CRIMSON AND WHITE Friday, November 9, 1934 THE MILNE SCHOOL Albany, N. Y. Volume V, SENIOR JUNIOR HI(5i TitLENT FOFaVS JOINT i m m B L Y PEG G E M Junior Hlg'K showed bhe Milne School what talt it has in a program Viven in joint assembly on Wednesday at 9:00 in which 'iaoh of the nine Junior ligh home rooms were rejjresented» For the first time this year the assembly heard the Milne or'".hestra, now under the di.>3ction of Donald O?woody<, Number 5 NEWS TkY-OUTS TO BE NOV. 13 FQT. AFNUAL MILNE CHRISTMAS PLilYS For the first time in several weeksy six. weary sophomore boys can walk through the halls of Mllno without fearfully glancing over their shoulders,..No longer- do rollicking nursery rhymes issue from the throats of these unfortunates .. .After almost three weeks of torture culminating in a final ing'eniously devised ceremony held last Wednesday, the boys are FREE?.,The Adelphoi initiation is over! The seventh lome rooms, liil, 127, and presented songs, dames J a violin solo, and a play^ "Happy Patients at the Dentist a" The skits "A 'jiglithouse Tragedy" and "Home Room Troubles" represented the eighth grade, in addition to clarinet and vocal solos. ?he ninth grade home rooms gave a reading ••"ecitation, play, piano solo, dance, and song. JUNIORS TRIUIviPH OVER SENIORS IN HOCiCEY GiilvlE, SCOFJ;: 3-1 Playing in the pouriiig rain, the "unior girls defeated the Seniors in a :..ockey game Wednesday at 2;40, The final •.oore was 5-1, At the and of the first ..alf the score was a 1-1 tie„ Miss :itchcoGk asked the contestants if they ^uld not like to postpone the game, but .7 unanimous consent the game was contin..--od. Then the Juniors scored two goals 0 win the grjne. The Junior line-up v\^as as follows: Irginia McDermott, Ruth Mann, Barbo.ra I irchonough, Vivian Snyder, Virginia Ipperly, Sally Ryan, Alice wander, Cora cndles, Doris Shultes, and Jane Fanning, -he Senior team consisted of the follow• fig: Dorothy Hoornbeek, Olive Vroman, Isboth Fromm, Helen Gibson, Frcxnces Dorxibeek, Jane Doran, Betty Ostrander, /.iristine Ades, Jane Fromm, Irene Haw..ins, Betty Rudeman, r.nd Jean Combrinckraiiam. The first try-outs for the iinnual Milne Christmas plays are to be conducted on Tuesday, Ncvc 13, in room Both Junior and Senior High pupils may try out,, The Christmas playn will be given this year Monday, 17-. iii -be Page Hall Auditorium,, Tho first, "Bimbo the Pirate" will be coached by Miss Ruth Reiner of State College « It is a romantic comedy and has five characters, four men and one v/ "The L i t t l e F a the .r of the Wilderness," by Austin Strong and Lloyd Osborne, v/ill be coached by Mr.-. Kenneth Christian^, also a Senior at State Collegeo It is an historical drama with six male characters and one femcJeo The third play (the name v«/as net availr^ble at the tiime this page v/as stercilled) v/ill be coached by Miss Lucilo Hirsch. Scripts of the three plays will be found at Miss Eaton*s desk in the Milne library and may bo read by the studentso GIRLS' ViJlSITY HOCKEY Tmi TO PUiY MT. PLEi.Si^JT, NOV, 17 The Milne Girls* Varsity Hockey Team (see page three for members of varsity squad) will play their first game of the season v/ith the Mount pleasant School next Saturday, Nov. 17» The contest will be fought on the State College campus in front of Page Hall at 10^00 j.n the mornings Miss Hitchcock has c-.n-nounced that spectators will be v/elcoine<. Each Milne girl will bring two lunches the day of tho game-, one for herand one for a Mount Pleasant girl There will be a hockey varsity practice I at 00 Friday, Nov. 9, and Friday, NoVo 16, IIRT CLIISSES LIIVKL'LS 1 9 3 5 Cx^LENDiJi TRY-OUTS FOR CHEER-LEi-^DERS The Senior High Art Glasses under the direction of Miss Grace Martin are Try-outs for Milne cheer-loaders .ill bo conducted in room 320 neXt Thurs- completeing a 1935 calendar. The calendar is composed of original hand-blocked ^y and Friday at 3:00. Olive Vroman, .