SYLLABUS Outcome Based Education Curricula (for the Academic year 2015 – 2016)

(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU)
Outcome Based Education Curricula
(for the Academic year 2015 – 2016)
V &VI Semester B. E.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT) was started in 1962 by the late Dr. M.S.
Ramaiah, our Founder Chairman who was a renowned visionary, philanthropist, and a
pioneer in creating several landmark infrastructure projects in India. Noticing the
shortage of talented engineering professionals required to build a modern India, Dr. M.S.
Ramaiah envisioned MSRIT as an institute of excellence imparting quality and affordable
education. Part of Gokula Education Foundation, MSRIT has grown over the years with
significant contributions from various professionals in different capacities, ably led by
Dr. M.S. Ramaiah himself, whose personal commitment has seen the institution through
its formative years. Today, MSRIT stands tall as one of India’s finest names in
Engineering Education and has produced around 35,000 engineering professionals who
occupy responsible positions across the globe.
About the Department:
The department was started in the year 1962 along with the establishment of the college.
It was offering undergraduate program till 2003. In 2003 the Dept. was recognized as a
Research Centre by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum and started
offering Ph.D. and M.Sc. (Engg.) programs. In 2004 the Dept. started to offer PG
program in Computer Applications in Industrial Drives.
The department has 18 well-qualified faculty members. The entire faculty holds
postgraduate degree in either Power Systems / Power Electronics. Four of the faculty are
doctorates. Dr. Premila Manohar is Ph.D in HVDC transmission (from HVE, IISc.,
1991), Dr. Sanjaya Lakshiminarayan is doctorate in Power Electronics & Drives (from
CEDT, IISc., 2007), Dr. Pradipkumar Dixit is specialized in High Voltage Engineering
(Ph. D from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, 2009) and
Dr.T.V.Snehaprapha is Ph.D in Power Electronics & Drives (from JNTU, Hyderabad,
2015). In addition, Dr. G. R. Nagabhushana, with a long record of service (Retired
Professor from HVE, IISc., Bangalore) is with the department as Professor Emeritus.
Name of Faculty
Dr. G. R. Nagabhushana
B.Sc., B.E., M.E., Ph.D
Professor Emeritus
Faculty Identified for Under Graduate
Dr.Premila Manohar
M. E., Ph.D (IISc)
Professor & Head
Sri.T.G.Giri Kumar
M. E.
Associate Professor
Smt. K.N. Prasanna
M. E.
Associate Professor
Dr. Pradipkumar Dixit
M. Tech., Ph.D
Associate Professor
Sri.C.Ravindra Kumar
M. E.
Assistant Professor
Sri.Victor George
A.M.I.E., M.Tech. (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor
Sri.Vinayaka V Rao
M. Tech., (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor
M. Tech., (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor
Sri.K.Ramakrishna Murthy
M. Tech., (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor
Smt. Kusumika Krori Dutta
M.Sc (Engg.).
Assistant Professor
Sri.Narsimpur Tushar Suresh
M. Tech.
Assistant Professor
Smt. Archana Diwakar
M. Tech.
Assistant Professor
Smt. Aruba Rajan
M. Tech.
Assistant Professor
Sri. Gurunayk Nayak
Assistant Professor
Faculty Identified for Post Graduate
M. E.,Ph.D
Associate Professor
Dr. Sanjay Lakshminarayanan
M.Sc(Engg.)., Ph.D
Associate Professor
Sri.Kodeeswara Kumaran
M. Tech., (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor
Vision and Mission
The Vision of MSRIT: To evolve into an autonomous institution of international standards for
imparting quality technical education
Mission: MSRIT shall deliver global quality technical education by nurturing a conducive
learning environment for a better tomorrow through continuous improvement and customization.
Quality Policy
“We at M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore strive to deliver comprehensive,
continually enhanced, global quality technical and management education through an established
Quality Management system Complemented by the Synergistic interaction of the stake holders
The Vision of the Department: To excel in engineering education and research, inculcating
professional ethics in students and emerge as a leaders in the country in the field of electrical &
electronics engineering
Mission of the Department: The mission of the department is to produce graduates who are
capable of taking leadership positions. Our graduates:
 Understand the basic principles of modern electrical & electronics technology
 Are able to apply their knowledge to solve problems arising in whatever career path they
 Are sensitive to societal issues and are committed to professional ethics.
Process of deriving the vision and mission of the department
Process of deriving the vision and mission of the department is shown in Figure below
Institute’s Vision &
Vision &
Mission of the
Department by
the committee
Periodic Review
Process of Deriving the Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Department Vision
& Mission
Institute Vision &
Committee formation and preparation of questionnaire
Conduction of Survey
PG faculty
Collect data
(Department Committee)
Deliberate, Analyze and
summarize the data
(Board of Studies)
Academic Council&
Governing Council
Accept & Approve
PEOs of the program
PEO 1: Produce graduates who will have the ability to apply the knowledge of basic
sciences engineering sciences and electrical engineering to excel in professional career.
PEO 2: Produce graduates who will continue to enhance their knowledge.
PEO 3: Produce graduates who are confident to take up diverse career paths.
PEO 4: Produce graduates who will provide leadership and demonstrate the importance
of professional integrity.
Process of deriving the Programme Outcomes (POs)
The Programme outcomes are defined taking into account the feedback received from
faculty, alumni, Industry and also from guidelines put across by regulatory/professional
bodies and graduate attributes which are in line with programme educational objectives.
The following figure indicates the information flow.
Department Vision and
Institute Vision and Mission
Programme Educational
Graduate Attributes
Programme Outcomes
Regulatory bodies such
Professional bodies such
PO’s of the program offered
a. Foundation: understanding of the fundamentals of science and engineering, and the ability
to apply them.
b. Experimentation and Data Analysis: ability to design andconduct experiment as well as to
organize, analyze and interpret data.
c. Design: an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired specifications
d. Individual & Team work: ability to work individually and with others professionally and
e. Problem solving: an ability to identify, formulate use modern tools to solve complex
engineering problems.
f. Professional ethics: an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. Communication skills: ability to communicate effectively, orally and through writing.
h. Societal impact: An understanding of the impact of engineering solutions on environment
and society.
i. Curiosity: A desire and ability to engage in lifelong learning.
j. Contemporary issues: Familiarity with current trends in electrical, electronics engineering
and interdisciplinary areas.
k. Depth: develop a passion and in-depth knowledge in a specific area.
l. Leadership: ability to function effectively in a leadership role with respect to the
management and economics of large scale engineering tasks and collaborative
Mapping of PEO’s and PO’s
The correlation between the Programme outcomes and Program Educational objectives
are mapped in the Table shown below:
Correlation between the POs and the PEOs
Programme Educational
a b
Produce graduates who will have
the ability to apply the knowledge
of basic sciences engineering X X
sciences and electrical engineering
to excel in professional career.
Produce graduates who will
their X X
Produce graduates who are
confident to take up diverse career
Produce graduates who will
demonstrate the importance of
professional integrity.
Programme Outcomes
c d e f g h i j
Curriculum breakdown structure:
In accordance with the program criteria set by Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) and the Program Outcomes, the structure of the Electrical Engineering
curriculum is developed such that both breadth and depth are provided across a range of
electrical engineering topics. This is achieved by offering required basic courses and a
wide variety of advanced courses in the area of electrical engineering. The Course code,
Course title, the number of contact hours and the number of credits for each course are
given in the following table. The courses are grouped in line with the major components
of the curriculum namely: (i) Mathematics and Basic sciences, (ii) Basic Engineering
courses, (iii) Humanities and Social Sciences, (iv) Professional core courses, (v) Electives
and (vi) industry exposure/internship.
Breakup of Credits for BE Degree Curriculum. (I to VIII Semester)
Project /
HSS - Humanities and Social Sciences
- Basic Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry)
- Engineering Sciences (Materials, Workshop, Drawing, Computers).
PCS - Professional Core Subjects
Prof. Ele - Professional Electives, relevant to the chosen specialization branch.
Other Ele - Elective Subjects, from other technical and / or emerging
subject Areas.
Project / Seminar- Project Work, Seminar and / or Internship in industry
or elsewhere.
Board of Studies for the Period 2015-2017
1. Head of the Department concerned:
Dr. Premila Manohar
2. At least five faculty members at different levels covering different specializations
constituting nominated by the Academic Council
i. Mr. T. G. Giri Kumar
ii. Dr. Pradipkumar Dixit
iii. Mrs. S. Dawnee
iv. Mr. Kodeeswara Kumaran
3. Special invitees
i. Mr. Rohit Chakravarthy, Robert Bosch Engineering & Business Solutions Pvt
ii. Mr. Ravindra. P, AMD India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
iii. Mr Bapiraju J, ABB, GISL, MV Drives, Bangalore
4. Two experts in the subject from outside the college
i. Dr. S. Krishna
Asst. Professor, Dept. of E&EE, IITM, Chennai.
ii. Dr. P. Parthiban,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of E&EE,
NITK, Surathkal, Mangalore.
iii. Prof. T. K. Anantha Kumar
Dept. of E&EE, Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore
5. One expert from outside the college, nominated by the Vice Chancellor
Dr. R. Nagaraja, Director,
Power Research & Development Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.
6. One representative from industry/corporate sector allied area relating to placement
nominated by the Academic Council
Mr. Veerendra Vasam, Innovation Manager, Schneider Electric Co.Pvt. Ltd.,
7. One postgraduate meritorious alumnus to be nominated by the Principal
Mr. Goutham Ramamurthy,
Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.
(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU)
Digital Signal Processing
Electrical & Electronics
Control Systems
Electrical & Electronics
Transmission & Distribution
Electrical & Electronics
Engineering Physics - II
Basic Sciences
Control Systems Lab.
Electrical & Electronics
Circuits & Measurements Lab.
Electrical & Electronics
L : Lecture
T : Tutorial
P : Practical
Digital Signal Processing
Subject Code: EE501
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. Kusumika Krori Dutta
Credit: 3: 1: 0
Contact Hours: 70
Course Objectives:
To understanding of the theory of A/D and D/A signal conversion, digital filtering and
spectral analysis.
To understand the filtering of long sequence and the FFT algorithm for time and
frequency domain.
Experience in the design and implementation of digital filters and spectral
analyzers, and in their application to real signals .
Experience in the design and implementation of IIR filters and spectral analyzers.
To understand the different structures of IIR and FIR filter
Course contents:
Unit I
Basic elements of digital signal processing system , advantages of digital signal
processing over analog signal processing.
Discrete Fourier Transform: Frequency domain sampling, DFT as a linear
transformation, circular convolution, Use of DFT in linear filtering.
