GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COAL •••• File No.D-15015/01/16-Admn. 3rd floor, 'A' wing, Shastri Bhawan New Delhi, the 03rd March, 2016. Notice Inviting Tender Subject: Procurement of office articles & stationery items under Annual Rate Contract - regarding. Sir, This Ministry intends to procure the items mentioned in the enclosed proforma for office use. Interested firms who fulfill the following criteria may send their quotation to this Ministry: Rates for each items should be quoted in typed form on company's 1. letter head duly signed and having company's stamp/seal in the prescribed proforma (copy enclosed) including details of taxes, if any, in a "Quotation for Office sealed envelope clearly superscribing articles/stationery items" and should be addressed to "The Section Officer (Admn.), Ministry of Coal, Room No.321-A, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001." The sealed quotations may be dropped in the Tender Box mounted on the wall at garage no. 21, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. The quotations should reach this Ministry by 1.00 P.M. on or before 17.03.2016 positively. The quotations received after due date/time and those which are not dropped in the tender box, will not be entertained at all. The tender will be opened on the same day at 4.00 P.M. A "Bank Draft amounting to Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand 2. only)" payable to "PAO, Ministry of Coal", towards earnest money should also be enclosed with the quotation which will be returned after finalization of the process. Any quotation received without earnest money as stated above, will be rejected and not entertained at all. The Rate Contract will remain valid for a period of one year from the date of award of contract and right to any extension beyond the contract period will be solely vest with this Ministry including terms & conditions. 2/- :2: 3. In normal cases, the firm should be in a position to supply approved items within 24 hours of placing order. 4. The stationery / office items should be of standard quality and of the make specified. In case it is found that the items supplied are sub-standard or are of unacceptable nature, it would be open for the Ministry to return back these items. In case of repetition of such an act on the part of the firm, the Ministry may terminate the contract and also forfeit the Earnest Money. 5. The selected firm shall charge the best rates i.e, the lowest rates as may be offered by it to other clients. The firm should have a minimum of five years' experience in 6. supplying stationery/office items to the Government Ministries / Departments, PSUs, Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies etc. The rates received without tax details would be considered as inclusive 7. of taxes and no increase in the price of the quoted rate would be considered for any reason during the contract period. The payment will be made on satisfactory delivery of the supplied 8. items in the Ministry for which bill (in triplicate) will be required to be submitted to this Ministry. Defective item, if any, supplied by the contractor will be replaced by him immediately at his cost. The decision of the Ministry would be final and binding in all respect. It 9. may be noted that this Ministry reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotation in full or in part without assigning any reason whatsoever and also reserves the right to make the purchases on the basis of quotations for each item separately or collectively. ours faithfully, Encl. : As above. (MPA Jagan than) SECTION OFFICER (ADMN.) Tel. No.23386867 Copy to : CPP Portal, Deptt. of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi. NIC Cell for publishing on the Web-site of this Ministry. Table —A (Office use articles/stationery items): S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Item description Rate per unit Attendance Register 2Q (ABD) Assistant Diary 6 Q(ABD) Alpin (bell) 100 gram Alpin Container (Kabica) Agreement Pad (good Quality)Leather Agreement Sheet (Good Quality) Aquittance Roll (ABD) 200 pg Box File with wheel Bill Register (GAR-9)/400 pages) Binder clip 19 MM-SDI (PKt) Binder clip 25 MM-SDI(PKt) Binder clip 41 MM-SDI (PKt) Candle 50gram Cello tape big (65 meter(3Meter 3" Cello tape small Premier( 24 mter x '/2 inch) Cello tape brown pacing (Bun Chin)(50 mtrx 2 '/2) Cello tape (Birla Magic) Cash book (GAR-3) (100 pages)(ABD) Markin cloth