M.M.:80 Marks
Q1 Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (10marks)
Elephants are royal animals! No wonder Kings mounted them when they had to travel from
one place to another and even during war times. Have you ever mounted an elephant? You
will feel like a prince or princess enjoying a majestic ride and a lovely view of the
Indian Elephants have smaller ears when compared to their African friends. They have thick,
dry skin with little spiky hair and are grayish-brown in color. They are found in the forest
areas of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Orissa and Assam. They love to move from one
forest area to another and surprisingly the females lead the herd. Elephants are vegetarians
and feed on grasses, bamboo, leaves and even bananas.
The elephants are the most intelligent animals. They are very sensitive and live close to their
friends and families helping and looking after each other. Elephants can be spotted crying or
weeping at the loss of their loved ones. They never leave a wounded friend alone and have
been seen digging graves for the burial of the dead.
At the same time they show a sense of humor and are capable of mimicry and play. They can
copy sounds they hear and love to suck up water and spray it around. They can use tools,
unfasten belts and changes use to tie them. They can even play games.
Elephants are huge yet cute animals but they are also getting extinct due to deforestation. It is
sad that people kill them for their tusks and hide.
Tick the correct answer1.1 Elephants are described as royal because______________________
a) kings rode on them b) they are symbol of royalty c) they were pets of kings
1.2 Elephants love their ___________________________
a) little ones b) family and friends c) relatives d) babies
1.3 The herd of elephants is led by___________
a) females b) males c) leaders d) children
1.4 Elephants are being killed for theira) skin b) tusks and hide c) teeth d) ears
1.5 The extinction of elephants is caused due to-
a) over population b) deforestation c) pollution d) extinction
1.6 Choose the option that is true
a) Indian elephants have larger ears as compared to African ones.
b) Indian elephants have smaller ears as compared to African ones.
c) Indian and African elephants have ears of same size.
d) None of these
1.7 Circle the synonym of lovelya) Beautiful b) good
c) ugly
d) intelligent
1.8 Tick the antonym of capablea) Incapable b) uncapable c) noncapable d) imcapable
1.9 Choose the incorrect optiona) The elephants are intelligent, sensitive animals and show a sense of hum our.
b) The elephants are playful and caring animal.
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
1.10 Tick the homophone of hair.
a) here
b) hare
c) hire
d) hyre
Q2 Read the poem and answer questions that followI have arrived at Curious Town
Which is painted with curious hues
And there the kitten barks and barks
The puppy mews and mews.
And there the frog climbs up a tree
And croaks in a curious way
“Prepare for a shower of pelting ice,
It is going to hail today!”
And there the river flows with fire
The volcano is packed with dew
The hues of the rainbow are more than seven
And the days in the week are two
And there you can see a most curious sight
Which can make a dead crow roar
The asses who roam have only two legs
While the men who walk have four.
I have arrived at Curious Town
Which is marked with curious marks
And there the puppy mews and mews
And the kitten barks and barks.
Tick correct answer-
(10 Marks)
2.1 What does the frog croak in Curious Town?
a) it is going to hail b) it is going to snow c) it is going to rain d) it would be a
sunny day
2.2 The volcano is packed with
a) sand b) dew c) ice d) water
2.3 The asses in the curious town have____
a) two b) four c) eight d) six
2.4 How many days does the week at Curious Town have?
a) six b) three c) seven d) two
2.5 How is a rainbow of curious town different from a natural rainbow?
a) it has more than seven colours.
b) is has two colours.
c) it is colourless.
d) it is blue coloured
2.6 Choose the statement that is truea) The puppy mews and kitten barks.
b) The hues of rainbow are more than eight.
c) The asses have two legs while the men have four.
d) None of the above.
2.7 Find the word from the poem which means ‘to wander about’a) hail b) roam c) arrive d) curious
2.8 Choose the antonym of arrivea) leave b) go c) come d) reach
2.9 Circle the word that does not rhyme with roara) more b) four c) bore d) bare
2.10 Choose the synonym of huea) paint b) shower c) flow d) colour
Tick the correct option3.1 Japan is a beautiful --------a) country b) city c) town d) river
3.2 A --------- of singers performed well.
a) choir b) band c) panel d) litter
(30 Marks)
3.3 ----------------- is a famous cricketer.
a) Remo b) M.S.Dhoni c) Rohit Pal d) Sunidhi Chauhan
3.4 A lioness gave birth to many ---------a) cowes b) calves c) cubs d) puppies
3.5 A horse and a ------------ were moving on the road.
a) mare b) tigress c) ox d) peahen
4.1 Complete the sentence with the correct answerThe pencils belong to Ritu. The pencils are---------.
a) theirs b) hers c) their d) his
4.2 He kept it in the cupboard ---------.
a) myself b) itself c) herself d) himself
4.3 Rohit picked up a bat and threw ------- out of the window.
a) him b) it c) her d) them
5.1 Gaurav’s room is ------------ my room.
a) the cleanest b) as clean as c) clean d) cleaner
5.2 Who is [ more intelligent / the most intelligent / the intelligent ] person you
5.3 Shreya is ------------------ than her sister.
a) tall b) more tall c) taller d) tallest
5.4 Choose an adjective not used for ball
a) tall b) hard c) soft d) green
5.3 Circle the odd one
a) tall b) intelligent c) hard working d) boy
6.1 Circle the correct word to complete the sentencei) The cold drinks (was / were / is) kept on the table.
ii) The girl (is / am / are) going to school.
iii) Everyday they ( plays / play / played ) in the park.
