Day.
The Evening Nomination Cycle
On the day prior to gas flow:
6:00 p.m. Nominations leave control of the SR;
6:15 p.m. Nominations are received by Northern (including from TTTSPs);
6:30 p.m. Northern sends the Quick Response to the SR;
8:30 p.m. Northern receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties;
9:00 p.m. Northern provides scheduled quantities to the affected SR and Point
Operator, including bumped parties (notice to bumped parties).
Scheduled quantities resulting from Evening Nominations should be effective at the start
of the next Gas Day.
The Intraday 1 Nomination Cycle
On the current Gas Day:
10:00 a.m. Nominations leave control of the SR;
10:15 a.m. Nominations are received by Northern (including from TTTSPs);
10:30 a.m. Northern sends the Quick Response to the SR;
12:30 p.m. Northern receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties;
01:00 p.m. Northern provides scheduled quantities to the affected SR and Point
Operator, including bumped parties (notice to bumped parties).
Scheduled quantities resulting from Intraday 1 Nominations should be effective
at 2:00 p.m. on the current Gas Day.
The Intraday 2 Nomination Cycle
On the current Gas Day:
2:30 p.m. Nominations leave control of the SR;
2:45 p.m. Nominations are received by the Northern (including from TTTSPs);
3:00 p.m. Northern sends the Quick Response to the SR;
5:00 p.m. Northern receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties;
5:30 p.m. Northern provides scheduled quantities to the affected SR and Point
Operator, including bumped parties (notice to bumped parties).
Scheduled quantities resulting from Intraday 2 Nominations should be effective at
6:00 p.m. on the current Gas Day.
The Intraday 3 Nomination Cycle
On the current Gas Day:
07:00 p.m. Nominations leave control of the SR;
07:15 p.m. Nominations are received by the Northern (including from TTTSPs);
07:30 p.m. Northern sends the Quick Response to the SR;
09:30 p.m. Northern receives completed confirmations from Confirming Parties;
10:00 p.m. Northern provides scheduled quantities to the affected SR and Point
Scheduled quantities resulting from Intraday 3 Nominations should be effective at
10:00 p.m. on the current Gas Day. Bumping is not allowed during the Intraday 3
Nomination Cycle.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Second Revised Sheet No. 258
First Revised Sheet No. 258
For purposes of the Evening, Intraday 1, Intraday 2 and Intraday 3 Nomination Cycles,
"provide" shall mean, for transmittals pursuant to NAESB WGQ Standards 1.4.x, receipt at
the designated site, and for purposes of other forms of transmittal, it shall mean send
or post.
The Timely and Evening Nomination Cycles pertain to transportation for the upcoming gas day.
The Intraday 1 , Intraday 2 and Intraday 3 Nomination Cycles pertain to the current gas day.
Together the Timely, Evening, Intraday 1, Intraday 2 and Intraday 3 Nomination Cycles shall
be referred to as the grid-wide synchronization times. Northern will process nominations in
addition to the grid-wide synchronization times subject to the additional Intraday
nomination subsection herein, and accordingly Northern is not required to hold capacity for
grid-wide nominations until a standard nomination cycle. Bumping will only be permitted
during the Evening, Intraday 1 and Intraday 2 Nomination Cycles.
All nominations for service, including firm overrun, will be required to be electronically
nominated by path, i.e. specific receipt point to specific delivery point, provided that
for nomination purposes, a Point of Delivery in the Market Area or Argus Zone in the Field
Area may be a currently established Operational Zone, applicable to deliveries to the
facilities of a single LDC. For Shipper(s) with combined service for both Market Area and
Field Area, nominations from the Field Area to the Market Area (or vice versa) must include
a nomination to and from the NNG Field/MKT Demarcation (POI 37654). Northern will accept
facsimile nominations in the event of a failure of electronic nomination communication
equipment. Overrun quantities shall be nominated as a separate transaction. All
nominations must include shipper-defined begin dates and end dates. Additionally, the
upstream and/or downstream contract information and rankings must be provided for a
nomination to be valid.
The receiver of a nomination initiates the confirmation process. The party that would
receive a Request for Confirmation or an unsolicited Confirmation Response may waive the
obligation of the sender to send.
Northern may accept "standing nominations," excluding intra-day nominations, for the then
existing term of the Service Agreement. The term "standing nominations" shall mean a
nomination of a specific volume to remain in effect until the earlier of:
the requested ending date of such nomination; or
ii) a request by Shipper to change such nomination;
provided however, the term of the nomination is within the term of the Service Agreement.
Auto-balancing is where a Shipper may request Northern to automatically schedule volumes
into or out of storage on behalf of the Shipper at such times when a Shipper is allocated at
a supply/market point as long as the Shipper currently holds an FDD/IDD service agreement
and as long as the scheduled volume is within the storage parameters. To the extent
imbalances or receipt and delivery point variances occur, Shipper shall be responsible for
any applicable charges. To request this service, Shipper shall submit an executed Storage
Balancing Option form located on Northern's website.
With respect to the timely nomination/confirmation process at a receipt or delivery point,
in the absence of agreement to the contrary, the lesser of the confirmation quantities
should be the confirmed quantity. If there is no response to a Request for Confirmation or
an unsolicited Confirmation Response, the lesser of the confirmation quantity or the
scheduled quantity for the Timely Nomination Cycle of the previous Gas Day should be the new
confirmed quantity.
To the extent Northern's other scheduling requirements are met, a Shipper may redirect
scheduled quantities to other receipt points upstream of a constraint point or delivery
points downstream of a constraint point at any of Northern's subsequent nomination cycle(s)
for the subject Gas Day, under the same contract, without a requirement that the quantities
be rescheduled through the point of constraint.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 259
Third Revised Sheet No. 259
With respect to the processing of requests for increases during the intraday
nominations/confirmation process, in the absence of agreement to the contrary, the
lesser of the confirmation quantities should be the new confirmed quantity. If there is
no response to a Request For Confirmation or an unsolicited Confirmation Response, the
scheduled quantity for the previous intraday nomination cycle should be the new
confirmed quantity.
