ADD EVENT, LOCATION AND DATE Level 2 Workshops Florida Department of Revenue, Building 2 June 2015 Slide 3 Welcome and Workgroup Introductions Project Leadership State BPS Team EY BPS Team Organizational Change Management (OCM) Team System and Data Strategies (SDS) Team Project Management Office (PMO) Team Level 2 Workgroup Members PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Level 2 Workgroup Participants A2D, ARB, BUD, CSH, and GAC A2D Chaunda Ford (DMS) Cherie Ferrell (DMS) Cheryl Ward (DOT) Darinda Mclaughlin (DEP) David James (DFS - A&A) Eric Reeves (DOT) Homer Williams (DOE) Lemuel Toro (HSMV) Michele Mundy (DOS) Pamela White (DOE) Sharon Brown (DOS) Steve Burch (HSMV) Steve Waters (DEP) Lavitta Stanford (DC) Kathleen Lester Richard Gowdy Christina Carswell ARB Charlotte Fraser (FDLE) Darlene Faris (DLA) Ed Nelson (DOH) Eric Thiele (DBRP) Faye Jones (DBPR) Kedra Lewis (DJJ) Kim Straubinger (DOR) Letetia Wiley (DJJ) Mary Clark (DOH) Matt Gilbert (DFS - A&A) Peggy Brown (DACS) Robert Herron (DOH) Sabrina Donovan (DLA) Terri Speed (FDLE) Thomas Poucher (DACS) Wendy Wu (DOR) BUD Asheema Vemuri (DCF) Mike Wolfe (DCF) Charlotte Fraser (FDLE) Cynthia Barr (FDLE) Emma Dugger (DC) Lavitta Stanford (DC) Erica Roth Prado (EOG/OPB) Theresa Gagnon (EOG/OPB) Teresa Brossette (EOG/OPB) Zadok Coxwell (EOG/OPB) Melissa Patino (EOG/OPB) Renee Tondee (EOG/OPB) Rebecca Evers (DOR) Ron VunKannon (DOR) Teri Madsen (DFS - Budget) Sarah Goodman (DFS Budget) Tanya McCarty (DFS - A&A) Jenine Pumphrey (DOT) Jennifer Barineau (DOT) Lisa Evans (DOT) Mechelle Marcum (DOT) Slide 4 CSH Angie Booker (DEP) Bert Wilkerson (DFS - Treasury) Catherine Davis (DOR) Eric Thiele (BRP) Jason Adank (DOT) Jennifer Pelham (DFS - Treasury) Joe Dismuke (DOT) Kathy Ward-Adkins (DFS - Treasury) Kiki Evans (DFS - A&A) Lisa Revell (DEA) Lynn Griffin (DEA) Melisa Hevey (DFS - Treasury) Mike Alexander (DFS Administration) Miriam Gray (Treasury) Patricia Williams (AHCA) Paula Crosby (BPR) Shajuana Jenkins (DFS Administration) Teresa Bach (DFS - Treasury) Wynette Rogers (DOR) GAC David Beebe (DOE) Debbie Evans (DOE) Deborah Furrow (FWC) Debra Schweinsberg (FWC) Jerry Sego (DACS) Julie Mayo (DCF) Karen Peyton (DEM) Kim Holland (DFS - A&A) Marvin Rumsey (DEO) Mike Wolfe (DCF) Sandra Lewis (DJJ) Thomas Poucher (DACS) Tiffany Herrin (DOE) Tisha Womack (DEO) Toni Milazzo (DEM) Winfred Bishop (DOE) Yvonne Woodard (DJJ) PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Level 2 Workgroup Participants PAY, PJT, P2P, R2R, and TRM PAY Andy Snuggs (JAC) Bonnie Bevis (HSMV) Charlene Chen (DEO) Jamie Johnson (JAC) Jennifer Peddicord (DFS - A&A) Lee Boatwright (DOR) Linda Osborne (DMA) Lisa Simpson (DEO) Mitchell Clark (DMS) Sharan Arnold (DOT) Teresa Mast (DOT) Wendy Wu (DOR) PJT Annemarie Whalen (DVA) Asheema Vemuri (DCF) Carolyn Jones (DMS) Kedra Lewis (DJJ) Lisa Evans (DOT) Lucinda Harris (DOC) Maureen Castano (DOE) Mike Wolfe (DCF) Patty Thurman (DOE) Paul Munyon (DOE) Shannon Martin (DMS) Teresa Mast (DOT) Travis Erven (DFS-A&A) P2P Angie Martin (DFS - Vendor Relations) Anne Rabon (DMS - MFMP) Barbara Vaughn (HSMV) Christie Hutchinson (DACS) Darinda McLaughlin (DEP) Debra Owens (DACS) Dina Kamen (JAC) James Dewayne Baxley (HSMV) Joanne Lane (DOH) Julie Sharon Bussey (FWC) Kelly McMullen (DMS) Kim Holland (DFS - A&A) Lee Ann Hebenthal (DOS) Lucy Russell (DOH) Luke Joyner (DACS) Masumi Das (JAC) Maureen Livings (DMS) Nancy Quaney (DOH) Rachel Bozeman (FWC) Roger Twitchell (DOH) Thomas Poucher (DACS) Vianka Apellaniz (Colins) (DACS) Vicki Nichols (JAC) Vonda Murray (DOS) Wayne Mayer (JAC) Slide 5 R2R Alex Szigeti (DEO) Alisa Golden (DOE) Asheema Vemuri (DCF) Barbara Trombino (Lottery) Becky Devlin (DACS) Dee Ann Warren (APD) Gina Ballard (A&A) Kathy Ward-Adkins (DFS Treasury) Melisa Hevey (DFS - Treasury) Michael White (DOE) Mike Mentillo (LEG) Mike Wolfe (DCF) Rose Salinas (APD) Stephen Hobbs (DEO) Thomas Poucher (DACS) Veronica Bishop (AHCA) TRM Angie Martin (DFS - Vendor Relations) Ben Nash (DEO) Bert Wilkerson (Treasury) Betty Caswell (DEO) Gina Ballard (DFS - A&A) Jennifer Pelham (DFS - Treasury) Kathy Ward-Adkins (DFS Treasury) Melisa Hevey (DFS - Treasury) Miriam Gray (DFS - Treasury) Patrice Provost (DEO) Pedro Morgado (DFS - Treasury) Tanya McCarty (DFS - A&A) Teresa Bach (DFS - Treasury) Wendy Wu (DOR) Wynette Rogers (DOR) PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 6 Agenda Welcome and Workgroup Recognition Walk Through of Business Events in Payment Process ◦ Business Event I – Establish Accounting Structure ◦ Business Event II – Perform Procurement ◦ Business Event III – Initiate Payment Break Walk Through of Business Events in Payment Process - Continued ◦ Business Event III – Initiate Payment - Continued ◦ Business Event IV – Execute Payment ◦ Business Event V – Manage Resources Wrap Up and Agency Questionnaire Forms PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 7 Hierarchy Business Event Business Sub-Event Business Activity PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 8 Approach for Walk Through Review each Business Event, Business Sub-Event and associated Business Activities Include high-level (not step by step) Process Flows as applicable Establish Perform Initiating Manage Review Anticipated Accounting Execute Payment Procurement Payments Resources Structure Improvements or Set up chart of Establish Produce Payment Input Invoices Cash Account Codes Contracts or ACH Changes for Establish Budget Prepare Upload Direct Grants or Fund Payment Controls Obligations Load Projects Each Business Set Up Grant Interagency Via Payroll Assets Sub-event Codes Payments Set Up Project Codes Via Revolving Funds Reconcile Payments Vendors Budget General Ledger PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 9 Icons on Process Flows Process Start/End Process Activity Decision or Process Branch Document Accounting Event(1) Control Point(1) Report(1) Integration Point(1) On Page Off Page(2) (1) - Can appear “in flow” or as a floating icon (2) - May link to flow within or outside of Process Area PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 10 Reading the Flows on the Slides Swimlanes ◦ Represent entity and role within the entity ◦ Entities include Enterprise (DFS, Treasury, OPB, DMS/MFMP, etc.), Agency, and External (Bank, etc.) ◦ Not meant to represent all agencies’ roles, but are meant to represent segregation of duty Source notation above Florida PALM Logo Source: CSH Role Connection to different Business Activity LAS/PBS Codes Connection to same Business Activity, different slide BUD 1.21 PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 11 Business Event I PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop I - Establish Accounting Structure Business Sub-Events and Activities Set Up Chart of Account Codes Establish Budget Controls ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ LAS/PBS Codes Budget Control Budget Monitoring and Override Budget Forecasting and Request Preparation Set Up Grant Codes ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Enterprise and Agency Unique Codes ◦ Request Trust Fund Profile Slide 12 Apply for Grant Set Up Grant Set Up Customer Record Establish Subrecipient Information Build Grant Budgets Associate Asset / Project Set Up Charge Object Set Up Project Codes ◦ Set Up Project and Build Project Budgets ◦ Associate Asset PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 13 Enterprise and Agency Unique Codes Enterprise (DFS Financial Reporting) R2R IP 3 LAS/PBS R2R IP 2 People First R2R IP 3 LAS/PBS R2R CP 1 R2R 1.2 Passed Validation Workflow? Yes R2R 1.4 COA Change Ready for Update? R2R 1.3 Chart of Accounts Maintenance Yes R2R 1.6 New Chart of Accounts Available for Users R2R 1.5 Execute Ledger Updates R2R 1.7 Notification Sent R2R R 2 R2R R 1 No R2R 1.1 Enterprise Initiated Request Agency R2R IP 1 