Marking Period One: Creative Response you read this marking period.

Marking Period One: Creative Response
For this assignment, I would like you to prepare a creative response to ONE of the books
you read this marking period.
1. Make a soundtrack – 10 songs. Three sentence explanation for each song: which part
of the book does each particular song correlate to & why?
2. Turn the story into a comic strip or graphic novel – at least one frame per chapter;
must have images and words.
3. Write a diary for one of your characters – approx one entry per chapter.
4. Create a memory box with at least 10 significant items that somehow represent the
novel & journal entry explanation for each.
6. Make a sculpture, collage, painting, or some other artistic representation. Include a
written explanation of at least one half a page, typed.
7. Make a video or perform a skit of an especially significant section of the
book. Written explanation of at least one half a page, typed.
8. Make a diorama of an especially significant section of the book. Written explanation
of at least one half a page, typed.
Please note: There is a great deal of flexibility in this assignment. Choose the type of
project that seems to work well for you book. No matter which assignment you choose,
please remember the following:
 You must demonstrate key information about the book, including:
 Characters
 Setting
 Plot
 Themes
 The written explanation is as important as the creative portion.
 Be neat.
 Be thorough.
 Your effort is especially important to your success in this project. Do not wait
until the last minute.
Due date:_______________________________