File No.2 -1011 /:66:2008-CPD(Vo: Government of India Ministry: of :Coal

File No.2-1011 /:66:2008-CPD(Vo:
Government of India
Ministry: of:Coal
NL'AN' Delhi. the 26" February. 2ffi 0
Shri P S Eihrittachary va
Chairman, Coal India Etd
It. N.S. Road, Kolkata
Shri Narsing Rao
CM D. Singareni Collieries ('omparty Ltd
18, Red Hills, Khairatabad P.O.
der-abaci -00 004
Minutes of SI.C(IT) for power held on 29.1.2010
I am directed to forward herewith the minutes of the meeting of the Standing Linkage
Committee i I 1 for Power held on
it ha, been decided that once minines, as approved by the Competent Authority:. have
Kean issued. 'here should not he any necessity to issue indi idual orders and CH. ;SCCE may
ensure that the recommeniirmons, as indicated in the approved minutes. are implemented in
are now requested to take rollt.o.,. -up action to ensure that
Cl l. SCCI
direetions'recomnirmdations of 51.0 LII are implemented urgently and status report on action
taken may be irtimated to this Ministry
Yours faithfully
(G. Srmivasan)
Ender Secretary: to the Government of India
Copy to :
Additional Secretary (Coal). NIinistri ol(Ioal
Joint Secretary ( LA). Nlinistry of Coal
I Shri C P. Keshart. Joint Seurctar!„ Ministry of POVSCI. ShraIll Shakti Hhavan,
Prineipai Adv:sor(Enern,- ). Plannimt Commission, Yojana lihavan. NeNV Delhi
Shri R.S Naik. Director. Ministr, or Shipping, Parivahan Rhavan, New Delhi
Shri PP Parhi, Director (TP) N.linistry of Railways. Rail BhaY an. New Delhi
(MI)s it Bc. U C'C't_. ECL, MCI NC SF( I md WCI
Shri M.S. Puri. Chief Eneincer. ClrA, RK. Purarn, New Delhi
Shri 1K Chattence, 1(Dt FM ). N PC_ Sector ti. Noidallf
Lop) also to
PS it
ti ()al /
PS to Secretary ((oal)
PS to JS (Coal
Director (CPD ,
Director i eehnicatt.
i 0. N
Road. Koikata
. I c. Par', Street, Kolhant
( ki\11. (
cll., I H.
Road. Kolkata
, Laximuta;:ar, Delhi
4, .3 t
C. Srinrvasarit
t :rider Secretary to the Government of India
apy to: N1C. Ministry of Coal ‘vith a request to place it on the website of the Ministry
Vfor information of all concerned.
List of participants, who attended the meeting held on 29 January,2010 is at
Initiating the discussions, Additional Secretary (Coal), who is the Chairman of the
Committee, welcomed the participants. He noted that this meeting is being convened after
a long time due to various reasons. The agenda for the meeting had been circulated by
January, 2010. However, if any other important item or issues,
Ministry of Coal on
which are required to be taken up based on the recommendations of CEA/MoP, they
may be taken up for discussion during the course of the meeting. He recalled that in the
last meeting of the SLC(LT) held on 12' November, 2008, only those power projects
recommended by Ministry of Power, which are coming up during 11`' Plan period were
taken up. He informed that this meeting would consider only those cases which are coming
The Committee would consider mainly the deferred cases.
up during the 11th Plan_
including the cases of Captive Power Plants (CPPs), which could not be taken up in the last
meeting held in November, 2008.
He further observed that MoP/CEA is required to recommend only such cases
which are going to meet the "milestone of COD before 31" December, 2011" and hoped
that all the applications referred to them by Ministry of Coal have been evaluated on
by CEA/MoP befbre recommending the cases to SLC(LT) for
identified parameters
consideration. He further observed that in terms of the decision of SLC(LT), a large
number of cases were required to be reviewed by CIL for taking appropriate action like
conversion into LoA, entering into FSA, cancellation/deferment etc. Moreover. the
validity period of 30 months/24 months in respect of most of the LoAs issued in 2006 and
2007 now being over and there is a need to review each case in terms of completion of
stipulated milestones. The representative of CIL informed that in a large number of cases
milestones have been submitted and are under scrutiny, however, in some cases either the
CG has not been furnished as required and/ or the validity period has already expired. AS
(Coal) suggested that a special meeting of SLC(LT) be called, preferably during March,
2010, to review the following categories of pending cases for taking appropriate action
Conversion of " valid Linkage" into LoA or FSA
Old LoAs with 30 months validity period with stipulated milestones
LoAs with 24 months validity period with stipulated milestones.
LoAs of 11th Plan priority project with "special milestones"./intermediate
milestones decided by the SLC(LT) in its meeting held on 12/11/2008.
CIL was asked to take appropriate action for preparing the detailed note and
agenda for the meeting after completing their scrutiny and taking appropriate action.
wherever required, in terms of extant decisions of SLC(LT). On receipt of the
comments/agenda along with recommendation of CIL/SCCL, a meeting will be convened
to take appropriate decision in respect of such cases. It was hoped that this review would
identifying non serious players/defaulters and consequently
result in
withdrawing/deferment of LoAs.
AS(Coal) also drew the attention of MoP/CEA to the fact that a large number of
projects having linkages/LoAs have been shifted to 12' Plan whereas a large number of
LoAs including linkage converted into LoAs/FSA have been extended to projects
coming up in 11' Plan. There are some disputes regarding some of the projects as being
I1" Plan or 12' Plan. It would, therefore, be in order if MoP/CEA now furnishes a
who have been extended
consolidated list of all the power projects, plan wise,
linkage/I...0A or already entered into MoU/FSA and are expected to come up during
II' Plan, so that the total capacity for 11th Plan can be worked out separately before
taking up cases for 12' Plan This list should include all case including that of Tapering
Linkage,' part linkage etc He also requested CEA to closely monitor all the 11' Plan
decided by the SLC(LT) in its meeting
priority projects in terms of special milestones
held on 12/11/2008 as any slippage at this stage would make it very difficult for the
projects to come up within 11'" Plan,
AS(Coal) also suggested that in view of open ended approach for processing and
issuing of LoA, there are some delays and hence it would be desirable to have a time
schedule for processing of issuance of LoA by the coal companies. Accordingly, it was
decided that all coal companies shall complete the process of issuing "notices inviting
Commitment Guarantee" within 30 days of issue of the minutes of the SLC(LT) There
shall be one month time for submission of valid CG from the date of issuance of letter
The coal companies will process the CU and issue LoA within three
inviting CU.
weeks from the date of receipt of CG. He requested CIL to send a copy of notice to
project developer and furnish a consolidated
CFAI-MoP also for taking up with
compliance report to MoC after completing the process of issuing LoA.
CMI), WC!. informed that at times coal companies are facing difficulties in
issuing specific order pursuant to the receipt of Minutes of the meeting of SLC(LT) and
felt that specific orders from Ministry would help in expediting implementation of
decision. It was clarified that while forwarding the minutes of the SLC(LT) meeting
held on 12.11.2008 vide this Ministry's letter No. 23011/66/2008-CPD dated 17"
December,2008, it was categorically mentioned in the forwarding letter that once
minutes as approved by the Competent Authority have been issued, there should not be
any necessity to issue individual orders and CIL must ensure, that the recommendations,
as indicated in the approved minutes are implemented in full. In view of the same, it was
once again reiterated that coal companies would take appropriate steps wherever required
for implementing the decision of SLC(LT) as contained in the minutes duly approved by
the Competent Authority. However, in such cases where CIL feels the need for specific
order due to some ambiguity etc they should immediately seek appropriate clarification
from MoC. It was also felt that CIL should promptly clarify any matter referred to
them by subsidiary companies in connection with implementation of SLC(LT) decision
AS(Coal) and Chairman of the Committee asked Director(Technical), CIL to put
forward the views/comments of CIL on agenda items, Director (Technical), CIL interalia informed the committee that CIL has already furnished detailed comments vide
their letter dated 11' January,2010. CIL has informed the committee that based on
clearances given by SLC(LT) up till now the "net negative coal balance" of CIL works
out to about 110 million tones in 2010-11. This is likely to increase further to 235
million tones in 2011-12 and 305 in 2012-13 declining to 186 million tones by 2016-17.
This is based on the presumption that all LoAs issued by CIL/Coal companies would
fructify into FSAs. CIL has informed that while considering any fresh clearance by
SI .C(I.:1"), the coal balance situation may be taken into account. Therefore, clearance of
any of the pending cases would put further pressure on CIL. CIL had also requested
Ministry of Coal for retention of 138 coal blocks Out of 216 coal blocks, which would
enable increase in availability of coal during 12" Plan and beyond.
Responding to the comments from CIL. AS(Coal) observed that while he
appreciates the issues raised by CIL, it has to be noted that under the New Coal
Distribution Policy" (NCDP) the requirement of genuine consumers are required to be
addressed by the Government coal companies in accordance with the provisions made
is a continuous process based on
therein. Moreover, the assessment of demand
completion of.milestones and fulfillment of other requirements leading to entering into
FSA. CIL has already been advised to develop a "comprehensive action plan" to address
the issue of increase in demand for coal in the country. He also observed that there is
also a need for close monitoring of development of projects so that advance action can
in respect of projects ultimately
be taken by CIL for planning supply of coal
fructifying. It was suggested that the actual demand based on various factors including
commissioning schedule of capacity. generation target, fuel mix etc, may be worked out
on annual basis by the coal companies in consultation with CEA/MoP and thereafter
appropriate supply plan. including import, may be devised by CIL.
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power inter-alia infon-ned the committee that a
committee was constituted in CEA to screen and recommend I I Plan projects based on
certain parameters. Accordingly CEA has evaluated the preparedness of the power projects
( Utilities/IPPs/CPPs). MoP have made their recommendations vide letter No FU7/2008/IPC dated 28th January,2010 in supersession of all their earlier recommendations
which may be considered by the Committee while taking up the cases today. Further
JS, MoP requested CIL to increase their domestic coal production in the wake of nsing
demand for coal specially in the power sector as non availability of coal would affect
country's development in setting up power projects.
Joint Secretary, MoP informed that subsequent to the last SLC(LT) meeting held
on 12/11/2008, many IPPs had tied up their inputs and placed order for supply of
equipments, but could not take up construction. MoEF clearance is given only if coal
linkage is available. So all these IPPs who had tied up their inputs, could not take up
construction as the MoEF clearance and coal linkages were not available. Even if the
coal linkage is given in the meeting of 29/1/2010 only 26 months would be available in
11' Plan for setting up a power project. Since the delay is not on the part of the project
developers, MoP recommended that 3 months grace period may be provided after the
end of the 11th Plan for commissioning of the unit. Responding to this suggestion, AS(Coal)
informed that the views/recommendations of MoP regarding grant of 3 months grace
period after the end of llth Plan to the recommended projects, while recommending the
cases for the SLC(LT's) consideration for the meeting of 29th January ,20I0, may not he
tenable as only those projects which are actually achieving COD within 11th Plan have
been considered by the Committee as priority projects and different yardstick can not be
applied this time for such - priority project''. Further, he requested MoP to make specific
comments/recommendation of in respect of each case taken up for discussion by the
The Chairman of the SLC(LT) informed the Committee that "Financial Closure"
in the case of private sector companies and "Investment Decision duty approved by the
are crucial for project
respective Board" in the case of Public Sector companies
development. Therefore, if the projects have w achieve COD before 31" December, 2011
they must achieve Financial Closure or Investment Decision as the case may be within
next 2/3 months. Accordingly, it was decided that for the projects to be recommended
for the grant of LoA today the "special milestones" would be the same as decided by
the Committee in the meeting held on 12' November,2008 except to the extent as
modified hereunder:
Financial Closure in the case of private sector companies or investment decision
duly approved by Board in the case of public sector companies, to be achieved within 3
months from the date of issue of LoA.
Further, in the event of failing to meet the above milestone, the LoA shall stand
withdrawn and the LoA holder will have to apply afresh, if they so desire, for seeking
LoA in the prescribed Proforma along with the requisite fee. However, if this milestone is
met, the LoA holder will be required to meet the remaining "special milestones" as
decided by the SLC(LT) in its meeting held on 12/ 11/2008. The above condition shall be
applicable only to the extent of capacity for which LoA is to be recommended in this
meeting. LoA already available for part capacity of project would be governed by the
stipulated conditions of the LoA already issued.
all pending applications
Chief Engineer, CEA informed the Committee that
referred to CEA by MoP have been examined and evaluated based on objective
parameters like availability of land, water, site inspection, placement of order for main
plant or EPC and thereafter certain cases have been recommended for grant of LoA.
While recommending the cases, they have considered the earlier decision of SLC(LT) to
The definition of
recommend LOA for only 70% of capacity for coastal plants.
coastal plants" is already explained in the minutes of SLC(LT) for Power held on
12/11/2008 As regards "reject based" Power Plants, they have only recommended coal
to the extent required for blending i.e. 22% of total requirement. They have also
recommended cases of import based plants for 30% of their capacity with a view to
have a judicious mix of imported and indigenous coal. Chairman, SLC(LT) desired that
they may also make specific comments/ recommendations when individual cases
would be taken up fir discussion.
Representative of Railways informed that since the source from which coal
allocation will he made is not known at this stage, Railways may not have any specific
comments to offer. However, he observed that the LoA holders may be advised to liaise
with railways for finalizing the logistics in movement of coal when they achieve certain
level of preparedness. Chairman of the Committee asked CIL & MoP to take note of this.
Representative of Ministry of Shipping informed that they have no specific
comments to offer.
AS(Coal) observed that apart from the recommendations made by Ministry of
Power vide their letter dated 28' January,2010, they may also indicate any other case for
consideration as 11" Plan priority Project, if not specifically covered in the said
recommendation. He also informed that there are certain additional agenda items which
would also be considered along with agenda already circulated to the members of the
Chairman, SLC(LT) informed CEA/MoP that traditionally, the cases of Cement
Captive Power Plants are being considered for LoA based on the recommendation of
T.-)IPP, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Ile sought the views of MoP as to whether
such applications should be sent to MoP or DIPP for seeking
comments/recommendations. CEA informed that all Captive Power Plants irrespective
of the status of their end use plant are governed by the terms and conditions of CE.RC
guidelines and therefore, they were of the view that it would be appropriate if cases of
Cement CPPs are also recommended by MoP. Based on the comments/observations of
CEA; vloP, it was decided that henceforth all applications of Cement CPPs seeking LoA
may be sent to MoP for their comments/recommendations. It was also decided that the
pending requests of Cement CPPs who have already been recommended by DIPP may be
forwarded to MoP for seeking their comments/recommendations.
The Committee, thereafter, discussed each agenda item and made their
recommendations. Recommendations of the Committee are given at Annexure-I.
I S.
