Ch 25 People, terms, questions, etc...

Ch 25 People, terms, questions, etc...
What were the literacy rates in various countries by 1900?
Why were leaders generally eager to educate the public?
Auguste ComteWhy is Comte considered the father of sociology?
Darwin-Explain basic concepts.
Gregor MendelHerbert Spencer and “Social Darwinism”Why did TH Huxley disagree with Spencer?
Describe the contents of The Life of Jesus by Friedrich Strauss.
Name some people that claimed the Bible was political and challenged the Bible’s validity.
How were the Old and New Testament challenged?
“War and courage have accomplished more great things than love of neighbor” Nietzche-Agree
or Disagree? Why?
Why was there a conflict between Church and State in the late 19th Century?
Education Act of 1902Ferry Laws
May LawsKultukampfWhy did the church adopt the policy of the “infallibility of the Pope”?
What were the policies of Pius IX?
Syllabus of ErrorsPius XWhat were the overall theories of Mach, Poincare and Vaihinger?
RoentgenPlankEinsteinWhy did governments fund the scientific community?
Describe and name the “Realists” What was their focus/ motives?
What was “Modernism”? Name people who belonged to the movement.
Bloomsberg GroupNietzsche:
What did he “attack”?
Why doesn’t he like rationalism?
What are his concerns with good and evil?
What is psychoanalysis?
What effect does sexuality have on us?
What are the purpose of dreams?
Describe the id, ego, and superego.
What did Jung say?
Max WeberSorelWhat influence does the biology etc.. Have on Racism?
Karl LuegerAdolph StoeckerTheodore Herzl-
How did racism support colonialism?
Why did the scientific community exclude women?
What were the Contagious Disease Laws and what effect did they have not only on prostitutes,
but middle class women?
Name the books written by the following women and describe the contents of each.
Ellen KeyVirginia Woolf