Penncrest High School Ms. Hart B104 Dear Parents/Guardians, I am looking forward to a fantastic semester/year teaching your child to enjoy, appreciate, and create art. We will look at and talk about major works/styles of art, as well as create our own masterpieces using the elements and principles of design. We will study various artists, art styles and cultures from around the world. Student art will be displayed on my website, which can be reached by going to and selecting Penncrest High School. Once on the Penncrest website, you can go to “efaculty” and select my name. Choose your students class, where student artwork will be displayed. Also, mark your calendar for the second week in May, when the annual Penncrest Fine Arts Show will take place. The show takes place throughout the school, with each student being required to submit at least two pieces for the show. Keep in mind that if your student is enrolled in a semester class during the first semester, I will hold on to their pieces for the show. Students in this scenario may need to be reminded to pick up their work after the art show takes place. In order to provide the best possible learning environment for your artist, we will be going over our guidelines for behavior the first day of class. These rules will be in effect at all times and are implemented for the safety and respect of our students. CLASSROOM RULES: You are required to Clean Up After Yourself. If you do not clean up after yourself, you will be given a detention to clean the art room after school. Return tools and supplies when you are finished using them. Do not misuse or use supplies excessively. Materials are expensive and should never be wasted. Take only what you need for right now. If you are unsure of the correct way to use a tool or material, always ask for assistance. If you are observed destroying tools or materials, you will receive a detention and perhaps an office referral based on the severity of the offense. Parents will be notified. Food or drinks are not permitted in the art room. Art materials and food or drinks are not a good combination. You do not want to be responsible for ruining another’s project and you do not want to ingest art supplies! All school rules are to be followed in the art room. The Rules of Respect Respect for Teacher, Respect for Peers, Respect for Supplies and Equipment, and Respect for Yourself. Students will have points deducted from their class participation grade every time they break one of the rules. More points will be deducted based on the severity of the offense. I will be reinforcing appropriate behavior with bonus points towards their class participation grade. Students who follow the rules, produce quality work. I will give most of my attention to students who are in my room to learn. Every student has the right to work in a positive learning environment. If a student chooses to break a rule, there will be consequences. Thank you for your support. As a reminder, lab fees for your child are due no later than 9/14. Amounts vary depending on class, so please ask your child. I am asking for your email address so that I may contact you during the school year. Due to a busy schedule, it is easier to get in contact with me through email than over the phone. Never hesitate to email me at or call me at (610) 627 6235. I am very excited for the school year, and can’t wait to get to know your child! Please complete and return the attached sheet so that your student will receive his or her 10 points. Completed forms are due no later than 9/10. Sincerely, Michele Hart Penncrest High School Art Teacher Child's name____________________________ Homeroom________ Class______________ I have read your Classroom Discipline Plan and discussed it with my child. Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________ Date_______________ Address___________________________________________________________________ Phone Number_______________________ Email Address__________________________ I DO NOT want my child’s art work or photo on the Internet____________________ If your child has permission to use the Internet, the assumption will be made that he or she may have work displayed on line – unless you sign the line above in this. I will attempt to show every students work, however I can not make a guarantee.