The meeting ended with thanks to and from the Chair.
1 Location of the Unit
Name of Project/ Developer
Satpura TPS. i Extension) Unit
I 0 & 11) M PPGC I.
)ilicennalincral1A9iDS of the
Sarni. Distt7 Betuli
' MP
by applicant ;
Total Capacity
(Unit i0&11)
( in NM)
a IA un. 4,91.21230.10,
Cornwittee in ill meelingis
the Committee noted that in its last meeting held on Ill 1 1 , 21518, it had a athonzed issuance of
I .inter of Assuiance for 2x250 MW (Unit 10& 11) of Satpura TPS, However, due to certain reasons. the
applicant did not submit Commitment Guarantee within the stipulated period. After discussions, the
Committee recommended that the LoA authorized in November,2008 may be considered as withdrawn In
the meanwhile, MPPGCL has also applied afresh for issuance of LoA for this project Committee was
- informed by CEA that no coal block has been allocated for this project and therefore. LOA may be considered
Having regard to recommendation of CEA/M0P, the committee authorized issuance of
on normal basis
°A by CIL for the capacity of 2x250 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution. Policy
NCDP) si;hrect to the special milestones approved )11 November. 2008 meeting and also conditions
applicabk in respect of projects recommended In this meeting
No.rah Cher-mat Thermal "r'oxver
Proles-. St age-II )'l l" Ell
Ponnen. 'l'aluk
hiruvallur Distt
Tamii Nadu
Keco_nutartril4atiorA4 of_the Ceguriliticr in it DItelingheld ot119/Q1Z2tfl.
The Committee noted that during the last meeting held on 12:11/2008, it had authorized
to I20e MW fur this plant
issuance of I cA lot 701:. MW capacity taking the total 'mirage-1.oz.
I lowever due to delay in submissicn of Land documents by the protect developer through CEA, the
notice seeking submission of CC was not issued by CIL Co-mrninee was informed by CEA that no coa;
el4,/cic has berm allc-s-ated bar this project and therefore, LOA may be considered on normal basis. Having
regard co recommendation of CEA s, 'P. the committee authorized acceptance of the land documents and
notice Invmng Commitment Guarantee and thereafter ISSIJanCe of LeA by CIL for the
capacity of 7152 MW in ilcottlzinCe with pros.,Isions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to toe
apPcoved in November. 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects
:eat-ea:amended in this meeting.
Sagardiglii IPP, (Um( 1&2)
Baharampur. West
2x250 revised to
2x300 MW
Bengal. _ _
KesgmmemillAtietp_tif the conimitigejn rnettimlicAL2p 29/01/2010.
The Committee was informed that linkage for 500 MW for this project already exists aid they
nave requested for additional LoA for 10e MW only, as the capacity of the project has been revised tram
2x251) MW
MW to 2x300 (60CIMW) Having regard to recommendation of CEA 1MoP, and the fact
that the pl,int is alre,idy been commiss:oned, toe committee authorized issuance of LeA by CIL for the
additional capacity- sr 100 MW as per the revised unit sire, in accordance with provisions of New broil
Thstribution Policy illtiCDF) subject to the special milestones approved in November, 200N meeting and alas;
.onsili ions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting
Ragnunri:hriu IPS,
Sta;)e- I Ir/C
Pt.ralia, West Bengal.
2x6Citi MW
Recommendations of the Committee _jolts znetiag helfi_on 29/01/2011,
It was brought
rite notice of the C.:immittcc that Coal Block has already been allocated for this
r:oicil which is likely to c.iminenci: production during 12" Plan It was also informed that linkage for 302
MW already exists fir this protect
'torn the captne mine
n:,nrnmcndatit , r.
Since this project is likely to achieve (..:0I) heroic product:on scan
Tapering Linage" may be considered 11::r this project
Having regard to
EA !sloP, the ioimminec authorized issuance of tog by CIL on "Tapering Basis" or
the balance capacity of 700 MW as per the revised unit size in accordance with provisions of New Cc-al
Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in November, 2008 meeting and also
conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting The entire linkage:LQA
MW would be on Tapering Basis as per the extant policy guidelines
Mei:a TPS- Phase-II, Damodar I Mejia, Bankura, West 1 BCC1. "E,C1
Valley Corporation, West
Ben a7
Fts_comroLencladoos_of the Committee in its meeting held on 29/01 /2010.
It was brought to the notice of the Committee that Coal BloCk has already been allocated for this
project It was also informed that Unit 1 of 500 MW is likely to achieve COD before production start
from the captive mine and therefore, "Tapering Linkage" may be consldered for this project Having
regard to recommendation of CEA./ MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL or. "Tapering
Basis" for the capacity of 500 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy
(NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in November. 2008 meeting and also conditions
The balance capacity of 500 MW
applicable to respect of projects recommended in this meeting
Santaldih TPP, Unit -6
Santaldih, Purulia„
West Bengal.
.x250 MW
It was brought to the notice of the Committee that a large number of coal blocks have been
allocated to WBPDCL and also to Government of West Bengal and therefore, a comprehensive view
needs to be taken on demand and supply of coal for existing as well as future power project of WBPDCL
fhetetore, the Committee recommended that the case may be deferred and may be taker. up for
consideration later.
Ukai TPS, (Extension
Unit 61, Gujarat
1 Songadh, Gu;arat
[Not indicated
490 MW
Rewtatt=t44119.0s 12f_the.cQuilllitteC its RLestinr..helti VI 29 /01 /2014.
It was brought to the notice of the Committee that the capacity of the unit is 51)0 MW and not
490 MW and that Coal Block has already been allocated It was also informed that the Unit of
is likely to achieve COD before production start from the captive mine and therefore "Tapering Linkage"
may be considered for this project. Having regard to recommendation of CEA ,'MoP, the committee
authorized issuance of LoA by CIL on "Tapering Basis" as per extant policy/guidelines for the capacit,
of 1x500 MW in accordance: with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the
special milestones approved in November. 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects
recommended in this meeting.
2x500 MW
8. l RThandSTPS Stage-Ill NTPC MNear Village Bzjpur,
Sonebhadra UP
the. Csuumzittee ` 4 its_platimlasi(Lys 29/0J 12,321.Q..
Committee was informed that during the East meeting, LoA for 511(1 MW was authorized and the
issue required to be decided in this meeting as to whether the LoA already authorized should be on
CEA informed that no coal block has been ,located for this project and
normal or tapering basis
therefore. LoA granted may be on normal basis, which was agreed to by the Committer. However, it was
noted that CIL and NTPC have been jointly allocated a captive coal block (Brahamini & Chichru Pats:mal)
which has not been linked to any project This project is having the peak production capacity of 30 milhon
tones per annum. Keeping in view, the Committee decided that the issue of converting this normal L.iA
into tapering would be examined in consultation with C11. and NTPC/
; Sidhi, Madhya
9, ! VindhyacQ STET
___! Stage-ININTPC
Itecoill=144tioris of tbe_commlatin_iting.hgligil,29/01 /2010..
Committee was informed that during the last meeting the case was deferred because of reported
transportation constraints in NCI.. area. NTPC representative informed that they have made arrangements
for accepting coal through Indian railways from any outside source also. Representative of Railways also
Having regard to recommendation of
agreed with the observation made by NTPC representative_
CEA Mel', the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 2x500 MW in
accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones
apprtived in November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable to respect of projects recommended in
this meeting. However, the source of supply shall be (decided by Cll. based on logistics and other relevant
factors and keeping in view the comments of representative of NTPC as stated above However. it WAS
noted that ClL and NTPC have been jointly allocated a captive coal block (Brahamini & Chichro l'atsimal)
whicO has not been linked to any project. This project is having the peak production capacity of 30 milhor,
:ones per annum Keeping in view the above, the Committee decided that the issue of converting this
normal Li IA into tapering and cases of other NTPC projects including joint venture pnujects ss'oilid he
examined in consultation with CIL. and NTPC/MoP.
• 10-00 MW
10. i Vallur IPS Phase-11. Tarnilnadu ; Between Ennore Creek i MCL
; and Vallur Village of
i Energy Company Limited
Ponneri Taluk ,
( a JV 0 NTPC and TNEB)
Distt. Tamil i
ReconuEtrulgtion.t_of the _c ommittev inittulttlint licitod 29/ 01_4201.0.
The Committee noted that during the last meeting held. on 12/11/2(0, it had authorized
issuance of LoA fee 500 MW capacity for this plant. However, due to delay in submission of land
documents by the project developer through CEA, the notice seeking submission of CG was not issued
by Cll.. Having regard to recommendation of CEA ,MoP, the committee authorized acceptance of the land
documents and issuance of notice inviting Commitment Guarantee and thereafter issuance of 1,0,;\ by
Cll. fur
the capac.ts
tt5t.,7 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy
(NCDE') subject t6 the special milestones approved in Novembc-r. 2008 meeting and also conditions
applicable in respect cif projects recommended in this meeting.
2x250 MW
11:1 S-liTzafiartiur Thermal Power Project,
[-Village Kant!, TfCL
Stage-11 Kann Billce 1...:tpadan Nig=
I Distt.
joint venture of
NTPC and 135E131
Rico nuriendatims_af the Commiroe ion iii meeting held on 29/01/2010.
The Committee was informed that the capacity of the project is 2x195 MW and not 2x250 MW as
indicated in the agenda It was also noted that dunng the last meeting held on 12/ II /2008, Committee
had authorized .ssuance of LoA for 2x250 MW capacity for this plant. However, duc to delay in
submission of Lard documents by the project developer through CEA, the notice seeking submission of
C C was riot issued by CH Having regard to recommendation of CEA; MoP, the committee authorized
acceptance of the land documents and issuance of notice inviting Commitment Guarantee and thereafter
issuance of l oA by Cll. for the capacity of 2x195 MW (390 MW) in accordance viuth provisions or New
Coal 11.1)istribution Policy lNCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in November, 204)g meeting
and also conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting
4)(650 revised
12. Ney,R:abiorigar STPP
t Chausa, Distt 3uxar, Bihar.
CCL • •
(NTPC Bb r7Vi
to 2x660
4-4x660 revised
13. NTPC-VP (TV) Meta
Kohdar and Laltara,
to 2x66C MW
Tehs:1 Mesa, Dtstt Allahabad
UP '
14. Solapur T—
Villlagc Ah trwade Near Hotgi
Railway Station. Dtstt.
Solapur, 'ivlaharash.tra
Rem:lame olaams of the ComWt-tee in its atcetinx,beld ort19_01YZOIQ.
The Committer was informed that the case relating to grant of LoA for bulk tendering projects coming ,Ip
in ;2'1 Pan including New Nabi Nagar, Meja and Solapur is being examined on file and SL.C.(1.1) would
be informed of the status in next SLC(LT) meeting. It was further informed that this meeting Wd5 only
for considering 'I :'' Plan projects whereas above projects are likely to come up in 12 Plan and therefore,
reeom.mendation of MoP for grant of LoA for this projects would be considered on tile
S.No ' Name of the Project
I 5 . Menu!: Thermal Power
Station (Stage-I11)
I Preferred
Source by
I juplicarit
i Location
Mertur Dam, Salem
i Distt. Tamil Nadu
_ __,
100 MW
'E rlaniceseni ,.,
: ia
, ',I wor frurn C',0
iicio iiiiliX
.C.Q.Enwittes. ittituncttinx,Ittid on 29/01129W
The Committee was informed that the unit size of the project has been revised from 50G to 600
litcontacadAtiow cilb
MW It was noted that I..oA for 500 MW already exists MoP recommended that additional LoA for
1A) MW may be considered Having regard to recommendation of CEA/MoP, the committee author.zed
issuance of LoA by CIL for the additional capacity of 100 MW , making the capacity of the project as
Isnil*,:i MW, in aeecirdiance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCOP) subject to the special
milestones approved in November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of proiects
recommended in this meeting
16. Maiwa Thermal Power Prelectl Via. Farm, Diitt_
I Khandwa, MP
MPGCL ( now known as
, Slum: Singaii TPP)
2x600 MW
•...„ ,i.• L.._ .......,_•._
Ricgawanestiligna_... faiths. c9awittr.tiaituacctiazilthi..Qa Z9./0 V2014
The Committee noted that in its meeting held on 11.5 2006, it had authorized issuance of letter of
Assurance for 2x500 MW of Malwa TI'S. However, due to certain reasons, the applicant did not submit
Commitment Guarantee within the. stipulated period Meanwhile NIPPGCL has revised the capacity of time
plant from 500 MW to 600 MW and therefore, the total capacity now proposed is 1200 MW MPPLiC1, has
Having regard to recommendation of CEA. 1v1,1P,
also applied afresh fur issuance of LoA for this project.
the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CII, for the capacity 01 2x600 MW in accordanue with
provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in November
200S meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting The
Committee also recommended that the earlier LoA which was authorized for 2x500 MW for this project
shall stand withdrawn
:7 I Moeda STPS, Unit II uI
Stage-I, NTPC
-S(K) MW
Moods Near Village
I Lapka, & Kurnbhari in
I Nagpur Distt
i Maharashtra
RuntwurnOtitgli_of the Co tuntitnein iting ile
The Committee rioted that in its meeting held on 22nriel.'23'''' October, 2008, the Committee had
recommended cancellation of linkage for 500 MW Out of 1000 MW granted earlier and retained linkage lot
500 MW. Meanwhile NTPC applied afresh for issuance of LoA for this project as both units of 500 MV
I laving regard to recommendation of CEA., MoP, the committee authorized
are coming up in II' Plan
issuance if LoA hr CU. for the capacity of 1x500 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal
Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in November, 2008 meeting and also
conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting
I 8TRalehur TPS,Unit-X- /CPU 7 Raichur. Karnataka
Wetonlinn44.0.111. 95 the$ nacelittl
250 MW
The Committee noted that coal linkage for Raichur Unir.8 was approved by SLC(LT) in its reaming
held on II /05/2006 for 1x210 MW The size of the unit was changed by I<PCL. subsequently from I x2:
MW to I x25C MW. MCL was not agreeing to sign FSA because of change in unit size and .1,4;:f, has
recommended enhancement of capacity from 210 MW to 250 MW. having regard to the recommendation
ot McP, the Committee approved enhancement of Lunt size from lx210 MW to 1x250 MW and conclude
PSA for the enhanced capacity subject to the condition that no additional coal would be considered on
account of such enhancement. however, if KPCL so desires they may apply afresh as per procedure for
seeking enhancement in coal quantity
ITEM NO, 2-Indepertent, PQer Producers (1,M)
; Name of the
Adam Power
Limited of N1fs
Adani Power Ltd
LI:is-at:on of
the project
I Power
SEZ, Tunda
& Biracha,
Pisa. Kutch,
Qui a r a t
Thapacity of I Preferred
7, Capacity for
source by
the project
which LoA
recommended in
in this
meeting held
_ 1 ,
oril2 1 I 2008
4x330MW . • SILL
1386 MW (7tY'ri
i 4x330 MW
of 3x660 MW
phase I
I 2x660 MW
2x660 MW I
phase II
3x660 MW
' phase III
1 'Fttal
1 Capacity
Recormngniktions..of the Cosnjniflec isa its mcctasgteid on 29 /01.710/0,
The Committee noted that during the last meeting held on 12/II 2008 CEA recommended for LoA
for phase [II only. which as, authorized for issuance of LoA and phase.] & II capacity was defril-red and it
decried that the same wIll be taken up by SLC(I.,T) in future based on recommendation of MoP and other
related factors. Tne CFA informed that as a matter of policy, they are now recommending blending mix of
311',1:; of domestic coal even for Import based plants. f laying regard to recommendation of CEArMoP. the
committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 792 MW ( 30% of Phase-I & Phase II
capacity of 2640 MW) to accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the
special milestones approved to November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects
recommended in this meeting.
ii run
Power Psi I ILl
I 2x600MW T600 MW
Unit 3'' &
Unit 3'
revised to
6641 M Vs' I
Reconamsnriation5 of the 0.1.4=1.1trel tn
; 600 MW
revised 6;60
Incetingheld on 29/01/2010.
