CRIMSON AND WHITE FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1939 THE MILNE V O L U M E JX PIiAMS FOR iTJilW YORK PRESS CGITYElTno^r Miss Kathcrine E, \Jlieel~ ing,prGsidGnt of tho a d v i s - ers^ commituGG of the columbia Scholastic Press Association, has announced that the anmoal convention in NGV; fork City v/ill "be on March 9, 10, and 11, "Anj^ono yj'-.c has workGd on the Cri-.sou and I'/hite and done conr-trr.ctiv^- v7ork in Journ^ilism is oligihle to rottend this confcrence," stated Miss V/heGling, She also stated that nevr mern"bers may join the Journalism Class and thus the Crimsoa and Wliite staff at this tirao. SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS A.-L3X17T SY^IPECITY 0R0:i2ST?A PP^.SEITT'S CCNGZRT SERIES NUMBER 9 MIL:^ ADVAIVTCES OIT STRONG RE"JSS3LA:]R TEAM TONIGHT Tonight in Rensselaer the Milne bnsketoers v/ill attempt to break the record of the undefeated Rensselaer High School aggregati on. Shoiild the Milne team win this, the fourth gane on their schedule, they will have made a very enviable shovring for this time of the se-son. Hov/ever, Milne's hopes sank yesterday as There are four recitals colox^ful caTDtain Pa land remaining in this series. s-ora.ined his ankle in a Thoy are as follov/r,: Janpractice game. uary 9th- Fp,1 staff b--^ Verdi; Jrnuary 16thBoris Tho evening of soort Goudonofi' by Moussorgsl^,' ; January 36th~ Tho ""rogra.m v/ill .'et under vra:"- at 7:00 Milne Junior material of the coiid Sym.- v;ith the Varsity meeting the Rensph 0 Rv c 0 n c c r t; Ap r i1 2' b t rTho program r::at(:rial of Jay Vees in a pre-^ the Symphony conccrt. liainary game T/hich vrill bo follov/ed by the VarsiDr. Moose has s'.aacrrPs ty contest at 9r00, tickcos v/hich may bo obtained for one doll'\r by students wishing to attend THETA WJ r-HETS ADELPHCI those programs at the .Iz3a?»IN ICS EOCICY MATCH stitute of History and Art, Moose has received a letter -announcing a series of Operatic and Sym^phonic lecture recitals by Rudolph Thomas which are of SDccirl interest to music students. At his talks Mr. Thomas describes operras and S7/mphoni:es and then illustrates them on the piano. A facultjr raeQhcr of an Atlantic Cit3^ school v/ill supervise the ;'")ro deletion of a rii::c->..graph d paper coverinti the convention. Her ov7n school striff vrill publish this issue. Plans for a school journalism society similrr to a lodge n^.rring completion, There v/ill be an organization i^'^r Elementary'- I Junior High, Senior High, and College groups. (Quali-fications will "bo the achievement of set stp.ndards • An. JSfppointod commit tee is investigating the possibility of an exhibit of school journalism at the 1939 iTew York World's Fair, ALBANY. N. Y. JOURNALISTS BEGIIT LIBRARY Miss Wheeling's Journalism class started a Journal-sm library in Decembcr 1938, Adelphoi Literary'- Society and Theta ITu Literary Society will battle for hockey honors . on Little's Lake this Saturday afternoon. This contest comes as a result of a challenge last week, v/hen the cold vrave came, Wilbur French and Seth Wheeler, v/ho vdll play for Adel hoi, are veterans of the ice rink. They have played on the Schuyler Meadov/s team and have defeat'^d such teams as the Powell Tigers ^nd Lat ham •'Vmi t e Hawks .'' The library is to consist of monthly ma.gazines to vrhich the class has subscribed. They are: the Q,uill and Scroll , Scholpstic Editor, and a magazine and ;iionthly maAs in previous years, terial from the Eljo Mimauthorities will conduct eograph Sorvice. As yet clinics to analyze the the Quill rnd Scr 11 is va r i ous pn.p e r s . A:^ o t her tho only magazine which Charles Locke, sophoannual event will bo the ha s a r r i ^ ^ e d. Lib rar i anmore athlete, Guj?