THIRDYEARROTATIONINFORMATIONAND AFFILIATESGUIDE 2016-2017 TABLEOFCONTENTS ListofHospitalsandContacts SidneyKimmelMedicalCollegeContacts ThirdYearCurriculum 3 4 5 6 7 9-16 17-24 25-28 29-35 36-39 40-46 47 48-55 56-57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73-74 75 AffiliateSecurityProcedure 78-79 SelectionProcedure ClinicalCurriculumOverview 2016-2017AcademicCalendar FamilyMedicine InternalMedicine Neurology Obstetrics&Gynecology Pediatrics Psychiatry RehabilitationMedicine Surgery AffiliateHospitalInformation HospitalStatistics AffiliateMaps AbingtonMemorialHospital A.IDuPontHospitalforChildren AlbertEinsteinMedicalCenter BrynMawrHospital ChristianaCareHealthSystem Crozer-KeystoneHealthSystem ExcelaHealthLatrobeHospital InspiraMedicalCenter LankenauMedicalCenter MageeRehabilitationHospital MethodistHospital MorristownMedicalCenter OverlookMedicalCenter ReadingHospital ThomasJeffersonUniversityHospital VirtuaHealth WilmingtonVeteransAffairsMedicalCenter YorkHospital 2 76 77 ListofHospitalsOfferingJuniorElectives2016-2017 HOSPITAL LOCATION AbingtonMemorial Hospital Abington,PA AlfredI.DuPont HospitalforChildren AlbertEinstein MedicalCenter MainLineHealth BrynMawrHospital ChristianaCare HealthSystem Crozer-Keystone HealthSystem ExcelaHealth LatrobeHospital Wilmington,DE Philadelphia,PA BrynMawr,PA Newark,DE Springfield,PA Latrobe,PA InspiraMedicalCenter MailLineHealth LankenauMedicalCtr. Woodbury,NJ Wynnewood,PA MageeRehabHospital Philadelphia,PA MethodistHospital Philadelphia,PA MorristownMedicalCtr. Morristown,NJ OverlookMedicalCtr. Summit,NJ ReadingHospital SidneyKimmel MedicalCollegeatTJU WestReading,PA (seepagesix) Voorhees,NJ VirtuaHealth VeteransAffairs MedicalCtr. Wilmington,DE YorkHospital York,PA CONTACT INFORMATION DavidGarySmith,M.D. 215-481-2606 SteveSelbst,M.D. 302-651-5874 DouglasMcGee,D.O. 215-456-7056 JamesBurke,M.D. 484-476-2577 NeilJasani,M.D. 302-733-2704 ChristopherStenberg,M.D. 610-447-6354 MichaelSemelka,D.O. 724-537-1485 AartiAggarwal,M.D. 917-379-0904 JamesBurke,M.D. 484-476-2551 MichaelMallow,M.D. 215-955-1200 MartinKoutcher,M.D. 215-952-9197 JeffreyLevine,PhD 908-522-5546 JeffreyLevine,PhD 908-522-5546 DavidGeorge,M.D. 484-628-8333 MaryCampagnolo,M.D. 856-355-0009 RobertBoucher,M.D. 302-633-5203 DavidEmrhein 717-851-2967 3 E-MAIL/WEBSITE SidneyKimmelMedicalCollegeContacts2016-2017 DEPARTMENT CLERKSHIPCOORDINATORS DIRECTORS FamilyMedicine NatalieNederostek 215-955-1372 FredMarkham,M.D. 215-955-2350 NinaMingioni,M.D. 215-955-6180 DanielKremens,M.D. 215-503-2724 KatherineLackritz,M.D. 215-955-5000 AlisaLoSasso,M.D. 215-955-6525 Medicine Neurology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics HannaFlite 215-955-8737 JaclynSliben 215-955-4967 DianaBrooks 215-955-8462 SybilFullard-McLaurin 215-955-6525 AlisonWashkalavitch 215-955-9823 Psychiatry MitchellCohen,M.D. 215-955-6592 Surgery SherryWeitz 215-955-6879 GeraldIsenberg,M.D. 215-955-6879 4 ThirdYearClerkshipSelectionProcedure Mid – February 2016, students will begin to select the rotation and location of clerkships with the Registrar'sOffice.SpecificdateswillbeemailedfromtheRegistrar’sOffice. Approx.April15ththeresultsofthelotterywillbeavailabletoallsecondyearstudents. STUDENTSAREPROHIBITEDFROMHOLDINGMORETHANONESLOTPER CORESUBJECTandtheRegistrar willautomaticallydeleteextraslotsheldtherebyjeopardizingastudent'sfirstchoice. Sinceitisrealizedthatattimeschangesarenecessaryoncetheacademicyearbegins,ANYCHANGESmust bemadeunderthefollowingprocedure: AllchangesmustbemadesixweeksormorebeforethescheduledrotationonlineviaBannerWeborusing thestandardpaperdrop/addform. Theclerkshipbeingchanged,whetherlocationorrotation,MUSTbearrangedbyandwiththeCoordinator of thatclerkship(inconsultation with the Director).Iftwo ormorestudentsortwoormoreclerkships are involvedinthechange,allCoordinatorsthatpertainMUSTbeinvolved.TheCoordinatorswilltheninform boththeSITEandtheREGISTRAR. TheCoordinatorwillinformthenewsiteCoordinatorandtheoriginalsiteCoordinatorofthechange.This informationwillbebyphoneandbyemailandwillbetotheclerkshipcoordinatorsandtochiefacademicofficer atanyaffiliatedMedicalCenter.TheDeansofAffiliationswillalsobecopied.Studentsmayenlisttheadvice orhelpofanyfacultymemberorDeanineffectingachange;howeverthechangemayonlybemadeby aCLERKSHIPCOORDINATOR.AllchangesmustbereportedtotheRegistrar. 5 CLINICALCURRICULUMOVERVIEW GeneralInformation ThefollowingisanoverviewoftheClinicalCurriculum,itsrequirements,prerequisites,andprocedures.JeffersonMedical Collegereservestherighttomodifyinformationand/orrequirementsaslistedinthisbooklet.Studentswillbenotifiedifany changesaremaderegardingcourserequirements/policies.Determinationoflocationandsequencingofallrotationsisreserved tothecollege.Affiliatesiteavailabilityandenrollmentnumbersmaychangeafterthepublicationofthesematerials.Official entryintotheClinicalCurriculumiscontingentuponobtainingapassingscoreinStep1oftheUnitedStatesMedical LicensingExamination. TheclinicalcurriculumprogramstartsinJulyandconsistsof100weeks,ofwhich: 84weeksarerequiredclerkships, 4weeks’vacationsaremandatory(2weeksduringeachWinterHolidayperiod), 2weeks’vacationinJunebetweenthethirdandfourthyears, 2weeks’vacationimmediatelypriortograduation,and th 8weeksofvacationduring4 Yeartobescheduledtofittheneedsofthestudents. Thebasicunitsofthecalendararesix-weeksandfour-week’sblocks. th rd PhaseIRequirements–Priortobeginning4 Year,each3 studentmustcompletethefollowing: Duringthefirst48weeks,thesequenceofcourseswillvary,butbytheendofthe48weeks (correspondingtotheendoftheeighthsix-weekblockofthethirdyear)allstudentsmusthavecompleted: - sixweeksofFamilyMedicine(FMED350) - twelveconsecutiveweeksofSurgery/SurgicalSpecialties/Selectives(consistingof: -sixweeksofGeneralSurgery(SURG350),and -twothree-weekrotationsofSurgicalSpecialtiesandSelectives - twelveconsecutiveweeksconsistingofeightweeksofInternalMedicine(MED350) andfourweeksofNeurology(NEUR350), - sixweeksofPediatrics(PED350) - sixweeksofPsychiatryandHumanBehavior(PSYH350) - sixweeksofObstetrics/Gynecology(OBGY350) AllPhaseIrotations,withtheexceptionoftheNeurologyandSelectiverotations,haveacomprehensivewritten examinationattheconclusionoftheteachingblock.Examinationgradesearnedwillbepostedasaseparateentryon thetranscript. GeneralInformationConcerningtheSchedulingProcess • Themajorobjectiveistogiveeachstudentthehighestorderofcoursesandlocationspreferred,whilealso meetingJeffersonandaffiliatedhospitalrequirements.Determinationoffinallocationandsequencingofall rotationsisreservedtothecollege. • Ifthestudent'sfirstpreferenceisnotavailable,duetoenrollmentlimitationsorotherfactors,theprocesswillmoveto thenexthighestselectiondependingonthepreferenceselectedbythestudentontheschedulerequestscreen. Ifastudentfailstoprovidealternatechoicesoftimeperiodsandlocations,andthefirstchoiceisnotavailable,thestudentwill beassignedwhenand/orwherespaceisavailable. 6 ACADEMICCALENDAR 2016–2017 ClinicalCurriculum SIX-WEEKBLOCKS FOUR-WEEKBLOCKS 2016–2017 2016-2017 16-01 July5-August12 16-02 August15–September23 16-03 September26–November4 16-04 November7-December16 16-05 January4-February12 16-06 February13–March24 16-07 March27-May5 16-08 May8-June16 16-10July5–July29 16-11August1–August26 16-12August29–September23 16-13September26-October21 16-14October24-November18 16-15November21-December16 16-16January3–January27 16-17January30–February24 16-18February27–March24 16-19March27-April21 16-20April24-May19 16-21May22–June16 AllPhaseImustbecompletedattheconclusionof16-08fortheClassof2018. 7 ImportantNote!!!!! ALLHOUSINGARRANGEMENTSFORROTATIONSMUST BEMADEWITHTHEAFFILIATEHOSPITALSDIRECTLY ONCEYOUAREASSIGNEDTOYOURROTATIONS.THE LISTOFCONTACTSISINCLUDEDWITHINTHE GUIDEBOOK. 8 FAMILY MEDICINE Abington BrynMawr Christiana Crozer Latrobe/ Excela Inspira Min/MaxNumberof Students 1 2/3 PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R)resident (I)Intern A/R A/R 7 1 2-4 1/2 A/R A/R A/R A/R Numberof Students/Supervisor 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 YES-2 WEEKS YES-1WEEK ONLY4 YEAR;1WEEK YES-1WEEK OPTIONAL- 1WEEK YWS-1WEEK Outpatient YES YES YES YES YES YES ICU NO NO NO NO NO NO CommunityPreceptor YES NO 2WEEKSOUTSIDE OFOFFIE 3SATELLITE OFFICES YES NO WOUND CARE NURSING HOME SESSION UPON REQUST,ER ADMITS NO HOMEVISTIS NO METHADONECLINIC, WOUNDCARECTR., INFECTIOUSDISEASE CLINIC,DIABETESCTR., SCHOOLBASEDWELLNESS CENTERS,NURSINGHOME VISITS,GERIATRIC ASSESSMENTPROGRAM, URBANCENTER POSSIBLY HOMEVISITS, NURSINGHOME, SPORTSMEDICINE ANDDERM CLINICS NO STUDENT RUNCLINIC NO HOSPICE, WOUNDCARE, OMT RequiredText YES YES YES YES YES YES RequiredReadings YES YES YES YES YES YES NONE NONE NONE NONR NONE NONE TimeBreakdown: Inpatient ER Other Beeper TH 9 FAMILY MEDICINE Teaching: LectureHours/Week NumberofNightsonCall Housing Transportation Abington BrynMawr Christiana WEDNESDAYS-912,WEDNESDAY SMALLGROUP WITHRESIDENTS DIDACTIC MORNING AND AFTERNOON LECTURES M-FMORNING REPORT@8; THURSDAY MORNING DIDACTICS THURSDAYAM DIDACTIC LECTURES DIDACTICSAND RESIDENTSLECTURES NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE YES, ARRANGEMENTS WITHRESIDENCY COORDINATOR FREE HOUSING NONE CAR RECOMMENDED NOT REQUIRED ONCE THERE ACCESSIBLE VIAPATCO NONE NONE ACCESSIBLE VIASEPTA CAR RECOMMENDED CARRECOMMENDED, FREEPARKING 10 Inspira RESIDENT LECTURES Latrobe/ Excela Crozer FAMILY MEDICINE Overlook Medical Center/ Atlantic Health System Reading Min/MaxNumberof Students 1-2 1-2 PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R)resident (I)Intern A/R A/R Numberof Students/Supervisor TJU VirtuaHealth York 11-15 1 1 A/R A/R A/R 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 NO NO YES-1WEEK YES-2 WEEKS TimeBreakdown: Inpatient Outpatient YES YES YES YES YES ICU NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES,ONEAWEEK YES NO NURSING HOME NO HOSPICE, SPORTS MEDICIE, ADDICTION CENTE, DERM CLINIC,GI CLINIC, COLLEGE STUDENT CLINICS NO HOSPICE,HOMEVISITS, REFUGEECLINIC NO NURSINGHOME, HOMEVISITS NO 2VzDAYSA WEEKIN PRIVATE FAMILY MEDICINE OFFICE RequiredText YES YES YES YES YES RequiredReadings YES YES YES YES YES NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE CommunityPreceptor ER Other Beeper 11 FAMILY MEDICINE Teaching: LectureHours/Week NumberofNightsonCall Housing Transportation Overlook Medical Center/ Atlantic Health System Reading TJU MORNING REPORT ANDCME LECTURE RESIDENTLECTURESAND GRANDROUNDS NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE YES YES NONE NONE YES NOT REQUIRED ONCETHERE NOT REQUIRED ONCE THERE CARRECOMMENDED CAR RECOMMENDED CAR RECOMMENDED York MORNING REPORT, DIDACTICS, RESIDENT LECTURES 12 VirtuaHealth WEDNESDAY MORNINGS HALFDAY FAMED350 FAMILYMEDICINE AbingtonMemorialHospital Asafamilymedicineteachingprogram,wehaveastrongcommitmenttoteachingmedicalstudents.Thirdyear studentsfrommanylocalmedicalschoolsrotatewithourresidentsontheFamilyMedicineInpatientServiceand intheFamilyMedicineCenter.Wealsoofferfourweekandtwoweekfourthyearelectiverotationsforinterested medicalstudents. Students are incorporated into all aspects of the Family Medicine Residency during their rotations with us. The majorityofstudenttimeisspentcaringforpatientsintheoutpatientsettingbutalsomayincludeactivitiessuchas roundinginthehospitalwiththefamilymedicineresidentsandattending’s,geriatricfacilityvisits,andhomevisits. MedicalstudentsareinvolveinallconferencesanddidacticprogramsattheAbingtonFamilyMedicineduringtheir rotationsandparticipateinaseriesoflecturesonthetop20diagnosesinprimarycarespecificallydesignedforthe students.Thereisalsotheopportunityforinterestedstudentstoworkwithourresidentsinotheractivitiessuch aspreparticipationsportsphysicals,outpatientofficeproceduresandresearchprojectsandpublications. BrynMawrHospital Thegoalofthissix-weekrotationisforthestudenttopracticeandimprovehis/herinterviewingandphysical examinationskillsandtobeginintegratingpatientdatawithbasicsciencetomakerelevantclinicaldecisions. ThisFamilyPracticerotationisintendedtoprovidethethird-yearstudentwithabroadclinicalexperience. There is ample time spent in the hospital-based residency practice and in the office of a community-based family practitioner. The array of exposures will include the family practitioner in the office, making home visitsandnursinghomevisits.Inaddition,thestudentsmeetwithfacultyforseminarsonclinicalproblem solvingandinterviewingskills.Studentsareresponsibleforreadingnecessaryinformationtoappropriately learn about the patients they have seen. An evaluation will be made by the preceptor with whom the studentsworkandthefacultyandresidentsatBrynMawrFamilyPractice. ChristianaCareHealthServices Studentswillbeexposedtoawiderangeofclinicalexperiencesandsettings.Studentsspendtwoweeksina private family physician’s office, at least one week in our residency practice, several sessions in an urgent caresetting,aswellasseveralvariedexperiencesincommunitymedicine,includingHIVClinic,nursinghome and home visits. Finally students have the unique opportunity to participate in a weekly medical student clinic where they see their own patients, formulate their own assessments and plans and may see them in followup.Thelecturescheduleincludespracticalsessionsonanintroductiontosuturingandanintroduction tomusculoskeletalexams.Lecturesalsoincludeinteractivedidacticsessionsoncommonoutpatienttopicsas well as an introduction to evidence-based medicine. Students are evaluated by the course director outside preceptors,faculty,residentsandstaff.Mid-rotationmeetingsareinformalduetothewiderangeofassigned locations.TheclerkshipdirectormeetswithallstudentsforseveralsessionsoforientationandmostFridays thereafter.Duetothevariedlocationstowhichthestudentsmusttravel,anautomobileisrecommendedfor thisrotation. 13 FAMED350 FAMILYMEDICINE Crozer-KeystoneHealthSystem AttheCrozer-KeystoneCenterforFamilyHealthinSpringfield,weoffer2and4-weekfourthyearelectives anda6-weekthirdyearclerkshipforinterestedmedicalstudents.Duringyourrotation,youwillspendthe majority of the time caring for patients in the outpatient setting which is located in Delaware County (20 minutes outside of Philadelphia.) Our Springfield office recently received Level 3 recognition from the NationalCommitteeforQualityAssuranceforourPatientCenteredMedicalHome.Patientcareactivitieswill routinelyincludeexposuretoglobalhealth,officeprocedures,cosmeticmedicine,sportsmedicineactivities, medical informatics, inpatient service and behavioral science sessions. In addition, students will also be involvedthecommunitythroughschoolphysicals,homevisitsandnursinghomevisits.Studentsparticipate in the weekly didactic sessions with our residents as well as dedicated weekly medical student teaching sessions.IfyouareinterestedindoingarotationinFamilyMedicineatCrozer,pleasecontactourStudent Coordinator at (610) 690-4471 or via email at We greatly look forward to participatinginyourmedicaleducationandexposingyoutothedynamicspecialtyofFamilyMedicine!For moreinformation, ExcelaHealthLatrobeHospital Students get to interview and examine patients first at Latrobe. The student takes an active role in care/managementofpatients,andstudentsparticipateinclinicalanalysisprocesses.Studentsaresupervised byboard-certifiedfamilypracticeattendings.ThereisprobablynoothersitewithintheJeffersonsystemat whichthestudentsgetthisopportunitytoactascliniciansandtocontributesodirectlytothecareofactual patients. Students receive informal feedback from every preceptor with whom they work. Preceptors relay informationverballyorinwritingtotheclerkshipcoordinator,whohasaformalfacetofacediscussionwith thestudentsinmid-courseandattheendoftherotation.Theclerkshipcoordinatorcompilestheevaluations and writes the narrative grade report to send back to Jefferson. Students are evaluated compared to the theoreticalexpectationsforastudentattheirleveloftrainingandexperience.Knowledge,professionalism, personalskills,andabilitytothinkinclinicaltermsareallimportantgradingfactors. InspiraMedicalCenterWoodbury Our faculty has training in sports medicine in addition to a focus on geriatrics. We have our own prenatal clinic,whichissupervisedbylocalobstetricians.Midrotationevaluationsoccursat3weeks,andareinthe formofverbalfeedback.Weevaluatestudentsbasedoncompositescorescollectedfromallphysiciansthat worked with the student. Our forms mirror the criteria present on the final evaluation forms sent from Jefferson.Allsubjectivecommentsareincorporatedintheevaluations. 