The Plano ISD Academy

The Plano ISD Academy
The mission of Plano ISD academies is to engage students in a rigorous, distinct project-based
curriculum, inspiring creativity and empowering them to collaborate and compete globally.
This recommendation follows the parameters set by the Board of Trustees in Spring, 2010 and
the Findings and Directions created by the Academy Visioning Committee from May, 2010
through January, 2011.
Program of Study
Administrative staff recommends that the program of study center around PBL – project
and problem based learning experiences.
The curriculum will be developed locally by an interdisciplinary team of high school
teachers. These teachers will be those selected for teaching assignments in the academy.
With the assistance of consultants from the Buck Institute, curriculum coordinators and
curriculum leadership will facilitate development of course curricula. Through the
curriculum development process, appropriate course combinations, compactions, etc. will
emerge. PBL will be the primarily instructional delivery approach. Additionally, a
STEAM (science, technology, engineering, digital arts, mathematics) theme will provide
a unifying context and construct throughout various course PBLs.
Development of grade 9 and 10 course curricula will begin in the summer of 2012 and
will continue through early August of 2013. Initial work in the summer of 2012 will be
professional development focused on a deep understanding of PBL pedagogy and on the
interdisciplinary curriculum development process. Course curricula for grades 9 and 10
courses will emerge throughout the 2012-13 school year culminating in August 2013.
Course curricula and initial professional development will be completed for an August
2013 launch of the academy with 9 th and 10th grade students. Subsequent curricula and
students would be added a year at a time with the first graduating class in 2015-16.
Anticipated costs:
Buck Institute:
Curriculum development:
Professional development:
Total (2012 – 2014)
$150,000 for year 1 (10 – 12 teachers) in 2012-13
$60,000 for year 2 in 2013-14
$60,000 for year 3 in 2014-15
$60,000 for year 4 in 2015-16
$25,000 each year
The intent of the administration is to identify local corporate support that will provide
adequate funding to support this three-year development, training, and implementation
Staffing Model
Administrative staff recommends that staff be identified early in the process to allow for
necessary professional development and curriculum design.
Teacher cost would be covered under reassignment based on the academy enrollment.
First year costs may be slightly above neutral based on the need to provide required
courses with accompanying certified teachers. These costs would lessen as enrollment is
added each year to provide full course loads for teachers.
Administrative costs would be minimized by providing dual roles for staff as often as
feasible, particularly in the startup years.
Anticipated cost: $TBD
School Organization
Administrative staff recommends that the academy open with Grades 9-10 students in the
Fall of 2013. Each year will provide an additional grade with the first graduating seniors
in 2015-16.
Students would be selected via lottery with a limited number of seats per 9-10 feeder
system. The number of seats will be calculated proportionally for each 9-10 school
feeder system.
The academy will have a later start and end time to accommodate a shuttle service from
the existing six high schools. This service is only at the start and end of the school day at
the academy.
Extracurricular activities and clubs
Student led clubs and organizations will be encouraged. These clubs and organizations
will be sustainable within the parameters of the academy. Students will have the choice to
participate in selected home campus extracurricular programs. The student’s course
schedule at the academy will impact the opportunity to participate in activities at the
home campus.
Transportation for activities and clubs will not be provided by the district and will be the
responsibility of the parents.
Anticipated cost: $TBD
Administrative staff recommends that transportation be provided from the existing six
high schools as a shuttle service to the academy location. Return service in the afternoon
will terminate at the six high school locations. Parents will be responsible for student
transportation to and from the assigned high school location to utilize this shuttle service.
This level of transportation service is dependent upon a later start and end time for the
academy in relation to our other high and senior high schools.
Anticipated cost: $70,000
Space Utilization
Administrative staff recommends that the academy be located in a stand-alone facility in
the central portion of the district. Since no existing school district facilities are available
for this use, staff have located an available property near Alma and 15 th Street that fits the
intended program of study and expected student population. Staff recommends that the
board approve the intention to purchase this property as the location for this academy.
Final approval for this purchase would occur at a future board meeting.
Anticipated cost:
$6.3 million for facility purchase
$2.5-$3.5 million for internal renovation, building system updates,
furnishings and equipment
Program Evaluation
Administrative staff recommends that program evaluation commence during the design
phase of the academy and continue annually through implementation and a minimum of
four years of the academy operation.
Anticipated cost: $0 absorbed as an internal assessment and accountability function
Community Partnerships
Administrative staff recommends that fund-raising efforts be conducted via the Plano
ISD Education Foundation and initialized with both existing and new corporate and
private foundation partnerships. The expectation is that contributions will be identified
for all start-up operational costs outside of the facility.
Anticipated funding: $TBD