With respect to the processing of requests for decreases during the intraday
nomination/confirmation process, in the absence of agreement to the contrary, the lesser
of the confirmation quantities should be the new confirmed quantity, but in any event no
less than the elapsed-prorated-scheduled quantity. If there is no response to a Request
For Confirmation or an unsolicited Confirmation Response, the greater of the
confirmation quantity or the elapsed-prorated-scheduled quantity should be the new
confirmed quantity.
The Explicit Confirmation process requires that the Confirming Party respond to a
Request for Confirmation or initiate an unsolicited Confirmation Response. Absent mutual
agreement to the contrary, Explicit Confirmation is the default methodology.
The total nomination at the Point(s) of receipt, less designated Fuel, if any, must
equal the nominations at the Point(s) of Delivery. For in-kind fuel reimbursement
methods, Northern will not reject a nomination for reasons of rounding differences due
to fuel calculations of less than 5 dekatherms.
The Point of Receipt for all gas to be purchased from Northern shall be identified as
the furthest point upstream where gas enters Northern-owned facilities.
A package ID is a way to differentiate between discrete business transactions. When
used, Package ID should be supported for nominating and scheduling; mutually agreed
between the applicable parties for allocations and imbalance reporting; supported for
invoicing (sales and purchase); and mutually agreed for transport invoicing. Use of the
Package ID is at the discretion of the service requester, and if sent, should be
accepted and processed by the service provider.
For nomination purposes, a Point of Delivery may be defined as a currently established
Operational Zone in the Market Area or Argus Zone in the Field Area that is applicable
for deliveries to the facilities of a single LDC as well as delivery points in the same
Operational Zone serving an electric generation plant where the LDC has a tolling
arrangement. In the event that the electric generation plant is located behind the
facilities of another LDC, then both LDCs and Northern must enter into an end-user
allocation agreement as provided for in Section 30.E. of the GENERAL TERMS AND
CONDITIONS of this FERC Gas Tariff. All zone delivery points must contain TBS specific
entitlements. The total of the TBS specific entitlements must equal the zone delivery
point entitlement; however, daily nomination and scheduling may be made by a zone
nomination. An LDC may aggregate delivery points that serve power plants in an
operational zone into a sub-zone for DDVC and imbalance purposes; provided, however, the
shipper must nominate such delivery points on an individual basis. Shipper must use
commercially reasonable efforts to provide one-hour notification prior to flow to
Northern's Gas Control Department of expected volumes and burn rate.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Second Revised Sheet No. 260
First Revised Sheet No. 260
Northern shall electronically initiate the confirmation process. At the end of each Gas Day,
Northern should provide the final scheduled quantities for the just completed Gas Day. With
respect to the implementation of this process via the EDI/EDM, Northern should send an end of Gas
Day Scheduled Quantity and Scheduled Quantity for Operator document. A receiver of either of
these documents can waive Northern’s requirement to send such documents.
Northern shall electronically initiate the confirmation process. At the end of each Gas Day,
Northern should provide the final scheduled quantities for the just completed Gas Day. With
respect to the implementation of this process via the 1.4.x scheduled quantity related standards,
Northern should send an end of Gas Day Scheduled Quantity document. Receivers of the end of Gas
Day Scheduled Quantity document can waive the sender's sending of the end of Gas Day Scheduled
Quantity document.
The sending party shall adhere to nomination, confirmation, and scheduling deadlines.
receiving party has the right to waive the deadlines.
Shipper shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Northern at the Point(s) of receipt on a
uniform daily and hourly basis that quantity of natural gas that has been scheduled for
An intraday nomination is a nomination electronically submitted after the nomination deadline An
intraday nomination is a nomination electronically submitted after the nomination deadline whose
effective time is no earlier than the beginning of the Gas Day and runs through the end of that
gas day. The Evening, Intraday 1, Intraday 2 and Intraday 3 Nomination Cycles constitute
Northern's standard Intraday nomination opportunities. For services that provide for intraday
nominations and scheduling, there is no limitation as to the number of intraday nominations which
a service requester may submit at any one standard nomination cycle or in total across all
standard nomination cycles. Intraday nominations can be used to request increases or decreases
in total flow, changes to receipt points, or changes in delivery points of scheduled gas.
Intraday nominations may be used to nominate new market or supply. Intraday nominations do not
roll over and are applicable to one (1) day only and must include an effective time. All
nominations, including intraday nominations, will be based on a daily quantity; thus, an intraday
nominator need not submit an hourly nomination. Intraday nominations will include an effective
date and time. The interconnected parties will agree on the hourly flows of the intraday
nomination. Intraday nominations do not replace the remainder of standing nominations. There is
no need to re-nominate if intraday nomination modifies existing nomination.