14 FAMED350 FAMILYMEDICINE OverlookMedicalCenter(partofAtlanticHealthSystem) We are a family medicine teaching program, and as such we teach medical students from several medical schools along with our residents. Students will work with both residents and attendings in our outpatient office in Summit, NJ. Students will meet patients from a variety of backgrounds, take histories, conduct physicals,developdifferentialsandpresenttoattendingsandseniorresidents.Theywillalsospenttimeon geriatric rounds in our nursing home facility and in our prenatal clinic. There is also opportunity for interested students to round with the family medicine inpatient team. Medical students are involved in all conferences/ didactic sessions along with the residents. These periodically might include procedure conferences such as suturing, GYN procedures or joint injections. Additionally, there are medical student behavioralsciencesessions. ReadingHospitalandMedicalCenter The Reading hospital is a large, community based hospital with many resources. Students have the opportunitytocustomizepartsoftherotation,dependingupontheirparticularinterest.Students“formally” stay within the residency program, but have the opportunity to work with specialists along with Family MedicineResidents.Studentstypicallyworkwith3-5residentsand2-3facultymembers.Themid-rotation andfinalevaluationsareacompositeofinputfromthosewhoworkedwiththestudent.Foreachpatient,the student will use the standardized history and physical outlined by the SOAP format, which is critiqued and returned to the student. Home visits w/Berks visiting Nurses – 1 day rotation; PSU Berks / Alvernia University. Student Health Clinic, 1 afternoon / rotations, Second Street Clinic – 1 day / rotation. Special FeaturesofyourclerkshiprequiredBiopsychosocialProjectwhichinvolvesinterviewingalong-termpatient andwritinga3-pagepaperwithagenogram.TheClerkshipDirectormeetswithstudentsweeklytopractice casepresentationsandtopresentphysicalexampearls. ThomasJeffersonUniversityHospital ForclerkshipstudentsrotatingatJefferson,thebulkofclinicaltimeisspentintheJeffersonFamilyMedicine Associatespractice.There,studentstypicallymeetpatients,takethehistory,conductthephysicalexam,and present patients to precepting faculty. Students are responsible for formulating a differential diagnosis, developinganassessmentandtherapeuticplan,andperforminghealthmaintenanceactivities.Studentsmay be responsible for labs, follow-up, notes, and referrals as needed. The patient population in the Family PracticeCenterislargelyurban,andstudentsencounterarichmixofpersonalities,backgrounds,andhealth issues.Studentmayalsobeassignedtoacommunitypreceptorandwillbeexpectedtotravelbycar. 15 FAMED350 FAMILYMEDICINE VirtuaHealth StudentswhorotateatVirtuaHealthwillbeconsideredapartofourFamilyMedicineResidencyduringtheir 6weekrotationwithus.Asateachingprogramwithover30yearsofexperiencetrainingresidents,weare dedicatedtoensuringthatstudentsgetanexcellentexperienceinseeingwhatFamilyMedicineisallabout. Students will spend the majority of their time at our outpatient facility, the Virtua-Tatem Brown Family Practice Center, and also spend 1 week on inpatient rounds on our family medicine service at Virtua Voorhees.Weareabout30minutesfromCenterCityPhiladelphia,makingaccessforJeffersonstudentsquite easy. Our practice has a very diverse patient population, with a broad demographic mix including 30% pediatrics.Intheoffice,studentswillworkwithresidentsand1on1withanattending,andwillseeawide variety of patients that encompass everything from well child and preventive health visits to the most complex chronic disease management cases, as well as office procedures. Our practice is recognized by the NCQA as a level 3 medical home, and students will gain experience learning in an environment that emphasizes patient satisfaction, patient safety and continuous quality improvement. Students will also be involved in participating in nursing home rounds and home visits, in addition to opportunities with school healthandotheroutreachactivitiesastheyarise.OurgoalistoexposeyoutotheexcitingspecialtyofFamily Medicineandallithastooffer!Wealsooffer4thyearrotationsforthoseinterestedinFamilyMedicineasa careerchoice.Pleasecontactourcoordinatorsat(856)325-3737andvisitourwebsitetolearnmoreabout VirtuaFamilyMedicineResidency. YorkHospital Students see patients at the Thomas Hart Family Practice Center which is part of the family medicine residencyprogramfoundedin1968.Thefamilypracticecenterisconnectedtothehospitalandhas24exam rooms,twoprocedurerooms,alab,andaconferenceroomaswellasofficesforthefacultyandresidents.The average number of outpatient visits per year is approximately 23,000. These visits include well-child care, maternitycare,adultcare,andnumerousoutpatientprocedures.Thefamilypracticecenterhasbeenusingan electronic health record since September 2006. Students will spend most of their time at the Thomas Hart FamilyPracticeCenterbutwillalsospendtwohalf-daysperweekataprivatefamilymedicineofficeinthe community.Studentswillalsospendtwoweeksonthefamilymedicineinpatientservice.Therearedidactics held on Thursday mornings which all students participate in as well as weekly visits to the York Hospital SimulationLab.StudentsaresupervisedbyStaceyRobert,MDandtheProgramCoordinatorforthestudent rotations,ChristieColon. 16 INTERNAL MEDICINE Min/MaxNumberofStudents Albert Einstein Christiana 4 7 ResidencyinSpecialty? YES YES PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R)resident IforMS4 (I)Intern RforMS3 I NumberofStudents/Supervisor Methodist 7 4 2/4 YES YES YES IFORMS4; RFORMS3 A I/R/A 1-2 4 1-2 1-2 % FDE FDE FDE 100 22-24 10HRS/DAYSFOR8 WKS 30 100 Outpatient 0 2 0 0 0 ICU 0 0-1 0 0 0 PrivateMD 0 1 0 0 0 ER 0 0 ONLYONCALL 0 0 OR 0 0 0 0 0 L&D 0 0 0 0 0 Other 0 0-2 0 0 DAILY ~DAILY PRESENTDAILY 8-12 1-2/WEEK NumberAdmissionWrite-ups PerRotation 3FORMAL WRITE-UPS VARIABLE DONEATJEFF VARIABLE 1-2/WEEK NumberofNewPatientsPer Rotation 20 VARIABLE 8-10 8-14 VARIABLE 1-2/WEEK RequiredText? NO NO NO NO NO TimeBreakdown: Inpatient NumberRequiredCase PresentationsPerRotation 17 Lankenau Morristown MedicalCtr./ AtlanticHealth System INTERNAL MEDICINE RequiredReadings Teaching: Albert Einstein Christiana YES NO Lankenau Methodist Morristown MedicalCtr. AtlanticHealth System NO YES NO 9 Lecture Hours/Week 8 4 8 5-8 Rounds/Day ~2 1-2 1-2 1 Q4 (NOOVERNIGHTS) NumberofnightsonCall 1 6 Q4 Beeper YES YES NO YES FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS 18 NO INTERNAL MEDICINE Reading TJUH WilmingtonVA York Min/MaxNumberofStudents 2/2 24 3 2/2 YES YES YES I/R/A I A/R ResidencyinSpecialty YES PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R)resident(I) Intern I/R/A NumberofStudents/Supervisor 1-2 1-2 1-2 2 TimeBreakdown: FDE % FDE FDE Inpatient 100 100 24 100% Outpatient 0 0 0 0 ICU 0 0 0 NO PrivateMD 0 0 0 0 ER 0 0 0 0 OR 0 0 0 0 L&D 0 0 0 0 Other 1STUDENT LECTURETIME NOSUBSPECIALTIES; SERVICESAREMULTIDISCIPLINARY 6 2/WEEK 8-12 10-12 VARIABLE 4 8–12 10-12 VARIABLE NumberRequiredCase PresentationsPerRotation NumberAdmissionWrite-upsPer Rotation NumberofNewPatientsPer Rotation - 2-3/WEEK 8-12 2-3ATATIME - RequiredText? NO NO 19 NO INTERNAL MEDICINE RequiredReadings Teaching: LectureHours/Week Rounds/Day NumberofNightsonCall Beeper Reading TJU WilmingtonVA York NO SUGGESTED - YES 6-10 5-7 8 10 1 1 1 1 Q4 (NOOVERNIGHT) 6(NOOVERNIGHT) 10 EVERY4DAYS; NOCALLPAST8PM YES YES YES YES FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS 20 MED350 INTERNALMEDICINE AlbertEinsteinMedicalCenter Students are evaluated based on Jefferson provided evaluation forms, by the interns, residents, and attendings that have worked with the student during their rotation. These evaluations are compiled and reviewed with the student at the end of their rotation if they have not already been reviewed by their individual evaluators. Albert Einstein Medical Center offers several unique educational opportunities for thirdyearmedicalstudents.Thereare6-10studentlecturesgivenbyfull-timefacultymemberseverymonth including a monthly medical jeopardy to review the topics presented. Students meet with the Chairman of Medicine,Dr.StevenSivak,weeklytodiscussinterestingcaseswiththeirpeers.Duringtherotation,students have access to the Johnson Learning Center, a state-of-the-art learning center with Harvey©, a model that simulatesheartsounds,anIVCathetersimulatortopracticeIVcatheterinsertionandphlebotomy.Students alsohaveachancetoroundwiththephlebotomyandIVteamstoacquireandpracticetheseskills. ChristianaCareHealthSystem–ChristianaHospital StudentsinteractwithconsultantsfromallsubspecialtyInternalMedicineservices.TheseincludeCardiology, Infectious Disease, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Nephrology, Pulmonary and Rheumatology. On the internal medicine service, students are evaluated by the intern and resident with whom they worked most closely.Dependingontheservice,anattendinghospitalistevaluatesthemaswell.Theseindividualsfillout the Sidney Kimmel Medical College evaluation form, which is then turned into the student’s individual preceptor.Thepreceptorthencomplieshisorherownevaluationincorporatingcommentsfromtheinterns andresidentsandthenthisfinalevaluationformissenttoJeffersonforthefinalgrade.Atthebeginningofthe clerkship,studentsaregivenaproceduralformtofillout.Theyareencouragedtodoasmanyproceduresas possible and these include phlebotomies, blood draws, nasogastric tube placements, and Foley catheter placements, ABGs, vaccinations and accuchecks. A workshop in IV insertion is provided for students and is schedule each month. Students are also required to prepare a one-page response to an evidence-based questionassignedtothem.Severalliteraturereferencesareexpected.TheACPInternalMedicineEssentials forClerkshipStudentsBookandCDIMPrimertotheInternalMedicineClerkshiparegiventoeachstudent. An observed physical examination is strongly encouraged. Mandatory lecture included Grand Rounds and studentcorelectures.Alectureofcommonx-rayfindingsisscheduledandconductedbyaradiologist.Each studentwillspendoneweekintheoutpatientsetting.Duringthisweektheyattendtheresidentcontinuity clinic,andspendondayataprivateinternist’soffice.Theyarealsoencouragedtoperformproceduresand visitsomeorallofthefollowing:MICU/CCU,GILab,CardiacCatheterizationLab,LabandHemodialysis.They alsoattendresidentambulatoryconferencesduringtheoutpatientweek. LankenauHospital Lankenau Hospital has over 100 years of experience in training medical students and residents. Indeed, educating students is a core value at Lankenau Hospital where medical students are considered valued membersofthehealthcareteam.Weprideourselvesonprovidingauniversity-levelacademicexperiencein awarm,supportivecommunityenvironment.StraddlingthecityofPhiladelphiaandits“MainLine”suburbs, Lankenauprovidesafascinatingdiversityofpatientsandpathology. 21 MED350 INTERNALMEDICINE AtLankenau,thirdyearstudentsrotateononeofoureightcoreteachingteams.Eachteamisledyeitheran AcademicHospitalistoranAcademicGeneralInternistwhoisfocusedonprovidingexcellentpatientcareand anexcellenteducationalexperienceforresidentsandstudentsontheirteam.Inadditiontoourcorestudent Didacticconferences,students(MS-3only)attendandpresentataweeklystudentcaseconferencethatisled by core teaching faculty. Students also attend regularly scheduled Lankenau conferences such as Noon Conference,MorbidityandMortalityConferenceandGrandRounds.Bedside,didactic,andmultidisciplinary roundstakeplacedailyandinformalbedsideteachingexperienceswithsubspecialtyconsultantstakeplace daily. Studentshavetheopportunitytolearnandpracticebedsideproceduressuchasphlebotomy,IVplacement, and the drawing of arterial blood gases. All students are strongly encouraged to attend and observe any procedurestheirpatientsareundergoingsuchascardiaccatheterizations,endoscopies,andsurgeries. Studentsareevaluatedinface-to-facesessionswiththeirfloorAttendingsatboththemidpointoftheblock and at the end of each block. End of block evaluations are completed by the student’s Attending, their resident, and occasionally their intern, if desired. Our medicine Clerkship Director William Surkis, MD, regularly meets with students to provide feedback and is always available to students for assistance with patientpresentations,notes,orassistancewithshelf-examstudyplans. MethodistHospital This rotation provides an excellent education in medicine at a community hospital. The PGY1’s are in Emergency Medicine, Family Practice, or Internal Medicine and the PGY2’s – PGY4’s are all in Internal Medicine. Students will have exposure to the subspecialty services of Cardiology, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Infectious Disease, Hematology & Oncology, Nephrology, Physical and Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, Rheumatology, and Endocrinology. Junior students have an assigned attending for each fourweekrotation.Theattendingmeetswithstudentstwiceaweekforthecasepresentationsanddiscussions. The students also attend morning report, daily conference, and resident teaching rounds. Evaluation is by intern, resident, and teaching attending based on the criteria of the Jefferson Medical College evaluation forms.MethodistHospitaloffersfreemealswhenoncall.Thereisalsofreeparking. MorristownMedicalCenter(partofAtlanticHealthSystem) Morristown Medical Center (MMC) is the flagship teaching hospital for Atlantic Health System in northern New Jersey. We function as a tertiary referral center for the region with over 680 beds and over 77,000 emergencyroomand286,000outpatientvisitseachyear,providingourstudentsexcellentclinicalexposure to patients from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. There are 9 residency programs at MMC, and two internal medicine fellowships including cardiology and primary care sports medicine. Third year medical students are assigned to one of the Department of Medicine teaching teams which are led by an academic hospitalist. They will be able to admit patients, write notes, present cases on rounds and interact with a varietyofmedicalandnon-medicalconsultantsunderthesupervisionofaseniorresidentand1or2interns. Daily teaching rounds are conducted with the attending. Students attend morning report, noon conference, radiology rounds, Mortality/Morbidity and Quality Improvement Rounds, and Medicine Grand Rounds. In addition,studentshaveacoredidacticseriesoflecturesincludingaweeklycardiacauscultationconference andmeetingswiththeclerkshipdirectorstoreviewnotes.OnestudentreportweeklyisledbytheClerkship Directorstohelpdeveloppresentationskillsanddiscussdifferentialdiagnosisandclinicalreasoning.The 22 MED350 INTERNALMEDICINE third year core curriculum is focused on the integration of patient information to identify presenting problem(s), development of differential diagnoses, improvement of critical thinking skills, and practicing writtennotesandoralpresentations.Studentsareevaluatedbymembersoftheteambasedontheirclinical performance,writtenandverbalpresentations,andprofessionalism. ReadingHospital Reading Hospital is located in West Reading, PA, which is approximately a 90-minute commute from