Parents place photo here of the older child who is picking up your PASAR student 2015-2016 My PASAR campus is: _______________________ A new release form must be completed every year. One form per PASAR student. One form per Under 18 pick-up student. Check here if you have an additional student and form. Under 18 Release Form OLDER CHILD MUST BE 13 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, MUST BE ON THE AUTHORIZED PICK UP LIST VIA THE PARENT PORTAL AND SHOW A PICTURE ID EACH TIME My son/daughter, ___________________________________may be released Circle one PASAR Student’s First and Last Name to _____________________________________ from PASAR. Person Under 18 First and Last Name I, ______________________________________________, give my permission Parent/Guardian (please print) for the above under 18 person to pick up my PASAR student. Sign______________________________________ Date___________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Notary____________________________ name Date___________________ Notary Stamp