Firm intraday nominations are entitled to bump scheduled interruptible service only during the
Evening, Intraday 1 and Intraday 2 Nomination cycles. Northern will provide notice of the
applicability and types of penalties to be effective the following Gas Day for any bumped volumes
on its website by 3:00 p.m. prior to the Gas Day. During non-critical periods, daily penalties
will be waived for bumped volumes on the date of the bump. Northern will provide a separate
notice of bumping in the same manner in which Northern provides notice of operational flow
orders. Northern will provide notification of bumped volumes through the scheduled quantities
statement. Northern will also electronically communicate notice directly to bumped Shipper's in
accordance with the grid-wide timeline for scheduled quantities. Northern shall provide affected
parties with notification of bumping through the Shipper's choice of Electronic Notice Delivery
Mechanism. Unless the affected party and Northern have agreed to exclusive notification via
EDI/EDM, the affected party should provide Northern with at least one Internet E-mail address to
be used for Electronic Notice Delivery of notification of bumping. The obligation of Northern to
provide notification is waived until the above requirement has been met. Northern will support
the concurrent sending of electronic notification of bumping to two Internet E-mail addresses for
each affected party. Affected parties will manage internal distribution of notices received by
Electronic Notice Delivery. Penalties related to the bumped volume will be waived if notice has
not been provided.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
First Revised Sheet No. 270
Original Sheet No. 270
No reallocations to the volumes received, transported or delivered by Northern
shall be made unless the affected Shippers under the Throughput Service
Agreements, the operator or its designee and Northern agree in writing to the
The parties shall negotiate in good faith to reach such an
agreement The time limitation for disputes of allocations should be 6 months
from the date of the initial month-end allocation with a 3-month rebuttal
period. This provision shall not apply in the case of deliberate omission or
misrepresentation or mutual mistake of fact. Parties' other statutory or
contractual rights shall not otherwise be diminished by this provision. Mutual
agreement between parties, legal decisions, and regulatory guidance may be
necessary to determine if the event qualifies for an extension of the above
time periods.
"Unauthorized Gas" shall mean any volumes delivered to Northern from any
receipt points which have not been nominated in any amount by any Shipper for
that month and which have not been scheduled by Northern. Shipper may claim
the unauthorized gas, provided that claim therefor shall have been made within
six (6) months from the date such unauthorized gas entered Northern's system.
Any revenues received for Unauthorized Gas shall be credited to Shippers in
accordance with Section 57 of the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS of this Tariff.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Fifth Revised Sheet No. 277
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 277
Compliance with 18 CFR, Section 284.12
Northern has adopted the Business Practices and Electronic Communications Standards, NAESB WGQ
Version 3.0, and the standards revised by Minor Corrections MC15003, MC15004, MC15005, MC15009
and MC15012 all marked with an asterisk [*], which are required by the Commission in 18 CFR
Section 284.12 (a), as indicated below. Standards without accompanying identification or
notations are incorporated by reference. Standards that are not incorporated by reference are
identified along with the tariff record in which they are located. Standards for which waivers or
extensions of time have been granted are also identified.
Standards not Incorporated by Reference and their Location in Tariff:
The standards reproduced in Northern’s FERC Gas Tariff are subject to a limited copyright waiver
from NAESB. Northern is authorized to use some or all of the language contained in such standards
in the following materials: proposed and approved tariff sheets; compliance filings;
communications with customers and stakeholders in conducting day-to-day business; communications
with regulatory agencies; and electronic and other media making tariffs, tariff sheets and other
documents available to the public as required by law, provided Northern includes the appropriate
citation in the material. With respect to the standards listed below, Northern incorporates the
following: © 1996 – 2014, NAESB, all rights reserved.
NAESB Standard
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Tariff record
Nominations, Sheet No. 259
Allocation of Capacity, Sheet No. 263B
Nominations, Sheet No. 257
Nominations, Sheet No. 260
Allocation of Capacity, Sheet No. 260A
Nominations, Sheet No. 260
Nominations, Sheet No. 260
Nominations, Sheet No. 260
Nominations, Sheet No. 258
Nominations, Sheet No. 258
Nominations, Sheet No. 260
Nominations, Sheet No. 258 & 259
Nominations, Sheet No. 259
Nominations, Sheet No. 259
Periodic Rate Adjustment (PRA) – Fuel, Sheet No. 301C
Nominations, Sheet No. 259
Nominations, Sheet No. 260
Nominations, Sheet No. 260
Nominations, Sheet No. 259
Nominations, Sheet No. 257
Nominations, Sheet No. 258
Allocation of Capacity, Sheet No. 264
Measurement, Sheet No. 212
Measurement, Sheet No. 212
Billing Throughput Quantity, Sheet No. 265A
Billing Throughput Quantity, Sheet No. 265A
Reallocation, Sheet No. 270
Balancing, Sheet No. 269B
Definition of Terms, Sheet No. 202
Billing and Payment, Sheet No. 215
Billing and Payment, Sheet No. 216
Billing and Payment, Sheet No. 215
Billing and Payment, Sheet No. 215
Billing and Payment, Sheet No. 216
Capacity Release, Sheet No. 289A
Capacity Release, Sheet No. 289B
