PastoralThemes 2015-16 Date 31/08 Assembly led by... Topic No Assemblies 07/09 HOH Visions & Standards 14/09 21/09 LAB WB Principal’s Assembly UK Youth Parliament 28/09 KD Shoe Box Launch 05/10 DJ Standards 12/10 HOH/PM Breast Cancer Awareness (Pink) 19/10 HOH/PM Rewards Notes BH 31/08, PD Day 01/09 PD Days 22/10 and 23/10 SMSC, BV 6th Form BV/ Moral – following rules, respecting authority Social – being part of a House community 20 mins sessions in Pod with HJ BV/Moral/Cultural/Social – Parliamentary systems; respecting the right to vote and being able to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues BV/Moral/Cultural– tolerance of other cultures and beliefs Social – supporting those less fortunate/ working together Spiritual – religious link through the work of the charity Samaritans Purse BV/Moral – following rules, respecting authority Social - acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect BV – being part of a nationwide event Social – supporting those less fortunate Spiritual – understanding of life and death BV/Social/Moral – Respect for others by celebrating their successes Principal’s Briefing Northumbria University Joint Y12/13 Quiz Teesside University/NCS Student Finance/Newcastle Partners Talk ‘Britishness’/Fire Safety Road show Half Term 02/11 HOH Remembrance BV – respect for those who Driving Safety Road 09/11 AA Aspirations (CEIAG) 16/11 MHU Anti Bullying Week (Make a Noise About Bullying) 23/11 DJ Standards 30/11 6th Form Homelessness (Slippers for Shelter 04/12) 07/12 HOH/PM Christmas Rewards 14/12 HOH/PM Christmas Assemblies (V Assembly to swap for these 2 weeks) have served our country; the role of the military in British life Social – participation in an international event/ reflecting on feelings Moral – rights and wrongs/ own personal opinion of war and conflict Spiritual – respect for those who have died Cultural – the use of iconic poetry/ music to symbolise how we feel BV – being able to participate fully in British society Social – self confidence, self belief BV – challenging discrimination, being tolerant of others Social – learning to live and work together Moral – right and wrong BV/Moral – following rules, respecting authority Social - acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect BV/Social – respect for others, participation in a national campaign Moral – our duty of care for those living in difficult circumstances BV/Social/Moral – Respect for others by celebrating their successes BV – celebrating traditions; tolerance of differences of beliefs Social – enjoying celebrations together Show/Cyberbullying&ESafety Radicalisation/Careers Living away from home/Decision making Living away from home/Careers Living away from home/Careers Living away from home/Careers Auschwitz Presentations Spiritual – meaning of Christmas Cultural – traditions, respect for other cultures at Christmas Christmas 04/01 PM New Year Resolutions 11/01 LAB Principal’s Assembly 18/01 DJ Standards 25/01 HJ/6th Form Holocaust 01/02 TTD/TID Safer Internet (Day 09/02) 08/02 HOH/PM Rewards BV – celebrating traditions Moral – setting targets for self Cultural – the traditions around New Year BV/Moral – following rules, respecting authority Social - acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect BV/Moral/Spiritual – respecting other faiths, challenging discrimination Moral – right and wrong of internet use PD Day 12/02 BV/Social/Moral – Respect for others by celebrating their successes Debate/Careers Debate/Careers/Principal’s Briefing Debate/Careers Drugs&Alcohol Road show/Sexual Health/Personal Statements/Applications Skills for Uni/Sexual Health/Personal Statements/Applications Skills for Uni/Sexual Health/Personal Statements/Applications Half Term 22/02 KK SLT Assembly 29/02 JED/DG/RW Literacy (World Book Day 03/03) 07/03 DJ Standards 14/03 VP Science Week Moral – the importance of literacy in today’s society BV/Moral – following rules, respecting authority Social - acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect Politics/Newcastle University Politics/Interview Preparation Question Time Debate/Interviews Life Skills/What Uni Talk 21/03 HOH/PM Easter Rewards PD Day 24/03, BH 25/03 BV/Social/Moral – Respect for others by celebrating their successes Life Skills/Inter-form Quiz Easter 11/04 6th Form 18/04 LAB KS4 assembly – revision/External Pressures/Stress Principal’s Assembly 25/04 PM/Prefects House Charity 02/05 DJ Standards BH 02/05 09/05 BS Mental Health Awareness MH Awareness Week (11-17 May) 16/05 HOH/PM Y11 House Assembly 23/05 HOH/PM Rewards 06/06 HOH/PM Queen’s 90 Birthday 13/06 JED/DG Literacy Week 20/06 27/06 DY HOH/PM SLT Assembly Inter Form Competition KS3 students to remain in form BV/Moral – respecting those less fortunate; contributing to our local community Social – working together to achieve a goal BV/Moral – following rules, respecting authority Social - acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect BV/Moral/Cultural – respecting others, tolerating difference, challenging discrimination BV/Social – respecting the role played by others in our House community BV/Social/Moral – Respect for others by celebrating their successes Life Skills/Coping with Stress Tutor Group Collage/Revision Support Sports Day/Revision BH Study Leave Study Leave Study Leave Half Term th BV – the role and importance of the royal family; being part of a constitutional monarchy Cultural – celebrating traditional British culture Spiritual – the role of the Queen as a spiritual leader Moral – the importance of literacy in today’s society BV/Social - Developing a sense of community Study Leave Expectations, Procedures, UCAS UCAS Prep UCAS Prep 04/07 DJ Standards 11/07 HOH/PM Summer Rewards 18/07 NO ASSEMBLIES Summer Hols start on Thurs 21 07 BV/Moral – following rules, respecting authority Social - acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect BV/Social/Moral – Respect for others by celebrating their successes Social – celebrations within form of achievements this year? UCAS Prep Inter-form Quiz Form Picnic