CHILD DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE CURRICULUM MAP 2011-2012 The student will be able to summarize principles The student will be able to The student will have an of growth and create developmentally understanding of the impact of development in the appropriate environments for biological, environmental, and physical, cognitive, the optimal development for cultural influences on the emotional, and social children. development of a child. domains. CDEC 1319 CDEC 1313 CDEC 1323 CDEC 1359 CDEC 2264 (Capstone) CDEC 2304 CDEC 2326 CDEC 2328 CDEC 2336 Elective* (3) Elective* (3) Elective* (3) TECA 1303 TECA 1311 TECA 1318 TECA 1354 Practiced Practiced Practiced Reinforced Practiced Practiced Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced Practiced Introduced Reinforced Practiced Reinforced Practiced Practiced Reinforced Practiced Practiced Practiced Practiced Reinforced Reinforced Practiced Practiced Practiced Reinforced Reinforced Reinforced Introduced Practiced Reinforced Practiced Reinforced Practiced Introduced *All students must meet with an advisor to determine which courses will transfer to the 4 year school of their choice. These program level outcomes are paired with the core outcomes, which are assessed separately, to produce a comprehensive picture of student accomplishment in each graduate.