Committee noted that during the last meeting held on 12/11/2008, CEA had informed that water
availability was sufficient for only 600 MW capacity (Unit 3') and therefore, the LOA was authorized for
It was decided that application for Unit 4'" will be taken by SLC(LT) in future based on
recommendation of MoP and other related factors. CEA/M0P informed that water is now available from
Unit-4 also. }laving regard to recommendation of CEA/MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA
by CIL for tite capacity of I x.66Il MW (Unit-4) in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution
Policy iNCDP; subject to the special milestones approved in November, 21)08 meeting and also conditions
applicable to respect or projects recommended to this meeting.
Sterlite Energy
I Jharsuguda
4x600 MW 606 MW
T1800 MW
Recomrgughltions of the...conitriittet in its_attriini had .04.191.9122010
Committee noted that during the last meeting held on 12/1112008, CEA had not recommended
.:.■ A for the remaining capacity i.e. 3x600 on the Wound that the developer had not tied up for water fOr the
project. CEA informed that water has now been tied up for the remaining capacity of 1800 MW. CFA
further informed that the project is having a block which is sufficient to cater about 1000 MW. Having
regard no recommendation of CLA MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the
3x6;:i MW our of which 1000 MW would be on "Tapering basis" as per extant
pol . cy /guidelines and 85Tt MW on normal basis in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution
Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in November, 2008 meeting and also conditions
applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting
f750 MW
r 5x250 MW T 2x250 MW
7 Bina. MP
, Bina Thermal
i Power Plant of
I (3x250MW) 1
Ms Bina power
supply company
Ilscongan.441iisms_.of_the Committer in its ritttitts.,kld on 29/01/2010
It was noted that MoP has not made any recommendation for consideration of this case in their
recommendation of 28 January,2010. CEA informed that the remaining capac;ty 1.e. 3x2511 MW is not
likely to come during I l'h Plan Therefore, it was recommended that the proposal be dropped
1 4.
developer may apply afresh on achieving certain level of preparedness in future in accordance with the extant
procedure :n this regard.
1320 MW r WCL.:
Nandgaon pet, 1 3x660 fvIW 7 2x660 MW
r Indiabolis
I Ph-I
Phase I
Arnravati Thermal Distt
!x660 MW
Power Proyct of
Phase 11
Sophia Power
lx664) MW
company Ltd
(request 0: name
change to India
I 060 M Y
Bulls Power
PH ,11
Limited is under
examination) _ ,
pvsvommiskastithcsprangtutia its mccting held on 29/QUVW
It was noted that MoP has not ma* any recommendation !or consideration of this cave in then
recommendation of 28' January,201C. However. CEA informed that as per information available with
them, even though the order for equipments have been placed by the developer for the 3''' unit of phase-1 this
as well as Unit-I or Phase-11 are unlikely to come up during 11° Plan. Having regard to observation if
CEA, the Committee decided to defer this case.
20 MW ; MCL
Bhavanapadu, . 2x660 MW 924 MW(71
1 Bnavanapadu
1320 MW)
I P Phase
Thermal Power
1 (2x660MW)
Digs AP
2x MW
1 proyct of M is
' 2' Phase
East Coast Energy
Pvt. Ltd
13..-Onlialkitiktiatg_git tit; csatislitudnitmestima.bslistal2aliZ919
It was noted that MoP has not made any recommendation for consideration of these eases in then
recommendation of 28' danuary,20i0 CEA informed that the remaining capacity i.e. 2x660 MW is not
likely to come during 11111' Plan and therefore, the Committee recommended that the proposal be
The developer may apply afresh on achieving certain. level of preparedness in future in
accordance with the extant procedure in this regard
, h
NCC Power
3060 MW i 924 MW ( 7.,:,',0 of , Ixt:60 MW
I 1320 NM')
Projects Limited of Disci
1 5+1 s Nagaruna
Srikalcu larn,
Construe-sti rs
' Company Ltd
Ese9truntn4ations 4;if the Committee in its nitettinglteld (nosy o 1 /2010
It was noted that MoP has nut made any recommendation for consideration of these cases in their
recommendation of 28' January,21110 CEA informed that the remaining capacity i e 6.60 MW is rot
likely to come during I l'' Plan, the Committee recommended that the proposal be dropped
developer may Apply afresh on achieving certain level of preparedness in furore in accordance with the
extant procedure in this regard.
C:1 ,-,.... —
I CCI...
i 725 NSW
z ".51MW
. 10(10 MW
, .Adhunik rower& Helasong,
•, Natural Resources
Kandra. DistMW)
Limited ( earlier
I known as Adhunik Saraikela
Thermal Energy
1 harkhand
lies9fInlikimdatior* ConmnilitcWil$ mc.t.ting_hcld un..29/4111.2,010,
It was noted that MoP has not made any specific recommendation for consideration of thas case in
!heir recommendation of” 28 January,2010. However, CEA infotrrned that the developer has already placed
equipment order but due to non finalization of issues concerning Environmental clearance, it may become
difficult los the capacity to come up within 11' Plan. However, CEA also observed that this issue may get
finalized at an early date Having regard to observations of CEA, the Committee decided to deter this case
::art consideration based on recommendation of MoP and other relevant factors.
1a-M-VT—STt,C17- -1
2x600 MW ff
lPP afM.s
Industries Ltd.
msiaingied on 29/01/2010
gecoroomail4ui .of_lb.e_
Committee was informed that this project was recommended earlier by M O P and also included in
20!0, however, the construction is yet to star:. To a specific query by the Committee
their letter of 25
whether the entire capacity is likely to come up during 11' Plan. CEA informed that out of two units only
ore unit Is
to come during 1 I" Plan and accordmgly LoA fur uric unit may be considered As per the
by the developer the unit size is 60(1 MW whereas according to Ministry- Power
recommendation the unit size will bc 660 MW. Having regard to recommendation of CEA/MoP.
committee dJtholized .ssuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of larca50 MW (Unit-I) in accordance with
provisions of New Coat Distribution Policy (NCDPj subject to the special milestones approved in November.
2tioF, meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting 'ihe case ot
Unit was dropped and protect developer may apply afresh on achieving certain level of preparedness in
future in accordance with The extant procedure in this regard.
VanJanz Vidhvut
Vitt Chhuri,
4x135 IT4W7 NIL
revised to
2x135 and
Disa Korba,
1x270 MW)
Itecommemeigiorts of the Corruniusc in ittp:KAillgcIdou 29101/2010
And 1x270
It was broup,ht to thc nonce oi the committee that a Coal Block has already been allocated for this
protect It was alsu informed that
two Units of 135 MW each are likely to achieve COD htellont
production starts ft- iim the captive mine and therefore "Tapering Linkage - may be considered fir this
protect Fraying regard to recommendation of CEA/MoP, the committee au:hortzed issuance of LoA by
CI. on -Tapering Basis
as per extant policy/guidelines for the capacity of 270 MW (2x135 MW) in
acc_irdance with provisions of New Creel Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones
approved in November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended sr
ih.s meeting Further as recommended by MoP in their letter of :8' January,2010, the remaining capacity
vf 270 MW w oe deferred and will he taken up for consideration subject to recommendation of MoP and
other relevant factors
Bhadrawatt, I 6a334 MW 2x334 MW
' Thermal Project of' Chandrapur,
(2004 MW)
Ms Central India
Maharashtra ,
. Power Co Ltd. ( a
, unit of
4x334 MW WC.
RecOrAnKnd4t ions . of the Conuni.tter in
It was noted that MoP has not made any recommendation fin consideration ot this caste in their
28 ' January,2010 in respect older-erred caracii, of 4034 MW. CEA informed that thy
rt!ma:mni; cAp.1,-Ty. c 47(334 MW is net likefy to come during I I"' Plan it was recommended that the
proposal be dropped The developer may apply afresh on achieving certain level cl preparedhess in iuture
in accordance with the extant procedure in this regard However, the issue. relating to non issuance of
due to dela} in submission of CO for the capacity of 2x334 MW, approved in the last rricchni,
would be considered as per the decision of SLC(LT) in similar cases_
2x50(I MW ""--;; EC1
' 4x500 MW . 2x500 MW
Annupur Thermal j Mouhari,
(2000 MW) (revision of
- Distt,
1 Power Project of
1 capacity from
Anuppur. MP
MR MB Power
2x.50C to 2x600
I is under
I examination)
KuvnuataglIfiszat, ig.thg_Carnmiute-_InAtmaliar. Jh eld_90 451./..911241
Committee noted that the applicant was authorized issuance of 1..oA for 2x50,3 MW out of 4x50U
MW capacity applied for and LoA has already been issued for 2x500 MW capacity. Further, though the
case has not been specifically recommended m their letter dated 28/1/2010 they are recommending the
ease for grant of LOA for additional capacity of 200 MW due to change in unit size. CEA further
informed that the project developer reduced his capacity from 2000 MW (4x500 MW) to 1200 MW(
2x600 MW). Meanwhile the project developer also requested for revision of approved capacity fic7ii
The request was forwarded to Ministry of Power for
2x500 MW to 2x600 MW.
comments /recommendations During the meeting CEA/MoP recommended that LoA for the additional
capacity of 200 MW may be considered so as to extend coverage of 1..0A to 2x600 M W. Having regard to
recommendation of CEA /MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for additional capacity
of 200 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special
milestones approved in November, 2t7J8 meeting and also conditions applicati:e in respect of prulects
recommended in this meeting, for the entre capacity of 2x600 MW The additional capacity of SOP MW
lett out in the original application was dropped
Joint Secretary, MOP informed that in addition to the agenda circulated by Ministry of Coal, they
have also recommended some cases of Utilities/IPPS;CPPs in their letter dated 28'' January, 2010 fer
consideration of SEC(IT) as they are also coming up in 11th Plan itself. The Chairman, SEC (LT) agreed
Since the list or additional agenda items was not circulated earlier ay MoP. the
with this request
capacity recommended in such cases could not be verified immediately during the meeting and since CEA
recommended these capacities after verifying the documents in all those cases, it was decided that in such
cases, wherever there is any minor variation (increase or decrease) in the unit capacity vis a vis the
onginal application, the capacity may be checked from the applications
, 4x660 MW M
4060 MW
Recsmninstativns_ af thecnsunit-tcc in its meeting kW on 29/01/2010
The Committee noted the project developer has applied for setting up 4x660 MW Power Project
However, (TEA informed that the unit size of the project is 600 MW and as two units are corning up in
Plan, LoA may be considered for 2x6i10 MW. Having regard to recommendation of CEA
committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 1200 MW ( 2x500 MW) in accordance
with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in
November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting.
Jindal Pewer
F l4
2x660 MW
! Near
1. 2x660 MW MCI.
' Thermal Power
; Dahigaor.
I Project of M/s.
Lance: Mahandi
, Wardha Disn
_ , Priwer Pvt Limited :, NiahataShlta
tt.cmtsnitetula.Iiiint .i4 tbcconaguttcc ua its meeting 110:1 on 29/11/1410
The Committee was informed that this case was not included in the recommendation tette, dated
28' Januar:Z(11G, howcvc.r, in the course of meeting itself, based on rise preparedness of the project, Mol-'
recommended that LeA !Or one unit of 660 MW corning up in I l'' Plan may be considered liavIne, rei,ai LI
to recommendation of MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA biy, CIL for the capacity of l x660
r(1.:71 . a A...1 ,,-_,_
MW in accordant e with pros twins of New Coal Dtstribution Po:icy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones
,.embc:. 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable :n respect of projects recommended in
approved in No,
— ----: -- —SCCLINC
, ---•
—1 8x135
1 Bhadresi ,TI-I- Raj West Puwet
: =1080 MW I L/ SECT
1 =1080 MW 1
limited of M: s. 1 Balmer/
, Rajasthan
JSW Fnergy
Ilecommendati,ons ot1br cout1W.11Millitk—mfOing held on Pill /2010
Committee noted that M/s Banner Lignite Mining Company Ltd has requested for tapering coal
MW) commissioned/being commissioned in
linkage in respect of their 8 Units of 135 MW (8x135
Rajasthan. 1hc company has confirmed that then plants are capable to run on both fuels i.e. coal and
lignite (3osernment of Rajasthan has expressed its inability to make available lignite for these plants fur
neat three years. Since these plants arc ready for commissioning, Ministry of Power recommended grant of
tipeting linkage for 501 of 8 a I 35 MW (540 MW) lignite based power plants of Ms Raj West Power I td
for a pencK: r1 throe years. Having reprd to recommendation of CEA/MoP the Committee authorized
issuance of LoA or 50''li of Sx I 35 MW upto March, 2012 only and the project developer would make
However, actual coal
suitable arrangements for operation of this plant beyond this period
allocation/ release would depend upon the commissioning status of each un:t which will be intimated by
the Mar Project developer to CIL, subject to special milestones approved in November, 2008 meeting
and also conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting
' JSW Steel Limited I Toranagullu,
, 2x300 MW 1
; 2x300 1v1W
Reconanendatiom_ of the Committer in its tnestiallgbiLpri 29/01/2010
Committee was informed that the project is based on imported coal and is fully operational and
The committer noted that
CFA/Mel') recommended grant of 1..oA for 307c of capacity i.e 180 MW
since the unit is already operational there may be problem in blending the indigenous coal as :t may hot
suit the holler design and other technical parameters. Therefore, it was suggested that CEA should examine
the feasibility of the existing and operational plants to use domestic coal and the maximum percentage
if blending tecnnically attainable The case was accordingly deferred
7 5 MW
Khamhardin, 1-1.5 MW T
Bio Mass
I Bio Mass
I Mungels,
Reconmamtat ighs_ oi LheS_2eamftite inito messing b/1/Z10
The Cimmitter was informed that that this Biomass based power Plant is already in operation.