6.2 Tick the correct optioni) We ---------- to zoo tomorrow.
a) will went b) will going c) will go d) go
ii) My mother ------------ gift to me on my last birthday.
a) will give b) give c) will be giving d) gave
6.3 Tick the correct sentence –
a) The children have their lunch at 2’O clock.
b) The children has their lunch at 2’O clock.
c) The children was having their lunch at 2’O clock.
6.4 Circle the word which is not a verba) say b) sing c) speak d) song
7.1 Tick the correct option to complete the sentenceRashmi: What were you doing before I came yesterday?
Shruti: I------------- Television.
a) was watched b) was watching c) watched
7.2 V2 (Simple past) form of ‘bring’ is –
a) bringed b) brought c) bringing
7.3 The chair on which the child ----------- broke.
a) sit b) sat c) was sitting d) sitting
8.1 Fill up with correct prepositionThe man walked -------- the house very quietly.
a) in b) into c)on d)near
8.2 Circe the incorrect statementa) The child slept peacefully in his cradle.
b) The child slept peacefully on his cradle.
c) The child slept peacefully at his cradle.
8.3 Tick the correct optionThe cat is sitting --------the tree.
a) under b) over c) into d) above
9.1 Complete the sentence with correct conjunction--------------- the paper was difficult, the students scored well.
a) yet b) and c) although d) but
9.2 Circle the odd one out
a) and
b) but c) with d) although
10.1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentence-----honesty is ----- best policy.
a) a, an b) an, a c) the, an d) ×, the
10.2 Circle the incorrect statementa) She is a honest girl.
b) An M.L.A. came to our society.
c) My brother is an MBA.
11.1 Circle the correct meaningful sentence using the words given belowpark in the playing children are the
a) The children are playing in the park.
b) In the park children are playing.
c) In the park are playing children.
11.2 Identify the kind of sentence given belowWhose book is lying on the table?
a) Assertive b) Exclamatory c) Interrogative d) Imperative
11.3 Tick the Exclamatory sentencea) Wow! We have won the match.
b) Who has won the match?
c) The match was wonderful.
( 10 Marks)
12.1 Which of the following option is in alphabetical ordera) cat b) apple c) fan d) big
1) b,d,a,c
2) a,b,c,d 3) d,a ,c,b 4) a, c, b,d
12.2 Tick the alphabet that completes the given word
a) e b) i
c) a d) u
12.3 Re- arrange the alphabets to make a meaningful wordBNAHRC
a) branch b) range c) ranch
12.4 Tick the correct antonym of possiblea) impossible b) dispossible c) inpossible d) unpossible
12.5 Tick the correct optionA person who stitches clothes is a ---------.
a) draper
b) tailor
c) confectioner d) carpenter
12.6 Circle the meaning of underline word:
It will take me just a minute to write my name.
a) small b) time part of an hour c) clock
The tear was so minute that no one noticed it.
a) Very small b) big c) medium d) huge
12.8 Choose the correct suffix which makes the antonym of the word helpfula) helpless b) helpfully c) helplessly
12.9 Add the missing vowels and choose the correct word
a) beautiful b) bottle
c) flower
12.10 Tick the correct wordOn the ______, he is a nice person.
a) whole
b) hole
c) hoal
13.1 Choose the correct spelling of mis- spelt wordsChoce
a) choice
b) choice c) chyoce
13.2 decison
a) decision b) dicision c) decisone
13.3 anounce
a) annuonce b) announce c) anonuce
13.4 religous
a) religeous b) relegeous c) religious
13.5 atention
a) attintion b) atetntion c) attention
13.6 Identify the error in the following sentences. Choose the word that rectifies itWe enjoyed himself at the party
a) herself b) ourselves c) yourself d) myself
13.7 It was the happier day of my life.
a) happiest b) happy c) happily
13.8 Our teacher is on a holiday yesterday.
a) was b) am c) are d) were
13.9 Raju called their friends to his house.
a) his b) its c) her
13.10 Shalu’s house is big her friends house.
a) The biggest b) bigger than c) as bigger
( 10 Marks)
14.1 Arrange the following in order to make a sensible story1) they call a meeting to discuss how to save themselves. A smart young mouse
suggests to tie a bell around cats neck.
2) a wise mouse asks who will tie the bell and tells them it is easy to give suggestions
but difficult to put into practice.
3) big cat kills mice everyday so he mice were scared to move out. They don’t know
what to do.
4) the bell will ring and warn them of cats arrival. They can run and hide everyone was
happy at this and agree.
a) 2134
b) 3124 c) 4213 d) 3142
14.2 Write a short paragraph on’ Importance of trees’ using the hints given below-
essential for our survival
give out oxygen which is necessary for survival of all creatures
important things like medicines, timber, wood, furniture
habitat for wild animals
prevent soil erosion
we should not cut trees
conserve forests as they are vital for our environment
plant more and more trees.
Save earth from destruction