The Plano Board of Trustees met Tuesday, September 2, 2008, with the
following members present: Lloyd Jenkins, presiding; Brad Shanklin; Duncan
Webb; Melody Timinsky; Mary Beth King; Missy Bender; and Superintendent
Doug Otto. Trustee John Muns was absent.
President Lloyd “Skip” Jenkins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the
hallway outside the Board Library Room, second floor of the Administration
Building, 2700 West 15 Street, Plano, and stated that the meeting has been
duly called and notices posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act,
Texas Government Code Chapter 551. Mr. Jenkins announced that the board
will convene in a closed session to consider 1) Personnel: resignations,
employment, evaluation, appointment, assignments, terminations, non-renewal,
additions and extension and/or renewal of contracts of individual teachers,
individual administrators, and individual support staff; superintendent’s contract;
2) Private consultation with the attorney regarding contemplated litigation; or on a
matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the
Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas
clearly conflicts with Chapter 551; 3) Discuss purchase, exchange, lease, sale, or
value of real property; 4) Deliberation regarding economic development
negotiations; 5) School children; school district employees; disciplinary matter, or
complaint. The closed session was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
The regular meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room on the first
floor, administration building, Plano, Texas, with all previously named Board
members present and John Muns absent.
President Jenkins introduced his colleagues and staff seated at the Board dais,
expressed appreciation to the Fine Arts Department for serving as greeters, and
explained the speaker card process to the audience.
The first item on the agenda was the recognition of Board Trustee, Duncan
Webb. President Jenkins thanked Mr. Webb for his service as Board President
for the past three years. Trustees Melody Timinsky and Missy Bender both
acknowledged Mr. Webb’s years of service and partnership as a colleague and
as a personal mentor. President Jenkins presented Mr. Webb with the traditional
gift of a gavel to honor his leadership.
Melody Timinsky made the motion that the Board approve the consent
agenda as follows:
a) Personnel recommendations, including extension and/or renewal of contracts
of individual teachers, principals, directors, and support staff; administrative
appointments, as recommended by Deputy Superintendent Jeff Bailey and as
attached; and consideration and possible action to approve the
recommendation of the superintendent to terminate a non-Chapter 21
b) Minutes of August 5, 2008;
c) Bids/purchases as recommended by Associate Superintendent for Business
Services, Richard Matkin, as follows, and as filed in the Superintendent’s
Office with the September 2, 2008, agenda packet marked “record copy”:
1) Bid #2008-042, Carpet and VCT, awarded to GFC-Gomez Floor Covering
for an estimated annual value of $1,500,000;
2) Bid #2008-049, General Maintenance, awarded to various vendors for an
estimated annual value of $160,000;
3) Bid #2008-050, Gym Floor and Stage Floor Refinishing, awarded to
various vendors for an estimated annual value of $175,000;
4) Bid #2008-058, Library and Classroom Books, awarded to various
vendors for an estimated annual value of $1,500,000;
5) Bid #2008-061, Musical Instruments, awarded to various vendors for an
estimated annual value of $350,000;
6) Bid #2008-070, Maps and Globes, awarded to various vendors for an
estimated annual value of $54,000;
7) Bid #2008-071, Periodicals, awarded to W.T. Cox for an estimated annual
value of $55,000;
8) Bid 2008-079, Audiological Equipment and Services, awarded to various
vendors for an estimated annual value of $100,000;
9) CSP #2008-038, Early Childhood Building Program Construction
Manager at Risk and Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), contract with
Pogue Construction amended by an additional $11,074,298 to provide the
GMP of $12,867,517;
10) RFP 208-062, Musical Instrument/Equipment Repair, awarded to various
vendors for an estimated annual value of $175,000;
11) Co-op Purchase – TASB Buy Board, Electrical Energy Savings Projects
for Senior High Student Activity Centers and Elementary School Gyms,
awarded to Inline Electric. Senior High School Student Activity Centers –
$149,820. Elementary School Gyms - $163,200;
d) Approval of Electrical Energy Provider, approve the extension of the
electricity inter-agency agreement with Texas General Land Office to run
through May 31, 2010 and authorize the Superintendent, or his designee, to
extend the contract;
e) Disposal of Surplus Property, declare surplus and disposal of surplus, as
allowed by law and recommended by Mr. Matkin;
f) Property Tax Refunds in the amount of $291,884.64, as submitted by the
Collin County Tax Office and recommended by Mr. Matkin;
g) Amended Contract Addendum between Diversified Maintenance and Plano
ISD, as of September 2, 2008, as recommended by Mr. Matkin and as filed in
the Superintendent’s Office with the September 2, 2008, agenda packet
marked “record copy”;
h) Adoption of reimbursement resolution providing the district the ability to
reimburse the expenditures made from existing M&O funds that involve the
construction and equipping of the East Cluster Early Childhood School
opening fall of 2009, as attached. Limited to the $16,094,254 maximum
indicated in the reimbursement resolution.