Having to recommendation of CEA /MciP, and being a Biomass plant, the committee authorized
in accordance with provisions of New Coal
issuance of ioA hs C11. for the capacity of 7 5 MW
coal allocation would be 150l: of normative requirement
Distribution Folic:, 5C:1:11 1)1 1E0y:ever,
ipplit.abY Cr Biomass plant el 7.5 MW capacity as per extant instructions
NR I Power &
Steel Pvt, Ltd
Mis Aryan Cai
Chakabura 7-30 MW
Renctications Pet
Dish- Korba,
Rmitum44I in its nutting isid on 29/ 01/2010
The Committee was informed that the unit is operational and based ott washcry rejects The
Committee noted that a policy on utilization of washery reject and guideline for grant of LeA for
CPPs'IPPs based on washery reject which was envisaged earlier has not yet been firmed up so far, Keeping
in view the above, the Committee decided that all cases of projects based on washery rejects, including this
Cd.':;C, may be deferred. ('IL was requested to prepare a discussion paper for extending LoA to reject based
power plants which will be examined and discussed further in the next SLC(LT) meeting
,- 15
GAPS Power &
Infrastructure Pv:
A urangabad ,
, Maharashtra
13 MW
1 Rio Man
Bio Mass
fieSQL1)C.IttlIdAliQPI.. 0011C ckfillnitcr in if a Ig&Ctag-hchISKLZ.V.91( MO
The Committee was informed that that this Biomass based power Plant :s already in operation
Having regard to recommendation of CEA,"MoP, and being a Biomass plant, the committee authorized
issuance oil oA by CII for the capacity of 13 MW in accordance with the provisions of New Coal
coal allocation would be 15% of normative requirement
Distribution Policy (NCDP) However,
applicable for Biomass plant of 13 MW capacity as per extant instructions
1- 20
j 24.5 MW
nar 77— 7nKhursapar
Pu 77Sak77
(Bela) Cmarar, 1 (Co.
Karkhana Limited
Dist( Nagpur , Generation
I Plant)
tA, c
405 MW
1 '
1 Generation
1 Plant)
Reconurtendations of the Commits in iaiwiting beld on 21/A121-91Q
The Committee was informed that the unit based on biomass is operational and IS having linkage
from WCL The applicant has made a request for conversion of their linkage presently based on biorna:-.,s
to coat based capacity due to non availability of adequate quantity of biomass fuel. Representative of WC[.
conveyed their no objection for the proposed conversion of enure capacity of 24.5 MW Having regard to
the recommendation of CEA/ MoP and WCL.. the Committee authorized conversion of capacity of 24 5 MW
on coal as per existing norms, subject to physical verification as to whether the entire capacity of 24.5 MW
iv based on coal or not. Further, this conversion will be subject to:
Restoration of Energy Purchase Agreement (EAP) between Mis.Purti Sakhar Karkhana
and Maharashtra State Electricity Company Limited (MSDCL) by the MERC
Quantity of coal supply to be regulated as per the of power requirement of MSEDCI. :n
accordance with Energy Purchase Agreement (EPA)
2561)0 now
I 2xo-00 (now
PG Baltic
revised te
1 revised to
Nagar, Digit
, 4x3Ci0
4000 MW)
j Korba. CO
Ree.stuturpglatiorp ..of the Csisminec ink5 meeting held o_n_2/0 1 /2010
Committee was informed that all clearances are available and it is expected that twr, units of 3:10
Having regard to recommendation of MoP, the committee
MW will come up during 1 PP- Plan
authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 600 MW ( 2x300 MW) in accordance weh
provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in
November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in icspect of projects recommended in this meeting.
Remaining capacit., was dropped.
T EMCO Energy
1 Warora, Dist-L.
1 x 300
I x 300
itecomentlatirms „pf the_comrainee in its Ineetingbeld_pa 9/011.ZOLO
Cornrrettee was informed that all clearances arc available and it is expected this unit of 300 NIW
well come up during i 1" Plan. Having regard to recommendation of MoP, the commoner authorized
issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of one unit of 1x300 MW in accordance with provisions of New
Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved m November, 2008 meeting
and also conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting
r4x135 MW
Company Limited MI DC
Reentroaaendatiora_ of the_Cortmaititt ifi its meiilarCliejd. on 29/01/201D
Tne Committee was informed that Wardha Power Company Limited was authorized issuance of LoA by
SLC(L 1) in its meeting held on 2 8 2007 and WM.. had already issued LoA on supply from "Cost Plus
Minos- The applicant had tied up with Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Limited (GMDCL) for
burl requirement and pending development of coal block by GMDCL, the committee had authorized
LoA on "Tapering Basis". The applicant has now informed that as GMDL had directed them to use coal
tor their proposed plant at Chhattisgarh only, their LOA may be converted from "tapering" to 'normal"'
basis CMD WC1. informed the Committee that they have identified a cost plus mme I'ur supply to this
nro:cet with a life of more than 5 years and if it is decided to convert this LOA to normal as requested by
the applicant. a Tray not have problems in supply of coal hy WCL as they would be having a commuted
- ; ,t)s. Lirrier thr•+:4;houl the lite of the project Having regard to the recommendation of MoP and WCI., the
committee agreed for conversion of tapering LoA to normal LoA on cost plus basis from INCA., for 4x I35
MW capacity subject to the project coming up m II' Plan.
On Further clarification sought by the Committee on its commissioning status, CEA clarified that all
the four units are cnining up in the l'' Plan which was noted by the Committee. Committee also noted that
,is ;)(1" last minutes of SLCCL,T) this project was shifted to 12' Plan and having regard to status of
11° Plan project
(anninissioning it was inc:uded
WS.. I. also sought a clarification as to whether coal supply can commence for one unit on meeting
milestones of COLD ,' commissioning or the entire approved capacity has to meet the milestones It was
ciarnTied by toe committee that wherever LoA is granted For more than one unit and where units am
commissioned or achieve COD on staggered basis, the milestones applicable would be considered with
reference no each unit for signing of FSA and supply of coal car. be considered accordingly by coal
11 wever Me overall validity :br meeting the milestones for the entire approved capacity
would i s as per time I ciA
2x60 MW
based on
based on
washer/ rcjcc
&2x270 MW
; reject &
2x270 MW
I coal based
coal based ■
Conurtitict ilLit$21cctingbeld on 29/0112010
ee.Q2u.rncnil#tiort,5. of
The con:nit:Tv.; V.:11; Inrcrmed chat the applicant has sought gran: of LoA for two of their nrojects, rano based
on washery retract
2xes3 MW capacity and another project of 2x270 MW h ased on coal.
Gupta Energy Pvt.
.r Ltd
The. Con:mince was informed that the unit is operational and based or washery rejects The
Cornmince noited a policy on utilization of washery reject and guideline for gran: of LoA for
CPP.:IPPs based on washery reject which was envisaged earlier has not yet been firmed up so far Keeping
in view the above, the Committee decided that alt cases of projects based on washery rejects, including this
case, may he deferred CIL was requested to prepare a discussion paper for extending LoA to reject based
power plants which will be examined and discussed further in the next SLC(LT) meeting.
As regards the prtnect based on coal, CEA informed that the capacity of 2x270MVs' will be COMIng
up during 1 l' Plan and therefore LoA may be considered Having regard to recommendation of ma, the
committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 540 MWt, 2x271) MW) in accordance
+.c oh provisions Sr New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in
2008 ment.nn and also conditions applicable in respect of protects recommended in this meeting
■■ .■...■.-
__-._______._____ __•—...._. _. _
■ _.
I Plot No. 3 , Butibori
' Vrdarbha Industries Power
MrDC Industrial Area
I But:bori, Nagpur,
_i_ .,laharashtta
7WC.E1STC.C-7---S.r5f1M1V1:HTh MCL
KeeviattiCullglittn__91ithe_Committige,ixt ilk casein's held on 29/01/201D
(.7ornmince was informed that all clearances are available and it is expected this unit of 200 MW
,i, ill
cone up during I l''' Plan. Having regard Co recommendation of MoP, the committee authorized issuance
of LoA by CIL for the capacity of lx300 MW (Phase-II) in accordance with provisions of New Coal
Having regard to recommendation ot Ma, the committee authorized
Distribution Policy' (NCDP)
issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of WOO MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal
Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in November, 2011ki meeting and also
conditions' applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting
2 ,:!,
1 Chakabura
Aryan Coal
Bencticiation Pvt. ! P.O. Jawali,
1 Kathgora
Distt. Kerte,
V --7----- —
j 2x1-2-5 IsicI
2x12•5 MW , SF.CL
Recommendations of the Committee in its meeting hsid on 29/01/20W
The Committee was informed that the unit is operational and based on washer): rejects The
Committee noted that a policy on utilization of washery rejects and guideline for grant of triA for
CPPs IPPs based or washcry reject which was envisaged earlier has nor yet been firmed up so far. Keeping
in view the above. the Committee decided that all cases of projects based on washery rejects, including this
case. may be deferred CIL was requested to prepare a discussion paper for extending LIDA to reject based
power plants which will be examined and discussed further in the next SLC(LT) meeting.
F 2'
I S.V Power Pvt
' Ltd
i WA Renki
j Pali,Korba,
I 2x50 NIW7
T 2 x56 M \\I
I Chhattisg,arh .
lint'-e in its meeting held QV 29/01.3.110
BSC:QM:IMO:41.1015_,_ckf ttitcPATUL
The Committee was informed that the unit is operational and based on washery rejects l'he
Committee noted that a policy on utilization of washer), rejects and guideline for grant of lA L)r
so tar
CPPs/IPPs based on washery rejects which was envisaged earlier has not yet been firmed up
Keeping in view the above, the Committee decided that all cases of projects based on washery rejects,
including this case, may be deferred. CIL was requested to prepare a discussion paper for extending LoA tc
reject based power plants which will be examined and discussed further in the next SLC(LT) meeting
j Vandana Energy 1
j VIII. Dhanras, ' 205 MW
' Bubat,
& Steel (Pvt)
I Chorhatti,
Korba (CG)
2x35 MW -7 SECL - ---,
Recommndatjorss 0Etile_cOraatnillteltills meeting lied on 29/0112c11l
The Committer: was informed that the unit is operational and based on washer) rejects
The Committee noted that a policy or. utilization of washery rejects and guideline for grant cf LoA for
so far
CPPsZIPPs based on washery rejects which was envisaged earlier has not vet been firmed up
Keeping in view the above. the Committee decided that all cases of projects based on washery rejects.
ncluding this case, may he deferred. CIL was requested to prepare a discussion paper for extending L o A to
reject based power plants which will be examined and discussed further in the next SLC(LT) meeting
,. Corporair Power 1 Chitarpur,
J Distt. Latehar, I
Revised to
! Jharkhand
i 4s270 MW
itectrozendaticrps of the
j NCI.
I Revised to ,
4x2.10 MW
geirimiucc in its meeting held on 29/0 /2010
Committee was :nformed that all clearances are available and it is expected that two units of 27,a
Having regard to recommendation of MoP, the committee
MW , . come up during 11 Plan
authorizeo, ,ssuance of 1.o.A by CIL for the capacity of 540 MW (2x270 MWa in accordance with
pros isions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) sub;ect to the special milestones approved in
November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable :n respect of projects recommended in this meeting.
Remaining capacity was dropped
T-Tiroda, Disn. Gondia, 1 3x660 lvfW
Adam Power
Phase I
! Limited
800 MW tapering HO_ '!
Ric c 0 attEtcad atim_d_ths _cQUI4Ilittcr—Ln its n3cctin gjicjiLuaN 0 / 29j 0
Committee was informed that all clearances are available and it is expected that the last unit of
660 MW will also come up during 1 I" Plan. it was also informed that they have been allocated a coal
hi(ack f. r this project and therefore, LoA may he considered on tapering basis, The Committee was also
informed by CEA that in the meeting held or, 12 11/2008, it had authorized LoA for 1180 On normal
basis and 80:13,1W was covered from coal block allocated to them. Mi's. Adam have now formally
applied for "Tapering Linkage" and MoP has recommended tapering for last unit of 1060 MW.
recommendation of MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL on tapering
Has :rig rrytard
basis as per the extant policy for the capacity of /x660 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal
Distr.:him:1n Pditcy (NCDP) subject to the special milestones approved in November, 2008 meeting and
also ecnditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in this meeting,
"T-Coastal Energen
Pvt. Limited,
' •Futieorm, Tamilnadu
Rccgtaziscrid415 of the CifitAntittctitt
T 2x660MW
tteisLan (.911.301.0
Committee was :nforned that all clearances are available and it Is expected that both units of 660
MW strill come up during :
Plan. It was also informed that this is an imported coal based plant and
as per the guidelines: policyof MoP, they arc recommending only 30% of the capacity for blending with
imported coal Ministry or Power has recommended LoA for 2 units of 660 MW, however, the original
application submitted by the applicant is for 2x600 MW
Having regard to recommendation of
CFA/ MoP and keeping view the original application received from the applicant, the committee
authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 30,4 of 1200 MW i.e 360 MW ( Unit size of the
project is 2x6(41 MW) in accordance with provisions of Nev Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the
special milestones approved in November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects
recommended in this meeting.
Pate! Energy Limited (an SPV , !Shia nagar.
