Elements of Fiction Packet

Elements of Fiction Packet
Name: ______________________________________________
Following along and fill out the missing pieces.
1. ____________________________________________________ -The main character or hero in a story.
2. Antagonists- ________________________________________________________________________________
Conflict- Struggle or clash between opposing character or forces.
1. Two types of Conflict- _______________________________________________________________________
a. Internal Conflict- Takes place within a character’s own mind.
1. MAN vs. SELF- _____________________________________________________________________
Example: Not going camping because you’re scared of spiders. OR. Having to
choose whether or not to tell your friend that her boyfriend is cheating on her.
b. External Conflict- A character struggles against an outside source.
2. MAN vs. _________________- One character against another.
3. MAN vs. ______________________________- A character faces a force of nature
(weather, animals, or the lands.)
4. MAN vs. _______________________________-A character is in conflict with a group
or the values of a community.
Plot- _________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. __________________________________________-Characters, setting, and conflict introduced.
2. __________________________________________-The conflict and situation becomes more
complicated and intense; sometimes more conflicts arise.
3. __________________________________________-The highest point of action and suspense; the
turning point.
4. __________________________________________-Events that happen after the turning point that
lead to the eventual outcome of the story.
5. __________________________________________-The outcome of the conflict and what follows.
Draw and label a plot graph in the space below:
Literary Device- Tools used by the author to improve the written word and voice to the
1. _________________________________________-Clues that hint at events that will happen later
in the story.
2. __________________________________________-When the opposite of what is expected occurs.
3. Suspense- ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________-Comparing two unlike things.
5. Simile- ________________________________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________-Overall feeling or emotion of the story.
7. Setting- _______________________________________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________-The underlying message of a story, what the author
wants us to learn. Main idea and the overall message.
Characterization- The way the author describes the characters.
1. Direct Characterization -Telling. ___________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________ Characterization –Showing. When the author gives us hint
to help us INFER what the character is like.
Clues Include: (STEAL)
1. S
2. T
3. E
4. A
5. L
Character Types- A person, animal, thing, or forces in the story.
1. ________________________________________-A character who is not described in great detail
and only has one character trait.
2. ____________________________________-A character who is well developed; we can list
several detail about the round character.
3. ____________________________________-A character whose personality or values do not
4. Dynamic character- _________________________________________________________________________
Point of View- Perspective from which a story is told.
1. 1st Person- ___________________________________________________________________________________
Example: I was walking down the road and saw two men staring into a house.
2. _________________________________________________-An outside narrator tells the story but is
limited by only seeing into the main character’s head. Uses He and She.
Example: Claire was walking down the road and saw two men staring into a house. She
immediately was suspicious and called the cops.
3. ____________________________________________________ -An all knowing narrators tells the
story, he knows ALL characters’ thoughts and feelings.