China Industrial Productivity (CIP) Database Set up, progress, challenges, and relations with the world KLEMS Harry X. Wu IER, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo RIETI/Hi-Stat International Workshop Tokyo, October 22, 2010 In this presentation… p About the CIP project Relations with the World KLEMS Connections with the previous work P Progress so far f Challenges g ahead The CIP Plan An IER/Hitotsubashi-RIETI joint research project. Th currentt round The d off the th project j t is i for f the th period i d 2010-12. 2010 12 It aims to construct conceptually standard and methodologically KLEMS-compatible p database that is eventually y open p to the public. At the same time, it engages world-wide researchers in policyoriented production function analysis on the post oriented, post-reform reform Chinese economy at industry level, as well as international comparisons. In particular: The role of government in resource reallocation compared with the market from a productivity perspective The productivity effect of different reform models, shock therapy versus gradualist Dynamic comparative advantage from a productivity perspective The CIP Plan… Features of the CIP database Period covered: 1980/85 1980/85-2010 2010 Industry classification: Based on CSIC2002 (ISIC v3, compatible) linked back to CSIC1972 compatible), CSIC1972, CSIC1985 and CSIC1994, fully reconcilable with the Chinese I/O tables Regional break down: rural vs urban (for the recent decade only) Legal form (ownership type) break down: state, domestic non-state and foreign-invested enterprises (for the recent decade only) The CIP Plan… Features of the CIP database Labor data: numbers employed; adjusted for national totals; converted for hours worked; and adjusted for quality lit change h b by llabor b compensation ti Capital data: alternative investment flows to official statistics; breakdown by structures (residential to be removed) and equipment; deflated by re-constructed industry-specific y p deflators; depreciated p by y alternative rates; adjusted for quality change by user costs Output data: GVO and GVA based on available national accounts and input-output tables; adjusted for inconsistency with industry accounts; deflated by industryspecific output and input (if possible) deflators The CIP and the World KLEMS The CIP project is conceptually and methodologically in line with the system of the world KLEMS Th results The lt off the th CIP are aimed i d tto b be a coherent h t part of the KLEMS International collaborations GGDC, aiming at setting up some regular joint program on both data and analytical y studies The productivity program of TCB China Center The NBS-TCB joint productivity program Together with JIP and KIP to develop links with other major Asian economies to enhance the work towards Asian KLEMS Links to myy previous p work featured by … 39 (grouped to 24) industries of the industrial sector (mining manufacturing and utilities as the sub (mining, subsectors) for the period 1949/52-2000/05 Covering only enterprises at/above the “designated designated size” (previously “township level), Leaving those below the “size” size and outside the regular “reporting-registration system” as a residual Adjusted j for CSIC1994-CSIC2002 ((no change g for the industrial sector) (Chart) Links to my previous work… Employment series, reconstructed and conceptually adjusted to international standards in numbers, b h hours, compensation, ti and d quality lit ((see the following table) Adj t d ffor structural Adjusted t t lb breaks k ((see th the ffollowing ll i chart) … in i parallel ll l tto a “tid “tidy version” i ” off th the NBS series i on numbers employed Links to my previous work… Industry capital stock is estimated with a novel approach that derives flows from the official stock data at historical costs costs, breaks down structures and equipment, constructs the initial stock, measures price change g and depreciation p The new investment flow-based stock estimates are made in parallel to those using the official investment statistics for comparison (see the following chart) However, official investment indicator is not based on the national accounts concept of fixed capital formation, FCF Estimated Net Capital Stock by Industry: Wu (K1/Blue) vs Official (K2/Red) (1985=100) 1 2 1600 1400 1200 3 4 3000 400 180 2500 350 160 2000 140 300 2000 5 2400 1600 120 1000 250 1500 100 800 1200 200 80 1000 600 150 500 400 0 200 86 88 90 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 98 00 02 04 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 6 98 00 02 04 20 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 7 600 98 00 02 04 0 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 8 2000 500 400 40 50 86 800 60 100 00 02 04 350 200 300 80 40 0 96 K1_LEVEL 98 00 02 04 0 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 11 98 00 02 04 02 04 02 04 02 04 02 04 50 0 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 12 98 00 02 04 0 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 1600 4000 1200 1400 3600 98 00 02 04 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 14 3200 1200 96 K1_LEVEL 13 1400 1000 00 100 100 400 94 98 K2_LEVEL 150 800 