U.S. DOD Form dod-secnavinst-5820-6 — ~) ~~e — ARMY NO. REOKJLATION AR 27-52 SECNAVINST 5W.6 AFR 110-13 DEPARTMENTS OF T1112 ARMY, THE NAVY, AND THE AIR FORCE WASIILNCWON, D. C., 5 NOtv]ii?wr ]968 27-52 SECNAVINSTRUCHON5820.6 AIR FORCEREOULA’MON No. 110-13 LEGAL SERVICES CONSULAR PROTECTION OF FOREIGN NATIONALS SU13JiNX’ TO THE UNIFORM CODE OF MILITAR1’ JUSTICE Parugrul,ll Purljme :nd swpe---­ ---------------------------------------------------------­ : ------­ wphinuhon of ter1u$-------------T--------------------J----------------­ Apl)l~ubjli(y -----------------------------------------------------------------­ ---------------------------------------------­ NotiflLmtll)ll --------------------­ (50nsular Iwwss rigl)ts___-----__ --___ --__ --_---_ ---_ --=------------------------­ 1LJ3xJ:: uf tritil ----------------------------------------------------------------­ Jnqmrws -------------------------------------------------------------­ AWI.:SI)IX. Liht of 1,’or(igll (’onsuhtes in the I’nited Stntt>s. 1. Purpose and scope. This ~~~uli~t ion prescribes the policy and l)mwlures un~ler wl~ich foreign consular officers are Io k givcl~ II{)tice of the ap­ prehension, confine] l]ent, or tritll lJy court -llulrtial of their fellow nationals servil)g in thu’ lJllited StitCS Armetl FOt’cC!s,ill)d i\LW tO h prol” ide(l the opl)ortunity to visit! (ool)~l))lll~ic:~t(” ]~itlll al){l ot!lcL’­ wiso safeguard tlw illtercsts ()t’ sll~ll t’(~reigll rl:l­ tionals. 2. Explanation of terms. For the purpose of this regulation, the foll(J\ving CXIJi;Ill:ltiOnSNpply : a. “(k)IISL1l’’-’r]l@ oi~iciitl rel)rese]lt ati ve of a foreign country, \vlio is rhal’gcd ~vith cohsular rnattex%for the locale in ~~l]icll a rircu]rlst;ln(’e re­ quiring IIOtifiCiltiOlloccurs.” ll:lti OlliL1’)—All~ lllPl)ll)e~ of the ~, “Foreign Armed Forces of tl]e United States WI1Ois a nm­ tiomd of a foreign country iill(l who is not nlso a citizen or national of the lTllitwl States. of]i~er’~-’l’]l(i o!lieer exercisilig c. “Notifying court-martial juriscl ict ion ov(’r tllc foreign n~L­ tional. For the Ariny and N:~vy ancl the Marine Corps, the not ifying (~ific~ris 11le o~fi~ere~er~ising general court -mart ial jurisdirt ion. For the Air Force, tho notifying otlieer is tl)e oficer exercising special court-martial jurisdiction, d. “Territory of the IJnitcd States’’-’I’he Stiites and the District of Columbia, . This regulation applies 3. Applicability. ~vithin the territory of the United States. “r.i(:o . 5W.\---Novm1bm 340 -Jti!l”--fis 50 only 4. Notification. $rut;o),. ~Tot ---—--- a. Circum&tunces ificatioIl is &lLlrc(l 3 4 ~ . ; requiring lyllencl,cr n noti­ fOr­ cign lmtioll:ll is apl]rchended under circunlst:tnces likely to resiilt ill confincnwtlt or trial by court­ l)li~lti;l~ad StLltCstl):lt, ]W is il t’OLWiglllldiO1l:L], Or is ordered into ahest or coldlnvn)[~ntj or is helcl for tri:]l witl] or without ally for]l~ of’ restraint, or WIWU Court-m artilll charges flgtiinst him :uw re. tkrred for trial. Excc.l)t :1s otlwrwise l)ro­ b. L’y w])om Itde. vided herei]!, the ]mtifications nlld r(’lwrts r~(luired hy this regulation will be l~la(le by tl]e