MFMP R2R 1.1a Agency Initiated Request No Request sent back to initiator R2R IP 4 Agency Business Systems Source: R2R PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 14 Agency Analyst B Role Accounting & Auditing Request Trust Fund Profile R2R 1.1A Agency Initiated Request CSH CP 2.1 Establish and Maintain Trust Fund CSH CP 2.2 Add Agency Specific Investment Criteria Agency Invest/ Disinvest Source: CSH PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Set Up Chart of Account Codes Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 15 Provide consistent, uniform chart of accounts structure to facilitate the capture, validation, and overall accuracy of General Ledger data The ability to workflow requests and approval for chart of accounts code set up The ability to associate attributes with General Ledger codes to facilitate reporting PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop I - Establish Accounting Structure Business Sub-Events and Activities Set Up Chart of Account Codes Establish Budget Controls ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ LAS/PBS Codes Budget Control Budget Monitoring and Override Budget Forecasting and Request Preparation Set Up Grant Codes ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Enterprise and Agency Unique Codes ◦ Request Trust Fund Profile Slide 16 Apply for Grant Set Up Grant Set Up Customer Record Establish Subrecipient Information Build Grant Budgets Associate Asset / Project Set Up Charge Object Set Up Project Codes ◦ Set Up Project and Build Project Budgets ◦ Associate Asset PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 17 LAS/PBS Codes Enterprise Start BUD IP 2.1 Adjusted Appropriations LAS/PBS BUD 2.2 Establish Enterprise Budget Control & Load Agency Templates: Populate Adjusted Appropriations into Workbooks Source: BUD Budget Control PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 18 Budget Control Enterprise Agency Enterprise BUD 2.7 Florida PALM R2R 1.6 BUD CP 2.6 Load Budget Allocations for Control LAS/PBS Codes BUD 2.3 Apply Agency Templates : Devel op lower level (e.g. Bureau/Program) Allocations, Approved Budget, Estimated Revenue and Rel eases BUD 2.4 Store for Business Intel ligence (Reporting and Dashboard Tool s) BUD CP 2.5 Establish IntraAgency Control Rule Levels BUD AE 1 BUD R5 BUD R4 Source: BUD PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 19 Budget Monitoring and Override Enterprise BUD 2.7 Florida PALM R2R 1.6 BUD AE 2 Enterprise Agency Budget Checks Ledger Updates BUD 2.8 Transaction Budget Checking occurs on demand: Complete or Stopped (Budget Authority, Allocations, Cash Balances & Release Schedules) P2P CP 1.6 PJT 1.1 PJT 1.2 PAY 1.1 PAY 1.2 PAY 1.5 GAC 1.4 GAC 1.7 Source: BUD CSH AE 2.5 PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 20 Budget Forecasting and Request Preparation Enterprise BUD 1.1 Florida PALM R2R 1.6 Start BUD IP 1.2 Adjusted Appropriations LAS/PBS: Current FY’s Budget BUD 1.3 Florida PALM Payroll: Salaries/Benefits/ Paid Distributions PAY 2.28a BUD 1.7 Collect Data for Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) BUD 1.8 Store in Data Warehouse: Forecasting Base Data, Business Intelligence (Reporting and Dashboard Tools) BUD IP 1.4 HR/PeopleFirst: FTE/OPS Positions & Vacancies BUD 1.5 P2P AE 1.14 PJT 2.1 GAC 4.1 BUD 1.6 Actual Prior Year Expenditures (Historical Data, Annually, Before August 1) R2R 1.6 BUD CP 1.9 EnterpriseWide Collaboration BUD 1.10 Build Consolidated Forecasts Baseline BUD R1 BUD 1.21 BUD 1.11 Source: BUD PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 21 Budget Forecasting and Request Prep. – Cont. BUD 1.10 BUD IP 1.12 Agency Business Systems Enterprise Agency BUD 1.10 BUD 1.13 Apply Revenue/Cash Assumptions Updates BUD 1.11 Develop Agency Strategy BUD 1.21 Store Final Business Intelligence (Reporting and Dashboard Tools) BUD 1.14 Build Revenue/Cash Forecasts BUD R2 BUD 1.15 Apply Personnel/ Compensation & Policy Assumptions Updates BUD 1.16 Build Personnel Forecasting Rates & Rules; Baseline Forecasts BUD 1.19 Create Agency Consolidated Scenarios BUD 1.17 Apply Non-personnel Expenditure Assumptions Updates BUD 1.18 Build Non-personnel Expenditure Forecasts BUD 1.20 Apply Amended/ Additional Requests No BUD R3 BUD IP 1.22 Create Final Approved Budget Request: Submission of LBR/LRPP/CIP BUD IP 1.23 LAS/PBS & Florida Fiscal Portal Budget Change Requested? Budget Change Requested? Yes Yes No End Source: BUD PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Establish Budget Controls Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 22 Introduction of Enterprise Performance Management & Business Intelligence (Data Warehouse – Forecasting Base Data) Tools for agencies to develop strategies and consolidated scenarios (LBR/LRPP/CIP exhibits/Schedules, etc.) for submission to LAS/PBS Transaction budget checking (on demand) – complete or stopped (budget authority, allocations, cash balances & release schedules) Introduction of workbook templates to load adjusted appropriation (GAA) and further provide agencies tools to efficiently allocate to levels 3-5 Ability to publish agency operating budget from workbook templates PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop I - Establish Accounting Structure Business Sub-Events and Activities Set Up Chart of Account Codes Establish Budget Controls ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ LAS/PBS Codes Budget Control Budget Monitoring and Override Budget Forecasting and Request Preparation Set Up Grant Codes ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Enterprise and Agency Unique Codes ◦ Request Trust Fund Profile Slide 23 Apply for Grant Set Up Grant Set Up Customer Record Establish Subrecipient Information Build Grant Budgets Associate Asset / Project Set Up Charge Object Set Up Project Codes ◦ Set Up Project and Build Project Budgets ◦ Associate Asset PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 24 Apply for Grant No Identify Grant Opportunity? GAC 1.4 Grantor Agency Grant Admin GAC 1.1 Search for Grants GAC 1.2 Other Grantors GAC 1.3 CFDA/ CSFA Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 25 Agency Grant Admin Apply for Grant - Continued Build Application, Input Detail Data and Attach Required Documents Identify Grant Opportunity GAC 1.4 Prepare Grant Application GAC 1.5 Input Proposed Program GAC 1.6 Input Proposed Budget GAC 1.7 Input Indirect, Fringe, F&A Cost Details GAC 1.8 Input Cost Sharing Details GAC 1.9 Input Sub recipient Details GAC 1.10 Input Program Schedule GAC 1.11 Input Program Resources Apply Protocols GAC R1 Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 26 Agency Grant Admin Apply for Grant - Continued GAC 1.12 Define/Update Protocols/ Rules Set New GAC 1.11 Apply Protocols/ Rules GAC CP 1 Set Existing GAC CP 2 GAC 1.13 Copy Existing Protocols/ Rules Ready for Submission? Yes GAC 1.14 Advance Proposal Agency Approval Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 27 Apply for Grant - Continued Build Application Agency Grant Admin Rework Rework or Close Application? No Ready for Submission Close GAC 1.15 Close Application Source: GAC Stop PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 28 Apply for Grant - Continued Agency Grant Approver GAC 1.14 Agency Approval? Accept Terms & Special Conditions? GAC 1.16 Submit Application Yes No GAC IP 1 No GAC 1.17 Resolve Outstanding Issues Resolved? No Go to GAC 1.15 Close Yes Rework or Closeout Grantor Yes No Grantor Approval? Yes Award Issued Go to GAC 2.1 Grants Set Up Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 29 Set Up Grant Agency Grant Admin Non-Competitive (e.g. Block/Formula Grant) Grant Titling GAC 2.1 Set Up/Award Issued Grantor Exists? Yes GAC 2.3 Input Grant Details GAC 2.4 Input Budget Components GAC 2.5 Input Recipient Organization Details GAC 2.6 Input Recipient