Page 1 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Monday, May 11, 2015, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER We hereby acknowledge that we are on the territory of the Okanagan First People. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the agenda be adopted. 3. PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 4. RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 13, 2015 be approved. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETINGS The following items were discussed at the closed meeting held on April 13, 2015: • Received information on two legal matters; • Received information and approved a contract; • Reviewed correspondence; • Reviewed a staffing report for both teaching and CUPE staff; • Approved direction for a contract negotiation; • Received information and approved an item related to succession planning. Page 2 8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Correspondence Requiring Action a 2015-04-16 Letter from District of Summerland 1 A letter from the District of Summerland regarding the placement of grade 6 late French immersion outside of Summerland b 2015-04-20 Letter to Minister of Education 2 A letter forwarded by Teresa Rezansoff, President, BCSTA to the Minister of Education regarding Bill 11-2015: The Education Statutes Amendment Act, 2015 8.2 Correspondence to the Board of Education a 2015-04-18 from BCSTA 4 A letter from Teresa Rezansoff, President, BCSTA, in response to the Board's letter regarding Bill 11 b 2015-05-04 Letter from Employee Re Bill 11 5 A letter from a teacher, Thora Delaquis, regarding Bill 11 and response from Chair Van Alphen 8.3 Correspondence Copied to the Board of Education a 8.4 7 Correspondence on Behalf of the Board of Education a 9. As per correspondence listing dated May 11, 2015 As per corresondence listing dated May 11, 2015 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 9.1 Business Committee Trustee Bidlake will report on the business committee meeting held on April 28, 2015: a Cheque and ePAYMENT Listing b Financial Report c 2014 Carbon Neutral Action Report d Policy No. 202 - Personal Use of Technological Services RECOMMENDED MOTION: That Policy No. 202 - Personal Use of Technological Services be deleted. 11 Page 3 e Policy No. 730 - Integrated Pest Management 13 RECOMMENDED MOTION: That Policy No. 730 - Integrated Pest Management was reviewed with no changes. f New Draft Policy No. 540 - Employee Travel 15 RECOMMENDED MOTION: That Draft Policy No. 540 - Employee Travel: Insurance and Expenses be approved in principle and forwarded to partner groups for any suggestions for changes. 9.2 Education Committee Trustee Johnson will report on the education committee meeting held on April 29, 2015: 10. a Musical Theatre Presentation - "Annie" b Grading Smarter Not Harder c School Completion Initiatives d Progress Reporting - Field Test e Student Support Services REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS • • • Middle School Marathon Challenge Achievement Contract and District Literacy Plan - update (Attachment) Education Transformation in BC (Attachment) 11. REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 12. NEW BUSINESS 12.1 18 Okanagan College Donna Lomas, Regional Dean, South Okanagan Similkameen Region, Okanagan College, has requested that a trustee sit on the Okanagan College Regional Advisory Committee. 12.2 Field Trips The superintendent of schools will review the attached listing of field trip requests. (Attachment) 20 Page 4 RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the field trip request for June 30 to July 24, 2015 for 17 grade 10 to 12 students from Princess Margaret Secondary and Penticton Secondary to travel to and participate in a humanitarian trip to Arusha, Tanzania, be given final approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the field trip request for September 29 to October 10, 2015 for 12 senior secondary students from Penticton Secondary, Princess Margaret Secondary, and Summerland Secondary to travel to Kyoto, Ikeda, and Tokyo, Japan, on a sister city exchange be given final approval. 12.3 Student Fees 21 The School Act requires that student fees be reviewed and reported to the Board on an annual basis. The attached fee structure is recommended to the Board for the 2015-16 school year. (Attachment) RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the Schedule of Student Fees for 2015-16 as circulated with the agenda package. 12.4 2015-16 Annual Budget Bylaw The 2015-16 annual budget and bylaw will be presented in the total amount of $62,621,814. (Attachment) The following motion requires unanimous consent to proceed with all three readings at tonight's meeting: RECOMMENDED MOTION: That, in accordance with Section 68(4) of the School Act, the Board of Education of School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) unanimously agrees to give all three readings of the annual budget bylaw for the fiscal year 2015-16 at this meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) annual budget bylaw for the fiscal year 2015-16 in the total amount of $62,621,814 be read a first time this 11th day of May, 2015. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) annual budget bylaw for the fiscal year 2015-16 in the total amount of $62,621,814 be read a second time this 11th day of May, 2015. RECOMMENDED MOTION: (ONLY IF MOTION TO READ ALL THREE PASSES) That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) annual budget bylaw for the fiscal year 2015-16 in the total amount of $62,621,814 be read a third time, passed and adopted this 11th day of May, 2015. 22 Page 5 12.5 Board of Education Meeting Dates 37 A memo outlining proposed Board of Education and committee meeting dates for the 2015-16 school year is attached. (Attachment) RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the proposed schedule of Board of Education and committee meeting dates for 2015-16 be approved. 13. REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES 13.1 BCSTA Annual General Meeting 38 Trustees are reminded to bring to the meeting reports of their attendance at the BCSTA AGM held in Vancouver on April 16 to 19, 2015. (Attachment) 13.2 BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting Chair Van Alphen will provide information related to the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting held on April 17, 2015 in Vancouver. 13.3 14. Trustee Comments INFORMATION ITEMS 14.1 Recognition of Student Success 40 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the attached listing. (Attachment) 14.2 Recognition of Student Artwork Congratulations are extended to the students from Carmi Elementary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office. (Attachment) 14.3 Date of Next Meeting • • June 8, 2015, 6:30 p.m., Regular Board of Education Meeting, at the School Board Office; June 11, 2015, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., Long Service Recognition and Retirement Dinner, Penticton Lakeside Resort, by invitation 15. QUESTION PERIOD 16. ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the meeting be adjourned. 46 Page 1 Page 2 April 20, 2015 The Honourable Peter Fassbender Minister of Education PO Box 9045, Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8V 9E2 RE: Motions passed at BCSTA AGM regarding Bill 11 Dear Minster Fassbender, At our Annual General Meeting this past weekend, the membership of the BC School Trustees Association passed the following three motions in regard to Bill 11-2015: The Education Statutes Amendment Act, 2015. 1. That BCSTA demand the Government of BC immediately withdraw the sections of Bill 11 that override the authority of democratically elected Boards of Education. Specifically where Bill 11 adds new provisions which broaden the Minister’s authority to issue administrative directives, where Bill 11 would amend the special advisor provision, and where shared service providers are designated by the Minister of Education. 