- Childs, trips to the ITov/ York and Gifford Lant v/ill Florence Herber v/ill keep Tiiiies and the Nev; York lead the Theta Nu team. a card catalog of materHerald Tribune, ial similar to the one in tho Milne libr^-ry. Positions of the AdelMembers of tho Milne phoi team as follov/s: staff will leave March 10 Seth Wheeler Members of the Crimson Center on a chartered train, Right Wing "Webb" French and White staff aro the - Miss Wheeling and Miss Left Wing Walt Plummer only persons vrho v/ill be Mary Elizabeth Conklin Dick Paland allov/ed to bori-ov/ from this L. Defense will chapcrohe the Milne R. Defense Starlcv/oather library. group. Goal Guard Ben Douglas Volume PA&3 2 VJHITE \ QXTTK A\ At-.their last m e e t i n g , " • the Cr iiVuillian Literary bocioTv- v/clccrncd in the v nvjv; noM'bcrs. They are: J > c r I D r Sy\ C' b Jessie Doran Iioah.Sinstein linn Ann L, Gushing, PVllis Eeed Joan Hunting former head of the MatheMarilyn Tincher natics department, has "Edna Corv/in loft on a trip to the Ha-^ Jane Stewart vaiian islands, v/hcre she Catherine Morrison vdll spend about four Helen Gulp months. Betty Miller Vallej'- Par ad is On a visit to Milne %rianne Adams before lervir^, she said, Ann Loiicks "I do not v/ant to lose Mildred Spector contact vrith Milne, and I Dorothy Ball • - } H O rJ O u L^ L, W. I hope that my former pupils ; Elaine Beckor wiil V7rite to me occa,~ i-jNg. A Elaine Droos -sionally, so tlmt I might Mar.jorie G-adc - 15 raf continue the friendships Elaine G-allup TAKE SICrMA QATE which started here." Sally L-^i.vine Beatrice Eaa.h At the 1 r -1'- b t . If: t i: i^v,. Those wishing to vrrite Mary Sv/artz January S, the girls of . letters to Miss Gushing Marjorie I'/einberg the Sigma Literary Soci- t which she will receive .at Doris IfoA'atski ety greeted their n.?.i.r sea, and v/hich must bo members. They include: sent Icfore J^nunry 25, Ka t h e r i n e ITe v; t o n and should use the follov/ing Ruth Selkirk v/ere appoinaddress; Mary Baker ted co-chairmen for the Ruth liar tin ••'Mss Anno L. Gushing initiation v/hich v/ill take H'jv Lurbine Mary Sexton place on February 10. Sailing February 3, Marion Soulc 1939 Rut h Van G<'^a. s b e ck Mildred Mattice, presHelen Hutchinson Los Angeles, California ident, announced that the J0r. \'J11 s on Q,uin-Sigma dance vill he Helen ITorris Those v/ho desire to conducted on February 25. J oan i-ianw e i 1 c r vrrite letters to Miss Ruth Peterson Gushing after Jahur.ry 25, Shirley Srdth should address her as Delia Carvill f ollows: Laura iVr'.in Lyon Miss Anno L. Gushing JOURiTALISM EXAMS BSGir c/o Miss E. P. Garrison Kamehamoha School Miss leatherino Ifhoeling Honolulu, H. I, announced on Monday, J-^-nuar^r 2, that the mid-y.cru: KIJSHIIM(T examination of the JourHiss Gushing loft Alnalism class would consist bany on January 2, and of all the v;ork Irinded in sotting sail from Philathis month vrhich is to ro delphia, she will arrive THETA 17J PHESEITTS I^EYS in the next throo issues in Los ilngeles on Januof the nevjsi^apcri ary 26. Her sail to The an:'.ual "banquet of Los iVngcles v/ill ta'ce her the Thcta-ITa Literarjr do\\m the Atlantic coast, The mark of the art Society took place Dethrough the Panama Ganol, division v/ill be based on cuir."bo7.' IG at Keeler's and on up the Pacific v;hat drawinf^s they do :irA r(-),' ti'vci "a'lt, coast to her destination. hov7 clo£oly related tliey From there she v/ill set arc to the story. The -0:5iC.v:nt Donald G-eis'l 1 for Honolulu, t'v-pists are boing mrrkod srl co'.