Executive Council Minutes October 19, 2011

Executive Council Minutes
October 19, 2011
Present: Alan Scheibmeir, Giles Brown, Jeanie Hardin, Rick Lynn, Gary
Paikowski, and Marc Payne.
Absent: Roy Renfro
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Data Analyst Position Description
Jeanie Hardin presented a job description for the Institutional Research Analyst (formerly
referred to as Data Analyst). Members discussed the role and responsibilities and how
this position is expected to interact with all departments. Members expressed concern that
there were too many tasks for one person to accomplish, but agreed that the integrity of
the data was essential.
In related conversations, Giles Brown added that Business Officers at the state meeting
were reminded of the need for reports to be submitted quickly and accurately, especially
in contact hour reporting and now that funding is annual. Dr. Scheibmeir encouraged
Jeanie and Marc Payne to bring appropriate employees together to set reporting priorities
and to discuss strategies for communication and completion.
Action/Motion: Jeanie Hardin and Marc Payne will meet to finalize the position
description. If they reach agreement, then the position announcement and search will
move forward. If not, they are to bring the position description back to the Council to
Free Assisted Self-Service Tax Preparation (FAST)
Dr. Scheibmeir reported that the IRS has asked if GCC would be a site for this service.
The college would provide a space, computers, and have people trained to facilitate
individuals with filing. He thought the Library would be a convenient location but was
concerned about asking employees or selected students to take on this project. Rick Lynn
pointed out the potential for liability. Dr. Scheibmeir invited any vice president who
wants to engage in this project to contact him.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Use of Electronic Cigarettes on Campus
Giles Brown, responding to an employee inquiry, asked about the use of electronic
cigarettes in the classroom and on campus. The current policy does not address this issue.
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Members will look at current smoking policy and classroom disruption policy(ies). It was
also noted that the issue could be addressed in course syllabus notes.
Action/Motion: Shelle Cassell will research current Smoking policy for Dr. Scheibmeir.
Jeanie Hardin and Marc Payne will assess options for addressing the issue (update policy
vs. syllabus).
DC (Local)
Giles Brown outlined the proposed changes to DC (Local). The edits made the titles
consistent and improved content flow. The significant change encourages a broader
search among underrepresented demographic groups by requiring the coordination with
the EEO representative (Gary Paikowski) and Title IX rep (Marc Payne) to develop a list
of recruiting sources. Members were concerned about the potential for significant
expense that might be incurred for paid advertising in multiple ethnic publications and
agreed to edit the policy to give the hiring supervisor, the EEO rep, and the Title IX rep
the prerogative to decide how extensively to advertise the position opening (using paid
and/or free media options).
Action/Motion: The council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown,
seconded by Jeanie Hardin, to accept policy DC (Local) as presented with the edit.
Business Officers’ State Meeting Summary
Giles Brown shared information he learned at the recent Business Officers’ meeting.
First, the preliminary cut to contact hours funding is approx. 1.5% in response to the
transition to annual funding (as opposed to “base year”). Secondly, the TACC political
advisor anticipates that, based on a number of economic factors, the next legislative
session will be as bad as or worse than the last. Finally, the CEO meeting next week will
include a discussion on a potential lawsuit related to the pension dispute. Giles said other
items would be discussed with individual vice presidents as necessary.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Student Services Fee Update
Dr. Scheibmeir noted that the Board had taken action on the proposed Student Services
Fee based on the Student Service Fee Advisory Committee’s recommendation. He
appreciated the students’ interest and participation in the decision. The extra revenue may
or may not be enough to offset the revenue loss from lower-than-projected enrollment,
and it is too early to know if a step increase will be possible in the near future. Marc
Payne mentioned that he had recently learned that such Student Advisory meetings might
be subject to the open meetings act.
Action/Motion: Marc Payne will confirm the extent to which Student Services Fee
Advisory meetings need to be posted.
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Biology Professor & Administrative Assistant Replacements
Jeanie Hardin presented a proposal to replace the full-time Biology professor position that
will become vacant with Rodney Nicely’s retirement in December. The Biology position
would be filled with a full-time temporary Biology professor for the spring 2012
semester, allowing time for a thorough search. The proposal also included the early hiring
of an Administrative Assistant to fill Rosemary Bruce’s position upon her retirement this
summer. The early hiring would allow Rosemary to train the new employee for up to four
Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Rick Lynn, second
by Giles Brown, to accept the proposal as presented, with as much training time for the
new Administrative Assistant as funds allow.
Board of Trustee Presentations
Dr. Scheibmeir took a few minutes to comment on communications and presentations to
the Board of Trustees. He complimented Giles Brown and Jeanie Hardin on their concise
information and conversational style presentations, and encouraged each member to be
polished, prepared and professional when speaking to the Board.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
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