Philadelphia. Students rotating here are an integral part of the general medicine team with each student workingcloselywithone-twointerns,oneseniorresident,andonefull-timefacultyattending.Therangeof experiences includes the evaluation of potential admissions in the emergency room, admission and care of those patients on general medical floors or telemetry units, and disposition to the appropriate outpatient setting.Studentsperformhistoriesandphysicals,writedailyprogressnotes,gainexperiencewritingnotes and orders in EPIC EMR, and provide ongoing care for two-three patients at any given time. They are encouraged to accompany their patients to any procedures of interest. Arrangements are made with respiratorytherapytoprovideexperiencedrawingABGs.Writtenhistoriesandphysicalsareturnedintothe clerkshipdirectoreveryotherweekforfeedback.Studentsattendmorningreport,grandrounds,andeither mid-day resident conferences or student conferences. Communication and physical exam skills, as well as development of differential diagnosis, are emphasized. A mid-rotation meeting is scheduled with the ClerkshipDirectorforfeedbackandsettingofgoalsfortheremainderoftherotation.Evaluationisbyintern, resident,andfull-timeattendingbasedonthecriteriaoftheSidneyKimmelMedicalCollegeevaluationforms. On-campushousingandparkingareavailablefreeofcharge.Dailymealallowanceisprovidedforthevarious on-campuseateries. Thestudentsareanintegralpartofthegeneralmedicineteam,witheachstudentworkingcloselywith1-2 interns,1seniorresident,and1full-timefacultyattending.Therangeofexperiencesincludestheevaluation of potential admissions in the emergency room, admission and care of those patients on general medical floorsortelemetryunitsanddispositiontotheappropriateoutpatientsetting.Studentsperformhistoriesand physicals,writedailyprogressnotes,andprovideongoingcarefor2-3patientsatanygiventime.Theyare encouraged to accompany their patients to any procedures of interest. Arrangements are made with respiratorytherapytoprovideexperiencedrawingABGs.Writtenhistoriesandphysicalsareturnedintothe clerkship director every other week for feedback. A mid-rotation meeting is scheduled with the clerkship directorforfeedbackandsettingofgoalsfortheremainderoftherotation.Studentsattendmorningreport, grandroundsandeithermid-dayresidentconferences,orstudentconferences.Communicationandphysical examskillsaswellasdevelopmentofdifferentialdiagnosisareemphasized.Evaluationisbyintern,resident, and full-time attending based on the criteria of the Jefferson Medical College evaluation forms. On-campus housing,andparkingareavailablefreeofcharge.Dailymealallowanceifprovidedforthecafeteria. ThomasJeffersonUniversityHospital During their Internal Medicine clerkship at TJUH students may be exposed to cardiology, GI, pulmonary, renal, GIM and oncology subspecialties. Students will attend a core conference series, student morning reports, simulation exercises, physical diagnosis rounds, and chairman rounds. All students are evaluated using criteria set by student promotions and Curriculum Committee Evaluations are compiled from all individuals who submit written evaluations – typically 6-8 per 8-week rotation. All students are asked to meetwithevaluatorseachmonthformid-rotationfeedback. 23 MED350 INTERNALMEDICINE WilmingtonVAMedicalCenter Students are responsible for history taking, physical examination, and formulation of differential diagnosis and therapeutic plan for their patients as well as ordering pertinent laboratory work and writing progress notes.Studentsactivelyparticipate,underclosesupervision,inperformingproceduressuchasIVandCVP lines, thoracentesis, paracentesis, blood gases, EKG’s. Students are considered an integral part of the team here!Thereareindividualizedconferencesaswellasgeneralandspecialtyconferencesheldforstudents. YorkHospital ThethirdyearclerkshipininternalmedicineatYorkHospitalprovidesstudentswithexcellentexposureto the broad range of diagnoses and multiple, complex medical problems characteristic of internal medicine. Thirdyearstudentsareanintegralandvaluedpartofeachofthefourinpatientmedicineteams.Eachteamis comprised of one attending physician (typically an academic hospitalist) one second or third year senior resident,oneintern,andusuallyonetotwothirdyearmedicalstudents.Studentstakecallwiththeirteam, admitpatientsinconjunctionwiththeirinternsandresidents,andfollowtheiradmittedpatientsthroughout their hospitalization. The student is responsible for presenting the initial history and physical, as well as presentingthesepatientsonsubsequenthospitaldays.Becausemedicinespecialistsandneurologiststendto act as consultants rather than the primary attendings for internal medicine patients at York Hospital, studentsgethands-onexperiencecaringforpatientswithdiagnosesdiverseascongestiveheartfailure,acute coronary syndrome, gastrointestinal bleeding, delirium, stroke, inflammatory bowel disease exacerbations, andCOPD,tomentionjustafew. Other educational activities include a core lecture series, with contributions from both general internist as well as subspecialists, specifically for the third year students. A weekly Student Report with the Clerkship Directorhelpstosharpenpresentationanddifferentialdiagnosisskills,aswellasclinicalreasoning.There arealsoweeklyadvancedphysicaldiagnosissessionsledbymasterclinicians,specificallygearedtowardthe third year students. Additionally, there are scheduled opportunities to work with ancillary services to practice and hone skills on venipuncture, IV placement, as well as urinalysis and peripheral blood smear interpretation. The students are evaluated primarily by attending’s, as well as the upper level resident on their team (the junior or senior resident). Interval feedback is given at the midpoint of the rotation. The students are evaluated based on their performance on the wards, including written history and physical, oral patient presentations,theirfundofknowledge,professionalism,andinteractionswithpatients,housestaff,ancillary services,andothermembersofthehealthcareteam. 24 NEUROLOGY Albert Einstein Christiana Lankenau Min/MaxNumberofStudents 4/4 2 PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R)resident (I)Intern R A 1/2 NumberofStudents/Supervisor 1:1 1:1 TimeBreakdown: % Inpatient 50 15 Outpatient 25 75 ICU 25 10 100 10 5(IFDESIRED) 2 2 NumberAdmissionWrite-ups PerRotation N/A 2 NumberofNewPatientsPer Rotation 20 40 NO,BUTMUST CONSULTUPTO DATEDAILY PrivateMD A ER OR L&D Other NumberRequiredCase PresentationsPerRotation RequiredText? NO FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS 25 NEUROLOGY Albert Einstein Christiana RequiredReadings YES Teaching: Lankenau YES,ASASSIGNED& UPTODATE ONGOING LectureHours/Week 11 1-2 6 Round/Day 1 1 NumberofNightsonCall 0 0 0 NO NO NO Beeper FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS 26 NEURO350NEUROLOGY AlbertEinsteinMedicalCenter Duringthisrotation,studentswillhaveacquirethefollowing: a.Asoundfoundationforprinciplesofneurologicdiagnosis; b.Introductiontocommonneurologicalsyndromesanddiseases,focusingonpathophysiology,common presentations,andprinciplesofmanagement. Foreachpatientassigned,studentswillperformathoroughH&Pwithspecialattentiontoneurological symptomsandsigns.AllpatientswillbepresentedtoanAttendingandmostwillbediscussedwitha Neurologyresidentbeforehand.Weexpectyoutoproposeaneurologicallocalizationanddifferential diagnosisoneverypatient.Thiswillincreaseyourfacilityin“thinkingneurologically.” RotationsDuringtheClerkship: 1.InpatientAdmittingService 2.InpatientConsultService 3.OutpatientClinics/Neuroradiology/Neuropathology 4.ICU OtherClerkshipRequirements: 1.Neuropathologyslidereviewandassignment 2.Patienteducationhandoutassignmentfor“NeurologyPatientLibrary” 3.Attendneurologytraineeconferencesandstudentcenteredconferences,unlessexcusedforotherduties. ChristianaCareHealthServices–ChristianaHospital Students are paired with an attending neurologist. They work with the attending directly in terms of performing consultations, seeing follow-up patients and learning to further their skills in the neurological examination. There is close attention to helping develop a through differential dx and plan. Students are encouraged to reviewanddiscussthemedicalliteraturewiththeneurologistwithwhomtheyareworking. Opportunities to work with inpatient neurology attendings in the ICU and floors settings are under development. 27 NEURO350NEUROLOGY LankenauHospital TheLankenauJeffersonstudentneurologyrotationisamentor/menteedrivenmodelthatissingularinthemedical schoolexperienceatJefferson.ThestudentwhoselectsLankenauwillbeassignedtoaspecificneurologyattending; therearenoneurologyresidentshere.Allofourattendingshavesubstantialsubspecialtyexperienceandseveralof ourstaffmembersarenationallyrecognizedintheirrespectivefields.Thestudentwillworkintensivelywiththeir assignedattendingwhowillalsodirecttheirclinicalandlearningexperiencesuchthatitwillbediversifiedacrossthe spectrum of neurological disorders and their treatment, predominantly in the outpatient setting where most neurologicdiseaseistreated,aswellasontheinpatientserviceandintheemergencyroom. 28 OBSTETRICS& GYNECOLOGY Albert Abington Einstein Bryn Mawr Christiana Lankenau Min/MaxNumberofStudents 1/2 3/4 PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R)resident (I)Intern R R 1/2 1/6 3/4 A R R NumberofStudents/Supervisor 1-2 1 1 FDE FDE 2 1-2 TimeBreakdown: FDE FDE Inpatient 13 10 15 14 7.5 Outpatient 5 10 5 5 6 ICU 5 ELECTIVE 1 PrivateMD ER CONSULTS 2 5 1 OR VARIES 10 5 5 6 10 PARTOF INPATIENT 7NIGHTS 5 6 L&D Other 5(ELECTIVE) 5NIGHTS OFNIGHT FLOAT OUTPATIENT SURGERY(2) NIGHTFLOAT NumberRequiredCase PresentationsPerRotation 2TO3 1 12 6 1 NumberAdmissionWrite-ups PerRotation VARIES 30 20 1 10 NumberofNewPatientsPer Rotation 6 30 YES YES YES YES RequiredText? YES FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS–REI:REPRODUCTIVE,ENDOCRINEANDINFERTILITY 29 OBSTETRICS& GYNECOLOGY Morristown Medical Ctr. /Atlantic Health System Reading Min/MaxNumberofStudents 2/4 3/3 PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R)resident (I)Intern R/A I/R NumberofStudents/Supervisor TimeBreakdown: Inpatient Outpatient ICU PrivateMD ER OR L&D TJUH Virtua York 4/6 4/7 2/3 R R R/A 2 1-2 2 2 1 2WEEKOB ROTATION 2WEEKGYN ROTATION FDE FDE DAYS/WEEK FDE 13 13 HALF 8/9 5 5 3.5 5-6.5 1 1 2WEEK ROTATION N/A VARIES VARIES 10 10 1 5-7 10 Other 4/5 FMX1 DAY 5(ELECTIVE) LABORHALL DAYTIME5; NIGHTFLOAT4 NumberRequiredCase PresentationsPerRotation 2 1OR MORE NumberAdmissionWrite-ups PerRotation 2ONGYNAND ITVARIESON OB VARIES NumberofNewPatientsPer Rotation VARIES YES YES RequiredText? 2TO3 N/A 3/4 VARIES N/A NONE REQUIREDBUT ENCOURAGED YES YES 20 YES FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS–REI:REPRODUCTIVE,ENDOCRINEANDINFERTILITY 30 OBSTETRICS& GYNECOLOGY RequiredReadings Albert Abington Einstein YES Bryn Mawr Christiana Lankenau YES YES YES YES Teaching: LectureHours/Week 4TO6 6TO8 1 9 5 Round/Day 1TO2 5TO6 (NIGHT FLOAT) 1 5 NO WEEKENDS 1 1 2 5 4 6 NO NO NO NO NO NumberofNightsonCall Beeper Morristown Medical Ctr./ Atlantic Health System Reading TJUH Virtua York YES YES YES YES YES 4-8 6TO7 4TO6 2 3-4 Round/Day 2 VARIES 1TO2 1 1TO2 NumberofNightsonCall 3 (NIGHTFLOAT) 5–6 (NIGHTFLOAT) 5–6 (NIGHTFLOAT) 4 NO NO NO NO NOS OBSTETRICS& GYNECOLOGY RequiredReadings Teaching: LectureHours/Week Beeper 31 OB/GYN350OBSTETRICSANDGYNECOLOGY AbingtonJeffersonHealth As an OB/GYN teaching program, we have a strong commitment to teaching medical students. Third year students from many local medical schools rotate with our residents and faculty on several services. These servicesinclude:gynecologiconcology,nightfloat,gynecology,andobstetrics.Studentsalsogetthechanceto rotateinourOB/GYNCenterfortheunderserved.Didacticsessionsandareheldweeklyforbothresidents andstudents,andweeklymorbidityandmortality(M&M)conferencesarealsoheld.Morningconferencesare helddaily. StudentsareincorporatedintoallaspectsoftheOB/GYNresidencyduringtheirrotationswithus.Students receive training both on the inpatient and outpatient EMR in the hospital. EMR write access is available to studentsduringthegynecologyservice. AlbertEinsteinMedicalCenter The clerkship in women’s health, obstetrics & gynecology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, AlbertEinsteinMedicalCenter,isasix-weeklearningexperiencedesignedtoprovidethebasicinformation aboutwomen’shealth,obstetricsandgynecologyneededbymedicalstudentstosuccessfullycompletetheir clerkships and pass national standardized examinations. Students are assigned to rotations in general obstetrics,gynecology,andnightfloatteams,providingampleopportunitytolearnthebasicknowledgeand skills while experiencing hands-on training in deliveries and surgery. Students are included as active members of the ObGyn care teams and are allowed and encouraged to do as much as their knowledge and skillspermit. InObstetrics,studentsareinvolvedinlaboranddeliveryactivities,theantepartumandpostpartumfloorand inclinicalscenariossuchasnormallaboranddeliveryandhigh-riskpregnancies(i.e.,pretermlabor,multiple gestation, premature rupture of membranes). In Gynecology, students participate in both general and oncologicGynsurgeryandcoverageforGynconsultationsrequestedbytheemergencydepartment,inpatient service, and in pre-operative clinic one half-day each week. During the outpatient experience, students participateinambulatorycareclinics,whichrangeinfocusfromcolposcopyclinic,tohigh-riskobstetrics,to newobstetricsandtoroutinecontinuitycareGYNclinic. Duringthesix-weekrotation,studentsattendweeklydidacticactivitiesofthedepartmentthatincludeGrand Rounds,dailylecturesfortheresidentsandperinatology/neonatologyconferences.Specificstudentlectures areprovidedthroughouttherotationbytheClerkshipDirectoronsite.StudentsreturntoJeffersononFriday afternoonsforlectures.Evaluationsincludeboththemid-rotationevaluation,andthefinalevaluation.Both evaluationsaregoneoverwiththestudentbytheClerkshipDirectorinone-on-onemeetingmidwayandat theendoftherotation.5consecutiveweeknightsarescheduled(NightFloat)inlieuoftraditional(Q4)callon the Labor & Delivery unit. On call facilities, lockers and meal tickets are provided for students during the rotation.StudentsreturntoJeffersononFridayafternoonsforlectures 32 OB/GYN350OBSTETRICSANDGYNECOLOGY BrynMawrHospital TheOB/GYNstudentstrainatBrynMawrHospitalforsixweeks.Studentswillhaveexposuretoavarietyof surgical and obstetric techniques along with subspecialty services in perinatal medicine and reproductive endocrine.Writtenevaluationsfromattendingstaffarecompiledbythemedicalstudentclerkshipdirector. Evaluatorsconsiderthestudent’sattitude,conscientiousness,motivation,historytaking,patientinteraction, medicalknowledge,casepresentationandproblemanalysis.Verbalfeedbackisprovidedonadailybasisby the attending the student works with. Each student will have a formal mid-rotation meeting with the Clerkship Director to evaluate the student’s progress, opportunities to improve, strengths, etc. Communication skills and team participation are important. The students work with residents from the specialties of Family Practice and Radiology, but are directly supervised by their attending physicians. LocatedinthewesternsuburbsofPhiladelphia,BrynMawrisafullserviceacute-careteachinghospital.Our patientsknowusforourhighlevelofpersonalizedcarebyexceptionalphysicians,surgeonsandnursingstaff in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Students return to Jefferson on Tuesday afternoons for PBL and smallgroupsessionsandonFridayafternoonsforlectures.StudentsreturntoJeffersononFridayafternoons forlectures. ChristianaCareHealthServices(CCHS) The OB/GYN residents all train at the Christiana Care Health Services (CCHS). Students interact with consultantsfromallOB/GYNsubspecialties.Wedo7,000deliveriesperyearandover6,000gynprocedures per year. Students will be exposed to the subspecialties of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive Health, Urogynecology and Gynecologic Oncology. Students are expected to performorassistwithadmissionsworkups,pre-opchecks,in-patientevaluations,outpatientcare,laborand delivery, surgical assistance (including laser and pelviscopy), fetal monitoring, cytology, pathology, ultrasoundandx-rayevaluations,antenataltesting,episiotomyrepair,GYNER,etc.Studentsareinvolvedin continuityclinicstoallowtheexperienceoffollow-upoutpatientcare.Studentsareassessedbaseduponthe evaluation of work done in the clinic, on OB in-patients, on surgical patient services, on written patient evaluationandonparticipationingroupdiscussions.Theemphasisisontheclinicalaspectofpatientcare and the ability to interact with patients and staff. Students are evaluated by the residents, full time attendings, private attendings, the Medical Student Coordinator (Dr. Jeffrey Fagan) and the Departmental Chair, Dr. Richard Derman. Grades are based on technical abilities, academics, clinical abilities and competence. Communication skills as well as team participation are important. Written mid-rotation and finalevaluationswillbeheld.StudentsreturntoJeffersonononeFridayafternoonduringtherotationfora clinicalskillssession.Thereisanopendoorpolicy.TheJeffersonevaluationformisusedaswellassupplied guidelines. 