llotifyil~g oilker, Notification shall be gire]~ wily wlicn :uly of the circumstances slwcificd ill a :Lbovc occurs Ivitllill llle territory of the Unit(d St;Lles. r(guimnwt. c. l?xception.y to ndijicution (1) ~4t sea. If a]ly of tile circulnstanccs speci­ fied in a above occurs abourd a sllil) at s.c:k,llotifiwl­ tion is not required while the ship is at sm. “At M?ilj “ as used hem, (1OCS]]ot ill(lu{le a l]:trlmr or, except on a then outbound S1lip, t(’rrit oriill w:lters of tl]e United States. (2) fVwnLe7’ of 7U)tificd/iO/,,s. OI,CC l,otificti­ tiou is given, it need not lx l’el)c~lt(:~l~L~ s~lh~lcnt d ages of thesame-e. (3) Disoipliruz?y’ac tion. This rcgLllwtiol] does not require notification when disciplinary action under Article 15 of tlm Uniform Code of Milit:my ~ Justice or administrative fiction is taken ag;iinst a foreign national or if he is apprehended or con­ fined in anticipation that only such action ]vill be 1 AR 27-52 SECNAVINST AFR 110-12 5 November Idmn against lliln. 1f disposit ion of the foreign na­ t,ion:ll’s cnsc by wmrt-mmrt.ia,l is thereafter con­ twnpl:~twl, the notifying otlicer will at that time comply wit]] pzrngrapbs 4 through 6 of this re&w­ lxt ion, w fipplimhlc. (4) C; Vi/ mtl?or;t;a. This rcygll:lt ion does not rcqf[ire not.ificat.ion when a foreign nntiomd is r,l]:~rgwl with x crime, m-rested, confined, or de­ t.:linwl ill Cllstmly I)y the civil authorities of the I ~llitc~lSt ~1OS,or any politicnl subdivision, posses­ or territory Ihereof, or by the nllthoritics of :llly forrign govt’rnmcnt. ?W.fl’o??fl.wy. For the (5) l)i.~pv{~ ft.qto fQ?’C@ pllrlmses of 1his regul:ltion, any serviceman ITI1O cl:tims Io bc :1 forci,gn national shall be so c9n­ si(lwwl unless such claim is inconsistent with his m i Ii[:1ry rwwtxls or other pertinent evidence. Wlwiwver CIUWPS sgainst any serviremm nrc rcfvrrwl f (m trial, his militmry records shall ho cxaminc(l to nsccrtain his naticmzlity even if he h:w nol entcrc(l n claim of foreign na~ionality. In tlto c}’el)lj ll):]t tl~e scryiemnnn’s claim of foreign nat iollality is disputed, the notifying oflker shmll dispatch a Iclegraphic report thereon, as nppro­ pri:ttv., i o­ (o) TIK: .Judge Advocnte General, ATTN: JAGW (Arlny) ; (b) Tlm .Ju(lgc Aclvocatc General, JAGN (N:tvy :111(1 Afzrinc Corps) ; (c) IIQ USAF, AF,JALJ3 (Air Force). If it is determined tlmt the serviceman is a for­ eign n~t,i{)n~l, t,]le required notification shall be given to tbc wmsl~l by the Judge Advoc:ttc Gen­ eral of tIICm il it:Lry depa.rtmc.nt conccrncd. d. f?hjmtion to notifmtion by foreign national When z circ[llnslnnce requiring notificnl ion arises, the foreign n:ttionll shrill be advised that notifi­ cation w il 1 l)e given to his consul Ilnless he objects and, in cnse hc dots object, that ~be Judge Advo­ rnte C,encral will determine whether an applicable t,rcmty requires notification irrespective of the wishes of tl~e foreign nationc,l concerned. If the foreign nation:~l objects to notification being given to his consul, the notifying officer sha,ll send a re­ port by tolegrnpl~ic mewns to the appropriate ,Juclge Advocwt c (3cnerrd as set forth in