Unit II
Filtering of Long Data Sequence: Overlap-save method, Overlap-add method.
Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms : Radix-2 FFT Algorithm, Decimation in time,
Decimation in frequency algorithms.
Unit III
Design of FIR Filters: Introduction to filters, Design of linear phase FIR Filters using
windows - Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning. FIR filter design by frequency sampling
Unit IV
Design of IIR filters from analog filters : IIR Filter design by impulse invariance,
Bilinear transformation.
Characteristics of analog filters (Butterworth and Chebyshev filters) frequency
transformation in analog domain.
Unit V
Structures for FIR filters : Direct form, Linear phase structure , cascade form structure.
Structures of IIR filters : Direct form-I, Direct form-II, Cascade structure, parallel
Text Books:
1. John G Prokis & Dimitris G Manolakis, ‘Digital Signal Processing’, PHI, 3rd Ed,.
2. Monson H. Hayes, ‘Digital Signal Processing’, Schaum’s outlines, TMH, 1999
Reference Books:
1. Alan V. Oppenheim , Ronald W . Schafer, ‘Discrete-Time Signal Processing’,
PHI, 1997.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
1. Analyze the combination of A/D conversion, digital filtering, and D/A conversion
and apply it to filter analog signals. Determine Discrete and Fast Fourier transform.
2. Design FIR filters using the Windowing Method and frequency sampling method.
3. Design IIR filters using different techniques. (PO-c,e)
4. Discover practical DSP applications through the use of Internet and other resources.
Control Systems
Subject Code: EE502
Credit: 3: 1: 0
Prerequisites: Nil
Contact Hours: 70
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. K. N. Prasanna / Sri. Gurunayk Nayak
Course Objectives:
 To introduce modeling and analysis of electrical, electromechanical and mechanical
 To familiarized the students with analytical and graphical techniques to study the
stability of control systems and design the control system.
 To make the students familiar with the time domain and frequency domain analysis.
Course contents:
Unit I
Modeling of Systems: The control system, mathematical models of physical systemsintroduction, differential equations of physical systems, Mechanical systems, Friction,
Translational systems, Rotational systems, Electrical systems, Analogous systems.
Unit II
Block diagram and signal flow graph: To find overall transfer function.
Time response analysis: Standard test signal, unit step response of first and second order
system, time response specifications, time response specifications of second order
systems, steady state errors and error constants.
Unit III
Stability Analysis: Concepts of stability, necessary conditions for stability, Routh Hurwitz criterion, relative stability.
Root Locus Technique: Introduction, Root locus concepts, construction of root loci
Unit IV
Stability in Frequency Domain: Nyquist stability criterion, Polar plot, Correlation
between time and frequency response
Unit V
Frequency Domain Analysis: Introduction, Bode plot, determination of transfer
function, Compensators – lag, lead, lag-lead networks
Test Books :
1. J.Nagrath and M.Gopal, ‘Control Systems Engineering’, New Age International (P)
Ltd., 4th Edition.
Reference Books:
1. K.Ogata, ‘Modern Control Engineering’, Pearson Education Asia/PHI, 4th Edition.
2. Benjamin Kuo, ‘Automatic Control Systems’, PHI, 7th Edition.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students are able to
1. Derive the transfer function and mathematical model of variety of mechanical,
electromechanical systems. (PO-a,e)
2. Analyse the stability of the system through root locus, nyquist, bode plot. (PO-a,c,e)
3. Find the time domain specifications and time response for various inputs. (PO-a,c,e)
4. Identify the need of compensation. (PO-a)
Transmission and Distribution
Subject Code: EE503
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Dr. T. V. Sneha Prabha
Credit: 4: 0: 0
Contact Hours:56
Course Objectives:
To understand the concepts of various methods of transmission and distribution
To analyze the usage of transmission line parameters
To learn the insulation process in overhead lines and underground cables
To make the students understand the basic concepts of transmission networks and
their performance analysis.
Course contents:
Unit I
Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution: Standard Voltages for transmission,
a typical transmission and distribution system, feeders, distributors, and service mains,
Overhead line conductors. Classification of power transmission systems, advantages of
high voltages for transmission, limitations of AC transmission, introduction to HVDC
Mechanical Design of Overhead Lines: Main components of overhead lines, properties
of line conductors, various kinds of line supports, derivation of sag and tension for
overhead lines with level supports, derivation of sag and tension for overhead lines with
unequal supports, effect of wind pressure and ice, numerical problems.
Unit II
Line Parameters: Transmission line constants, resistance of transmission line and skin
effect. Inductance of transmission line, magnetic field intensity inside and outside the
conductor, inductance of a conductor due to internal flux, inductance of a conductor due
to external flux, inductance of single phase two wire line, flux linkages of a single
conductor in a group, inductance of composite conductor lines, inductance of three phase
lines with equilateral and unsymmetrical spacing and transposition, numerical problems.
Capacitance of transmission lines, electric field of a long straight conductor, potential
difference between two points due to a charge, capacitance of single phase system,
potential difference between two conductors in a group of conductors, capacitance of
three phase symmetrically spaced and un-symmetrically spaced conductors, effect of
earth on the capacitance of transmission lines, bundled conductors, numerical problems.
Unit III
Characteristics and performance of power transmission lines: Classification of
transmission lines, definitions of voltage regulation and efficiency, analysis of short
transmission lines, analysis of medium transmission lines - nominal T method, nominal Π
model and end condenser method, analysis of long transmission lines (rigorous method),
ABCD constants for short, medium and long transmission lines, Ferranti effect,
numerical problems.
Unit IV
Insulators: Properties of materials used for insulators, types of insulators, voltage
distribution over a string of insulators, string efficiency, calculation of string efficiency,
methods of improving string efficiency - expression for line to pin capacitor with static
shielding, numerical problems.
Underground cables: Advantages of underground cables over overhead lines, cable
construction, insulation resistance of single core sheathed cable, capacitance of single
core cable, dielectric stress in single core cable, most economical size of a cable, grading
of cables- capacitance grading and inter sheath grading, capacitance of 3 core cable,
numerical problems.
Unit V
Distribution system –general, classification, connection schemes-radial, ring main,
requirements and design considerations.
Dc distribution; types, calculations, uniformly loaded fed at one end, fed at both ends
with equal voltages; fed at both ends-concentrated loading with equal voltages,
AC Distribution:, AC distribution calculations - concentrated loads with pf referred to
RE voltage and pf referred to respective load voltages, numerical problems.
Text books:
1. Soni, Gupta &Bhatnagar, ‘A course in Electrical Power’, Dhanapat and Sons, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. W.D Stevenson, ‘Elements of Power System Analysis’, McGraw Hill International,
2. S.M.Singh, ‘Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution’, Prentice
Hall of India Private Ltd., 2003.
3. J.B.Gupta, ‘A text book of Transmission and Distribution’, S.K.Kataria and Sons,
Course Outcomes:
After the completion the course, the students will be able to
1. Understand transmission and distribution systems and analyse the DC & AC
distributors with different types of loads. (PO-a,d,h)
2. Design mechanical and electrical transmission lines. (PO-a,c)
3. Evaluate the performance of electrical transmission lines. (PO-a,c)
4. Understand the structure, types and design parameters of insulators and underground
cables (PO-a,c)
Engineering Physics – II
Subject Code: PHY50
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Dr. S. Suguna
Credit: 3: 1: 0
Contact Hours: 70
Course Objectives:
The students will
 Learn the operator formalism of quantum mechanics and2. Solve Schrodinger’s
wave equation to step potential, potential barrier and finite potential well.
 Understand the simple K-P model for energy band formation in solids and the
concept of effective mass and apply the concepts of quantum mechanics to semiconductors
 Analyze the function of optoelectronic devices like solar cells, photoconductors,
photodiodes, heterojunction lasers, QWIPs and quantumdot lasers.
 Understand the importance of scaling in mechanical, electrostatic and
electromagnetic domains for functionality in micro regime and Study MEMS
devices like electrostatic actuators, combdrives, and piezoresistive pressure sensors.
 Learn the top down and bottom up approaches for nano fabrication and learn the
basics of nano electronic devices like RTDs, SET, super lattices and learn the basics
of photonic crystals and quantum cellular automata
Course contents:
Unit I
Principles of Quantum mechanics
Uncertainty Principle—Schrodinger’s wave equation—Time dependent and time
independent forms—Operator Formalism--Applications of Schrodinger’s Wave
equation—Electrons in free space—Infinite potential well—Step potential function—
Finite potential well—Potential barrier—Tunnel diode—Josephson Junction.
Unit II
Semiconductor Physics
Formation of energy bands—Kronig-Penney model—k-space diagram—Electron
effective mass—concept of a hole—Energy bands of Si, Ge and Ga As--Density of states
function—Extension to semiconductors— carrier concentration in intrinsic , Extrinsic
and compensated semiconductors—Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors—Energy band diagram of a p-n junction.
Unit III
Optical Devices
Optical absorption—Photon absorption coefficient—electron-hole generation rate—p-n
junction solar cell—photo conductor—photo diode—photo and electro luminescence—
Basic transitions—Luminescent efficiency—Laser diodes—Quantum well infrared photo
detectors and quantum dot lasers.
Unit IV
Micro sensors and Actuators:
Scaling laws in miniaturization—Trimmer force scaling vector—scaling in electrostatic
and electromagnetic systems—scaling in fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
Silicon Capacitive accelerometer—Piezo resistive Pressure Sensor—Electrostatic Comb
Drive--Magnetic Micro Relay.
Unit V
Requirements for an ideal semiconductor nano structure-- Top down and bottoms up
approaches—size and dimensionality effects—electron confinement in 1, 2 and 3
dimensions—quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum dots –--super lattices —
characterization by STM and AFM—Couloumb blockade devices –optical memories –
photonic structures--carbon nanotubes—Fabrication—properties and applications.
Reference Books
1. Semiconductor Physics and devices---Donald A. Neamen ---TMH,2007
2. Optoelectronics------Jasprit Singh --Mcgraw –Hill 1996
3. Introduction to Nanotechnology---Charles P.Poole Jr. and Frank J Owens—Wiley
Interscience 2003
4. MEMs & Microsystems Design and Manufacture---Tai-Ran Hsu---TMH 2002
5. Nanoscale Science and Technology—Robert W Kelsall—John Wiley
Course Outcomes:
After the completion the course, the students will be able to
1. Understand operator formalism and evaluate expectation values and apply one
dimensional wave equation to different problems (PO-a,e,k)
2. Analyse the energy band formation in solids and solve problem involving carrier
concentration and Fermi level (PO-a,c,e)
3. Distinguish between operation of optical sources and detectors and analyse the
relative merits of the different devices included in the source (PO-a,c,e,k)
4. Analyse scaling laws and understand operation of Electrostatic actuators,
combdrives and piezo resistive pressure sensors. (PO-a,c,e,k)
5. Assess the effect of Nano-scale on optical, electrical and magnetic properties and
understand the operation of SET, RTDS and principle of photonic crystals. (POa,c,e,k)
Control Systems Lab.