2. That BCSTA publicly advocate strongly against the erosion of local Board of Education autonomy in Bill 11. 3. That BCSTA demand an immediate review of the intent of Bill 11 legislation and an opportunity to recommend amendments prior to final adoption as well as the formation of a management partners’ working group to participate in the development of any subsequent process or resulting regulations. The predominate view of Trustees from across this province is that Bill 11 as written is a challenge to the autonomy and authority of locally elected Boards of Education. Had BCSTA and our member Boards been provided an opportunity for participation and input such as that given for the accountability framework or curriculum revisions, we may not have arrived at this point. The absence of appropriate consultation and review processes compounds our concerns. Page 3 Contrary to the intent and spirit of our recently signed Co-Governance Memorandum of Understanding, the Ministry of Education did not engage Boards in a broad-based consultation process prior to the tabling of this legislation. As the co-governors of the K-12 system, Boards of Education were not provided an opportunity to hear the concerns or intent of government before this legislation was tabled; nor were Boards asked to co-construct appropriate changes to the School Act or other legislation. Deputy Minister Dave Byng committed to the BCSTA membership at our AGM last Friday that there would be opportunities for both consultation and input regarding the planned regulations that will flow out of this legislation. We now seek your commitment to work with us to first address the areas of concern Trustees have with Bill 11 itself. If British Columbia is to maintain an outstanding public education system, there must be respect for the individual needs and input of local communities through their elected representatives: BC’s Boards of Education. Divesting Boards of their ability to independently and appropriately manage the priorities of their school district threatens the structures and decision making processes that have benefited our students for decades. Strong Boards of Education provide BC communities with the local representation and decision making that is necessary for us to maintain the flexibility, innovation and adaptability that make our schools both unique and world class. Bill 11 has just come up for second reading in the House. We ask your support in ensuring this piece of legislation is not adopted as written. Your support for the continued autonomy and authority of locally elected Boards of Education will help ensure our greatest asset, our students, receive the unique educational opportunities they deserve through well managed and locally responsive schools. Sincerely, Teresa Rezansoff President BC School Trustees Association cc: Dave Byng, Deputy Minister of Education BCSTA Member Boards of Education 2 Page 4 April 28, 2015 Linda Van Alphen Chair – SD67 (Okanagan Skaha) Board of Education 425 Jermyn Ave. Penticton, BC V2A 1Z4 Dear Ms. Alphen, Thank you for your letter of April 14, 2015 in regard to Bill 11 and the opportunity for Boards to discuss their concerns with the legislation at our Annual General Meeting. The BCSTA Board considered your request as well as those of other Boards in bringing forward a late motion to our AGM to ensure Bill 11 was fully discussed by our members. The fulsome discussion that took place around the three separate motions regarding Bill 11 will help to guide our organization as we address the issues raised in the legislation. In addition to the motions and debate at AGM, BCSTA has produced an overview document explaining the various parts of this somewhat complex bill. In follow-up, we will also be providing Boards this week with a detailed Question and Answer document answering the key questions that have been brought forward by Trustees since the bill was tabled. In particular, we will address the central question of ‘what is actually changed by the new legislation?’ in terms of government authorities. While we have not put forward an online survey for Boards as you also suggested, I am hoping that the actions of the BCSTA Board addressing the need for both discussion and information have been satisfactory. Any further feedback or suggestions you might offer would be appreciated. Thank you again to you and your fellow Board members for their input to the direction of BCSTA. Sincerely, Teresa Rezansoff President BC School Trustees Association Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 1 OARD OF EDUCATION B SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) BOARD CORRESPONDENCE - OPEN MEETING Monday, May 11, 2015, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue Pages 1. Correspondence Requiring Action 1.1 2015-04-16 Letter from District of Summerland 1 A letter from the District of Summerland regarding the placement of grade 6 late French immersion outside of Summerland 1.2 2015-04-20 Letter to Minister of Education 2 Letter forwarded by Teresa Rezansoff, President, BCSTA, to the Minister of Education regarding Bill 11-2015: The Education Statutes Amendment Act, 2015 2. Correspondence TO the Board of Education 2.1 2015-04-28 from BCSTA 4 A letter from Teresa Rezansoff, President, BCSTA, in response to the Board's letter regarding Bill 11 2.2 2015-05-04 Letter from Employee Re Bill 11 5 A letter from a teacher, Thora Delaquis, regarding Bill 11 and reponse from Chair Van Alphen 2.3 2015-04-16 from Deputy Minister of Education 7 A letter from the Deputy Minister of Education regarding achievement contracts and district literacy plans 3. Correspondence COPIED to the Board of Education 3.1 2015-03-26 SD54 (Bulkley Valley) to Minister of Education Letter to Minister of Education regarding the administrative savings and increased pressure placed on school districts 8 Page 8 2 3.2 2015-04-07 SD57 (Prince George) to Minister of Education 10 Letter to Minister of Education expressing extreme concern that financial support and grants will not be available to graduated adults upgrading through the K-12 sector and urging that this financial support be made available 3.3 2015-04-08 SD45 (West Vancouver) to Ministers of Education and Finance 12 Letter to Ministers of Education and Finance expressing grave concern about the recent direction to boards of education to find an additional $29 million in administrative savings for 2015-16 and further savings in 201617 and 2017-18 3.4 2015-04-08 SD20 (Kootenay-Columbia) to Minister of Education 14 Letter to the Minister of Education requesting that the Ministry's decision to stop funding upgrading courses for graduated adults in the K-12 public school system be rescinded 3.5 2015-04-09 SD70 (Alberni) to Minister of Education 15 Letter to Minister of Education expressing concern in regards to the reduction of education funding for 2015-16 and beyond 3.6 2015-04-09 SD37 (Delta) to Ministers of Finance and Education 16 Letter to Ministers of Finance and Education urging that the freeze on management/exempt staff, including principals and vice principals, compensation be lifted immediately and that a fair and reasonable increase in a similar pattern to the recently negotiated collective agreements of unionized staff be fully funded by the provincial government 3.7 2015-04-14 SD85 (Vancouver Island North) to Minister of Education 17 Letter to Minister of Education requesting that the compensation freeze be withdrawn 3.8 2015-04-14 SD85 (Vancouver Island North) to Minister of Education 19 Letter to Minister of Education regarding lack of consutlation by the government, requirement for administrative savings, lack of funding to cover inflation, recent agreement with CUPE, increases in hydro rates, and increased BCMSP and WorkSafeBC premiums 3.9 2015-04-20 to SD44 (North Vancouver) to