Indirect, Fringe, F&A Rates GAC 2.7 Input Cost Sharing Commitments GAC 2.8 Input Grantee Compliance Info GAC 2.9 Input Grantor Guidelines GAC 2.10 Input Resource Data No GAC 2.2 Establish Grantor GAC IP 2 Build Budgets Establish Subrecipient Information Set Up Customer Record Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 30 Agency F&A Accountant B Set Up Customer Record Set Up Good or Service Provided or Obligation Incurred ARB 1.1 Record Customer? Yes PJT 1.9 GAC 2.2 P2P 3.1 ARB 1.2 Record Customer Information ARB R 2 ARB IP 1 Payment Received Source: ARB PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 31 Agency Grant Admin. Establish Subrecipient Information Set Up Subgrantee? No Yes GAC IP 3 Build Budgets GAC 2.11 Input Subrecipient Information Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 32 Build Grant Budgets Agency Finance Copy or Define Budget? Set Up Define GAC CP 2.13 Define Budget Structure Yes Associate Asset GAC CP 2.16 Establish Grant and Budget at Chart of Accounts No Need Edits? Copy GAC CP 2.12 Copy Existing Budget Structure GAC CP 2.15 Confirm Indirect/ F&A Calculations GAC 2.14 Input Budget Details Source: GAC R2R 2.1 PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 33 Agency Finance Associate Asset / Project GAC 2.19 Use PJT Projects? Yes PJT 1.7 Set Up Project No GAC 2.18 Producing Capital Asset? No GAC 2.17 Subrecipient Producing Capital Asset? Yes Yes A2D 1.3 Set Up Asset A2D 1.3 Set Up Asset Build Budgets Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 34 Set Up Charge Object Agency Finance Go To GAC 3.1 R2R 2.1 Maintain Chart of Accounts GAC 2.22 Activate Grant Code No GAC 2.20 Labor Costs? Associate Asset / Project Yes GAC IP 2.21 Via People First Timecard Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Set Up Grant Codes Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 35 Grantor will be established as a Customer Agencies will be better able to manage grant record – More robust and powerful status codes, attributes, etc. Integration with Projects functionality to capture and control grant costs Ability to capture subrecipient data (including purchased assets) Integration to AR/Billing for revenue and cash management Enhanced Indirect cost capture/management Ability to set up “shell” Assets New Application Build Process - Protocols and other internal control mechanisms PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop I - Establish Accounting Structure Business Sub-Events and Activities Set Up Chart of Account Codes Establish Budget Controls ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ LAS/PBS Codes Budget Control Budget Monitoring and Override Budget Forecasting and Request Preparation Set Up Grant Codes ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Enterprise and Agency Unique Codes ◦ Request Trust Fund Profile Slide 36 Apply for Grant Set Up Grant Set Up Customer Record Establish Subrecipient Information Build Grant Budgets Associate Asset / Project Set Up Charge Object Set Up Project Codes ◦ Set Up Project and Build Project Budgets ◦ Associate Asset PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 37 Set Up Project and Build Project Budgets Agency Project Manager R2R 2.1 Update Chart of Accounts Start Build Project Plan Plan project? Yes PJT 1.1 Input Tasks PJT 1.2 Input Resources PJT 1.3 Input Schedule (Milestones) PJT 1.4 Input Dependencies PJT 1.5 Input Project Profile (Checklists) PJT 1.6 Input Project Budget & Controls (Phases/Dates/ Restrictions) PJT 1.7 Input New Project Code (or Adjust Existing) No Stop PJT IP 1 Source: PJT PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop PJT 1.8 Slide 38 Associate Asset Agency Project Manager PJT 1.10 Producing Asset? Yes PJT 1.11 Input Milestone Triggers A2D 1.3 Update A2D Source: PJT PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Set Up Project Codes Anticipated Improvements or Changes Robust project management module More “complex” Project ID set up Agencies will be better able to manage projects – Robust and powerful status codes, attributes, etc. Integration with Grants functionality to capture and control grant costs Integration to AR/Billing for revenue and cash management PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 39 Slide 40 Business Event II PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop II - Perform Procurement Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Establish Contracts ◦ Set Up Contract, Allotment and Encumbrance ◦ Manage Contracts Establish Obligations ◦ Set Up Encumbrance PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 41 Slide 42 Agency Program Approver and Contract Manager Set Up Contract, Allotment and Encumbrance BUD 7.8 Agency Contract Staff P2P CP 6.4 Program Review Manage Contract R2R 2.2 Yes R2R 2.2 A2D 1.3 No Passed Budget Check? PJT 2.1 P2P R 19 Start P2P 6.1 Enter Contract Terms and Conditions Generate FY Allotment? P2P IP 6 Yes P2P CP 4 P2P R 20 P2P AE 6.2 Generate FY Allotment No Passed Budget Check? GAC 4.1 Yes P2P R 21 P2P AE 6.3 Generate FY Encumbrance P2P CP 5 No PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Source: P2P Slide 43 Agency Contract Staff Agency Program Approver and Contract Manager Manage Contracts Set Up Contract P2P CP 6.5 Manage Contract P2P R 23 P2P 6.8 Changes to Contract? No P2P 6.9 Are Changes Needed to Closeout? No Set Up Contract P2P R 24 Yes Yes P2P CP 6.10 Contract Complete End Source: P2P PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Establish Contracts Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 44 Replace input into FACTS – FACTS would remain as transparency site Ability to generate future FY allotment and encumbrance associated with contract Future: Contract development and routing functionality PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop II - Perform Procurement Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Establish Contracts ◦ Set Up Contract, Allotment and Encumbrance ◦ Manage Contracts Establish Obligations ◦ Set Up Encumbrance PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 45 Slide 46 Set Up Encumbrance P2P IP 1 P2P CP 1 Agency Accounting P2P 1.6 Passes Budget Check? P2P 1.9 Need to Adjust Encumbrance? P2P AE 1.8 Encumbrance Established Yes No PJT 1.4 GAC 4.1 BUD 2.13 P2P R1 No End Yes P2P CP 1.10 Adjustment Approved BUD 1.7 P2P CP 1.5 Florida PALM Checks Budget Yes Change Accounting Codes? No Make Available Override? Yes P2P CP 1.7 Override Available Budget R2R 2.2 No P2P 1.4 Input Encumbrance End Source: P2P PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Establish Obligations Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 47 As with Establish Contract, there will be the ability to generate future FY encumbrances PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 48 Business Event III PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop III – Initiate Payment Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Input Invoice Via Payroll ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Via Revolving Funds Process Invoice Approve and Budget Check Audit and Create Voucher Reject Invoice Via Direct Load ◦ From Approved Agency Data Exchanges & P-Card PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 49 Slide 50 Process Invoice Approve and Budget Check R2R 2.1 Agency Receiver or Approver Agency Invoice Processor P2P AE 2.3 Invoice/ Credit Submitted P2P AE 1.18 P2P R2 BUD 2.13 P2P 2.2 Authorized Invoice/ Credit Received Start P2P 2.1 Receive Goods/ Approve Services Source: P2P PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Audit and Create Voucher Agency Program Approver Agency Invoice Reviewer Approve and Budget Check P2P 2.7 Passes Budget Check? P2P 2.6 Review Invoice BUD 1.7 P2P CP 2.5 Florida PALM Checks Budget No Change Accounting Codes? No Make Available Override? Yes Slide 51 P2P CP 2.8 Override Available Budget