-'auc.-od a, meetvng on accuracy ar.d hovj imch aft 01 tl^o banouo': and Miss Gushing, residing ^-cy ty;;^.^ for the next kcy?» to th.e three issues, v/ith Miss E. P. Garrison, se^r-ors of Ih: eoci jbj^', cxpocts to stay in Honoand pin'^ tc t'.v.^ iiiouiThe. .ci' tho^ lulu •u;^bil May, Miss •OGTci. JCO IiCiildoii,; rov'L'J.d :icv7'.5papeT' for this scnos4 Harris on v;as formerly a GrcitJol, Tack !."ac Ocv^cn, tcr v.'li;. c.iic cut- on Friteacher in State Gollegc, John day, r MiV. .?,0, T^ais -nd v/hile in Albany lived Joed rich.. Char..O;' jJc- I'^iv'Ofi the nocc time rith Miss Gushing, in the fuilou^^^h, Ro'-er'- W-^vt.-nuo T)roparo I'rs their iv:ilckerbockor Apartments. cykc are Bonior;,,- ' ^ MoluvueH-, Numbet^-^i CEXHSOIT AllD TOIITE Editorial Staff: Editor in Chief Sr. Associate Editor Associate Editor Art Features Sports Societies and Clubs Exchanges City Paper Corres. Bivalves Betty Barden Chas, Sanderson Fred Regan Marcia Wiley Chas. I^IacCulloch Arthur Bates Doris I'felsh Betty lincher Estello Dilg Sally Devereux Ed Starkv/eather Ruth Rasp Jane Grace Jean Best Doris Holmes Reporters: Margaret Chase Florence Herter Anita Hyman Earl Goodrich Ed Lang\Tig Dorotht Shattuck Bob Barden Ira Moore Robert Pfeffer Jane Phillips Martha Freytag Sally Devereux Richard Paland Nancy Glass Journalism Class Business Staff: Business l^anager Printer Mimeographers Typists Circulation January 6, 1939 Page 3 Herbert Itax Newell Cross Armon Livermore A1 Metz Dorothy Doy Shirley Burgess Esther Stulmaker John Wykes Bob VJ'ortendyke faculty Advisers; Miss Katherine V/heeling Miss Grace Martin Published Weekly by the Crimson And White staff at the Milne School, Albany, New York. We Milnites will remember.... Tiger Taft and a magnificent basketball season ...The busy period (from the Quin-Sigma dance to Commencement) when there was a baseball game, a dance, club activity, Annual Antics, card party, or Parents' Night every week end Game's • nO'-hit game-- what a pitcher.. .The famous Nev/ York Press Convention, vrith second place for the Crimson and V/Iiite. The glorious Revolution v/hen, for the first, last, and only time, Milnites refused to leave school - until the constitution v/as turned inside out and our council president elected. Then we enjoyed throe months of hot weather and swimrning. (cont. in next column) The pearl Is a disease of the oyster A poem Is a of the spirit Caused by the irritation Of a granule of Truth Fallen on the soft gray bivalve We call mind. Old Mandarin The Old Mandarin, otherwise known as Christopher Morley, is a philosophical and amusing gentleman who loves to discuss poets, America, and New York. ? . Vfe like tho Old Itodftrin^ Smoothly his thoughts flovr from his pen ac tho somber Hudson winds through his favorite city, Nev7 York. Startling similies blond into fluid verse. There is alv/ays an honesty, an appreciation of people, their weaknesses and the queer world they have built for thomsolves. Besides its v/ord-beauty, each of these short poems plants a germ of eternal truth in our souls, there to germinate. If your mind is virgin soil for poetry, jriasten to the old Mandarin for some of his precious seed. P. S. - You may make his acquaintance at the Pine Hills or Harmanus Bleeker library. jyv r "ncK^ ^ ? a g a i j Another edition of that famous fer should we say infamous) Time Ticker fell into the hands of the editors, Ve are astounded at the article on page three, of the eight page Christmas issue* said article condenses thd important news item