Final Exam Review English HP 2016 Name:

Final Exam Review English HP 2016
Date of Exam:___________________Room#_______
Part One: Literature
Literary Work
Something Wicked
This Way Comes
Ray Bradbury
Our Town
Thornton Wilder
The Outsiders
S.E. Hinton
Components and Questions to Ask Yourself
How does the author’s word choice advance the plot both at the beginning and at the end
of the text?
Rhetorical Devices: What are some common and essential rhetorical devices used by the
author? What purpose do these devices serve?
What does the title of the work foreshadow/imply?
Characterization: Identify the characters and their roles in the novel (symbols, theme).
Characterization: Identify the characters and their role in the play. Consider how some
characters contradict others.
Rhetorical Devices: What are some common and essential rhetorical devices used by the
author? What purpose do these devices serve?
Craft and Structure: How does the playwright structure the play and maintain the play’s
Author’s purpose: in beginning and ending the novel the way she did.
Rhetorical Devices: What are some common and essential rhetorical devices used by the
author? What purpose do these devices serve?
Consider how characters are developed and described. Identify the relationship between
these characters. What do we learn as a result of these relationships, particularly at the end
of the text when Ponyboy writes his English assignment?
Consider why S.E. Hinton is so widely accepted among young people. What it is about her
writing that makes it relevant today?
“Warm Read”
Close Reading Strategies: Be an active reader. Engage with the text in order to:
 Identify rhetorical devices
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that affect the reader’s point of view.
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that advance the plot.
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that develop the theme or motif.
 Connections to other texts that we have read this year, including character
development, theme development, and use of rhetorical devices.
The Strange Case of
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson
or The Killer Angels by
Michael Shaara
Rhetorical Devices: Consider how the author intentionally uses particular rhetorical devices to
develop the plot and the exposition of the work.
Theme: Consider the ultimate theme of the work. What is it that Dr. Jekyll realizes about himself and
about life?
Conflict: Consider the main conflict within the work and what this conflict suggests about human
Symbol: Consider the author’s use of symbolism in reflecting theme.
Rhetorical Devices: (imagery, tone, mood, flashback, and oxymoron). Be sure to know the purpose of
these devices.
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that affect the reader’s point of view.
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that advance the plot.
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that develop the theme or motif.
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that mark a “shift” within the work.
Cold Read: Non-Fiction
Word Recognition: Note any word that seems important to meaning or purpose.
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that affect the reader’s point of view.
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that advance the plot.
 Lines/words/phrases/dialogue that develop the theme or motif.
 Identify the author’s point of view and lines that reflect or develop it.
Final Exam Review English HP 2016, p. 2
Part Two: Grammar
Sentence Structure
Identify sentences as simple,
compound, complex, or
Subject-Verb Agreement
Proofread for errors in subject-verb
Components and Questions to Ask Yourself
What makes a sentence simple, compound, complex, or compound/complex?
What are the rules of subject and verb agreement?
What is the process behind editing sentences for subject and verb agreement?
What steps are involved in editing sentences for subject and verb agreement?
Pay close attention to common grammatical errors.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Proofread for errors in pronounantecedent agreement.
What are the rules of pronoun and antecedent agreement?
What is the process behind editing sentences for pronoun and antecedent
What steps are involved in editing sentences for pronoun and antecedent
Pay close attention to common grammatical errors.
Pronoun Case
What are the rules of pronoun case?
What is the process behind editing sentences for pronoun case usage?
What steps are involved in editing sentences for correct pronoun usage?
Pay close attention to common grammatical errors .
Units 1-8
How are vocabulary terms used in context? Pay close attention to the context
in each sentence.
Identify synonyms and antonyms given limited context.