-•ad of cheer-leading- will supervise tho drawings of appropriate designs for the various months. The complete printed ^ry-outso Students who are present at calendars will be on sale after the he try-outs on Thursday need not appear Thanksgiving holiday. William Crawford, Friday and vice versa. All boys and FRIDAY WOvEIvIBEH CRIMSON AND WHITE CRIMSON AND V/!IITE Hale a Gibson Barbara Birchenough Ganson Taggart i'laio'Jyn Matt ice Edv/in Blocksidge Olive Vronian Osraui.d Smith Calvin Dutcher Christine Ades Luise Morrison Sara Kess]yr Lois Lantz .Virginia Hall Editcr-in-Ghief Associiate Editor Managing Editor Literary Editor Sports Editor Sports Editor Humor Editor Art Editor Alumni Editor School Editor Exchange Editor S^ C. Editor Reporter ANOTHER STROLL We took another stroll the other day but limited cur paths to the holls I of MilnOo And everywher v;e sav/ smiles j and delighted countenances and Gl^:hoagh iwe thought and thcught vw couldn't figure out any reason for such a transformatICTL of the downcast faces v/e had seen a week agOo But suddenly the mystery wc.s gone, for a plump little sophomore ran up to us and asked (with a great show of dim.ples), ''Will there really be dancing after basketball games this year?" Business Department Harry Witte Robert Haner Seldon Knudsen 9 Printer Mimeographers Miss Katherine E. V/heeling Faculty Adviser Mr, Daniel Van Leuvan Student Teacher Adviser published v/eekly by the Crimson and V/hite staff at the Milne School, iil"baiiy, New Yorko 'i-ermsj .$lcOO per year, payable in advance,, Free to students paying student We said yes, and then v/alkud thoughtfully off into a corner and began to meditate. This is the result of our meditation: the faculty's promise to permit dancing' after basketball games this year is due almost wholly to the energy and resourcefulness of that to-be congratulated organization, the Boys' ixthletic Council, But v/hether or not this privilege will continue to be a regular feature of the game rests on the shoulders of every Milne student (and every Milne student bringing a guest) who attends the game. The fact that the faculty has consented to the dancing' is mere than sufficient proc'f that they have confidence in the Milne students. Co-operation with the plan of the Boy^^ Athletic Council will be more than suCficient proof that their confidence j.r not misplaced. J'OURNALISM IN MILNE WANDERINGS OF A DIS.K/.SED MINT) The Milne weekly news publications fr-mson and White, was instituted origin aiiy in this school as an extra-curricu~ lar activity at the insistence of a small tody of students who v/ere Interested in high school journalism and all that the teim implies. These students undertook to produce a weekly nev/spaper and in ore'er to learn the business of successfully and efficiently editing- it, they were enrolled in an English IV Journalism ClaGS, This class was, unfortunately, discontinued last year, but a student-controlled cub class meeting after school under the instruction of a competent State College student teacher took its place. This year the cub class has again been organized and is under the direction of Mr,. Daniel Van Leuv:.n, editor-^in-chief of the State College ^ew£c Now, the Crimson and White is still a student activity and'Tt" is still a medium for student experiment and development in the