i) Approval of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of
Murphy, Texas and the Plano Independent School District for shuttle bus
services to accommodate a City of Murphy celebration in September, 2008.
j) Acceptance of report of budget as amended to date and actual expenses for
the General Fund.
k) Approval of Board member appointments to various committees:
Missy Bender - Head Start Advisory Committee Liaison, TASB Delegate,
and Liaison with Junior League and homeowner associations;
Lloyd Jenkins - Plano ISD Education Foundation, and Audit Committee;
Mary Beth King - NSBA Federal Relations Network Liaison and Liaison with
John Muns - Joint Committee with City of Plano and Chamber of Commerce;
Brad Shanklin - Audit Committee, Regional Mall and Downtown TIF Boards,
TASB Alternate, and liaison with realtor groups;
Melody Timinsky - City of Richardson Liaison;
Duncan Webb - Joint Committee with City of Plano, and Audit Committee
l) Advisory Committee Recommendations approved as submitted and filed in
the Superintendent’s Office with the September 2, 2008, agenda packet
marked “record copy”;
m) December 2, 2008 board meeting date changed to December 9, 2008 and
January 6, 2009 board meeting date changed to January 20, 2009;
Brad Shanklin seconded the motion which carried.
Superintendent Dr. Otto introduced the following administrative appointments
approved as part of the consent agenda:
Karin Ball, Plano Senior High School, assistant principal
Johnnie Cotton, Plano East Senior High School, assistant principal
Paul Dabbs, Assessment & Accountability, measurement coordinator
Latasha Goodwin, Robinson Middle School, administrative intern
Laura Grundler, Plano East Senior High School, assistant principal
Adrienne Hunter, Renner Middle School, administrative intern
Joy Lovell, Frankford Middle School, administrative intern
Monica Shortino, Communications Department, director for
development/executive director Education Foundation
Kecia Theodore, Shepton High School, administrative intern
Dash Weerasinghe, Assessment & Accountability, assistant director for
Mr. Matkin reviewed the tax rate adoption process and outlined the impact of this
year’s proposed tax rate. Missy Bender read the 2008 Tax Rate Resolution and
Melody Timinsky made the motion that the resolution to set the tax rate for
the year 2008 be adopted as read and that property taxes be increased by
the adoption of a total tax rate of $1.3034. This includes maintenance and
operating tax rate of $1.04 and a debt service tax rate of $0.2634 for a combined
total tax rate of $1.3034/$100 value for 2008-09. Duncan Webb seconded the
motion which carried.
Members of the Superintendent’s Cabinet highlighted certain proposed district
initiatives for 2008-09, in their respective areas of responsibility. Dr. Otto
reminded that an overview of the proposed district initiatives had been a topic at
the board/cabinet retreat in August. Mary Beth King made the motion that the
Board adopt the Proposed District Initiatives to include the District
Improvement Plan Goals (DBIC) for 2008-09, as submitted. Missy Bender
seconded the motion which carried.
Jayne Cantwell, executive director of Elementary Academic Services, introduced
Julia Haun, mathematics coordinator, Ginger Britain, assistant director of
Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, and Joan Bartell, Mendenhall Elementary
School teacher, for their dedication to the elementary mathematics curriculum
implementation. Ms. Haun and Ms. Bartell presented an overview of the new
curriculum prepared this summer.
APPROVE 2008-09
Missy Bender made the motion that the Board approve Policy FD(LOCAL)
Admissions, under second reading. Duncan Webb seconded the motion
which carried.
Duncan Webb made the motion that the Board approve Policy EIE(LOCAL)
Academic Achievement: Retention and Promotion, under second reading.
Mary Beth King seconded the motion which carried.
Mary Beth King made the motion that the Board approve Policy DBD
(LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions – Conflict of Interest,
under second reading. Brad Shanklin seconded the motion which carried.
Duncan Webb made the motion that the Board approve TASB Localized
Policy Manual Update 83, under first reading. Missy Bender seconded the
motion which carried.
Brad Shanklin made the motion that the Board approve Policy
EHDE(LOCAL) Extended Instructional Programs: Distance Learning, under first
reading. Missy Bender seconded the motion which carried.
Missy Bender made the motion that the Board approve Policy
CPAB(LOCAL) Office Communications: Mail and Delivery, under first reading.
Mary Beth King seconded the motion which carried.
Mary Beth King made the motion that the Board approve Policy GE(LOCAL)
Relations with Parent Organizations, under first reading. Duncan Webb
seconded the motion which carried.
In his Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Otto announced that a Community Health
Fair had been scheduled for Saturday, September 6, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at
Williams High School, 1717 17th Street. Free immunizations, diabetes screening,
cholesterol checks, blood pressure readings, breast screens, and vision and
hearing checks will be available.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Skip Jenkins, President
Missy Bender, Secretary