Holiday Gift for Miss Fertig

Holiday Gift for Miss Fertig
The holidays are fast approaching we would like to express our gratitude to
Miss Fertig for her dedication and hard work in teaching our children this
year. We are taking up a collection for a class gift. The gift will be an
American Express Gift Check. The class gift will be presented on 12/23
with a card signed by all the students.
This collection is strictly voluntary. You may prefer not to donate or
prefer showing your appreciation individually.
For those who would like to donate to the class gift, we suggest $5.00, or
whatever you feel comfortable with (it could be more or less). Please send
your donation to school in an envelope (please include your child’s name)
marked Claudia Barnada c/o Nicole by Dec 20th .
If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact us. Thank you and
have a great summer.
Claudia Barnada
Laura Marks
Min Lin