Ministers of Finance and Education Letter on behalf of the district and board of education, parent advisory councils, teachers' union and CUPE to Ministers of Finance and Education regarding the provincial budget, operating grant, and administrative savings 21 Page 9 3 3.10 2015-04-20 SD81 (Fort Nelson) to Minister of Education 28 Letter to Minister of Education regarding disrespect displayed toward trustees in the province, lack of consultation by the Ministry, administrative savings directive, current freeze on exempt staff salaries, and Bill 11 3.11 2015-04-21 SD47 (Powell River) to Minister of Education 31 Letter to the Minister of Education on behalf of local teachers, support workers unions and DPAC expressing concerns with regard to the potential impact of Bill 11-2015 3.12 2015-04-21 SD46 (Sunshine Coast) to Minister of Education 33 Letter to Minister of Education regarding Bill 11 and the components affecting the autonomy of locally elected school boards 3.13 2015-04-21 SD63 (Saanich) to Minister of Education 35 Letter to Minister of Education conveying opposition to the proposed terms of Bill 11 and requesting that the government not proceed with its adoption 3.14 2015-04-22 SD41 (Burnaby) to Ministers of Education and Finance 36 Letter to Ministers of Education and Finance urging government to immediately withdraw the compensation freeze for excluded and exempt staff in the K-12 public education sector 3.15 2015-04-22 Minister of Education to BCSTA 38 Letter from Minister of Education to Teresa Rezansoff, President, BCSTA, regarding Bill 11 3.16 2015-04-22 SD37 (Delta) to Minister of Education 40 Letter to the Minister of Education expressing concern that consultation as set out in the Co-Governance Relationship Memorandum of Understanding did not take place in the development of Bill 11 3.17 2015-04-22 SD28 (Quesnel) to Ministers of Education and Finance 42 Letter to Ministers of Education and Finance regarding the 2015-16 budget funding shortfall 3.18 2015-04-23 SD8 (Kootenay Lake) to Minister of Education 44 A letter to the Minister of Education expresing concern about the ramifications of Bill 11 3.19 2015-04-24 SD44 (North Vancouver) to Minister of Education Letter to Minister of Education supporting the BCSTA letter to Minister of Education demanding an immediate review of the intent of Bill 11 legislation and asking for the removal or amendment of all sections in the Bill that reduce the autonomy of local school boards 46 Page Page10 4 3.20 2015-04-27 SD38 (Richmond) to Minister of Education 47 Letter to Minister of Education regarding the administrative and funding cuts 3.21 2015-04-29 SD57 (Prince George) to Premier and Minister of Education 49 A letter to the Premier and Minister of Education strongly opposing the elements of Bill 11 that increase the authority of the Minister of Education in local decisions and district directions and that serve to seriously erode the autonomy and authority of locally elected boards of education 3.22 2015-04-29 SD91 (Nechako Lakes) to Minister of Education 51 A letter to the Minister of Education expressing concerns related to Bill 11 3.23 2015-05-01 SD42 (Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows) to Minister of Education 52 Letter to Minister of Education urging the government to step back from its imminent adoption of Bill 11 and listen carefully to the message being sent regarding Bill 11 3.24 2015-05-04 SD64 (Gulf Islands) to Minister and Deputy Minister of Education and Premier 54 A letter to Minister and Deputy Minister of Education and Premier expressing concerns relating to the lack of consultation with regard to Bill 11 3.25 2015-05-04 SD43 (Coquitlam) to Minister 55 Letter to Minister of Education and copied to local MLAs stating their opposition to Bill 11 3.26 2015-05-05 SD75 (Mission) to Minister of Education 57 Letter to Minister of Education conveying alarm and dissatisfaction to the proposed Bill 11: Education Statutes Amendment Act, 2015 4. Correspondence FROM the Board of Education 4.1 2015-04-14 to BCSTA 59 A letter of response to BCSTA providing the Board's suggestions for feedback relating to Bill 11 4.2 2015-04-14 to South Okanagan Performing Arts Centre 60 A letter to the South Okanagan Performing Arts Centre enclosing a cheque in the amount of $10,800, which is the balance of funds in the Adopt-a-Seat account 4.3 2015-04-15 PSS Bursary and Scholarship Foundation A letter to the Foundation providing the Foundation with up to 150 hours of clerical support for the Foundation for the 2015-16 school year 61 Page 11 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) POLICY POLICY #202 Personal Use of Technological Services RATIONALE The school district purchases a variety of technological services to support its administrative and educational requirements. These are paid for with public funds and are entrusted to the school board for educational and administrative purposes. POLICY Personal use of technological services which result in additional billings to the school board is prohibited except under emergency conditions and only then upon the condition that full reimbursement is made to the district. ADOPTED: November 8, 1999 Reviewed/Revised: Statutory Reference: Page 12 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES POLICY #202 Personal Use of Technological Services 1. A record of personal use of technological services including fax machines, telephone services and access to computer databases shall be maintained at each school district facility. Invoices for such use will be forwarded to each facility every month for the supervisor's signature, and payments for personal usage must be remitted to the school board office upon receipt of these statements. 2. Personal use of other district equipment such as photocopiers, shop tools, etc. should occur rarely. When it does, authority of, and reporting by, the supervisor will be required and should be accompanied with an estimate of costs to be assigned. 3. Use of school district telephone lines or equipment to access external computer databases for other than instructional or educational purposes is not permitted. ADOPTED: November 8, 1999 Reviewed/Revised: Statutory Reference: Page 13 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) POLICY POLICY #730 Integrated Pest Management RATIONALE The Board must exercise diligence regarding health and safety matters when the use of pesticide is required. POLICY When possible, the Board will use alternatives to the chemical control of pests and weeds. When necessary, chemical application shall be carried out under strict control and in accordance with government rules and regulations. ADOPTED: November 8, 1999 Reviewed/Revised: Statutory Reference: Page 14 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES POLICY #730 Integrated Pest Management 1. The uses of pesticide shall be in compliance with the British Columbia Pesticide Control Act. 2. The Grounds Maintenance Program is established by the school district administration staff in consultation with local authorities. 3. Supervisory staff and grounds employees directly involved in the use and application of pesticides shall be certified in compliance with provincial legislation. An annual licence and permits, where applicable, shall be obtained. 4. Where practical, application of pesticides will be performed by a certified contractor who will be accompanied by a school district representative. 5. Affected areas will be posted for a minimum of 48 hours before and after spraying. 6. Grounds employees will remain at herbicide application areas until the material has dried. 