2.xti0e MW
lj!" Patel Eragmeertng Limited)
Ree9.1114K114.4.tiMs_. Q.( the Comorittee_iaitl ruestini. held oit 2940:112.010
Committee was informed that this project was recommended earlier by MoP and also included in
their letter of 28/1/2010 However, the construction is yet to start. To a specific query by the Committee
whether the entire capacity is likely to come up during II" Plan, CEA informed that out of two units
only one unit is likely to come during IF Plan and accordingly LoA for one unit may be considered. As
per the original application submitted by the developer the unit size was proposed to be 2x600 MW
whereas according to CE 1:
the and size has been revised to 2x500 MW. Having regard to
ircurnmendation of CEA.- MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of
1s500 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the special
rrdcstones approved
November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of proiects
re!.!cornmended in thls meeting. The remaining capacity was dropped and the developer may apply afresh on
achieving ct!na:n le,,r1 :4 preparedness in future in accordance with the truant procedure in this regard
2x660 NEW
Nagapantriare, 2xfsU MY
, Tamil Nadu
PEI. Power
Limited ( an SPV
of Patel
Regnamendaijons pf_thccomminee in its meeting held on 29/01/2010
Committee was informed that this project was recommended earlier by MoP and also included in
their letter of 28/1/2010. However, the construction is yet to man. To a specific query by the Committee
whether the entire capacity is likely to come up during 11' Plan, CEA informed that out of mu units
only one unit is likely to come during I l Plan and accordingly LoA for one unit may be ccnsidered, As
per the original application submitted by the developer the unit size was proposed to be 2x6,61.: MW
Having regard to
hereas according to CEA/NW, the unit size has been revised to 2x500 MW.
recommendation of CEA/MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CI:, for the capacity at
accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) subject to the speteal
1x5a..)0 MW
November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects
milestones approved
recommended in this
thi s meeting The remaining capacity was dropped and the developer may apply afresh on
achieving certain level af preparedness in future in accordance with the extant procedure .n this regard
DB Power Limited ' Hardi &
2x660 MW
2x660 MW
Deosar, Sidhi
II Pradesh
RePantn1024411.9111.e.ittfrecOinnaitt_ct in itunvting. (
Committee was informed that this project was recommended earlier by MoP and also included in
:he:r letter of 28 , 112010 However, the construction is yet to start To a specific query b, the Committee
whether the entire capacity is likely to come up during 11 Plan, CEA informed that out of two unas
only one unit is likely to come during II"' Plan and accordingly LoA for one unit may be considered
Having regard to recommendation of CEAelvtoP, the committee auehonzed issuance if LoA ;ay CE. jar
the capacity of lxn60 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy! (NCDP).seblect
to the special milestones approved in November, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect ot
projects recommended in this meeting The remaining capacity was dropped and the tievelopc, may apply
afresh en achieving certain level of preparedness in future in accordance with the extant procedure 111 this
j 35. ; lnd-Barath Power ; tvlanappad,
(Madras) Limited
of Mas.
I Ltd.
2x660 MW
2x660 MW SCCI.,
Recommendations of jjjç .COMMitter in its meeting held on 29/01/2011)
Committee was informed that this project was recommended carter by MoP and also ineladerl 171
their letter of 28' 1/2010. However, the construction is yet to start. To a specific query by the Committee
whether the entire capacity is likely to come up during II' Plan, CEA informed that out of two units
only one unit is likely to come during I Plan and accordingly LoA for one unit of ixebe MW may len
considered. Having regard to recommendation of CEA/MoP and being a coastal plant, the committee
authorized issuance of ELIA by CIL for the capacity of 70% of 660 MW :.c 462 MW ( unit is l660 MW
In accordance wah provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NC:DP; subject to the special milestones
approved in Novernlacr, 2008 meeting and also conditions applicable in respect of projects recommended in
The remaining capacity was dropped and the developer may apply afresh on achieving
this meeting
'certain level of preparedness in future in accordance with the extant procedure in this regard
36, Bajaj
Committee noted that the applicant has made 10 separate .applicattons for setting up IPPs of
MW at 10 different locations in Uttar Pradesh Subsequently. they have informed that fur achieving
Istieer efficiency, the capacity has been revised to 2x45 MW instead of 10+80 MW applied earlier
informed that CEA has not been recommending projects with capacity of :css than 250 MW in case of
IPP. as they will lead to higher fuel consumption However, having regard to their preparedness and
plan at five locations, they have recommended LOA for 5 locations Considering
commissioning within
the fact that they have not been recommending similarly placed cases, MOP was requested to re-examine all
such cases and make recommendations. Therefore, these cases were deferred.
Power Plants (CPPsi_forlon_g-Ak_
ITEM NO.3: Consideration of appljcations of
that Ministry of Power vide their letter No.FU.7/2008-IPC dated
The Committee noted
1.2C111 has made revised recommendations in respect of CPPs and therefore, the Committee decided that
the cases of CPPs would be taken up for consideration as per the recommendations contained in their letter of
2is .fanuarse 2010
Remit N. 4 : cre. of Malt rashtra Airport Dtyclopment corporation (M,,A,D_C)
that Ministry of Power vide their letter No hl.;-7 ,'200I.I.PC dated
Tic C:'"'71iiCet! nested
: 2010 has made revised recitrimendation in respect ()Ethos case and has been dealt in Serial No 12 of
item of CH's
The SI C (Li) noted that the recommendation of MOP relating to grant of additional coal linkage
for 3o MW capacity of Nils. BPI_ Power Projects (AP) Private Limited, due to enhancement of capacity
from 520 MW to 600 MW, has been approved by the Competent Authority subject to ratification by
The representative of SCCL informed that Commitment Guarantee has not been submitted by
the pro cot developer so far for the approved capacity (520+80 MW) and they have sought extension of time
upto 31' March, 20 le for submitting the CO. He informed that SCCL does not have any objection in
extending the date. Keeping in view the observation of SCCL, the Committee decided that extension of
time for submitting CO may be granted for a period of one month from the date of issue of minutes oi
SI ciryt meeting held tin 29' Januarse2010 in this case.
MEETING ITELD t.)N 29'" 14ntiarv,2010
Item No. I.
Shifting of source-of supply for Unit 9 and 10 of M/s Hindalco Industries Limited
SLC(1.1";. was informed that as per the Linkage order No 47012/2/2003.CPD dated 7"
the SI.C(L.T) had considered longOcther:2002. And order No 2321'62004-CPD dated
term coal linkage for unit Cr & 10 haying capacity of 2x80 MW of Renusagar Power Division of M
40 MW Co generation plant at Renukoct. would he shifted to NCL once the
Hindaleo and
Krishnashila protect of NCL comes up. •Fhe Committee desired to know the views of CCL and NCL on
Since the
of um: 9 & 10 and also co generation too from CCL to NCL.
shifting of linkage
representative of CC1, & NCL conveyed their no objection for the tiransfee the Committee approved
transfer of sourer from CO.. to NCL for these three plants 1 Unit 9 & ICI of RED and co. generation
plant at Kenukoistl However, it was noted that the general terms and ccnditions already conveyed to
CIL; NCL for shitting of source for Unit 1 to 8 of Renusagar Power Division from Jhirtgurda mines to
Krishoash:la mines would also, ipso facto, be applicable in this case
Item NO.2.
Additional cases recommended by MOP for consideration by SLC(LT)
Committer noted that Ministry of Power vide then letter Ni' FII-7:2008-TPC dated 28 1 2010
has made revised recce:emendations in respect of SI No 1 to 5 &
These cases have been dealt
2 (a)
accordingly .while considering the cases of 1PPs. However, as MoP has not recommended the case of
M.'s DB Power (Madhya Pradesh, Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh), capacity of 2x6-60 was dropped
Committee noted that Ministry of Power vide their letter No.F1J-712008-1PC dated 28.1 20IU
2 (b)
has made revised recommendations in respect of I to 7. These cases have been dealt accordingly while
considering the cases of IFFsfCPPS. However, as MoP has not recommended the case of M's Ispat
Energy Limited i:2th)tg) of 25(! MW capacity, the case was dropped
Represertative of MoP informed that mute of these six protects are corning up during 1
2 (c)
and therefore, they have not made any recommendation Accordingly, the Committee decided these eases
may be taken for consideration in future based on recommendation of MoP and other relevant factors:
Tapering linkage for Banner Power Project, Bbadresh, Harmer of M/s Raj West
Item No. 3
Power Ltd, Rajasthan.
that Ministry of Power vide their letter No.PC-7/2008-1PC dazed
1 he Committee noted
2g 1.2010 has made revised recommendation in respect of this case and has been dealt in item. No 2 tS!
NO :5) of IPPs
Item NoA.
Request for apering linkage
The Committee noted that Ministry of Power vide their letter tin Fl_:-7."200S-IPC dated 28 : 20IC
has made revised recommendation in respect of request received from Me;ia TPS of DVC. which has been
discussed in the minutes separately. In respect of other cases no specific recommendation of MiiP was given
and therefore, the Committee, decided to defer these casts
Item S. Ratification of transfer of coal linkage / LOA.
The Committee noted that SLC(LT) in its meeting held on 6 !I 2007 recommended issuance of
LOA in favour of Mss Llyods Steel Industries Ltd, Bhugaon, Wardha, Maharashtra for setting up a CPP
of 2 x 40 MW. The LOA was issued in favour of M/s Llyods Steel Industries Ltd. The applicant informed
Ministry of Coal that a SP/ in the name of Mis Indrant Infrastructure Pvt Ltd has beer. formed to set
up 2x40 MW CPP and requested for transfer of I.0A in favour of the S1'V as the relationship between
Lloyds Steel Industries Limited and Indrant Infrastructure Pvt. continues to that of CPP. The request
was examined and approved by the Competent Authority and subject to ratification by $1..C(LT)
SLC(LT) ratified the decision.
Transfer of LOA for 1 x 77 MW of OPG Power Generation P. Ltd
I he Committer noted that SLC(LT) in its meeting held on 6 1 1 2007 approved issuance of l 0 A
tor 3 x 77 MW CPP of Nt's OPG Power Generation P Ltd. Out of three ones, two units of 77 MW were
idthoirzed LOA from MCL. CTL and one unit was authorized LOA from SCCL. The applicant requested
for transfer of their LOA for their 3" unit from SCCL to MCL/C1L, The request was examined and
approved by the Competent Authority, subject to ratification by SLC(LT) SI.C(LT) ratified the decision.
Recommendations of MOP for rescheduling of commissioning of some power projects from
12th Plan to I
Representative if Ministry of Power informed all the seven cases indicated in then letter el
Plan itself and therefore, the earlier decision of SI...C(1.T) of 12 /11/2.Cieg to
4.'2/2009 are coming up in I
shift these projects to 2" Plan along with consequential implications After discussions, the Commatre
plan projects The concerned coal companies :o
agreed to the request of considering these projects as I
(teeordingly take further necessary action, if required, for issue of LoA or Signing of FSA etc as the case
may be. Further: the Committee was apprised by CEA that Manhon Right Bank TPS is now being
considered as "Common Wealth Game Project". The concerned coal companies to accordingly take further
necessary acme for issue of LoA or Signing of FSA as per the provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy
The Committee also noted that a large number of projects have been extended linkage./LoA and
some of them have already entered into FSA during I I' Plan Hence in order to ha'e coMptehensive
view of total capacity available ler l'' Plan covered by linkage/ 1.°A as also for /2"' Plan to the extent
all such projects now being
aiready covered hs linkaget'LoA, MoP should furnish a consolidated list
finally considered as I l'" Plan or :2' Plan
Item 8. Revised Norms for Power Sector
the Committee noted that the New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) of 18.10.2007 provides that
with a view to encourage efficient use of coal, the existing norms may have to be re-visited. A Committee
ander the Chairmanship of SS(Coal) was constituted, which held various meetings. Based on the
discussions held in those meetings, MOP was requested to send their revised recommendations ott"norms"
in the meanwhile CEA has made certain allocations for working out Annual
for Power Sector
Cortracied Quantity (ACQ} for existing TPPs After discussions it was decided that in respect of those
in operation as on I 4 2009 and where ACQs have already been
thermal power plants alrcads
recommended by CT A, the said ACQ wail be considered as deemed "normative reqihrernent" till such.
It was also decided that the issue of revision of norms may be
tone the revised norms are finalized
generation plants,
finalized expeditiously. While finalizing norms issues concerning norms for
biomass plants. Waste i teat Recovery Project etc. may also be considered
Item 9. Requests for seeking Extension of time for Submission of Conunitment Guarantee (CG)
The Committee was informed that there are a number of cases where the Commitment
Guarantee (CC) has not been furnished either within the due date or not furnished at all by some
iipplicants from power sector, who were authorized LOA by SLC(LT) in the past or where required to
(1W1 CG for conversion of their linkage into LC/1/4 or old LoA (without CO into new LOA). In some
cases, requests have been leCtier'ed to condone the delay in furnishing CO As CG is required as a pre
conditions for issuance of LoA under NCDP and is also authorized in the case of conversion of existing
Linkage into LoA, a stew is required to be taken be taken on modalities to be adopted for dealing with
such requests CIL 'reformed details of some such cases. After discussions. the Committee decided that
as the procedure for seeking CO was introduced only in 200' and now that the system is stabilizing
Il may be authorized tt gram time ttl' one month for submitting Commitment Guarantee from the
date of issue •or net:ce by CIL on its websee, to the existing LaA recommendees of power sector
er 2:;r07. abet
:TIC hiding Carel Power Plants. authorized for issuance of LoA by SLCt 71 since Octob
Irtru,ductIL.r. of NCDP. who have not furnished CC so far. If such I.o.h rescommendees who
tzieeou CO within the extended time, the re'aramendanon of SL.Ctl. I I for granting LoA
automatically withdrawn without any further notice to them. A list of such cases would be put up by
:lin to SI.C(I.T) rri its next meeting for information. It was however, clarified that such extension of time
for submission of CO for conversion of o:d LoAs into new LoAs would not in any way extend the
validity oaf the t:”- igtna! LoA beyond the stipulated time
Item No.10 & 1 :
Non fulfillment of valid milestones by the LoA holders & Cancellation of
authorization of LoA for non fulfillment of milestones
'lite Committee , informed that some LoA holders have either not been able to furnish the
required and valid milestones or submitted part milestones within the stipulated validity of LoAs. After
11 , the Committee decided that a separate meeting of the committee may be convened during
March,2010 for considering the status of each case where I.oAs have already been issued Meanwhile,
CIUSCCL was requested is prepare detailed status of each case and furnish the same to Ministry of Coal
urgently so that the Committee can be apprised
Item No. 12. Failure to submit the land documents in stipulated time frame.
During the SLC(LT) meeting held on 12.11.2-008 TPPS/IPPs were authorized issuance of LoA
as fitiurIt'.. protects of 11 ' Plan and were required to meet specific milestones. CIL has informed that
following projects developers have failed to submit the relevant land (documents in terms of minutes of
SLC(LT) meeting held on 12 11.2008 and subsequent review meeting held on 5_2_2009 to CEA within
the stipulated time period:
1 S No. ! Name of the Project
I Capacity aPPrOved---,
, Project Developer
12x195 MW
560 MW ---
Muzatfarpur IPS
, Pi of NTPC and TNEII
ii) i Vallut TPS
tit) . Anpara - 17) t:nit-1.1
v) North Chenna: IPS StageII
500 MW
' TY) 51'N
CIL could not issue LoA in such cases. these pro i ect developers have requested to condone
the delay in submzing the details of land documents and consider their cases for issue of LoA Alei
discussion. the Committee authorized acceptance of these document if found valid and Juts tIsrwarded
by CEA to CIL and also authorized issuance of LoA as per the provisions of NCDP. The case of
Muz.allarpurrItem No I, SI. No. 11), Vallur (Item No. 1, SI No. 10) and North Chennai (Item No. 1. Si
No 2) have also been discussed in the minutes separately in item No. !
Item No.13.
Pending applications from consumers of Power Sector.
