Children’s Progress Academic Assessment™ (CPAA™) Alignment to Texas Standards In this document you’ll find the content areas covered on the CPAA and how they correlate to the Texas Standards. Please note that since the assessment is adaptive, some of the content presented to students performing below or above grade level expectations may be tied to bordering grade levels and their standards. The difficulty of the assessment increases as the year goes on, so some of the skills listed for each grade are not introduced until the winter and/or spring versions of the assessment to encourage ongoing skill acquisition toward end-of-year proficiency. Pre-Kindergarten: Early Literacy Reading Writing Phonemic Awareness Listening Content Area Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (2008) Listening Skills Show understanding by following two-step oral directions and usually follow three- step directions II.A.2 Listening Comprehension Show understanding by responding appropriately II.A.1 Initial Sound Produce a word that begins with the same sound as a given pair of words III.B.7 Compound Words Combine words to make a compound word III.B.2 Rhyming Produce a word that rhymes with a given word III.B.6 Blending Recognize and blend two phonemes into real words with pictorial support III.B.10 Letter ID Name at least 20 upper and at least 20 lower case letters III.C.1 Letter Sound - Single Letter Recognize at least 20 letter sounds III.C.2 Name Fluency Write own name IV.B.2 Concepts of Print Book Use books and other written materials to engage in prereading behaviors III.A.2 Concepts of Print Text Separate a normally spoken four-word sentence into individual words III.B.1 © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association 1 Pre-Kindergarten: Mathematics Patterns Numeracy Measurement Content Area Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (2008) Shape ID Name common shapes V.C.1 Size Comparison Compare the amount of space occupied by objects V.D.2 Length & Height Comparison Recognize and compare lengths and heights of people or objects V.D.1 Weight Comparison Informally recognize and compare weights of objects or people V.D.3 Positions Demonstrate use of location words V.C.3 Quantity Comparison Use the words "equal," "more," "less", or "fewer" to describe sets of up to 5 objects V.A.8 Number ID Recognize one-digit numerals, 0-9 V.A.9 Quantity ID Count 1-10 items, with one count per item V.A.3 Number After Use words to rote count from 1 to 30 V.A.2 Correct Order Use words to rote count from 1 to 30 V.A.2 Ordinality Use the verbal ordinal terms V.A.7 Category Sort objects that are the same and different into groups and use language to describe how the groups are similar and different V.E.1 Shape Patterns Recognize and create patterns V.E.3 © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association 2 Kindergarten: Early Literacy Writing Phonemic Awareness Listening Content Area Listening Skills Follow oral directions that involve a short related sequence of actions Listening Comprehension Identify elements of a story including setting, character, and key events Initial Sound Isolate the initial sound in one-syllable spoken words 2.H Final Sound Segment spoken one-syllable words into two to three phonemes 2.I Blending Blend spoken phonemes to form one-syllable words 2.G Rhyming Distinguish orally presented rhyming pairs of words from non-rhyming pairs 2.D Letter ID Identify upper- and lower-case letters 1.B Identify the common sounds that letters represent 3.A Letter-Sound - Single Letter Letter-Sound - Blends & Digraphs Spelling Name Fluency Reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (2010) Use knowledge of letter-sound relationships to decode regular words in text and independent of content Use letter-sound correspondences to spell consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words 21.B 6.A 3.B 18.B Recognize that spoken words can be represented by print for communication 1.A Identify different parts of a book 1.G Recognize the difference between a letter and a printed word 1.D Sight Words Identify and read at least 25 high-frequency words from a commonly used list 3.D Decodable Words Use knowledge of letter-sound relationships to decode regular words in text and independent of content 3.B Sentence Reading Comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed Concepts of Print Book Concepts of Print Text © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association 4 3 Kindergarten: Mathematics Patterns Operations Numeracy Measurement Content Area Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (2006) Shape ID Describe and identify an object by its attributes using informal language K.8.A Size Comparison Compare the areas of two flat surfaces of two-dimensional figures K.10.B Length & Height Comparison Compare and order two or three concrete objects according to length K.10.A Weight Comparison Compare two objects according to weight/mass K.10.D Positions Quantity Comparison Currency ID Describe one object in relation to another using informal language