Capacity Release, Sheet No. 287A
Capacity Release, Sheet Nos. 287 & 287A
Capacity Release, Sheet No. 287A
Capacity Release, Sheet No. 287A
Capacity Release, Sheet No. 286
Capacity Release, Sheet No. 287A
Capacity Release, Sheet No. 287
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 278
Third Revised Sheet No. 278
NAESB Standard
Tariff record
Release, Sheet No. 287A
Release, Sheet No. 287
Release, Sheet No. 288
Release, Sheet No. 286
Release, Sheet No. 287
Release, Sheet No. 287
Release, Sheet No. 287
Nominations, Sheet No. 260 & Daily Delivery
Charges (DDVC), Sheet No. 292A
Release, Sheet No. 289A & 289B
Release, Sheet Nos. 289B
Release, Sheet No. 289B
Release, Sheet No. 289A
Release, Sheet No. 289B
Release, Sheet No. 289B
Release, Sheet No. 289C
Release, Sheet No. 289B
Release, Sheet Nos. 289C
Release, Sheet No. 289C
Release, Sheet No. 289D
Release, Sheet No. 289C
Release, Sheet No. 289D
Standards Incorporated by Reference:
Additional Standards:
0.3.1, 0.3.2, 0.3.16, 0.3.17
0.3.3, 0.3.4, 0.3.5, 0.3.6, 0.3.7, 0.3.8, 0.3.9, 0.3.10
Gas/Electric Operational Communications:
0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.2.3, 0.2.4, 0.2.5
0.3.11, 0.3.12, 0.3.13, 0.3.14, 0.3.15
Operating Capacity and Unsubscribed:
0.3.18, 0.3.20, 0.3.21, 0.3.22
0.4.2*, 0.4.3
Location Data Download
0.3.23, 0.3.24, 0.3.25, 0.3.26, 0.3.27, 0.3.28, 0.3.29
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Third Revised Sheet No. 279
Second Revised Sheet No. 279
Storage Information:
Nominations Related Standards:
1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.8, 1.2.9, 1.2.10, 1.2.11, 1.2.12, 1.2.13, 1.2.14, 1.2.15,
1.2.16, 1.2.17, 1.2.18, 1.2.19
1.3.1*, 1.3.4, 1.3.5*, 1.3.7, 1.3.8*, 1.3.14, 1.3.15, 1.3.16, 1.3.17, 1.3.18, 1.3.22(iv),
1.3.23, 1.3.26, 1.3.27, 1.3.30, 1.3.31, 1.3.34, 1.3.35, 1.3.36, 1.3.37, 1.3.38, 1.3.39,
1.3.41, 1.3.43, 1.3.44, 1.3.45, 1.3.46, 1.3.48, 1.3.51, 1.3.53, 1.3.55, 1.3.56, 1.3.58,
1.3.62, 1.3.64, 1.3.65, 1.3.66, 1.3.67, 1.3.68, 1.3.69, 1.3.70, 1.3.71, 1.3.72, 1.3.73,
1.3.74, 1.3.75, 1.3.76, 1.3.77, 1.3.79, 1.3.81
1.4.1*, 1.4.2*, 1.4.3*, 1.4.4*, 1.4.5*, 1.4.6*, 1.4.7*
Flowing Gas Related Standards:
2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.5
2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.3.7, 2.3.8,
2.3.15, 2.3.17, 2.3.19, 2.3.20, 2.3.21, 2.3.22, 2.3.23,
2.3.30, 2.3.31, 2.3.32, 2.3.40, 2.3.42, 2.3.43, 2.3.44,
2.3.50, 2.3.51, 2.3.52, 2.3.53, 2.3.54, 2.3.55, 2.3.56,
2.3.61, 2.3.62, 2.3.63, 2.3.64, 2.3.65, 2.3.66
2.3.9, 2.3.10, 2.3.12, 2.3.13,
2.3.25, 2.3.27, 2.3.28, 2.3.29,
2.3.45, 2.3.46, 2.3.47, 2.3.48,
2.3.57, 2.3.58, 2.3.59, 2.3.60,
2.4.1*, 2.4.2, 2.4.3*, 2.4.4*, 2.4.5*, 2.4.6, 2.4.7, 2.4.8, 2.4.9, 2.4.10, 2.4.11,
2.4.17, 2.4.18
Invoicing Related Standards:
3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5, 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 3.3.8, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.16,
3.3.21, 3.3.22, 3.3.23, 3.3.24, 3.3.25, 3.3.26
3.4.1*, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Third Revised Sheet No. 280
Substitute Second Revised Sheet No. 280
Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism Related Standards:
4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6, 4.2.7, 4.2.8, 4.2.9, 4.2.10, 4.2.11, 4.2.12,
4.2.13, 4.2.14, 4.2.15, 4.2.16, 4.2.17, 4.2.18, 4.2.19, 4.2.20
4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3, 4.3.16, 4.3.17, 4.3.18, 4.3.20, 4.3.22, 4.3.23, 4.3.24, 4.3.25,
4.3.26, 4.3.27, 4.3.28, 4.3.30, 4.3.31, 4.3.32, 4.3.33, 4.3.34, 4.3.35, 4.3.36, 4.3.38,
4.3.40, 4.3.41, 4.3.42, 4.3.43, 4.3.44, 4.3.45, 4.3.46, 4.3.47, 4.3.48, 4.3.49, 4.3.50,
4.3.52, 4.3.53, 4.3.54, 4.3.55, 4.3.57, 4.3.58, 4.3.60, 4.3.61, 4.3.62, 4.3.66, 4.3.67,
4.3.68, 4.3.69, 4.3.72, 4.3.75, 4.3.78, 4.3.79, 4.3.80, 4.3.81, 4.3.82, 4.3.83, 4.3.84,
4.3.85, 4.3.86, 4.3.87, 4.3.89, 4.3.90, 4.3.91, 4.3.92, 4.3.93, 4.3.94, 4.3.95, 4.3.96,
4.3.97, 4.3.98, 4.3.99, 4.3.100, 4.3.101, 4.3.102, 4.3.103, 4.3.104, 4.3.105
Capacity Release Standards:
5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.5
5.3.5, 5.3.7, 5.3.8, 5.3.9, 5.3.10, 5.3.12, 5.3.18, 5.3.20, 5.3.21, 5.3.22, 5.3.23,
5.3.26, 5.3.28, 5.3.29, 5.3.33, 5.3.34, 5.3.35, 5.3.36, 5.3.38, 5.3.39, 5.3.40, 5.3.41,
5.3.42, 5.3.46, 5.3.47, 5.3.48, 5.3.49, 5.3.50, 5.3.51, 5.3.52, 5.3.55, 5.3.56*, 5.3.59,
5.3.60, 5.3.65, 5.3.67, 5.3.70, 5.3.71, 5.3.72, 5.3.73
5.4.14, 5.4.15, 5.4.16*, 5.4.17, 5.4.20*, 5.4.21*, 5.4.22*, 5.4.23, 5.4.24*, 5.4.25,
5.4.26*, 5.4.27
Internet Electronic Transport Related Standards:
10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.4, 10.2.5, 10.2.6, 10.2.7, 10.2.8, 10.2.9, 10.2.10, 10.2.11,
10.2.12, 10.2.13, 10.2.14, 10.2.15, 10.2.16, 10.2.17, 10.2.18, 10.2.19, 10.2.20, 10.2.21,
10.2.22, 10.2.23, 10.2.24, 10.2.25, 10.2.26, 10.2.27, 10.2.28, 10.2.29, 10.2.30, 10.2.31,
10.2.32, 10.2.33, 10.2.34, 10.2.35, 10.2.36, 10.2.37, 10.2.38
10.3.1, 10.3.3, 10.3.4, 10.3.5, 10.3.6, 10.3.7, 10.3.8, 10.3.9, 10.3.10, 10.3.11,
10.3.12, 10.3.14, 10.3.15, 10.3.16, 10.3.17, 10.3.18, 10.3.19, 10.3.20, 10.3.21, 10.3.22,
10.3.23, 10.3.24, 10.3.25, 10.3.26, 10.3.27
Standards for which Waiver or Extension of Time to Comply have been granted:
NAESB Standard
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Waiver or
Extension of Time
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Third Revised Sheet No. 287
Second Revised Sheet No. 287
Releasing Shipper may specify dollars and cents or percentages of the maximum tariff rate in
the denomination of bids. If SMS is being released, it must be so stated in the offer. A
Shipper releasing capacity temporarily must also state in the offer if the Replacement
Shipper will be permitted to amend the primary receipt and/or delivery points. All requested
releases will be validated by Northern prior to execution of the agreement. Northern will
post capacity wanted notices on the website for prospective Shippers.
