
Chapter 24
pp. 593-604
Lesson 1: Imperialism
1. Define imperialism:
2. What is another name for imperialism? ___________________________
How Did Industrialism Help Imperialism?
3. Factory owners in industrialized nations needed the _____________________
and ______________________________ of other countries.
5. To keep their factories running, they needed ______, ______________,
______, __________, _______, and _______________.
6. These same nations needed places to ________ their manufactured goods,
other wise known as markets.
7. Define mother country:
How Did Nationalism Help Imperialism?
8. ____________, _______________, ______________, and the ____________
____________ thought colonies would make them as powerful as England and
How Did Militarism Help Imperialism?
9. In the late 1800s, many countries built up their _________________ power.
Mother countries could use their colonies as _____________________________.
What Attitudes Helped Promote Imperialism?
10. Many people in Europe and the United States thought that they were
____________ than people from the East. They thought that these people from
________________ and _______________ were ignorant and uncivilized.
11. Westerners believed they should bring ___________________ and western
civilization to these countries.
Lesson 2: The Effect of Imperialism on Asia
12. The British had the largest navy in the world and bragged that "_________
Why Was India so Important to Britain?
13. For how many years did Britain rule India? ___________
14. India provided Britain with ___________________________ and _________
_________________________ for industry. Its large ______________________
also provided an important market for British goods.
When Did Europe Insist on More Trade with China?
15. After 1842, __________________, ______________, _______________,
and _______________ took over Chinese land and important sea ports.
16. Each European power controlled the trade in one of these areas. Historians
call this a __________________________________________.
What Happened in Japan in 1867?
17. Japan set out to become a modern, _________________________ nation.
It adopted western ideas in ______________________ and ________________.
How Did Japan Become Imperialistic?
18. Japan began to develop a western-style _____________.
19. Japan used its new military power to become ____________________.
From 1894 to 1895, Japan fought and defeated __________________. In 1904,
Japan defeated __________________ and took over _________________.
Lesson 3: The Effect of Imperialism on Africa
What Colonies Did Britain Control in Africa?
20. List the countries that Britain owned in Africa:
21. What two bodies of water did the Suez Canal connect?
22. Why is the Suez Canal important?
23. Scanning the next 3 sections, identify 5 other European countries that
owned colonies in Africa.
Was Imperialism Good or Bad?
24. Europeans thought imperialism was good because:
A. It brought great improvements in __________, _________________,
and __________________ to Africa and Asia.
B. It introduced the concept of ______________________ government.
C. It also brought __________ and _________________ to the colonies.
25. Many Africans and Asians thought imperialism was bad because:
A. European factories destroyed ____________ industry and people lost
their _______
B. The colonial people had no control over their ____________________
or their country's ____________________ ____________________.
C. Europeans took the best land and richest sources of _______,
_______, _________, _________, or other valuable natural resources.
How Did Europeans Treat Native People?
26. Europeans thought they were better than the natives of Africa and Asia.
They tried to change their ______________, the __________________, and the
_________ ____ ________ of these colonized people.