Welcome to Media’s PSSA Parent Night

Welcome to
Media’s PSSA
Parent Night
Reading in 2007
March 12-23, 2007
Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 11
• Item-specific Scoring Guidelines
About the Assessment
Anchor Content Standards
Comprehension and Reading Skills
B . Interpretation and Analysis of Fiction
and Nonfiction
1.Components within or between texts
2. Literary Devices
3.Concepts and Organization of
Nonfiction Text
Grade 3
3 sessions
Approx. 50 - 60 minutes each
Sections 2, 4, & 6 (alternates w/Math)
Common Grade level passages
– 2 Stories
– 1 Poem
– 1 Informational
– 1 Biography OR 1 practical/how-to
• 58 Multiple-choice items
• 4 Open-ended items
• Students write ALL answers in test
Grades 4-8 & 11
3 sessions
Approx. 50 –60 minutes each
Sections 2, 4, & 6 (alternates w/Math)
Common Grade level passages (varies by
– Poem
– Informational
– Story
– Autobiography/Biography
– Practical/How-to/Advertisement
– Essay/Editorial
• 56 Multiple-choice items
• 6 Open-ended items
• Students write answers in answer booklet
How Are Responses Scored?
• Bubbled multiple-choice responses
scored by machine
– 1 point each
• Written open-ended responses scored
by hand
– Item specific scoring guide
– 3 points each
• Grade 3
– Students write in test booklets
• Grades 4 – 8 & 11
– Students write in answer booklets
Performance Level
• Detailed statements that describe
the knowledge and skills expected at
Advanced, Proficient, Basic, & Below
Basic levels
• PDE website @ Interpretation Aids
2006 – 2007
PSSA Testing Window
October 23 –
November 3, 2006
12th Grade Retest for
Math, Reading &
February 12 – 23,
5th, 8th, & 11th Grade
Writing Assessment
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,
8th, & 11th Grade
March 12 – 23, 2007
Math and Reading
April 23 – May 4,
4th, 8th, & 11th Grade
Science Field Test
2007 PSSA Math
2006/2007 and Beyond
• Criterion Referenced
• Based on the 2007 Assessment
• 5 Reporting Categories
Numbers and Operations
Data Analysis
2006/2007 and Beyond
• Student score comes from:
– 54 Multiple Choice questions
– 3 Open-Ended questions
• Students take:
– 66 MC at grades 3 - 8 and 11
– 5 Open-Ended
• Grade 3 will alternate subject areas
with Math coming first.
2006/2007 and Beyond
• Embedded Field Test
• Open-Ended items scored on a 0-4 scale
• Item-specific scoring guidelines but no
general rubric.
• Formula sheets will be provided for
grades 7, 8 and 11.
2006/2007 and Beyond
• Testing time is approximately 2.5 – 3 hours
for Math.
• Testing in Grades 3 - 8 and 11.
• Grade 4 test is more like the grade 5 test
than the grade 3 test.
• Can have a “blemish” and still get a score
of 4 on an OE item.
• “e.g. missing $” no longer included in
General Scoring Guidelines as an example
of a blemish.
2006/2007 and Beyond
• Grade 3:
– Format for Math is the same as the
other grades
– OE are now like the other grades
– May not use calculators
– Answers marked in test booklet
– Contractor is DRC, not CTB
2006/2007 and Beyond
• Grade 4 and up:
– calculators ARE permitted.
– Rulers will be provided at grades where
– Students must use the rulers provided
for the PSSA.
– Rulers scaled in inches
Anchor Cards
• 2007 Math and Reading Assessment Anchor
M11.D Algebraic Concepts
M11.D.2 Represent and/or analyze mathematical situations using numbers,
symbols, words, tables and/or graphs.
M11.D.2.1 Write, solve
and/or graph linear
equations and inequalities
using various methods.
M11.D.2.1.1 Solve compound inequalities and/or graph
their solution sets on a number line (may include absolute
value inequalities).
M11.D.2.1.2 Identify or graph functions, linear equations or
linear inequalities on a coordinate plane.
M11.D.2.1.3 Write and/or solve a linear equation (including
problem situations).
M11.D.2.1.4 Write and/or solve systems of equations using
graphing, substitution and/or elimination (limit to two
M11.D.2.1.5 Solve quadratic equations using factoring
(integers only – not including completing the square or the
Quadratic Formula).
What Can Parents Do To
Support Their Child?
• Make Sure your Child:
Gets a good night’s sleep
Eats a healthy breakfast
Arrives to school on time and RELAXED
Receives encouragement from you to
follow directions, read carefully, and do
their best!
Online Resources
• PSSA Parent Information
– www.PAgrow.com
• Pennsylvania Department of
Education (PDE)
– www.pde.state.pa.us/
• PA Standards Website
– www.pacode.com/secure/data/022/chap
This Presentation was downloaded from
the Pennsylvania Department of
Education Website
It was modified for the purpose of this
particular informational meeting.
– 3rd Grade Math Sampler
– 5th Grade Reading Sampler