Yes Yes Approved? No Audit and Create Voucher No P2P 2.4 Program Approver No Source: P2P Process Invoice PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 52 Audit and Create Voucher P2P CP 3 P2P IP 3 P2P CP 2 P2P IP 2 Agency Invoice Aprover Enterprise Accounting (CFO) No P2P 2.10 Select Audit Sample Yes Transaction selected for Audit? Yes P2P CP 2.11 DFS Audits Transaction Approved by Auditing? Yes P2P AE 2.12 Create Voucher P2P 3.1 P2P R4 No Approved? R2R 2.1 PJT 2.1 GAC 4.1 BUD 2.13 P2P 2.13 Invoice Approver P2P R3 No P2P 2.9 Approve Invoice Approve and Budget Check Yes Issues Resolved? Reject Invoice Approve and Budget Check PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Source: P2P Slide 53 Reject Invoice Agency Program Approver Agency Invoice Aprover R2R 2.1 BUD 2.13 Audit and Create Voucher P2P AE 2.14 Invoice Approver Rejects Transaction End Email Notification to Program Approver to advise of disapproval Source: P2P PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Input Invoices Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 54 Ability to input vendor invoices and route for approval electronically Ability to attach supporting documents to invoices Auto calculate prompt payment dates Payment scheduling – future pay dates One invoice equals one voucher Ability to copy from previous invoice to create new invoice Ability to check for duplicate invoices Travel authorization and reimbursement request functionality PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop III – Initiate Payment Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Input Invoice Via Payroll ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Via Revolving Funds Process Invoice Approve and Budget Check Audit and Create Voucher Reject Invoice Via Direct Load ◦ From Approved Agency Data Exchanges & P-Card PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 55 From Approved Agency Data Exchanges & P-Card Slide 56 Agency Invoice Processor Enterprise Accounting (CFO) P2P IP 8 Start P2P 9.1b PCard Payment Data P2P R 34 P2P CP 9.2 Format edits/ data validity P2P CP 9.4 P2P AE 9.3 Invoice/ Credit Submitted P2P IP 7 Start P2P 9.1a Direct Load Warrant Data (DOR, DEO, AHCA, DCF, DFS, DMS**) Source: P2P PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Enterprise Accounting (CFO) From Approved Agency Data Exchanges & P-Card - Continued P2P 9.5 Passes Budget Check? P2P 9.8 Direct Load Warrant Approver Yes P2P AE 9.9 Create Voucher Slide 57 P2P 3.1 End No P2P R4 R2R 2.1 P2P CP 9.4 Florida PALM Checks Budget Change Accounting Codes? P2P AE 9.3 No PJT 1.11 GAC 1.45 BUD 2.13 Make Available Override? Yes Agency Invoice Aprover Yes P2P R2 P2P 9.6 Invoice Approver P2P CP 9.7 Override Available Budget Source: P2P PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop III – Initiate Payment Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Input Invoice Via Payroll ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Via Revolving Funds Process Invoice Approve and Budget Check Audit and Create Voucher Reject Invoice Via Direct Load ◦ From Approved Agency Data Exchanges & P-Card ◦ Check Available Budget PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 58 Slide 59 Via Payroll Payroll disbursements will continue to initiate from the FLAIR Payroll Subsystem and will use a similar payment interface People First and other approved systems will still perform timekeeping Core activities planned for Florida PALM: ◦ Post accounting entries for payroll disbursements ◦ Check budget and cash ◦ Issue payments to employees and other payees PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop III – Initiate Payment Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Input Invoice Via Payroll ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Via Revolving Funds Process Invoice Approve and Budget Check Audit and Create Voucher Reject Invoice Via Direct Load ◦ From Approved Agency Data Exchanges & P-Card PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 60 Via Revolving Funds Anticipated Improvements or Changes Revolving fund accounts will be set-up within Florida PALM for accountability and reporting purposes Ability to track revolving fund disbursement and funding activity through an account register Ability to upload electronic bank statements for reconciliations Future: Ability to incorporate or reduce revolving funds with system functionality of same day payments and potential to allow local check printing PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 61 Slide 62 Business Event IV PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop IV – Execute Payment Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Produce Warrant or ACH ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Check Available Cash Agency Invest / Disinvest Perform Payment Offsets Issue Payment Interagency Payments ◦ Establish AR/Acknowledge AR Reconcile Payments ◦ Bank Account to Treasury Fund Payments ◦ Project Cash Needs ◦ Treasury Invest / Disinvest ◦ Reconcile Payments PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 63 P2P R 14 Check Available Cash Slide 64 Treasury P2P CP 3.5 Treasury Wire Tra nsfer Review Yes CSH 2.3 CSH AE 2.5 P2P AE 2.12 P2P 3.1 Identi fy Items for Payment P2P CP 3.2 Verify Cash Sufficient Cas h? P2P 3.3 Notify Agency Yes Wire Tra nsfer Requested? CSH 2.3 No Offset to apply? Perform Payment Offsets Agency Accounting Enterprise Accounting (CFO) P2P R 5 CSH AE 2.5 Source: P2P P2P 3.4 Agency Resolves PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 65 Agency Analyst B Role Agency Invest / Disinvest CSH CP 2.4 Determine Amount to Invest/Disinvest CSH 2.3 Review Cash Balance to Create Cashflow Projections CSH R8 CSH AE 2.5 Enter Amounts to Invest/Disinvest to Move Funds CSH R9 Source: CSH PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 66 Perform Payment Offsets No Agency Accounting Enterprise Accounting (CFO) Offset to apply? P2P 3.9 Vendor and Benefitting Agency Notified P2P CP 3.6 Payment Offsets P2P 3.10 Issue Payment Yes P2P 3.7 Calculate Offset to Creditor and Available Balance to Vendor P2P CP 3.8 Paying Agency Approval ARB 2.10 Offset in Force? No Source: P2P PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 67 Issue Payment P2P R7 P2P R9 Enterprise Accounting (CFO) P2P R 11 P2P R6 P2P R8 P2P R 10 Perform Payment Offsets CSH 3.1 P2P R 12 P2P R 13 P2P R 14 P2P R 15 P2P 3.10 Issue Payment PJT 2.1 GAC 4.1 A2D 1.3 Manage Returns Transparency Portal PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Source: P2P Produce Warrant or ACH Anticipated Improvements or Changes Payment Scheduling allows for the state and its agencies to earn interest or save funds depending on the scheduled pay date Cash is immediately checked and the agencies can disinvest if needed to make cash available Queue will notify Treasury staff of all anticipated wire payments to ensure funds are available Payment offsets will assist in timely processing DOR/IRS Levies, and IRS backup withholding, etc. as well as offset payments for outstanding receivables One payment may be made up of multiple funding sources PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 68 IV – Execute Payment Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Produce Warrant or ACH ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Check Available Cash Agency Invest / Disinvest Perform Payment Offsets Issue Payment Interagency Payments ◦ Establish AR / Acknowledge AR Reconcile Payments ◦ Bank Account to Treasury Fund Payments ◦ Project Cash Needs ◦ Treasury Invest / Disinvest ◦ Reconcile Payments PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 69 Slide 70 SPIA Custodial Bank Account Disbursement Account Concentration Account Project Cash Needs TRM IP 1.8 Transmit Transaction File for Concentration Account TRM IP 1.7 Transmit Transaction File for Main Account TRM 