C. Revocation of Offer to Release. Offers to release firm capacity shall be binding until
notice of withdrawal is received by Northern on its Customer Activities website. The
Releasing Shipper may not revoke its posted release after the bid period ends. The Releasing
Shipper has the right to withdraw its offer during the bid period, where unanticipated
circumstances justify and no minimum bid has been made.
D. Open Season. After posting of the offer to release on the website, there will be an open
season during which Northern will receive open bids for the released capacity. Bids will be
posted as provided in Section E. below. The open bid must state whether the bidder is
affiliated with the Releasing Shipper. Offers will be posted for the following time periods:
A Shipper desiring to release firm capacity for one year or less, including pre-arranged
releases, must post on Northern's website an offer to release capacity by 9:00 a.m. (CCT) on
a Business Day. A Shipper desiring to release firm capacity for more than one year,
including pre-arranged releases at less than maximum rates, must post on Northern's website
an offer to release capacity by 9:00 a.m. (CCT) on a Business Day. For purposes of this
Section 47, a Business Day is defined as the hours Northern has its business offices open
between 8:00 a.m. one day and 8:00 a.m. the next day. The posting of a pre-arranged deal that
is not subject to bid must be made by 12:00 p.m. (CCT) for the Timely cycle; 5:00 p.m. (CCT)
for the Evening Cycle; 9:00 a.m. (CCT) for the Intraday 1 cycle; 1:30 p.m. for the Intraday
2 cycle; and 6:00 p.m. for the Intraday 3 cycle. Northern will accept and process capacity
release offers from Releasing Shipper(s) (or its authorized third party service provider),
provided the valid offer is received by Northern prior to the respective deadline specified
above. Such offer, will be posted as an offer and will be available for bidding by the
posted-by deadline and start of bidding time specified (for the received Business Day) as set
forth above or the Releasing Shipper's specified Business Day (if later than the received
Business Day).
After posting of the offer, there will be an open season during which Northern will receive
open bids for the released capacity. For biddable releases that are one year or less in
duration, the open season will end by 10:00 a.m. (CCT) on the same or a subsequent Business
Day. For biddable releases that are more than one year in duration, the open season shall
include no less than three 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (CCT) time periods on consecutive Business
Days. Northern will provide for the creation of capacity release bids from potential
Replacement Shipper(s) (or its authorized third party service provider), provided the valid
bid is submitted no later than the respective deadline set forth above. Such timely bid,
will be evaluated by Northern for the purpose of identifying the winning bidder(s) associated
with the offer.
There will be no extensions of the original bid period or the pre-arranged deal match period.
Northern must preapprove Replacement Shipper's creditworthiness.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Eighth Revised Sheet No. 287A
Seventh Revised Sheet No. 287A
Bids. During the open season, a Shipper desiring to bid on released capacity must use
Northern's website to post all valid bids, listing all pertinent terms and conditions of the
valid bids. Valid bids shall be partially executed Service Agreements. Any Replacement
Shipper must meet Northern's creditworthiness requirements pursuant to Section 46 of GENERAL
Bids shall be binding until notice of withdrawal is received by Northern on its Customer
Activities website. A bidder may not withdraw a bid for the released capacity after the bid
period ends. Once a bidder has withdrawn its bid, the bidder may only submit a new bid for
that released capacity at a higher rate.
Northern shall allocate available capacity to the best bid first and continue allocating
until all offered capacity is awarded. Unless the Releasing Shipper has specified
otherwise, in the event equivalent bids are submitted, the capacity will be made available
on a pro rata basis to the equal bidders. Should any one of the equal bidders veto the pro
rata allocation of the capacity, Northern will conduct a lottery to select the winning
bidder, who will then be allocated its requested capacity. The remainder will be available
to the other bidder(s) on a pro rata basis, which may again trigger the veto/lottery
selection process.
Determination and Posting of Best Offer; Awarding Capacity. The evaluation period begins at
10:00 a.m. during which any contingencies are eliminated, determination of best bid is made,
and ties are broken. Northern will evaluate the bids and will determine which bid
constitutes the best bid by determining the highest economic unit value unless the Releasing
Shipper has provided Northern an alternative best bid evaluation methodology. The Releasing
Shipper may designate one of the following options to determine the best bid: 1) highest
rate; 2) net revenue and 3) present value. For index-based capacity release transactions,
the Releasing Shipper should provide the necessary information and instructions to support
the chosen methodology. For additional information regarding releases using an indexedbased rate(s), see subsection P. below. Other choices of bid evaluation methodology may be
selected by the Releasing Shipper at the discretion of Northern. However, Northern is not
required to offer other choices or similar timeline treatment for other choices, nor, is it
held to the timeline should the Releasing Shipper elect another method of evaluation.