such as over, under, above, and below Use language such as more than, same number as, or two less than to describe relative sizes of sets of concrete objects Begin to identify individual coins by name and value and describe relationships among them K.7.A K.1.A 1.1.C Currency Addition Begin to determine the value of coins whose total is under $1.00 Measurement Units - Length Begin to measure length using nonstandard units 1.7.A Time ID Begin to read time to the hour and half-hour using analog and digital clocks 1.8.B Calendar Read a calendar using days, weeks, and months K.11.C Number ID Use numbers to describe how many objects are in a set (through 20) K.1.C Sight Counting Quantity ID Use sets of concrete objects to represent quantities given in verbal or written form (through 20) Use sets of concrete objects to represent quantities given in verbal or written form (through 20) NCTM K.1.B K.1.B Ordinality Name the ordinal positions in a sequence such as first, second, third, etc. K.2.B Correct Order Count by ones to 100 K.6.B Addition Model and create addition problems in real situations with concrete objects K.4 Subtraction Model and create subtraction problems in real situations with concrete objects K.4 Category Sort a variety of objects according to their attributes and describe how the objects are sorted Shape Patterns Identify, extend, and create patterns of concrete objects Numerical Patterns Use patterns to predict what comes next, including cause-and-effect relationships © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association K.8.C K.5 K.6.A 4 1 st Grade: Early Literacy Reading Writing Phonemic Awareness Content Area Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (2010) Initial Sound Isolate initial sounds in one-syllable spoken words 2.E Final Sound Isolate final sounds in one-syllable spoken words 2.E Vowel Sound Isolate medial sounds in one-syllable spoken words 2.E Rhyming Blending Orally generate a series of original rhyming words using a variety of phonograms and consonant blends Blend spoken phonemes to form one- and two-syllable words, including consonant blends 2.A 2.D Syllable Counting Use common syllabication patterns to decode words 3.C Phonemic Addition Recognize the change in a spoken word when a specified phoneme is added, changed, or removed 2.C Decoding Decode words in context and in isolation by applying common letter-sound correspondences 3.A Letter ID Identify upper- and lower-case letters 1.B Letter-Sound Single Letter Letter-Sound Blends & Digraphs Use the relationships between letters and sounds, spelling patterns, and morphological analysis to decode written English Decode words in context and in isolation by applying common letter-sound correspondences Spelling Use letter-sound patterns to spell Alphabet Order Sequence the letters of the alphabet 1.C Editing Punctuation Editing Capitalization Write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions 21 Recognize and use basic capitalization 21.B Sight Words Spell high-frequency words from a commonly used list 22.C Decodable Words Use common syllabication patterns to decode words 3.C Sentence Reading Read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension 5 Short Passage Comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed 4 © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association 3 3.A 22.B 5 1 st Grade: Mathematics Measurement Content Area Currency ID Identify individual coins by name and value and describe relationships among them 1.1.C Currency Addition Begin to determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar 2.3.D Time ID Read time to the hour and half-hour using analog and digital clocks 1.8.B Calendar Continue to read a calendar using days, weeks, and months K.11.C Bar Graph Draw conclusions and answer questions using information organized in realobject graphs, picture graphs, and bar-type graphs 1.10.A Sight Counting Read and write numbers to 99 to describe sets of concrete objects 1.1.D Quantity ID Read and write numbers to 99 to describe sets of concrete objects 1.1.D Numeracy Ordinality Correct Order Operations Unit Blocks Patterns & Functions Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (2006) Continue to name the ordinal positions in a sequence such as first, second, third, etc. Order whole numbers up to 99 using sets of concrete objects and pictorial models Create sets of tens and ones using concrete objects to describe, compare, and order whole numbers K.2.B 1.1.A 1.1.B Place Value Compare and order whole numbers using place value 1.5.C Number Comparison Compare whole numbers up to 99 (less than, greater than, or equal to) using sets of concrete objects and pictorial models 1.1.A Addition Use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic addition facts 1.3.B Subtraction Use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic subtraction facts 1.3.B Word Problems Identify mathematics in everyday situations 1.11.A Shape Patterns Identify, describe, and extend concrete and pictorial patterns in order to make predictions and solve problems