33 OB/GYN350OBSTETRICSANDGYNECOLOGY LankenauHospital TheOB/GYNstudentstrainatLankenauHospitalfor6weeks.Duringthisrotation,thestudentisexpectedto perform or assist with labor and delivery, postpartum care, gynecological surgery, post-operative care, admission,H&P's,medicalandsurgicalgynecologicaloncology,andpre-operativework-ups.Studentswill have exposure to a variety of surgical and obstetric techniques including those pertaining to high risk pregnancies. Subspecialty services to which the students are exposed during the OB/GYN rotation include GynecologicOncology,Maternal-FetalMedicine,andReproductiveEndocrinology.Writtenevaluationsfrom attending staff and residents are compiled by the physician coordinator of the medical student program. Evaluators consider cognitive skills, clinical skills, professionalism and house staff potential. Mid-rotation evaluation is a private meeting with the student director to discuss progress, opportunities to improve, strengths,etc.Residentscompletefinalevaluationsasagroup,whicharethenreviewedandapprovedbythe student director. Academically, Lankenau provides the students with over 9 hours of formal lecturing exclusively for students. These lectures attempt to compliment the lecture series at JMC. Additionally, students attend department and resident conferences. Breakfast and dinner meal tickets are provided to studentsoncall.StudentsreturntoJeffersononFridayafternoonsforlectures. MorristownMedicalCenter–(partofAtlanticHealthSystem) The OB/GYN students train at Morristown Medical Center for six weeks. During the six-week rotation, students work with residents and faculty in all subspecialties. In Obstetrics, students are involved in labor anddeliveryactivities,theantepartumandpost-partumfloorandinclinicalscenariossuchasnormallabor and delivery and high-risk pregnancies. In Gynecology, students participate in both general and Gyn Oncology surgery and coverage for Gyn consultations requested by the ER, inpatient service and in preoperativecliniconehalf-dayeachweek.Duringtheoutpatientexperience,studentsparticipateinambulatory care clinic, which range in focus from colposcopy clinic, to high-risk obstetrics, to new obstetrics and to routine continuity care GYN Clinic. Students also spend 1 half day with an Attending Faculty at Planned Parenthood. This location is accessible by public transportation when returning to Jefferson for Friday lectures.Housingisprovided;itisveryfartocommutefromJefferson ReadingHospitalandMedicalCenter TheReadingHospitalandMedicalCenterisan600bedcommunityteachinghospital,whichperformsover 3,000deliveriesandover3,500majorgynecologicproceduresperyear.ThethirdyearOB/GYNstudentis quickly assimilated into the health care team. The student OB experience includes two weeks of inpatient/outpatientexperienceandoneweekofOBnightfloat.Studentswillattendregularprenatalclinic andgenerallyperformatleastonesuperviseddeliveryduringtherotation.Onecompleteworkdayisdevoted to Maternal Fetal Medicine and Genetic counseling. The GYN experience consists of two weeks of routine gynecology and one week of GYN Oncology. Students participate in a wide range of gynecologic operative procedures including oncologic, pelviscopy, and pelvic reconstructive surgery. In addition to routine GYN clinics, students are introduced to advanced Urodynamic testing, colposcopy and family planning clinics. Private office outpatient experience is also available. There are at least seven hours of protected teaching/lectures per week. In addition, each student is encouraged to prepare a 12-minute didactic presentation at the end of his/her rotation. Students receive mid-rotation evaluations (assessing professionalism, communication skills, and skill sets such as History and Physicals) and final grade recommendations are issued by resident consensus opinion with input from the Assistant Director of the ResidencyProgram/ClerkshipDirector.StudentsreturntoJeffersononFridayafternoonsforlectures. 34 OB/GYN350OBSTETRICSANDGYNECOLOGY ThomasJeffersonUniversityHospital Subspecialties to which the student will have exposure include Gynecologic Oncology, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility, and Urogynecology. Students are evaluated by both residentsandattendings.StudentsrotatingatTJUHareexpectedtobeprofessional,well-read,andclinically skilled.Studentswhoareabletoworkindependentlywillfindthissiteveryrewarding.Eachstudenthasa mid-rotationmeetingwiththeClerkshipDirectortodiscussthestudent’sprogress.Studentswillmeetwith theDirectoragainattheendoftherotationtoreviewtheirperformance.AtTJUH,studentsareexposedtoa widevarietyofpatientsandclinicalscenariosandhavetheopportunitytoactivelyparticipateinpatientcare. StudentsattendWednesdaysmallgroupsessionsandFridayafternoonlecturesatJefferson. VirtuaVoorheesHospital During the clerkship at Virtua West Jersey, students will have exposure to Maternal-Fetal medicine, Gynecologic Oncology, and Reproductive Endocrinology. The students are evaluated on history taking, physicalexamination,labresultsreviewandfollow-up,duringtheclerkshipatVirtuaWestJersey,students willhaveexposuretoMaternal-Fetalmedicine,GynecologicOncology,andReproductiveEndocrinology.The students are evaluated on history taking, physical examination, lab results review and follow-up, patient interaction,casepresentations,andproblemanalysis.Theyareevaluatedbyattendingsinthedepartment, the residents and by Dr. Kristen McCullen. Virtua West Jersey does the largest number of deliveries in the SouthJerseyarea(5500+/year)withanumberofhighriskobstetricalcases.TheCenterforWomenisour outpatient unit – this is a privately run clinic setting rendering GYN and OB needs for the community. Students will experience all aspects of office gynecology (routine annual care, colposcopies, pap smears, family planning counseling, and STD screens. In addition, the Center deals with the management of the menopausalstatewithemphasisonhormonereplacementandalternativemedicine.OB/GYNresidentsand atleastoneattendingstaffwillbewiththestudentsatalltimestosupervise Prenatal and gynecological exams. We are a dynamic, forward-looking institution in a suburban setting. Ampleparkingisprovided,freemealtickets,oncallsleepingaccommodations,medicallibrary,andexercise facility shared with the residents. Students return to Jefferson on Friday afternoons for lectures. This locationisnoteasilyaccessiblebypublictransportation. YorkHospital WhileatYork,studentswillbeexposedtoLaborandDelivery,GynOperatingRoom,OB/GYNofficepractices, Gyn Oncology and Maternal Fetal Medicine. They also have the option of spending time in a Reproductive, Endocrine and Infertility private practice and Pediatric Adolescents Gyn and urogynecology. Evaluation includes direct one-on-one teaching with residents for surgical skills, inpatient management and both obstetrics and gynecology as well as dedicated sessions weekly with a volunteer preceptor. Formal summative evaluation includes feedback from: 1. attending preceptor who meets for one hour weekly with thestudentand2.theresidentwhoworksdirectlywiththestudent.Thesetwoevaluationsarecombined with a final clinical grade rendered by the Clerkship Director, Dr. Melanie Ochalski. The rotation is broken into three sessions of two weeks, focusing on Obstetrics (daytime Labor Hall coverage and night float), Surgical Gynecology (benign and oncology) and office practice (including routine annual care, colposcopy, initial and follow-up OB visits, ultrasound, and urogynecology). Mini electives are also offered. Students returntoJeffersononFridayafternoonsforlectures. 35 DelawareValley (A.I.DuPont,Albert Einstein,BrynMawr, Christiana,TJUH) Reading Morristown/ GoryebChildren’s Hospital 25/30 1/2 1/3 ResidencyinSpecialty? Yes BrynMawr-FamilyMed Christiana–Med/Peds FamilyMed Yes #ResidentsinSpecialty PGY1 23 1 12 PGY2 22 1 12 PGY3 23 12 PGY4 3 2 Attending Attending Attending 1-2 1-2 PEDIATRICS Min/Max#Students: PrimarySupervisor #ofStudents/Supervisor TimeBreakdown: ClinicalSkillsDay 1-2 1day 1day 1day Inpatient 10days 8days 13days Outpatient 14days 15days 9days NewbornNursery 4days 5days 4days ICN 1day 1day 2days 1 1 1 Provided Provided Provided #AdmissionWrite-upsPer Rotation RequiredText? Teaching: Formal Minimum30hours Minimum30hours Minimum30hours Informal Minimum10hours Minimum10hours Minimum10hours Beeper Yes Yes Yes Car Yes Yes Yes FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS 36 PEDS350 PEDIATRICS PEDIATRICSROTATIONOVERVIEW Over six weeks the Pediatrics clerkship gives students a varied combination of clinical experience in the following areas: hospital based outpatient, private practice outpatient, newborn nursery, transitional and intensivecarenurseries,inpatientunit,emergencyroomandothercommunitysettings.Theclerkshipsites are Delaware Clerkship (duPont, Christiana, Einstein, Bryn Mawr, Abington and TJUH), Reading and Morristown. Each offers varied, broad and stimulating clinical experiences with frequent and extended contact with attending pediatricians. Every site has an affiliated pediatric residency program – either PediatricsorFamilyMedicine(ReadingandBrynMawr). Core curriculum is based on a U.S. national curriculum in pediatrics developed to prepare students for the pediatricportionoftheUSMLEStep2examination.Teachingatallsitesfocusesonsmall groupcase-based learninginadditiontoweb-basedpediatriccases. Studentsatallsitesalsoattendresidentlectures,morning report,andgrandrounds.Pediatrics:ACompetencyBasedApproachtextbookisloanedtostudentsforuse duringtherotation. Clinical skills are taught on the first day of the clerkship during a “Clinical Skills Day.” History taking, communicationandphysicalexamskillsaredevelopedduringtheclerkshipusingdirectobservation(SCOs) andvideotapingofapatientencounterwithreviewandfeedbackbyafacultymember. Studentsreceivefeedbackattheendofeachcomponent(Nursery,Inpt,OPD)oftherotationandafterdirect observation and video review. The final student evaluation is based on performance of all elements of the clerkship.TheNBMEsubjectexaminationinPediatricsisgivenattheendoftherotation. DelawareValleyClerkship DuringtheDelawareValleyClerkship(DVC),studentsrotatethroughoneofthefollowinglocations-Jefferson andduPontHospitalforChildren,ChristianaorBrynMawrforatwoweekinpatientexperience;Christiana, EinsteinorJeffersonnurseriesforaoneweek;andvarioussitesinDelawareandthePhiladelphiaareafora threeweekoutpatientexperience.Thedistributionofstudentswithineachclerkshipblockisshowninthe tablebelow. Table1 Service Inpatient Outpatient NewbornNursery Location duPont Jefferson BrynMawr #Students 25 3 2 Einstein(OPD) Jefferson(OPD) PhiladelphiaPractice DelawarePractices 2 15 5 8 Abington Christiana Einstein Jefferson 4 4 4 18 Studentsneedtohavepersonaltransportationformanysites.However, thereispublictransportationtosomesites. 37 PEDS350 PEDIATRICS DelawareValleyClerkship-duPontHospitalforChildren TheduPontHospitalforChildrenisafullservicechildren’shospitallocatedinNorthWilmington,DE.Almost all(23of30)oftheDVC’sinpatientexperiencetakesplaceatduPont.Studentsareanintegralpartofteam andworkcloselywiththeresidentsfromtheduPont/Jeffersonprogram. DelawareValleyClerkship–Christiana Christiana,whichishometoamedicine/pediatricsresidencyprogramisthesiteoftheclerkship’sinpatient andnewbornnurseryexperiences.Studentswillalsohaveopportunitiestolearnaboutinterestingpatientsin theneonatalintensivecareunit. DelawareValleyClerkship-EinsteinMedicalCenter Einstein Medical Center is part of the Jefferson Health System and is located in the Olney section of Philadelphia. The busy pediatric outpatient department sees 20,000 children per year and the newborn nursery handles 2,500 infants per year and offer excellent learning General pediatricians, sub-specialists, and Einstein pediatric residents staff the program. There is free parking for students at Einstein, which is easilyaccessiblebypublictransportationfromCenterCity. DelawareValleyClerkship-ThomasJeffersonUniversity Hospital ThePediatricDepartmentatTJUHisintegratedintoafullservicehospitalinthecenterofPhiladelphia.The program is staffed by the duPont general Pediatricians, sub-specialists and the 60+ residents from the duPont/JeffersonResidencyProgram.Theoutpatientexperienceisatalargehospitalbasedprivatepractice or community based private practices. The 13 bed pediatric inpatient unit is also home to the CRH unit, which is a regional medical care facility for children with chronic illness. The newborn nursery has 2,000 deliveriesayearandtheneonatalintensivecareunitisareferralbaseforPennsylvaniaandNewJersey. DelawareValleyClerkship–PhiladelphiaareaandDelaware PrivatePediatricOfficers Morethanhalfthestudentsspendthe3weeksofoutpatientexperienceworkingone-on-onewithfacultyina privatepracticesetting.Thesepracticesservevariedpatientpopulationsandarelocatedinurban,suburban andsemi-ruralcommunities. 38 PEDS350 PEDIATRICS ReadingHospitalClerkship The Children’s Health Center, part of The Reading Hospital and Medical Center; is the largest medical assistancecareproviderinourlocalarea.Withover20,000outpatientvisitslastyear,weprovedadiverse outpatient experience for the student. A firm background, spanning bread and butter pediatrics and developmentissuestoindepthcareofchildrenwithcomplexmedicalproblems,willhighlightthestudent’s training.Oninpatientservicestudentswillworkoneononewithanattendingpediatrician,inadditionto1-2 familymedicalresidents.Inpatientadmissionsruncloseto400ayearandournewbornservicehelpsusher intotheworldabout2,000babiesayear.OurfacilityalsoboastsaNICUwith3fulltimeneonatologists.This unithadanestimated245admissionslastyear.Wehaveaformalpediatriclectureserieseachweek,with one of the lectures dedicated t pediatric mental health issues, hosted by one of our 2 full time pediatric psychiatrists. Out clinic has a full time social worker who has worked with children in our community for over 18 years. We have a full time interpreter at our clinic with excellent services also available at our hospital. The Children’s Health Center is steps away from the Reading Hospital and student housing. Parking is convenientlylocatedacrossthestreetfromlodgingandclinic/hospital.Atourpositionon6thStreet,weare2 blocksfromPennAvenue,withitsbustlingcafesandboutiquesshops.Ourmedicalcenterisapproximately 1.5hourscommutetoPhiladelphia.With5staffpediatricians,eachstudentenjoysclosefacultycontactwith daily instruction sessions both with our inpatient team and an outpatient faculty member. We have an upbeat,dedicatedstaffthatwelcomenewlearnersandarehappytoteach.Thereareampleopportunitiesfor independent learning at our medical library, located in our main hospital. Weekends are free to explore Berks County and our neighboring cities. Come join us and learn pediatrics in a friendly environment in beautifulBerksCounty! GoryebChildren’sHospital–(partofAtlanticHealthSystem) GoryebChildren’sHospital,partofAtlanticHealthSystem,combinesthebestfeaturesofauniversityprogram with a community-based children’s hospital setting. We receive more than 3,000 admissions and 50,000 outpatient visits per year, perform cutting-edge research, and employ more than 100 general pediatric and subspecialtyfacultymembers,manyofwhomarededicatedclinician-educators.AsaLevel1regionaltrauma center and level 3 NICU, we are the regional referral center for over 1200 square miles. The clerkship combinesanicebalancebetweendirectpatientcareintheinpatientandoutpatientsettingsandinteractive didacticsessions.StudentsworkcloselywithourfacultyaswellaswithourPediatricresidents. 