Northern will utilize a calculation based on rate, term and quantity to determine the
highest economic unit value, utilizing the F.E.R.C. interest rate. The comparative economic
unit value of each bid will be determined by calculating the Net Present Value (NPV) of each
bid over the term of the bid, and then dividing by the quantity of the respective bid. The
NPV calculation shall include only revenue generated by the reservation rate or a guaranteed
throughput volume. In those cases where one or more bidders is willing to pay the maximum
recourse reservation rate, the NPV used in such cases is capped at, and may not exceed, the
NPV equal to the maximum reservation rate available to recourse Shippers. Northern's
evaluation will be completed and the bid to be matched (for pre-arranged deals) or awarded
will be communicated by 11:00 a.m. (CCT). Any match response is due by 11:30 a.m. (CCT) and
the award will be posted on the website by 12:00 p.m. (CCT). A contract number will be
issued within one hour of award posting, with nomination possible beginning at the next
available nomination cycle for the effective date of the contract.
The above capacity release timelines, as set forth in this Section 47, are applicable to all
parties; however, it is only applicable if 1) all information provided by the parties to the
transaction is valid and the Replacement Shipper has been determined to be creditworthy
before the capacity release bid is tendered, 2) for index-based capacity release
transactions, the Releasing Shipper has provided Northern with sufficient instructions to
evaluate the corresponding bid(s) according to the timelines 3) there are no special terms
or conditions of the release and 4) one of the above listed best bid evaluation
methodologies is selected. Further, Northern may complete the capacity release process on a
different timeline if the offer includes unfamiliar or unclear terms and conditions (e.g.,
designation of an index not supported by Northern). In the event the above conditions are
not met, the transaction will be processed within three (3) business days or as soon as
reasonably practicable, whichever is sooner.
A new contract number(s) will be issued for temporary released capacity, and service will be
provided pursuant to the applicable rate schedule, pro forma service agreement, and capacity
release offer, bid and award. Permanently acquired capacity may be added to existing
agreements if requested; otherwise, a new service agreement(s) and contract number will be
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Third Revised Sheet No. 289A
Second Revised Sheet No. 289A
Recall of Released Capacity.
Subject to the terms of the release, the Releasing Shipper may recall released capacity as
provided below. Recalls of capacity release transactions shall be subject to Elapsed Prorata
Capacity (EPC). EPC means that portion of the capacity that would have theoretically been
available for use prior to the effective time of the intraday recall based upon a cumulative
uniform hourly use of the capacity. Reputting by the Releasing Shipper shall be as agreed
upon by the Replacement Shipper and the Releasing Shipper. The deadline for notifying
Northern of a reput is 8:00 a.m. to allow for timely nominations to flow for the next Gas
Releasing Shippers may, to the extent permitted as a condition of the capacity release,
recall released capacity at each of the NAESB Nomination grid cycles by providing notice to
Northern by the following times for each cycle:
Timely Recall Notification:
A Releasing Shipper recalling capacity should provide notice to Northern and the
first Replacement Shipper of such recall no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day that
Timely Nominations are due;
Northern should provide notification to all affected Replacement Shippers of such
recall no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day that Timely Nominations are due (CCT);
(ii) Early Evening Recall Notification:
A Releasing Shipper recalling capacity should provide notice to Northern and the
first Replacement Shipper of such recall no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day that
Evening Nominations are due (CCT);
Northern should provide notification to all affected Replacement Shippers of such
recall no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day that Evening Nominations are due (CCT);
(iii) Evening Recall Notification:
A Releasing Shipper recalling capacity should provide notice to Northern and the
first Replacement Shipper of such recall no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day that
Evening Nominations are due (CCT);
Northern should provide notification to all affected Replacement Shippers of such
recall no later than 6:00 p.m. on the day that Evening Nominations are due (CCT);
(iv) Intraday 1 Recall Notification:
A Releasing Shipper recalling capacity should provide notice to Northern and the
first Replacement Shipper of such recall no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day that
Intraday 1 Nominations are due (CCT);
Northern should provide notification to all affected Replacement Shippers of such
recall no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day that Intraday 1 Nominations are due
(CCT); and
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Fourth Revised Sheet No. 289B
Third Revised Sheet No. 289B
Intraday 2 Recall Notification:
A Releasing Shipper recalling capacity should provide notice to Northern and the
first Replacement Shipper of such recall no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day that
Intraday 2 Nominations are due (CCT);
Northern should provide notification to all affected Replacement Shippers of such
recall no later than 1:00 p.m. on the day that Intraday 2 Nominations are due
(vi) Intraday 3 Recall Notification:
A Releasing Shipper recalling capacity should provide notice to Northern and the
first Replacement Shipper of such recall no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day that
Intraday 3 Nominations are due (CCT);
Northern should provide notification to all affected Replacement Shippers of such
recall no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day that Intraday 3 Nominations are due
For recall notification provided to Northern prior to the recall notification deadline
specified above and received between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Northern should provide
notification to all affected Replacement Shippers no later than one hour after receipt of
such recall notification.
For recall notification provided to Northern after 5:00 p.m. and prior to 7:00 a.m., Northern
should provide notification to all affected Replacement Shippers no later than 8:00 a.m.
after receipt of such recall notification (CCT).
When a Releasing Shipper with recall rights desires to recall its capacity during an
Intra-Day cycle, Northern's capacity release system will indicate to such Shipper the
capacity available for recall based upon the EPC. Therefore, the Releasing Shipper's recall
notification to Northern would reflect the adjusted total released capacity entitlement.
Northern shall not be obligated to deliver in excess of the total daily contract quantity of
the release.
The amount of capacity allocated to the Replacement Shipper(s) should equal the original
released capacity less the recalled capacity that is adjusted based upon the EPC.
When capacity is recalled, it may not be reput for the same Gas Day.
