CRIMSON AND WHITE ALBANY. N. Y. FRIDAY, J U N E 2, 1939 THE V O L U M E IX CHARUS CROSS M i L N E JUNIOR N E W S WINS # PRESIDENCY COUI^TCIL •BIiE02iI«'I£EID) Charles Cross, '43,of Homeroom 135, v/as elected president of Junior High Student Council for the 1939-40 term, on l/ednesday aftornoon,f61iowlng a joint assembly in the Auditorium, v^hich vras in the form of an election rally, with the candidates and their managers speaking. Others in the contest were William Soper Raymond Stidaiey and Benjamin Van Acker, * DE. FEEDERICK SAYS— # * # * # * # * # * 5In the''spring, things change, and the change is not always for the "better^ Of course the flov/ers grow, "but the v/eeds also grow, ITothing in this v;orld is all good or all had, not even spring or medicine. How we use or care for ourselves, o.ttr "bikes, or our chance to learn determines whether v;e gain or lose, # * # * # * # # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * # * I do not want to make this spring iQGssage a sermon, "but I v/ould Jus-t like to remind you that most things can he good or had, and that goes for examinations. Exams can "be "beneficial if they are used to help you fill in the gaps in your learning, and if they help you to understand better what you liave "been studying all year. Exams can "be had if they stimulate you to nervougness and fear, Practice looking on exams as an oxDportunity to further your education. Believe it or not, they are designed to help you here at Milne, not to make life hard for you. Good luck and a pleasant summer to you. all," Dri.Frederick # * # * # * # * # * # * # * ^ * # NUMBER 25 .. # # S C H O O L *** * * # * BEOTESR OF Mlim. STIKBxlVISOR, SPEAKS AT ASSEKBLY On Monday afternoon in assembly Mr, Jack Taylor, "brother of Mr. Wallace Taylor, Milne supervisor, was introduced to the Junior High School hy Dr. Frederick. Mr, Taylor, a native of Kansas, teaches speech, directs plays, and coaches debate in the town of Paola. Among the many poems and pieces of prose v/hich Ilr, Taylor read, the finale of the program, "The Shooting of Jack McG-rew,^^ was enjoyed most hy the audience, Miss Christine Ades, of State College, assisted at the piano v/ith this number, Mr, Taylor, visiting his brother, plans to stay in Albany another week, before travelling back to Kansas. DHAMATICS CL'OB PRESENTS COMEDY; MILKE ORCHESTRA PLAYS AT ASSEICBLY At assembly Monday, May 29, the Junior High School Dramatics Club presented its bi-annual play, Rcfimd, a comedy., v;hich vjas enjoyed immensely by the vjhole audience. The play was directed by Miss Mary G-enova of State College, Before and after the presentation, the Milne Junior High Orchestra played, under the direction of Dr, Carleton Moose. The members of the orchestra are Don Faucault, Geraldine Paul,^ Walter Griggs, Fred Detvriler, Stanley Ball, Walter Fr^denburgh, William Long, Claude Wogner,George Gordon,and Richard Gundel, Their closing selections were "On, Milne High School" and "On, Wisconsin." The audience accompanied the orchestra by singing "On, Milne High School." REGAN ADDRESSES NEWSPAPER CLTB Fred C. Regan, co-editor-in-chief of the Senior Crimson and I'/hite, addressed the Junior High Nev/spaper Club at its last meeting on Thursday, June 1, His topic was "Essentials of Good Journalism. " Regan included in his talk a history of the Crimson and White, and illustrated it with older copies of the paper nnd v;ith the trophies which .-the publication has v/on. Fred ha,s been very helpful to the Junior High Crimson and White staff in offering suggestions, helping v/ith mimeographing, and giving confidence to the staff. J'miOR CRIMSOivT A m JITxTT.: 9, 1939 PAGE 2 WHITE LIBRAP:t..EECSIVES I W BOOKS RAl^LING AROIIfn) VnTlI THE CLuB The li'brary has purcliassd sevoral nev/ "books which are novr rnad}'' for circulaticn, Among them nro Albevt Pays on Tei-huxio's A Book of , vrhj oh j.3 a gi-eat fL-.voritc, a i ; e r Aidrich- G Intern In fio^ H-r.d' vop-ols^v wi"^'!: girls', I'he o'^hb:;- 'b'-yO's-o arG..'as follows : Luc OS, J, M.