39 PSYCHIATRY AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR Albert Einstein Belmont TJUH Min/MaxNumberofStudents 4 6 PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R)resident(I) Intern A A 3 4 2 12/17 A A A A NumberofStudents/Supervisor TimeBreakdown: Inpatient 1-2 1-2 2 1-2 1 2-4 12-24 (DEPENDING ONWHETHER HAVEA3WEEK ROTATIONIN CRISIS CENTER) 16 6AT CHRISTIANA0 ATTHEVA 10 27 0 3-12 24 0 0 0 2AT CHRISTIANA12 ATVA 0-12 0 0 10 4 0-12 (DEPENDING ONROTATION 0 8 4ATCHRISTINA 20 27 Lecture/Didactics 4 4 4 4 4 4 Other–NightCall 0 0 0 0 0 2 Outpatient ER Consult/Liaison NumberofRequiredCase PresentationsPerRotation NumberofAdmissionWrite-ups PerRotation 5-6 1FORMAL WRITE-UP1224ROUTINE CHARTING WRITE-UPS 1-3 1FORMAL WRITE-UP, PLUSONEFOR EACH ADMISSION (12-20) 40 Bryn Mawr Morristown Medical Christiana Ctr./ andthe Atlantic Wilmington Health VA System 1-3 3 6-10 (DEPENDS ONSITE) 1FORMAL WRITE-UP, PLUS9 ROUTINE ADMISSIONS 1FORMAL WRITE-UP,PLUS 3ROUTINE ADMISSIONS 1FORMAL WRITE-UP,PLUS 1-2 ADMISSIONS 1FORMAL WRITE-UP, PLUS6-10 ROUTINE ADMISSIONS PSYCHIATRY AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR Albert Einstein Belmont Bryn Mawr Morristown Medical Christiana Ctr./ andthe Atlantic Wilmington Health VA System 12FOR INPATIENT,24 FORCRISIS ANDCONSULT 12-20 8-12 8-12 2-3PERDAY 10-20 (DEPENDS ONSITE) NO NO NO NO NO NO RequiredReadings? PER ATTENDING PER ATTENDING PER ATTENDING PERATTENDING PERATTENDING PER ATTENDING Teaching: (ATTJUH/ AEMC) (ATTJUH/ BBH) (ATTJUH/BH) (ATTJUH/CCHS /VA) (ATTJUH/ MMC) 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2 (ATTJUH) 4-6 (DEPENDING ONSITE) 1 1 1 1 2 2(ATTJUH) 2(ATTJUH) 2(ATTJUH) 0 2(ATTJUH) YES YES NO NO NO NO NumberNewPatientsPerRotation RequiredText? LectureHours/Week Rounds/Day NumberofNightsonCall Beeper FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS 41 TJUH PSYCHB350 PSYCHIATRYANDHUMANBEHAVIOR CLINICALASSIGNMENTS AllstudentsattendacoreClerkshipdidacticprogramatTJUH/833ChestnutStreetonWednesdays,including aPsychiatryGrandRoundsseries.Clinicalassignmentsarebasedonpreferencessubmittedbyeachstudent asmuchaspossible.Studentswhodonotsubmitpreferencesbythedeadlinedatewillberandomlyassigned. Clerkshipclinicalsitesaredescribedbelow. ALBERTEINSTEINMEDICALCENTER This independent academic medical center is one of the main providers of clinical education for Jefferson students. Each student spends three weeks on two of the following three services: inpatient psychiatry; (adultorgeriatric);consultationandliaisonpsychiatry;andemergencypsychiatry(CrisisResponseCenter, foradults,adolescents,andchildren).Twoofthethreeclinicalsitesareinpatientsettingswiththeexception oftheCrisisResponseCenter,whichisanoutpatientservicelocatedattheAEMCGermantowncampus.After orientation and observation, students assume significant patient care responsibilities on all placements, serving as an integral part of the treatment team. Each student has two primary supervisors, one staff psychiatrist,andpsychiatryresident.ThemaincampussiteoftheAlbertEinsteinMedicalCenterislocatedin North Philadelphia and easily accessible by public transportation via the Broad Street SEPTA line. All students will participate in night / weekend call at Jefferson. In addition to attending the core clerkship didacticprogramonWednesdayafternoonatJefferson,studentswillattendtheweeklyAEMCGrandRounds. All students participate in a psychoanalytic faculty case presentation; a conference on interviewing, mental status,anddynamicformulation;andaninpatientcaseconference.Studentsareevaluatedafterthreeweeks and at the end of the rotation by attendings who supervise them, with input from residents. Students are evaluated on the basis of content and thoroughness of write-ups and presentations on rounds, basic familiaritywithdifferentialandtreatment,empathicinteractionwithpatients.Theirformalcasewrite-ups are evaluated for clarity, detail, differential diagnosis and treatment plan. The criteria used for evaluation includethe3domainsontheClerkshipClinicalEvaluationForm:1)ProfessionalBehavior,2)CognitiveSkills, and 3) Clinical Skills. We also assess development in 4 broad areas: 1) functional as a physician, 2) psychiatric knowledge base development, 3) proficiency in conducting and presenting mental status exam, and 4) capacity to reason psychiatrically, formulate case in biopsychosocial format. Evaluations are done collaboratively(i.e.includeinputfromattendings,residents,andseminarleaders)andalldataarecompiled forreviewbytheClerkshipDirectorandAssociateDirector,whodeterminefinal 42 PSYCHB350 PSYCHIATRYAND HUMANBEHAVIOR BELMONTCENTERFORCOMPREHENSIVETREATMENT TheBelmontBehavioralHospital(Belmont)isafor-profitpsychiatrichospital,andwhollyownedbyAcadia Healthcare.LocatedabouthalfamilefromCityAvenueinWestPhiladelphia,Belmontiseasilyreachedeither bypublictransportationorautomobile,withfreeon-campusparking.Belmontisknownbothregionallyand nationallyforitsexpertiseinthetreatmentoftheentirespectrumofpsychiatricdisorders.AtBelmonteach student will spend three weeks on two of the following three services: general adult inpatient psychiatry, geriatric inpatient psychiatry, and specialty services (e.g. eating disorders and affective disorders); Cooccurringdisorderinpatientunit(sometimesreferredtoasthe“dualdiagnosis”program,forpatientswith simultaneous addictive and non-addictive psychiatric disorders); and the child and adolescent inpatient programs.MorespecializedunitssuchasEatingDisordersandAffectiveDisordersareavailabletostudents inthe4thyearcurriculumaselectives.Afterorientationandobservation,studentsassumesignificantpatient careresponsibilitiesonallplacements,servingasanintegralpartofthetreatmentteam.Eachstudentwill customarilyreceivesupervisionfrombothanattendingpsychiatristandapsychiatricresidentorfellow.All students will participate in night / weekend call at Jefferson. In addition to attending the core clerkship didactic program on Wednesday afternoons at Jefferson, all students will also attend an inpatient case conference, and the weekly Einstein Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Evaluations are based on oral case presentations, daily case write-ups, interactions with patients and staff and the formal written case. Most evaluations are completed by the supervising attending with input from the resident on the service. The criteriausedforevaluationincludethe3domainsontheClerkshipClinicalEvaluationForm:1)Professional Behavior, 2) Cognitive Skills, and 3) Clinical Skills. We also assess development in 4 broad areas: 1) functional as a physician, 2) psychiatric knowledge base development, 3) proficiency in conducting and presenting mental status exam, and 4) capacity to reason psychiatrically, formulate case in biopsychosocial format. Evaluations are done collaboratively (i.e. include input from attendings, residents, and seminar leaders) and all data are compiled for review by the Clerkship Director and Associate Director, who determinefinalgrades. BRYNMAWRHOSPITAL Bryn Mawr Hospital operates inpatient and outpatient treatment programs. Behavioral Health services includeaninpatientgeneraladultpsychiatryunit,ahospitalpsychiatricconsultationservice,andoutpatient programs,includingpartialhospitalandintensiveoutpatient,formentalhealthandsubstanceabuselocated atthemainhospitalsiteandatsatellitesthroughouttheregion. HousestaffandmedicalstudentsfromJeffersonreceiveclinicaltrainingatBrynMawrinvariousspecialties. Thepsychiatryrotationformedicalstudentsincludesworkinavarietyofsettings.Theinpatientexperience is the anchor over the 6 weeks, with varying amounts of Emergency Room and Consultation Service experience. The inpatient unit treats a wide variety of psychiatric disorders using a multidisciplinary treatmentteamapproach.Studentsworkwith3-4inpatientattendingsoverthecourseoftherotation.The criteriausedforevaluationincludethe3domainsontheClerkshipClinicalEvaluationForm:1)Professional Behavior, 2) Cognitive Skills, and 3) Clinical Skills. We also assess development in 4 broad areas: 1) functional as a physician, 2) psychiatric knowledge base development, 3) proficiency in conducting and presenting mental status exam, and 4) capacity to reason psychiatrically, formulate case in biopsychosocial format. Evaluations are done collaboratively (i.e. include input from attendings, residents, and seminar leaders) and all data are compiled for review by the Clerkship Director and Associate Director, who determinefinalgrades. 43 PSYCHB350 PSYCHIATRYAND HUMANBEHAVIOR CHRISTIANAHOSPITAL ChristianaCareHealthSystem,headquarteredinWilmington,Delaware,isoneofthecountry'sleadinghealth care providers, ranking 16th in the nation for hospital admissions. A not-for-profit, non-sectarian health system,ChristianaCareisamajorteachinghospitalwithtwocampusesandmorethan240Medical-Dental residents and fellows. The system is home to Delaware's only Level I trauma center, the only center of its kindbetweenPhiladelphiaandBaltimore.ChristianaCarealsofeaturesaLevel3neonatalintensivecareunit, theonlydeliveringhospitalinthestatetoofferthislevelofcarefornewborns. Services in Behavioral Health at Wilmington Christiana include Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders, Cancer Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Inpatient Psychiatry, Partial Hospital Psychiatry, Perinatal Behavioral Health, and an Adolescent Psychiatric Day Hospital. Throughout the 6 week clerkship students spendtheirrotationevaluatingandtreatingpatientsontheinpatientpsychiatricunit,theconsultserviceand in the outpatient setting. Students work closely with patients with a wide range of psychiatric conditions includingpsychoticdisorders,affectivedisorders,anxietydisorders,andsubstanceusedisorders.Students gain experience in psychiatric treatment modalities including pharmacology, individual and group psychotherapy, ECT and TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) the newest FDA-approved non pharmacologictreatmentfordepression.Studentsareactivemembersofthetreatmentteamandparticipate inallfacetsofpatientcare.Theyspendtimewithanumberofdifferentattendingpsychiatristsandhavethe opportunity to learn from non-physician treatment providers including psychologists, social workers and psychiatricnurses.Thecriteriausedforevaluationincludethe3domainsontheClerkshipClinicalEvaluation Form: 1) Professional Behavior, 2) Cognitive Skills, and 3) Clinical Skills. We also assess development in 4 broad areas: 1) functional as a physician, 2) psychiatric knowledge base development, 3) proficiency in conducting and presenting the mental status exam, and 4) the capacity to reason psychiatrically and to formulate cases using the biopsychosocial format. Evaluations are done collaboratively (i.e. include input from attendings, residents, and seminar leaders) and all data are compiled for review by the Clerkship DirectorandAssociateDirector,whodeterminefinalgrades. WILMINGTONVAHOSPITAL Wilmington VAMC proudly serves Veterans in multiple locations for convenient access to the services we provide.Alongwiththechangingveteranpopulation,medicaladvancesandchangesintreatmentmodalities have made significant alterations in the way care is provided. Initially supporting 336 beds and 5000 outpatientvisitsayear,theCenternowstaffs58acutebedsand60NursingHomebeds.Morethan22,000 veterans are treated at the facility and account for over 150,000 outpatient visits. VAMC offers a range of outpatienttreatmentsandservicestoaddressthementalhealthneedsofVeterans. HouseStaffandmedicalstudentsfromJeffersonreceiveclinicaltrainingattheVAinvariousspecialties.The psychiatryrotationformedicalstudentsinvolvesworkinanoutpatientsettingwherestudentsparticipatein the care of patients presenting with a wide range of psychiatric conditions, including Mood Disorders, Anxiety, Substance Use Disorders, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Psychotic Mental Illnesses (e.g., SchizophreniaandSchizoaffectiveDisorder).Studentsgainexperienceinambulatorypsychiatrictreatment, including pharmacology, individual counseling, and group/activity therapy. Attending and resident physicianssupervisestudents.Studentsareevaluatedonhistory-taking,mentalstatusexamination,applied knowledgebase,professionalism,capacitytoworkaspartoftheclinicalteam,andbasiccaseformulationand treatmentplanning.Studentsspendtimewithdifferentattendingpsychiatristsandresidentsandhavethe 44 PSYCHB350 PSYCHIATRYAND HUMANBEHAVIOR opportunity to learn from non-physician treatment providers, including psychologists, social workers and psychiatric nurses. The criteria used for evaluation include the 3 domains on the Clerkship Clinical Evaluation Form: 1) Professional Behavior, 2) Cognitive Skills, and 3) Clinical Skills. We also assess developmentin4broadareas:1)functionalasaphysician,2)psychiatricknowledgebasedevelopment,3) proficiencyinconductingandpresentingthementalstatusexam,and4)thecapacitytoreasonpsychiatrically and to formulate cases using the biopsychosocial format. Evaluations are done collaboratively (i.e. include inputfromattendings,residents,andseminarleaders)andalldataarecompiledforreviewbytheClerkship DirectorandAssociateDirector,whodeterminefinalgrades. MorristownMedicalCenter(partofAtlanticHealthSystem) TheDepartmentofPsychiatryatMorristownMedicalCenterencompassesawiderangeofclinicalservices, including a 16-bed inpatient unit (now being renovated and expanded), consultation-liaison services, psychiatricemergency/crisisinterventionservices,outpatientservices,andtheCenterforTherapeuticBrain Stimulation. Du4ring the six-week rotation, students will gain exposure to many of these services, working four weeks on the consult-liaison service and two weeks on the inpatient unit. While on the inpatient unit, students will participate in team meetings, individual meetings with patients, and group therapy; they will followpatientsacrossthetwoweeksandproduceacasewrite-upbasedontheirwork.Whileontheconsultliaisonservice,theywillalsohaveanopportunitytoworkwithpsychiatristsinERcrisisserviceandinthe outpatientpsychiatry,CF,and/orHIVclinics.Studentswillbeexposedtoadultandpediatricpatientsaswell as a wide range of mental illnesses, which will include but not be limited to: mood disorders, psychotic disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse/dependence disorders, delirium, dementia, encephalopathy, disorders of childhood and adolescence, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, factitious disorders, and somatoformdisorder.Therewillalsobebriefexposuretotopicsrelatedtoforensicpsychiatry. 