Must be signed by all students and parents prior to the student bringing a device to school.
Turn this form in to your homeroom teacher.
As a student, I have read, I understand, and I will follow ELCA’s Computer & Network Usage Policy while
using my personal technology tools at school. If I break this agreement, the consequences could include
suspension of on campus device privileges and/or disciplinary action such as suspension or expulsion from
ELCA. In some case law enforcement may be contacted. Students using any type of proxy application, such as
VPN applications or any software used to bypass any Wi-Fi restrictions, will immediately lose their BYOT
privileges and face disciplinary action.
I understand that Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy is in no way responsible for the loss or damage of any
personally owned equipment. ELCA recommends that you purchase personal insurance to cover your
I have read the:
BYOT Handbook
BYOT Student/Parent Agreement
student initials
student initials
Student’s Name (please print) ________________________________
Student’s Signature ________________________________________
Date _______________
As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read and understand ELCA’s Computer & Network Usage
Policy. I understand that technology is provided for educational purposes in keeping with the academic goals of
ELCA and that student use for any other purpose is inappropriate. I recognize it is impossible for the school to
restrict access to all controversial materials, and I will not hold the school responsible for materials acquired on
the school network that pass filtering. I understand that my child’s computer activities at home should be
supervised as they can affect the academic environment at school. I also understand that if my child uses proxy
applications, such as a VPN, I will be notified that their BYOT privileges have been revoked and they will face
disciplinary action.
I have read the:
BYOT Handbook
BYOT Student/Parent Agreement
parent initials
parent initials
I hereby give permission for my child to bring the following device to school for educational purposes:
Make _______________________ Model _______________ Mac Address * ________________________
Serial Number _________________________________Approximate Value _________________________
Parent or Guardian’s Name (please print) _____________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian’s Signature _____________________________________________________________
*See next page for how to find the Mac Address on your device.
Students that do not have a device of their own and would like to borrow a device must also complete all areas on this form except the device
specifics. Signatures are still required.