-. ...The Earth Cha.nges Leraos, J . Nev; Ideas in W o o d c r a f t Call and Vanotte......The Art of Pottery Moses, M, T,, ,A Treasury'of H a y s for Children Johnson, Burgess, the Essay Roberts, Kenneth Eahhle in Arms G-illum, L. eaEood Studies Charahers, Rohert, The Book of Days Johnson, Ov.fen,.. .Stover at Yale Lane, E. H, .Nancy Stair Everson and P o v / e r . E a r l y Days in Ohio Plutarchus ^ . Plutfr.rch's Lives 3elarico,DaTj:d«i.cfr'iie Return of Peter Grimm Mitohcll, So V; «Hugh Wynne Vr.ite^ E, L. Andiuius Hedulia ::roc.lonan, i-Iarj^, "What Is She Like? Moses, M, T ,,Another Treasury of Plavs for Children Lisle, Clifton,.Hj6"bnaiIs cud Hcatiior Cole, A, G,»,®The Irrepressible Conflict Kunitx,Ei^O".i>.American Authors, 1600-1900 EXAM SCIGDULS ?0R VTII X m 8TH C-BADES a-KuRSDAY. JUNE 15 9:00 I^themati cs., 10:00—-English,.., .123, 11:00—Gen, Scicnce, .123, 7-2 124, 124, 124, 7-3 126, 126, 126, 7-4 135. 135. 135. 8-1 FRIDAY, JUL® 16 9:00 ifethemati cs,..123, .135, 10:00—."Snglish .123, 11:00— 8-2 124, 123, 124, 8-3 126, 124, 126, 8-4 135. 126. 135. The examinations in Art, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Commerce, Social Studies and 8th Grade Science • M i l be hold during the last class period, The last classes of the 7th and 8th grades v/ill meet Wednesday, June 14, Tho 3 e snc c G s a f ul iV L ob '" '^G a profit of about thrive dollars on their tea dance, and arc uow plai>ning ^-c give theinsoives a paroy vibh ic, Thoy arc making scrapbcoks to be sent bo tho children in the hospitals, ^ypi^g c^s ^ for their practice and skill throughout the semester recently had a race. The L, 0, team composed of Jean Dorsey, Jane Florence H o m e , Jean Obenous, and Arthur Baskin, raced against the Smith team, which had Betty Baskin, Norice Foster, Stanley Heidenreich, Harry Moshor, and Esther Wykes. The L.C, Team won 11 to 8, The Dancing ^11 club is planning a party \nth the Dancing I club, to be held in the near future, CirlsV Sport Club and Boys S-port Club played tennis and baseball out in front of the school. The Boys Cocking Club, vrhich lias recently docrea.sBdy due to the many baseball enthusiasts, mc'ide chocolate cupcakes l a s t week, and as we had a sample, vro can safely say they v;ere one of the best things made all year. The Girls' n.nd Boys' '"Spoi^ts..• ..ClTibs had a very exciting bascuall game. There v/ere two casualcios. One proved to be very serious^ Ethel Baldwin and Harry Culp ran into each other trying to catch a fly. Ethel is now in the ho.spital v/ith a broken collar bone, and Harry is unhnrmed, I'm sure we all hope she gets well very soon. The softball v/ent "smack" into George Edick's eye. Aside from the casualties, the game went v/ell. The score was 13-4 v/ith June-s team winning. 1 I I T I I f t PICTURE WILL kYFRkR ITS "IJIAP-BOOU. Tbr ALL STUDENTS MILNE HIGH SCHOOL ALBAOT, NEW YORK FINAL EXAMINATIONS COMING SOOH STOP PAY ATTENTION ST:3P DON^T DAWDLE IN CLASS STOP IfASTING Til® STjp DCE'T STOP STUDYING I I .JUNIOR HIGH U N I O N I I I The ninth grade schedule is listod in t;io Senior High section of the Crimson and Vfliite* W E S T E R N ^ I There vdll bo no school for the 8th grade on Thursday, June 15 and for the 7th grade on Friday, June 16, KEPORT^RS . SIGNED VOICE OF EXPERIENCE I GT^iTb'.liimH ri-Rjjy^ VICTORS OVER HIN5&H j,.