7. Pesticide applications shall only be made when school is not in session, i.e. weekends, spring break, and summer vacation. ADOPTED: November 8, 1999 Reviewed/Revised: Statutory Reference: Pesticide Control Act Page 15 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) DRAFT POLICY POLICY NEW #540 EMPLOYEE TRAVEL: INSURANCE AND EXPENSES RATIONALE The Board of Education recognizes the need for employees to travel on school district business and be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses. The purpose of these policies and procedures is to ensure that employees are appropriately reimbursed for expenses incurred while travelling on business. This section provides guidelines for completing the travel claim voucher and describes conditions for reimbursement of expenses. POLICY Employees will be reimbursed for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses necessarily incurred on school district business. Out-of-province travel requires the prior approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor. The rates reflected in the procedure below will be reviewed periodically and may be changed with the approval of the Board. ADOPTED: DRAFT Reviewed/Revised: Statutory Reference: Page 16 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) DRAFT REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES POLICY NEW #540 EMPLOYEE TRAVEL: INSURANCE AND EXPENSES Claims for reimbursement of expenses will be considered in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. All claims for reimbursement must be supported by a standard Travel Expense Claim Form and supporting documentation where required. 2. Business use of private vehicles shall be reimbursed at a rate per kilometer that is inclusive of all costs incurred by the employee. The rate per kilometer will be the rates established through Policy No. 150 – Trustee Financial Matters. 3. An employee who is required to use his/her personal vehicle for District purposes shall be reimbursed the difference in premium costs between their regular Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) Rate and ICBC Rate Class 007 (Business Class) where the employee is required to purchase additional insurance in order to comply with ICBC regulations. Receipt and/or documentation is required for reimbursement. 4. Claims for reimbursement of expenses and for use of private vehicles must be authorized and finally approved by the employee's immediate supervisor. 5. Employees expected to travel as part of their assignments will be paid mileage from their base locations to their service sites at the prescribed mileage rate noted in clause 2 above. 6. Mileage claims must be claimed quarterly at a minimum. submitted before July 7th of each year. 7. Expense claims for out-of-district travel will be considered on the basis of the following guidelines: June’s claim must be a) Employees who are required to travel for business purposes should consider the lowest cost alternative for travel between air fare and use of a private vehicle. Air fares should be booked sufficiently in advance of the travel date to take advantage of reduced excursion fares. Only economy air fare will be considered for reimbursement. One (1) checked bag will be reimbursed with appropriate receipts each way. Kilometer rates remain as established in clause 2 above. A flat rate of $375.00 will be in place for mileage to Vancouver return. b) Reasonable accommodation costs as evidenced by appropriate hotel receipts. Only standard level room costs and applicable taxes will be covered. A claim of $20.00 per day will be considered if the accommodation is at a friend's residence in lieu of a hotel room. c) A per diem amount for meals shall follow Policy No. 150 – Trustee Financial Matters. Costs incurred in excess of the per diem amount will be considered for reimbursement if supported by appropriate receipts. Per diem amounts will be reduced if meals are provided. Page 17 Policy #540 Regulations and Procedures – Page 2 d) Other expenses supported by appropriate receipts e.g. tolls, parking, ferry rates, taxis, telephone calls, etc. e) Registration, course or other fees supported by appropriate receipts with prior approval from the immediate supervisor. ADOPTED: DRAFT Reviewed/Revised: Statutory Reference: May 4, 2015 Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\SECTR JULY 2014\00100-00999 Administration\00540 Policies and Regulations\2014-15\DRAFT Policy 540 - Employee Travel - Insurance and Expenses.docx Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 FIELD TRIP REQUESTS School Board Meeting – May 11, 2015 1.0 LEVEL 1 – (LOW RISK DAY TRIPS APPROVED AT SCHOOL LEVEL) 2.0 LEVEL 2 - LOW RISK (UP TO 2 NIGHTS IN BC) APPROVED BY PRINCIPAL 3.0 LEVEL 3 – MED/HIGH RISK (2+ NIGHTS IN BC) APPROVED BY SUPERINTENDENT 4.0 3.1 June 12, 2015; Princess Margaret Secondary; 28 Social Studies grade 9 students to canoe on Vaseaux Lake to reenact travel experienced by fur traders; Erica Fitton. 3.2 June 15 – 17, 2015; Trout Creek Elementary; 45 grade 5 students on a year end field trip to Silver Lake Forestry Camp. B.Thorpe, B. Hutcheson and M. Miller plus parent chaperones. LEVEL 4 - TRIPS REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE / PROCEED WITH PLANNING: FINAL APPROVAL: 4.1 June 30 – July 24, 2015; Princess Margaret Secondary and Penticton Secondary; 17 grade 10 – 12 students to travel to and participate in a humanitarian trip to Arusha, Tanzania; Sandra Richardson, Lesley Lacrois, Leona Tank and parent chaperone. International travel. Board approved in principle June 9, 2014. Final Board approval requested. 4.2 Sept 29 – October 10, 2015; Penticton Secondary, Princess Margaret Secondary and Summerland Secondary; 12 senior secondary students to travel to Kyoto, Ikeda and Tokyo, Japan on a sister city exchange; Don Grant and Rachel Stubbert. International travel – Board approved in principle February 2, 2015. Final Board approval requested. Don MacIntyre May 11, 2015 Ref: C:\Users\dadey\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\KX61FB9E\11150-20 fieldtrip 2015-05-11.docx Page 21 Schedule of Student Fees for 2015‐16 l s es ta es ce Fe ts en rs Fe y an s e R t t t r os m g m t ity s/C er en nne en en in for s v de k t s d d i i e a t c r e e u u a s u Lo G Pr Vi Pe St Pl Ac St Ac F e Penticton Secondary Princess Margaret Secondary Summerland Secondary KVR Middle McNicoll Park Middle Skaha Lake Middle Summerland Middle $50 $500 Soccer $50 Academy $400 Hockey Skills $50 Academy $35 Included in student fee Included Included in student in student Included in student fee fee fee Included Included in student in student fee fee Included in student fee Included Included Included student student fee student fee fee $100 Y k oo rb ea Sports teams costs are based on $70 tournaments $140 - covers costs of grad $50 - refundable when student leaves school if no gown rental, prom, school outstanding costs due to lost or damaged textbooks, sanctioned grad Included events through in student Included in student library books, other the year resources fee fee Cost from $75 to $400 for team sports; fees vary by # of students, athletic fees, officiating costs, uniform rentals, tournament $60; costs optional Included student fee $35 - covers any sports; includes a KVR t-shirt; $20 if no shirt; $15 uniform rental for G8 $15 upon entry; returned at end of G8 if student is in good standing se ur Co es Fe ub Cl es Fe Range from $15 to $35 $65 $35 $30/yr for G6; Included Included $35/yr for G7; Included in Included in in student in student covers all sports; includes t-shirt student fee student fee fee fee $35 $8 (included in student fee) Included Included in student in student fee fee $6 $7 $15 upon entry; returned at end of G8 if student is in good standing $35 + $15 uniform rental for G8; included t-shirt None $50 - G8 plus $50 for basketball referee costs; $20 - G7; $35 G8 - includes a shirt they keep None s ee rF e th O $20 for PE G9 and 10; $40 for PE 11 and 12; some teachers sell workbooks at cost; Outdoor rec charges for field trips Adventure tourism cost is based on certificate Student fee includes technical, leadership, equipment, consumables, student voice, student assistant