As of July 3, 2013 HOFSTRA DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION Professor Pew Fall 2013 Thursday 14.10 – 16.00 Room TBA Office: Email: 129 Clinical Law Building REQUIRED READING: STEPHEN K. HUBER, MAUREEN A. WESTON, ARBITRATION: CASES AND MATERIALS (3rd ed.) (2011) (“Text”) WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS (SUBJECT TO CHANGE; PAGE REFERENCES ARE TO CASEBOOK): 1. General introduction and overview of course. 2. Historical Development and Scope of U.S. Commercial Arbitration. Text: Chapter 1; App’s A, B and C, CPLR Art. 75 3. Concept of Arbitrability Text: Chapter 2; American Express Co. v. Italian Colors Restaurant, No. 12-133 (June 20, 2013) 4. Interaction Between Federal and State Arbitration Law Text: 133-162 5. Interaction… (cont’d) Text: 162-198 6. Proceeding to Arbitration Text: Chapter 4 7. The Arbitration Process Text: Chapter 5 8. The Arbitrators Text: Chapter 6 9. Remedial Powers of Arbitrators Text: Chapter 7 10. Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards Text: 411-444 As of July 3, 2013 11. Judicial Review… (cont’d) Text: 445-472 12. Issues with Respect to Multiple Forums, Parties and Proceedings Text: Chapter 9 13. Interaction of the FAA and Other Statutes Text: Chapter 10 OFFICE HOURS: By appointment. EXAM AND GRADING: Your grade for the course will be based on a paper or a take-home final exam, subject to adjustment for class participation. All paper topics must be pre-approved. Your grade for the course may be increased for consistently high-quality class participation. Your grade for the course may be decreased for poor class preparation and/or attendance.