Subject Code: EE502L
Credit: 0: 0: 1
Prerequisites: Nil
Contact Hours:28
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. K. N. Prasanna & Smt. Aruba Rajan
Course Objectives:
The students are trained to perform
 The experiments on DC Servomotor, AC Servomotor and DC position control.
 Experiments to familiarize analytical and graphical techniques for the stability of
control system.
 Experiments in time domain and frequency domain.
List of Experiments
1. Simulation of a typical second order system and determination of step response and
evaluation of time domain specifications.
2. To design a passive RC lead compensating network for the given specification
3. To design a passive RC lag compensating network for the given specification
4. Experiment to draw the frequency response characteristics of a given lag-lead
compensating network.
5. Obtain the phase margin and gain margin to a given transfer function by drawing
bode plot using MATLAB.
6. To draw root loci for a given transfer function using MATLAB and verification of
breakaway point, imaginary axis cross over point.
7. Experiment to draw speed torque characteristics of a two phase AC servomotor
8. Experiment to draw speed torque characteristics of a DC servomotor.
9. Frequency response analysis
10. DC position control.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course Students are able to
1. Analyze the stability of the system by various methods. (PO-a,b)
2. Distinguish the performance of Servo motors.(PO-a,b,c)
3. Design the appropriate compensator.(PO-a,b,c,i)
Circuits & Measurements Lab.
Subject Code: EE504L
Credit: 0: 0: 1
Prerequisites: Nil
Contact Hours: 28
Course Coordinator/s: Sri. T. G. Giri kumar & Sri. Victor George
Course Objective:
The students are trained to perform
 To impart hands on experience in verification of circuit laws and
theorems, measurement of circuit parameters, and study of circuit characteristics
using simulation package.
List of Experiments
Measurement of low resistance using Kelvin’s Double Bridge.
Measurement of resistance using Wheatstone ’s bridge.
Verification of Superposition and Reciprocity Theorem.
Two/Three way control of Fluorescent lamp and power factor improvement.
Measurement of Inductances and coefficient of coupling of a transformer using
Maxwell’s Bridge.
6. Analysis of Series and Parallel Resonant Circuits.
7. Verification of Kirchoff’s Laws.
8. Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem.
9. Verification of Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
10. Determination of Ratio and Phase angle error of Current Transformer.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students are able to
1. Perform Experiments to (i) Verify Kirchoff’s laws, network theorems, Resonant
phenomenon (ii)Measure low & high resistance using Kelvin’s Bridge and
Wheatstone’s bridge (iii) Inductance using Maxwell’s Bridge (PO-a,b,d,k)
2. Use software package to design and analyse resonant circuits and network
theorems. (PO-a,b,d,e,k)
3. Control fluorescent lamp from 2/3 points and power factor improvement (PO-a,b,k)
4. Determine errors in CT (PO-a,b,k)
(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU)
Power Systems-I
Electrical & Electronics
Power Electronics
Electrical & Electronics
Modern Control Theory
Electrical & Electronics
Linear Integrated Circuits
Electrical & Electronics
Power Electronics Lab.
Electrical & Electronics
Linear Integrated Circuits Lab.
Electrical & Electronics
L : Lecture
T : Tutorial
P : Practical
Power Systems – I
Subject Code: EE601
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. K. N. Prasanna/ Sri.Victor George
Credit: 4: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 56
Course Objectives:
Understand the representation of power system components and the per-unit
Understand the symmetrical three-phase faults
Understand the basics of symmetrical components
Understand the calculation of 3-phase unsymmetrical faults
To provide the basic concept on power system stability
Course contents:
Unit I
Representation of Power System Components: Introduction, circuit models of power
system components, one-line diagram, impedance and reactance diagrams, per-unit
system, change in base quantities, advantages of per-unit computations, per-unit
impedance and reactance diagrams
Symmetrical Three-Phase Faults: Introduction, symmetrical short of asynchronous
generator, short circuit of a loaded synchronous generator, analysis of three-phase
symmetrical faults.
Symmetrical Components: Introduction, resolution of unbalanced phasors, the ‗a‘
operator, expression for phase voltage in terms of symmetrical components, expression
for symmetrical components in terms of phase voltages,, relation between sequence
components of phase and line voltages in star of equivalent star connected systems,
relation between sequence components of phase and line currents in delta connected
systems, symmetrical components in star-delta, transformer banks, complex power in
terms of symmetrical components.
Unit III
Sequence Impedances and Sequence Networks: Introduction, sequence impedances of
a symmetrical circuit, sequence networks of power systems elements, sequences
impedances and network of three-phase transformers, sequence impedance and networks
of transmission lines, construction of sequence networks of a power system.
Unit IV
Unsymmetrical Faults: Introduction, fault calculations of a synchronous generator,
single line-to-ground fault on an unloaded generator, line-to-line fault on an unloaded
generator, double line-to-ground fault on an unloaded generator. Fault through
impedance, single line-to-ground fault on an unloaded generator through a fault
impedance, line-to-line fault on an unloaded generator through a fault impedance, double
line-to-ground fault on an unloaded generator through a fault impedance. Unsymmetrical
Faults on Power System, single line-to-ground fault, line-to line fault, double line-toground fault, series types of faults.
Unit V
Stability Studies: Introduction, some definitions, steady state stability, power angle
equation of synchronous machines, steady state stability of a two machine system,
Clarke‘s diagram, methods of improving SSSL, Transient stability, dynamics of a
synchronous machine, Swing equations, Swing curve, Equal Area Criterion(EAC),
applications of Equal Area Criterion, critical clearing angle, methods of improving
transient stability.
Text Books:
1. W.D.Stevenson Jr., Elements of Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed.,
2. E.W.Kimbark, Power System Stability, Vol-I, Wiley International, 2003.
3. I.J.Nagrath and D.P.Kothari, Modern Power System Analysis, TMC, 2nd Edition
Reference Books:
1. C.F.Wagner, R.D.Evans, Symmetrical Components, McGraw Hill, 1993.
2. P.N.Reddy, Symmetrical Components and Short Circuit Studies, Khanna
Publishers, 2002.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, Students are able to
1. Use the models of sources, lines, transformers and loads, analyze the symmetrical
faults using per unit method. (PO-a,e)
2. Use the basics of symmetrical components, construct sequence networks, determine
short-circuit currents and phase voltages for unbalanced faults. (PO-a,e)
3. Analyze the stability aspects of a power system. (PO-a,e)
Power Electronics
Subject Code: EE602
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. Archana Diwakar
Credit: 4: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 56
Course Objectives
To get an overview of different types of power semi-conductor devices and their
switching characteristics.
To understand the operation, characteristics and performance parameters of
controlled rectifiers.
To study the operation and basic topologies of DC-DC switching regulators,
inverters and AC voltage controllers
Develop in students the mathematical, scientific, and computational skills relevant
to analyze and solve power electronics problems.
Course contents:
Unit I
Application of power electronics, power semiconductor devices, control characteristics of
power devices, types of power electronic circuits, peripheral effects.
Power MOSFET: Structure, operation, concept of pinch-off, steady state characteristics,
switching characteristics, gate drive.
IGBT: Structure of punch-though and non-punch-through IGBT, operation, steady state
characteristics, switching characteristics. Isolation of gate and base drives. Simple design
of gate and base drives.
Unit II
Introduction, static characteristics, two- transistor model, dynamic characteristics – turnon and turn-off, di/dt and dv/dt protection.series and parallel operation of thyristors
Triac: structure, characteristics,
Thyristor firing circuits – R, R-C and UJT triggering circuit.
Unit III
Introduction, natural commutation, Forced commutation – self commutation, resonant
pulse commutation complementary commutation, impulse commutation, external pulse
Introduction, principle of on-off and phase control, single phase unidirectional controller
with R load, Single-phase bi-directional controllers with resistive and inductive loads.
Electromagnetic compatibility- introduction, effect of power electronic converters and
remedial measures.
Unit IV
Introduction, single phase single pulse and two pulse converters with R & RL load, effect
of free-wheeling diode for inductive loads, three phase three pulse and six pulse converter
with R & RL load, single phase and three-phase semi-converters, Dual converters
Unit V
Introduction, principle of step-up and step-down chopper, classification of choppers,
Introduction, principle of operation, performance parameters, single phase half and fullbridge inverter with R and RL load, voltage control of single phase inverter – single
pulse width, multiple pulse width, sinusoidal pulse width, modified sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation and phase displacement control techniques,
Text Books:
1. M.H.Rashid, “Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications”, Third
Edition, PHI, 2005
2. M.D.Singh, Khanchandhani K.B, “Power Electronics”, TMH, 2006
Reference Books
1. G.K.Dubey, S.R.Doradla, A.Joshi and R.M.K.Sinha , “Thyristorised Power
Controller”, New Age International Publishers, 2007.
2. Vedam Subramanyam, “ Power Electronics”, Revised Second Edition, New Age
International Publishers, 2006.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, student will have to:
1. Be familiar with the structure, characteristics and operation of power semiconductor
devices like Thyristor, MOSFET and IGBT. (PO-a,k)
2. Be able to design suitable firing and commutation circuits for thyristors (PO-a,c,e)
3. Be able to analyze the working and solve numericals based on converter circuits
like rectifiers, DC choppers, inverters, ac voltage controllers etc (PO-a,e)
4. Learn the important of team-work and design simple power electronic circuits when
they work on mini-projects/simulation assignments etc. (PO-a,b,c,d,e)
Modern Control Theory
Subject Code: EE603
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. Kusumika Krori Dutta
Credit: 4: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 56
Course Objectives
Understand concept of state ,state variable, different types of State models.
Acquire Knowledge about eigen values, eigen Vectors, and understand, analyse
and evaluate State Equation solution, State Transition Matrix.
Understand concept of controllability and observability.
Understand , analyze the design of observer and controller.
Course contents:
Unit I
State Variable Analysis: Introduction, Concept of State, State Variables and State
Model, State Modeling of Linear systems, Linearization of state equation.
State models for linear continuous systems: State space representation using Physical
variables, Phase variables and Canonical variables. Derivation of Transfer Function from
State Model.