fund; $10 to $30 for optional workbooks, specific to course; field trips - $26 to $365 depending on event and location $25 to $60 PE Multisport activities $30 for approx 10 sessions of yoga $35 - G6 for t-shirt; $20 for G7 if they have a shirt; $35 for G8 for team fee plus $15 uniform fee for $50; each season of play optional $40 $7 ar ul ric r cu tra es Ex F e Depends on the team and how much travel is involved; $80 varies n tio s ua rge d a ra G Ch $50 - refundable when student leaves school if no outstanding costs due to lost or damaged textbooks, library books, other resources Included in Included in student fee student fee Elementary Schools ConnectED Included in student fee le s/ s ok rce dab its bo ou un os t p f s x T e Re Re De KVR App communication tool included in student fee G8 students also pay fees to cover costs of officials, tournament entry fees Vary (user play); example, golf club Optional activities (ski days, winter camping, etc.) up to $20; in consult with PACs None Ref: U:\SBO‐ST‐Data\SECTR JULY 2014\06000‐06999 Fiscal Matters\06060 Site‐Based Financial Records ‐ General\2014‐15\Schedule of Student Fees for 2015‐16 5/6/2015 Page 22 Annual Budget School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) June 30, 2016 DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:16 Page 23 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) June 30, 2016 Table of Contents Bylaw ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Annual Budget - Revenue and Expense - Statement 2 ............................................................................................................................. 2 Annual Budget - Changes in Net Financial Assets (Debt) - Statement 4 ................................................................................................. 4 Annual Budget - Operating Revenue and Expense - Schedule 2 ............................................................................................................. 5 Schedule 2A - Annual Budget - Schedule of Operating Revenue by Source ................................................................................. 6 Schedule 2B - Annual Budget - Schedule of Operating Expense by Source ................................................................................. 7 Schedule 2C - Annual Budget - Operating Expense by Function, Program and Object ................................................................ 8 Annual Budget - Special Purpose Revenue and Expense - Schedule 3 .................................................................................................... 10 Schedule 3A - Annual Budget - Changes in Special Purpose Funds ............................................................................................. 11 Annual Budget - Capital Revenue and Expense - Schedule 4 ............................................................................................................... 13 *NOTE - Statement 1, Statement 3, Statement 5, Schedule 1 and Schedules 4A - 4D are used for Financial Statement reporting only. DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:16 Page 24 ANNUAL BUDGET BYLAW A Bylaw of THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) (called the ''Board'') to adopt the Annual Budget of the Board for the fiscal year 2015/2016 pursuant to section 113 of the School Act , R.S.B.C., 1996, c. 412 as amended from time to time (called the "Act "). 1. Board has complied with the provisions of the Act respecting the Annual Budget adopted by this bylaw. 2. This bylaw may be cited as School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget Bylaw for fiscal year 2015/2016. 3. The attached Statement 2 showing the estimated revenue and expense for the 2015/2016 fiscal year and the total budget bylaw amount of $62,621,814 for the 2015/2016 fiscal year was prepared in accordance with the Act . 4. Statement 2, 4 and Schedules 2 to 4 are adopted as the Annual Budget of the Board for the fiscal year 2015/2016. READ A FIRST TIME THE 11th DAY OF MAY, 2015; READ A SECOND TIME THE 11th DAY OF MAY, 2015; READ A THIRD TIME, PASSED AND ADOPTED THE 8th DAY OF JUNE, 2015; Chairperson of the Board (Corporate Seal) Secretary Treasurer I HEREBY CERTIFY this to be a true original of School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget Bylaw 2015/2016, adopted by the Board the ______ DAY OF ___________________, 2015. Secretary Treasurer DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:16 Page 25 Statement 2 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Revenue and Expense Year Ended June 30, 2016 2016 Annual Budget Ministry Operating Grant Funded FTE's School-Age Adult Other Total Ministry Operating Grant Funded FTE's 2015 Amended Annual Budget 5,558.125 5.000 26.250 5,589.375 5,668.500 6.500 1.750 5,676.750 $ $ Revenues Provincial Grants Ministry of Education Other Tuition Other Revenue Rentals and Leases Investment Income Amortization of Deferred Capital Revenue Total Revenue 54,113,506 87,760 725,000 3,625,106 325,000 185,300 3,115,795 62,177,467 53,398,165 93,260 747,759 3,859,606 325,000 188,250 3,121,757 61,733,797 Expenses Instruction District Administration Operations and Maintenance Transportation and Housing Total Expense 47,106,521 2,107,997 12,150,744 859,267 62,224,529 47,307,552 2,284,800 12,949,899 875,919 63,418,170 Net Revenue (Expense) (47,062) (1,684,373) Budgeted Allocation (Retirement) of Surplus (Deficit) 149,109 2,034,214 Budgeted Surplus (Deficit), for the year 102,047 349,841 Budgeted Surplus (Deficit), for the year comprised of: Operating Fund Surplus (Deficit) Special Purpose Fund Surplus (Deficit) Capital Fund Surplus (Deficit) Budgeted Surplus (Deficit), for the year 102,047 102,047 349,841 349,841 DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:17 Page 2 Page 26 Statement 2 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Revenue and Expense Year Ended June 30, 2016 2016 Annual Budget Budget Bylaw Amount Operating - Total Expense Operating - Tangible Capital Assets Purchased Operating - Reduction of Unfunded Employee Future Benefits Special Purpose Funds - Total Expense Special Purpose Funds - Tangible Capital Assets Purchased Capital Fund - Total Expense Capital Fund - Tangible Capital Assets Purchased from Local Capital Budgeted Retirement of Prior Year Deficits Total Budget Bylaw Amount 2015 Amended Annual Budget 54,665,701 250,000 56,027,671 100,000 3,912,795 147,285 3,646,033 4,026,763 291,820 3,363,736 62,621,814 63,809,990 Approved by the Board DRAFT Signature of the Chairperson of the Board of Education Date Signed Signature of the Superintendent Date Signed Signature of the Secretary Treasurer Date Signed DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:17 Page 3 Page 27 Statement 4 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Changes in Net Financial Assets (Debt) Year Ended June 30, 2016 2016 Annual Budget $ Surplus (Deficit) for the year Effect of change in Tangible Capital Assets Acquisition of Tangible Capital Assets From Operating and Special Purpose Funds From Deferred Capital Revenue Total Acquisition of Tangible Capital Assets Amortization of Tangible Capital Assets Total Effect of change in Tangible Capital Assets Use of Prepaid Expenses (Increase) Decrease in Net Financial Assets (Debt) 2015 Amended Annual Budget $ (47,062) (1,684,373) (397,285) (1,095,666) (1,492,951) (391,820) (1,223,189) (1,615,009) 3,636,033 2,143,082 3,343,736 1,728,727 150,000 150,000 146,883 146,883 2,246,020 191,237 DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:17 Page 4 Page 28 Schedule 2 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Operating Revenue and Expense Year Ended June 30, 2016 2016 Annual Budget $ 2015 Amended Annual Budget $ Revenues Provincial Grants Ministry of Education Other Tuition Other Revenue Rentals and Leases Investment Income Total Revenue 52,029,726 47,760 725,000 1,514,106 325,000 125,000 