Numerical Patterns Find patterns in numbers, including odd and even 1.5.B Addition/ Subtraction Functions Identify patterns in related addition and subtraction sentences (fact families for sums to 18) 1.5.E © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association 1.4 6 2 nd Grade: Early Literacy Phonemic Awareness Content Area Final Sound Continue to isolate final sounds in one-syllable spoken words 2.E (Gr1) Vowel Sound Continue to isolate medial sounds in one-syllable spoken words 2.E (Gr1) Syllable Counting Use common syllabication patterns to decode words Phonemic Addition Decoding Writing Spelling Editing Punctuation Editing Capitalization Use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters to construct unknown words Decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying common letter-sound correspondences 2.B 23.A 2.A Spell words with common orthographic patterns and rules 23.B Recognize and use punctuation marks 22.C Use appropriate capitalization conventions in their compositions 22 Editing - Contraction Identify and read contractions 2.F Editing - Syntax Use complete sentences with correct subject-verb agreement 21.B Editing - Verbs Editing - Possessive Understand and use verbs (past, present, and future) in the context of reading, writing, and speaking Understand and use apostrophes and possessives in the context of reading, writing, and speaking Nouns Continue to use naming words (nouns) correctly Sentence Reading Decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying common letter-sound correspondences Short Passages Comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed Details Reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (2010) Inferences Vocabulary Ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text Analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about and understand expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding Use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiplemeaning words 21.A.i 22.C.iii W.2.E.d (Gr1) 2.A 3 3.B 14 5.B Main Ideas Identify the main idea in a text and distinguish it from the topic Concept of Print Comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed Sequence of Events Describe the order of events or ideas in a text 14.C True Statement/ Opinion Locate the facts that are clearly stated in a text 14.B © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association 14.A 3 7 2 nd Grade: Mathematics Content Area Time ID Elapsed Time Measurement Currency Addition & Subtraction Measurement Estimation Measurement Units - Length Measurement Units - Temperature Bar Graph Numeracy Rounding Determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar Identify concrete models that approximate standard units of length and use them to measure length Identify concrete models that approximate standard units of length and use them to measure length Read a thermometer to gather data Draw conclusions and answer questions based on picture graphs and bar-type graphs Begin to round whole numbers to the nearest ten or hundred to approximate reasonable results in problem situations Use place value to order whole numbers to 999 Number Comparison Use place value to compare whole numbers to 999 and record the comparisons using numbers and symbols (<, =, >) Use concrete models to represent and name fractional parts of a whole object (with denominators of 12 or less) Use concrete models to determine if a fractional part of a whole is closer to 0, ½, or 1 Use concrete models of hundreds, tens, and ones to represent a given whole number (up to 999) in various ways Fraction Comparison Unit Blocks 2.10.B 2.10.C 2.3.D 2.9.A 2.9.A 2.10.A 2.11.B 3.5.A 2.1.C 2.1.C 2.2.A 2.2.C 2.1.A Place Value Use place value to read, write, and describe the value of whole numbers to 999 2.1.B Expanded Notation Use place value to read, write, and describe the value of whole numbers to 999 2.1.B Addition Operations Read and write times shown on analog and digital clocks using five-minute increments Describe activities that take approximately one second, one minute, and one hour Correct Order Fraction ID Subtraction Multiplication Patterns & Functions Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (2006) Select addition to solve problems using two-digit numbers, whether or not regrouping is necessary Select subtraction to solve problems using two-digit numbers, whether or not regrouping is necessary Model, create, and describe multiplication situations in which equivalent sets of concrete objects are joined 2.3.C 2.3.C 2.4.A Word Problems Identify mathematics in everyday situations 2.12.A Shape Patterns Identify, describe, and extend patterns to make predictions and solve problems 2.6.C Numerical Patterns Find patterns in numbers 2.5.A Determine patterns in related addition and subtraction number sentences (including fact families) 2.5.C Begin to identify patterns in related multiplication sentences (fact families) 3.6.C Addition/ Subtraction Functions Multiplication Functions © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association 8 