CSM Program Review: Fall 2008 Cycle Core Program and Student Success Indicators Academic Years 2005/06 to 2007/08 CSM College Total INDICATOR Enrollments/Dup. Headcount WSCH FTES LOAD (WSCH/FTEF)* Retention % Success % Classroom Teaching FTEF Full-time FTEF Adjunct FTEF Overload FTEF (F-T Faculty) Retired FTEF Total FTEF Percent Full-time Reassigned FTEF Number of Sections % Vocational Education % Transferable % Degree Applicable % Basic Skills 2005-06 58289 230452.52 7681.7 503 85% 70% Academic Year 2006-07 57833 233107.31 7770.2 492 85% 71% 2007-08 56173 243283.58 8109.5 512 84% 70% 231.16 196.33 25.76 5 458.25 50% 25.57 2045 30% 58% 7% 6% 223.33 218.27 28.37 4.23 474.23 47% 27.78 2084 30% 59% 6% 5% 240.84 207.18 25.34 1.71 475.06 51% 35.71 2014 29% 59% 7% 5% 2008-09 55316 248445.53 8281.5 511 83% 70% Projections 2009-10 54258 254861.06 8495.4 516 83% 69% 2010-11 53200 261276.59 8709.2 521 82% 69% Projection Methodology Linear projections based upon 3 years’ prior data, using simple linear regression trend analysis. NOTE: Not intended as a goal or target Notes: Academic Year = Fall + Spring only. Successful Course Completion Rates: 2007-08 DEFINITIONS: Demographic Variable Ethnicity Asian Black Filipino Hispanic Native Am Pac Islander White Other Unrecorded Total Gender Female Male Unrecorded Total Age 19 or less 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50+ Unrecorded Total Count Col% Success NonSuccess Withdraw % Success % NonSuccess % Withdraw 8621 2341 3939 10982 319 1509 16 4 7 20 1 3 6430 1440 2601 6866 192 945 2191 901 1338 4116 127 564 1282 421 704 2197 64 287 75 62 66 63 60 63 25 38 34 37 40 37 15 18 18 20 20 19 19806 3101 4372 54990 36 6 8 100 14535 2214 3101 38324 5271 887 1271 16666 2886 460 656 8957 73 71 71 70 27 29 29 30 15 15 15 16 26788 26358 1844 54990 49 48 3 100 18749 18254 1321 38324 8039 8104 523 16666 4452 4247 258 8957 70 69 72 70 30 31 28 30 17 16 14 16 16714 17770 5673 3256 2631 3990 4161 795 30 32 10 6 5 7 8 1 10984 11776 4094 2480 2000 3028 3381 581 5730 5994 1579 776 631 962 780 214 2843 3276 935 446 374 543 446 94 66 66 72 76 76 76 81 73 34 34 28 24 24 24 19 27 17 18 16 14 14 14 11 12 54990 100 38324 16666 8957 70 30 16 *Slight discrepancies in the ratio of WSCH/FTEF (LOAD) are due to the rounding of numeric figures. Enrollments/Dup.Headcount: Sum of end-of-term enrollments. WSCH: “Weekly Student Contact Hours” = total hours per week a student attends a specific class. WSCH are used to report apportionment attendance and FTES. Retention%: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, CR, NC, I, at end-of-term. (Only excludes W’s.) Success%: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, CR at end-of-term. FTEF: “Full-Time Equivalent Faculty” is calculated at the course level as a proportion of a full-time teaching load. FTEF is calculated by using the Faculty Load Credit (FLC) assigned to the course. LOAD (Productivity) WSCH/FTEF: Ratio of the weekly contact hours of enrolled students and a faculty’s hours of instruction per week = faculty load. The State’s productivity measure is 525 WSCH/FTEF. Reassigned FTEF: Faculty assigned to projects to which there is no course/CRN. FTES: Full-Time Equivalent Students. Definition to be supplied. CSM Program Review: Fall 2008 Cycle Core Program and Student Success Indicators Fall Semesters Only: 2005-2007 CSM College Total INDICATOR 2005 Fall Term 2006 2007 Enrollments/Dup.Headcount 29586 30527 27807 WSCH 119526.28 120637.31 123949.55 FTES 3984.2 4021.2 4131.7 LOAD (WSCH/FTEF)* 525 513 525 Retention % 84% 85% 84% Success % 70% 70% 70% Full-time FTEF 117.77 116.62 122.08 Adjunct FTEF 94.07 104.62 102.49 Overload FTEF (F-T Faculty) 12.78 11.42 10.61 Retired FTEF 2.32 2.32 0.92 227.71 235.02 236.1 Percent Full-time 52% 50% 52% Reassigned FTEF 11.77 13.14 18.22 Number of Sections 1009 1044 1007 % Vocational Education 30% 30% 29% % Transferable 57% 59% 60% % Degree Applicable 7% 6% 6% % Basic Skills 6% 5% 5% Classroom Teaching FTEF Total FTEF *Slight discrepancies in the ratio of WSCH/FTEF (LOAD) are due to the rounding of numeric figures. DEFINITIONS: Enrollments/Dup.Headcount: Sum of end-of-term enrollments. WSCH: “Weekly Student Contact Hours” = total hours per week a student attends a specific class. WSCH are used to report apportionment attendance and