1.5 Liquidity Account Feeds the DDA Account with Available Funds TRM 1.4 Funds Deposited into the SPIA Account Included in Overall Custodial Bank Account TRM 1.1 SPIA Participants Deposit to the SPIA Account TRM 1.9 Multiple Times per Day Multiple Times per Day TRM IP 1.6 Transmit Transaction File for DDA Custodial Bank Account Multiple Times per Day Multiple Times per Day TRM IP 1.2 Transmit Transaction File from SPIA Application Source: TRM TRM AE 1.3 Record SPIA Balances PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 71 Project Cash Needs - Continued Treasury P2P 3.1 Identify Payments CSH 1.17 Add Daily Cash Receipt Data PAY CP 2.21 Payroll Cash Check P2P CP 3.5 Wire Review TRM 1.9 Determine Cash Position by Account TRM R2 Are Funds Still Needed to Cover Payments? TRM AE 1.10 Move all Available Funds from Concentration Account to Disbursement Accounts to Cover Needed Payments No Yes TRM AE 1.11 Move Cash from Custodial Bank Account to Disbursement Account Are Excess Funds Remaining in Concentration Account? Yes No TRM AE 1.12 Move Cash to Custodial Bank Account End Source: TRM PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 72 Treasury Invest / Disinvest TRM CP 3.11 Reconcile Investment in Florida PALM with the Custodial Bank Treasury A TRM 3.3 Purchase/Sell Investment Instruments TRM R14 TRM AE 3.5 Record Trade Information TRM 3.4 Trade Information Sent and Confirmation Returned TRM R5 TRM R7 TRM R6 TRM R10 TRM R11 TRM AE 3.12 Record External Trade Information TRM R14 TRM R8 Real Time TRM R9 External Trading Partners Custodial Bank TRM IP 3.6 Transmit Internal Trades File TRM 3.7 Record Internal Trade Information TRM 3.9 External Managers’ Trade Information Captured TRM IP 3.10 Transmit Internal and External Trade Transactions File (Swift) Real time A TRM R4 Source: TRM TRM 3.8 External Managers’ Execute Trades PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Fund Payments Anticipated Improvements or Changes Automated wire payment process Cash projection functionality within system PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 73 IV – Execute Payment Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Produce Warrant or ACH ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Check Available Cash Agency Invest / Disinvest Perform Payment Offsets Issue Payment Interagency Payments ◦ Establish AR / Acknowledge AR Reconcile Payments ◦ Bank Account to Treasury Fund Payments ◦ Project Cash Needs ◦ Treasury Invest / Disinvest ◦ Reconcile Payments PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 74 Slide 75 Establish AR / Acknowledge AR “Due To” Agency (Billing Agency) “Due From” Agency (Paying Agency) P2P CP 8.13 Program Approver Review and Edit P2P 8.14 AR/AP Invoice Flip ARB 1.1.1 P2P AE 2.3 P2P 8.12 Assign to Program Approver Yes P2P 8.2 Acknowledge AR Invoice P2P 8.3 Appears Billed Correctly? No P2P 8.4 Return for Additional Information? P2P 8.8 Reject Receivable No Yes P2P 8.5 Notify Due To Agency that Additional Information is Needed ARB 2.20 Start P2P 8.1 Inter-agency Due To/ Due From Shared View Update P2P 8.6 Acknowledge Request for Additional Information P2P 8.11 Correct Due From Agency Number ARB 2.20 P2P 8.9 Acknowledge Rejected AR Invoice P2P 8.7 Update Receivable P2P 8.10 Update Receivable with Rejection Need to Correct Due From Agency Number? No End Source: P2P Yes PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Interagency Payments Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 76 One view for Due To and Due From agencies to see payment details and status Will require both the paying and receiving entries to remain in sync even after payment is executed PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop IV – Execute Payment Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Produce Warrant or ACH ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Check Available Cash Agency Invest / Disinvest Perform Payment Offsets Issue Payment Interagency Payments ◦ Establish AR / Acknowledge AR Reconcile Payments ◦ Bank Account to Treasury Fund Payments ◦ Project Cash Needs ◦ Treasury Invest / Disinvest ◦ Reconcile Payments PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 77 Slide 78 Bank Account to Treasury A&A P2P 3.11 Payment Settled P2P 3.12 Payment Reconciliation Treasury CSH AE 3.9 Clear Payment CSH R14 CSH 3.10 Payment info Updated CSH R5 CSH R15 CSH CP 3.14 Warrant Exceptions Yes Issue Payment CSH CP 3.8 Payment Reconciliation System Reconciled? No CSH R16 CSH CP 3.11 Contact Bank to Correct Payment CSH AE 3.12 Record Suspense Entry Pay or Reject? End CSH IP 3.7 Transmit Pay and Warrant Image Data (BAI) Bank Reject Warrant Pay CSH CP 3.6 Process Payments CSH CP 3.13 Warrant Exceptions/ ACH Returns Warrant or ACH Return? ACH P2P 3.14 ACH Return PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Source: CSH Slide 79 Reconcile Payments Enterprise Accounting (CFO) CSH CP 3.10 CSH 3.10 Transparency Portal P2P 3.11 Payment Settled? P2P 11.16 Yes CSH 3.10 P2P 3.12 Payment Reconciliation End No P2P 3.13 Cancel Payment and Reissue? No Reissue/Cancel Yes P2P R 16 P2P R 17 P2P 3.14 ACH Return? No Yes Agency Accounting P2P 4.2 P2P 3.15 Returned/Unsettled Warrant Resolution and Reconciliation CSH CP 3.13 Reissue, Cancel, or Pending Escheatment? Yes Escheatment P2P 3.16 Escheatment P2P 3.17 Unclaimed Property P2P 2.3 Source: P2P PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Reconcile Payments Anticipated Improvements or Changes Integrated treasury functions should make all cash management functions more efficient PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 80 Slide 81 Business Event V PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop V – Manage Resources Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Vendors ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Cash ◦ Calculate and Apportion Interest Earnings ◦ Calculate and Manager CMIA ◦ Approve Outside Accounts ◦ Reconcile Bank Accounts Grants and Projects ◦ Allocate Costs / Calculate Indirect Costs ◦ Adjust Budgets ◦ Amend Grant Details ◦ Closeout Grant ◦ Closeout Project Assets Plan and Acquire Utilize and Track Transfer Depreciate Dispose Inventory and Warehousing General Ledger ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Record Updates / Adjustments Month End Close Year End Close Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Budget ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Slide 82 Monitor, Manage, and Forecast Budget Forecasting Budget Amendments Manage CF Requests PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 83 Vendors Central location of vendor information Self service Substitute W9 information (or Substitute W8 for the foreign vendor) Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) registration Enhanced withholding functionality Generate IRS Forms PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop V – Manage Resources Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Vendors ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Cash ◦ Calculate and Apportion Interest Earnings ◦ Calculate and Manage CMIA ◦ Approve Outside Accounts ◦ Reconcile Bank Accounts Grants and Projects ◦ Allocate Costs / Calculate Indirect Costs ◦ Adjust Budgets ◦ Amend Grant Details ◦ Closeout Grant ◦ Closeout Project Assets Plan and Acquire Utilize and Track Transfer Depreciate Dispose Inventory and Warehousing Slide 84 General Ledger ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Record Updates / Adjustments Month End Close Year End Close Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Budget ◦ Monitor, Manage, and Forecast ◦ Budget Amendments ◦ Manage CF Requests PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 85 Calculate and Apportion Interest Earnings CSH AE 2.5 Enter Amounts to Invest/ Disinvest Treasury TRM AE 3.14 Earned Interest Calculations (Interest