Executive Council Minutes August 29, 2012 Present: Jeremy McMillen, Giles Brown, Brandy Fair, Jeanie Hardin, Gary Paikowski, Marc Payne, and Roy Renfro Recorder: Shelle Cassell Agenda Items Public Safety Reorganization and Position Replacements Police Chief Andy MacPherson joined the meeting to present a reorganization proposal for the Campus Police department. Prior to the presentation, he noted that parking was going well, and that it appears as if Tuesdays and Thursdays will be the busiest days. The TAPS shuttles are helpful. He also cited the need for a solution on how to move wheelchair students off the second floor in the event of an emergency or power outage. One solution being explored is the installation of a small generator to power the elevator near the CIS Building. The reorganization proposal includes two full-time patrol positions (replacing Hal Spaugh’s vacancy due to retirement) and Andy’s former position, and increasing Judy Ellis’ responsibilities (to include Cleary Act and other reports; other increased duties) and salary schedule level. Andy reported that using part-time officers to fill these vacancies has not been efficient or as effective as needed. The proposal does not require additional budget allocation. Action/Motion: The Council voted unanimously to approve the motion by Marc Payne, second by Gary Paikowski, to accept the replacement of two full-time officers at a salary of $29,000 each. Dr. McMillen will review the new job description for the program assistant and make a final determination on that part of the request. Enrollment Report Marc Payne reported that headcount is at 5007, down 5.5% from last year; contact hours are down 10.8% from last year. 153 students are in non-compliance with the Meningitis vaccination law. Action/Motion: No action necessary. Smoking Policy Dr. McMillen will gather input from the Faculty Association and the Student Government Association on modifications to the designated Smoking areas. Jeanie Hardin will ask for input from the Dean’s Council. The policy will be updated to include the use of vapor cigarettes. The goal is to finalize a plan that separates smoking areas from commonly 1 of 3 used routes so that no one has to walk through second-hand smoke to reach their destination. Action/Motion: No action necessary. Maintenance Department Reorganization and Position Replacements Giles Brown recommended naming Danny Cazzelle as the permanent Director of Maintenance, creating a Grounds Crew Leader position (C Level on salary schedule), and then filling the two Ground Worker vacancies at current level. The reorganization is expected to save $7,274. Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown, second by Marc Payne, to accept the reorganization proposal as presented. Leadership Hub Members Named Employees who will be participating in the yearlong CWL Leadership program are Donna King, Brandy Fair, Dianna Crissman, and a faculty member (to be confirmed by Jeanie Hardin). Dr. McMillen encouraged the college representatives to host periodic sessions to share what they are learning with other employees. Jeanie said a portion of the opening session would be open to all employees, and that she would distribute the details when available. Action/Motion: No action necessary. Website Conversation Dr. McMillen asked members for insight on the design and look of the website homepage. Members agreed that remaining pages should be updated to match that look. Gary Paikowski reported that approximately 60% of the website content has been migrated to match the homepage and that the conversion should be finished this Fall semester. Content management is a separate issue, and Gary recommends that departments should be responsible for maintaining their own content. Members discussed the usefulness of having some information accessible through the Portal, some through the homepage, and some in both. The overall goal is for the site to have a consistent look that supports the college’s image, is easy to navigate for all users, and contains current and accurate information. Gary will continue to work on a process for updating content. Action/Motion: No action necessary. C3Texas Dr. McMillen received information on this organization and asked for input on its value for the college. No administrators were familiar with it. Action/Motion: Any member who decides that Grayson College would benefit from C3Texas membership was encouraged to visit further with Dr. McMillen. 2 of 3 Exit Interview Dr. McMillen shared a draft Exit Interview Questionnaire for consideration. The form allows valuable information to be gathered in a confidential way that would give administrators collective data on issues or practices that could be improved. Action/Motion: Members suggested minor edits (omitting a reference to Vietnam Era and adding an Other Comments section). Part-time Positions Dr. McMillen clarified that all positions (part-time, temporary, etc.) and any title or salary change must be finalized through Human Resources. Action/Motion: No action necessary. Employee Dress Code Giles Brown shared research on the college’s dress policy along with information from other organizations’ policies. The local dress code was omitted from the policy manual in 2004 when the college moved to the TASB manual, and contains rules that are outdated for today’s environment. He observed a wide range of detail in the policies, ranging from very specific language to general directions. Discussion ensued on the levels of enforcement, how to avoid regulating ‘taste’, etc. Members agreed that employees should serve as role models for ‘dressing for success’ and that the policy should result in employees reflecting a positive image for the college. Members discussed Spirit Day dress, which allows clean, dress jeans and a Grayson College shirt. When adopted, the new policy should be included in New Employee Orientation. Action/Motion: Giles Brown will recommend new policy wording at a future meeting. General Interest / Announcements • • • • Document Sharing – Gary Paikowski announced that document sharing within an Executive Council portal would soon be available. Dr. McMillen asked Gary to conduct a demonstration at the next meeting, and then provide training to appropriate users. Shaping Campus Culture – Dr. McMillen introduced a brief discussion on campus culture, citing a quote from a renowned organizational expert: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. Dr. McMillen notes that our campus culture is important to student success, and invited members to bring issues forward as warranted. He also advocates increased communication as a critical element. Viking Challenge Golf Tournament – Roy Renfro reminded members of the Foundation’s Viking Challenge fundraiser on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012. Administrative Services Building Pot Luck Celebration – Marc Payne announced a building-wide potluck lunch would be organized for Friday, Sept. 7, 11:00 am-1:00 pm. Location TBD. 3 of 3