U.S. DOD Form dod-opnavinst-4614-1f . ., DEPARTMENT I Officaofthe Washington, ( OPNAV INSTRUCTION From: Chief of Naval Operations All Ships and Stations Subj: Uniform Materiel Movement NAVY DC 20350 OPNAVINST 4814.1 F op412C 15 April 1983 4. Changes. Changes in this instruction include: (1) a re­ vised format, (2) deletion of all reference to the Indian Ocean, (3) improved readability, and (4) updated refer­ ences. Consequently, typical revision symbols (i.e., (R and (A ure not reflected in the margins). 4614.1 F To: OF THE Chief tif Naval Operation* and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS) Ref: (a) DOD DIRECTIVE 4410.6 of 30 Ott 1980 5. General (NOTAL) (b) OPNAVINST C3501.66B (c) OPNAVINST 5214.7 (d) SECNAVINST (e) OPNAVINST (f) OPNAVINST (g) NAVSUP a. UMMIPS is used during peace and war to ensure that materiel is provided to users in accordance with rules that take into account the military importance and urgency of need of the requiting activity, and other command and management considerations. These criteria are structured to provide a distinct advantage to deployed forces. (NOTAL) (NOTAL) 4857.4 (NOTAL) 4857.1 D (NOTAL) 3900.22A Publication (NOTAL) 4107 (MRIL) (NOTAL) (h) DODINST4400.1 (i) OPNAVINST C3501.2E (j) NWP-7 (REV. A) (NOTALI (k) OPNAVINST 5442.4G (1) DODINST . Encl: of 16 Nov1971 4500.32-R, (NOTAL) (NOTAL) (NOTAL) Voi I of 1 Aug 1979 (NOTAL) (1) Uniform Material ity System (2) Tables of Criteria Movement and Issue Prior­ —. for Determining of Need Designators (UNDS) Urgency of Materiel Re­ quirements (3) Guidelines on Upper Limits for High Priority Requisitions (4) UMMIPS Statistical Summary Report For­ mat and Distribution (5) b. in satisfying competing materiel requirements, it is necessary to identify the relative importance of demands not only for the materiel but also for other logistic system resources, such as transportation, warehousing, and paper. work processing. Urgent operationrd requirements must be given priority over requisitions for housekeeping and ad­ ministrative supplies, or similar requirements. The UMhUPS is designed to give recognition and preferential treatment to materiel needs, the lack of which will prevent or seri­ ously impair a command’s ability to carry out its assigned mission. UMMIPS Time Standards 1. Purpose. To implement reference (is) by promulgating instructions for use within the Navy of the DoD Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS) for movement, requisitioning, and issue of materiel. 2. Cancellation. OPNAV Instruction 4614.1 E, all previ­ ous CNO letters and messages which have amended UMMIPS policies and procedures, and report control sym­ bols OPNAV 4614-1,4614-2, and 4614-3. This instruction applies to Navy activi­ 3. Applicability. ties; Marine Corps aviation units; and to Security Assist­ ance Program (SAP) requisitioners who submit requisitions to the Navy lntemational Logistics Control Office (NAVILCO). References (b) through(L) apply to this instruc­ ,. tion. c. The UMMIPS (enclosure (1)) provides a basis for ex­ pressing the rankings of requisitions and materiel move. ment transactions by a series of twodigit codes known as Priority Designators. Thus, the priority designator provides a means of ranking competing demands. The priority desig­ ntitor is derived from a matrix combining the requisition­ er’s l;urcc/Activity Deslgnutur (FAD) isnd the urgency of need of [he end use requirement as spectled by the Ur­ gency of Need Designator (UND). The FAD is a Roman numeral (1 through V) assigned by the Secretary of De­ fense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), or by a DoD com­ ponent. It indicates the mission essentiality of a unit, organization, installation, project, or program with respect to national objectives. All required Navy units report UNITREP data, including FAD rsssignments and changes as they occur, in accordance with reference (b). The UND (an alphabetic character) is determined by the requisition­ ing activity in accordance with the criteria in enclosure (2). 6, Policy a. The UMMLPSwill be used in preparing requisitions for items under the management of the Military Services, 0579 LD0511205 0PNAVINST4614.1F 15 April 1983 the number of high priority requisitions. The validity of these limitations will be reviewed annually in accordance with subparagraph 7b 1. ‘1 1, Defense agcncics, and the General Services Adlninistration (GSA), b. Prescribed procedures andtime standards areapplicable to interservice supply support operations for stocked items. Supply support arrangements involving deliveries from procurement will be based on delivery schedules agreed upon by the military services and the contractor involved. g. Enclosure (4) provides the format and distribution of the UMMIPS Statistical Summary Report, 1 h. Enclosure (5) provides the UMMIPS Time Standards. 7. Action c. The time standards established will be considered overall logistics system standards for the supply of materiel requirements. Logistics systems will be designed to rncct and, where economically feasible, to surpass these time standards. a. The Chief of Naval Operations (Op-41) will: (1)Issue UMMIPS guidance to applicable activities (paragraph 3 refers). d. Special handling will normally be applied to meet the requirements for high priority materiel demands (priority designators 01 through 08). For priority designator 01 through 03 and NMCS/PMCS/CASREP requisitions, the normal procedure will be expedited issue processing and use of air or other high-speed transportation. Priority designator 04 through 08 requisitions will have expedited issue processing but will be shipped by the most economical mode, consistent with the priority designator and the required delivery date. The basic objective is to satisfy these demands by expeditiously processing the requirement to the final point of issue, with due consideration for the high cost of premium transportation. Demands with priority designators 09 through 15 will be subjected to routine processing, handling, and cost favorable transportation, except where overriding circumstances known to the shipper (Iictatc a moreexpeditious mode of transportation. (2) Review UMMIPS performance to ensure compliante with UMMIPS policy. (3) Delegate authority for the assignment of FADs. (4) Assign FADs (other than I) to Navy special projects, programs, contractors, and operations, as appropriate. (5! !