Committee was informed that as on 30`" November 2009, more than 670 applications have
been received seeking LoA for setting up Power Uttlines/CPPs/IPPs and have been forwarded to
Ministry of Power for comments,' recommendations. The Committee noted the same
Request of M/s. Mahagenco Limited for Break-up of 2 MTPA of coal on tapering
Item No.19.
basis and condensation of delay in submission of CG.
14(a) The Committee was informed that SLC(LT) in its meeting held on 2.8.2007 approved grant 01`
LOA on - tapering" basis for 6 power plants of Mahagenco to the tune of maximum 2 Mtpa, Scan
01... keeping in view the actual requirement/shortfall from captive mines. M/s. Mahagenco has now
two of its power plants as per following
requested for approval of breakup of 2 0 mtpa for only
1 o Impa for Parli-8. 'FPS 250 MW from 2011.12 to 20I5-20Iti,)
I mtpa Or Bhusawalts
r 250 MW From 2011-12 to 2015 20:61
The mpresentauvr o! WC!_ informed the committee that for the purpose of ;nue of LoA. they
would like to have the breakup of 2 million tonnes per annum approved by the Committee After
discussion the Committee agreed to the request of Mahagenco and at:chi-311nd WC1. to issue 1.0A
accordingly as per the provisions of NCVP and as per the terms and conditions approved by the
SI.C(LT) in its meeting held on 2 6.2007 in respect of this case. The tapering linkage would. however. be
regulated as per extant policy/guidelines of tapering linkage.
14(b) The Committee noted that a decision to give one month extension of time for submitting of
Commitment Guarantee has been taken by the Committer to Item No 9 of the agenda and therefore,
this case would also be covered under the said decision.
item No. 15
Supply of coal to CPPs to the extent utilized for generation of electricity meant for
captive consumption only.
This issue was discussed in the meeting of SLC(LT) held on 5 8.21108.
Keeping in view the
discussions already held in the matter. it was decided that the matter may nut be pursued further
Item No. 16
Requests for reduction in capacity authorized by S1.C(LT)
The Committee was informed coat requests have been received from some of the
de ,r1cpers to: reduction in capacity, as a result of change in overall capacity/configuration of the units.
It was also rimed that some of these cases are not getting covered in terms of Ministry of Coal's guidelines
No 23011 /47.-21J0 _cpu dated 1.7.2009. After discussions, the Committee decided the following procedure
wsiuld be adopted for acceptance of such requests for reduction in capacity authorized by SLOTT), if no;
covered under those guidelines'
number of units for -which lioA has
Reduction in totui capacity or unit size or reduction
been authorized will be permitted, provided they have made a request in writing to coal
of Coal within the stipulated validity period of LoA, This permission will
for the said capacity/ unit size
and no further request
one time permission
revisiora/reductionienhancement would be permitted during the validity of the LoA
The coal quantity would be worked cut by CIL/SCCL on the basis of revised reduced capacity
and unit size and would he governed by the existing norms applicable for the revised reduced
capacity and unit size and subject to fulfillment of milestones, RSA for the approved revised
reduced quantity would be concluded by the concerned coal company
The reduction in total capacity or unit size will be permissible subject to pro-rata enforcement
of Bank Guarantee and In default of approved reduced capacity, enforcement of full Bank
Guarantee for the remaining amount as applicable under Ministry of Coal guidelines No.
MoC website.
on available on
23011. -17/2009-CPD dated 1,7,2009
The approved revised capac::y or unit size would he comidered kir milestones purposes
Item NO. 17. Enhancement in Capacity authorized by Si C(LT)
The Comminee was informed that requests have been received from some of the following project
deselopers for enhancement in capacity , as a result of change in overall capacity/configuration of the
units. It was also noted that some of these cases are not getting covered in terms of Ministry of Coal's
guidelines No. 2301! -'47-'2009-CPD dated 1 7 2009
Mee discussions, the Committee decided the following procedure would be adopted for
consideration or such requests for enhancement in caPacity authorized by SLC(LI):In case of project being considered as 11' Plan project and recommended by MoP for
enhancement, the enhancement
upto 20% of unit size would be permitted subject to
condition that no additional coal would be considered on account of such enhancement
Further the project will have to meet the milestones including special milestones, if any, as
applicable with reference to original LoA. This permission will he one time permission and no
further request
for the said
for revision/reduction/enhancement w-ould be permitted
capacit:. unit size during the validity of the LoA.
In case of any requirement for additional coal due to enhancement of unit size or capacity,
fresh application will have to be made as per the extant procedure which shall be considered by
the SL.C(1,'F;; based on recommendation of Ministry of Power.
The approved revised enhanced capacity or enhanced unit size would be considered for
milestones purposes.
The Committee conk up the cases for grant of LoA to the Captive Power Plants; which were
deferred in the last meeting held on 12/11/2008. Representative of MoP informed that during the last
Ministry of Power now vide their letter dated 28'
meeting they had recommended some cases,
tanuary,2010, based on the commissioning status, preparedness of the project etc. , have revised their
recommendations It was also informed that the revised recommendations have been made by them based on
status of their operation/construction.,orders for equipment placed etc. Before raking up the cases. the
C.:!renintee was informed that the following criteria has been adopted while recommending these casesi)
for coastal plants, only 70% of total capacity has been considered for grant of LoA as was
decided in the last meeting of SLC(LT) held in November 2008
in respect of coastal pants already commtssionedibeing commissioned based on imported coal
Plan, only 30% of total capacity has been considered for grant of LoA
during I
in respect of Bio Mass plants, only. 15% of capacity has been considered for grant of teA
in respect of reject' based CPPs, they have recommended only 22% of capacity for gran: of LoA
in respect of co-generation CPPs, while CEA/MoP have recommended full capacity of CrP,
CIL/SCCL may consider allocation of coal for the power generation portion only
noncompanies may approach CIL/SCCL for the coal required for
power! process etc as per the provisions of NCDP
Projects where Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) capacity has been indicated. CEA has
wherever it is noticed that at a later date the
recommicnded only A PBC Boiler Capacity corresponding t Power Generation.
proicct is "coastal in nature" and the
recommendation has not been made as such, condition at (i) above would also be made
applicable retrospectively with the approval of the Competent Authority.
It was .decided to take up cases as per the revised recommendations made by MoP instead of their
earlier recommendations. The recommendations of MoP were taken up by the Committee in each case and
the recommendations attic Committee are given below,■
S.No Name of the Unit
Flectrosteel Integrated Block Chandan Keary, 2x50 MW
(revised to
P.O. Bat Binor, Bokaro
! Limited
Dist; Markham! State ; 2x60 MW as
per CEA)
Capacity considered
2x.. = 120 MW
econsincodaions of the Committee in its meeting held on 29/01/20IQ
Committee was informed that the unit is already in operation Having regard to recommendation
CEA/MOP, the committee authorised issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 120 MW ( 2xbt) MW
each) ;n accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP).
Bhasban Power and
Steel Limited
Vill. 'Thelkoloi Teh. 2x130 MW F MCL
Sarnhalpur Orissa.
x130= 260 MW
Recommendations of thr—Cgcmuitucisa_klaWtrillabrid 00 29 /Q1 nO 1 Q
Committee was informed that the unit is likeiy to be commissioned during 1 V Plan Further the
company had been allocated coal Block. Having regard to recommendation of CEA "Mo P, the committee
2x130 MW) to
authorized issuance of LoA by CIL on tapering basis for the capacity of 260IvIW
accordance with provisions of New Coal Orstribution Policy (NCDpl.
2x150= 300 MW
2x150 MW
3. 1 Ind Barash
(Group Caprivei
Power( Karwar
Karwar TQ. Uttara
Ree_ommetidations_ of the Committee in its meth= heldvg 29p01Lza115
Committee was informed that the developer has made all the preparations.The project is likely
to come up during the !I'' Plan period and will run on imported coal. Having regard to tecommendat:on
CEA , MoP, the committee authonzed issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 30% ot. 30i1 MW i
MW capacity of units arc 2x150 MW each) in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy
t Ind Barash Power
Ocricom Limited
Kcla Velayadapuram, 1 3x63 MW
Pandiapursm ;
1 Panchayat Ortapidaram
1 IQ
3x63 l'srt W
(Group Captive)
1 Tamilnadu
Recommendatitas _ofj.tae coinaducc. ia.,titunceting held on 29/01/2010
Committee was informed that the project is likely to come up during the 11° Plan period and will
run on imported coal, Having regard to recommendation of CEA/MoP, the committee authorized issuance
of LiDA by CIL for the capacity of 30% of 189 MW i.e. 56.70 MW (capacity of units are 3x63 MW each)
in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP)
330 MW
Toranak,a ifu,— Bel, Tx300 M'W r— MCI
R ec_ommtnstattons of the cynur it ter _in .it mectingte1d DO 291111 /2t110
Corm/in:et: -.sac 1r:torn: -I that the project is likely to come up during : l'' Plan Toenod.
regard to recommendation of CEA iMoP, the committee authorized issuance of 1.oA by CIL for the
capacity of 31)-1., of 300 MW : c 90 M W ( capacity of unit is 1x300 MW) in accordance with provisions of
NeW Cita! Distribution Policy (NCDP)
! 5
r J5W Steel Limited
Jindal Stec: & Power
Angui, Orissa.
1080 MW
4x135 =540 MW
Now revised
Recommmdations of the Committee
meetinglield on 29/0) /2010
Crmrrunite was informed that the project is likely to come up during 11th Plan period Further, the
kompany had been allocated coal Block CEA has informed that out of 540 MW recommended :t.X.1 MW
can be sustained from the middlings generated from steel plant
Having regard to recommendation of
CIA, MoP the committee authorized issuance of 1 or\ by CIL for the capacity of 540 MW ( 440 MW
long term and 11)0 MW Tapering) (capacity of the unit size is 4x135MW each) in accordance with
you;. it of New Coal 'Distribution Policy (NCDP)
rannex Power of
Tanitex Power
Generation Limited
Kutianchavadi Road,
2x55 MW
CO. Gen
2x55---- 111 MW
Co Gen.
Tamil Nadu- 607103
litemincnci3tign.5 ofe Cmmittee inits rasetiraltid on 29/0lt/01O
Committee was informed that the project has already commissioned. Having regard to
recommendation of CEA.' MoP and being a coastal plant, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL.
for the eapacit of 70c.;, of :10 MW Ic. 77 MW ( capacity of unit ix 2x55 MW) tn accordance with
piovisicns of New Ci-,a1 E:iistnhution Policy (NCDP).
UPG Power Gujarat
Vv! 1.1MI!CJ
Village; 2x135 Group
Kutch D1511 , Gujarat
2X 135
2 MW
- •
• Recommendations of the Committee in its attain kid 00.29/03 /2010
Committ.v was inf.: r-t-ric-id that the project is likely to come up during 11' Plan period and as per
the information available with CEA, the capacity of the unit is 2x150 MW
Having regard to
recommendation of CEA/ MoP and being a coastal plant, the committee authonzed issuance of LoA by CIL.
for the capacity ol 01% of 300 MW i.e. 210 MW ( capacity of unit are 2x150 MW) in accordance with
provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP)
Nagai Power Private
, Limited
. Okkur
, venkidanathangal
1 Village,
I Taluka
300 MW I MC1I...7 STC1,
2x150 MW
301.1 MW
(Group Captive;
{ Distt, Tamilnadu
Recommendations of the CompsigstkAsinestinthe.11 on 2?1_01L2.014
Committee was informed that the project is likely to come up during i r" Plan period Having
regard to recommendation of CEA/MoP and being a coastal plant, the committee authorized issuance of
LoA by CIL for the capacity of 70% of 300 MW i.c 210 MW ( capacity of units are 2x150 MW)
accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP)
Smelter I 2x80 MW
• Hindustan 'Line
I Complex,
Danba Mines, Daubs,
Relmagra, Rajsamand,
2x82 MW = 160
list QuzLo! atiLi Csipuniticc_ialla_mrstios-hcbi oa291.11E010
Committee was informed that the project is likely to come up during 11' Plan period
regard to recommendation of CEA , MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the
capacity of 160 MW (capacity of the units are 2x80 MW) in accordance with provisions of New Coal
Distribution Policy (NCDP).
1 Aarti Steel
Distt, I
50 MW
50 MW
Cuttack, Orissa.
meetin,Lbeld_on 29/01 /201Q
Committee was informed that the project developer has applied for setting up 50MW CPP. CEA
has recommended that as the project is based on coal washery rejects. LoA for 22.4.. of 50 MW ie.
they could not confirm as to whether their
MW may be considered However, CEA intimated that
recommendation as to whether it is coal washery reject based is with reference to the application made to
Ministry of Coal CEA representative informed that the details may be verified on basis of applicatioc
received in Ministry of Coal - The applicant has informed in August,2;109 that he is planning to set up a
50 MW steam turbine generator and also enclosed a copy of the EPC agreement entered into between him
and Ms DE Power System Private L.:mated Banglore in February,2008, for setting up 50 MW CPP Having
regard to recommendation of CEA -"MoP and keeping in view the application, the committee authorized
issuance of LoA b!, C11, for the capacity of one unit of 50 MW in accordance with provisions of New
Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP)
Maharashtra Airport
; Special Economic Zone
at Nagpur,
Anthony; tti.RMADC) ! Maharashtra
200 MW
4X50 MW
now revised ;
to 4x61 50=
2.14, MW
Rceolninardatiom_ o(the Committee in its inertias held on Z9/01/ 2faQ
Committee noted that Ministry of Power vide their letter No. FLY-10/2006-1PC dated
22 10 2008, had it:ter-alibi., recommended that the application for grant of coal linkage to
4x50 MW) Mihan CPP of MADC located at Special Economic Zone, tiagpur,
200 MW
Maharashtra to be commissioned during 1115 Plan may be considered for issuance of LOA.
Capacity of the CPP has now been revised to 240 MW (4x60 MW). CEA informed that no
specific coal block has been allocated for this project Having regard to recommendation of CEA/ MoP, the
committer authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 24( MW( capacity of Links are 4x6L)
MW) in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP).
15 410= 25 MW
I Maharashtra State P.O.T— 25 MW
1 Sunflag Iron Si. Steel
Bhardara Road.
1 Co. Limited,
Reconimmiptiou of the Cimnaittee in its inikeettacheldog 29/91/2010
Committee was informed that the unit is under operation. Having regard to recommendation of
CFA/ MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 25 MW ( 15 MW + IC
MW each ) in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP)
1 Bhushan Power and
!- itel Limited
( I apering)
. Vill "Fhelkoloi Trhsil , ICK: ..AAL
Distr. I
100 MW
Sarnbalput, Orissa.
i. cs_ in. its.meeting held on 29/01/2010
Re_cwnioendations oftlas_c_ornn
Committee was informed that the unit is already in operation since May,2005. Further the company
had been allocated coal Bloc'... Having regard to recommendation of CEA.."MoP, the committee authorized
;ssuance of I.oA by Cll.. on tapering basis for the capacity of 100 MW in accordance with provisions of
Na Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP).
