ARTICLE I. NAME The name of the association shall be the Oak Park Home and School Association. Oak Park Home and School Association is a chapter of the North Penn School District Coordinating Council, Inc., established pursuant to the Pennsylvania NonProfit Corporation Law, Section 5511. To the extent the provisions of this chapter’s By-Laws conflict with the dissolution, purpose, or financial reporting requirements set forth in the Coordinating Council By-Laws, the provisions of the Coordinating Council By-Laws shall prevail. ARTICLE II. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the association shall be: 1. To promote and to assist in the welfare of our children in the home, community, and in the school. 2. To provide a forum for the free exchange of ideas and discussion of matters of mutual concern between home and school. 3. To provide additional activities and equipment for the enrichment of the school program. 4. To strive for total communication between administration, staff, parents, and students. 5. To raise funds to provide educational enrichment, socialization and physical development for the children in addition to that which is provided by the school. 6. To promote the advocacy of educational purposes and the support of educational institutions within the community so long as such advocacy and such institutions comply with the requirements for exempt organizations under Section 501c of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. ARTICLE III. POLICIES 1. The purpose of this association shall be educational and the support of educational objectives in the community. These objectives shall be developed through meetings, committees, and projects conducted by the Association. 2. The Association shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and nonpolitical. The name of the Association or the names of any member in their official capacity shall not be used in any connection with a 1 commercial concern or with any partisan interest of or for any other purpose than the regular work of the Association. 3. This Association shall not seek to direct or control the administrative policies of the school. 4. This Association may cooperate with other organizations in child welfare, providing its representative’s make no commitments to bind the group without its consent. 5. This Association is intended to function as an institution of purely public charity within the community. In the event of the dissolution of this Association, the assets will be distributed in accordance with paragraph 11 of the Articles of Incorporation of this Association in a manner determined by the Executive Board to so comply with those provisions. ARTICLE IV. FISCAL YEAR 1. The fiscal year of the Association will begin July 1st and end June 30th of each year. ARTICLE V. FINANCE 1. A proposed annual budget of estimated income and expenses.The incoming Executive Board prior to the September Association meeting should prepare income and expenses and a statement of financial position showing assets and liabilities of the Association. 2. The Bookkeeping Treasurer at the October Association’s meeting shall present the proposed annual budget and statement of financial position to the Association’s general membership. 3. At the same time, the proposed annual budget of estimated income and expenses are prepared and submitted along with the statement of financial position as described above, the Executive Board shall also prepare a statement of income and expenses. The statement of income and expenses shall show results of all fundraising activities and expenditures for the prior fiscal year. The statement of income and expenses shall also be distributed to the parents of the student population and general membership of the Association with the other financial information described above. 2 4. The Executive Board shall cause the Association to file reports and registration forms that may be required annually or otherwise by any federal, state, or local government agency and shall be authorized to hire accountants or other professional personnel as the Executive Board deems necessary and competent for this purpose. ARTICLE VI. DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD The duties of the Executive Board shall be as follows: 1. To provide vision and leadership. 2. To conduct necessary business between Association meetings. 3. To assist and support committee chairpersons and members. 4. To appoint a chairperson of the nominating committee. 5. To monitor the Association finances and to authorize non-budget expenses up to $200.00, per request. ARTICLE VII. OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS 1. The executive officers of the Association shall be President or CoPresidents, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Bookkeeping Treasurer, Ways and Means Treasurer, and Activity Coordinator. 2. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed no later than December 31st of the current year. 3. The Nominating Committee shall present the names of two or more nominees for each office where possible and written notice shall be sent home by mail prior to the elections. 4. Nominations for President/Co-Presidents shall be serving member(s) of the General Board for at least one school year. 5. Additional nominations shall be made by the general membership at the spring meeting. 6. Elections shall be conducted by ballot if more than one candidate is nominated for office. 3 7. Written/verbal consent of each candidate must be received before his/her name is placed in nomination. 8. Elections shall be held in the spring. 9. Vacancies- if any vacancy shall occur in the office of President, the Vice President shall fill in the vacancy of the office of President until the end of the term. In the event of Co-Presidents, the remaining Co-President shall fill in the vacancy until the end of the term. All other vacancies in office shall be appointed by the President/ Co-President for the balance of the term with the approval of the General Board. ARTICLE VIII. DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS The duties of the officers shall begin at the start of the Fiscal year, July 1st. 1. President/ Co-Presidents: a. Is a member of the Executive Board and has one vote. b. Shall preside at General Home and School Meetings and at Board Meetings. c. Shall work to prepare an agenda and have approval of the Principal for the monthly meetings and rescheduling of meetings or times of meetings. d. Shall attend the district elementary president’s meetings. e. Shall perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office. f. Shall assist in the appointing of committee chairpersons. g. Shall coordinate together with the Activity Coordinator, a Chairpersons Meeting in September. h. Shall serve in the advisory capacity to the successor the following year. i. Shall attend all Executive Board Meetings and eligible to vote. j. May co-sign checks. k. Shall work with the Principal to prepare a calendar of events for the school year to be submitted to the district for printing on the district calendar. l. Shall appoint members to the By-Laws Committee. m. Shall prepare a budget with other executive officers and the Principal. 2. The Vice President: a. Is a member of the Executive Board and has one vote. b. Shall act as an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President, in the absence of that officer. c. Shall attend all General Board Meetings. d. May co-sign checks. 