Index-Based Capacity Releases
For index-based capacity release transactions, Rate Floor is the term used to describe the
lowest rate specified in the capacity release offer in dollars and cents that is acceptable
to the Releasing Shipper. The Rate Floor may not be less than Northern's minimum reservation
rate or zero cents when there is no stated minimum reservation rate.
For index-based capacity release transactions, Northern should support a Rate Floor to be
specified by the Releasing Shipper in the capacity release offer.
For index-based capacity release transactions, Northern should support the ability of a
Releasing Shipper to specify in the capacity release offer a non-biddable Rate Default. The
Rate Default cannot be less than the Rate Floor, if any.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
First Revised Sheet No. 289C
Original Sheet No. 289C
For index-based capacity release transactions, Northern should support the ability of a Releasing
Shipper to specify in the capacity release offer a non-biddable Rate Default. The Rate Default
cannot be less than the Rate Floor, if any.
For index-based capacity release transactions, the Releasing Shipper must specify which one of
the following methods is acceptable for bidding on a given index-based capacity release offer:
percentage of the formula,
dollars and cents differential from the formula,
dollars and cents differential from the Rate Floor, or
an approved methodology in this Tariff, if any.
When bidding is based upon a dollars and cents differential from the Rate Floor, the invoiced
rate for the award will be calculated as the greater of (i) the result of the formula or (ii) the
Rate Floor plus the high bid's differential, both not to exceed Northern’s maximum reservation
rate, if applicable.
The Releasing Shipper may specify another method in the special terms and conditions, but the
capacity release offer may not be processed within the capacity release timeline pursuant to
NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.3.2.
Unless otherwise specified in this Tariff, for index-based capacity release transactions where
the result of the award is to be applied on a monthly basis, and the formula detailed in the
capacity release award requires calculations on a daily basis, the results of such daily
calculations may exceed the applicable maximum daily reservation rate or be less than the
applicable minimum daily reservation rate. However, any resulting monthly reservation rate may
not exceed Northern’s maximum monthly reservation rate, as applicable, or be less than the Rate
Floor specified in the capacity release award.
If the resulting monthly reservation rate exceeds Northern's maximum reservation rate, as
applicable, Northern's maximum reservation rate should be used for invoicing. If the resulting
monthly reservation rate is less than the Rate Floor, the Rate Floor should be used for
For invoicing of volumetric index-based capacity release transactions, where the result of the
formula detailed in the capacity release award is to be applied on a daily basis, if the
calculated daily rate exceeds Northern's applicable maximum reservation rate or is less than the
Rate Floor specified in the capacity release award, Northern's maximum reservation rate or the
Rate Floor, respectively, should apply.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Original Sheet No. 289D
For index-based capacity release transactions, upon mutual agreement between the releasing
Shipper and Northern, the releasing Shipper should provide Northern and the replacement Shipper
with the detailed calculation of the reservation rate(s). Except as provided below, this rate(s)
will be stated on the invoice provided by Northern to the replacement Shipper pursuant to the
capacity release award. The results of the releasing Shipper's calculations should conform to the
capacity release award and/or to Northern's minimum and maximum reservation rates, as applicable.
For reservation and monthly volumetric index-based capacity release transactions, the
detailed calculation should be provided in a mutually agreed upon format no later than
the second Business Day of the month following the transportation under the release.
For volumetric index-based capacity release transactions requiring a daily rate
calculation, the detailed calculation should be provided in a report pursuant to NAESB
WGQ Standard No. 5.3.69.
If the report is not provided by the applicable deadline above or is deficient, Northern will
notify the releasing Shipper to provide Northern with a correct report within one Business Day.
Thereafter, in the absence of a conforming report, Northern will invoice the replacement Shipper
the greater of the Rate Default specified in the capacity release offer or the Rate Floor plus
any differential specified in the capacity release award.
Upon notification to Northern by both the releasing Shipper and the replacement Shipper that
prior period adjustments to the calculated reservation rates used in the invoice are appropriate,
invoiced amounts can be revised subsequently, upward or downward, to conform to the capacity
release award, subject to the requirements governing prior period adjustments.
For volumetric index-based capacity release transactions, where the releasing Shipper performs
invoicing calculations pursuant to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.3.66, Northern will provide allocated
quantities to the releasing Shipper according to a mutually agreed upon timetable. The releasing
Shipper should have at least one Business Day to process the quantities prior to returning such
invoicing information to Northern in a tabular format.
Northern will provide the allocated quantities to the releasing Shipper in a tabular file to be
described by Northern. The first row of the file will contain the column headers and data will
begin on the second row of the file. In addition, the first column will contain the applicable
Gas Day(s).
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
First Revised Sheet No. 291A
Original Sheet No. 291A
Before issuing a Critical Day notice, an SOL Day will be posted. Prior to posting
a Critical Day notice, subject to timing and availability, Northern will use its
operating tools to attempt to alleviate the operational concern. Such tools
include line pack, operational storage, Carlton Resolution, LNG, and System
Balancing Agreements (SBA).
Notice. Northern will post the Critical Day notice on its website no later
than two and one-half (2 1/2) hours prior to the NAESB Grid Cycle nomination
deadlines for the Critical Day Gas Day. The Critical Day will remain in
affect for the remainder of the Gas Day. Northern will post a new notice for
each subsequent Gas Day, as applicable. The notice will contain the following
The affected area;
Offending Shipper(s), if known, subject to the Critical Day;
The day and time that the Critical Day will become effective;
The operational variables for the following: line pack and projected
long/short gas;
Weather forecasts; and
(vi) Demarc and MIP prices.
Reporting. Northern will post on its Internet website within a reasonable
period of time following the conclusion of the Critical Day, a report
describing the conditions that required the issuance and the termination of
the Critical Day.
Critical Day DDVCs. In the event Northern calls a Critical Day, the
determination of the volumes subject to Positive DDVC and Punitive DDVC are as
set forth above in this Section, and no tolerance will apply above the
Shipper's MDQ (including any overrun volumes scheduled) before DDVC's apply.