^cturo of the Junior a pi Thursday/, May 25, on the campus lawn White staff will appear ihiigh Criin!.pn a the 7A team boat Miriam Boice's ^tcam, 9A. fcime- ir) Zit cks and '"vy , fcr the first Witn Emily Phillips and Helen Peterson The ;it-»-ff V')ted to tfis senior y e a r b o o k taking turns in the pitcher's mound, tho rjy'G of '.'his pic:ont rib 'it:o t ovrard seventh grade managed to scoop up a score unro in one of the recer. ' n^^v/spapsr club of V to 4, The ninl»h grade pnt/.u-o a fine ine91 i ng p, i I t he pap e i' ca lixi o t p.:iy i t. fight af'v.wjst tho team that is the topiankir.,g ono of r.he Junior High. This y e a r ,, i 'V0\OYY>e \X/A/ui^ber ? 5 1 E D I T O R I A L r STAFF riie mimeographors hvive actn^illy cleaned the mliijeoe-jmph I .''he Print Shop is U^JO more ''hoadn,'^hn clubs a-u aborJ: to a d , ; ] f o r the yoarCoi'riiiB v/a^'ls tjio Oji-ih retired^ DeBichai'd li^toes p^d J no nev/s, as all suShi r J. ev G:i:"a\;d ptji7'.f;vrs ai'c; busy rivtking out tes'os-, The Ifciej, Vvblch Feabure Editors have completely run out lTa'wa].io Mann of ideas „ The staj^llng machines are Ilsg fljir.lng empby, and the earj.3'-~bird staplers are ShiriUy j-'v^jKviil too busy to reload thom, Alice Var. -(•-cv. o I^Jc I Elsa ijttron The DOor editors are actually o^t Ilort on £ i/art z of work, to say nothing of news, / Bert Fr-j edraan Sal ly Hint With a happy summer ahead of us (followrlng the exams) wo of the C & IF PRis cilia Snith Russell I'anf^v.'ig close with hopes of a better paper next Lois Ambler yCciT, and with good luck and best v;ishos Marilyn Potter to you all I .James McClure Miriam and Bob Bruce Hansen Charles Hopkins cJune Welsh Arthur Summers * I.ETT?J:RS TO THE EDITORS * M„ Bis-siiaimer G-r e t chen Phi ], lips lU Schifferdecker Editors, Crimson and V/hite: D. Amn eijliaus e r Jack Oasner I took the fact into consideration Lois Burcli that this is the last issue of yovT pa..Miss ¥at e rbury per, and realized that I v/anted to be present vath you againo Editore.-Lr.--?:chiej: Miriam Boice Robert Xo'tin S/.^lfiy Associate Editors Feature Editors Art Edi t or s Department Edit ors Sp or t s Edi tors, Club Reporters, Mimeographers Reporters, Fa cul ty Advi s o r GOOD LUCK I In Mis s Wat erbury's departure, Milne is losing one of its friendliest and most helpfu]. supervisors. She has taken charge of our assembly programs, sirncrvised the Junior High and l^'-lped us to enjoy Sh-i is always v/illing to give assistance tf, anyone, Throughout the year, she has beer (.^ne of o-fjr most popular faculwy membe:; 3, This v/oek I v/ant to call to the attention of 3'ou and your readers, the two pictures v/hich have recently played at the Strand Theatre, The first, Hose of Sqiggore, is the storj'" of a young, pretty girl (Alice Faye) v/ho, while trying to crash the stage v/ith a blackface comic (A1 Jolson), falls desperate] y in love with a liandsomo young thief (Tyrone Power). The plot thickens v;hen Power is accused of a large robbery v/ith the rest of a g m g , and is released from prison on bail, then escapes, and practically breaks his wif6*s (Alice Faye's) heart. Mr, I'/arren Densmore, v^ho was gradUL^te'X from bt^.to CoJ.lege in 1938, will trjio liiss '".Vv-erbury' s place, I'/liile at St'.i , ho wa'j x^^'6sident of the Student A,;socdatio.] and a m.ember of Myskania, SL):oior honorary society. He also taught tvf-'lf'li year Bnglish during the first seiKBster of hir. senior yoaro At present he. teaching in Iclip, Hovr York, ''.'hen Soptomber rolls around-, vie shall be looking forv/ard to meeting him again. To Hiss Kitei-b-iUT, we wish much succefis and iL^.x^pinesK.-——ALWAYS, -- - / '• • v / iVN ^ ) /r /-.' v^. \ " y-ir Second of Libervv, c'.\ or ' picture on the list is Sons a Warner Brothers Techniwit h Claude i'iains, "-Gale Ko?it?.gue Love, Henry o- opac:..: -vi:., an:' an excellent supporting ca. I. ' is the story of Haym Sc]cm:):3. a patriot who did much to help ci.LC Juvo'.'