45 PSYCHB350 PSYCHIATRYAND HUMANBEHAVIOR THOMASJEFFERSONUNIVERSITYHOSPITAL This 6-week rotation bases on sites in and near Jefferson University Hospital and is split between 2 paired services.Studentsspend3weeksoneachofthepairedservices.Thepairingisideallyfixedasfollowsbut mayvary: 1. Consultations-LiaisonServiceand14ThompsonInpatientUnit TheConsultation-Liaisonserviceservesthegeneralhospitaltohelpdiagnoseandtreatpsychiatricillnessthat cause,complicate,andresultfromseriousmedicalproblems.Approximately4newconsultsperdayareseen plusfollow-upvisitstopreviouslyseenpatients,workingattheinterfaceofgeneralmedicineandpsychiatry. The 14 Thompson inpatient unit is a 16-bed locked intensive psychiatry setting. Many of the patients demonstratepsychoticfeaturesandsomearebehaviorallyregressed. 2. OutpatientPsychiatryProgramand13ThompsonGeriatricPsychiatryInpatientUnit StudentsassignedtotheOutpatientPsychiatryProgramwillspendtimeonfouroutpatientprograms:AOS– (Adult Outpatient Services); NARP (Narcotic Addictions Rehabilitation Program); Family Center; and IOP (IntensiveOutpatient),participatinginthecareofpatientsincludinginitialintakeevaluationsandfollow-up visits in diverse settings. The Geriatric Psychiatry Inpatient Unit is a 12-bed state-of-the-art geriatric psychiatryservicewithaspecializedstaffandpurpose-designedclinicalspace.Manypatientshavemultiple medical and neurological problems which complicate their psychiatric illness. Dementia, delirium, and severe depression are frequently treated. Family Medicine Geriatric Medicine Fellows are very involved in managementofthesepatients. Students assume major patient care in all placements, serving as an integral part of the treatment team. Attendingandresidentphysicianssupervisestudents,focusingonteaching,andevaluationofhistory-taking, mental status examination, quality of on-going care provision, professionalism, capacity to work with the clinicalteam,basiccaseformulationandtreatmentplanningability.Allstudentsseehigh-acuityoutpatient psychiatry during evenings and weekends during on-call duty in the Emergency Room. Students will also haveanopportunitytoobserveandlearnmoreaboutElectroconvulsiveTherapy(ECT)duringtheirrotation. Thecriteriausedforevaluationincludethe3domainsontheClerkshipClinicalEvaluationForm:1) ProfessionalBehavior,2)CognitiveSkills,and3)ClinicalSkills.Wealsoassessdevelopmentin4broadareas: 1)functionalasaphysician,2)psychiatricknowledgebasedevelopment,3)proficiencyinconductingand presentingmentalstatusexam,and4)capacitytoreasonpsychiatrically,formulatecaseinbiopsychosocial format.Evaluationsaredonecollaboratively(i.e.includeinputfromattendings,residents,andseminar leaders)andalldataarecompiledforreviewbytheClerkshipDirectorandAssociateDirector,who determinefinalgrades. 46 REHAB MEDICINE MAGEEREHABILITATIONHOSPITAL IDEPT Min/MaxNumberof Students PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R) resident (I)Intern Numberof Students/Supervisor 10 R 2 TimeBreakdown: % Inpatient 80 Outpatient 20 PrivateMD - ER OR NumberRequired CasePresentations PerRotation NumberofAdmission Write-upsPer Rotation WEEKLYLETURESATTJUH VARIES 2 NumberofNew PatientsperRotation 2 RequiredText? NO RequiredReadings NO Teaching: LectureHours/Week 4 Rounds/Day 1 NumberofNight onCall 0 Beeper NO IDEPT-StudentsareevaluatedbytheAttendingwithinput fromtheResident. 47 SURGERY Abington Albert Einstein BrynMawr Christiana DuPont Min/MaxNumberof Students 3/3 2/6 PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R) resident (I)Intern A/I/R A/I/R 2/3 4/5 2/2 A/R A/R A/R Numberof Students/Supervisor TimeBreakdown: 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 FDE FDE FDE FDE FDE 12 30 Inpatient 27 Outpatient 3 10 3 6 5 5 0 0 20 5 3 0 18 10 9 24 WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE ATLEASTONE COMPLETE 4MIN VARIES ATLEAST10 1/DAY 45 50 50 50 50 RequiredText? NO NO NO NO NO RequiredReadings NO NO NO NO NO PrivateMD ER OR Other NumberRequired CasePresentations PerRotation -ATTHELEAST- Numberof AdmissionWriteupsPerRotation MinimumNumber ofNewPatients seenbytheendof theRotation FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS 48 SURGERY Lankenau Methodist Min/MaxNumberof Students 2/5 2/3 PrimarySupervisor (A)attending(R) resident (I)Intern A/R A/R Numberof Students/Supervisor 2 Morristown MedicalCtr./ Atlantic Health System TJUH 4/8 8/12 2/2 A/R A/R/I A/R(CHIEF) 2-4 1-2 FDE FDE 10 10.5 2-3 York TimeBreakdown: Inpatient Outpatient FDE FDE 6HALFDAYS 5 FDE 27(INCLUDING AMBULATORY SURGERY/ANDER) 10 3 3.5 PrivateMD 5 16 3 6 2 ER 5 ASNEEDED 2 2 OR 10 5 DAILYORCASES 12 9 WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES WISEMD+4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCES 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE 1ORAL/ 1COMPLETE VARIES VARIES 2 3 MIN5,MOREARE EXPECTED 50 50 50 50 50 RequiredText? NO NO NO NO NO RequiredReadings NO NO NO NO NO Other NumberofRequired CasePresentations PerRotation –ATTHELEAST- Numberof AdmissionWriteupsPerRotation MinimumNumber ofNewPatients seenbytheendof theRotation FDE:FULLDAYEQUIVALENTS 49 SURGERY Albert Abington Einstein Bryn Mawr Christiana DuPont Teaching: 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 1 NumberofNightonCall Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Beeper NO NO NO NO NO LectureHours/Week Rounds/Day SURGERY Teaching: Lankenau Methodist TJUH York LectureHours/Week 4 5 7 5 7 Rounds/Day 1 2 2 2 2 NumberofNightonCall Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Q6 Beeper NO NO NO NO NO 50 Morristown Medical Ctr./ Atlantic Health System SURG350 SURGERY The3rdyearSurgeryClinicalClerkshiprotationisa12weekrotation.Therotationisanintensiveintroductionto the principles and practice of surgery. Students are expected to perform or assist with admission work-ups, inpatient and outpatient evaluations, pre-op and post-op checks, OR junior assistance, venipuncture, IVs, suture removal, arterial blood draws, nasogastric tubes, aseptic dressing changes, wound healing assessments, skin suturing,Foleycatheters,andknottying(handandinstrument).StudentsspendsixweeksonaGeneralSurgery Clinical Clerkship rotation at Jefferson or Affiliated Hospitals and six weeks on a Surgery Specialty/Selective rotation. Students will be exposed to the general surgery and general surgical subspecialties of Transplant, Colorectal, Plastic, Breast, Vascular, Trauma, Thoracic, Cardiac Surgery, Anesthesiology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Dermatology, Geriatrics, Interventional Radiology, Radiation Oncology,RehabMedicine,andUrology.Studentsarerequiredtocompletebasicgeneralsurgeryclinicalskills which is tracked on PELS (Patient Encounter Log System). PELS data is reviewed weekly by the TJU UME Coordinator.StudentsaregivenanOSCE(ObjectiveStructuredClinicalExamination)attheendoftheirsixweek surgeryclinicalclerkshiprotation–whichcountswhendeterminingthefinalclinicalclerkshipgrade.Studentsare giventheSurgeryNationalBoardSubjectExaminationattheendofthe12weekrotation.Thesuggestedtextbooks areEssentialsofGeneralSurgery,EssentialsofSurgerySpecialties,andSurgery:ACompetency-BasedCompanion with Student Consult Online Access. Clinical grades and Final Exam grade are all listed separately on the transcripts:Clerkship,eachSurgerySpecialty/Selective,NBMEFinalExam. AbingtonJeffersonHealth As a surgery teaching program, we have a strong commitment to teaching medical students. Third year students from many local medical schools rotate with our residents and faculty on several services. These services include: advanced laparoscopy, colorectal, general surgery, surgical oncology, and vascular. Additionalexperiencesarealsoavailablesuchastraumaandsubspecialties.Didacticsessionsareheldweekly for both residents and students, and weekly morbidity and mortality (M&M) conferences are also held. Morningconferencesarehelddaily.On-calltimeisalsoincorporatedintotherotation;postcalldays,along with a strategic napping room are available to all students. Students are assimilated into all aspects of the surgery residency during their rotations with us. Students receive training on the inpatient EMR in the hospital. AlbertEinsteinMedicalCenter Duringthisclerkship,studentsmaybeexposedtothemanyaspectsofgeneralsurgeryaswellasseveralsubspecialties (Transplant, Urology (remove), Neurosurgery (remove), CT Surgery, and Plastic Surgery). This hospital is also a Level I Trauma Center which will expose the students to a variety of cases while taking call. Studentsarerequiredtotakecall“Q6”duringthisrotation.Whileonnightcall,studentswillhaveaccesstoanoncall room and receive meal cards to cover their food expenses. Mid-rotation evaluations are done by the Chief Residentandatleastoneattendingsurgeonontheservice.TheClerkshipDirectorreviewstheseevaluationswith eachstudentindividually.FinalevaluationsarereviewedwiththestudentsbytheClerkshipDirectoralongwith an exit interview. Evaluations are based on the student's attitude, motivation, knowledge, and skills (H&P's, factual knowledge, independent reading done by students, patient care, and OR Performance-Manual Skill). Studentsareexpectedtoattendweeklycasereview(M&MConference),scheduledGrandRoundswhichareput onbytheresidents,corecurriculumwhichismoderatedbyanattendingsurgeonoraChiefResidentandBasic Science which is moderated by the Chief Residents. (remove this sentence The students should only attend theseconferencesiftheydonotconflictwithlecturesbeingheldatJefferson.Structuredsubspecialtyservices thestudentsmaybeexposedtoduringthisclerkshipare:transplant,breastsurgery,colorectal,trauma.Students are evaluated by residents and attending's and the final grade is an average of all evaluations. Mid rotations evaluatedisverbalfeedbackfromresidentsandattending's. 51 SURG350 SURGERY BrynMawrHospital MedicalStudentsatBrynMawrHospitalrotateonaverybusysurgicalserviceatanexcellentcommunityhospital andworkwithresidentsfromtheJeffersonSurgicalResidencyProgram.Studentsareexposedtoallthecommon surgicalissuesduringtheirrotationandareexpectedtobeactivemembersofthesurgicalteam.Amid-rotation evaluationisconductedandisverbal.Aformalrotationevaluationiscompletedattheendoftherotationbythe clerkshipdirectorperJefferson'srequirementsandisbasedonfeedbackfromtheteam.BrynMawrHospitalis easilyaccessiblebypublictransportation.Studentsarerequiredtotakecall“Q6”duringthisrotation. ChristianaCareHealthSystem–ChristianaHospital Twenty-sixsurgicalresidentsandattendingsparticipateintheeducationofthird-yearandfourth-yearstudents during their rotation. Students spend six weeks on general surgical service at Christiana Hospital and/or the Chiefssurgicalservice(anindigentcaregeneralsurgeryservice)atWilmingtonHospital.Whileonnightcallat Christiana Hospital, students function as members of the "acute care surgical team" (Christiana Hospital is the stateofDelaware'sLevelITraumaCenterwithover3600traumaadmissionsperyear).Studentsarerequiredto takecall“Q6”duringthisrotation.WhileonserviceatWilmingtonHospital,studentsparticipateinoneandonehalfdayseachweekintheChiefsServiceoutpatientclinic.Studentswillbeexposedtothesurgicalsubspecialties ofThoracic,Vascular,Trauma,Colorectal,Plastics,BreastSurgery,andTraumaandCriticalCare.Thestudents will spend time in the classroom with didactic lectures and interactive sessions with the Associate Program DirectoroftheGeneralSurgeryResidencyProgram.Studentsareexpectedtoattendthedepartment'sweekly SurgicalGrandRounds,Chairman'sRounds,andSurgicalAudit(MortalityandMorbidityConference).Themedical studentswillalsohaveexposuretoancillarystaff,physicianassistants,andnursepractitioners.Thisisa"handson"surgicalrotationwithstudentswelcomedandactively. DuPontHospitalforChildren Thisrotationprovidesanactiveclinicalexperienceinanexcellentpediatrichospital.Studentswillbeactivein initialpatientwork-up,preandpost-opevaluation,alongwithassistingattheoperation.Proceduresstressed willincludeCVPplacement,woundclosures,i.e.,emphasisonICUcare.Additionalfeaturesincludeexposure to colorectal, vascular, and thoracic surgery and noteworthy presentations including: a Radiology conference relating x-rays to surgery, endotracheal intubation instruction by the Anesthesia Department, Radiology, and PathologyDepartmentparticipationinMorbidityandMortalityconference.EvaluationswillbebytheClerkship DirectorandtheJeffersonResidentassignedtoDuPont.Mid-evaluationswillbebyboththeClerkshipDirector andtheJeffersonResident.ConferenceswillalsoincludeweeklyGrandRoundsandweeklylecture.Students arerequiredtotakecall“Q6”duringthisrotation. 52 SURG350 SURGERY LankenauHospital Medical students spend 2 weeks on each of 3 General Surgical Services at Lankenau Hospital. While on each rotation the student will be exposed to a diverse spectrum of general surgical problems with more vascular surgery concentrated on one service, more surgical oncology on the second and more colorectal on the third service. The students will also be exposed to transplant surgery and cardiovascular surgery. Students will be exposed to all the common surgical problems during their rotation at Lankenau. Teaching is provided by a diverseattendingstaffaswellasby10surgicalresidents.Callscheduleis1in5androomsareprovidedwith pagers.Studentsarerequiredtotakecall“Q6”duringthisrotation.Handsonexperiencewillincludesuturing and placement of various tubes and catheters along with minor procedures. Students are expected to be active members of the surgical team in following patients pre and postoperatively and in the operating room. In addition, there is a generous outpatient experience both in the clinic and private offices. Students will be expected to present cases on rounds and in conferences and to attend the teaching conferences with the residents. Students will be evaluated by chief residents and attendings. Constructive feedback is provided duringaninformalmid-rotationevaluationwiththeresidentwhohasworkedmostcloselywiththatstudent Finalevaluationisbasedonfeedbackcollectedfromresidentsand5GeneralSurgeonsandincludesperformance onrounds,inpatientcare,outpatientcare,and/orparticipationcombinedwithperformanceingroupdiscussions ledbytheclerkshipsitedirector. MethodistHospital Thisrotationprovidesanactiveclinicalexperienceinanexcellentcommunityhospital.Studentswillbeactivein initialpatientwork-up,preandpost-opevaluation,alongwithassistingattheoperation.Proceduresstressed willincludeCVPplacement,woundclosures,i.e.,emphasisonICUcare.Additionalfeaturesincludeexposure to colorectal, vascular, and thoracic surgery and noteworthy presentations including: a Radiology conference relating x-rays to surgery, endotracheal intubation instruction by the Anesthesia Department, Radiology, and PathologyDepartmentparticipationinMorbidityandMortalityconference.EvaluationswillbebytheChiefof Service.Mid-evaluationswillbebyboth the Chief and Senior Resident. Conferences will also include weekly Grand Rounds and weekly lecture. Students spend 3 to 5 hours during the rotation at Jefferson University Hospital,maincampusfortheCriticalThinkingSessions.Studentsarerequiredtotakecall“Q6”duringthis rotation. MorristownMedicalCenter(partofAtlanticHealthSystem) The clerkship in general surgery at Morristown Medical Center offers approximately 150 cases per week in advancedlaparoscopic,general,robotic,thoracic,vascular,pediatric,plastic,urologic,andtraumasurgeryatabusy quaternarycaremedicalcenterrankedinScategoriesasaUSNewsandWorldReportTopHospital.Insurgery,we areratedasExemplarybytheNSQIPoftheAmericanCollegeofSurgeonsforthecarewedeliverandteachinthe department.ThereisaweeklyinteractiveM&Maswellasdedicatedtimeinlecturesanddidacticactivitiesaswell as the ACS certified skills laboratory. Part of our medical center's stated mission is an acknowledgment that teachingthenextgenerationofexpertcliniciansisoneofourcorevalues.Theattentionthatthestudentreceives fromourteachingandresidentstaffispersonalandfocusedonrelayingnotonlytheclinicalknowledgeandskills neededtobesuccessfulinsurgerybuttheprofessionalmodelingrequiredofeverydoctor,nomattertheMeldof study.Studentsarerequiredtotakecall“Q6”duringthisrotation. 