published in the newspaper this year, A blank space follows. However v/e realVi2rc this is as it is beca,use tho editors of the Time Ticker lacked the energy to concentrate on our past achievements. Seriously, we are glad to sec the Time Ticker back. This issue v/as excellent - only next time, won't you make a fev; extra copies for us undergradst (cont, from left) Autumn came , , , The leaves fell to the ground, and Milnites fell into the old routine; many old friends v/ere missi n g , but new folks arrived ... a day off jalmost every week ... Girls* hockey team |had a good season .., The Boys' Formal, or ^rather the Penguin Promenade, arrived before v;e realized that the first semester '•vrs h".lf ofer... The beginning of another outstanding basketbnll season ( we trust it will continue)... The Christmas Plays, .•Tvro weeks of hectic but enjoyable vac~ at ion,,. And novr, a nev/ year faces us. \io\ume t L / r v / u m b e r ^ ^ FELMSBLT AUD PAGII 4 TE3 MALE BOX In order to start the ycnr off right for those poor, iDev.dldered rriciles who are having women troulDles at this time, v;e shall endeavor to straighten out their problems "bir ansv/ering some of their letters. JAIIUARY 6, 1939 T:.:OUGHTS Horc are some thoughts for the girls for the Hevr Year: G-irls who stick to their laiitting can usually hand out a good sock. A v/oman stands a better chance of catching a man if vrhe keeps her trap shut. Dear M, B. I am a very handsome man, yet I can't seem to make any headv/ay, and my girl gives me the cold shoulder. I think it's "because I don't Imow how to act when I'm at her home. Please advise. Forlorn Dear Forlorn, V/hen at her abode, help her; wash the dishes vdth her; when the floor is dirt J'-, mop up the floor vdth her. Then, instead of your being forlorn, she'll be floorworn. Dear H. B. I-'^/- mother says I'm not to read H.G. l^ells ujitil I'm older. Please tell her the book is all right. S.G. I presume the "S.G-," stands for seventh grader? The gook sounds all right, but v/ho wrote it? Dear M. B, I'm in love v/ith one girl, but there is another v;ho is very rich and beautiful, v/hose wealth and position can help me greatly. Hov/ever, I cannot forget the girl I love. I'/hich should I excort? Baffled Dear Baffled, By all means follow your heart and go out vdth the one you love.(By the way vrhat is the address of the other?) Dear M. B. I'iy girl paints her face worse than an Indian on the v/arpath, t"Jhy does she do it? Disgusted Dear Disgu.sted^, She probably wants to keep up that "fool girl complexion". Well, there's no getting around the fact that 1939 is here at last. It's hard to believe it is really here, as the seniors have been waiting six years for it to arrive. Our vdsh for the Hew Year is that they graduate! It v/ould be pretty tragic, after all that time, if they should have been looking tov/ard 1940 instead. Breezing in vdth the year yie have that prominent senior from Albany High School, Miss Ruth isolkirk. How if you notice a great cliange in the school, and everything is a little peppier, you'll know it's because of that snappy blonde who's been prancing around the halls. It is svrell to have you back, Soupy. We really oughtnH to mention resolutions, as a vreek has passed and they must all be broken by this time. Hov/ever we just know that everyone is going to get marvelous ma.rks from nov; on. Ducky Dey plans to be an honor student, plus valedictorian. That's the v/ay. Duck, La Belle Tincher says no more dates as she plans to do some heavy studying between nov; and June, t'/hat are you doing tonight, Bette? "Had'' Starkweather's