DCW Limited
r Ka;.pa tha m Village,
Tamil Nadu.
SCCL 1 7 '.-
2x25 MW
Co. Gen.
2x25---= 50 MW
Co Den
Recomxnendap,*4_ of the Conuntf-ttee_bAutarstinbcfd 03 29/01/2010
Committee was informed that the unit was synchronized in Apri1,2008 and 2"' Unit was
synchronized in Scptcmher,2008. Plant is stated ' to be running on imported coal. Having regard to
recommendation of CEA/MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of Melo
of 5C MW i e 15 MW ( capacity of units are 2x25 MW each) in accordance with provisions of New Coal
Distribution Policy (NCDP).
i 33+50 MW
1 Bhadalwadi:). MW
! Pa imdhwadi,
' Bhingwan,
Pune Solapur Highway,
Pune-41310:5 '
Recommenjdatioas of the ( omourtee In i ts meetWILKii_
il on 29/01/ 2010
(J.--rnrnittee was informed that the um: is already in operation Having regard to recommendation of
CEA. Moll' the co:milli:cc authorized issuance of LoA by Cf:, for the capacity of 30 MW in accordance
w it ii provisions , )f New C.c,a1 Distribution Policy lNCDP) and remaining capacity of 50 MW was deferred.
• "--i-0
Bli.fPower Limited
Unit Nadal-3:10r, P0
Balla:poi Paper Milk,
, Cbandrapur Mahrashtra
40 MW
Co Gcr,
40 MW
Co. Generation
i t_11/01/2010
Recommendations of the Committee kkumeLui
Committee was :nfdrmed that the unit is already in operation Having regard to recommendation of
CIA ,MoP, the commit-tee authorized issuance of LoA by Cll. for the capacity of 40 MA, in accordance
with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy cNCDP)
Adhunik Cement
, Limited
-_____—_____ .•_ ... _ .•••
L Tangskai, Mcxnang,
, 25
; NEC'
— 25
I Jamtia Hills,
..._ •.... .
_•••,.. • •••••••...--■4
Recommendations oflheComxritia
it* =Og& kid sm29"01/2910
Having regard to
Committee was informed that the project has been commissioned.
recommendation ot CIA -.• MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by Cll. for the capacity of 25
MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP).
, Visa Steel Limited
' Kahnga
Complex, now revised
I Jajpur K. Road, Orissa.
; 3x25 MW
75 MW
Nagar r 2x37.5 MW
Ree9mmendariM 21.1,ht_Cgraimittee in its meeting held on 29/01/2010
Committee was informed that the units of 2x25 MW has already been eumrmssioned and one unit
of 25 MW 15 Ii6:, to commissioned during IL ' Plan. Having regard to recommendation of CEA /MoP, me
committee authorized issuance of LeA by CIL for the capacity of 75 MW ( 3x25 MW each) in accordan(
with2rovislons Of New Coal Distribution Policy c•Nc,Dr.)
9 MW '
Usha Martin Limited . Phase V, Adayapur I 30,
1 Industrial Area, P.O. 1
39 MW
1 Garnharia ,
Saraikela. Kharsawan,
iv IA_ I
held on 29/01/2010
• a
II se 14
i ris o_
has already been commissioned Having regard to
Committee was informed that the project
recommendation of CFA/ MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 39
MW ( Capacity of the Units arc 1 x30MW and 1x9 MW) in accordance with provisions of New Coal
Distribution PolicviNCDP).
Action !spat & Power : Village Pandaripathar , [x21 4. 1x40 7
Don. I MW revised
1 & Marakuta,
11:” Limited
1x25 , lx36 =
61 MW
1 to 1x25 MW
and 1x36
1 Jharsuguda, Orissa
Kscomosndati ens of stm CopmitIcsitligiurstiottrisinalgaLLZOiO
Committee was informed that the unit of 25 MW has already been commissioned and one unit or
36 MW is likely to commissioned during I I° Plan. Having regard to recommendation of CEA ;McP. tile
(Capacity of the units
committer authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 61 MW
are 1x25 MW and ! x36 MW) in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP).
22. I Arasmeta Captive
Power Company
-7-Arasrneta,Distt. lanjgir -;
Champa, Chhattisgarh
1 Private Limited
Ettcomtnendarisms of .the CoxianpjAsilm jlinejqingl
43 MW
1x43 MW
) LO
Committee was informed that the orders have already been placed and the proect is likely to be
come up dunng I I ' Plan period. Having regard to recomMend.Thon of CEA .,MoP. the ccm.nitnc
authorized issuance of:1.°A by CIL for the capacity of 43 MW in accordance with provisions of New Cod;
Distribution Policy (NCDP).
Gujarat Flu no
Chern:cals :,:inited
1 12 ,1A. GIDC Datiej
Industrial Area, Dabej, )
lxl sMW
18 9 MW
(CO. Gener,:tiuW
, haruch, Gujarat.
...„...._ I
.. __
lite_MIMItt14-a dolls of the CPmniittoirdts_nacctine hdd on_Ziot /2010
Committee was informed that the project has already been commissioned. Having regard te
rrvc_immendat ion of CEA, MoP and being a coastal plant, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by Cll..
for the capacity of 700, of lb MW Lc. 12.6 MW ( capacity of the unit size is I x18 MW) in accordance with
provisions of New Coal Dismbution Policy (NCDP).
24 : 1CT Lmitcd
TGT Road Phagwara,
1 Distt.
Kapurthala, I
8 MW
! Punjab.
Co. Gen. _.,_.
Kes_e_umuidgions a thc_Contraittss laits tumid& held on 29/01/2010
..._ .
Committee was informed that the project has already commissioned
recommendation of CEA.' MoP, the committee authorized issuance of l_nA by C11. for
MW in accordance with previsions of New Coal Distribution POlicy (NCDP)
Having regard
the :-....apa.i.,ty
Co Gen
S (-vim
i Highwasi, Morosa Val ,
Nosa 1'et1,', Locrnicab,
I milted
! Ahmedabad
tun.: 1P1
01!2E1 1 p
tn. urnmen_dA kyr:: of the Cony-rat-tee bris meet:infielderra?L_
Having regard r.
Committee was intormed that the project has a:ready commissioned
Cb A• Mod', the i7.ommittee authorized Issuance of i.oA by CIL or the capacity of 7 5
MW in aocordance with provisions of New Coai Distribution Policy (NCDP)
Naha: Industrial
o n im
12 MW
Ambata, Chandigarh
Road Village Jalalpur
12 MW
Co Geri.
P 0 Dappar Near
I atm, :ism SAS
Nagar, Mohali, Punjab I
gt: the CgmgatiLe j it5. nicngiickl,,na 29/01 /;_taQ
Having regard to
Corr rn [tee was informed that the project has already' commissioned
reef inmendation of CEA 'MLA). the committee authorized issuance of 1..oA by CIL. for the eapaciiry si! 1:
M `kV in accordani:e with provisions of New Coal Distribution Polii:v (NCDP)
Mahal lndastrial
Emerpsiscs Lirmted
Road. Village Jalalpur
Dappar. Near
' Laltu,
5 MW
\ICJ! All,
R ecomEngiciat.;.nithcmrnit1juijn
iini ILOCLOEL4.9.4 1 /2,0 19
Having regard to
C.:nu:sitter- ass infotmed that the project has already commissioned
recommendation ob
Mod, the committer authorized issuance of 1.oA by CIL. fox the capacity of 5
3c:7Ln- dance 'Alth provisicins of New Coal Distribution Polio's cNCDP)
1 nd ;an
( :77:
34 5
(16 5 •
Cu. Gen
34.5 MW
C en
lisui1umertdAtion5 of thc Cvrnj1jee in 115 mccting hellinn 29/01 ngit3
Committee was :Mori:led teat the project has already commissioned. CEA had carter intimated
Novernber.21ICS that the plant was using 73)'0 lignite supplied by GMUC and 309' imported coal. Lignite
supplies has Peen restricted ho GMDC and the company now proposed to use mdigenoas coal
regard tic recommendation id CEA /vloP and being a coastal plant. the committee authonzed issuance of
■A Es(II fir the capacity of -"C"..,.; of 34 5 MW e 23.15 MW (capacity of the units are l65 MW and
MW) in lecardare wan vaosasions of New Coal Distribution Poles (NCDP)
LifiCi. ['cited
Sutrapada. F 26.2 MW
battik Veraval, Dtstt
Junagadh, Gujarat
Co. Gen
Ri 2 MW
Co Gen
CurnmistmIn its =stag held Qa19/01 /2.01.0
Ci:orprnittec was informed that the project has already been commissioned CEA had eall1C1
mornated in N. ;7! % m t , 2 90 8 that the plant was using lignite and imported coal Lignite supplies has been
festiicted by Gujarat Government and the company now proposed to ,-ISC indigenous coal Having regard to
recommendation t CEA 'MoP and being a coastal plant , the committee authorized issuance of LoA
the capacity or 709, ;it 26.,2 MW
.34 MW (the capacity is: the unit size IS 2h2MWt in
aidanee wrtn, proy:sions
nistnbum, Poiics (NCDP)
Orient Abrasives
! GIDC Industrial Area,
I.Purbander Gujarat
9 MW
Recommendations of thc con tee to its intetingirld on 29/01/2010
Committee was informed that the project has already been commissioned Having regard to
recommendation of CEA/MOP and being a coastal plant, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL
for the capacity of 70% of 9 MW lie. 63 MW (capacity of the unit size is 9MW) in accordanee win
provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP).
SIdharth Papers
5 -( 1 MW
Road I 5+ I -qr.' —7–
7 Moiadah7d
, CCI../
I2. N1W
.. Kashipur, Uttarakhand
__. 1_ __ _
Iteconunendatioris__of the_conamittee in its mrstios_bddly.29/01 /2919
Comminee was informed that the project has already been commissioned Having regard
ircommendation of LTA:N(0P and in view of the fact that the unit site of iecs than 5 MW is nu:
considered for linkage the committer considered the linkage for lx5 MW only accordingly authorized
ssiiance of LoA by Cll for the capacity of 1x5 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal
Distribution Policy (NCDP)
1, Vasundhara Steel &
LPower Limited
, Parag,hat,
I C;
Bilasput, I lx50 revised !
to 2x25
i eld_on 29/01/2010
Recommendations of theomaitittce in its mee
Cammittec was infonmed that the project is likely to be eummissiuned during the I I . Pt a 7. lias.inz
legalt:: to recommendation of CLA!!NtoP, the committee authorized issuance sit LoA by GIL 101 :r!
:: capacity ol unit are 2x25 MW) in accoidancc with provisions ,,! ssew Co,i1
eapacits of 50 MW
Distribution Policy (NCDP) s!Jbject to the condition that the procurement of main plant equipment will. be
!rum IndigerICIIS soutecs.
i Hindaieo Indus:nes
Limited, Birla Copper
I !Gujarat
Dart), 7
Bharuch, l
WC:. ---7-
25 N1W
;'.-if.cNniti\;a' lion!
(Cc (.
. its slIceting held on 29/01/2010
Keeommendatisms of the Comniatee_to
C_grimittec was informed that M/s. Hindalco Industries Limited is having three co. generation
CPP plants of :35 MW. 40 MW and nO MW ( with a total capacity of 135 MW) which is'a!ready in
operation. The company has sought LoA for 25 MW Capacity in, respect of 35 MW CPP already under
operation Having regard to the recornmendatton of CEIA/M0P, the Committee authorized issuance of LoA
by GIL as per the provisions of NCDP. for the capacity of 35 MW CPP for blending with imported ccal in
ratio of 25 IL MW
. _
Kaneshi. Stet::
Industries limited
Kai-id:gat PD :
I Gurnrrodipoondi Taiuk
• Thiruvallur
' Tarni!nadu.
Co Ger.
(_ c■
ResocruswAgion4.. of ,the comonjre in_lts_mectittg held on_29/0_11201V
Haying regard to
Committee was .nformed that the project IS already been commissioned
recommendation of C LA . MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CI. for the capacity of i 2
MW in 2.cocniance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP;
• 35
! The West Coast Paper , Bangur Nagar, North ,
I Mills Limited
1 Karnataka
44 MW
Co Gen
44 MW
Co, Geri
Recr_t_mmeridations of the Committee in its meeting held en,29/01 /2010
Committee was informed that tine company has an existing linkage for 30 11 MW CPP (15 5 MW) and thes have submitted application tor additional 44 MW capacity t 34 5 MW 9 5N13,V) Having
regard to recommendation of CEA/MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CH Cr the
capacity of 44 MW) two onas of 3459 5 MW) in accordance with provisions of New Coil; Disintiut!on
S.hri.••:- R.:•
cmincndtic.. ctth
Dungarpur. .
Co Generaton
L_ _
. •
Qmmjttce istitS_Mtttirtg hitld_Qp 29/01/201 l)
Ilasing regard to
Comtnittet• was informed that the project ts already been commissioned
rscommendae= i:f CEA !MA', the commrttee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of S
MW in accordance with,)1 New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP)
St3i Mtta:ICS and
P:),,s•or Prsato : irri:ted
•-•-• •
Near •
32 MW
32 M Vs'
' Karnataka
•- •
R r co nusarykdatims of Os Co.frignittre i1 its merlin& hgjd on 29/01/2010
Committer was informed Mat the project is likely to hr commissioned by March, 2010. ILI,: ing
rto.omrncndatac:n of CE.A.'MoP, the committee author:zed issuance of LoA by SCCL for the
cai'ac:ty of 32 MW ni. rdaco with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP).
Sutna r.ndustrit-.
Plot No
1. lrTtiCd
35 MW
35 *IVs'
Ah3C+ WI1R
Bo: or
eicprtirfirrall4thas of .;jit_conimttec,ialLumeging hs1, 4 on 29/41, /O ltJ
Fl acing regard to,
C.:sr:arm:tee wasir,f,:lt-rned that the pro,ect is ahead:. been commissioned
iceornmendattdr: of. CFAiMoP, the committee authorized issuarix of I oA by SCCI. Irp the capacity of 35
.r. as•cc-dan..-r„: ivirh prn.s isions of New Coal Distribution, Policy t.NCL)Pi.
3iectrL•1:hcr-ri Iincu
• NH-8A,
s30 M\
t,Co Gen)
Naka, Vdi Samakhyalt.
K utch.