Challan form (T.R-6/GAR-7) Contingency Bill form (GAR-29) Gum bottle small 300ML(Camlin) Gum bottle big 700ML Gum Tube 30 ML (Kores/Camlin) Gum Glue Stick 15 gram(Kores/Camlin) Gem Clip Plastic coated (bun chin) Cash book(PBR GAR 17(100 pg) Carbon Paper Full Size(Kores) Carbon Paper DFS(Kores) D.I. Sheet Diary telephone Index Diary ordinary Diary Rampart (Engagement) Desk Calendar (riffle big/small) Desk calendrer stand deluxe (kebica) Section Diary (60V) Drawing Pin (kores) , 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Dak pad (neel gagan) Dak bag with wheel (Leather) Dispatch Register (neel gagan) DVD.R (Sony ) DVD R/W (Sony) Envelope brown SE-5)(120Gram) Envelope Se-6(120 gram) (80GSM stare) Envelope brown- SE 7A cloth (120 gram) 46 Envelope brown SE-8A Cloth (120 gram) 47 Envelope SE-8 yellow /(new white jail cloth in inner side) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Envelope SE 4 Cloth(1000) Envelope SE-8 brown (Cloth) Envelope white SE-8 Laminated Envelope white SE-5 Envelope white SE-6 Engagement stand A-4 size Executive dairy/Rampat White Fluid Pen (UNI) White Fluid bottle (kores) File Board good Quality) Neel-gagan no31) 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 File Cover good Quality (neel gagan) Flat File board Green neel gagan 51 no File folder Fevicol Tube File movement register 6Q File register (neel gagan/) File folder plastic solo 65 66 67 68 69 Gem clip steel (bun chin) Gum powder per kg Camlin Gum fevi Quick (Camlin) GAR 42(GPF bill form Highlighter pen set 5 piece(pkt of 5 piece) Fabre Castell Ink fountain pen (chelpark) Ink stamp pad Ink parker Immediate slip Index file Rexona(son A T24) 70 71 72 23 74 . St 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Jo, 109 110 111 112 Knife steel (kebica) Log book 6 Q (400 pag) ABD Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha Slip LTC Adjustment GAR 14 C Mouse Pad Good Quality Match box(Ship) Note sheet Green FS (Good Quality) Photocopier A4(80GSM JK/Modi/Xerox) Photo Copier paper A4 80GSM/Matrix, Modi/Power /Xerox) Paper (F/S) Ream(75 GSM)(Andhra Bilt power/Xerox) Paper riso rim A4 75 GSM (xero) Ball pen Reynolds 045 Pen pilot 05(Luxur) Pen pilot V5(Luxur) Pen uniball eye micro UB 150 Pen uniball vision Elight Pen adgell (Achiever/trimax) Pen uniball figno (07 MM ball) Pen parker ball pen Pen Signature (uniball) Pen Jotter (willson) Pen jotter pen stand (VIP/willson) Pen marker board (Luxar) Permanent Marker (Luxar) Pen Sketch (Luxur) Pencil (Lead) Natraj per pkt Pencil(Apsra) steno Pencil eraser (Natraj) Pencil with Eraser (natraj) Plastic Scale (Kebica) Plastic scale steel Paper weight big size Peon book 200 paper neel gagan Packing paper brown(29x44 100 GSM)480 sheet Post it Slip3x3 Post it slip medu.4x3 Post it slip big Pin cushion magnetic 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Punching Machin single Punching machine Double Small (kangaroo) Punching Machine double big (kangaroo) Plastic folder simple Plastic folder yellow/white Pen stand small W/2 pen Pen stand big W/4 pen Pencil Trey Pen pencil mug Pay bill central GAR 13 PBR(GAR 17)100 pag Refill Reynold 045 Refill jotter Willsion Refill Jotter VIP Refill parkar Refill adgell Refill gel pen(cello) Refill cello griper Cello griper pen Rule register 2Q (17x27 192 page)neel gagan 133 Rule register 4Q (17x27 384 Peg) Neel gagan 134 Rule register 6Q(17x27,576 peg)Neel gagan 135 Rule register ATo Z 8 Q (768 page) (green ledger paper) Neel gagan Rubber band(nylon pkt 500 gms 4th Register stock 6Q 17x27 576 peg (neel gagan) Register dispatch 6Q(neel gagan) Ring file Solo Report file 136 137 138 139 140 141 Separators set diplomat (1 to 31) 142 143 144 145 146 147 Stapler pin No 10 Kangaroo Stapler pin 24/6 kangaroo Stapler pin big size kangaroo Signature pad Stapler no 10 HD Kangaroo Stapler Medium size no 5 (Hp 45 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 kangaroo) Stapler Medium Size Heavy Duty kangaroo Stapler big size heavy Duty12-5 Kangaroo 12S/17 Slip book plane 40 sheet Slip book spiral 40sheet (Neelgagan/ Saraswati) Slip book mini/pocket 2 no 80 pg./160 pg S.H. Note Book 200 page (Neelgagan/ Sarsawti) Sharpener pencil(Natraj/Apsara) Scissor (Med. size) No 207 (Kebica Size16 CM Scissor Small size Sutli plastic Sealing wax(standard/3star) Stamp pad (kores) Steel clamp Sticker flag color Sticker Flag plastic Service book With binding Stapler Medium with handle grip no HP 45(kangru) Thread ball Tag cotton