journalistic field. And the only qualifications one must have for a staff position are: 1- a sincere interest in nev/spaper work, and 2- training in the cub class. The cub class is open to all Senia High students and we eariiestly request all those v/ho have even a faint leaning towards journalism to join the cub class. I love to watch an ostrich fly, Or does an ostrich run? Or maybe it don^t move at all, Oh, boy, ain't v/e got fun? ii young little blade named Fred, Is seldom at all seen in bed^ But dances till morning instead. A fellow that we kiiov; is "witty," Goes chasi.iag all over the city In a little brov/n Oakland so preti;y. If the cops catch him, him we pity' Oh, little boy cute, Come blov/ your fj.ute^ You don*t give a toot For the cop's "tooti-fruit» i^LICE IN WOI-JDERLi.ND I v/onder what my English isjNow should I pass this note to Liz? I v/onder if I can go to sleep, Or will I in my slumber deep Disturb the teacher^s explanations Of Caesar's wars in other nations? I wonder v/hy I'm here at alljI like that boy across the hall J I v/onder what else I can convey In fO'ilish rhymes this lovely day; Nothing at all, my brain replies^ So I'll stop before your interest dies; Or is it that it has already! I guess I'll get a "ccke" from Eddie^ L ' v o l is: FRID..Y NOVST-IBO CEIJ^iSON AND WHITE OLIVE VROVioE ELECTED CAPTAIN OF GIRLS^ VixRSITY''HOCKEY TEAIVI Olive Vroman, »25, was elected captain of the girls' hockey team last v/er^l^-. The other members of the varsity sguad are- Christine Ades, Isahelle BiicLaca, Barbara Birchenough, Elspeth liromm^ Virginia McDermott, Sally Ryan; Doris Shultes, Virginia Sipperley, Alice Wander, Marian Kosbob, Jivjiet Bremer, Frances Bromero Jean Combrinck-Grciiham, Jean Graham, Virginia ilelsey, Betty Boyd, Jane Dorcn, Helen Gibson, Dorothy Hoornbeok. Francos Hoornbeekj Anna Oliver, and Vivian Snyder» Last Saturdt'iy morning at 10s00 "the team met for a practice on the P.-.^g-e Hall campus. The team has had no engagements with other schools so far, but there is a game scheduled for the near fuGurOo SENIORS ELECT i.DES TREASURER FREIHOFER, SERGEaJ\^T-^.T-^.miS Edwih". FreihSfer v/as elected Sergeant—at-arms at the v;eekly meeting of the senior class Thursday in room 336. Christine Ades v^as elected treasurer of the senior class at a class meeting- two weeks ago« * * * * * * * * * * * .j. * >4 : * * 9 * DRIBBLE COLUMi^] * * » ; . * * * * * * * * * * * : ; : * Through the kindness of the faculty v/e are able to have dancing at our basketball games this your. It is only proper that the students of this school should shew their appreciation by c bid ing by all rules set by the 'Bo'f.h^ nth ^ letic Council, v/ho have won us this privilege« If the v/hole school lives up to these rules there v/ill be bet-'.er times for Milnites and their guests v/hc attend the basketball games. The girls, as well as the boys^ of Milne nov/ know that Coach Baker can not only teach but can also sing(?) 0. Jay Smith and Ken(Charley Chase.^ Snov/den are now taking up flute playing for the development of their lurgs^ Keseems to be really gcod(?) at ito - S. B. CH^xTTERTON TREa.SURER-BUS INESS MxJIAGER OF DR-tJvUxTICS CLUB Clarence Chatterton was elec-':o'; treasurer-business manager of the Dt-'-vinatics Club, in full assemblage, at -ch"' regular club period, ll«00o This elecis customary, four senior boys tion was due to the resignation of He'ier^ were elected to act in the capacity of Gibson from that post. Miss Gibson^'s representatives to the Boys* Athletic reason for her decision was tha-;. .she-, Co.i.:v:.ilo The boys selected v/ere Edwin felt she "could net do justice