c(5), above. If :m al)p] icnb]e trea,ty requires notification irrospcct.ivc o f the wishes of the foreign national, sion 2 1968 5s20.6 notification will l)c given to the consul by the Judge Aclvocx(e (kncrnl of the military depart­ ment concerned. e. Arotifkation jIrowdILrc. (1) When w circumstance requiring not.itlcn­ tion occurs, the notifying otliccr will immediately communicate by telcgrnm di rcctly with the consul of the foreign country concerned nearest the locale in which tile circllmsl.nnces requiring notification occll r. .id(lressc.s {Jf foreign consullles arc list ccl in the :Ippendix. (2) All inforll~fit ion co])y of snch crmln~unica­ tion sl~:tll, at the s:lmc tinw$ bo directed to the n]llJrolJriat[’ ,Juils[’ ~f{lvocatc (kmeral m set forth in c (~), nlm~:c. Exrrpt thmt for Air Force, such c(llllnllll~ic:lti~~l~ss1):III I)c directed to I-IQ. USAF, ,i F. JAJ.13 In(I ,~F. TA1[D. (3) When I eirrllmstnnm requiring notifica­ tion O((IIYS in nn i\rmy, Navy, or hfarinc Corps con)mnn(l I)PIO!V t I)c level of gmornl court-martial wmwning nllthority. the fxets sbwll be reported by the con] man(li ng otlicer or Miccr in chargo im­ mmlintrly m)ncrrnetl to tho off]ccr normnlly cxwcis­ in~ genern] court-m wtinl jurisdiction o~’er thzt coIIIm:In(l. The, r(~])ort shall include the items listed in f. lWIOW. f. (5’On.tflnt.s of notirc. The notice to the con­ sul sb:lll: Identi f~’ ~lle foreign national by nflm~~ g~(l~l~,scrvicc nll)lll)er (nllmericn] personnel iclcnti ­ ficr), and or*lnizatiml ; specify the foreign coun­ try of which hc is I rmtiomd; contain a concise statcmrnt of rcle~mnt facts relxting to the cfiuse. for which hc has IWCIInpprchc.ndecl or ordered into wrrwt or collfinf’ment mncl IIeld for trial, or for which lie is lIcld for [rinl with or withont any form of rcwtrainl; finIl: i f applicable, the nature of t.l]e offense (s) f~lr which ho is king hch.1 for trial or upon Ivhich chnrgcs ogainst him have been referred for trial: spccif~ tllo name of l~is military and/or civilian defense (wunscl, if any; and specify where the foreig~ nationitl Inzy be found. The notice slI:~ll nlw olTcr (() the consul tllc assistance of the notifying ofllcer. 5. Consular access rights. a. Con.da.r viqit.s. T-ncler rirmlmst:lnres requiring notification, m TY1)CI) a foreibg nntional is confined in a military confil]cmmt farility, the cons~(l shall, upon proper i{lrnt ilirot ion to tlle notifying officer, have the November AR 27-52 SECNAVINST 5S20.6 AFR 110-13 1W3. right to visit the foreign national without delay. Such visits shall be conducted in accordance with confinement facility regulations, which shall per­ mit reasonable access to, and the opportunity of privately conversing with, the foreign national. The consul shall also be allowed, subject to con­ finement facility reaglations, to trfinsmit com­ munications between the prisoner and other persons. b. Cornznun2ktion8 between con.d ad foreign Whether or not a foreign national is con­ rudiod. fined, he shall have a right to communicate either orally, including telephonicallyy, or in writing with the consul and to receive such communications from the consul. All