Document 14119067

With a next-generation data centre,
you can quickly respond to your
business’s needs.
30-year track record in delivering ICT solutions and services
A USD 1 billion data centre player with offices in 58 countries around the world
Wholly-owned subsidiary of the USD 100 billion NTT Group – the second largest data centre space provider in the world
Full spectrum of hybrid IT solutions – delivered on-premise, in a private,
hybrid or public cloud, or as a fully outsourced solution
Global systems integration partnerships with EMC, VMware, Cisco,
Microsoft, NetApp, Citrix and HP
45 partner and industry awards in the last 18 months for our
next-generation data centre delivery capability and client commitment
CRN’S Managed Service Provider 500 List – top data centre-focused
solution provider within Managed Service Provider Elite 150 category, 2015
DatacenterDynamics Data Centre Special Assignment Team of the Year,
Singapore, 2014
Best Infrastructure-as-a-Service Provider for Dimension Data Public Compute-as-a
Service, Asia Cloud Awards, Asia Pacific, 2014
Information Week recognises Dimension Data as ‘One of Six Cloud Upstarts
to Watch’, 2014
The pace of
technology and
business change
today is unprecedented in 25 years ... and it’s all converging on the
data centre.
Enterprise mobility has changed the way people work forever. New
users, new devices, and new locations require the data centre to
provide secure, almost instant access to an always-on user anywhere
in the world, at any time.
New applications and workloads like voice, video, and other types
of rich content generate massive amounts of data that need to be
optimised, stored, retrieved, and secured.
The advent of big data presents both challenges and opportunities.
You need to manage exponential growth in the volume of data
moving in and out of your business and find ways to transform this
data into actionable intelligence that helps you better serve your
internal users and customers.
With sustainability high on the agenda, you also need to look
for opportunities to reduce your data centre footprint, energy
consumption, and waste, without compromising service levels or exposing your organisation to risk.
It’s all converging on the data centre.
ING DIRECT accelerates innovation
with one-click provisioning copies of the bank
“Our staff can now provision a copy of the bank in minutes, not
months, so we can test new ideas very rapidly. It’s given us a
competitive edge.”
As a wholly digital business, ING DIRECT relies on technology to
provide its 1.5 million customers with a seamless banking experience.
When the bank needed to bring new products to market, however,
there was no choice but to schedule service outages – an unwelcome
prospect for a wholly online bank.
The solution was simple, but had never been done before. ING
DIRECT developed the concept of ‘Zero Touch’: a high-performance,
flexible, automated private cloud platform for the entire bank.
The beauty of the Zero Touch concept lay in minimising human
interaction. It would enable ING DIRECT to meet its customers’ online needs by exponentially speeding its release of new products to market.
Dimension Data enabled ING DIRECT to reduce the time to provision
test environments from three months to ten minutes. This means that
the bank can get new products to market in a fraction of the time
it used to take, giving them a significant advantage over their competitors.
‘Everything we do is faster
– our capability now
supports our appetite for
transformation and change,
and delivering faster for
our customers.’
Ben Issa, Head of IT Strategy at ING DIRECT Australia
The data centre
Ageing infrastructure
costs more to
manage and makes it
difficult to capitalise
on transformational
trends such as cloud,
mobility, and the
data centre.
As major technology trends and the challenges of modern
business continue to intensify, your data centre needs to
be a dynamic and agile asset: one that serves as a business
response centre that will scale to meet the growing demands of your business and users.
While budgets remain tight, the cost of running data
centres continues to rise. Ageing infrastructure costs
more to manage and makes it difficult to capitalise on
transformational trends such as cloud, mobility, and the software-defined data centre.
An outdated network architecture will prevent you from delivering the user experience and application
performance expected and put an end to your softwaredefined data centre ambitions. It will also affect your
ability to get the cost savings promised by virtualisation,
converged infrastructure, and cloud.
And with the promise of cloud as a new delivery and
commercial model, how do you decide which applications
should be hosted in the cloud and when to migrate them?
FirstRand Gears for Growth
FirstRand, one of the largest financial institutions in South Africa, had four data centres serving
different parts of the business. Three hadn’t been designed as server rooms so had significant
efficiency, cooling, and power-consumption flaws.
The data centres were onerous to manage and had limited capacity to accommodate growth.
Costs were mounting and the risk of a major systems failure was unacceptably high.
Dimension Data’s solution design included a range of switching solutions, hot scalable power
systems, close coupled cooling, high density computing, security, and access control technology.
The new design resulted in a power utilisation efficiency better than 1.6 and a coefficient of
performance of at least 5 – and reduced power costs. The data centre can also monitor and
respond to changes, reducing the need for human intervention.