%~cess requests for assignment of FAD I to the JCS. b. Commands delegated authority to assign FADs to subordinate commands by enclosure (1) will: (11 Review FAD assignments assigned to subordinate commands, and the percentage limitations in cndosurc (3), annually to determine their validity. Major claimants will report the results of this review, including a list of activities and FAD assignments, to the Chief of Naval Operations (Op-41) on 1 April of each year. e. The UMMIPS priority designators determined in iiccordance with this instruction are not to be used as the sole means for allocating materiel, but shall be used in ccmjunction with control and allocation procedures established by the owning military service, JCS, or the cognizant military commander. (2) Maintain a record of FADs assigned to subordinate commands. Enclosure (3) provides percentage guidelines on the upper limits of off-station/off-ship high priority requisitions (priority designators 01 through 08) to be originated by requisitioners. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide a framework in which performance can be measured under normal circumstances. Requisitioning activities will keep their percentage of high priority nlatericl demands below the limits delineated in the table to the maximum extent possible. These limits are not goals; the goal is to minimize f. (3) Assign an expiration date to all temporary FAD assignments. (4) Include a review of priority designators, on a sample basis, in command inspections to determine compliance with this instruction. 2 I-L:-C 11 c+ T ----- -. OPNAVINST 4614.1 F 15 April 1983 (2) Accord prompt and thorough himdling to requests received from supply sources to validate outstanding requisitions. Validations must confirm both the continued requirement for the materiel requisitioned and the priority designator assigned to these requisitions. Validations must not be accomplished in a perfunctory manner and should be completed and returned by required deadline dates. The activity forwarding the validation request should advise immediate superiors in command of validation requests which are not returned or are returned by Navy activities an inordinate time after being forwarded by the preparing activity. (5) Emphasize to subordinate commands the necessity for compliance with instructions for the assignment of priority designators and that such assignments are a command responsibility. 51 (6) Take actions necessary to ensure the integrity of the UMMIPS. Review the statistical WIPS performance data provided under subparagraph 7c(2) to ensure subordinate commands are complying with UMMIPS policy. investigate promptly reports of suspected abuses of the UMMIPS and take corrective action where required. Require speCWICmeasures be taken to eliminate abuses, Disciplinary action should be considered when there is conclusive evidence of deliberate and intentional overstatement of assigned priority designators. (3) Direct that, prior to the use of UND A for an off-station/off-ship requisition, the supply and n~aintenance activities jointly ensure that their respective staffs have exhausted every reasonable means to tillevitite the operational limitations imposed by the materiel shortage. This includes a thorough search for serviceable ancl/or unserviceable assets. Repair, fabrictition, interchangeability, etc., will be considered. C Commander, Naval Supply Systtis Command -------Head=—.-q~tefs-jb) w~: � ( e. The Commanding Officer, NAVILCO will: ‘(1)’ Provide statistical summary reports from the Military Supply and Transportation Evaluation Procedures (MILSTEP) data in the format, frequency, and distribution pattern specified in enclosure (4). (1) Be responsible for review of assigrml priority designators and required delivery dates on requisitions received from Security Assistance Program requisitioners. (2) provide a quarterly report to the appropriate Security Assistance Office (MAAG/ODC/MILCP, etc.), copy to CNO (OP-63), summarizing for etich foreign requisitioner with infractions the number of requisitions by priority designator using incorrect FADs i.md/or priority for each of the following categories: d. Commanding officers and officers-in-charge of requisitioning activities will: (1) Be responsible for the assignment of correct priority designators as well as the validity of required delivery dates, when assigned to requisitions. (a) Grant aid. (b) FMS, by Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement (CLSSA) case and non-CLSSA case with cases and requisitions identified in separute listings by country. (a) Either personally review, or delegate in writing to specific personnel the authority to review, all UND A requirements and certify an inability to perform the assigned mission. This review will be accomplished prior to the transmission of requisitions to the supply source. f. Independent and l~ost-type tictivities will make every effort to structure local procedures to permit the assignment of Julian dates to requisitions on the date the requisition is actually transmitted from the ship or station to an external supply source. (b) Delegate in writing to specific personnel the authority to review all UND B requirements (except CASREPS) to certify that the urgency of need was accurately determined. This review will be accomplished prior to the transmission of requisitions to the supply source. g. Personnel who contribute to requisition processing or are otherwise responsible for compliance with this 3 OPNAVINST 15 April 481&l F 1!!83 tion is effective immediately for planning purposes and will be implemented within 30 days of receipt. Instruction will do everything possible to prevent UMMIPS abuses. 9. Reports. The reports contained in this instruction are exempt from reports control by reference (c). of all instructions, notices, . and directives that may be issued to implement this instruction will bc forwarded to the Chief of Naval Operations (Op-41 ) by commands delegated authority to assign FADs by enclosure (1) of this instruction. This instruc8. Implementation. One copy B. A. POMPONIO By direction Distribution: SNDL Parts 1 and 2 MARCORPS L6/L12 Chief of Naval Operations Op-09B15C Wash., DC 20350 (200) Stocked: CO, NAVPUBFORMCEN 5801 Tabor Ave. Phila., PA 19120 (500) — 4