American Government (RL II) Penncrest High School Ms. Flexon Room: D115 610 – 627 – 6281 Homework listed on my web site Class Objective The overall objective of this semester long course is to study cover a variety of issues and topics related to American government and politics. We will learn about the relationship between the federal government and the states; study the role of political parties; examine what is political power and how it is acquired; analyze our electoral system; review the roles of each branch of government; and explore questions related to the role of the media and other influences in shaping and measuring public opinion. Materials This class will use the text, Magruder’s American Government. While this is the major source for this class, other materials will also be used including handouts and readings. All assignments and tests/ quizzes are to be completed to the best of your ability and you should always take pride in what you hand in for a grade. For this class you will need to bring all materials everyday unless I say otherwise. You will need your assigned textbook (online), ear buds and your Ipad. We will be incorporating use of the Ipads during the course. Grades Your grade for this class is based on your performance in the following areas: class assignments, homework assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects. Your grade will also be affected by the department final examination. Grades are based on Rose Tree Media’s standards as found in your student handbook. Do keep in mind that final grades for the year are numerically averaged, using the averages from each quarter and the exam grade. Do your personal best and you will succeed. Opportunities for extra- credit do arise, and it is highly suggested that you take advantage of them when offered. There will not be any last minute extra-credit work at the end of a marking period. Do not ask. Make up work policy is as follows and will be different for projects. If you are absent from school and it is an EXCUSED absence, all work is to be made up in a reasonable amount of time. Do find out what class work you missed you should consult the calendar on my website, or the blue book in class upon your return to school. Any homework assignments are also listed on my webpage. There is no excuse for not knowing the assignments, because you can always check my web site for the homework and I expect you to do so. Assignments are expected to be completed on time. Work missed due to UNEXCUSED absences/ lateness will receive no credit. Questions on Graded Assignments Most concerns students have regarding grades or assignments cannot be answered in the few minutes before or after class. If a student needs to speak to me about grades, assignments, or any other topic the best time is afterschool, during my prep period or duty period, or in the first 10 minutes of my lunch period. Students should come alone to discuss their grades and or concerns. 2015-2016 School Year Library Duty- 1st Period My lunch- A Lunch Prep Period- 8th Period Every day after school Technology Rules in the Classroom We will use many types of technology in the classroom. Students are expected to use the technology appropriately. Many of the applications can be presented on the Smart Board, and are visible to the entire class. It is imperative that students are appropriate in their comments, responses and on any written or visual presentation. Appropriate Use of Technology: Note Taking on Laptops or Ipads Use of Ipads to Calendar Events/Assignments Use of Devices to Complete Quick Google Searches for Pertinent Information Completing all Google Classroom Assignments Use their correct name on all digital assignments; i.e. Socrative, Google Templates and all other technology applications. Making appropriate comments on interactive technology; i.e. Socrative, Blogs, any communication streams. If students engage in the “inappropriate” use of electronics within the class, the students will serve a detention and their right to use these devices in the future could be removed. Inappropriate Use of Technology Within the Classroom: Texting Your Friends or Reading Texts While in Class Sending or Reading Personal Emails Surfing the Net for Non Class Purposes. o Checking in with Facebook or other Social Media, Shopping Online During Class, Reading Online Information not Connected to the Class Materials and Topics. Making inappropriate comments or using inappropriate material on any digital assignment or applications. Examples; Socrative, Google Classroom, Google Documents, and or Presentations. Not using their proper name on interactive applications like Socrative. All students must check the box below and type their name to confirm they have reviewed the syllabus and technology rules. ___________ I have read and understand the information as outlined in the syllabus. I agree to the technology rules in the classroom and sections on grades and questions. Type your full name _________________________________________________.