92 96 120 200 90 94 200 200 88 92 250 160 300 86 90 10 240 1200 0 88 K1_LEVEL 300 400 100 86 K2_LEVEL 9 400 1600 98 98 00 K2_LEVEL 15 1000 2000 800 1600 600 1200 400 800 200 400 2800 1000 800 2400 800 2000 600 600 400 1600 400 1200 200 200 800 0 0 400 86 88 90 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 98 00 02 04 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 16 98 00 02 04 0 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 17 4000 96 K1_LEVEL 98 00 02 04 0 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 18 600 1600 500 1400 400 1200 96 K1_LEVEL 98 00 02 04 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 19 98 00 K2_LEVEL 20 2000 1200 3600 2800 1000 1600 3200 800 1200 2400 300 1000 200 800 100 600 600 2000 800 1600 400 1200 400 200 800 0 400 86 88 90 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 98 00 02 04 400 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 21 98 00 02 04 0 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 K1_LEVEL 22 2400 96 98 00 02 04 0 86 88 90 K2_LEVEL 92 94 K1_LEVEL 23 200 500 160 400 120 300 80 200 40 100 0 0 96 98 00 02 04 K2_LEVEL 86 88 90 92 94 96 K1_LEVEL 98 24 16000 14000 2000 12000 1600 Different 10000 1200 8000 6000 800 400 Similar 4000 2000 0 86 88 90 92 94 K1_LEVEL 96 98 00 K2_LEVEL 02 04 86 88 90 92 94 K1_LEVEL 96 98 00 K2_LEVEL 02 04 0 86 88 90 92 94 K1_LEVEL 96 98 00 K2_LEVEL 02 04 86 88 90 92 94 K1_LEVEL 96 98 00 K2_LEVEL 02 04 00 K2_LEVEL Progress so far… Have revisited H i i d allll conceptuall and d classification l ifi i problems bl iin employment and investment in Chinese statistics Investigated g all sources of annual series and now moving g to all census-based data aiming to use all available information to fill data gaps and make the constructed data consistent Services have been the focus of the CIP so far in basic data construction A significant progress has been made in estimating industries of below size and outside the system (self employed) for the industrial sector A significant progress has been made in constructing national accounts-consistent GVO and GVA at nominal prices using the GGDC SUTRAS program Challenges g in the CIP… How to deal with the industry level data inconsistency with the national accounts? (see the following chart) Assuming gag growth along g the p past trend? Imposing fixed ratios from the most recent census? Or something else that is more coherent with the I/O tables? The national accounts are blown up… p 1.20 National industrial GDP & employment ! 1.00 ? 0.80 0.60 0.40 Socialist market economy 0.20 "Designated size" size introduced 2004 Census Ratio of "above-size" (value added) 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 0 00 0.00 Ratio of "above-size" (employment) Challenges g in the CIP… On the other hand, how to deal with the likely exaggeration of the national accounts in output? Stick to the national accounts or produce two alternative databases in parallel? See the follo following ing chart chart… Industrial output has been exaggerated? gg Challenges g in the CIP… Capital: serious inconsistencies between fixed fi d assett iinvestment t t (FAI) collected ll t d and d reported t d by b NDRC (the modern form of the old planning commission) that includes land transaction fees (the total FAI is about 20-30% higher than FCF, apparently adjusted by NBS) fixed capital formation (FCF) – national accounts concept, but there is still substantial mis-categorization mis categorization of inventory as fixed capital formation as admitted by NBS (implicit) actual increase in the capital stock at the industry l level l ((production d ti accounts t as iin accounting ti b book) k) Currently, for the industrial sector investment flows are Currently derived from the production accounts. If this is acceptable, p how about services? Challenges g in the CIP… Employment: p y serious inconsistency y between annual statistics collected through the regular reporting system and by the population census (and population annual sample surveys), which use different concepts of employment The regular system collects data mainly from the formal sector with stable employment that is monitored by the authorities, whereas the census and population sample surveys also cover employment from informal sectors, temporary workers, nonregistered self-employed An astonishing structural break in employment appeared in 1990 (see the growth rate in the chart) that could not be justifiable by fundamental forces in the economy The structural break in employment series 18.0 Annual % change 16 0 16.0 14.0 12.0 GDP 10.0 W ki age population Working l ti 8.0 NBS employment 6.0 4.0 20 2.0 200 08 200 05 200 02 199 99 199 96 199 93 199 90 198 87 198 84 198 81 197 78 0.0 A preliminary result for the aggregate economy after all adjustments. Implications? TFP gain or lost is likely due to policy regime shift shocks and growth in general is i investment d driven i Input Contribution to China's Annual Economic Growth (%) 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 TFP 2.0 Physical Capital 1.0 Human Capital p 0.0 Labor ‐1.0 ‐2.0 ‐3.0 ‐4.0 40 2002‐08 1992‐01 1985‐91 1978‐84 1972‐77 1966‐71 1958‐65 1952‐57 ‐5.0 Comments or ideas? Thank You!