3 rd Grade: Early Literacy Content Area Writing Spelling Editing Punctuation Editing Capitalization Editing - Verbs Editing - Possessive Nouns Reading Mechanics Editing - Pronouns Paragraph Completion Synonyms & Antonyms Homographs & Homophones Advanced Vocabulary Prefixes Cloze Activities Verbs Cloze Activities Prepositions Cloze Activities Adjectives Cloze Activities Adverbs Cloze Activities Pronouns Details Reading Main Ideas Inferences Vocabulary Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (2010) Use knowledge of letter sounds, word parts, word segmentation, and syllabication to spell 24.A Recognize and use punctuation marks 23.C Use appropriate capitalization conventions in their compositions Use complete simple and compound sentences with correct subject-verb agreement Recognize and use punctuation marks including: apostrophes in contractions and possessives Use and understand the function of possessive pronouns in the context of reading, writing, and speaking Create brief compositions that contain a concluding statement 23 22.C 23.C.i 20.A.iii Identify and use synonyms and antonyms 4.C Identify and use homographs and homophones 4.C Use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or distinguish among multiple meaning words and homographs Identify the meaning of common prefixes and suffixes, and know how they change the meaning of roots Use and understand the function of verbs (past, present, and future) in the context of reading, writing, and speaking Use and understand the function of prepositions and prepositional phrases in the context of reading, writing, and speaking Use and understand the function of adjectives in the context of reading, writing, and speaking Use and understand the function of adverbs in the context of reading, writing, and speaking Use and understand the function of possessive pronouns in the context of reading, writing, and speaking Ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text Read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension Analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding Use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or distinguish among multiple meaning words and homographs Concept of Print Comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed True Statement/ Opinion Draw conclusions from the facts presented in text and support those assertions with textual evidence © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association 4.B 4.A 22.A.i 22.A.v 22.A.iii 22.A.iv 2.B 3 13 4.B 2 13.B 9 3 rd Grade: Mathematics Content Area Time ID Tell and write time shown on analog and digital clocks 3.12.B Elapsed Time Continue to describe activities that take approximately one second, one minute, and one hour 2.10.C Use linear measurement tools to measure lengths using standard units 3.11.A Identify concrete models that approximate standard units of weight/mass and capacity and use them to measure weight/mass and capacity 3.11.D Use a thermometer to measure temperature 3.12.B Bar Graph Interpret information from pictographs and bar graph 3.13.B Line Graph Use data to describe events as more likely, less likely, or equally likely 3.13.C Measurement Measurement Units - Length Measurement Units - Weight & Volume Measurement Units - Temperature Rounding Fraction ID Numeracy Fraction Comparison Fraction Addition and Subtraction Decimal Comparison Place Value Expanded Notation Operations Addition Subtraction Patterns & Functions Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (2006) Round whole numbers to the nearest ten or hundred to approximate reasonable results in problem situations Use fraction names and symbols to describe fractional parts of whole objects or sets of objects Compare fractional parts of whole objects or sets of objects in a problem situation using concrete models Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator of 10 or less Begin to use place value to compare decimals involving tenths and hundredths Use place value to read, write (in symbols and words), and describe the value of whole numbers through 999,999 Use place value to read, write (in words), and describe the value of whole numbers through 999,999 Select addition and use the operation to solve problems involving whole numbers through 999 Select subtraction and use the operation to solve problems involving whole numbers through 999 3.5.A 3.2.C 3.2.B NCTM 4.1.B 3.1.A 3.1.A 3.3.B 3.3.B Multiplication Solve and record multiplication problems (up to two digits times one digit) 3.4.B Division Use models to solve division problems and use number sentences to record the solutions 3.4.C Word Problems Model addition and subtraction using pictures, words, and numbers 3.3.A Numerical Patterns Identify and extend whole-number patterns to make predictions and solve problems 3.6.A Addition/ Subtraction Functions Model addition and subtraction using pictures, words, and numbers 3.3.A Multiplication/ Division Functions Identify patterns in related multiplication and division sentences (fact families) 3.6.C © 2013 Northwest Evaluation Association 10