4 e. Shall serve as Welcoming Committee Chairperson to new families by preparing and distributing Oak Park information packets to each new family through the office. f. Shall prepare a budget with other executive officers and the Principal. 3. Recording Secretary: a. Is a member of the Executive Board and has one vote. b. Shall attend and record all of the minutes of all meetings of the Home and School and of the general board and present them at the proper time. c. Shall make approved minutes available to all Oak Park Families. d. Shall keep minutes of all meetings. e. Shall keep a book of all minutes, Treasurer’s reports and agendas from each meeting. f. Shall prepare the budget with other executive officers and the Principal. 4. Corresponding Secretary: a. Is a member of the Executive Board and has one vote. b. Shall attempt to attend all general board meetings. c. Shall notify all Oak Park Families of upcoming general board meetings. d. Shall notify Hospitality Volunteers each month. e. Shall be Sunshine Person. f. Shall act as a liaison with the Web Master. 5. Bookkeeping Treasurer: a. Is a member of the Executive Board and has one vote. b. Shall work closely with the Ways and Means Treasurer. c. Shall have custody of all funds of the Association. d. Shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures. e. Shall make disbursements approved by the General Board or Executive Board. f. Shall prepare annual budget to be approved by the October meeting of the current school year. g. Shall have a surplus of $3,000.00 in the account at the end of the school year. h. Shall work with the person assigned by the Coordinating Council to do an annual audit in August. Arrange for or prepare for all filings and reports to be completed in Article VI. of these By-Laws. i. Shall work with chairpersons to set up cash boxes, change, and reimbursements inclusive of breakdown of counting funds. j. Can maintain a petty cash fund for the school store, general start up $50. k. May co-sign checks. l. Shall prepare budget with other executive officers and Principal. 5 m. Work with Cultural Affairs Correlate for disbursement of assembly checks. 6. Ways and Means Treasurer: a. Is a member of the Executive Board and has one vote. b. Shall keep in close contact with the Bookkeeping Treasurer. c. Assist in setting up cash boxes and change for events and handles Cash Box Sheet. d. Shall work with chairpersons to work out counting and depositing as agreed upon. e. Work closely with fundraiser chairperson in counting money. f. Shall handle the petty cash money when necessary. g. Shall prepare budget with the other executive officers and the Principal. 7. Activity Coordinator Director: a. Is a member of the Executive Board and has one vote. b. Shall attend meetings for activity planning or get immediate follow-up. c. Prepare a letter to go home twice a year (September and Third Marking Period) which lists all activities, dates and return portion indicating the person who is to receive the information back. Submit the letter to the Vice President/President or Co-Presidents by date requested. d. Will disseminate all volunteer names to individual chairpersons prior to the event. e. Any changes or additions to the school calendar must be communicated to the district building (ESC). School calendars are published in August prior to the start of the school year. This will then be communicated to the NPTV channel as well. f. Shall apply for all contracts for our school activities in June of the previous year. g. Shall be a resource person and follow-up person for all chairpersons. h. Shall coordinate together with the President/ Co-Presidents, a Chairpersons Meeting in September. i. Shall act as a liaison with the Web Master. j. Shall attend monthly board meetings. k. Shall maintain the Activity Log Report. ARTICLE IX: COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS 1. The chairperson of a committee shall be selected by the newly elected President/Co-Presidents or Activity Coordinator Director or volunteer at the annual planning meeting held in the spring. 6 2. The chairperson of each committee shall present a complete plan of work to the Activity Coordinator Director and the Home and School Association. 3. All committee chairpersons should fill out an Activity Log Report at the conclusion of each event. ARTICLE X. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: A special committee may be appointed by the President/Co-Presidents to perform functions, and shall serve until the purpose for which they are appointed has been fulfilled or until such committees are dissolved. ARTICLE XI. GENERAL BOARD 1. Members a. Executive Board b. Principal c. Teachers selected by the staff to act as the Teacher’s Representative. d. Coordinating Council Representative(s) i. This is an elected position. Elections for this position are held in the spring along with the Executive Board. ii. Two representatives shall be responsible for attending or notifying the alternate to attend all Coordinating Council meetings, ad report pertinent information at the monthly general meeting. e. Home Room Parent Coordinators i. This is an elected position. Elections for this position are held in the spring along with the Executive Board. ii. Two coordinators – one for upper classrooms 4-6 and one for lower classrooms K-3. iii. Shall secure two (2) Co-Homeroom Parents for each classroom. iv. Shall conduct a Homeroom Parent meeting in the fall. v. Shall check monthly with the office for new families entering Oak Park Elementary and reporting this information to the Membership Coordinator. This information will consist of new families’ names (parent & child) and phone numbers. f. Volunteer Coordinators (2) i. This is an elected position. Elections for this position are held in the spring along with the Executive Board. 7 ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Shall work with the staff to determine their needs to recruit volunteers. Shall keep records of volunteers’ names, addresses, hours and keep TB records, information, and evaluate each spring. Shall be a liaison between the volunteers and the district/home/school/community relationship. Shall run the School Store, order for and staff the store. Shall keep inventory of the Home and School closet. ARTICLE XII. VOTING 1. In order to vote on any issue at general meetings there must be at least 50% of the Executive Officers present and majority rules. 2. In the event decisions must be made prior to the next general meeting, the President/Co-Presidents will call for a vote of the Executive Board. a. Majority vote rules. b. Any decision must be discussed at the next general board meeting. 3. In the event an expenditure has to be made prior to the next general board meeting, the President/Co-Presidents have the authority to authorize expenditures of $200.00 maximum without the consent of the Executive Board members. ARTICLE XIII. AMENDMENTS 1. The By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by the majority vote of the member’s present provided notice of the proposed amendment and it’s content has been included in a written notice at the preceding general meeting. 2. The By-Laws shall be reviewed every two and one half years. This special committee, consisting of at least one Executive Board member, is for the purpose of making any necessary revisions. This committee shall be dissolved upon completion and approval of the committee’s recommendations by the board and general membership. 8 9