Unit II
Diagonalization: Eigen values, Eigen Vectors, Generalized Eigen Vectors.
Solution of State Equation: State Transition Matrix and its Properties. Computation of
State transition matrix using Laplace Transformation, Power series Method, Cayley
Hamilton Method,
Unit III
Concept of Controllability and Observability: Methods of determination of
Controllability and Observability.
Derivation of CCF,OCF, DCF, JCF form.
Pole placement Techniques: transformation to CCF , transformation to OCF, Stability
improvements by state feedback, Necessary and sufficient conditions for arbitrary pole
placement, Determination of value of K using transformation technique, Ackermann
formula, direct substitution method.
Unit IV
State Observer : Definitions of Full order, Minimum order, Reduced order observer
Design of State Observer. Reduced order observer design, Dual systems , relation
between K and Ke.
Design of Full order Observer: Design of Full order Observerusing Ackermann
formula, direct substitution method, transformation technique.
Nonlinear Systems: Introduction, behaviour of non-linear system, Common Physical nonlinearity – saturation, friction, backlash, dead zone, relay, multi variable non- linearity.
Unit V
Phase plane method, singular points, stability of non-linear system, limit cycles,
construction of phase trajectories.
Liapunov stability Analysis :Liapunov function , direct method of Liapunov and the
linear system. Construction of Liapunov functions for non-linear system by Krasovskii’s
Text Books:
1. I.J.Nagrath, M. Gopal, " Control Systems Engineering", New Age International
Publishers, 3rd Edition.
2. Katsuhiko Ogata, "Modern Control Engineering", PHI, 3rd Edition
Reference Books:
1. M.Gopal, "Digital Control and State Variable Methods: Conventional and
Intelligent Control Systems", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007.
2. M.Gopal,” Modern Control System Theory”, 2nd ed, New age International
publishers 2012 re- print.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, student will be able to :
1. Determine the state model for electrical, mechanical and electromechanical
systems. Solve the state equations by different methods. (PO-a,e)
2. Analyze and synthesis the controllability and observability of the system and
Design the controller and observer. (PO-c,e)
3. Understand nonlinear systems and evaluate the stability of nonlinear systems.
Linear Integrated Circuits
Subject Code: EE604
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Sri. Ramakrishna Murthy
Credit: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives
To introduce the basic building blocks of linear integrated circuits.
Analysis and design of linear and nonlinear Op amp circuits
To study op amp frequency response and circuit stability
To study internal functional blocks and the applications of special IC’s like timers,
PLL, voltage regulators etc.,
Course contents:
Unit I
Introduction to Operational Amplifier: Operational amplifier description – Circuit
symbol and terminals, current, impedance and voltage level, packaging and block
diagram. Basic OP- AMP parameters: Input and output voltage range, offset voltage and
current, offset nulling, CMRR, PSRR, input and output impedance, slew rate and
frequency limitation.
OP-AMP as D.C. Amplifier: Biasing operational amplifier, D.C. coupled voltage
follower, D.C. coupled non-inverting amplifier, D.C. coupled inverting amplifier,
summing amplifiers and differential amplifier.
Unit II
OP-AMP as A.C. Amplifier: Capacitor coupled voltage followers, high Zin capacitor
coupled voltage follower, capacitor coupled non-inverting amplifier, high Zin capacitor
non-inverting amplifier, capacitor coupled inverting amplifier, setting upper cut off
frequency, capacitor coupled differential amplifier, use of single polarity supply.
Signal Processing Circuits: Introduction, saturating precision half wave rectifier, nonsaturating half wave precision rectifier, two output precision half wave rectifier, precision
full wave rectifiers using half wave rectifier and summing circuit, high input impedance
full wave precision rectifier, peak clipper, dead zone circuit, precision clipper, precision
clamping circuit, precision rectifier peak detector, voltage follower peak detector, sample
and hold circuit, IC sample and hold circuit.
Unit III
Active Filters: Introduction, first order low and high pass Butterworth filter, second
order low and high pass Butterworth filter, band pass filter and band reject filter
Signal Generators: Basic principle of oscillator, phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge
oscillator, Square wave generator, triangular wave generator, saw tooth wave generator
Unit IV
OP-AMP Frequency Response and Compensation: OP-AMP circuit stability,
frequency and phase response, frequency compensating methods, manufacturers
recommended compensation, OP-AMP circuit bandwidth, slew rate effects, stray
capacitance effects, load capacitance effect, Zin Mod compensation, circuit stability
Comparators: Positive feedback, upper threshold voltage, lower threshold voltage, zero
crossing detector with hysteresis, inverting voltage level detectors with hysteresis, noninverting voltage level detectors with hysteresis, voltage level detector with independent
adjustment of hysteresis and center voltage, window detector.
Unit V
Selected Applications of Op Amps: Voltage to current converters with floating load,
voltage to current converters with grounded load, current to voltage converter, integrator
and differentiator
Specialized IC Applications: Basics of universal active filters, 555 timer, 555 timer as a
monostable multivibrator, monostable multivibrator applications, 555 timer as an astable
multivibrator, astable multivibrator applications, basics of phase lock loops, fixed voltage
regulators, adjustable voltage regulators.
Text Books:
1. David A Bell, “Operational amplifiers and Linear IC’s”, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition.
(For the following topics: Introduction to Operational amplifier, OP-AMP as D.C.
Amplifier, OP-AMP as A.C. Amplifier, Signal Processing circuits, OP-AMP
Frequency Response and Compensation)
2. Ramakant A Gayakwad, “Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Prentice Hall,
4th Edition.(For the following topics: Active Filters, Signal Generators, Selected
Applications of OP AMP, Specialised IC Applications)
3. Robert F Couglin, Frederick F Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers and Linear
Integrated Circuits”, Prentice Hall, 6th Edition. (For the topic: Comparators)
1. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated
Circuits”, TMC, 2008.
2. Roy Choudhary, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, New Age International, 2003.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
1. Analyse various electrical characteristics of different IC’s through interpretation of
their data sheets. (PO-a)
2. Analyse linear and nonlinear circuits for different functionality using analog
Integrated Circuits. (PO-c,e)
3. Design a system/component/process using analog integrated circuits. (PO-c,d,e)
Power Electronics Lab.
Subject Code: EE602L
Credit: 0: 0: 1
Prerequisites: Nil
Contact Hours: 28
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. Archana Diwakar & Dr. Sanjay Lakshminarayanan
Course Objectives
To study the working of different types of power semi-conductor devices and their
switching characteristics.
To observe the operation and characteristics of different converter circuits like
controlled rectifiers, DC choppers, AC voltage controllers and inverters
To design and analyze thyristor firing and commutation circuits.
List of experiments:
1. Static characteristics of Power MOSFET
2. Static characteristics of IGBT.
3. Static characteristics of SCR
4. Static characteristics of TRIAC
5. RC half-wave and full-wave triggering circuit for a thyristor.
6. Single phase fully controlled rectifier (R, RL Load, RL Load with FWD)
7. AC voltage controller using Triac-Diac combination.
8. SCR firing circuit using synchronized UJT relaxation circuit.
9. Commutation circuits for thyristor-LC circuit and Impulse commutation circuit.
10. Digital firing circuit for thyristor, triac.
11. Voltage impulse commutated chopper.
12. Series Inverter
Text Books:
1. M.H.Rashid “ Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications” , Third
Edition, PHI, 2005
2. Vedam Subrahmanyam “ Power Electronics” , Revised Second Edition, New Age
International Publishers , 2006
Reference Books
1. G.K.Dubey, S.R.Doradla, A.Joshi and R.M.K.Sinha, “Thyristorised Power
Controller”, New Age International Publishers.
2. M.D.Singh and Khanchandhani K.B, “Power Electronics”, TMH , 2001
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will have to:
1. Gain knowledge about the working of various power electronic devices/switches.
2. Design, build and test simple real world applications such as Firing circuits for
thyristors, AC voltage controllers, Choppers, Full wave converters, SCR
commutation circuits, inverters and so on. (PO-a,b,c,d)
3. Learn to work in a team, develop self-confidence and effective communication
skills when they work on mini-projects. (PO-a,b,c,d,j)
Linear Integrated Circuits Lab.
Subject Code: EE604L
Credit: 0: 0: 1
Prerequisites: Nil
Contact Hours: 28
Course Coordinator/s: Sri. Ramakrishna Murthy. K & Sri. T. G. Giri Kumar
Course Objectives
Design and implement different linear circuits
Design and implement different nonlinear circuits
Study different characteristics of Op-Amp
List of experiments:
Design and implementation of voltage follower, inverting amplifier, non-inverting
amplifier and inverting summing amplifier using 741 OP – AMP
Design and implementation of capacitor coupled inverting and non-inverting
amplifier with single polarity supply using 741 OP – AMP
Design and implementation of Non Saturating Precision half wave rectifier and
high impedance precision full wave rectifier, using 741 OP – AMP
Design and implementation of positive clipper, negative clipper and precision
clamper using 741 OP – AMP
Determination of OP-AMP parameters
Design and implementation of first order and second order low pass filter using
741 OP – AMP
Design and implementation of first order and second order high pass filter using
741 OP – AMP
Design and implementation of band pass filter using 741 OP – AMP
Design and implementation of square wave generator, triangular wave generator
and Wein bridge oscillator using 741 OP-AMP
Design and implementation of zero crossing detector, inverting and non-inverting
voltage level detector using 741 OP-AMP
Design and implementation of differentiator and integrator using 741 OP – AMP.
Design and implementation of monostable and astable multivibrator using 555
Text Books:
1. David A Bell, “Operational amplifiers and Linear IC’s”, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition.
2. Ramakant A Gayakwad, “Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Prentice Hall,
4th Edition.
3. Robert F Couglin, Frederick F Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers and Linear
Integrated Circuits”, Prentice Hall, 6th Edition.
1. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated
Circuits”, TMC, 2008.
2. Roy Choudhary, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, New Age International, 2003.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will have to:
1. Evaluate the performance of different linear and nonlinear circuits using Op-Amps
and 555 timers (PO-a,b,c,d,j)
2. Analyse different op-amp parameters. (PO-ab,c,d,j)
Renewable Energy Sources
Subject Code: EEPE01
Credit: 3: 0: 0
Prerequisites: Nil
Contact Hours: 42
Course Coordinator/s: Sri. C. Ravindra Kumar / Smt. Archana Diwakar
Course Objectives
To make the students understand and analyze energy conversion, utilization and
storage for renewable technologies such as wind, solar, biomass, fuel cells and
hybrid systems.
