Executive Council Minutes January 16, 2014 Present: Jeremy McMillen, Giles Brown, Jeanie Hardin, Lorie Lefevers, Regina Organ Absent: Gary Paikowski Recorder: Shelle Cassell Guest: Wanda Huff Agenda Items Human Resources Plans Wanda Huff joined the meeting to share an overview of the Human Resources function in a business as a foundation for her plans to implement new programs at GC. She explained the audit role of HR in regulatory compliance. She will continue her review process for the tea and will make recommendations, provide training to appropriate employees, and work with divisions to implement any changes that she feels are appropriate. Action/Motion: The Council supported her action items: To conduct a position analysis that includes the duties of the position and the characteristics of the people who should be hired for them. Estimated time line to complete and return the questionnaires is a month. The analysis will help with job postings and recruiting, and could provide data for leveling position responsibilities. The survey is not intended to address compensation at this time. Additionally, Wanda will review the new regulations related to part-time status and will share guidance for supervisors. Math Hub Expansion Giles Brown explained that the original build out estimates for the Math Hub expansion were $1.3 million, and that the architect was asked to scale back the plans to meet the $800,000 budget allocation. The revised plans came back at $1 million. Members discussed options and alternatives. Complicating the decision is the unpredictable future of developmental education and adult basic education (due to new state laws). A decision will be necessary fairly soon to allow for construction to be complete prior to Fall 2014. Action/Motion: Jeanie Hardin will share with Giles how much square footage and what types of classroom and lab spaces are needed. The discussion will continue as soon as possible. Business Office Position Replacements Page 1 of 3 Giles Brown requested approval to replace two position openings in the Business Office. Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown, second by Lorie Lefevers, to replace the Procurement and Grants Accountant and the Student Accounts Specialist positions as described. Active Shooter Drill Giles Brown reported that the Active Shooter Drill that was cancelled due to weather has been rescheduled for Saturday, February 22, 2014. The drill will begin at 8:00 a.m. with a safety meeting followed by an active shooter scenario. The drill will conclude with a debriefing session after the activity is complete. Executive Council members were encouraged to attend a drill planning meeting on Saturday, February 15, from 8:00 a.m. until noon. Action/Motion: No action necessary. Preliminary 2014-15 Budget Discussion Dr. McMillen and Giles Brown shared preliminary information on changes in revenue and some big ticket expenses that are expected in the 2014-15 annual budget. Property tax revenue will be helped with the addition of the Panda Energy plant and TMC growth. Anticipated new expenses include vehicles (police car and people mover), staffing (veterans office and faculty), equipment (exercise and music), fundraising recordkeeping software, employee benefits, architectural master plan update, and possible program expansion. Action/Motion: No action necessary. Tuition Rate for Fall 2014 Dr. McMillen asked for additional input on the tuition rate for Fall 2014. In general, members expressed interest in keeping the tuition as low as possible. Any rate increase must be approved by the Board prior to the start of registration. Action/Motion: No action at this time. E-Cigarettes and the Smoking/Tobacco Policy Jeanie Hardin shared concerns she has heard from faculty about students’ use of E-Cigarettes / Vapor Cigarettes in the classroom and away from Designated Smoking Areas. They are a distraction in the classroom, and employees have asked that users be required to use the designated smoking areas already established. Regina Organ asked that resident hall students be considered in any revision of the Smoking/Tobacco policy. Action/Motion: Shelle Cassell will research the last actions of the Executive Council related to the Smoking /Tobacco policy. Regina Organ will bring forward a revised policy for consideration. Page 2 of 3 TASB Policy Revisions A discussion on FLB (Local) was tabled. Dr. McMillen asked members to bring forward other policies that may need to be revised. Action/Motion: No action at this time. Announcements • • • Next Executive Council meeting was rescheduled for 8:30 a.m. Thursday, January 23, to accommodate members’ scheduling conflicts. SSBTN Coach Dr. John Cooper will be back on campus February 10 and 11. Professional Development Day will be Friday, February 7 (no classes will be held). Giles Brown and Andy MacPherson will present additional information on the Emergency Management plans relating to the Feb. 22 Active Shooter Drill. Page 3 of 3