white -200 piece in a bundle Transfer T.A.Bill form(GAR14B) T.A. Bill Form (14A) Visiting Card album 200 card Green folder special Signature pad in side cloth CDR CDRW DVDR DVD-Re Writable Flopy Box Optical Mouse (Dell) Optical Mouse Microsofts Dismast Label sheets A4 STI4(100 sheet) Cobra File Plastic Folder of World one LF0011 Ball point workflows pen 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 Pen Drive 4GB (Kingston with cap) Pen Drive 8GB (Kingston with cap) Pen Drive 16 GB(Kingston with cap) Ink Riso E 2213 A Master riso B4S 4370 Ink riso RN 2150 Ink Duplo DP 460 Ink Duplo DP 22L Master Roll Duplo DP 460 Master Roll RN2150 Master Roll duplo DP 22L Green tag (1-10) good quality Brown covers for legal paper book Green paper sheet(court paper/legal size) Plastic Folder with button Plastic folder blue(Double Fold) Toner Cartidge item S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Item description Toner HPLJ 1020(2612A) Toner (C 4092 A)/HP 2840(Q5964A) Toner HP-7115 A(1200)HP Toner Q5949 A(1320) Toner 2612 A(3030) Toner HP Q 6511A(2420) Toner HP-Q 5942 A(4250N) Cart.853 (6548) Black Cart. 857 (6548) color Ink v 40(HP 15 D(810 Black Ink V 40 black/ 78 D (color) Toner Fax Samsung SF 565 Fax toner Samsung SF-5100 D3 (JS (LA) Fax toner Samsung SF-651P Toner Cart Samsung SCX 4521 D3 Samsung Toner CLP-310(set(BK/CY/CG/YE) Toner HP 3015 (Q2612A) Toner Q 6470 A (HP 3800) Toner HP Q 7581 A(HP 3800) Toner HP Q 7582 A(HP 3800) Canon BL 1 3E jet HP 435A Rate per unit 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Toner Q 7583A(HP 3800) HPLJ 2727 Q 7553 A HPLJP 1007(Tone C-388 A) Samsung SCX 4824 HP CE 278 Toner Cart. HPLJ 2055(CE 505A) Sharp Photo Copier Machine MXM 453N 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Sharp Photo Copier MXM 260 HPLJ CP1025(310-313A) HP Q 1951A(A4) Paper 20 sheet HP C 6065 A A4 Paper 10 sheet Toner HP 2840 A(Q3964A) Toner HP P 1005 (CB 435 A) Toner Canon FX 3(240) HP CB 540 A 901(print.4580)BK/CL set Samsung ML 41 . Samsung ML 2850 Q 3960A to 63 A Samsung M 43 HP 540 to 543(1215) SF D 560 RA/SIP HP 6000 to 6003 Set 1007 toner CC 388A HPLJ 3015 toner Q 2612A Samsung toner 1053(SCX 4623)Print SF 651P Canon MF 4750(Cart-328) Samsung ML -2161(toner-MLT-D 101S/xip Samsung Fax toner SCX-D 4725A/XIP HP Laserjet 400 M 401 dne(toner CF-280A HP Deskjet advantage ink 4515 all in one (cart. 678 black/Color) HP LaserJet Color M 276N(tone (210-213 A HPLJ Pro 400(toner 410-413 HPLJ color N 276 N HP MFP pro M 521 do Canon LBP 6230 do HP M 226 do HPLJ pro M 128 f HPLJ pro color MFP M 476 dw HP office jet 8600 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 46, Cleaning and crockery items S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Item description Rate per unit Acid 1LTR./5LTR Broom Phool (big/small) Broom stick Bursh Floor Brush Jala Bowls (Bone China) Baygon tin 5 ltrs Brief case VIP Colin spray 500ML Clenzo tin 5 Ltrs Cup&Plate(bone china) Full plate(bone china) Half Plate Spoon steel big Spoon steel small Duster small Duster big Duster yellow Dust bin (wonder)covered Pad stal Glass tumbler simple (Yera) Glass tumbler cut (Good Quality) Glass top coaster set of 6Pc Harpic bottle Hit spray Mosquito 250 ML Hit spray Cockroach Jug plastic 2 Lit Liquid soap 5 Lit Lock Heavy Brass Naphthalene ball Odonil (Air purifier) Phenyl tin 5 Ltr Killer/Trishul Plastic Bucket 18 Lit Plastic Bucket 10 Lit. Plastic mug lLtr Paper Trey plastic Room freshener Yarley/Lavender President Room Freshener (Rajnigandha/Sandal wood/glass premium) • e 938 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Rat killer Soap cake(150 gsm Lux) Surp excel Tray plastic Thermos flask 1 Ltr(eagle) Tube light(28 wt) Toilet paper roll(300 gmm) Table glass small(per sq. foot) Tea set (bone china) heavy gold line Table glass big (per sq. foot) Table elevator Towel big size 30x6 (Bombay dyeing) Towel Medium 27x54 Bombay dyeing) Towel small size Tissue paper(daffodil) Urinal cubes (Homocol) Vim 1 kg popular Waste paper basket Dettol Liquid Soap bottle with dispenser Needle Dustbin polythene big Dustbin polythene small Table elevator sliding desk Photo Cutter Heavy Duty(with Handle) Mosquito destroyer Machine Mosquito destroyer refill pack Battery cell (Eveready/nippo) size big ,medium, small remote cell Duro Cell Floor Duster Ink riso E Z 231 A Green tag Brown covers for legal paper book Green paper sheet(court paper/legal size) Pen uniball (eye-Micro) Thread ball pkt(1x4) Door Mat Flit Pump