To design renewable/hybrid energy systems that meet specific energy demands, are
economically feasible and have a minimal impact on the environment
To introduce solar energy conversion, including I-V characteristics of PV systems
and MPPT techniques.
Course contents:
Unit I
An Introduction to Energy Sources: Global Energy Consumption, World Energy
Futures, Energy scenario in India, Energy Alternatives for the future
Solar Energy: Solar Constants, Solar Radiation on Earth Surface, Solar Radiation
Geometry, Solar Radiation Measurements, basic sun-earth angles (beam radiation on an
inclined surface, sunrise, sunset and day length, Latitude, Declination angle, Surface
azimuth angle, Hour angle, Zenith angle, Solar altitude angle expression for angle
between incident beam and the normal to a plane surface), Local apparent time, solar
radiation on tilted surface (no derivation for any of these)
Unit II
Solar Energy Collectors: Flat Plate collectors, Concentrating Collectors
Solar thermal energy storage: Storage systems- thermal, electrical, chemical,
mechanical, electromagnetic, solar pond.
Applications: water heating, space heating & cooling, solar distillation, solar pumping,
solar greenhouses, solar power plants.
Solar photovoltaic system: Photovoltaic effect, solar cell fundamentals, characteristics,
solar cell, module, panel and array construction, maximizing the solar PV output and load
matching, maximum power point tracker (MPPT), solar photovoltaic system, applications
of PV system, PV hybrid system.
Unit III
Wind Energy: Principles of wind energy conversion systems (WECS), nature of wind,
power in the wind, lift & drag, site selection, components of WECS, classification of
WECS, derivation of power coefficient (Cp) for a horizontal axis wind turbine, power
available in the wind
Energy from Biomass: Types of bio mass fuels, solid, liquid and gas, biomass
conversion techniques- wet process, dry process, biogas generation-factors affecting biodigestion, classification of bio gas plants
Unit IV
Energy from oceans: Introduction, ocean thermal energy conversion, open cycle OTEC,
closed cycle OTEC, hybrid cycle, bio-fouling
Tidal Energy: Energy from tides, components of tidal power plants.
single basin arrangement, double basin arrangement, numericals on energy in simple
single basin tidal system
Unit V
Direct energy conversion systems
Magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) generation: Principle of MHD power generation,
MHD system, materials for MHD generators and future prospects
Fuel cells: Working principle, efficiency, classification and types of fuel cells,
application of fuel cells
Hydrogen Energy: Introduction, Hydrogen Production methods, Hydrogen storage,
hydrogen transportation, utilization of hydrogen gas, hydrogen as alternative fuel for
Text Books:
1. G.D. Rai, ‘Non-conventional Sources of Energy’, Khanna Publishers, 4th Edition
2. B.H. Khan, ‘Non-conventional energy sources’ , TMH, 2nd Edition
Reference Books:
1. S.P.Sukhatme, ‘Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage’,
TMH, 2nd Edition
2. D.P Kothari, ‘Renewable Energy sources and Emerging Technologies’, PHI 2008.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Analyze the properties of solar radiation geometry and analyze the working of Solar
energy systems. (PO-a,e,i)
2. Analyze the working of various renewable energy systems like Wind energy
system, Biomass plants, Ocean thermal energy systems and Tidal power plants
3. Comprehend the basics of direct energy conversion techniques like Magneto hydro
dynamic (MHD) generation, fuel cells and hydrogen energy. (PO-a,i,k)
HVDC Transmission Systems
Subject Code: EEPE06
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Dr. Premila Manohar
Credits: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives
 To expose the students to various aspects of HVDC technology and the recent
 To make the students understand the analysis of the converters and their controls.
 To make the students understand the basics of HVDC protection, harmonics and
 Introduce the modeling, simulation and analysis of HVDC systems.
Course contents:
Unit I
Introduction HVDC systems: Introduction, Comparison of AC and DC transmission
systems- technical, economics and reliability, advantages and disadvantages of HVDC
transmission systems, applications of DC transmission systems, Types of HVDC links,
description of a typical HVDC converter station, Planning for HVDC systems, modern
trends in DC transmission.
Unit II
Analysis of converter circuits: Description of different converter circuits half wave, full
wave and bridge rectifier circuits. Analysis of 1 phase full wave, 3 phase –1 way, 3 phase
2- way rectifier circuits. Choice of converter configuration- valve utilization factor (VUF)
and transformer utilization factor (TUF), calculation of VUF and TUF for different
configuration. Analysis of 6P Graetz circuit (u< 60). Inverter operation, voltage and
current equations, commutation failure.
Unit III
Control strategies: Equivalent circuit of HVDC system, basic means of control and
power reversal, Limitation of manual control, constant voltage verses constant current
control, desired features of control and actual control characteristics, modifications of
control characteristics, Constant minimum ignition angle control and constant current
control, constant extinction angle control and stability of control, Tap changer control,
power control and current limits, Analog and digital controllers, HVDC link operation
and regulation.
Unit IV
Protection, harmonics and filter circuits: General introduction to protection, DC
smoothing reactor, prevention of consequent commutation failure, clearing of line faults
and re-energizing the line, surge arresters and over voltage protection. Characteristic and
non-characteristic harmonics, troubles caused by harmonics, means of reducing
harmonics, telephone interference, harmonic filters, Design of AC filters and design of
DC filters.
Unit V
Simulation of HVDC systems: Introduction, system simulation: philosophy and tools,
HVDC system simulation, HVDC simulator (physical model) and parity simulator,
dynamic digital simulation, modeling of HVDC systems for dynamic digital simulation,
valve and converter model, transformer and AC system model, DC network model and
controller model.
Text Books:
1. Edward Wilson Kimbark, ‘Direct Current Transmission’, Volume 1, WileyInterscience, 1971.
2. K.R.Padiyar, ‘HVDC Power Transmission systems-Technology and System
Interactions’, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1992.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate complete knowledge of HVDC technology. (PO-a,h,k)
2. Understand and analyse converters, the associated controllers, harmonics and filters
of HVDC systems. (PO-a,e,k)
3. Apply the knowledge to design and develop HVDC systems and the associated
controls. (PO-a,k)
4. Familiar with the recent developments in the high voltage dc transmission area.
Database Management Systems
Subject Code: EEPE07
Credit: 3: 0: 0
Prerequisites: Nil
Contact Hours: 42
Course Coordinator/s: Sri. Vinayak V Rao & Smt. Archana Diwakar
Course Objectives
To introduce the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using and
implementing database systems and applications.
To understand architecture of dbms systems and Entity relationship model.
To understand relational model, integrity constraints and relational algebra.
To write simple and complex queries to carry out necessary operations on the
To study the normal forms of database and dependency algorithm.
Course contents:
Unit I
Introduction to Database Systems: A history of database, disadvantages of file systems,
structure of DBMS
Entity Relationship Model: Architecture of DBMS, entity types, entity sets, attributes &
keys, relationship types, relationship sets, weak entity types, ER diagrams, naming
conventions & design issues, ER diagrams for the different companies/organizations.
Unit II
Relationship Model & Relationship Algebra: Relationship algebra operation from set
theory, unary relation operation: select & project, binary relation operation: JOIN &
DIVISIONS, additional relational operation, examples of queries in relational algebra
Unit III
SQL-The relation database standard: Data definition & data types, basic queries in SQL,
complex queries in SQL, basic constraints SQL, change statements in SQL, additional
features of SQL, views in SQL
Unit IV
Database Design: Normal forms, first/second/third forms, algorithms for relation
database Schema design, multi-valued dependency & Fourth normal form, Join
dependency & Fifth normal form, inclusion dependencies & other normal forms.
Unit V
Transaction Management: The ACID properties, transaction life cycle, database
security concepts.
Current Trends: Object oriented databases- Need for complex data types, OO data
model, nested relations, complex types, inheritance reference types, distributed database,
homogenous and heterogeneous, distributed data storage
XML- Structure of XML, architecture of parallel databases, mobile databases,
introduction to data mining and data warehousing.
Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F Korth and S. Sudarshan, ‘Database System
Concepts’, McGraw Hill, 4th Edition.
2. RamezElmarasi, ‘Fundamentals of Database Systems’, Pearson Education, 4th
3. R.Ramakrishnan, ‘Database Management Systems’, McGraw Hill, 1998.
4. C.J.Date, ‘Introduction to Database System’, Pearson, 7th Edition.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Learn basic concepts about database systems. (PO-a,b)
2. Use the Structured Query Language. (PO-a,b)
3. Take up advanced studies in the latest trends in DBMS like data warehousing, data
mining etc. (PO-a,b,i,j)
4. Create a project that covers all aspects of designing a database and will also use
queries on these databases. (PO-a,b,c,d)
Introduction to Embedded Systems
Subject Code: EEPE31
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Sri. Victor George
Credits: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives:
To make the students understand the basics of computer organization and embedded
system design
To develop interfacing techniques for memory, input/output devices and high
current devices.
To make the students understand the software aspects of embedded system design
and Real Time Operating System
To make the students understand the application of various communication
protocols and examples of Embedded System
Course contents:
Unit I
Introduction to computer organization, basic operational concepts of a computer, signed
integer representation, overflow in integer arithmetic, carry look ahead addition, booth
algorithm, fast multiplication, single and double precision representation of floating point
numbers, usage of stack pointer and frame pointer, encoding of machine instructions,
interrupt hardware, handling multiple devices, bus arbitration.
Unit II
Basic Processing Unit: Single bus organization, register transfers, performing ALU
operation, fetching word from memory, storing a word in memory, execution of a
complete instructions, branch instruction , multiple bus organization, hardwired control,
micro programmed control, micro instructions, input switches and keyboards.
Unit III
Internal organization of memory chips, Cache memory, mapping function, Architecture
of 6811 processor, address decoding, general approach to interfacing, memory interface
examples(32K PROM, 8K RAM), Interfacing of high current devices
Unit IV
Survey of Software Architectures. Introduction to RTOS, task and task states,
semaphores and shared data, interrupts routines in RTOS environment, embedded
software development tools, Getting embedded software in to target system.
Unit V
Advanced Communication Principles: Communication and protocols for parallel, series
and wireless communication, embedded system examples, introduction to PLA, PAL,
Text Books:
1. Jonathan W. Valvano, ‘Embedded Microcomputer Systems: Real Time Interfacing’,
Thomson, Fourth Reprint, 2005.