and Fees both accrual and cash) TRM 3.13 System Calculates Interest and Fees Based on External and Internal Trades TRM R14 TRM R12 CSH AE 2.7 Interest Apportionment TRM 3.15 System Apportions Investment Earnings and Fees Based on ADB (by Account/Fund) TRM R15 TRM R13 Source: TRM PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 86 Calculate and Apportion Interest Earnings – Cont. Treasury CSH IP 1 CSH AE 2.7 CSH AE 2.7 Apportion Interest and Fees and Post at Lowest Level of Detail Agency Analyst Notification CSH R11 CSH 2.8 Review Apportionment of Interest and Fees CSH AE 2.9 Reapportion Interest/Fees if Needed End Source: CSH PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 87 Treasury Calculate and Manage CMIA TRM IP 9.1 AG File of Audited SEFA TRM 9.2 Calculate Top 90% of Grant Programs Based on Expenditures on Audited SEFA (GAC identies grant as CMIA) TRM 9.5 Clearance Pattern Calculated by Grant TRM 9.6 Annual CMIA Report Generated by CFDA and Component TRM R23 TRM 9.8 Final Report Entered and Original Signed and Mailed Payment/Claim? TRM R24 Payment Agency A&A TRM 9.9 Voucher Created for CMIA Payment TRM 9.3 Grant Expenditures Occurring in P2P TRM 9.4 Federal Draw Occurs in ARB Based on Anticipated or Actual Grant Expenditure Payments TRM CP 9.7 Agency Reviews Report for their Grants Claim TRM 9.10 Claim Submitted through ARB Source: TRM PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 88 Approve Outside Accounts Treasury TRM CP 5.2 Treasury Reviews and Evaluates the Request Approved? Yes TRM CP 5.4 Set-up Bank Account in Florida PALM CSH R3 CSH R4 No No No 5.3 Notifies Agency Agency Yes Outside Bank Account Revolving Fund? Yes TRM 6.1 Revolving Fund Request TRM 5.5 Issue Approval Letter to Agency End TRM 5.6 Begin Using Banking Services TRM 5.1 Agency Requests Outside Banking Services Source: TRM PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 89 Reconcile Bank Accounts Treasury Reconciliation/Verification Processes on other flows CSH CP 1.20 Compare Bank Deposit Data and Agency Recorded Info CSH CP 1.23 Review and Monitor Exceptions CSH CP 3.8 Payment Reconciliation System TRM CP 2.18 Reconcile Accounts Monthly CSH CP 4.11 System Reconciling Detail to Total CSH CP 4.13 System Reconciliation of Detail to Agency ARB Detail TRM CP 2.20 Reconciles Federally Mandated Disbursement Account Daily TRM CP 2.16 Monitor and Identify and new transactions TRM CP 2.21 Reconciles Federal Bank Account Monthly TRM CP 3.11 Reconcile Investment in Florida PALM with the Custodial Bank TRM 4.1 Files Received from Banks Daily and OnDemand TRM CP 7.9 Agency Reconciliation Process TRM 7.10 Monthly Treasury Reconciliation of CRA TRM 4.4 Reconciliation Process TRM CP 7.15 Monitor Cash Position and Determine Amounts Available for Investment/ Disinvestment Exceptions? No Account Reconciled TRM R4 Bank Yes TRM IP 4.2 Transmit Custodial Accounts Investment Data Files received on other process flows CSH IP 1.7 CSH IP 1.6 Transmit Transmit Daily BAI Data Addenda Data TRM IP 4.3 SPIA BAI Data CSH IP 3.7 Transmit Pay and Warrant Image Data (BAI) CSH IP 4.3 Transmit Check Return Data CSH IP 4.6 Transmit Foreign Item Return Data CSH IP 4.4 Transmit ACH Return Data CSH IP 4.7 Transmit Check Image Data CSH IP 4.5 Transmit Credit Card Return Data CSH IP 4.8 Transmit RA Return Data TRM IP 1.2 Transmit Transaction File from SPIA Application TRM IP 1.6 Transmit Transaction File for DDA Custodial Bank Account TRM IP(BAI) 2.14 TRM IP 1.7 Federally Transmit Mandated Transaction File Disbursement for Main Account Account Transactions/ Balance TRM IP 3.10 Transmit Internal and External Trade Transactions File TRM IP 2.15 Federal Bank Account Transactions/ Balance TRM 7.8 TRM IP 7.7 Non CRA Bank Non-CRA Bank Statement Activity File TRM IP 7.6 Transmit Daily File Source: TRM PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Cash Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 90 Consolidation of cash balances into one ledger Integration of treasury functions and accounting functions into one system Stronger reporting and analysis capabilities System generated investment/disinvest amounts Cash available for investment by agencies longer due to scheduling payments PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Cash Anticipated Improvements or Changes – Cont. Cash positioning functionality within system Automation of accounting entries for bank accounts Automation of trade information with custodial bank Increased recording of trade information for externally managed portfolios Bank accounts recorded in system for better accountability Automation of CMIA report due to integrated system functionality PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 91 V – Manage Resources Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Vendors ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Cash ◦ Calculate and Apportion Interest Earnings ◦ Calculate and Manage CMIA ◦ Approve Outside Accounts ◦ Reconcile Bank Accounts Grants and Projects ◦ Allocate Costs / Calculate Indirect Costs ◦ Adjust Budgets ◦ Amend Grant Details ◦ Closeout Grant ◦ Closeout Project Assets Plan and Acquire Utilize and Track Transfer Depreciate Dispose Inventory and Warehousing Slide 92 General Ledger ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Record Updates / Adjustments Month End Close Year End Close Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Budget ◦ Monitor, Manage, and Forecast ◦ Budget Amendments ◦ Manage CF Requests PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 93 Allocate Costs / Calculate Indirect Costs Other Costs? Agency Finance No Indirect Costs? Yes GAC 3.4 Calculate Indirect Costs Cost Allocation Needed? Yes GAC CP 3.5 Pre Audit Indirect and Allowable Costs GAC R 14 Yes GAC CP 3.6 Apply Agency Cost Allocation Method No GAC AE 1 Journal Transfers Needed? Yes R2R 2.1 Input Journal Transfers to Allocate Costs GAC AE 2 GAC IP 6 GAC 3.3 Update Program Budget Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 94 Adjust Budgets Agency Grant Administrator Agency Finance GAC 3.3 Update Program Budget GAC 3.1 Monitor Program Progress Any Award Changes? Yes Yes GAC 3.2 Amend Award Details GAC IP 4 Budget Update Required? GAC IP 5 PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Source: GAC Slide 95 Agency Grant Administrator Amend Grant Details Grant Titling GAC 2.3 Input Grant Details GAC 2.4 Input Budget Components GAC 2.5 Input Recipient Organization Details GAC 2.6 Input Recipient Indirect, Fringe, F&A Rates GAC 2.7 Input Cost Sharing Commitments GAC 2.8 Input Grantee Compliance Info GAC 2.9 Input Grantor Guidelines GAC 2.10 Input Resource Data GAC IP 2 Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 96 Closeout Grant Stop GAC 5.9 Close Grant (Deactivate Grant Code) ARB 2.2 Agency Finance ARB 2.2 Close Billing GAC 5.2 Finalize Transactions in Process Outstanding Encumbrances? GAC R6 Yes GAC R7 P2P CP 1.5 No Outstanding AP Invoices? Yes No GAC CP 5.3 Complete Program Tasks (Input Status) Asset Completed? Yes No Outstanding Labor Costs? No GAC CP 5.4 Capture Grant Costs Need to Bill? P2P AE 2.3 GAC 5.6 Close Grant Period GAC 5.7 Confirm Drawdowns and Billing Complete GAC 5.8 Close Grants Activity Yes Yes ARB 1.6 A2D 1.3 No GAC CP 5.5 Analyze Grant Performance GAC R7 GAC CP 3 PAY 2.3 GAC R3 GAC R4 GAC CP 4 GAC R 16 GAC R 15 Source: GAC PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop GAC CP 5 Slide 97 Closeout Project Agency Project Manager PJT CP 3.7 Analyze Project Performance (Confirm Closeout) PJT CP 3.8 Close Project (Deactivate Project Code) PJT 3.6 Agency Offline Billing/ Receipt Cycle End No Agency Finance No PJT 3.2 Finalize Transactions in Process Outstanding Encumbrances? No Outstanding AP Invoices? No PJT CP 3.3 Complete Project Tasks (Input Status) Asset Completed? No Outstanding Labor Costs? Yes Yes Yes Yes P2P CP 1.5 P2P