12 Grade Final Exam Vocabulary 1. CHRONO – time

12th Grade Final Exam Vocabulary
1. CHRONO – time
 chronicle (n)
 synchronous (adj)
 chronological (adj)
 chronometer (n)
a record of historical events arranged in order of time
occurring at the same time
arranged in order of time
a precise timepiece
2. ANTHRO – man
 anthropomorphic (adj)
 misanthrope (n)
 anthropology (n)
giving human qualities to the non-human
one who hates or distrusts mankind
the study of the origin and development of man
3. ORTHO – straight, direct
 orthopedics (n)
the treatment of disorders of skeletal and motor organs
 unorthodox (adj)
breaking with convention or tradition
 orthography (n)
the art or study of correct spelling
4. JUDIC -- to judge
 judicious (adj)
 adjudicate (v)
 abjure (v)
 jurisdiction (n)
having sound judgment
to settle a legal case by judicial procedure
to renounce under oath; to solemnly deny
the extent of one’s authority or control
5. CRUC -- cross
 excruciate (v)
 crux (n)
 cruciform (adj)
 crucial (adj)
to inflict with severe pain
basic, essential, or critical point
critical; having great importance
6. CARN – flesh
 carnal (adj)
 incarnate (adj)
 carnivorous (adj)
 carnage (n)
relating to the body’s appetites and desires
embodied or personified; given human form
flesh-eating, predatory
massive slaughter (as in war)
7. FAT, FAB -- to say
 ineffable (adj)
 affable (adj)
 confabulation (n)
 fabulist (n)
indescribable or unspeakable
easy to talk with; amiable
informal chat
one who composes fables; a liar or storyteller
8. HUM -- of the ground
 exhume (v)
 humiliate (v)
 posthumous (adj)
to dig up from a grave; disinter
to humble, lower, or disgrace
occurring or continuing after one’s death
9. NOMIN -- name, fame
 nominal (adj)
 nomenclature (n)
 cognomen (n)
 ignominious (adj)
existing in name only; slight or small; not actual
a systematic naming in the arts or sciences
family name
deserving disgrace or shame
10. POTENT -- to be powerful, capable
 impotent (adj)
powerless or ineffectual
 omnipotent (adj)
 potentate (n)
a monarch; one who dominates or leads
 puissant (adj)
powerful or potent, usually in taste or scent
11. FUS -- to pour
 effusive (adj)
 diffuse (v)
 suffuse (v)
 profusion (n)
unrestrained in emotional expression; gushing
to spread about (adj) long-winded or rambling
to spread through or over
a bountiful amount or abundance
12. GREG -- flock
 gregarious (adj)
 egregious (adj)
 aggregate (adj)
enjoying the company of others
outrageous or outstandingly bad
gathered into a mass
13. ROGAT -- to ask
 interrogate (v)
 prerogative (n)
 surrogate (n)
 abrogate (v)
to examine by questioning
an exclusive right or privilege
one who is asked to serve; a substitute
to abolish or annul by authority
14. UNDA -- wave
 undulate (v)
 redundant (adj)
 inundate (v)
to move in a wavelike motion
needlessly repetitive
to cover with a flood, water or otherwise
15. ACR -- sharp, bitter
 acrid (adj)
 acrimonious (adj)
 acerbic (adj)
harsh to the taste or smell; caustic
bitter in language or tone
sour or bitter
16. CAS, CAD -- to fall
 cascade (n)
 decadence (n)
 cadence (n)
a waterfall (v) to fall down like water
in a state of decline or decay; a crumbling
the measure of beat of movement or sound
17. FLUX -- to flow
 profuse (adj)
 superfluous (adj)
 flux (n)
 influx (n)
plentiful, overflowing
beyond what is required, extra
a continued flow
a flowing in of a thing or idea
18. RAPT -- to snatch
 rapacious (adj)
 ravage (v)
 rapine (n)
 enraptured (adj)
greedy, ravenous, plundering
to destroy or despoil; devastate
plunder; forcible seizure of another’s property
transported with delight
19. SENT -- to feel
 sentient (adj)
 presentiment (n)
 insensate (v)
 sentimental (adj)
experiencing feeling or sensation
a premonition
lacking sensation; inanimate
motivated by strong emotion or sentiment
20. LUC -- light
 elucidate (v)
 translucent (adj)
 lucidity (n)
to make clear or plain
allowing light but not distinct images to pass through
clarity; rationality