FirstRand now has a stable, flexible, scalable data centre environment that can be upgraded or
maintained while users are logged on, with zero downtime. It can also accommodate future
growth and additional user demand.
Dimension Data’s vision
for the next-generation
data centre
New users
New devices
New applications
and workloads
Core enterprise
New locations
Big data
Next-generation automation and process management
applications, storage
Converged infrastructure
Global cloud
data centre
enterprise network
Cloud services
Figure 1: Our approach to building a next-generation data centre
Holmesglen Institute of Technical and Further Education reduces server
hardware costs by 30%, uses 50% less space in its data centre
Holmesglen’s new wireless network enables students to access applications from any location within its three campuses.
Holmesglen wanted to reduce its data centre costs and eliminate system downtime. ‘We had a big requirement to upgrade our storage
infrastructure and build a new disaster recovery site,’ says Chris Puchalski, Operations Manager at Holmesglen. ‘In addition, our users
expected the system to be available all the time.’
The data centre has expanded beyond its traditional boundaries of facilities,
computing, storage, and the data centre network. Cloud – in all its forms
– must be embraced as a mechanism for delivering IT as a service. The
enterprise network has become the single biggest point of failure if it’s not
intrinsic to all data centre decisions. The security of corporate data and
customer information is more at risk than ever before. The decision about
where to locate your data centre facilities has never been more complex and
full of choices.
The data centre has
expanded beyond its
traditional boundaries.
We can help you to:
shrink, relocate, or right-size your data centre
ake informed decisions about operating your own data centre, m
or opting for a co-located facility or a cloud-based infrastructure
uild an optimised, tiered storage environment based on the nature b
of your organisation’s information and policies
c apitalise on the emergence and benefits of software-defined
r educe the complexity of, and investment in, the time and process
required to realise the cost-saving benefits of your virtualisation efforts
ecide when to use the cloud, how much to use, and which workloads
are optimal candidates for an initial migration
ove three-tier applications − many of which you may have been m
investing in for several years – between the data centre and the cloud,
quickly and smoothly
Dimension Data designed a new network for Holmesglen. Today, data is replicated to the disaster recovery site in real-time. A full failover
solution ensures protection of the data.
Older servers in the data centre were replaced, which reduced server hardware costs by about 30%, increased processing power, and
halved the amount of space needed. Significant savings resulted from upgrading the power and cooling systems.
Increased bandwidth allows up to 50,000 students to access services from their own devices. Holmesglen can now reliably deliver around
1,000 applications to users across its network, and students and teachers benefit from a dependable infrastructure that’s always available.
With so many external trends and technological shifts promising to change the face
of the data centre forever, how do you gain agility and operational benefits in a
coordinated, consistent, and cost-effective way?
Dimension Data has the assets and capabilities to help you move to a future state that
meets your business goals. With a modern, next-generation data centre infrastructure
in place, you can quickly respond to your business’s needs, turning your data centre
into a true business response centre that will:
a ccelerate and secure the delivery of new and existing applications and services to your users, wherever they may be and irrespective of their device of choice
egin exploring big data constructs to extract value from the business data b
you have and use these insights to better serve your customers
a ddress new markets by making applications available to new segments or in new geographies
ive users a quality experience when connecting to applications, thereby g
making them more satisfied and productive
r ealise the true cost savings that virtualisation, converged infrastructure, and cloud can offer
r educe complexity and/or eliminate the burden on internal IT teams by entering
into a managed services or IT outsourcing arrangement
s upport corporate sustainability goals by reducing your data centre footprint,
energy consumption, and waste
Dimension Data has the
assets and capabilities to
help you move to a future
state that meets your
business goals.
Business as usual for Tatts Group ...
100% of the time
A new approach to storage helped Tatts Group reduce
outages by 90% and boost profits by 40%.
Wagering and gaming company Tatts Group has
more than 10,500 distribution points across Australia.
On Melbourne Cup Day in 2013 it processed 5,000
transactions every second.
Tatts Group can’t afford network downtime. ‘If the
systems go down during a Lotto draw or horse race,
we can’t sell tickets on that event so we lose money,’
explains CTO Matthew Maw.
Dimension Data provided a new storage network for
Tatts Group. Today, if the company’s network does fail,
it has levels of redundancy and failover capability that
allow it to keep systems operational.
‘In the last 12 months, we have run at 100% uptime for
our storage area network environment, which we have
never achieved before in a 12-month period,’ says Maw.
He adds that the reliability provided by the upgrade has
helped the organisation increase its revenue by 11%,
and its profits by nearly 40%, over the same period.
CS / GLMK / DC - 0009 / 05/15 © Copyright Dimension Data 2015
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