Rccummrtidotions- øttthe corroOtrs iniss mgeting, held 9si 29/01/2010
Plan prod
Corrrmttt'e was int. irmed that thy project is likely to come up during I
regard to re:,- mrnendaoon
CFA MoP, being a coastal p:ant, the committee authorized issuance of Lo.A.
bs CII for tne capacity(ir
3f1 MW i o 21 MW (rapacir■ of the unit size :5 33 MW)
s' rb pris:S1:0;`, ii Nuw
Distribution Policy (NICDP)
Surv-a1akchmi Cotton
ReLonlynentjajioqs 01titt Co
5 SINV7 4-KM, Ramtek Taluk ,,
• Distt Nagpur
25 MW
Village, ;
ec tnjs M.CItiag.heid.g1129491'11111)
Committee was informed that the project is likely to come up by December,20:0 Having regard to
res'ommendatuin f•r CEA WE': he committee authorized issuance of LoA by CIL for the capacity of 25
MW (capacity o: tne unit is 2xI2 5 MW) in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy
Rungta NI:ncs I imitcd
Karriando. Near Kotra ,
2s1) MW
'sundergam Orissa
Ricturrimeridarions of thc cumniittvv in it3
meeting held on 29/01/"2010
riv,..=.51,'71,c;:: ••^, March2o:
is i.kciv I
c • r':...'rnm.Crtd,ilion .!! 1- A •
the committeeuthorized issuance k)f I ciA by CIL fir.. rho citpacity
171 accordarice s it provisvons or New Coal Distribution Pola2), (NCDP).
--:2.. , MW
Ile MW
Rungta \Lnes Limited- i Kamando, Near Koira.
Sundergarh Orissa
Rinnnunmdat ions uLt th:tr: sparaitlecia jam:stag held kn 2910/201Q
Committee W,114 informed that the project is likely to commissamed by tvlarch 2c1: i H,Ii...0i, rtT,ar:t
Fccemmt-nda-AtIn ;3; CEA: MP, the committee authorized issuance :if LoA by CIL kir the capacity
2,1M W :n accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Polies iNCDPI
I 13
Private Limited
SECT.— i 1-772.
1 2x25 MW
Durg. Ch.hamsgarh.
: Pushp Steels& Mining
-, 5ii ts•tW,
ikccomm.M.011igm nfOccntnnairteg in its meeting hcid on 29/(111301Q
Committee was informed that the project is likely to come up during 1 Ith Plan period
regard to recommendation of CEA/ MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by CH fur
in accordance with provisions of New Coal
"PacIlli' of 50 MW, capacity of the unit are 2x25 MW)
?Oil.:y (NCDP)
South Asian Petroehcrn
.7 MW
5 MW
MidnapurfEast). West
RecornmencLlitinns _s2f
CQ111131Littet inittsercting4K11,92,2901/ZOIQ
Committee was informed that the project is likely to commissioned by February
regard to recommendation of CEA,' MP and being a coastal plant, the committee authorized issuance
LoA by CIL for the caoue:ts of 70% of 7.5 MW i e. 5 25 unit size is 7 5 MW) ir accorddfiCe ssitn
Orstribulion Priocv {NCDP)
prdyisiiins cNc'.v
P:a1PUT- Thcisser and Steel Thhor No. 75-7n, Hera:
H asmaLLi
5 MW
6 MW
CC Jt-rwrat.. ,I
Durg. CG.
mnendation$ gfth,c,Cogunincs in its UKCItIkajWid gn 29 / 01 /
Committee was informed that the project is likely to he commissioned hs,
regard to recommendation of CEA: NtoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA b CIL In the
capacity of 6 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy 1NCDP1
Viral Steel & Energy
Sambalpur, Onssa
i2 MW
2 MW
Recominenthitions grjhe conunirtcsja,ituncetins_hgistmt 29/Q1/2010
Committee was informed that the project is likely to come up during It Plan period
regard to recommendation of CEA /MoP, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by Cll for the
capacity of :2 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP:.
Bndat Papers Limited
15 MW
15 MW
Cu Gene:at:en
, Muzaffamagar. VP.
Recornmenthitinns ALItlitcoaruzaittpcIn itummint held on 29/01/2010
Haying retard tnt
Committee was informed that the project is already been commissioned
Moll, the committee authorized issuance of LoA by C11. for the of In
recommendation of
MW in acciirdancii with provisions of New Coal Distribution Poiicy [Nt,-:rm
X14,1117.1% S:e7Pst Ti —Sathany a.
15 MW
15 MW
Recutrmlendations nf the CALmmittrc iØjD atm ing inicksin29 /1114.0 I
Cmrrimee as informed that the project is likely to he comm,ssioned by Novt.mocr,2');,!
allceatc,1 cc:al linkage 0125 MW and the plant capacity is being upgradcd :o 4C MW far efficient optratnin
and fin mooring Lnid demand of end use plant
Having regard to rceommr.thLition of CEA , NioP • :hc
autnorieed issuance of I.o.A by CII for the capacity of 15 MW additional) the capacity of the
um: is 4(7 MW) in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP)
K R Pulp and Paocis
12 MW
(Cal (.1enerritioni
2 5 MW
RceuMnacridattianis rat the Corninittrr in its nieetingtelton..29.101/1010
Committec was informed that the project is already been commissioned. The company nad
a;rhtd coal linkage for 14.5 MW ( s2.5 + I.x12 MW). As unit size of less than 5 MW s not considered
f..-r linkage, the committee considered the linkage for lx12 MW only Having regard to recommendation of
CPA. MoP. the committee authorized issuance of 1.0A by CII. for the capacity of 12 MW in lir.teeridance
• wen provisions ot New Coal Distribution Polley (NCDP)
200 nO MW
2x30 MW
Lisa' Power I muted
J Paradcep Orissa
don 29/0) /2010
Rs-commendations of the Committee injits m'
inf.:::-mcd that the project is likely to :commissioned by March 2011 Having regard
:o ie.:coon-nem:kit:on of ('FA :Mil' the riimmittue autnorized issuame of LeA hs CII for the capacity :if
urn: size is 2x30 1v1Wi in acc- ordance with provisions of New Coal
c 42 MW
ts•D MW
Abnishek Industries
Barnahs. Punjab
9.4 MW
I 94 MW
ftecommendation_ of tk.committerin jtlinectintt htli/
Committee ssas mho- tried that this is an existing co-generation plant using rice husk as a fuel The
company has lteri alltel coal for 2 units 0120 MW
and add:cional coal linkage kir 94 MW has been
sought. Having regard to recommendation of CFA:MoP, and being a Biomass plant. the committee
rotnorized issuance of 11A by CIL for the capacity of 9.4 MW I unit size :s 9 4 MW) in accordance
Ith provisions or New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP) However, coal allocation would be 151', of
m mauve requirement applicable fur Biomass plants of 94 MW as per extant instructions
I- Pt- took Sire's and
ioda. 1
15 M W
15 MW
I Alio% s united
. _
IteLomnicridations of the 'cm:mit-tee in its meeting
held on 29/01/1010
Cornmittec ,,as informed that the project is already been commissioned and recommended for
grant cli eA ter 42% of the full coal requirement for a 15MW set corresponding to the capacity of AE-'BC
Boiler of 301 PH Capiacitv Having regard to recommendation of CEA ' MoP, the committee author:zed
ti 3 MW funit size is 15 MW1 in
issuance of I ,A P CH for the capacity of 42'1 of 15 MW i a
0i:co-dance with pray.sions .4 New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP1
.A0,C1 Paper
I :r.-n!!cJ
II *ore
Road. I
IttarIf3to mass!
Reciimmeratlationsf the Commjetcrinitinteding_held .W12941/200
LI scl pnka5p )1 t
5 - I 5: %.10,
rig dcaricnta or I 5 \M. (.0111mille:; has Lor,,I.1:..R!J Coal Imk:Tc in 9.":" II 5 ,111 5155 u:n:
As unit sac 1 less than MW is net considered for linkage, the committee considered the linkage for
x.1.1 MW only
ilaving regard to recommendation of CEAJMuP, and being a 1:Wmass plant,
(-un-:miner- authorized issuance of LeA by CIL for the cap-acity of 8 MW in accordance with provisions
:1 New Coal Distribut...m Policy (NCDP). However,
coal allocation would he 15% of riormatise
requirerncat applicable fir Biomass pants of 8 MW as per extant instructions
ir I 5.1 i,
ILL 551150 [!I:L! ii, IS ar cx.,!Ine
r%7.nt Int
1 0 ■:;.11:1:r:: .11\1 5 , :55I1..1.0. Arc. I I 5 11,A sill. ( wnrany has ;^r Sit
I Action Ispa:
IIP) 1. irmied
Village Pandaripathar r
43M \V
43 MW
and Marakuta. Distt
harsuguda. Orissa
Restmtmeridajtiiaras of the cefmmittee jz ilbinc,Oingheld on 29/fn /2.0I0
Committee was informed that the project is likely-re come up during 11' Plan pen:5d
regard to recommendation of CFA 'Moll, the committee authorized issuance or LoA by Cll. tin- the
CArdc:ty to1 lx43 MW or accordance with provisions of New Coal Discributuri Poltcy iNCDP)
-•-• • ' -
Loam Galva Steel
' Khopoli. Maharashtra
K.scunsaguclittim_ .011hc Cc.mrnitqc....kwirlfaratioilf1191119/W 11019
Plan peziod
Committee was .nformed that the project is likely to come up during the I
by CH ic
regard tai recommendation of C
capacay of Oi MW ( 2a3l: MV cash) in accordancewith pros isions of New Cur, Pls;:ltwur,n
White hield PApt'.!
Mills Lorityd
, l'ilti
,n5; MW
Bayyavaram, lallapudi ,
Mandal, W G visit
Al'.- _
it-i-M,Kting.t104-Q1129-L-QII-22-1 Q
gct/inafe,m141.i905 . Qf 113,5 CA.11114RISC
Cornm:ttee was informed that the project is likely to he commissioned by December, r2s) 0 flay rug
regard to recommendation of CEA/MoP, the committee authortzed issuance 01 LA by CIL IC: the
capacity of 1i5 MW in accordance with provisions of New Coal Distributam Policy (NCDP)
30 MW
Rehla, Distt, Palamu, 1,
Aditva 9irla Chemicals
f nd.a) Limited (earlier
known as Bihar Caustic
& Chemicals outed
Reconuncadation5. 9f thccompliticpiu jt rncciin hcW2.0 29(.91 /2010
included in the Rierammendao in sem by M, !'
he Committee was informed that this case was
have 313: reoornmended this project 1i. thur
daling the last meeting held 011 I
the Committee is pier
fresh iecommer.dation ot 28' Januars,20III
the project during :
1E lAh IC' :he prc lc..-.
rhi rctore, 1 DA true. by ,:onsidered MoP recommended that if C. is of the clew that he
disi.-,asseinii the
flaying regard to
.:011-11: up. they may have no objecion tot recommending this case
commmet authorized issuance if IA by CIL Inc the capacity of 311 MW Ir. accordanzy with pros is:ons
New Coal 1),stribution Poitcy iNCDP;
floc ,:ascs , i 10i1owing CPI's were ;Deluded in the agenda of illa Niirin.77). .-if CO;:! .is these .aces
i' ', am
V,:,.:1<, defer!e,1 d L...r 41c, 1 hc. i 151 meeting of the SL.01 -11 held ..-)n :2 : : :2 ■.'•:ct; H, , cceyer, klinis:f:. ,l,t ....0
v. tick sending toe !-!-,. 01 rt.c.)ii:Int.7.ti,rx:n :11 respect of CPPs has not included these CH , In the i ,
hoornrnerdcid cast", 7 ne il accthilin.L, deuded to deter these cases
iij. apazits
Psi' e)ti-e,
! ilcal:(..,r.
S No
Name it the roots::
:dram hani Hills Site, 1 .3x31-1 MW 7 r
' T
4.1' MW
, -larrunta
I imited
lf itani Gll,a Stec!
I .netted
Mandal Kadpa Diszt i
Andhra Pradesh
,i-:: 7 .
-,,,, m 0,
.va '0 .5 ..-n,
and .0:;., NIA _.
... i V. ..i!..1r1,,,,t,■ , .
, Satarda.
faia Power Co Inured , Jagdalpur Bastar, Distt 1 4x 12C
, Chattisgarh
1 ,lharsuguda Orissa
2x35 MW
I I Ira Posse:and Sleyi
'-.,4 -ls."!- li■
__ _ t_
ic:lritt ed i _
,. L
limited 1 ,....7rmirls la,n
& Cherru.als
.1 tt aro Clais a Sleets
1 O:-15s1.
: i 151.) on C. ial
arind 60 basyc.
on ,,,,,, ste ,r,,, as.
l5, i M sk
C., Cen
NANli C)1'. 1111:. pAtzticipANTs wtio A 1 IENDLD i i it :yr'
Ti II S i 1N1)1N(, 1.1
AGN commyrrEE0,Q1\(i - 1} ;.RN/1)
Ministry of Coal
Shri A lok Pcrti, Additional Secretary(Coal) an.
Standing Linkage Committee(Long 'Fenn)
Shri 1Z.K. Mahajan, Joint Secretary(' .A )
Sh. /A.K. Jyotishi. Director(CPI))
Shri K.C. Sarnria, I)ireetor(CA-1)
Sh. G. Srinivasan, Under Seeretary(CPD)
Dutta, Section Officcr(CPI))
Ministry of Power
Sh. I.C.P. Keshari, Joint Secretary
Sh, Puncet K. Goel, Director
Central Electricity Authority
Puri. Chief Engineer
Sh. A.K. Mishra. Director
13hanot, Deputy Director
Sharal K Varshney, Dy. Director
Department of Shipping
Sh. R.S.
?19 inistry of Railways
Sh. P.R. Parhi, Director(TP)
Coal India Limited and. Coal Companies
Sh. D.C. Garg, CMD,WCI.,
Sh. R.K. Saha, CMD, CCL
.K. Singh. CMD, NCI.
Sh. A.K. Singh, CMD, CMPD1I.
Sh. S.C. Chakraharti CMD, ECI.
P Darhari, CGM(S&M),
Directoraech), Cll.
Dr. A.K. Sarkar, Director(Marketing), CIL
Sh. ILK. Vaidya, CGM(S&M-Opn). Marketing Di ,. :ion
Sh. Gautarn Dhar, CGM(CP)
Sh. T.K. Bhattacharjee, CGM(S&M)
Sh. P Darbari, CGM(S&M), NCL
Sh. A.C. Verma, CGM, CIL
Sh. K.S. Narayana, CGM(S&M), WCI,
Sh. MI. Gupta, GM,(S&M), New Delhi
Sh. V.K. Talwar, CSM,CIL, RSO, New Delhi
Sh. G.K. Vashishtha, Dy. CSM, CII., New Delhi
Sh. Sanjay Chawla, SE,CIL, New Delhi
Sh. Durga Vara Prasad, RO
34. Sh. N.K. MuHick, AGM(FM)
35, Sh. T.K. Chatterjce, ED(FM)