53 SURG350 SURGERY ThomasJeffersonUniversityHospital The rotation is an intensive introduction to the principles and practice of surgery. Students are expected to performorassistwithadmissionwork-ups,inpatientandoutpatientevaluations,pre-opandpost-opchecks,OR junior assistance, venipuncture, IVs, suture removal, arterial blood draws, nasogastric tubes, aseptic dressing changes, wound healing assessments, skin suturing, Foley catheters, and knot tying (hand and instrument). StudentsspendsixweeksonaGeneralSurgeryClinicalClerkshiprotationandsixweeksonaSurgerySpecialty rotation. They will be exposed to the general surgery and general surgical subspecialties of Transplant, Colorectal, Plastic, Breast, Vascular, Trauma, Thoracic, Cardiac Surgery, Anesthesiology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology,Orthopedics,Otolaryngology,andUrology.TheDirectorofUndergraduateEducation/Clerkship Director and Clerkship Coordinator meet with all students on the rotation. They review feedback, Clinical Skills/PalmPELSsummaryanddiscussdifferentaspectsoftherotationwiththestudents.Conferencesinclude weekly surgical Grand Rounds (1 hr), weekly morbidity and mortality conference (1 hr), bi-weekly case presentations, and two ethical dilemma sessions. Students are required to take an end of clerkship OSCE (ObjectedStructuredClinicalEvaluation)attheendofthesixweekgeneralsurgeryrotation.Theyaregiventhe Surgery National Board Subject Examination at the end of the 12 week rotation. The required textbooks are EssentialsofGeneralSurgery,EssentialsofSurgerySpecialties,andSurgery:ACompetency-BasedCompanion withStudentConsultOnlineAccess.Studentsarerequiredtotakecall“Q6”duringthisrotation. SURG350 SURGERY TJUH SurgeryClerkship–MinimumStudents8andMaximum13 Anesthesiology-MinimumStudents3andMaximum6 Neurosurgery-MinimumStudents8andMaximum5 Ophthalmology-MinimumStudents4andMaximum8 Orthopedics–No3rdYearStudentsatJeffersonuntilDecember.Min.Students3andMaximum6 Otolaryngology–MinimumStudents3andMaximum5 Urology–MinimumStudents3andMaximum5 54 SURG350 SURGERY YorkHospital YorkHospitaloffersstudentstheopportunitytolearnandpracticetheprinciplesofsurgery.Weaccomplishthis goal by providing them with a structured curriculum which includes: didactic sessions, surgical skill labs, OR participation, general surgery rounds, outpatient surgery clinic and Trauma/ICU experience. Students have the opportunity to interact with subspecialty services such as Urology, Vascular, Thoracic, Plastics, and ENT, Neurology,OrthopedicsandBrest.Regularlyscheduledlecturescoveringthemajorsurgicaltopicsareprovided byadedicatedgroupofattendingsurgeons.Inaddition,PowerPointpresentationsareavailableforreviewon our student portal. Students also actively participate in clinical scenario sessions, which help solidify what is learnedinlectures.RadiologyandIVaccessexperiencesareavailable.TheEducationKnowledgeCenteroffers students and opportunity to perform online searches with the help of our dedicated librarian. All surgical textbooksareavailableinboththeDepartmentofSurgeryLibraryandtheHospitalLibrary.Recommendedtexts areLawrenceEssentialofGeneralSurgeryandTheSurgicalReviewbyPavanAtluri,etal.Aformalmid-rotation evaluation is performed by both the clerkship director with input from the student's assigned team. The final evaluation is in accordance with the medical school requirements. Clinical grades are based on clinical performanceandparticipationinconferences. Thestructuredsubspecialtyservicestowhichthestudentsmaybeexposedtoclerkshipare:Vascular,Thoracic, Neurology,Urology,Plastics,ENTandOrthopedics. Students are evaluated according to Jefferson guidelines by residents (PGY 2-5)and board-certified physicians. York Hospital surgery requires students' to complete ro evaluations per 3 weeks to include evaluations from attendings, and residents. We require York Hospital specific mid-rotation evaluation that addressesaspectsofpatientcare,medicalknowledge,practicebasedlearningandimprovement,professionalism, interpersonalandcommunicationskills,andsystems-basedpractice.Thestudentsisrequiredtoreviewthiswith aresidentontheirassignedservicepriortoreviewingwiththeclerkshipdirector. 55 HOSPITALSTATISTICS TotalBeds Occupancy Rate(%) Setting (S)Suburban (U)Urban Annual Statistics: Admissions Deliveries ERVisits Primary Payment Method: Public Insurance Private Insurance SelfPay Other(HMO) etc.) PatientAge (%): <1year 1–17 18–39years 40–64years >64years Abington A.I.duPont Albert Einstein Bryn Mawr Christiana Crozer Excela Lankenau Magee 648 200 695 307 896 371 195 353 96 72.9 71 72.43 70.4 82 78.9 72 70 85 S S U S S S S S/U U 36,781 4,781 86,386 8,453 0 52,000 28,849 2,977 119,588 20,167 1,897 46,023 51,728 6,469 187,317 22,717 2,086 53,144 12,500 2,010 39,000 18,100 2,800 50,000 1,600 NA NA 35 47 65.51 38.5 47 45 40 54 - 16 2 3 1 11.92 1.30 1.5 0.1 49 1 30 1 60 - 27 1 - - 47 49 21.27 59.9 4 24 - 18 - 4 4 26 23 44 6 84 10 0 0 10.24 .53 21.35 35.96 31.94 0.8 4.2 19.5 29.3 46.3 12.19 0.88 21.13 30.99 34.81 12.19 88 21.13 30.99 34.81 0.5 0.5 30 30 49 1.1 2.0 22.1 34.7 40.1 - 1 33 33 33 56 HOSPITALSTATISTICS Methodist Morristown Overlook Reading TJUH Inspira Virtua VA York TotalBeds Occupancy Rate(%) Setting (S)Suburban (U)Urban Annual Statistics: Admissions Deliveries ERVisits Primary Payment Method: Public Insurance Private Insurance SelfPay Other(HMO) etc.) PatientAge (%): <1year 1–17 18–39years 40–64years >64years 207 687 504 761 741 322 398 60 566 78 85 61 63.66 74.0 72 65.64 72 71 U S S S U S S S S 6,949 0 45,000 40,000 4,254 83,440 25,000 2,471 94,239 34,811 4,209 126,415 36,363 1,942 74,988 13,000 1,188 60,000 27,558 6,245 58,464 1,664 0 6,200 28,212 2,993 76,500 51 46 - 38 32 45 35 - 58 48 .5 46 1 - - 58 4 2 2 25 5 1 2 20 - 20 3 .5 7 0 64 25 62 20 19 11 3 19 24 43 2.24 11.46 20.43 35 30.87 - 12 2 19 25 42 2.38 1.35 20.77 41.05 34.45 15.7 23 31 16.9 1.6 3 1 21 43 32 0 0 14 38 47 4 2 22 32 40 57 AFFILIATEMAPS 58 Abington Jefferson Health Main Hospital 1200 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Family Medicine • Surgery • OB/GYN RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • Family Medicine • Internal Medicine • OB/GYN • General Surgery • Dentistry HOSPITAL TYPE: Independent, non-profit, teaching hospital FOOD SERVICE: Cafeteria: Open daily from 6:30AM – 2:30AM. Java Joe’s Coffee Kiosk: Open Mondays through Fridays from 6:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. MEDICAL EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER: Wilmer Library: open 24 hours w/ ID badge; computers and conference rooms available. Student lockers Strategic napping room OTHER FACILITIES: Call rooms are available to surgery students. Fitness center Lactation stations ANCILLARY SERVICES: EKG, blood draw, IV PARKING: Parking available at the Scully Parking Garage (parking badge access needed per $10 refundable deposit) at the hospital and in front of the building (free) at Abington Family Medicine. ABOUT: Abington Hospital – Jefferson Health (AH) is a 665-bed, regional referral center and teaching hospital, which has been providing comprehensive, high-quality services for people in Montgomery, Bucks and Philadelphia counties for more than 100 years. AH employs over 5,500 employees, making it one of the largest employers in Montgomery County. The hospital's medical staff consists of over 1,100 physicians, including primary care, medical and surgical specialists. More than 1,100 volunteers give their time and talents to support this notfor-profit hospital, and AH provides more than $45 million in free care to our community each year. CONTACT: 59 Undergraduate Medical Education Office: 215-481-2603 Nemours / Alfred I. duPont Hospital For Children 1600 Rockland Road P.O. Box 269 Wilmington, DE 19899 302.651.4000 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Pediatrics • Surgery ANCILLARY SERVICES: EKG, blood draw, IV TRAVEL: Parking: FREE Travel Time: 40 Minutes by car RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • Pediatrics • Medicine/Pediatrics • Pediatrics/Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation SPECIAL FEATURES: The A.I. duPont Hospital for children has rapidly expanded and has become this region’s tertiary care center for children. The Hospital offers a multitude of special programs and services to children and adolescents through age eighteen. Along with the residents, each student participates fully in the residency education program. In addition, specific didactic and bedside rounds are conducted regularly with the students. Students work closely with pediatric and combined medicine-pediatric residents. HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government Non-Profit Associated with Christiana Care Hospital, Wilmington Hospital, and TJUH CAFETERIA: HOURS: 0700- 1900 AVERAGE COST PER MEAL: S4.00 STUDENT DISCOUNTS: Yes, available on a regular basis and when on call. Free lunch provided at all noon conferences. LIBRARY: IN HOUSE HOURS: 0900 - 1700 Students have after hour access HOUSING: None 60 Albert Einstein Medical Center Einstein Healthcare Network 5501 Old York Road Philadelphia, PA 19141 215.456.7890 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Internal Medicine • Surgery RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • Emergency Medicine • • • • OB/GYN Pediatrics Urology Dental: Orthodontics HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government Non-Profit Part of Multi-Hospital System with Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, Einstein Medical Center – Montgomery, Einstein Medical Center – Elkins Park, Moss Rehabilitation Hospital, Moss Rehab Einstein at Elkins Park, and Willowcrest Sub-acute Care Facility. CAFETERIA: HOURS: 6:30 AM 8 PM Weekdays, 6:30 AM - 5PM Weekends - AVERAGE COST PER MEAL: $6-7 LIBRARY: IN HOUSE Hours: 0800 – 1700 HOUSING: Not available to students OB/GYN Pediatrics • Psychiatry • • • Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Psychiatry • Dental: General Practice • • • • Neurology Radiology Surgery Dental: Endodontics • • CALL FACILITIES: 1 Bed / Room Private Bathrooms/Showers Phone in Room ANCILLARY SERVICES: Decentralized 24-hour EKG, IV, and Blood Drawing Services TRAVEL: Travel Time: 20 minutes by car, 25 minutes by Public Transportation Parking: FREE SPECIAL FEATURES: The Albert Einstein Medical Center is a Level I Trauma Center and a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Located just four miles north of Center City, Einstein is the largest independent academic medical center in the area. Special programs include: Einstein Heart Institute, Center for Liver Disease and Transplantation, Women’s Center, Cancer Center, Center for Orthopedic Sciences, Drucker Brain Injury Center, and Gutman 61 Diabetes Institute. Bryn Mawr Hospital 130 South Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 484-337-3000 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • • • • Family Medicine OB/GYN General Surgery Urology • • • • Psychiatry Anesthesia Pediatrics Inpatient Ortho RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • • • Family Medicine Podiatry Radiology HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government, Non-Profit Part of a multi-hospital system with Paoli Hospital, Lankenau Medical Center, Riddle Hospital, and Bryn Mawr Rehab HOUSING: Not Available ANCILLARY SERVICES: IV service, EKG, Phlebotomy 24 hours per day CAFETERIA: Hours: 0700 – 1900 Average Cost per Meal: $6.00-$9.00 STUDENT DISCOUNT: On Call and Night Float Only LIBRARY: In Swipe Access - Hours: 0900 - 1700, closed weekends CALL FACILITIES: As needed TRAVEL: Travel Time: 30-40 minutes by car or public transportation SPECIAL FEATURES: Established in 1893, Bryn Mawr Hospital is a not-forprofit, full service, community acute care teaching hospital. It is known for a high level of personalized care by exceptional physicians, surgeons and nursing staff in both inpatient and outpatient settings. 62 Christiana Care Health System Christiana Hospital Wilmington Hospital 4755 Ogletown Road 501 West 14,h Street Newark, DE 19718 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-733-2062 – Office of Academic Affairs (FMED location) Family Medicine Center 1401 Foulk Rd. Wilmington, DE 19803 302.477.3315 Commute from Family Practice Office to Hospital: 15 miles JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • • • Surgery Family Medicine Internal Medicine • • OB/GYN Pediatrics Inpatient and Nursery (no Housing) • • • • Pediatrics / Medicine Radiology Surgery Transitional Year Emergency Medicine RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • • • • • Emergency Medicine / Medicine Family Medicine Internal Medicine OB/GYN EM/Family Medicine HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government, Non-Profit CAFETERIA: Hours: 0630-1900 Average Cost per Meal: $4.00 LIBRARY: In House Hours: 0700 - 1430; Students have after hours privileges CALL FACILITIES: 1 -2 bed/ room HOUSING: *Housing is available during certain rotations under specific circumstances * if applicable, student will need to submit an application, provided by CCHS for review and approval. ANCILLARY SERVICES: All expected services available with 24/7 on-call availability TRAVEL: Travel Time: 1 hour public transportation Auto: 45 minutes to 1 hour Parking is Free 63 Crozer-Keystone Health System 1260 East Woodland Avenue, Suite 200 Springfield, PA 19064-3988 610-690-4471 (FMED location) Crozer - Keystone Health System 1260 E. Woodland Ave., Suite 200 Springfield, PA 19064 610.690.4471 Commute from Family Practice Office to Delaware County Hospital: 15 minute drive JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Family Medicine RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • • Family Medicine Internal Medicine • • OB/GYN Pediatrics ANCILLARY SERVICES: HOSPITAL TYPE: All services available with 24/7 (IV, EKG, Phlebotomy. etc) Non-Government, Non-Profit, Teaching Hospital Part of a multiple hospital system (Crozer-Keystone ANCILLARY SERVICES: Health System) including: Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Delaware County Memorial Hospital. Taylor All servicesSpringfield available with 24/7 (IV, EKG, Phlebotomy. Hospital. Hospital, Community Hospital, and the Healthplex Sports Club etc) TRAVEL: CAFETERIA: At Delaware County Memorial Hospital TRAVEL: Travel Time: 30 minutes by car,Breakfast 20 minutes by buffet 7 AM to 10:15 AM Lunch: 11 am to 3:30 pm Dinner: 4:30 to 6:30 pm Average cost per meal: $6.00 / $7.00 dollars. At Center for Family Health (outpatient) refrigerators and Microwaves provided. LIBRARY: In House - Hours: 24 hours/ 7 days a week CALL FACILITIES: No on-call responsibilities HOUSING: None 64 Travel Time: 30 minutes by car, 20 minutes by public transportation (R3 train station across from parking lot) Parking: FREE SPECIAL FEATURES: The Crozer-Keystone Family Medicine Residency Program is proud of our wellearned national reputation for innovation, leadership, and teaching methods. We are a full-service, family medicine teaching center offering prenatal to geriatric family care. In exposing the dynamic specialty of family medicine, students work closely with resident and faculty in various environments to include office hospital, nursing home, home visits, and sports physical exams. Students are encouraged to attend conferences, didactic sessions, and specialty clinics. Excela Health Latrobe Hospital 121W. 2nd Avenue Latrobe, PA 15650 724. 