Mental Health Awareness Project Purpose – The purpose of this project is for students to work together as a team to research a specific mental health disorder, gather reliable health information and resources, and share that information with the class and possibly the community. 1. Write out all team members first and last names. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Write out your assigned topic. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Use the Research Team Role Sheets to assign the roles to each team member. Write the assigned roles next to the team members’ names above. 4. Research online resources to complete the research questions. 5. Use the following resources for your research: Mental Health and Behavior on the MedlinePlus® by the National Library of Medicine National Institute of Mental Health, Mental Health Topics National Alliance on Mental Illness Mental Health Services Locator TeensHealth from Nemours Foundation 6. Regroup to share and compare all team members’ research findings. 7. Create an outline using the information you found. Include a Works Cited. 8. Using the research information, create a PSA about your mental disorder. Complete the organizer to help you determine what you are going to do. Research Questions for the Patient Name______________________________ Can the mental disorder be inherited and passed down from parents? Resource: Can someone’s lifestyle have an effect on the mental disorder? Resource: What is the primary cause of the disorder? Resource: Are there any negative stereotypes affected by this mental illness? Please describe. Resource: Research Questions for the Medical Expert Name______________________________ What is the history of this disorder? Resource: How many people are living with this mental disorder? Resource: Are there any other types or forms of the mental disorder? Resource: When is the mental disorder often first diagnosed? Resource: What tests do the doctors run to determine whether a person has the mental disorder? Resource: Research Questions for the Friend Name______________________________ How many people does this mental disorder affect? Resource: Does it affect a certain age group? Resource: Does it affect a certain ethnic group? Resource: What are the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of people living with this mental disorder? Resource: Research Questions for the Family Member What are the treatment options? Resource: Is there a cure? Resource: Are there ways to prevent the disorder? Resource: Name______________________________ Mental Disorder Outline 1. Mental Disorder a. Full names of members b. Each group members responsibilities within the group 2. Description and Overview of the disorder a. History b. How many people are living with this mental disorder? c. Are there other forms or types of the mental disorder? 3. Incidence a. How many people does this mental disorder affect? b. Does it affect a certain age group? c. Does it affect a certain ethnic group? 4. Diagnosis a. When is the mental disorder first diagnosed? b. What tests do the doctors run to determine whether a person has the mental disorder? 5. Causes a. Can the mental disorder be inherited and passed down from parents? b. Can lifestyle have an effect on the mental disorder? c. What is the primary cause? 6. Signs, Symptoms, Behaviors 7. Treatment a. What are the treatment options? b. Is there a cure? 8. Prevention a. Are there any ways to prevent the disorder? The Works Cited should be completed in MLA format. Research Outline Rubric CATEGORY Amount of Information 5 All topics are addressed and all questions answered, 4 All topics are addressed and most questions answered. Quality of Information All information clearly relates to the main topic. Most information Some information Information has clearly relates to clearly relates to little or nothing to the main topic. the main topic. do with the main topic. Graphic Organizer Outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between all topics and subtopics. Sources Mechanics Outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between most topics and subtopics. All sources are All sources are accurately accurately documented in documented, but the desired a few are not in format. the desired format. No grammatical, Almost no spelling or grammatical, punctuation spelling or errors. punctuation errors 3 All topics are addressed, and some questions answered. 1 One or more topics/questions were not addressed. Outline has been Outline has not started and been attempted. includes some topics and subtopics. All sources are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format. A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. _____/25 X 2 = _____/50 Some sources are not accurately documented. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Name ___________________________________________ Day/Period _______________ Score: _______/10 Directions: Use the below sheet to organize your information for your multimedia project. This organizer will help you create your PSA campaign if it is completely filled in. Topic: What will you focus your multimedia project around? What is its purpose? Target Audience: After choosing the topic – who are you focusing this topic to? Consider your target audience's needs, preferences, as well as the things that might turn them off because they are the ones you want to rally to action. The audience can be spelled out or implied in your PSA - just make sure that message is clear who it is to. Presentation: How are you going to present this PSA campaign? How are you going to present and promote your focus area in a PSA campaign? Pamphlet, YouTube video, poster, song? Research Information & Sources: Now that you have a topic, target audience, and a way you want to present the PSA campaign, below please write down information and statistics around your topic. Please cite each source (website and agency/ organization) you used. The teacher should see this information on your PSA or presentation. Multimedia Presentation Category 5 4 3 2 1 Organization Content is well organized using headings and bulleted lists to group related material. Uses headings and/or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears inconsistent. Uses headings OR bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears inconsistent. Content is somewhat logically organized. There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just many facts. Quality of information Information is accurate, relevant and clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. Information is accurate, relevant and clearly relates to the main topic. It includes 3 supporting details and/or examples. Information relates to the main topic but has 1 – 2 inaccuracies. It includes 1 – 2 supporting details and/or examples. Appearance Makes excellent use of font, color, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation. Makes good use of font, color, etc. to enhance the presentation. Makes use of font, color, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation. Use of font, color, effects, etc. but these often detract from the presentation content. No use of color, effects, etc. in the presentation. Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Two or fewer grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Three grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Four grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Five or more grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Graphics At least 3 graphics are used and are attractive (size and colors) and support the theme/content of the presentation. At least 3 graphics are used but at least 1 graphic does not support the theme/content of the presentation. Less than three graphics are used or at least 2 do not support the theme/content of the presentation. All graphics are not related to topic AND detract from the content of the presentation. No graphics are used. Information relates to the main topic but has more than 2 inaccuracies and no details and/or examples are given. _____/25 X 2 = _____/50 Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.