2. David E. Simon, ‘An Embedded Software Primer’, Pearson Education, 2006.
3. Carl Hamacher, ZvonkoVranesic, SafwatZaky, ‘Computer Organization’, McGraw
Hill, 5th Edition
Course Outcomes:
After the completion the course the students will be able to
1. Analyze the basic operational concepts and arithmetic handling algorithms of a
general purpose processor
2. Design various interfacing circuits with microcontroller
3. Analyze the software aspects of Embedded System and determine its complexities.
4. Identify appropriate communication protocols for various applications of
Embedded System
Digital Communication
Subject Code: EEPE32
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Sri. Victor George
Credits: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives:
To make the students understand the basics of communication system and
information theory
To train the students to identify the amount of information content in a message and
familiarize with various coding techniques
To make the student familiar with various techniques used to transmit and
reconstruct the message signals and the basic working of MODEMs.
To enable the student to design error detection and correction circuit
Course contents:
Unit I
Introduction to Digital Communication: Introduction to analog and digital
communication, model of digital communication system, sampling theorem,
reconstruction of a message from its samples, pulse modulation, PCM, PCM sampling,
quantizing, encoding, regeneration, decoding, reconstruction, multiplexing,
Unit II
Information theory: Information and entropy, rate of information, introduction to
coding, source coding theorem, prefix coding, discrete memory less channels, Huffman
coding, efficiency and redundancy, numerical problems.
Unit III
Mutual Information: Shannon’s theorem, Shannon-Fano code, channel capacity
theorem, properties of mutual information, numerical problems.
Unit IV
Coding for Error Detection and Correction:
Block codes and convolution codes,
linear block codes, parity check codes, hamming distance, syndrome detection and
correction circuits, numerical problems.
Unit V
Digital Modulation and Modems: Introduction, memory less modulation methods,
frequency shift keying(FSK), phase shift keying(PSK), quadrature amplitude
modulation(QAM), basic concepts of modems, frequency division multiplexing(FDM),
time division multiplexing(TDM).
Text Books:
1. Simon Haykin, Digital Communication, John Wiley& Sons, 2005.
2. Amitabha Bhattacharya, Digital Communication, TMH, 2008
3. Roy Blake, Electronic communication systems, DELMAR CENGAGE Learning,
2nd edition, 2008
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate their general understanding of digital communication techniques and
message reconstruction. (PO-a)
2. Demonstrate their understanding of different digital modulation techniques and
basic concepts of MODEMs (PO-a,j)
3. Demonstrate their ability to understand various coding techniques and design error
detection and correction circuit (PO-c,e)
Artificial Neural Networks
Subject Code: EEPE33
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Dr.Pradipkumar Dixit
Credit: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives:
The student should understand the principles of various models, architecture of
artificial neural networks.
The student should be able to apply these principles to applications like pattern
association and pattern classifications, fault diagnosis etc.
Student should also be prepared to apply these algorithms to solve the practical
Course contents:
Unit I
Introduction, Fundamental concepts and Models of Artificial Neural systems, Biological
Neural Networks, Typical Architectures, Setting the Weights, Common Activation
Functions, Mc-Culloch –Pitts model- AND gate, OR gate, AND-NOT gate, XOR gate.
Unit II
Simple neural nets for Pattern Classification, Hebb net, examples, Single Layer
Perceptron Classifiers, Single Layer Feedback Networks, examples, Perceptron learning.
Unit III
Pattern associations, applications, Training algorithm, Hebb rule &Delta rule,
Classification of associative memory, Hetero associative neural net architecture,
Examples with missing and mistake data, Auto associative net architecture, Examples
with missing and mistake data, Storage capacity.
Unit IV
Recurrent linear auto associator, Examples, Discrete Hopfield net, Examples with
missing and mistake data, Bidirectional associative net, architecture, Examples with
missing and mistake data, Hamming distance, Fixed weight competitive nets,
Architecture, applications.
Unit V
Self-organizing maps, architecture, applications, examples, Back propagation neural net,
architecture, Application, Introduction to Boltzman machines, Example, Applications of
neural nets in different fields
Text Books:
1. Laurene Fausett, ‘Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architecture, Algorithms and
Applications’, Person Education, 2004.
2. Simon Hayking, ‘Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation’,2nd Ed., PHI.
3. S.N Sivanandam, S Sumathi, S.N Deepa, ‘ Introduction to Neural Net using Matlab
6.0’, TMH, 2008.
Course Outcomes:
The course enables the students to:
1. Describe the relation between real brains and simple artificial neural network
models. (PO-a,c)
2. Design basic model of logic gates and circuits using Perceptron, Hebbian algorithm
and McCulloch -Pitt’s models and verify the same using MATLAB. (PO-a,b,c,j)
3. Identify the main implementation issues for common neural network systems
4. Apply the models of ANN in different areas like optimization of efficiency, data
compression, pattern identification, etc. (PO-c,j)
Advanced Industrial Automation – I
Subject Code: EEPE34
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Sri.Narsimpur Tushar Suresh
Credit: 2: 0: 1
Contact Hours: 56
Course Objectives:
To introduce students to Process Automation
 Explain the working principle of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).
 Introducing to the peripheral Modules of a PLC System.
 Programming of PLC
 Assisting in the installation and startup of a PLC controller equipment
 Students gain proficiency with Schneider Electric Twidosuite software, a PLC
programming package, and utilize this software package to solve problems on a
wide-range of PLC problems
Course content
Unit I
Sensors and Transducers: To measure temperature, level, force, pressure, flow,
displacement, position. Selection of a Sensor/Transducer for an application
Actuators: Solenoids, Valves, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Motors; Smart Field Devices.
Programmable Logic Controllers: Introduction, Comparison with other types of
controllers, Architecture, Processor scan, Memory.
Unit II
Programmable Logic Controllers: Brief coverage of various Digital, Analog and
Special I/O modules, Factors to consider while selecting I/O modules.
PLC Programming: Brief of various languages, IEC-61131 standard
Unit III
Ladder Language Programming: Ladder structure, basic ladder elements, enhanced
ladder elements, Scan cycle, speeding up PLC scan time, Developing Ladder program for
given specification
Functional Block Diagram (FBD) Programming: Overview, Commonly available
functional blocks, Creating function blocks, Developing FBD for given specification
Unit IV
PLC Installation: Panel Layout, Heating, Wiring, Grounding, Ringing the I/O Wiring
Safety: Failsafe wiring of STOP switch, Emergency stop, Safety interlocks
Maintenance Practices: Visual Inspection, Continuity Check, Input/Output Wiring
Check, Operational Testing, Troubleshooting, Hardware Failures, Software Errors
Designing Systems: Program development, Commissioning, System Documentation
PLC and PLC components selection for an application
Unit V
SCADA Systems: Overview of concepts, definitions, applications and architecture.
Remote terminal Units (RTU), Master terminal Units (MTU), Communication setups,
Creating and editing graphic display with animation.
Text/Reference Books
1. L.A. Bryan, E.A. Bryan,
Implementation,2ed Edition
2. W Bolton, Programmable Logic Controllers
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Understand the purpose, functions, and operations of a PLC (PO-a,b,i,j)
2. Identify the basic components of the PLC and how they function. (PO-b,e)
3. Create a PLC project using PLC software and configure the I/O for a PLC project.
4. Analyze a PLC system. (PO-c,e,h)
5. Develop the knowledge of SCADA system (PO-i,j)
Advanced Industrial Automation – II
Subject Code: EEPE35
Prerequisites: Advanced Industrial Automation-I
Course Coordinator/s: Sri.Narsimpur Tushar Suresh
Credit: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives:
Significance of Human Machine Interface (HMI) in Automation Industry.
Explain the working principle of HMI.
Concepts of different types of Industrial Communication.
Concepts of Database Managements Systems with respect to Process Automation
Importance of Building Management Systems
Concept of Safety Instrumented Systems
Students gain proficiency with Schneider Electric Vijeodesigner Lite software, a
HMI programming package, and utilize this software package to control the process
Course content
Unit I
Introduction to Human Machine Interface (HMI): Overview, Graphics and controls,
HMI hierarchy design, displays and navigation, Trending: historical data collection and
presentation of live data, Alarms: alarm information, event data, alarm logger, alarm
summary display. Reports: alarm, events and historical process data reports.
Unit II
Industrial Data Communication – Part 1: Overview of data communications, OSI
model, Terminology basics, Serial communications EIA 232, 422, 485; data linking &
encoding, error detection & correction, LAN technologies overview, Fieldbus overview
(modbus, CAN)
Industrial Data Communication – Part 2: WAN overview, Digital connectivity:
ATM,T1/T3, Frame relay, ISDN, ADSL; Understanding TCP/IP protocol,
troubleshooting tools for TCP/IP; Network security: virus protection, firewall and
encryption basics.
Unit III
Database Management : Data base types: computer files, bulk storage, file systems,
application data files, real time databases. DBMS Architecture, Basics of E-R diagram
and SQL languages.
Data exchange mechanisms: files, HTML, ODBC,OPC, XML, SQL, JDBC,ADO
Data documentation, Database maintenance, Data security and availability,
Unit IV
Introduction to Building Management Systems: Overview of BMS, building types and
key requirements; BMS applications: HVAC basics, space condition controls, air handler
controls, central utilities, energy conservation control strategies, access control strategies,
fire, smoke and alarm strategies, video surveillance strategies, use of HMI in BMS.
Basics of BACnet communication.
Unit V
Safety Instrumented Systems – Part 1: Danger of overconfidence and complacency,
lessons learned from past accidents; OSHA guidelines; SIS design considerations: Design
life cycle, separation of control and safety, independent safety layers;
Safety Instrumented Systems – Part 2: Hazard and risk assessment: Hazard
identification, Risk assessment; Failure rates and modes: Safe Vs dangerous, failure
mode, failure rates, test intervals; Operation and maintenance: Installation, bypassing,
Text/Reference Books:
1. Siberchatz, Kroth, Sudarshan, Database Management Systems: 2005 5th Edition
2. Paul Reilly,Guide to Modern Networking, 2008,3rdEdition
3. Industrial Communication-Hand Book 2007,2nd Edition
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Design HMI layout. (PO-a,c,h,k)
2. Control process environment using human machine interface (PO-a,c,h)
3. Aware of different industrial communication methodologies (PO-a,j,k)
4. Develop Building management systems for energy conservation. (PO-a,j,k)
5. Implement safety instrumentation in Process automation. (PO-a,k)
Electrical AC Machine Design and CAD
Subject Code: EEPE38
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. Kusumika Krori Dutta
Credit: 2: 0: 1
Contact Hours: 56
Course Objectives:
The main objective is to introduce students to the theories, design concept and drawing of
Electrical machines. This includes
 Design of stator with winding,
 Design of rotor,
 Visualisation of complete AC machine .