AE 2.3 A2D 1.3 PAY 2.3 No Need Cost Allocation? Yes PJT 3.4 Calculate Cost Allocation R2R 2.1 No PJT 3.5 Capture Project Costs Need Florida PALM Billing PJT CP 3.7 Analyze Project Performance (Confirm Closeout) Project Complete? Close PJT CP 3.8 Close Project (Deactivate Project Code) PJT 3.9 Need to Reopen Project? Yes Yes ARB 1.6 PJT IP 3 PJT R5 Closeout Steps Source: PJT PALM 200 Level 2 Workshop PJT 1.7 Grants and Projects Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 98 Agencies will be better able to manage grant record – More robust and powerful status codes, attributes, etc. Integration with Projects/Grants functionality to capture and control grant costs Ability to capture subrecipient data (including purchased assets) Integration to AR/Billing for revenue and cash management Enhanced Indirect cost capture/management PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop V – Manage Resources Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Vendors ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Cash ◦ Calculate and Apportion Interest Earnings ◦ Calculate and Manage CMIA ◦ Approve Outside Accounts ◦ Reconcile Bank Accounts Grants and Projects ◦ Allocate Costs / Calculate Indirect Costs ◦ Adjust Budgets ◦ Amend Grant Details ◦ Closeout Grant ◦ Closeout Project Assets Plan and Acquire Utilize and Track Transfer Depreciate Dispose Inventory and Warehousing Slide 99 General Ledger ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Record Updates / Adjustments Month End Close Year End Close Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Budget ◦ Monitor, Manage, and Forecast ◦ Budget Amendments ◦ Manage CF Requests PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 100 Plan and Acquire Property Custodian P2P AE 6.2 P2P 3.8 A2D 1.1 Was asset donated, loaned, seized, or provided? A2D 1.2 No GAC 2.17 GAC 2.18 A2D 1.3 Record Asset Acquisition PJT 1.11 A2D 1.4 Create Property Record (Pending) Validate Property Record? R2R 2.1 A2D R 1 No A2D 1.8 Asset Recorded in Error A2D R 2 Source: A2D PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 101 Plan and Acquire - Continued A2D 1.5 Acquire Asset Property Supervisor A2D 1.1 A2D 1.6 Tag Asset A2D 1.2 Direct Input of Assets Inventory & Track A2D 1.7 Complete Update to Property Record A2D 1.6 Tag Asset A2D IP 3 A2D IP 2 A2D R 3 A2D AE 1 Property Record Created PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Source: A2D Slide 102 Utilize and Track A2D 3.6 A2D 3.6 A2D R 5 Agency Property Custodian A2D R 4 Plan & Acquire A2D 2.2 Use Asset A2D IP 3 A2D AE 3 A2D 2.4 Track/Maintain Asset Depreciate A2D IP 2 Transfer A2D CP 2.3 Perform Physical Inventory Source: A2D A2D IP 1 PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 103 Transfer Agency A Property Custodian Inventory & Track Optional Agency B Property Custodian A2D 2.5 Prepare Transfers A2D R 6 Source: A2D A2D 1.4 - 1.7 Receive Property PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 104 Depreciate Agency A Property Custodian A2D AE 2 Inventory & Track A2D 3.1 Identify Identify Asset Asset for for Retirement Retirement A2D 2.6 Execute Depreciation Dispose A2D IP 1 A2D R 7 A2D R 8 Source: A2D PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 105 Agency Surplus Review Board Dispose A2D CP 3.2 Board Considers Asset for Retireme nt A2D 3.3 Passed Agency Surplus Review Board? GAC 4.1 P2P 3.8 Depreciate PJT 2.1 ARB 1.4 Yes Property Custodian No A2D 3.4 Is asset a watercraft, vehicle, aircraft, or land? A2D 2.4 Track/Maintain Asset No A2D 3.6 Was the Asset Lost, Stolen, or Unaccounted For? A2D 3.8 Dispose of Asset No A2D R 11 End A2D AE 4 Special Asset Disposition Custodian Yes A2D 3.5 Perform Special Asset Disposition Workflow (DMS and DEP) A2D IP 2 A2D IP 3 Yes A2D R 9 DFS A&A Source: A2D A2D R 10 A2D 3.7 DFS A&A Verifies Asset Write-off PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 106 Inventory and Warehousing A2D 2.4 P2P 3.1 A2D 4.2 Track and Maintain the Asset A2D 4.5 Execute Replenishment of Inventory Agency Property Custodian A2D R 12 A2D 1.7 A2D 4.1 Warehouse the Asset A2D AE 5 Agency Business Operations Manager A2D IP 1 A2D 4.3 Agency Orders End A2D R 13 A2D CP 4.4 Order Approval Workflow Source: A2D PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Assets Anticipated Improvements or Changes Integrated Property Transfer Function Additional Depreciation Methods Available Ability to Track Assets Without Capitalization Consumable Inventory Warehouse Functionality PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 107 V – Manage Resources Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Vendors ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Cash ◦ Calculate and Apportion Interest Earnings ◦ Calculate and Manage CMIA ◦ Approve Outside Accounts ◦ Reconcile Bank Accounts Grants and Projects ◦ Allocate Costs / Calculate Indirect Costs ◦ Adjust Budgets ◦ Amend Grant Details ◦ Closeout Grant ◦ Closeout Project Assets Plan and Acquire Utilize and Track Transfer Depreciate Dispose Inventory and Warehousing Slide 108 General Ledger ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Record Updates / Adjustments Month End Close Year End Close Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Budget ◦ Monitor, Manage, and Forecast ◦ Budget Amendments ◦ Manage CF Requests PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 109 Monitor, Manage, and Forecast BUD 2.28 Perform “What-if” Forecasting and Planning (on demand) Enterprise Agency BUD 2.26 Create Consolidated Scenarios (Agency Spend Plans, Rate Reports, etc.) BUD 2.27 Store for Business Intelligence (Reporting and Dashboard Tools) BUD R8 BUD 2.29 Input Forecasts: HR, Revenue and Non-Personnel Expenditures, Drivers and Assumptions Source: BUD PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 110 Budget Amendments EOG/OPB Enterprise BUD AE 3 BUD 2.37 Florida PALM R2R 1.2 R2R 2.1 To BUD 3.1 BUD 2.33 Budget Amendments Reviewed By EOG/OPB/House/ Senate BUD 2.34 Denied or Withdrawn? No BUD 2.35 Generate Approved Budget Amendments BUD IP 2.36 Input into LAS/PBS BUD 2.31 Apply Budget Amendment Adjustments BUD IP 2.32 Input into BAPS Agency Yes BUD 2.30 Budget Amendment Needed? Yes Source: BUD BUD R9 PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 111 Manage CF Requests BUD IP 3.1 Tentative Carry Forward (Personnel and NonPersonnel) Data Set Created BUD IP 1 BUD IP 3.2 Carry Forward Authority Category 13XXXX Data Set Created BUD CP 1 Enterprise BUD IP 3.3 Tentative Certified Forward (FCO) Data Set Created BUD R 10 BUD 3.4 Validate Tentative Carry Forward BUD 3.5 Validate Carry Forward Authority Category 13XXXX BUD CP 2 BUD 3.6 Validate Tentative Certified Forward End PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 112 Manage CF Requests - Continued R2R 1.6 Agency GAC 4.1 PAY 2.28a PJT 2.1 No Start BUD 3.7 Agencies Mark Carry Forward/Certified Forward Records Recharacterize? Yes BUD 3.8 Request Carry Forward Recharacterization Approval BUD CP 1 BUD CP 3 BUD AE 4 BUD R 11 P2P AE 1.4 PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 113 Enterprise Manage CF Requests - Continued BUD 3.9 Establish Final Carry Forward BUD IP 3.10 Agency Carry/Certified Forward Data BUD AE 5 Operating – Within August 2nd Carry Forward Reversion EOG/OPB 1st Carry Forward Reversion BUD 3.11 Posting Final Carry Forward/ Carry Forward Authority Category 13XXXX BUD 3.12 Review/Approve Final Certified Forward (FCO) BUD 3.14 Florida PALM R2R 1.6 Certified Forward (FCO) – By September 1 BUD IP 3.13 LAS/PBS feed of approved Certified Forwards back to Florida PALM GL/BL BUD IP 3.15 Ending Carry Forward Balances (9/30 Reversion Entries) PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 114 Manage CF Request - Continued Enterprise BUD 3.23 FCO Interface Data to Florida PALM GL/BL R2R 1.6 BUD AE 6 BUD IP 3.22 Approved Agency FCO Interface Data (FCO