Introduction to Global Business BA 107 Master Course Outline

Introduction to Global Business
BA 107
Master Course Outline
Prerequisite’s: BUS 101
Co-requisites: None
Course Description:
This course provides a broad overview of international business and trade,
and the impact of the international business environment on management
decisions. The course will examine the rapid changes that have taken place in
international trade and management within recent years. The class will focus
on marketing and management activities that cross international borders; and
their impact on domestic business practices and decision making. We will
further examine the influences on domestic businesses: including technology,
culture, law and economics.
Course Content:
The Rise of Globalization.
The Evolution of International Business.
Regional Economic Integration.
The Cultural Environment of Global Business.
The Legal, Economic and Political Environment of Global Business.
Corruption and Ethics in Global Business.
Entry Strategies in Global Business.
Control of Global Business.
The Organization of Global Business.
Global Human Resource Management.
Global Marketing.
Global Financial Management.
Global Accounting and Taxation.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this class, students should be able to:
 Explain the forces driving and evaluate the impact of globalization.
 Describe how political, economic, and socio-cultural forces have
influenced and continue to influence the international and domestic
business environment.
 Critically evaluate international business practices through the lens of
ethical and social responsibility.
 Analyze the differences in operating a firm globally versus domestically.
 Compare basic operational marketing conditions in domestic and
foreign markets.
 Discuss the changes and trends in the arena of international business
 Understand different perspectives of the globalization debate.
 Identify the role and power of international institutions.
 Explain why a business managers need to consider the natural
environment and sustainability in making international business
 Identify the economic forces that impact international business
 Explain the importance of government stability and country risk
analysis in international business.
 Explain laws and the legal forces affecting international business.
 Discuss different entry modes for international business as well as
import/export strategy.
 Show how the different functional areas for business (strategic
planning, marketing, finance, 0rganizational design and human resource
management, and operations) are challenged when expanding to the
international arena.
Academic Integrity
All forms of cheating, falsification, and plagiarism are against the rules of this
course and of Grays Harbor College. Students who are unsure what constitutes
academic dishonesty are responsible for asking the instructor for clarification.
Instances of intentional academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely.
Students who have documented disabilities that require accommodations in
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the
Disability Support Services coordinator as well as the instructor of the course
in order to ensure that together we create an optimal environment for
educational achievement.
W Day
The final day to officially withdraw from a course, is the Thursday of the
seventh week (Thursday of the fourth week for summer quarter). Students
who do not withdraw by that date will receive the grades they have earned,
regardless of whether they are attending the course or completing the work.
Students who are considering withdrawal are strongly advised to consult with
the instructor, advisor and financial aid prior to withdrawing. The only
withdrawals allowed after W Day are complete withdrawals from all courses.