 Introduction to CAD software
 Drawing of winding diagram and assembly diagram using CAD software.
Course contents:
Unit I
Output equation for single phase and three, choice of specific loadings, expression for
volts/ turn, determination of main dimensions of the core transformer, estimation of
number of turns and cross sectional area of primary and secondary coil, estimation of no
load current, expression for leakage reactance.
Unit II
Output equation, choice of specific loadings, short circuit ratio, number of slots for the
stator. Design of main dimensions ,armature winding, slot details for the stator of salient
and non-salient pole , synchronous machine, design of rotor of salient pole synchronous
machine, dimensions of the pole body, estimation of height and number of turns for the
field winding, design of rotor of non-salient pole machine
Unit III
Output equation, choice of specific loadings, main dimensions of 3Φ induction motor,
stator winding design, choice of length of the air gap, estimation of number of slots for
the squirrel cage rotor, design of rotor bars and end ring, design of slip ring IM,
estimation of no load current of induction motor.
Unit IV
Integral slot single layer full pitched lap , Integral slot single layer full pitched wave,
Integral slot double layer full pitched lap, Integral slot double layer full pitched wave,
Integral slot single layer and double layer fractional pitched and fractional slot of lap and
wave winding.
Unit V
Assembly and sectional views of 1Φ and 3Φ core type transformers.
Assembly and sectional views of stator and rotor of synchronous machines.
Assembly and sectional views of stator of induction machines
Text Books:
1. A.K.Sawney, “A course in electrical machine design”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons .2005
2. V.N. Mittle,” Design of Electrical Machines”, 4/e edition, Standard Publishers.
3. S.F. Devalapur, “Electrical Drafting”, Eastern Book Promoters, Belgaum,2006
Reference Books:
1. R.K Aggarwal , “Principles of Electrical machine design”, 4/e S.K.Kataria & sons.
2. K. L. Narang, ‘Electrical Engineering Drawing’, Satya Prakashan, N.D
Publications, 1993.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, student will have to:
1. Ability to design a machine to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such
as economic, environment, social , ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and
sustainability. (PO-c,e)
2. Ability to draw lap and wave winding for AC machines and the assembly of the AC
machines. (PO-a,e)
3. Ability to draw lap, wave winding and the assembly of the AC machines using
CAD software. (PO-b,e)
Generation, Economics & Reliability aspects of Power Systems
Subject Code: EEPE42
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Sri.Vinayaka Rao V
Credit: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives
Student understands the calculation of tariff ,economics of generation &basics of
energy market & depreciation of money on investment of the plant.
It Familiarize with the basic concepts in reliability & importance of cost, peak load,
derated states parameters.
Students will get to know the concepts of analytical or simulation approach to solve
contingency problems & interruption cost variation for different set of customers.
Course contents:
Unit I
Generating station: Steam station: Advantages, disadvantages, block diagram, choice of
site, efficiency, equipment .
Hydroelectric station: Advantages, disadvantages, block diagram, choice of site, equipment.
Diesel station: Advantages, disadvantages, block diagram.
Nuclear station: Advantages, disadvantages, block diagram, selection of site.
Comparison of various power plants
Unit II
Economic aspects: Important terms and factors, load curves, types of loads, Numerical.
Points in selection of units, advantages of interconnected systems, Numerical.
Economics of power generation: cost of electrical energy, expressions for the cost of
electrical energy, methods of determining depreciation, Numerical.
Tariff: Desirable characteristics of Tariff, types of tariff, Numerical,
Introduction to energy market.
Unit III
Reliability aspects : Basic power system reliability aspects: probabilistic evaluation of
power systems, adequacy and security, need for power system reliability evaluation,
functional zones, hierarchical levels, reliability cost/reliability worth, reliability data,
reliability test systems.
Generation system adequacy evaluation: Analysis of IEEE reliability test systems,
LOLE analysis of the base case ,effect of rounding, derated states, load forecast
uncertainty, scheduled maintenance, peak load etc. Numerical.
Unit IV
Montecarlo simulation: modeling, convergence & computing time, advantages and
Composite System adequacy evaluation: Factors in contingency enumeration approach,
appropriate network solution technique, appropriate load curtailment philosophies,
effect of load curtailment passes, appropriate contingency levels, station originated
outages. Comparison between ENEL & U of S approach. Numerical.
Unit V
Distribution System adequacy evaluation: Definition of basic distribution indices,
Assessment of reliability worth: Interruption costs for commercial, industrial,
residential customers. customer damage function. Interruption energy assessment rate.
Text books:
1. V.K.Mehta, Principles of power systems, S Chand Publishers, 2005
2. Roy Billington& Alan,Reliability Assessment of large power systems, Kluwer
Academic Press 1989.
Reference books:
1. G.R.Nagapal, Power plant engineering, 14th edition, Khanna Publishers, 2000.
2. Arora and Doomkundwar, A course in power plant engineering,DhanpatRai
publishers, 2001.
3. B.R.Gupta, Generation of Electrical Energy, Eurasia Publishing House, 3rdEdition.
4. Dr.S.Uppal, Electrical power, Khanna Publishers, 6thEdition.
5. Soni,Gupta & Bhatnagar, A course in electrical power, Dhnapat Rai& Sons,
2nd Edition
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student is able to:
1. Understand the economic aspects, different tariff structures and types of generation.
2. Apply the reliability concepts to the different aspects of power systems. (PO-a,e)
3. Access the factors involved in the interruption cost to different set of customers and
socio economic scenario. (PO-a,e,g)
High Voltage Engineering
Subject Code: EEPE43
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Dr. Pradipkumar Dixit
Credit: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives:
Understand the concept of breakdown in gases, liquids and solids
Understand breakdown in uniform and non-uniform fields
Understand different circuits to generate HVDC and HVAC
Understand basic circuits to generate Lightning and switching impulse voltages and
impulse currents.
Understand different techniques to measure HVDC, HVAC and impulse voltages.
Course contents:
Unit I
Conduction and breakdown in Gases:
Gases as insulating media, Ionization Processes, ionization by collision, Photo-ionization,
secondary ionization processes, Electron emission due to positive ion impact, electron
emission due to photons, electron emission due to metastable and neutral atoms.
Townsend’s current growth equation, current growth in the presence of secondary
processes. Townsend’s criterion for breakdown .Breakdown in electronegative gases,
electron attachment process. Time lags for breakdown. Streamer theory of breakdown in
Gases, Paschen’s law, breakdown in non-uniform fields and corona discharges.
Unit II
Conduction and breakdown in liquid dielectrics:
Liquid as insulation, conduction and breakdown in commercial liquids, suspended
particle theory, Bubble theory, stressed oil volume theory.
Breakdown in Solid dielectrics:
Introduction, Intrinsic breakdown, Electromechanical breakdown, Thermal breakdown,
breakdown due to treeing and tracking, breakdown due to internal discharges.
Unit III
Generation of HVDC Voltages:
Half and full wave rectifier circuits, voltage doubler circuit, Cockcroft-Walton voltage
multiplier circuit, expression for ripple and voltage drop, Electrostatic generators, Van-de
Graaff generator.
Generation of HVAC voltages:
Cascade transformers, Resonant transformers, Generation of high frequency AC high
Unit IV
Generation of Impulse Voltages:
Standard impulse wave shapes, single stage impulse generator circuits and their analysis,
Marx circuit, components of a multistage impulse generator. Generation of switching
Generation of Impulse currents:
Definition of impulse current waveforms, circuit for producing impulse current waves,
generation of high impulse currents, generation of rectangular current pulses, Trigatron
Unit V
Measurement of High Voltages:
High ohmic series resistance with microammeter, Generating voltmeters, Electrostatic
voltmeter, Chubb-Fortescue method, Sphere gaps, Potential dividers for impulse voltage
measurements, Resistance potential divider for very low impulse voltages and fast rising
pulses, Resistance and Capacitance potential dividers with oscilloscope(impedance
Text Book:
1. M. S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju, ‘High Voltage Engineering’, 3ed, Tata Mc-Graw
Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. E. Kuffel, W. S. Zaengl and J. Kuffel, “ High Voltage Engineering –
Fundamentals’, Second edition 2000, published by Butterworth-Heinemann.
2. C. L. Wadhwa, ‘ High Voltage Engineering’, New Age International (P) Limited,
Publishers, 2003.
3. R. S. Jha, ‘High Voltage Engineering’, Dhanpat Rai& Sons, New Delhi, 1984.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student is able to:
1. Classify the insulation and appreciate the breakdown mechanisms (PO-a,e)
2. Recognize the different techniques of generation of High Voltages (PO-a,c,,e)
3. Understand the need and methods of generation of impulse currents. (PO-a,c,e)
4. Recognize the different techniques of measurement of High Voltages (PO-a,e)
Nano Fabrication and Characterization
Subject Code: EEPE44
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. S. Dawnee
Credit: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours:42
Course Objectives:
To make the students understand the basics of nano device fabrication, highlighting
the modifications to be made in the standard fabrication process flow as a
consequence of scaling.
To study and understand the threshold voltage computations in scaled transistors
and to introduce the methodology for life time estimation and chip reliability.
To know the latest developments in scaled transistor fabrication and to introduce
different high performance nanoscale MOSFETs and non-classical transistor
structures like silicon on insulator.
To study the electrical and mechanical characterization techniques and to introduce
the different approaches for making nano materials.
Course contents:
Unit I
Overview of Nanoelectronics devices and materials requirement, MOS capacitor as a
building block of FET - MOSFET structure, SiO2-Si interface quality- RCA cleaning,
Oxidation, Gate electrode, Forming gas anneal.
CMOS scaling -ideal scaling theory, non-scaling factors, various definitions for channel
length, Transistor Design methodology, Short channel Effect-Channel Engineering,
Drain Induced barrier Lowering,
Unit II
Energy Bands In Silicon, Ultrathin SiO2 growth, gate-oxide scaling, electric field
calculation (VFB,VSi), Analysis with different examples, Flat band voltage Computation,
Energy band diagram under thermal equilibrium, VSi calculation under different
conditions like accumulation, depletion etc. FN Tunneling, Time Dependent Dielectric
Breakdown, Direct tunneling
Unit III
High-k dielectrics, EOT, High-k dielectric requirements.
Metal gate transistor-Issues, Replacement gate, Fully Silisided gate technology
Electrical characterization : HFCV and LFCV, Issues on scaling, sub-threshold leakage,
Non-idealities in CV Transport enhanced transistor, I-V and reliability measurements,
Parameter extraction, Nano-MOSFET performance metrics.