Remaining Balances either Approved to be Certified Forward or Reverted) EOG/OPB February, 2nd Year of FCO Appropriations (19th Month) Start BUD 3.16 FCO Spreadsheets Provided to Agencies for Review and Identification of Remaining FCO Appropriation Amounts BUD 3.17 FCO Spreadsheets BUD 3.21 Build of Final FCO Reversions BUD 3.20 Review/Approve Agency FCO Interface Data to Determine FCO Reversions Agency PJT 1.7 BUD 3.18 Agency Reviews FCO Spreadsheets/Workbooks to Identify Remaining FCO Appropriation Amounts (Document Obligated or Unobligated Items, Include Supporting Documents & Comments) BUD R 14 BUD R 13 BUD IP 3.19 Agency Requested FCO Interface Data End PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Source: BUD Budget Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 115 Automation of statutorily authorized re-characterization of CF funds Capability to perform enterprise-wide revenue and HR assumptions, revenue forecast, HR expenditure baseline forecast and non-personnel expenditure forecasting Provide project/cost accounting/activity based accounting capability Ability to publish consolidated scenarios (agency spend plans, rate reports, etc.) efficiently and frequently Provide “what-if” capabilities for forecasting and planning ondemand PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop V – Manage Resources Business Sub-Events and Business Activities Vendors ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Cash ◦ Calculate and Apportion Interest Earnings ◦ Calculate and Manager CMIA ◦ Approve Outside Accounts ◦ Reconcile Bank Accounts Grants and Projects ◦ Allocate Costs / Calculate Indirect Costs ◦ Adjust Budgets ◦ Amend Grant Details ◦ Closeout Grant ◦ Closeout Project Assets Plan and Acquire Utilize and Track Transfer Depreciate Dispose Inventory and Warehousing General Ledger ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Record Updates / Adjustments Month End Close Year End Close Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Budget ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Slide 116 Monitor, Manage, and Forecast Budget Forecasting Budget Amendments Manage CF Requests PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 117 People First MFMP R2R IP 1 MFMP LAS/ PBS R2R IP 2 People First R2R IP 3 LAS/PBS R2R R 2.6 Trial balance and other reports R2R AE 3 Enterprise (DFS Financial Reporting) DMS, Legislature, and EOG Record Updates / Adjustments R2R 2.4 Process Journal Entries GAC 2.22 PJT 1.7 ARB 1.6 CSH AE 1.19 TRM 1.9 PAY 2.28a BUD 2.37 R2R AE 2.3 General Ledger Account Adjustments R2R IP 4 Agency Business Systems R2R R 2.6a Trial balance and other reports Agency P2P Various A2D 1.7 A2D 3.1 A2D 2.1 R2R 2.5 Post to GL R2R 2.2 Consolidation of Subsidiary Ledgers to Chart of Accounts R2R 2.1 Process Subsidiary Ledgers Financial Transactions R2R AE 1 R2R R 4 R2R AE 2 R2R R 3 Source: R2R PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 118 Enterprise (DFS Financial Reporting) Month End Close R2R R 3.12 Create Enterprise Period End Financial Reports/ Statements R2R 3.1 Create GL Close Schedule (Development and Communication) Agency R2R 3.2 Open New Period R2R 3.3 Record Updates in Sub-Ledgers R2R 3.4 Period Ending Soft Close for Financial Transactions R2R 3.5 Conduct Trial Balance Review R2R AE 3.6 Journal entries to correct account balances/record/ reverse accruals and post to GL R2R R 3.7 Reports to Detect Exceptions R2R AE 3.8 Correct Consolidated GL Balances R2R 3.9 Conduct Preliminary Financial Report Review R2R 3.10 Hard Close for Financial Transactions per GL Close Schedule R2R R 3.11 Create Period End Financial Reports/ Statements Iterative Review and Monitoring Activities occurring between Soft and Hard Close R2R 2.4 R2R CP 2 Source: R2R PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 119 Enterprise (DFS Financial Reporting) Year End Close R2R R 4.11 Execute Management Reporting R2R 4.1 Create Year End GL Close Schedule (Development and Communication) R2R 4.8 Conduct Financial Report Review R2R 4.6 Open Period 13 for Year End and Audit Adjustments Agency R2R 4.2 Execute Month End Close (June) R2R 4.3 Open July Period (New/Current Fiscal Year) OPB, Legislature, and EOG R2R 3.4-3.9 R2R 4.4 Hard Close for JunePeriod 12 (End of Prior Fiscal Year) R2R 4.5 Current FY Balances Updated R2R 4.12 Perform Reconciliations and Reviews CAFR Reporting R2R AE 4.10 Material Adjustments Posted to GL R2R R 4.7 Create Year End Financial Reports R2R 4.9 Material Adjustments Identified R2R 3.10 BUD 2.1 Source: R2R PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Enterprise (DFS Financial Reporting) Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Year End Close R2R 4.13 Run Preliminary CAFR Financial Information Slide 120 R2R 4.24 Generate Final CAFR R2R AE 4.17 Year-End Adjusting Entries Posted to GL R2R 4.18 Unaudited CAFR with Notes and Financial Information Transmitted to AudGen R2R 4.23 Hard Close Period 13 (Close Prior Fiscal Year) R2R AE 4.22 Record and Post to GL Applicable Adjustments from AudGen R2R 4.16 Enterprise Level Year End Adjustments Identified R2R 4.21 Review of Identified Audit Adjustments Agency R2R 4.14 Component Units Submit Financial Statements Auditor General R2R 4.15 Agency Year End Adjustments Identified R2R CP 4.19 Perform Audits R2R 4.20 Audit Adjustments Identified Source: R2R PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop General Ledger Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 121 Automated update of Agency current fiscal year account balances after CAFR completion Standard Period End Closing Process using a Soft Close and a Hard Close Multiple periods may be open at one time Real time ledger updates PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Overall / General Anticipated Improvement or Changes Move to Modified Accrual basis of accounting Ability to report cash and / or accrual Elimination of Departmental and Central Accounting Robust reporting and inquiry capability, exportable to Excel, etc. Tightly integrated Process Areas Robust Workflow capabilities ◦ Ability to attach source or supporting documents ◦ Ability to copy from other / previous records to create new PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 122 Overall / General - Continued Anticipated Improvements or Changes Slide 123 Multiple subsidiary ledgers that feed the General Ledger for accounting entries, or that store business information for reporting New financial management functionality across all Process Areas Ability to interface with external business systems Role based security controls to allow more operational users to access and perform business events or query information PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 124 Questions, Thoughts, Comments? PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 125 Questions and Next Steps PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 126 Workshop Survey Attendees will receive an email with a link to a 12-question survey related to the Workshop PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop Slide 127 Workgroup Survey Data KNOWLEDGE OF THE PROJECT AND RESPONDENT FREQUENCY USING FLAIR SUCCESS CONFIDENCE 74 Percent Daily 18% Strongly Agree Agree RESPONDENT EXPERIENCE USING FLAIR Neutral 63 Percent More than 10 Years 55% PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop 27% Slide 128 Questionnaire Questionnaire will be sent in Word format to Agency Administrative Directors at conclusion of last Workshop to obtain feedback for proposed standard business processes Only one Questionnaire response per agency Questionnaire asks for a primary agency contact for follow-up Reference material such as Process Flows and Narratives could be found at: Agencies should review Pre-Workshop, Workshop presentation and reference material as basis for Agency feedback PALM 100 Level 2 Workshop