FTES. Retention%: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, CR, NC, I, at end-of-term. (Only excludes W’s.) Success%: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, CR at end-of-term. FTEF: “Full-Time Equivalent Faculty” is calculated at the course level as a proportion of a full-time teaching load. FTEF is calculated by using the Faculty Load Credit (FLC) assigned to the course. LOAD (Productivity) WSCH/FTEF: Ratio of the weekly contact hours of enrolled students and a faculty’s hours of instruction per week = faculty load. The State’s productivity measure is 525 WSCH/FTEF. Reassigned FTEF: Faculty assigned to projects to which there is no course/CRN. FTES: Full-Time Equivalent Students. Definition to be supplied. CSM Program Review: Fall 2008 Cycle Core Program and Student Success Indicators Spring Semesters Only: 2006-2008 CSM College Total INDICATOR 2006 Spring Term 2007 Enrollments/Dup. Headcount 28703 27306 28366 WSCH 110926.24 112470 119334.03 FTES 3697.5 3749 3977.8 LOAD (WSCH/FTEF)* 481 470 499 Retention % 86% 86% 84% Success % 71% 71% 70% Full-time FTEF 113.39 106.71 118.75 Adjunct FTEF 102.26 113.65 104.69 Overload FTEF (F-T Faculty) 12.98 16.95 14.73 Retired FTEF 1.91 1.91 0.79 230.54 239.22 238.96 49% 45% 50% 2008 Classroom Teaching FTEF Total FTEF Percent Full-time Reassigned FTEF 0 13.8 14.63 Number of Sections 1036 1040 1007 % Vocational Education 29% 29% 29% % Transferable 59% 59% 59% % Degree Applicable 7% 7% 7% % Basic Skills 6% 5% 5% *Slight discrepancies in the ratio of WSCH/FTEF (LOAD) are due to the rounding of numeric figures. DEFINITIONS: Enrollments/Dup.Headcount: Sum of end-of-term enrollments. WSCH: “Weekly Student Contact Hours” = total hours per week a student attends a specific class. WSCH are used to report apportionment attendance and FTES. Retention%: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, CR, NC, I, at end-of-term. (Only excludes W’s.) Success%: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, CR at end-of-term. FTEF: “Full-Time Equivalent Faculty” is calculated at the course level as a proportion of a full-time teaching load. FTEF is calculated by using the Faculty Load Credit (FLC) assigned to the course. LOAD (Productivity) WSCH/FTEF: Ratio of the weekly contact hours of enrolled students and a faculty’s hours of instruction per week = faculty load. The State’s productivity measure is 525 WSCH/FTEF. Reassigned FTEF: Faculty assigned to projects to which there is no course/CRN. FTES: Full-Time Equivalent Students. Definition to be supplied. CSM Program Review: Fall 2008 Cycle Core Program and Student Success Indicators Summer Terms Only: 2006-2008 CSM College Total INDICATOR 2006 Summer Term 2007 2008 Enrollments/Dup.Headcount 8106 8415 8243 WSCH 29233.8 30238.1 30608.4 FTES 974.5 1007.9 1020.3 LOAD (WSCH/FTEF)* 568 595 591 Retention % 91% 92% 92% Success % 80% 82% 82% Full-time FTEF 0.07 0 0 Adjunct FTEF 34.6 34.73 35.47 Overload FTEF (F-T Faculty) 16.6 15.92 16.33 Retired FTEF 0.2 0.2 0 51.47 50.84 51.8 0% 0% 0% Classroom Teaching FTEF Total FTEF Percent Full-time Reassigned FTEF 0 4.19 4.41 Number of Sections 279 261 260 % Vocational Education 21% 18% 21% % Transferable 71% 73% 70% % Degree Applicable 5% 5% 6% % Basic Skills 3% 4% 3% *Slight discrepancies in the ratio of WSCH/FTEF (LOAD) are due to the rounding of numeric figures. DEFINITIONS: Enrollments/Dup.Headcount: Sum of end-of-term enrollments. WSCH: “Weekly Student Contact Hours” = total hours per week a student attends a specific class. WSCH are used to report apportionment attendance and FTES. Retention%: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, CR, NC, I, at end-of-term. (Only excludes W’s.) . Success%: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, CR at end-of-term. FTEF: “Full-Time Equivalent Faculty” is calculated at the course level as a proportion of a full-time teaching load. FTEF is calculated by using the Faculty Load Credit (FLC) assigned to the course. LOAD (Productivity) WSCH/FTEF: Ratio of the weekly contact hours of enrolled students and a faculty’s hours of instruction per week = faculty load. The State’s productivity measure is 525 WSCH/FTEF. Reassigned FTEF: Faculty assigned to projects to which there is no course/CRN. FTES: Full-Time Equivalent Students. Definition to be supplied.