However, the rates such Positive volumes and Punitive volumes are charged
shall be the Positive/Critical Day DDVC rates and Punitive/Critical Day DDVC
rates, respectively. The first two percent (2%) of Positive/Critical Day DDVC
volumes are charged $15/MMBtu and the next three percent (3%) are charged
$22/MMBtu. The Punitive/Critical Day DDVC rates are also charged at two (2)
levels: Level I shall apply to the five percent (5%) of the daily volumes at
each delivery point that are in excess of the Positive/Critical DDVC level,
and Level II shall apply to any excess volumes above Level I. However, Small
Customer and Bypassing Small Customer tolerances and positive DDVC levels as
set forth in paragraph B.4 above apply at all times, even when a Critical Day
is called. Small Customer and Bypassing Small Customer Positive/Critical DDVC
levels are $15/MMBtu for the greater of the first 2%, or 260 MMBtu, and
$22/MMBtu for the greater of the next 3%, or 390 MMBtu. In addition, when an
Critical Day is in effect, if the sum of the scheduled volume on all of
Shipper's firm and interruptible Throughput Service Agreements is equal to or
greater than the Shipper's MDQ, then the tolerance is not available above the
MDQ level. However, in such case, SMS is available up to the Shipper's MDQ.
Further, Small Customers and Bypassing Small Customers retain their use of
tolerance and positive DDVC levels as set forth in paragraph B.4 above, and
SMS on SOL or Critical Days, and Small Customers are not subject to the
foregoing limitation. In the event Northern posts a Critical Day notice to be
effective during the Intraday 1, Intraday 2 or Intraday 3 nomination cycle,
Northern will only impose penalties resulting from a Critical Day
prospectively. However, should a Critical Day be called during an Intraday 2
or Intraday 3 nomination cycle, Northern will only apply the Critical Day
penalty charges to shippers who reduce their nominations in the Intraday 2 or
Intraday 3 cycle, but still take volumes in excess of the reduced nomination.
Issued On: February 1, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016
In Reply Refer To:
Letter Order Pursuant to § 375.307
Northern Natural Gas Company
Docket No. RP16-625-000
March 30, 2016
Northern Natural Gas Company
1111 South 103rd Street
Omaha, NE 68124-1000
Laura Demman, Vice President
Regulatory and Government Affairs
Housekeeping Filing
Dear Ms. Demman:
On February 23, 2016, Northern Natural Gas Company (Northern) filed a tariff
record to its FERC NGA Gas Tariff. Northern proposes to remove the DRN column in
its pro forma Preferred Deferred Delivery Service Agreement. The tariff records are
accepted effective April 1, 2016, as requested.
Public notice of the filing was issued on February 24, 2016. Interventions and
protests were due as provided in section 154.210 of the Commission’s regulations (18
C.F.R. § 154.210 (2015)). Pursuant to Rule 214 (18 C.F.R. § 385.214 (2015)), all timely
filed motions to intervene and any unopposed motion to intervene out-of-time filed
before the issuance date of this order are granted. Granting late intervention at this stage
of the proceeding will not disrupt the proceeding or place additional burdens on existing
parties. No protests or adverse comments were filed.
This acceptance for filing shall not be construed as a waiver of the requirements of
section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, as amended; nor shall it be construed as constituting
approval of the referenced filing or of any rate, charge, classification, or any rule,
regulation, or practice affecting such rate or service contained in your tariff; nor shall
Northern Natural Gas Company, FERC NGA Gas Tariff, Gas Tariffs, Sheet No.
444, Preferred Deferred Delivery Service Agreement, 1.0.0.
Docket No. RP16-625-000
such acceptance be deemed as recognition of any claimed contractual right or obligation
associated therewith; and such acceptance is without prejudice to any findings or orders
which have been or may hereafter be made by the Commission in any proceeding now
pending or hereafter instituted by or against your company.
This order constitutes final agency action. Requests for rehearing by the
Commission may be filed within 30 days of the date this order issues, pursuant to
18 C.F.R. § 385.713 (2015).
Jerome Pederson, Director
Division of Pipeline Regulation
Tariff record(s) to be inserted into your copy of
Northern Natural Gas Company’s FERC Gas Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
Northern Natural Gas Company
FERC Gas Tariff
Sixth Revised Volume No. 1
First Revised Sheet No. 444
Original Sheet No. 444
(Placement on page, number of pages, format, capitalization and font may vary)
Preferred Deferred Delivery Service Agreement
Appendix A
Rate Schedule PDD
Base Contract No.:______________________
Transaction No.:______________________
Amendment No. ______________________ [If applicable]
Deal Date:______________________
Date Confirmation Sent:______________________
Shipper Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Shipper Contact: ____________________________
Fax No.: _______________________
Account Manager:
Phone No.: _____________________
Contract Total Quantity (CTQ): _____________________ Dth
Daily Injection
Daily Withdrawal
Date Range
Date Range
Monthly Injection
Monthly Withdrawal
Date Range
Injection Charge: ___________________________________
Withdrawal Charge: __________________________________
Total Monthly Inventory Charges: ____________________
Capacity Fee: _______________________________________
Annual Rollover Charge:______________________________
Total Transaction Rate: _____________________________
[If applicable - Replacing Confirmation] This Confirmation, as amended, supersedes all previous
confirmations applicable to this Transaction.
This shall serve as confirmation of the verbal contract reached between Shipper and Northern. If
you are in agreement with the terms specified herein, please sign the document and fax it back to
the Northern Account Manager listed above at [Fax _______________]. If this Confirmation Notice
does not accurately describe your understanding of our contract, please contact us in writing
within two (2) business days of receipt of this Confirmation. If no objection to this
Confirmation is received, then this Confirmation shall be the final expression of all the terms
hereof and shall be binding and enforceable against Shipper regardless of whether executed by
Issued On: February 23, 2016
Effective On: April 1, 2016