Unit IV
Non classical transistor structure, Silicon On Insulator (SOI) –PDSOI and FDSOI
Processing and Characterization, Energy band diagram comparisons, SOI MOSFET
operation with backchannel biased into Accumulation, Depletion and Inversion.
Unit V
Introduction to other high performance nanoscale MOSFETs, Nano materials – Making
and Characterization, Introduction to CVD, ALD techniques, core-shell structures,
whiskers, SVS process. Analyticalnano-characterization techniques: size, structure,
composition. thickness measurement techniques.
References :
1. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)
2. Current literature from journals and conference proceedings
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe the different steps in the fabrication of scaled transistors. (PO-a,j)
2. Develop a process flow for the fabrication of nano MOSFETs based on a particular
specification, compute its threshold voltage, implement the methodology for life
time estimation and reliability and perform electrical characterization. (PO-c,e)
3. Explain the different electrical and mechanical characterization techniques and
making of nane materials (PO-e,j)
Solar Photovoltaics
Subject Code: EEPE46
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. Archana Diwakar
Credit: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours:42
Course Objectives:
To understand the basic nature of solar radiation and various aspects of sun tracking
To gain an understanding of semiconductor physics and characteristics solar cell
and/ device.
To gain a knowledge of the modeling, analysis, design and application of various
photovoltaic systems.
Course contents:
Unit I
Introduction: Introduction to photovoltaic (PV) systems. Historical development of PV
systems. Overview of PV usage in the world.
Nature of Solar Radiation: Irradiance, Solar Radiation Geometry, Solar Radiation
measurements, estimating solar radiation, sun tracking.
Unit II
Review of Semiconductor Physics: Energy band model, charge carriers in
semiconductors, recombination
Junctions: p-n, p-i-n and metal semiconductor contacts,
Analysis of p-n junction: Depletion region, depletion capacitance, Carrier and current
densities, Current voltage characteristics in dark and light, Shockley-Queisser limit
Unit III
The Physics of the Solar Cell: Photovoltaic effect, working of a solar cell, modeling of
solar cells, effects of temperature, irradiation and series/shunt resistances, losses in a
solar cell, theoretical cell efficiency, PV module power output
Solar PV modules: Series and parallel connection of solar cells, shaded and faulty cell
Unit IV
Solar PV systems: Standalone PV system, Hybrid PV system, Grid-connected PV
system, grid integration issues
Balance of solar PV system: Batteries for PV systems, Basics of DC-DC converters,
charge controllers, inverter, Power conditioning and maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) algorithms.
Unit V
Solar Project Execution: Specification, cost and project management, scheduling and
Emerging solar cell technologies: Organic cells, thermo photovoltaics, Dye sensitized
solar cell, specific purpose photovoltaic applications
List of experiments:
1. Single PV module I-V and P-V characteristics. (with radiation and temperature
changing effect)
2. I-V and P-V characteristics with series and parallel combination of modules.
3. Effect of shading and tilt angle.
4. Battery charging and discharging characteristics.
5. Demo of only DC load system with and without battery. (with variable rated
capacity of system)
6. Demo of only AC load system with and without battery.
7. Combine AC and DC load system with and without battery.
8. Find the MPP manually by varying the resistive load across the PV panel.
9. Find the MPP by varying the duty cycle of DC-DC converter.
Text Books:
1. Chetan solanki, ‘Solar Photovoltaics : Fundamentals, Technologies And
Application’, 2nd edition 2011
2. Jenny Nelson, “The physics of solar cells’, Imperial college press 2008
Reference Books :
1. SR. Wenham, M.A. Green, M.E. Watt, R.Corkish, A.Sproul, ‘Applied
Photovoltaics’. 2nd Edition 2003
2. Antonio Luque, Steven Hegedus, ‘Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Comprehend the properties of semiconductors and solar radiation geometry
2. Analyze the construction, operation and characteristics of a solar cell. (PO-a,i)
3. Understand the topologies and balance of solar PV systems and analyze the steps
involved in the execution of a solar PV project. (PO-a,c,h,i,j)
4. Gain hands-on experience on solar module characteristics and PV system
performance through lab experiments. (PO-a,b,d,j)
Introduction to FPGA and Programmable Logic
Subject Code: EEPE48
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Dr. Sanjay Lakshminarayanan
Credit: 2: 1: 0
Contact Hours: 56
Course Objectives:
To be able to understand the concept of a field programmable gate array or FPGA
and be able to use it in real world applications that one encounters.
Understand how a hardware description language can simplify design of very large
and complex applications in electronics.
To be able to program integrated circuits for use in electronic applications using
programmable logic such as FPGA rather than ASIC and thus reduce costs and
development cycle time.
Course contents:
Recapitulation of combinational logic circuits. Timing hazards in combinational
circuits. Designing hazard free circuits. Sequential logic circuit design. Races and
metastability in sequential circuits.
Introduction to FPGAs, their history and development, evolution from PALs
(Programmable array logic) and PLDs (Programmable logic devices). Programmability
issues. A study of the XC4000 configurable logic block. Introduction to major families,
Xilinx, Altera and Cypress.
Programming of FPGAs and CPLDs. Introduction to VHDL hardware description
language. Programming elements, constructs and syntax. Entities and architecture,
creating combinational and synchronous logic. Topics on identifiers, data objects, data
types and attributes. Synthesis and fitting of designs.
State Machine design and their programming in VHDL. Simulation and verification of
designs. Creation of test benches. Considerations of area, speed and device utilization.
FPGA versus CPLD, differences and similarities. Pipelining in FPGA and its
advantages. Applications of FPGA in electric drives and communication devices.
1. Kevin Skahill, “VHDL for Programmable logic”. Pearson Education, 2004
2. John F. Wakerly, ‘Digital Design, Principles and Practices’, Pearson Prentice Hall,
Course Outcomes
The student will be able to:
1. Implement an electronic application in a suitable FPGA by using VHDL hardware
description language. (PO-a,c,d,i,j)
2. Identify and design state machines using HDL and come up with an integrated chip
(IC) solution in the form of a FPGA. (PO-a,c,d,i,j)
3. Carry out reverse engineering of a product by using alternative FPGA solutions.
Digital System Design
Subject Code: EEPE51
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Sri. Ramakrishna Murthy K
Credits: 3: 0: 0
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives
 To build on the basics of digital logic with an in-depth study of combinatorial and
sequential hardware systems and the use of finite state machines in the design of
sequential systems. To learn how to use a Hardware Description Language like
Verilog to describe and implement hardware.
 To learn the usage of system tasks, functions, compiler directives and the concept of
FSM in designing digital circuits.
Introduction to Verilog
Verilog as HDL, levels of design description, concurrency, simulation and synthesis,
functional verification, system tasks, programming language interface (PLI), module,
simulation and synthesis tools, test benches.
Language constructs and conventions
Introduction, keywords, identifiers, white space characters, comments, numbers, strings,
logic values, strengths, data types, scalars and vectors, parameters, memory, operators,
system tasks.
Gate level modeling
Introduction, AND gate primitive, module structure, other gate primitives, illustrative
examples: tri-state gates, array of instances of primitives. Additional examples: design of
flip-flops with gate primitives, delays, strengths and contention resolution, net types,
design of basic circuits.
Behavioral modeling
Introduction, operations and assignments, functional bifurcation, initial construct, always
construct, examples, assignments with delays, wait construct, multiple always blocks,
designs at behavioral level, blocking and non-blocking assignments, the case statement,
simulation flow, iƒ and iƒ-else constructs, assign-design construct, repeat construct, for
loop, the disable construct, while loop, forever loop, parallel blocks, force-release
construct, event.
Modeling at data flow level
Introduction, continuous assignment structures, delays and continuous assignments,
assignment to vectors, operators.
Switch level modeling
Introduction, basic transistor switches, CMOS switch, bi-directional gates, time delays
with switch primitives, instantiations with strengths and delays, strength contention with
tri-reg nets.
System tasks, functions and compiler directives
Introduction, parameters, path delays, module parameters, system tasks and functions,
file-based tasks and functions, compiler directives, hierarchical access, general
Basics of synthesis, modeling a finite state machine (mealy and moore machine)
1. Design through Verilog HDL – T.R. Padmanabhan and B. Bala Tripura Sundari, WSE,
2004, IEEE Press.
2. A Verilog HDL Synthesis- A Practical Primer, Star Galaxy Publishing, 1st edition,
1. Fundamentals of Logic Design with Verilog – Stephen. Brown and Zvonko Vranesic,
TMH, 2005.
2. Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL – Michael D. Ciletti, PHI, 2005
Course Outcomes
The student will be able to
1. Design simple sequential circuits using Verilog. (PO-a,c,e)
2. Design simple combinational circuits using Verilog. (PO-a,c,e)
3. Model Logic circuits using system tasks, functions, compiler directives and FSM
Digital Simulation of Electrical Systems
Subject Code: EEPE52
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Coordinator/s: Smt. Aruba Rajan
Credits: 0: 1: 2
Contact Hours: 70
Course Objectives:
To train the students
To develop mathematical models for various electrical circuits for dynamic digital
To analyse the circuits dynamically
List of experiments:
Modeling and Analysis of
1. Maximum power transfer and superposition theorem.
2. Series RLC circuit.
3. RL series circuit to study the transient nature of the circuit
4. Series parallel circuit using mesh analysis.
5. Series parallel circuit using nodal analysis.
6. DC motor to find the output power.
7. Series motor to plot its terminal characteristics.
8. Alternator to construct its capability curve.
9. Induction motors to obtain its torque slip characteristics.
10. Logic circuit to verify the truth table.
11. High pass filter/ low pass filter/band pass filter and to calculate and plot the
amplitude and phase response as a function of frequency.
12. Discrete system to get its impulse response and obtain a convolute output for a
given sequence.
13. Transformer to perform OC and SC Test.
14. Transformer to perform load test.
15. Induction Motor to draw the circle diagram.
16. P/PI/PID controller to control a DC motor.
17. Lag and lead compensator for a step response.
18. H Bridge Inverter.
19. Boost Converter
20. Diode rectifier with RL load.
21. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator.
Text Books:
1. Dr. Shailendra Jain, “Modeling& simulation using MATLAB - Simulink”, Wiley
India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
2. Stephen J Chapman, “MATLAB Programming for Engineers”, Cengage learning, 2nd
edition, 2008.
3. Agam Kumar Tyagi, “MATLAB b and Simulink for Engineers” Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, 1st Edition, 2012.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1. Model different kinds of electrical circuits for dynamic analysis (PO-b,c,e,j)
2. Analyze various circuits during steady state and transient conditions(PO-b,e,j)