U.S. DOD Form dod-secnavinst-7042-7j DEPARTMENT OF THE OF FICEOFT 1000 NAVY HE SE C!? ETARY I4AVYPEIITAGO1J WA. SHlt1GT014, D C .203501000 SECIS!AVIWST 7042.7J AAUSF! 5 November SECWAV From: sl]bj IiJSTRUCTIOIJ Secrecary : 7042.7J of GUIDELIWE5 the Wavy FOP. USE OF OFF:ICIA1, P.EPEESEWTATIOW DoD Directive 7250.13 of 2!3 Feb SECWAVIWST 7042.14?. DoD Joillt Travel Regulations DOD FMP., vol. 3, Chapzer 8 WAVSO P-3005 (ilOTAL) WAVCOMPT Manual, par. 046390 89 FUWDS (a) (b) (c) (Ci) (e) (f) Encl : (1) Listing of DoD Officidl.s Eligib].e for Official Courtesies on Official Visits to the Fielcl Cor Requesting Funds or Exceptions (~) Procedure Voucher anti E:tpense DocumelltaEion Sheet (3) Sample 1. Purpose per To implement a. ref2rence (a). clarify current Department Department of the of Wavy Defense (DOW) (OP.F) (WOTAL) Ref: To b. procedures 19’38 (DoD) policies policy ancl ~ c. To clel.egate authority d TO establish policy co e:<pend OP. F. on ckie e:.:e~cise of To provicis forms ant] procedures e. ancj clocumenting kheir e:<pencliture. for This instruction reviewecl in its revisec] 7. - Cancel.latiOn. has been encirecy. Substantially SECNAVIF!ST that authori~y. clistributi.ng func]s ancl shoulci be 7042.7H. 3. Background. Section 127 of Licle 10, United States COCle, authorizes rhe Secl:eca~-y of Defense ancl the Secl-etaries of the Military Departments to provict,e for dny emergency or e:+cra– When orc]inaxy e:~pense which cannot be ancicipazed or classifiecl. provicled in an appropriation, the funcls may be spent for purposes inducting cleterminecl to be proper by the Secretary concernecl, /: ‘o ,~.. DEPARTMENT ..???rl&, ,-(fx) I OFFICE OF THE NAVY OF THE SECRETARY 1000 NAVY j WASHINGTON, SECNAVINST 7fJ42.7J AAIJSN 27 Septem13er 1999 - I SECNAV INSTRUCTION From: Secretary Subj : GUIDELINES Encl : PENTAGON D.C. 20350.1000 (1) Revised 7042.7J of the FOR TRANSMITTAL OF OFFICIAL Remove page transmittal. REPRESENTATION FUNDS (ORF) 4 current dollar 1. PurDose . To provide gifts presented to non-DoD dignitaries. 2. Action. this change 1 Navy USE page CHANGE CH-1 4 and replace limitation with for enclosure official (1) of ‘7?JL_A k~ Richard Danzig 7 Distribution: (Same as basic) i ..— SECNAVINST 7042.7J 5 !ill’i 1999 hospicalities p~ovicled at 11OL specifically provided and official functions, for by other particular other expenses, appropriation~. 4 Definition. Fez- the purpose of this instruction, DoD personnel, unless specifically indicated to the contrary, includes all military members and civilian employees of the DoD of the U.S. military ancl the Coast Guarcl (USCG) , students reservists on active duty, members of the NatiO1lal colleges, all military ancl civilian retirees of che DoD not hoi.c]ing Guarcl, in the non– DoD community, ancl the a pOs it iOn Of prominence spouses of the foregoing categories. 5. Delegation of Authority a. DoD officials who receive funcling authocity from the Chief of l~!aval Operations (CNO) Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), or the Commanclant of the Marine Corps (CMC) are authorized to e:<tenc] official courtesies on beh+alf of the U.S. Government. These officials are called authorization holders ancl they may ElOw– redelegate their authority to suk-authorization holclers. e:tcept for ciepartmental offices of the SECNAV, CNO, and ever, or sub–authorizati ons will be granteci only to CMC , authorizations military heacls of activities and commands uncler the ]uzisdiccion or aclrniniscracive control of the DON and will not be subauchorized within an activity or command. t> . The Assistant for AclminisCration, Office of the Under policy Secretary of the Navy (AA.USN), CNO, and CMC are delegated e:iception authority for the use c]f OP.F for chose activities uncier their respective ORF sub-programs as provided in paragraphs 6ci(E) The CNO and CMC may only Leclelegate this authority co ancl (1.0) the Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) ancl Assistant Conunanclanc of the Marine Corps (.ACMC) respect i.~ely. Policy. In the DOi,l,ORF is co be usect only LO maintain 6. the This inclucles the standing ancl prestige of the United States. hosting of official functions and the presentation of command mementos. The scope of functions, including the size, cost and number of guests invitecl, should be held LO a minimum and The authorization or sub– commensurate with the occasion. authorization holder will personally approve each function and be helcl accountable for the propriety of each expencliture. Within the DON, invitations co foreign clignitari. es to visit the U.S. at the e:.:pense of DoD shall. be extended only by the SE CNAV, CNO, and 2 SECil.4VIWST 5HOV 7042.7J 1998 CPIC Policy anc~ procedures concerning these types of e:tpenses (.i.ncluciing .Loclging and per cliem type expenses) will he ac!ministered by the AAUSid (reference (b) ) Only listecl below a. s:<penc]itures for, or in honor are reimbursable from OP.F: (1) Distinguished citizens, military government officials of foreign countriss. function or stature of the individuals must of these funcis. of, the i.nclividuals officers and The rank, position, clearly justify use (2) Prominent Federal (no]l–DoD) , State and local govern– ment officials, such as, but noc limitec~ to, members of the membe~-s ancl professional staff of Congress, governors, cabine~, mayors and cicizens’ committees. (3) Distinguished ancl prcminenc cicizens who have made substantial contribution to the Wation or the DoD, or who are recognized leaders in their fields of e:.:pertise, ancl on certain occasions, members of the news meclia. (4) Military and civilian personnel associated Foreign Warship Visit Information Program on official United States ports or when Unitecl States vessels are visits to foreign ports. a with the visits co on official (5) Those military and civilian ofticials of the DoD listecl in enclosure (1) when they are on official visits to fielcl Courtesies shown these officials shall only be in accivit.i.es. IL shall not be usecl for the form of official hosted functions. expenses that are solely for the personal entertainment of thes2 D.C. area, or the fielcl. whether in the Washington, off.icialsr Functions in honor of DoD personnel held within the Washington, D.C. area or helcl anywhere in honor of DoD personnel not listecl in enclosure (1) will not be funtiecl with OP.F. At official hosted functions where ORF is useci, unless b otherwise limitecl by this instruction, an appropriate ratio of (incluc~inq spouses) will be noI>–DoD guests to DoD personnel observect. This requirement cloes not apply to those functions At all other honoring the officials listed in enclosure (1) when attendance is less than 30 persons at functions, however, lease 20 percent must be non–DoD guests; at functions of 30 PeI.SOns or more ac leaSt 50 percent must be non-DoD guests. 3