9(1) Reading Assignment Night

9(1) Reading Assignment
Night by Elie Wiesel
What to look for as you read…
a. Reoccurring Themes: You should pay special attention to the theme
you selected for the pre-reading essay. Look for examples and passages
that relate to it. Mark with post-its and include in your notes.
The Struggle to Maintain Faith in God
Dignity and Kindness in the Face of Cruelty
Emotional Death and Desensitization
Self-Preservation versus Family Commitment
b. Literary Devices
 Irony (verbal and situational)
 Eye motif (characterizing people indirectly by describing
their eyes)
 Night motif (figurative and literal use)
 Figurative language (describing the indescribable)
c. Growth, development, change in people’s behavior
Reading Notes:
You are required to have something written down that I can collect, that you can refer to for
quizzes and future writing assignments, and that will help you participate in class discussions of
the book. You can choose from the options below.
 Label with name, page section, note type
 Must be legible—use plenty of space, write neatly, use chart set up.
 Must be complete and with you in class when the reading is due.
 Must be your own.
 Provide page numbers for EVERYTHING.
Notes (worth between 15-25 points) will be collected and graded as follows:
A=exceeds expectations: exhibits great depth of understanding and analysis of text
B=meets expectations: exhibits understanding and analysis of text
C=falls short of expectations: exhibits a superficial understanding of text; mostly summary or
focus on inconsequential details
D/E=incorrect or incomplete
NOTES Options
 Think-Link Chart (three columns labeled Observations (important details/events/people
you notice), Questions (things you do not understand or are curious about), Connections
(how details relate to current events, your personal life, other creative works, or to other
parts of the book). Write several things in each column. Minimum of four items per column
-important stuff and what you
-what you don’t understand or
-relation to current events, other
think about it
are curious about
creative works, yourself, other
aspects of the book
Reader Reaction Table (you can alter of the topics of each box, but go beyond simple
summation; add “because” statements or analytical explanations of each)
Something essential to the plot:
Something showing change/growth in
main characters:
Something or someone new:
Something that affected me emotionally:
Something with which I can connect (self, Something that has been repeated:
world, other creative works):
Something symbolic or meaningful:
Something I am confused about:
A question I want to ask my teacher or
Something I am curious about:
 4-3-2-1 Reading Pyramid
Four important details/events/characters to remember (brief summaries of each)
Three meaningful/thematic/symbolic passages to analyze (the passages and your analysis)
Two open-ended questions that we could discuss as a class (and your response)
One most essential take-away idea from the reading
Due:__________Sections 1 and 2
Due:__________Section 3
Due:__________Section 4 and 5
Due:__________Section 6 and 7
Due:__________Section 8 and 9