11 Composition Final Multiple choice: approximately 50 questions A)-writing and research

11 Composition Final
Multiple choice: approximately 50 questions
A)-writing and research
-persuasive and propaganda terms
(logos, ethos, pathos, rebuttals/counterarguments, sweeping generalization,
red herring, circular argument, bandwagon, testimonial, name calling…)
-identifying correct parenthetical citations
- questions about the research process (The purpose of a bibliography is…)
B) Identifying sentence errors
-misplaced and dangling modifiers
-agreement: subject and verb; pronoun an antecedent
-errors in punctuation: apostrophes, commas, semicolons
** chompchomp.com has practice activities (with answer explanations) on
each of these grammatical concepts
C) Vocab—Roots 1-15 on 11th grade list
-Bring your completed eating inventory with you! The question deals with offering
chain fast food in the cafeteria on a daily basis.
You will read seven short excerpts, using ideas from them in a persuasive essay with
a specific claim and audience.
Evaluated on:
-Ability to use and parenthetically cite research well; "tiqca" style
-Ability to construct a convincing argument with essential persuasive
elements: clear claim/thesis, district body paragraphs appealing to logic and
emotions, disproving of counterarguments, strong essay organization.