537.1000 (FMED location) Latrobe Area Hospital Family Practice Office 121 West Second Ave. Latrobe, PA 15650 724.537.1862 Commute from Family Practice Office to Hospital: Within walking distance JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Family Medicine RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • Family Medicine HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government, Non-Profit Part of a multi-hospital system with Westmoreland Regional Hospital and Frick Hospital. ANCILLARY SERVICES: EKG, IV Insertion. Phlebotomy, Respiratory Therapy, and Radiology Service 24/7. Interventional Radiology, Rapid Response Teams CAFETERIA: Hours: 0700-0900, 11:30 – 13: 30, 16:30 – 18:15 Average cost per meal: $5.00 Student Discounts TRAVEL: 5 hours by car from Center City – 6 hours by public transportation from Philadelphia. Parking is free LIBRARY: In House - Hours: 24 hours/ 7 days a week CALL FACILITIES: No on-call responsibilities HOUSING: Contact: Melissa Neiderhiser 724-537-1485 65 Inspira Medical Center Woodbury 509 N. Broad Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 609-845-0100 Family Medicine Residency Program 75 W. Red Bank Avenue Woodbury, NJ 08096 856-853-2056 Commute from Family Practice Office to Hospital: On hospital campus JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Family Medicine (OP) RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • Family Medicine CALL FACILITIES: Not available to students HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government Non-Profit Affiliated with Jefferson Health System CAFETERIA: HOURS: 600 - 2200 AVERAGE COST PER MEAL: $5.00 STUDENT DISCOUNTS: No HOUSING: None available ANCILLARY SERVICES: EKG, blood draws, nebulizer treatments, colposcopies TRAVEL: Transportation service from Center City not offered to students. Travel Time: 25-30 minutes by car, 40 plus minutes by public transportation. Parking is free. LIBRARY: IN HOUSE: 24/7 access 66 Lankenau Medical Center 100 Lancaster Avenue Wynnewood, PA 19096 484-476-2000 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Internal Medicine • OB/GYN • Surgery RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • Internal Medicine • OB/GYN • General Surgery HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government Non-Profit Part of a multiple hospital system (Main Line Health System) including: Bryn Mawr Hospital, Paoli Memorial Hospital, Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Center, and Riddle Hospital CAFETERIA: Hours: 0630 – 0200 Average cost per meal: $7.00-9.00 Student Discounts: Meal tickets provided when on night call LIBRARY: In house hours: 24/7 for residents/students CALL FACILITIES: No private bath/shower – phone in room /lockers ANCILLARY SERVICES: All are available 24/7 (IV, EKG, Phlebotomy, etc.). EKG, blood draw, IV TRAVEL Travel Time: 30 minutes by car, 45 minutes by public transportation. Parking: Free, $5 deposit refunded at the end of rotation. Students must park on the outside upper level of the Employee Parking Garage. ABOUT: Lankenau Medical Center is one of the Philadelphia region’s most honored and respected teaching hospitals. Conveniently located in suburban Philadelphia, the 353bed medical enter boasts world-class physicians, a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment options, the latest technology and access to cutting-edge research. At Lankenau, patients have access to research that investigates more effective treatments and therapies. Lankenau Institute for Medical Research is one of the few freestanding, hospital-associated research centers in the nation. Through Lankenau’s nationally ranked residency and fellowship programs, supported through the Annenberg Center for Medical Education, our physician faculty are educating the next generation of physicians. HOUSING: Not available 67 Magee Rehabilitation Hospital 16th & Race Streets Philadelphia, PA 19102 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: Rehabilitation Medicine LIBRARY: IN HOUSE HOURS: Open M-F 12PM-6PM, NO EVENINGS RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: Rehabilitation Medicine CALL FACILITIES: Not available HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government Non-Profit Affiliated with Jefferson Health System HOUSING: Not available ANCILLARY SERVICES: EKG, Blood draw, IV CAFETERIA: HOURS: Breakfast: 0730 - 1000, Lunch: 1130 1330, Dinner: 1630 – 1830 AVERAGE COST PER MEAL: $3.50 STUDENT DISCOUNTS: NO TRAVEL: Travel Time: Located at 16th and Race in Center City Public Transportation: 20 min Automobile: 10 min. Parking: not free nor subsidized 68 Methodist Hospital 2302 S. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19148 215-952-9500 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Internal Medicine • Surgery • • • ENT Internal Medicine Surgery RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • • • Emergency Medicine Family Medicine Orthopedics HOUSING: Not available HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government Non-Profit Affiliated with Jefferson Health System ANCILLARY SERVICES: EEG, EKG, IV Services, MRI, Radiology, pathology, Heart Station, Respiratory, Infection Control, Dialysis, Cardiac Rehab CAFETERIA: HOURS: M-F: 0630 - 1830 AVERAGE COST PER MEAL: reasonable Sleeping Quarters has food STUDENTS DISCOUNTS: Yes, free meals when on call TRAVEL: Travel Time: 10 minutes by car, 15 minutes by public transportation PARKING: FREE LIBRARY: IN HOUSE HOURS: Open 0900 – 1700 JEFFLINE available for afterhour’s access CALL FACILITIES: 1-2 Beds / Room Private Bathrooms / Showers Phone in Room 69 Morristown Medical Center 100 Madison Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 973-971-5000 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Internal Medicine • Surgery RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • Internal Medicine • • OB/GYN Pediatrics • Psychiatry • Radiology • Family Medicine • Sports Medicine (fellowship) • Dentistry • Surgery • Pediatrics • OB/GYN • Emergency Medicine • Urogynecology (fellowship) HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-Government Non-Profit HOUSING: Available for students doing rotations Contact: Lisa Siccone (973) 971 - 6442 Twin Beds 1 per room: - Private bathroom and shower Distance from Hospital: one-half block CAFETERIA: Hours: 1AM to 7 PM Average Cost per Meal: $6.00 Student Discounts: Yes LIBRARY: In House Hours: 7 AM – 5 PM – Students have afterhours access CALL FACILITIES: 1bed per room Private Bathroom/Shower Phone in room TRAVEL: Public Transportation: 3hours 15 minutes Automobile: 2 hours ANCILLARY SERVICES: Services available 24/7 70 • Emergency MedicinePediatrics (fellowship) • Cardiology (fellowship) • Podiatry Overlook Medical Center 99 Beauvoir Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 908-522-2000 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Family Medicine RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • • Internal Medicine Dentistry • Family Medicine HOSPITAL TYPE: HOUSING: Non-Government Non-Profit Available for students doing rotations Contact: Tatiana Popov (908) 522-2852 Two-bedroom apartment w/one bed per room, private bathroom and shower Distance from hospital: located on campus CAFETERIA: Breakfast: 6:30am to 10:30am Lunch: 11:00am to 2:30pm “Grab & Go”: 2:45pm to 3:45pm Dinner: 4:30pm to 7:00pm Late Night: 9:00pm to 12:00am Average Cost per Meal: $6.00 Student Discount: Yes ANCILLARY SERVICES: Services available 24/7 TRAVEL: LIBRARY: Public Transportation: 3 hours Automobile: 1 hour 45 minutes In-House Hours: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Students have 24/7 access w/ID badge CALL FACILITIES: One bed per room Private bathroom/shower Phone in room Computer room in call-suite Kitchenette stocked w/beverages and snacks 71 Reading Hospital Sixth Avenue and Spruce Street Reading, PA 19611 484-628-8000 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Family Medicine • Pediatrics • OB/GYN • Internal Medicine RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • • • Family Practice OB/GYN Transitional Year Medicine • • Internal Medicine Podiatry HOSPITALTYPE: Non-GovernmentNon-Profit CAFETERIA: HOURS:Breakfast:0630–0900 Lunch: 1100-1400 Dinner:1630-1900 AverageCostPerMeal:Averagecost$20/daylimit LIBRARY: INHOUSEHOURS: September–June:M–F0800–2100 July–August:M–F0800–1700 After-hoursaccessusingstudentIDbadge. CALLFACILITIES: 2Bedsperroom PrivateBathroomsandShowers PhoneinRoom 72 CALL FACILITIES: 2 Beds per room Private Bathroom and Shower Phone in Room HOUSING: Contact: Cathy Caron 484-628-8809 Free Housing Available 2 Bed, Bathroom, Private Shower Located on hospital campus ANCILLARY SERVICES: All expected services available with 24/7 oncall availability TRAVEL: Transportation from Center City not offered to students. Travel Time: 1 – 1.5 hours by car, 2+ hours by public transportation Parking: FREE Thomas Jefferson University Hospital 111 So. 11th Street Philadelphia, PA 19611 215-955-6000 JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • Family Medicine • Pediatrics • OB/GYN • Psychiatry • Neurology RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • Anesthesiology • • • • • • Emergency Medicine Internal Medicine OB/GYN Pathology Radiation Oncology Surgery HOSPITALTYPE: • • • Rehab Med ENT Neurology • Oral Surgery • • • Pediatrics Radiology Urology Non-Government Non-Profit CAFETERIAHOURS: M – F 6:45 AM TO 7:30 PM WEEKENDS: 6:45 AM TO 7:00 PM No Student Discount Average Cost Per Meal: $6.00 LIBRARYINHOUSEHOURS: 8:00 AM – 12:00 AM Mon – Thurs 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM Friday 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM Sunday • • • • • Internal Medicine Surgery Dermatology Family Medicine Neurosurgery Orthopedics Psychiatry HOUSING: On-campus housing features two apartment-style buildings and one traditional dormitory-style building. Barringer Residence (apartments, unfurnished) Martin Residence (dormitory, furnished) Orlowitz Residence (apartments, unfurnished) CALLFACILITIES: 4Beds/Room PrivateBathrooms/Showers PhoneinRoom • • 73 For more information please go to or contact the Department of Housing and Residence Life at 215-955-8913 or at Office is located in the Orlowitz Residence (1000 Walnut Street), Suite 103. 74 Virtua Health 100 Bowman Drive Voorhees, NJ 08043 856.247.3000 (FAMILY MEDICINE LOCATION) Virtua – Tatem - Brown Family Medicine Center 2225 Evesham Road, Suite 101 Evesham, NJ 08043 856-795-7075 Commute from Family Medicine Office to Hospital: Could walk, car strongly recommended JUNIOR CLERKSHIPS OFFERED: • • Family Medicine OB/GYN RESIDENCY PROGRAMS: • • Family Medicine Dental • • Podiatry Pharmacy TYPE: HOSPITAL Non-Government Non-Profit Affiliated with Virtua Marlton, Virtua Berlin, and Virtua Memorial HOUSING: N/A CAFETERIA: HOURS: 0700 – 1300 & 1600 – 1900 AVERAGE COST: $5 No Student Discount ANCILLARY SERVICES: 24/7 EKG, Phlebotomy, IV Team, and Radiology LIBRARY: IN HOUSE – VIRTUAL TRAVEL: Car: 30 minutes Public Transportation: N/A Parking: FREE 75 CALL FACILITIES: Number of beds/room varies. Private Bathroom/shower Phone in Room Wilmington Veterans Affairs Medical Center 1601 Kirkwood Highway Wilmington, DE 19805 302.994.2511 JUNIORCLERKSHIPSOFFERED: • Psychiatry RESIDENCYPROGRAMS: • InternalMedicine • Surgery • Urology TYPE: HOSPITAL Federal Government CAFETERIA: HOURS: 0730 – 1330 AVERAGE COST PER MEAL: breakfast $3.00, lunch $6.00 STUDENT DISCOUNTS: NO - But free meals when on call (breakfast and dinner) LIBRARY: IN HOUSE HOURS: Open 0830 - 1700. Students have afterhours access privileges. TRAVEL: Travel Time: 45 minutes by car PARKING: FREE CALL FACILITIES: 1 Bed / Room Private Bathrooms/Showers Phone in Room SPECIAL FEATURES: Del Tech: Nurse Practitioners Arcadia Univ.: Physician Assistnats Christiana Hospital: Cardiology Fellowship Program. HOUSING: None Available 76 ANCILLARY SERVICES: Lab 24 hrs per day EKG: M – F: 0800 – 1630 Weekends: 0800 – 1000 Nuclear Medicine: M – F: 0730 – 1600 Radiology: 24 hours per day OT/PT: M – F: 0800 – 1600 Pharmacy: Inpatient: 0800 – 2100 Outpatient closes at 1800 Prosthetics: M – F 0800 – 1630 Social Work: M – F 0800 - 1630 Audiology and Speech: M – F 0800 - 1630 York Hospital 1001 South George Street York, PA 17405 (717) 851-3500 York Hospital 1001 S. George Street York, PA 17405 717-851-2753 Commute from Family Practice Office to Hospital: On hospital campus JUNIORCLERKSHIPSOFFERED: • FamilyMedicine • GeneralSurgery • OB/GYN RESIDENCYPROGRAMS: • FamilyMedicine • InternalMedicine • OB/GYN • GeneralSurgery • EmergencyMedicine HOSPITAL TYPE: Non-government not-for-profit - Affiliated with Gettysburg Hospital CAFETERIA: HOURS: 0615 – 0800 (breakfast) 1100 – 1315 (lunch) 1630 – 1830 (dinner) AVERAGE COST PER MEAL: free for all students • InternalMedicine HOUSING: Contact: Alexandra Zeigler Free Housing Available Located on hospital campus ANCILLAY SERVICES: All services available 24/7 TRAVEL: 90 minutes by car and parking is free LIBRARY: IN HOUSE HOURS: Open 0700 - 1630 Students have afterhour access privileges. CALL FACILITIES: 2 Beds / Room No Private Bathrooms / Showers Phone in Room 77 AFFILIATESECURITYPROCEDURES AFFILIATE SECURITYFEATURES AbingtonHospital Fulltimesecurityaroundtheclock.Keycardentrytooffices afterhoursonlywithvalidID.Escortsavailable A.I.DuPontHospitalforChildren Computerizedcardscanneronlyentrancetoallhospitalunits. Securityguardspatrolthehospitalroutinely.Allstudentscan requestanescorttotheparkinglotatnight. AlbertEinsteinMedicalCenter Escortservicebysecurityavailableuponrequesttoallmedical studentstoparkinggaragesandtonearbysubwaystation. Parkinggaragesarewelllitandpatrolledregularly.Securityis postedatallentrancestotheMedicalCenter BelmontInstitute Securityisavailablearoundtheclock,andwillescortstudents uponrequest.Allparkingareasarewelllitandpatrolled. BrynMawrHospital Securityisavailablearoundtheclockandpatrolsthehospital. Escortserviceisavailabletostudentstoandfromtheparking lots.Oncallroomsareinthesamewingasthoseofthe residentsandattendingsandaresecuredviakeys. ChristianaCareHealthSystem Fulltimesecurityaroundtheclock.Studentsmayrequesta securityescorttoandfromparkingorforanyotherreasonat anytime.Alloncallandsleepingroomsarelocked. Crozer-KeystoneHealth Aroundtheclocksecuritydepartment.Patrolsaroundhospital campusandfullystaffedentrances.Studentsescortedto transportationuponrequest ExcelaHealth/LatrobeHospital Securityonsitearoundtheclock.Escortserviceisavailableto studentsatanytime. InspiraMedicalCenterWoodbury LankenauHospital MageeRehabilitationHospital Aroundtheclocksecuritydepartment. Securityisavailablearoundtheclockandroundsfrequently throughthehospital.Escortservicetoandfromtheparking lotsisalsoavailablearoundtheclock.On-callroomsare withinasecuresuiteandarelockedatalltimes Aroundtheclocksecuritydepartmentwithpatrolsandstaffed entrances.Studentescortserviceavailable 78 AFFILIATESECURITYPROCEDURES AFFILIATE SECURITYFEATURES MethodistDivision-TJUH Aroundtheclocksecuritydepartmentwithpatrolsandstaffed entrances.Studentescortsavailableupon. MorristownMedicalCenter Securityonsitearoundtheclock.Escortserviceisavailableto studentsatanytime. MossRehabilitationHospital Fulltimesecurityservice.Escortstoparkingareaavailable uponrequest. Securityonsitearoundtheclock.Escortserviceisavailableto studentsatanytime. OverlookMedicalCenter Fulltimesecurityservice.Escortstoallareasavailableupon studentrequest. ReadingHospital Fulltimesecuritywithescortserviceavailable. VirtuaHealth WilmingtonVAHospital Aroundtheclocksecuritydepartmentwithpatrolsandstaffed entrances.Studentescortavailableuponrequest. YorkHospital Aroundtheclocksecuritydepartmentwithpatrolsandstaffed entrances.Studentescortsavailableuponrequest. 79