54,766,592 51,318,832 47,760 747,759 1,514,106 325,000 140,000 54,093,457 Expenses Instruction District Administration Operations and Maintenance Transportation and Housing Total Expense 43,339,461 2,107,997 8,358,976 859,267 54,665,701 43,280,789 2,284,800 9,586,163 875,919 56,027,671 Net Revenue (Expense) 100,891 (1,934,214) Budgeted Prior Year Surplus Appropriation 149,109 2,034,214 Net Transfers (to) from other funds Tangible Capital Assets Purchased Total Net Transfers Budgeted Surplus (Deficit), for the year (250,000) (250,000) - (100,000) (100,000) - DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:17 Page 5 Page 29 Schedule 2A School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Schedule of Operating Revenue by Source Year Ended June 30, 2016 2016 Annual Budget $ Provincial Grants - Ministry of Education Operating Grant, Ministry of Education AANDC/LEA Recovery Strike Savings Recovery Other Ministry of Education Grants Pay Equity Labour Settlement Funding FSA Grant Carbon Tax Rebate February Recount May Recount BC Ed Plan July Recount - Summer Learning Education Guarantee (Graduated Adults) Administrative Savings Total Provincial Grants - Ministry of Education Provincial Grants - Other 52,298,779 (1,039,106) 441,194 13,770 40,000 361,548 76,588 111,850 45,114 (320,011) 52,029,726 2015 Amended Annual Budget $ 51,728,328 (1,039,106) (1,554,162) 441,194 1,037,937 13,769 40,000 426,851 102,815 115,306 5,600 300 51,318,832 47,760 47,760 525,000 200,000 725,000 527,550 220,209 747,759 375,000 1,039,106 375,000 1,039,106 100,000 1,514,106 100,000 1,514,106 Rentals and Leases 325,000 325,000 Investment Income 125,000 140,000 54,766,592 54,093,457 Tuition Offshore Tuition Fees Okanagan Hockey School Total Tuition Other Revenues Other School District/Education Authorities LEA/Direct Funding from First Nations Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Revenue Total Other Revenue Total Operating Revenue DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:17 Page 6 Page 30 Schedule 2B School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Schedule of Operating Expense by Source Year Ended June 30, 2016 2016 Annual Budget $ Salaries Teachers Principals and Vice Principals Educational Assistants Support Staff Other Professionals Substitutes Total Salaries Employee Benefits Total Salaries and Benefits Services and Supplies Services Student Transportation Professional Development and Travel Rentals and Leases Dues and Fees Insurance Supplies Utilities Total Services and Supplies Total Operating Expense 2015 Amended Annual Budget $ 23,462,551 3,545,812 3,165,610 4,891,265 1,620,375 1,354,952 38,040,565 22,744,708 3,618,231 3,522,599 4,547,549 1,777,920 1,410,413 37,621,420 9,398,777 9,165,310 47,439,342 46,786,730 1,595,800 553,430 486,900 10,000 63,700 161,000 2,780,529 1,575,000 7,226,359 1,866,419 625,496 698,420 7,000 63,700 241,000 4,048,906 1,690,000 9,240,941 54,665,701 56,027,671 DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:17 Page 7 Page 31 Schedule 2C School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Operating Expense by Function, Program and Object Year Ended June 30, 2016 Principals and Vice Principals Salaries $ Teachers Salaries $ 1 Instruction 1.02 Regular Instruction 1.03 Career Programs 1.07 Library Services 1.08 Counselling 1.10 Special Education 1.30 English Language Learning 1.31 Aboriginal Education 1.41 School Administration 1.60 Summer School 1.61 Continuing Education 1.62 Off Shore Students 1.64 Other Total Function 1 4 District Administration 4.11 Educational Administration 4.40 School District Governance 4.41 Business Administration Total Function 4 5 Operations and Maintenance 5.41 Operations and Maintenance Administration 5.50 Maintenance Operations 5.52 Maintenance of Grounds 5.56 Utilities Total Function 5 18,427,086 165,083 760,869 820,941 2,651,401 133,551 219,626 193,700 90,294 23,462,551 1,011,475 Educational Assistants Salaries $ Support Staff Salaries $ 101,158 77,287 39,520 135,850 2,692,725 96,977 1,955,153 294,440 49,001 17,784 3,305,760 - 240,052 - Substitutes Salaries $ 967,600 153,444 2,500 354,509 40,211 1,239,094 43,411 - 253,691 297,102 5,000 12,000 1,330,452 21,112,590 242,370 956,333 820,941 6,109,971 133,551 620,543 2,418,687 35,000 258,726 160,289 32,869,001 12,500 12,500 654,625 78,600 708,208 1,441,433 275,486 9,500 23,366 35,000 11,025 3,165,610 Total Salaries $ 605,271 440,168 240,052 - Other Professionals Salaries $ 365,534 371,162 78,600 442,017 891,779 19,987 2,920,739 271,056 347,686 10,000 367,673 2,920,739 281,056 3,569,468 - 3,211,782 347,686 15,376 2,000 2,000 15,376 145,287 160,663 10,000 7 Transportation and Housing 7.41 Transportation and Housing Administration 7.70 Student Transportation Total Function 7 - - - 143,287 143,287 9 Debt Services Total Function 9 - - - - - - - Total Functions 1 - 9 23,462,551 3,545,812 3,165,610 4,891,265 1,620,375 1,354,952 38,040,565 15,376 DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:17 Page 8 Page 32 Schedule 2C School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Operating Expense by Function, Program and Object Year Ended June 30, 2016 Total Salaries $ Employee Benefits $ Total Salaries and Benefits $ 1 Instruction 1.02 Regular Instruction 1.03 Career Programs 1.07 Library Services 1.08 Counselling 1.10 Special Education 1.30 English Language Learning 1.31 Aboriginal Education 1.41 School Administration 1.60 Summer School 1.61 Continuing Education 1.62 Off Shore Students 1.64 Other Total Function 1 21,112,590 242,370 956,333 820,941 6,109,971 133,551 620,543 2,418,687 35,000 258,726 160,289 32,869,001 5,290,564 63,016 246,738 213,445 1,528,411 34,723 153,028 551,883 7,350 4 District Administration 4.11 Educational Administration 4.40 School District Governance 4.41 Business Administration Total Function 4 Services and Supplies $ 2016 Annual Budget $ 1,415,650 150,000 500 10,000 322,700 1,000 62,929 49,000 650 82,441 38,932 8,210,531 26,403,154 305,386 1,203,071 1,034,386 7,638,382 168,274 773,571 2,970,570 42,350 341,167 199,221 41,079,532 654,625 78,600 708,208 1,441,433 135,028 1,203 150,833 287,064 5 Operations and Maintenance 5.41 Operations and Maintenance Administration 5.50 Maintenance Operations 5.52 Maintenance of Grounds 5.56 Utilities Total Function 5 367,673 2,920,739 281,056 3,569,468 75,541 720,992 71,475 7 Transportation and Housing 7.41 Transportation and Housing Administration 7.70 Student Transportation Total Function 7 2015 Amended Annual Budget $ 27,256,673 404,514 1,215,158 1,033,916 8,173,791 165,238 989,981 3,323,044 218,500 29,000 2,259,929 27,818,804 455,386 1,203,571 1,044,386 7,961,082 169,274 836,500 3,019,570 43,000 559,667 228,221 43,339,461 789,653 79,803 859,041 1,728,497 55,000 74,500 250,000 379,500 844,653 154,303 1,109,041 2,107,997 837,829 183,450 1,263,521 2,284,800 868,008 443,214 3,641,731 352,531 4,437,476 141,000 2,120,500 85,000 1,575,000 3,921,500 584,214 5,762,231 437,531 1,575,000 8,358,976 853,788 6,542,640 499,735 1,690,000 9,586,163 15,376 145,287 160,663 3,229 29,945 33,174 18,605 175,232 193,837 1,000 664,430 665,430 19,605 839,662 859,267 20,635 855,284 875,919 9 Debt Services Total Function 9 - - - - - - Total Functions 1 - 9 38,040,565 9,398,777 47,439,342 7,226,359 54,665,701 56,027,671 5,000 527,550 185,924 43,280,789 DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:17 Page 9 Page 33 Schedule 3 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Special Purpose Revenue and Expense Year Ended June 30, 2016 2016 Annual Budget $ 2015 Amended Annual Budget $ Revenues Provincial Grants Ministry of Education Other Other Revenue Investment Income Total Revenue 2,083,780 40,000 1,911,000 25,300 4,060,080 2,079,333 45,500 2,165,500 28,250 4,318,583 Expenses Instruction Operations and Maintenance Total Expense 3,767,060 145,735 3,912,795 4,026,763 147,285 291,820 (147,285) (147,285) (291,820) (291,820) Net Revenue (Expense) Net Transfers (to) from other funds Tangible Capital Assets Purchased Total Net Transfers Budgeted Surplus (Deficit), for the year - 4,026,763 - DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:17 Page 10 Page 34 Schedule 3A School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Changes in Special Purpose Funds Year Ended June 30, 2016 Annual Facility Grant $ Deferred Revenue, beginning of year Add: Restricted Grants Provincial Grants - Ministry of Education Provincial Grants - Other Other Investment Income Less: Allocated to Revenue Deferred Revenue, end of year Revenues Provincial Grants - Ministry of Education Provincial Grants - Other Other Revenue Investment Income - Learning Improvement Fund $ - 291,320 1,103,485 1,700 293,020 2,500 1,105,985 750 750 1,000 600 14,493 1,875,500 15,000 1,890,500 1,600 129,600 750 27,700 250 145,692 850 382,383 293,020 - 1,105,985 - 6,500 27,250 6,350 47,143 1,925,000 1,465,500 124,200 31,400 17,900 33,800 145,692 - 382,383 - 291,320 1,103,485 5,750 5,750 122,600 17,150 145,442 381,533 1,700 293,020 2,500 1,105,985 750 6,500 600 6,350 1,600 124,200 750 17,900 250 145,692 850 382,383 65,000 7,500 30,000 2,750 Expenses Salaries Teachers Educational Assistants Support Staff Other Professionals Substitutes Net Revenue (Expense) before Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers Tangible Capital Assets Purchased Net Revenue (Expense) Special Education Equipment $ 39,000 School Generated Funds $ 1,500,000 12,893 1,910,000 15,000 1,925,000 Strong Start $ 26,000 Ready, Set, Learn $ 24,000 128,000 26,950 145,442 381,533 703,125 176,558 OLEP $ CommunityLINK $ - 72,000 Employee Benefits Services and Supplies Aboriginal Education Technology $ 33,000 879,683 - - - 1,200 73,200 1,200 1,200 65,000 40,250 6,350 6,350 1,925,000 1,925,000 18,500 32,500 124,200 200 16,500 17,900 16,250 64,442 145,692 10,100 332,033 382,383 226,302 145,735 145,735 1,105,985 6,500 6,500 147,285 - - - - - - - - (147,285) (147,285) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:18 Page 11 Page 35 Schedule 3A School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Changes in Special Purpose Funds Year Ended June 30, 2016 Deferred Revenue, beginning of year Add: Restricted Grants Provincial Grants - Ministry of Education Provincial Grants - Other Other Investment Income Promoting Healthy Schools $ 10,000 Share Service Attendance Art Starts Wellness Support $ $ 1,000 36,500 TOTAL $ 1,669,500 550 30,550 - 750 750 2,089,623 30,000 1,876,500 25,300 4,021,423 Less: Allocated to Revenue Deferred Revenue, end of year 40,550 - 1,000 - 11,500 25,750 4,060,080 1,630,843 Revenues Provincial Grants - Ministry of Education Provincial Grants - Other Other Revenue Investment Income 10,750 40,000 2,083,780 40,000 1,911,000 25,300 4,060,080 Expenses Salaries Teachers Educational Assistants Support Staff Other Professionals Substitutes Employee Benefits Services and Supplies Net Revenue (Expense) before Interfund Transfers 30,000 1,000 550 40,550 1,000 750 11,500 30,600 30,600 - 5,000 806,225 206,558 74,750 5,000 2,400 1,094,933 7,650 2,300 40,550 1,000 1,000 6,500 11,500 279,002 2,538,860 3,912,795 - - - 147,285 - - - (147,285) (147,285) - - - 5,000 Interfund Transfers Tangible Capital Assets Purchased Net Revenue (Expense) - DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:18 Page 12 Page 36 Schedule 4 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Annual Budget - Capital Revenue and Expense Year Ended June 30, 2016 2016 Annual Budget Invested in Tangible Local Capital Assets Capital $ $ Revenues Provincial Grants Other Revenue Investment Income Amortization of Deferred Capital Revenue Total Revenue Expenses Operations and Maintenance Amortization of Tangible Capital Assets Operations and Maintenance Total Expense Net Revenue (Expense) Net Transfers (to) from other funds Tangible Capital Assets Purchased Total Net Transfers Other Adjustments to Fund Balances Total Other Adjustments to Fund Balances Budgeted Surplus (Deficit), for the year 200,000 35,000 3,115,795 3,115,795 3,636,033 3,636,033 (520,238) Fund Balance $ 2015 Amended Annual Budget $ 235,000 200,000 35,000 3,115,795 3,350,795 180,000 20,000 3,121,757 3,321,757 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 3,636,033 3,646,033 3,343,736 3,363,736 225,000 (295,238) (41,979) 391,820 391,820 397,285 397,285 - 397,285 397,285 - - - 225,000 102,047 (122,953) 349,841 DRAFT - Not Finalized May 05, 2015 11:18 Page 13 Page 37 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Office of the Secretary-Treasurer MEMORANDUM TO: Trustees FROM: B. Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer RE: Board and Committee Meeting Dates DATE: May 7, 2015 OUR FILE NO.: 00300-01 OPR: SECTR Based on a monthly meeting being held on the second Monday of each month as well as the practice of holding committee meetings two weeks prior to the board meeting (with adjustments for statutory holidays), the following dates are proposed for the 2015-16 school year: Board Meeting Dates Beginning at 6:30 p.m. September 14, 2015 October 5, 2015 (Thanksgiving, Oct. 14, 2015) November 9, 2015 December 14 (Inaugural and Regular) Business Committee Meetings beginning at 3:00 p.m. Education Committee Meetings beginning at 3:00 p.m. September 1 September 2 September 29 September 30 October 27 October 28 December 1 December 2 January 11, 2016 February 1, 2016 (Family Day – February 8, 2016) January 5 January 6 January 26 January 27 March 7, 2016 February 23 February 24 April 11, 2016 March 29 March 30 May 9, 2016 April 26 April 27 June 13, 2016 May 31 June 1 As in previous years, committee meetings will be cancelled and/or combined depending on agenda requirements. Points to consider: Recommendation: That the schedule of Board of Education and committee meeting dates for 2015-16 be approved. March 14 to 28, 2016 – Spring Break March 29, 2016 – first day after spring break March 25 and 28, 2016 – Good Friday and Easter Monday /da c. W. Hyer, Superintendent of Schools Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\SECTR JULY 2014\00100-00999 Administration\00300 Board of Education General\00300-01 Bd Mtg Comm Mtg Dates 2015-16.docx “Working Together for Student Success” Page 38 TRUSTEE REPORT Event Date: _____________________ Conference/Meeting attended: Sessions: Speaker Background/Title Highlight Value of Conference/Meeting: Materials available for other trustees (upon request): Yes No Recommendation or follow-up: Submitted by: ______________________ Date: Please submit (to Daphne) for inclusion in the trustee reading file. March 2, 2006 Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\DA\2010-2011\00100 - 01999 Admin\00650-20 Forms\Trustee Report from Conference.doc Page 39 TRUSTEE REPORT Event Date: _____________________ Conference/Meeting attended: Sessions: Speaker Background/Title Highlight Value of Conference/Meeting: Materials available for other trustees (upon request): Yes No Recommendation or follow-up: Submitted by: ______________________ Date: Please submit (to Daphne) for inclusion in the trustee reading file. March 2, 2006 Ref: of Education_May11_2015/eSCRIBE Documents/eSCRIBE Raw Attachments/23/Trustee Report from Conference.doc Page 40 Recognition of Student|Success School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the following students|groups for these outstanding examples of success PARKWAY ELEMENTARY •Thank you to Shelene and her crew for a great job with the breakfast Club on Wednesday’s! •Thank you to the Parkway Paper and Juice recycling teams for continuing to do a wonderful job with all of the school recycling! What W hat is Success? “It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” Albert Einstein •Parkway held their first school-wide run of the year. Thank you to Mrs. Raitt’s class for setting up the track! APRIL SUCCESS 2015 •Thank you to the outstanding group of volunteers who do Parkway’s