such communications shall be treated as privileged and not subject to inspection or monitoring, except in those exceptional cases in which the notifying officer determines that nrt­ tional security considerateions are involved. c, Other con.sukr tights. The consul shall be given full opportunity to safeguard the interests of the foreign national concerned. The consul has the right to confer with, to interview, to ulvise, to arrange legal representation for, to make inquir­ ies into incidents affecting the interests of, and to otherwise a,ssist forei~m nationals. The consul or other oificial representative of the foreign country shall be treated with the dignity and courtesy befitting his office. 6. Record of trial. A copy of the notice made pursuant to this regulation will be incorporated as part of the allied papers of the court-mortial record of trial, if any. 7. Inquiries. All inquiries concwning the inter­ pretation and application of this regulation should be addressed to the appropriate Judge Aclvocate General as set forth in paragraph 4c(5). .... . .. TA50 509A +. 3 AR 27-52 SECNAVINST AFR 110-13 5820.6 APPENDIX LIST OF FOREIGN Argcmt{na CONSULATES IN THE UNITED STATES Bcl@un-Continued 704 So(lth Spring Street JJOSAngrlcs, Calif. 90014 207 International Trade Mart Ncw Orlcnns, La. 70130 t170 Mnrkct Street San Frnncisco, Cnllf. 94103 50 Rockefeller Plaza New York, N.Y. 10020 Ingrnhum II(lil(l]ng, Minrni, Fla. 33131 1101 World Trade Center 15201 Texas Avenue Houston, Tex. 77002 Room 722 105 W. Adams Street Chicngo, 1!1. COO03 Bolivia I’nn Americwn Building 610 I’oydrns Strm-t Nmv Orlrwns, TJ:I.70130 63!5 Whitney Bank Building New Orleans, La. 70130 10 Rockefeller I?lnza New York, N.Y. 10020 !)0S I<cyscr ]!uil{ling Redwood :Ind (%lvert Sta Ilnltlmore, Nfd. 21202 . Brazil 73 Trwnont Slrr?rt Boston, Mnss. 0210’3 6253 IIoll.vwmxl r.onlmmrd 12 West 5f%h St rrct Nrw York, N.Y. 1001!) S70 ilf:lrliet Street San Frnnciwo, Cnlif. !M103 J,os Angeles, Cnlif. 90028 208 World Trade Center 1520 Texns Avenue 1[011s(011, Tcx, 77002 . Au8t ral{a 3MI I’m+t St rvvt Snn Fro ncisco, Chlif. 94108 1700 Mnsssrhusetts Avenue NW. Wnshin@m, D.C. 20030 (WI Fifth AvQnuc NrJv York, N,Y, 10020 Austria 410 31ichignn Awmuc Chlcnfw, Ill. 60611 919 N. Michignn Avenue Chicago, 111.00611 1306 Intcrnatiorml Trade Mart New Orleans, Ln. 70130 535 Boylston Strfwt Boston, Mass. 02116 (X3OFifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10020 Land Title Building 100 Soulh Brond Street Philadelphia, I%. 19110 31 l+Mst (l!lth Street New York, N,Y. 10021 Bclgtum S~UOWilshire Boulevard J,ns Angrlw, Cnlif. 90005 100 IIush Street Snn ~rnm,isco, Cnlif. 04104 3330 Gnrllcld Street NW. Washington, D.C. 20008 4 100 Biscnync Bouhnwrd ~fiami, I-In. 33132 One North Chnrles Street Baltimore, Md. 21201 2343 Mnssnchusots Avenue NW. lVnshington, 1).C. 20008 3W N. Michigan Avenue Chicngo, 111.(30602 3007 Wbitehnren Street NW. IVashingtnn, 1).C. 20008 3400 fiIontrose Boulevard Interstate Building Houston, Tex. 77000 Bulgaria 2100 1(W Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20009 Burma 10 E. 77th Street New York, N.Y. 10009 TAGO 50!lA