.ution, both financially ard spiritu^til;y. Be SlITO and see both of these pictures when "hey play at your neighborhood t]io;itrc, X'• ."C - V • /. v w v / o v - / : '' The picture is ably directed by Gregory Rat off, and is filled v/ith songs of yesterda;^' which bring back memories to many of our fathers and mothers. A1 Jolson is excellent in the shov/j singing as ho used to, with a blackenod faco, "Ma.mmy I " Vi.'^.RS Vi Oly ; Sco you all next fall I As over, Tha"' Same Critic i \ ''ih X1 - 4 1:11 li tj Cp.q 1 t'. .SONG- TITL.-R]S; m m m ^ Airo' CAIOYI East Side of Heavon,.. .Milno Iligli,School OJR TJOVG, , O -Cahtage to the Miine students for Mor '. 1 o Sv/n R t % thi?ir very poor sui^port at our ganie \;ith Clraci: C-oss Hoavon Can V/ait^ Lois Ai^Jblor ApA the rinf^olr Sing,...c. I^l-^t li^.m Little Sir rijcnoi. . . OJTU CO and V/. I'he Lady's Ii:. Love !'/ith You, c Cbicl: Cross You C a n H Take 'J'hat Avja:' i'nm Mo Jorm Dyor to Joo Hunting Three Little Fishes ^ c - . Resign Mann Ino'z 17a rs haw Anna Jane Rockenistyre F'HOM JOS mmiTz^s \X/ A/vVv^ber 2b Albany High. - -Candy to all those "Junior Eigh-ers" v;ho cux^ported the Junior Class' Travel Eop. Candy to Glenna Adelphoi." Smith for "joining . Caohage to all those pessimists v;ho predicted "had, rainy weather on movingup day." D m Y - (vrook of Hay 2^-25) Monday: Candy to Johnny Poole for the sv;cll joh he has done as president of Junior High Ctudent Council, Asscui'bJ.y tcday Junior High Dramatics a swell play: Kofund, ITo sonool tonorrov/1 Candy to Bruce Clements, ^40,for his fine cooperation with the Junior Crimson and White, Tj.osday: Candy to Ellen "Ml"bach and Miriam Boice for missing lunch last week Thursday in order to vrork on the Crimson and White» Memorial day I S.lept this morning-and how ^ i Y.env evimraing this aftorucjon a'i Kid~Ci,.chc Ciaw a lot of Kiltites thoro„ Boo Clairko^s nev; 'Dathia£' srlt certainly is spiffyl (or isn't that the v/ord? ) Wednesday; Scamo old grind toda:/. Took a look at +ho?.e "hand-.nadG'' pinliole camoras that the ninth grace general science made. They tnke swell picturcs« Candy^ At this time tho ,staff.of the Junior Crimson and White wishes "to th'ink j--.3tino Hermann,Bernice Moshey and !3dgar 0-"flora, titrate College seniors, for their in7alualDJ.e v/ork as directors of the Howspaper Cluh, Without their assistance v/e would have been una"blc to publish the pr..por., 'Gl-rateful acknovrledgment is also duo Miss Burnice Duell, State '42, who served as typist for the paper. Thursday; trst meeting ^.Ejy of all Junior High clul'S., G-oolhye until next ]?all I -oL/ay: Boyy v/hat a v/eek I Sn'/r am glad it overe '.>'auge CoL'-ncil Loy are havlr.thoir annual Ca'^^pcree OTer the v/ocknidc '^ will "bo quite well i;oprosGn'^e-do Vnll. goodhye. Dear Diary, I'll "be v/ith you again suon i As ever, JOS. —"^a. b?>.ra Piiyi^.ol.I. r r.c^lTfid .a werd of DO YOU LIKE THE LIKEHB3SS? Andy Divine Chamberlain, G-reta Qarbo, Tarzan» Hitler^. Rip Van V/inkle Betty Boopo Sui t case Si'Ups on Mickey Mouao Baby Snooks.. Daniel Cupid Slierlock Holmes Richiird Groen Heciy I'a M-arT. Mi -ikcy Rjoncy. L'OV/GI „ C R. Clinon '<uh:;::ee. Gracic >-11 on, '-'-"i Noel C o \ d Russell Langwig .Teddy De. Moss .Ruth Sal'ter Billy Hallerabeck Ben Van Acker ,,,»Ed Mooney Inez Warshaw Chuck Cross Henry C^penheim Mortie Swartz ..George Edick Stanley Ball .Joey Hunting .Glenna Smith .:3ill Soper Casner and Bates Bob Kohn Laura Fay Dancy Tommy Dyer Tom McCracken grectixig Iron; Bil., McG-rogor, o ••'•3-'.cm":a 3i'uth lost her Adelphoi pin. ."7 —7 .t l oi''. Ilor't on had jo3nod. trjc. Albaiiy 111 5-i B-irl o.:. t'l.j.i.i ti'J.Y) to the ITevr "iork yii]^ v/asn't oasnful v/hon ho hr 0 L:.-! p.l<u"v;uc -akon. (lie wasn't the o~. 1/ NKr-HT" BtfOKE t:xpNK\», r-' FlOi-E <j. a H D WKITIE . A i K L \ \ 1 A/ I L L o U i:: i fSK'i j! M Un e "o+u 6 e ^ ^J g Con O ^ e n / y / ^ o o n I m / I R A 1 v^ — X c c^ i ^ ---TVOi-v ' Pla' j O oe To" ^Cuy-Siorv b e u n e lo