to thd Freihofer, Ganson Taggart, Hov/ard Rosen^/lein, and William Tarbox. This completes work because of other business which claims c.t-cention at the same timeo'' senii!?r class elections for the year® * 1= * * + * * • * + :;< •); * * * * * * * * SOCIETY NOTES * * * * * * SIGM',.: 'Quotations in Sigma meeting vi/ere from Mary Roberts Riiinehartc A llt-ewGnry program v^as given by Dorothy Thompson and Bertha Cummings, Miss Thompson gave a review of her works and Miss Cumrning's gave a brief summary of her life^ Olive Vi'omr.n gave the treasurer's report and Luise Morrison gave a report of the Sigma rush held last Friday in the page KC.11 gym and the fiafelieriao CJJTN: Quotations in Q,uin this week were from modern ^imerican poets» Elsbeth Fromm and Ellen Haskins gave biographies of the lives of Ednti St. Vincent Millay and Nathalia Crane, respectively» the short business meeting, plans for the Q,uin rush party v/ere discussed« .iDELPEOI: There was no literary report at the last Adelphoi meeting. Plans were made for the initiation held November 7. Members in charge of conducting- the initiation were Edwin Blocksidge, Harry Witte, Douglas MacHarg, and Raymond Hotallr]g. T'/zo members of the Intermediate Dramatics section gave trial performances Monday in the contest to enter the lAvanced section, which is now under the supervision of Miss Wheatcn, State College student« Alice V/ander gavo a reading entitled "^^t the Soda Fountain^? by Walter Ben Hare, and V^filliam Crawford cffered an orfeinal selection, a m^nc logue by a prisoner. G..-,Cc TO REIvUJlE ViJ^SITY BLOUSES Six G..A0C0 girls are to make ov the middy blouses bought by last year i.thletic Club for the varsity baskotbal: squads Friday 'the club voted to have r v;eekly program consisting of reports V) various members on v/orld sporting. even. • and sports in general. Barbara Birchenough, vice-presideiit5 has ordered the G . A . C J pins. They cost $1.15, in-;;luc • ing the ovmer's initialsr LE CERCLE FRi.NC.aS Pi.SSES iJvIENDMENT ON m-lBERSH IP Le Cercle Francais unanimously pas:an amendment concerning the French mark members must obtain to stay in the club. The literary program consisted of reading three French poems. FI^IDAY CRIMSON aKD WHITE NOVEMrEE 9 MltKE HIGH SCHOOL EVENTS Date 1934 Kov. 2 Event Plcc(5 Chaperones Sigma Rush Gym Miss Bills Jr. High School Party Recreation Center Drn Frederick M 3 S S Haltor Miss Moo ire Miss Anderson Kovo 9 7»30-11J 30 Sr, High School Party Auditorium Gyiijiasium Mr, Moose Miss Eaton Miss Johnson Miss Shaver Miss Crooks KoVo £3 £-5 ouintillian Rush Deco 13 6:30-11 Rehearsal Auditorium Miss CorJclin Dec, 3.7 Plays Auditorium Miss Ccnklin Sr. High School Party Recreation Center Drc Frederick Miss Wheeling Miss CushiiTg Miss Conklin Jan. £5 7:30-11 Jr« High School Party Gymnas ium Mr. Rfiymond Miss Halter Mrs, Barsam Miss Moore Fel), 7 Q,uin Initiation Room 336 Miss Johnson Miss Shaver Febo 8 2-5 Sigma Initiation Room 336 Miss Crocks Miss Cusliing Feb. 9 8-11;30 Sigma-Quin Dance Recreation Center Mr. Raymond Miss Martin Miss Bills Miss Anderson Miss Hitchcock March 22 8-10 P. M. Prizo Speaking i:Uditorium Miss Conlclin May 3 8-11:30 Q. T, S. A, Dance ByninGsium.-. Mr. Moose Miss Moore Miss fvmith Miss Hitchcock May 15 Society Day Auditorium Miss Conklin Dro Frederick May 24 7:30-11 Jrc High School Party Gymnasium Miss Halter Miss Fillingham Miss Eaton June 14 e-10 P. M. Class Day Auditorium Miss V.'heeling- June 1 School Excursion Boat Dr, Frederick Miss Smith Miss Martin Miss Halter Mr. Raymond Miss Bills Kovc 2 7g30-ll Mrs, Barsam Miss V/bee]ing 6i30-^ll 1935 Jeja, 18 8-11:30 2-^4