Safe arrival program each day and to all of the One to One readers, led by Jodi Bird. Your contribution to the school is invaluable! Thank you so much for the difference that you make with the students. •The senior readers from the Concorde have been back to read with students on Thursday’s. They had a great afternoon! •Sing-a-long on Monday was excellent and the classes sounded great! Thank you to Mrs. Silvius! •Always a success - hot lunch from DQ for the students - thanks to Kelly Alva and her team! •Ready Set Learn went very well and the attendance was great. Thank you to everyone that attended. A special thank you to Mrs. Doyle, Mrs. Brome and Ms. Tucker for all of their hard work! •The Games Club had a super time on Wednesday at lunch in the mezz area with •We had a super performance by the Maggie Jazz band this month. their board games! Over 30 students Ms. Cole sang with the band as well! attended! Thank you to Mrs. Terris and Mrs. Snider! •Thank you to Ms. Cook for all of her work with Parkway’s Knitting Club. The students are having a super time! Success Stories for the Board of Education Meeting May 11, 2015 Page 41 COLUMBIA ELEMENTARY Col umb i a’s S ch o o l C h o i r Wo n 1 s t Pr i ze ! ! ! Over thirty Columbia students from grades 3, 4 and 5 have participated in the Columbia school choir, thanks to a Columbia parent Jacki Kliever, who has volunteered to direct this group since the Fall. Recently, the Columbia School Choir had the opportunity to participate in the Kiwanis Music Festival, and we were so proud of what great ambassadors they were for the school. The group was also very proud of their first prize certificate that they brought back! Talent Show Just before spring break, the fine arts teacher hosted a talent show for Columbia students, featuring singing, dancing, karate, drumming, and even magic! What a wonderful display of Columbia talent! So much talent that they needed two shows… a special thanks to Ms. Berg for organizing this great opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills. Page 42 Musical Theatre ~ Annie UPLAND’S ELEMENTARY As part of classroom-based Fine Arts instruction students in Judy Street’s grade 3 class recently performed “Annie – Choral Selections” as part of the Kiwanis Music, Dance and Speech Arts Festival. Students reheased singing, acting and dancing to well-known selections “Hard Knock Life”, “Tomorrow”, “Your Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile”, “Anything But You” and” Maybe”. All students embraced the opportunity to take on a mini-production and experience Musical Theatre at an early age. They shone on stage and should be very proud of the risks they took and the confidence they developed as part of the process from start to final performance. Special appreciation goes to Ms. Judy Street, Ms. Ellen Tribe (practicum student) and all of the parents who assisted with the costumes and props. Congratulations on a fantastic job! Uplands is very proud of you. Page 43 GIANT’S HEAD ELEMENTARY Spring is in the Air April has been another busy month at Giant’s Head: Giant’s Head Elementary started their 4th annual Giant’s Head Marathon. They started the run with an assembly run by local triathlete’s Lee and Martina Agur. All of the students (K-5) will run a full marathon over the course of the spring. Each day the classes head out at 11:50 a.m. and run 1.2 km around the Dale Meadows running track. The Marathon will culminate with a 2 km fun run where each student will get a t-shirt for running 42.2 km – it’s quite an achievement! TALENT SHOW They also held their annual Giant’s Head Talent Show. They had a wide range of acts including violin, singers, dancer, gymnasts, and comedians (to name a few). As always the event culminated with some entertaining “teacher talent”. Page 44 GIANT’S HEAD ELEMENTARY Aboriginal Education Team Visit The staff and students also welcomed the SD67 Aboriginal Education team visit Giant’s Head and deliver Building Cultural Bridges to their Grade 4/5 students. It was an amazing day of learning that the students could not stop talking about! Page 45 PENTICTON SECONDARY S e n i o r G i r l s’ B a s k e t b a l l Two more of Pen High’s Senior Girls’ Basketball players have committed to colleges for next year. 1. 2. Tessa Lannon-Paakspuu will be playing at Camosun. Natasha Reimer will be playing at Capilano. Next year will see five Pen-High alumni playing against each other through the college league. (Em Clarke at VIU, Ana Moroziuk at Kwantlen and Haylee Robertson at Langara). Meanwhile Hayden Craig looks to be continuing on at Olympic College down in Washington State. TROUT CREEK ELEMENTARY Ear th Day Celebration On Wednesday, April 22nd, Trout Creek Elementary School held its annual Earth Day celebration. Students were placed in multi-aged groups and rotated through five engaging & interesting sessions including songs about the environment, a nature walk, aquatic invaders, what’s in your garbage and “All about those bugs and bees”. Thanks to the Trout Creek PAC and especially, Lisa Scott for planning and organizing the day’s events. Additional thanks to the many volunteers and supporters who helped to make that day a wonderful success including Heather Munts, Steve Brown, Sharon Mansiere, Lynnea Wiens, Rosanna Van Haaften, Roeland Van Haaften, Sandra Chalmers, Natalie Weber, Sharon Mansiere, Jane Campardo, Shona Becker, and her grade 11 Earth Science students, Talena Woods, Jessica Erhdart, Cam Varchol, Linden Gove, and Alex Fenning. Page 46 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) RECOGNITION OF STUDENT ARTWORK Carmi Elementary School May 11, 2015 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends recognition and appreciation to the following students/groups of Carmi Elementary School for the artwork they submitted to be displayed in the boardroom for the month of May. Grade 5 George Zhang A study on collage. Abstract mixed media on canvas.. Art Piece: ‘Wonder’’. Mixed Media: Acrylic paint, metal, gauze and tape.. Grade 4 Dramatic colours of purple, mauve, blackk dark grey and yellow make up this abstractt piece. Lines and sections of various texturess with random pieces of metal glued in place.. Grade 4 A study on collage collage. Abstract mixed media on canvas. Art Piece: ‘Create’. Ava McPhee Mixed Acrylic paint, ixxed Media: Acr metal, gauzee and tape. Dramaticc colours of yellow, mauve, grey, gr black, orange, this ge, green and d silver make up tth abstract piece. ie Lines and sections of various textu textures with random pieces of metal glued in p place. Page 47 Grade 4 Lucas Jesso A study on collage. Abstract mixed media on canvas. Art Piece: ‘Build’. Mixed Media: Acrylic paint, metal, gauze and tape. Dramatic colours of purple, mauve, black dark grey and yellow make up this abstract piece. Lines and sections of various textures with random pieces of metal glued in place. A study on collage. Abstract mixed media on canvas. A Art A Piece: ‘Learn’. Grade 5 Aiden Dennis Mixed Media: Acrylic paint, M metal, gauze and tape. m Dramatic colours of red, pink, mauve, green, D black, white, rust-orange and teal make up b this t abstract piece. Lines and sections of various textures with random pieces of v metal glued in place. m Page 48 Grade 4 Max Coburn A study on collage. Abstract mixed media on canvas. Art Piece: ‘Inspire’. Mixed Media: Acrylic paint, metal, gauze and tape. Dramatic colours of navy, blue, black , red, orange, D green, gre white and yellow make up this abstract piece. Lines and sections of various textures with random pieces of metal glued in place. A study on collage. Abstract mixed media on canvas. Art Piece: ‘Learn’. Mixed Media: Acrylic paint, metal, gauze and tape. Dramatic colours of blue-greens, lime green, red, orange, and white make up this abstract piece. Lines and sections of various textures with random pieces of metal glued in place. Grade 4 G Dekklan Chappell