only resolution is '^ITever Again". HJhe poor dear is still suffering from Ilev/Year's Eve» By the v/ay has Walt Plummer arrived home yet? As a parting shot, v/e must mention hov/ delighted we v/ere to see all the bright little faces of the Milne students this vfeek. We have never seen such a bunch so alert, attentive, bright eyed, vdde av/ake, and eager to learn. Of course v/e never expcctcd people to bo coming back and v/orrying about the all^li side, (Oh, no), but a vacation docs tire one. VDiumeB, JAmJARY 6 , PAGE 5 CRIMSOH A m WHITE 1939 Mat ching Milnites Connect the offices listed in Column A with the people in Column B, •'a ^ B 1. . frcsidont Thotn ITa 2, Manager Basketball team 3, Drummer 4, Head Cheer Leader 5, Secretary of Adelph.oi 6, President of Junior Class 7. Secretary of Sr. Student Council 8. Member of Milne Orchestra 9. Boys^ Sport Writer 10, Captain Basketball ' torn . 11.. President G.A,C, 12, Vice president 13, Treasurer of Sigma 14, Correspondent to Knickerbocker News 15. Treasurer of the Senior Jones Hichols Ledden Giesel Pal and Benjamin Easp Langwig Schreiner Regan Star bj\;eather Mattice Plummer Stulmaker L^ntz Gardner Class 16. Business Manager Hi-Y VAiat do you knov/ ah out Milne? Multiple choice: 1 Milne is heated "by (steam, vapor, hot water), 2 The annual caerd party is sponsored "by the (faculty, student coimcil, the two girls^ societies), 3-The senior reception is a (spring,fall v/intcr affair) » 4 The next Senior party is on (January 22 January 27, February 14), 5 Miss Solomon is secretary to (Dr Sayles, Dr. Frederick, Milne). 6 The Ski Cluh meets on (Monday afternoon, Saturday afternoon, Saturday morning), 7 Milne, located on Willet Street near Madison, burned in (1870, 1926, 1906). 8 A prexy Is (a fairy, the president of a college, team mascot), 9 (Jones, Paland, Child) plays center on our "baskefball team, 10 (Theta Uu and Adelphoi, and Sigim) will sponsor the next society dance. 11 The Milne "building v/as erected in (1905, 1921, 1928). 12 (Q;jLin, Jigma) had an alumni banquet during the holidays. IS (Stanley jilddison, A1 Metz, Betty l%nn) is vice-president of the Junior Class, 14 (Marcus Myers, Charles Loche, Bob Barden) was the first of last year*s freshmen to make the team. IJ A FIGURE IT OUT IF YOU CAN ! I From All Corners Froiji gai cornerrs of Milne we have collected odds and ends of just v/hat goes on in the social lives of our classmates. Was Charles Mac Culloch surprised when he dashed into the Ledden residence over vacation to find eight Juniors play ing Contract Bridgo? Joe Ledden didn't quite expect to find his sister giving seven girls breakfast when he came dovmstairs cither. It seems the Junior class women are "bent on learning to play "bridge. Don't ho surprised if you talk of honor counts ahd tricks around school The follov/ing is really a problem. If you feel too much on the verge of sinking, maybe Snader will help you out. A farmer bought 100 head of livestock for $100. He paid $5 each for the cows, $2 each for the sheep, and $,50 each for the pigs. Hov; many of each did he buy? (Answer in a couple of v/eeks.) However, they say that it gives them something to do. is fun and Did you see the picture of our dashing Jack I-'IacGowan "falling" in last Sunday's newspaper? (continued in next column) Speaking of falls, v/e hear that Evelyn Wilber tripped over a dog and fell dov/nstairs. (ihe dog^s name was not Gu^r, either.) 5 t .V >1' If )]\ t- 1 - 'I < '> Giioss v;hat i "Soupy" Selkirk come back to Milne. has Caro], HoycQ has also returned after sailing- aro rid the West Indies.